Parliamentary News Martin Salter’s Spring Report – Information for constituents in Reading West Spring 2003

Reading West Constituency – includes: , Purley, , , Calcot, Coley, , Southcote, Whitley and the Oxford Road Claim Your Tax Beware of Electricity Credits NOW Fraudsters The energy supplier A new system of Child Tax Credits If you are already receiving one of the Scottish and Southern Energy comes into effect in April 2003 to tax credits, the Inland Revenue will (including Southern Electric) support families with children. send a new form to you automatically. has been accused of using There’s also extra help for the lower fraud to persuade residents paid without children through the Martin Salter says: “I want to make in Reading to transfer to new Working Tax Credit paid directly sure that none of my constituents them for their energy supply. through the wage packet. loses out on the extra money available through the governments new tax Martin Salter has been contacted by a number of The new system is designed to bring credits. Please fill out forms as soon constituents concerned at together all income related payments for as possible and claim your entitlement.” high-pressure sales techniques Paid for through the incidental expenses provision, House of Commons. provision, the incidental expenses through Paid for families with children and it will be paid Forms and information are available being adopted by the company. directly to the main carer – usually the from the Inland Revenue help line on mother - and worth at least a minimum 0800 500 222 or, if you have access A couple in Whitley discovered of £26.50 a week. The Government to the Internet, via the website at that a representative of the estimates that 85% of all families with company had gained access to their house on the pretext children may be entitled to receive the Pensioners will be able to take of reading their electric meter Child Tax Credit, with families on low and had later fraudulently signed incomes receiving higher payments. advantage of the new pensions credit which is being introduced in October an application form requesting The new Child Tax Credit will replace that the electricity supply be to help those with modest savings. the existing Children’s Tax Credit and transferred from British Gas Information will be available on a cations. St Giles House, 10 Street, Reading RG1 2SD. RG1 Street, Reading Church cations. St Giles House, 10 will be payable to more families. to Scottish and Southern. The special help line from April 7th. company have now dismissed the employee concerned but could face criminal charges if the matter is referred to Valley Police.

Martin Salter is appealing for local people to write to his constituency office, if they have had similar experiences with Scottish and Southern Energy or any other major supplier.

Let Martin Salter know if they’ve tried to con you or your family.

Write to his constituency office: 413 Oxford Rd, Reading RG30 1HA or Send him an email: [email protected] MARTIN SALTER MP encouraging families in Reading to claim the new Child Tax Credits which will be introduced in April Promoted by and on behalf of Martin Salter MP. 413 Oxford Road, Reading RG31 1HA. Designed and Printed by Public Impact Communi Public Impact by 1HA. Designed and Printed RG31 Reading Road, Oxford 413 and on behalf of Martin by MP. Salter Promoted

Martin Salter MP – on your side in Reading West Martin Salter – Working for Reading West Local Action Martin Salter has been busy in: Working with local residents and the police to curb anti-social Purley behaviour by teenage gangs in Highlighting in the House of the Barton Road area. Commons the failure of West Coley Council to provide proper emergency planning or Working with local parents and support for residents of up to 200 teenagers on plans to create a homes affected by the January new supervised town centre skate floods. A brand new emergency park where youngsters can play plan is being drawn up and the safely without fear of bullying Environment Agency has promised from older children. to look at a possible flood alleviation scheme for Purley Working with councillors and following Martin’s intervention. campaigners to ensure long Tilehurst term planning protection in the Winning a better deal for residents new Reading Local Plan for the of the Haddocks estate whose drains sensitive Tilehurst Allotments FLOOD ALERT – Martin Salter visits Purley to see for himself the devastating effects of the January floods and how Emergency Planners are performing. Thames Water have refused to adopt. site in Kentwood Hill.

Tackling the People Smugglers Local Election Information

The asylum system is being abused cases that are clearly unfounded There are local elections to both Reading and West Berkshire by criminals who try to profit from with no right of appeal from within Councils on Thursday May 1st. If you think you might have human misery by smuggling the UK. Already any asylum claim a problem getting to the polls postal votes are available. people illegally into Britain. from the 10 countries who plan to Call the Electoral Registration Officer for your council area: join the European Union next year The Government is clamping down Reading Borough 9390778 or West Berkshire 01635 519464. is presumed unfounded and on the asylum smugglers with deportation follows within 10 days. tough new laws. The maximum Please note there have been changes to ward boundaries in Asylum claims from these countries prison sentence for traffickers has West Berkshire. Calcot ward now includes all of Fords Farm have dropped dramatically. been raised to 14 years. Fraudulent and the Beansheaf estates and will return 3 councillors. appeals will no longer attract legal Tough new measures to tackle Theale village will now have a councillor of its own. aid and 7 new countries including asylum abuses came in from Kosovo, Albania and Jamaica have January this year which mean that been added to the list of asylum benefits will be withdrawn from asylum seekers who do not make 7 Ways to Contact Martin Salter a claim as soon as they arrive in the UK. The number of detention • Book in for one of his advice surgeries on 2nd and 4th Saturday places is being expanded from each month – Telephone: 954 6782 for an appointment. 1500 to 4000. Deportations of Call in at one of his Friday evening drop-in surgeries in failed asylum seekers are now • Whitley or Calcot – Telephone: 954 6782 for details. running at 1250 per month – twice as many as 5 years ago • Write to Martin at his constituency office at 413 Oxford Road, Reading RG30 1HA. Tony Blair has made it clear that the aim is to reduce asylum claims by • Write to Martin at the House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA. 50% by the September of this year. • Drop him a note in the MP mailbox in the Civic Offices, The message to the asylum Reading and save yourself the price of a stamp. smugglers is tough and clear. Britain will not be a soft touch • Send him an email message to [email protected] Come along and meet your MP Martin Salter at a venue near you for those who try and abuse • Go to his website at – see below for details. our systems or break our laws.

Meet Your MP Date Venue Thursday 3rd April – 8pm Peter Gooch Room Theale Pavilion Reading West MP Martin Salter has organised a Recreation Ground, Englefield Road, Theale programme of ‘Meet Your MP’ meetings over the next Tuesday 22nd April – 7pm Norcot Youth and Community Centre three months. This is a new service for constituents who Lyndhurst Road, Tilehurst want to raise either national or local issues with Martin Wednesday 23rd April – 8 pm United Reform Church and is in addition to his regular MP advice surgeries held Polsted Road, Tilehurst on the second and fourth weekends of every months. Thursday2003 24th April – 7pm Community Centre Put these dates in your diary and come along and meet 140 Wensley Road and chat with Martin at a venue near to you. Friday 25th April – 8pm Parish Hall, Calcot Centre Highview, Calcot