

Abstract–We calculated the power of Improving the statistical power of length estimates visual length estimates by novice and experienced scientifi c SCUBA divers of reef fi sh: a comparison of estimates determined and estimates generated by a stereo- video system to detect changes in the visually by divers with estimates produced by a mean length of three common species stereo-video system of reef fi sh from New Zealand. Length estimates from a stereo-video system had much greater power for blue Euan Harvey (mean length=33.1 cm., range 19.5–50.1 Department of Marine Science cm.) and snapper (mean length=31.7 University of Otago cm., range 23–71 cm.). For a third spe- 304 Castle Street cies, red cod (mean length=42.5 cm., Dunedin, New Zealand range 13–74 cm.), the statistical power Present address: Department of Botany of diver and stereo-video estimates was University of Western Australia much less for an equivalent number Western Australia 6907, Australia of samples owing to the greater vari- E-mail address: [email protected] ation in the true mean length of red cod recorded at different sites. At 90% power, a stereo-video system detected a David Fletcher 15% (~5-cm) change in the mean length Department of Mathematics and Statistics of with 63% less samples (10) University of Otago than those required by the experienced 539 Castle Street scientifi c divers (27). Novice scientifi c Dunedin, New Zealand divers required 28 samples.

Mark Shortis Department of Geomatics University of Melbourne Parkville, Melbourne Victoria 3052, Australia

Visual censuses of reef fi sh have been niques: they are quantitative, quick, used to monitor fi sh communities as nondestructive and repeatable (Eng- indicators of environmental degrada- lish et al., 1994). Visual census tech- tion (Hourigan et al., 1988; Fausch et niques have been widely adopted and al., 1990) and as a fi sheries manage- are used to monitor changes in the ment tool for assessing the condition relative abundance or mean length of of reef fi sh stocks (Ault et al., 1998). reef fi sh within marine protected ar- Ault et al. (1998) used data on the aver- eas (Bell, 1983; McCormick and Choat, age length of a fi sh stock as an index 1987; Alcala, 1988; Cole et al., 1990; of fi shing effects. Information on the Francour, 1991, 1994; Russ and Acala, length frequency or mean length of a 1996) and as a tool for assessing the fi sh population when linked with even standing stock or of individual a rudimentary knowledge of the biol- species of reef fi sh (Craik, 1981; Russ, ogy of the species may allow estimates 1985; Medley et al., 1993; Polunin and of recruitment to the adult population, Roberts, 1993; Hart et al., 1996). Bio- fi shing intensity, and rates of recovery mass is estimated from the relationship from fi shing (McCormick and Choat, between length and the weight of an in- 1987). dividual fi sh of a certain species (Kul- Environmental surveys commonly bicki, 1989; Kulbicki et al.,1993). How- use SCUBA divers to count and visual- ever, the question not yet addressed is ly estimate the length of individual reef how useful are data from visual length fi sh (Jones and Chase, 1975; Harmel- estimates for detecting changes in the in-Vivien and Bouchon-Navaro, 1981; mean length or length frequency of a Bellwood and Alcala, 1988; Samoilys, population of reef fi sh? 1989; English et al., 1994). These visu- The advantages of assessing the sta- Manuscript accepted 14 July 2000. al censuses have many advantages in tistical power of environmental moni- Fish. Bull. 99:72–80 (2001). comparison with other sampling tech- toring programs has been discussed by Harvey et al.: Improving the statistical power of length estimates of reef fi sh 73

a number of authors (Green, 1979; Andrew and Mapstone, lowing simple scenario. Suppose we are interested in com- 1987; Gerrodette, 1987; Hayes, 1987; Peterman, 1990a, paring the mean lengths of two fi sh populations and we 1990b; Fairweather, 1991). Statistical power is defi ned as collect length estimates by randomly selecting dive loca- the probability of correctly rejecting a null hypothesis and tions within each site. At each location, the dive involves is 1–β, where β is the probability of a type-II error (An- the visual collection of data from a strip-transect or point- drew and Mapstone, 1987; Gerrodette, 1987; Fairweather, count method to measure the length of each of a number 1991). An example of a type-II error in environmental of fi sh of the species concerned. Later, we will assume that monitoring would be to conclude that no impact has oc- the same numbers of fi sh are encountered on each dive. curred when one has. Therefore, low statistical power can This is clearly unrealistic because the numbers encoun- be disastrous for environmental monitoring because ad- tered will obviously differ: it merely helps to simplify the verse environmental impacts go undetected (Fairweather, discussion of power analysis. The analysis we consider 1991). Despite this problem, few marine ecologists and bi- here involves fi rst transforming the estimated lengths by ologists make use of power analysis (Fairweather, 1991). using natural logarithms, calculating the mean log-length Power analysis has been used to determine the optimum at each location in each site, and then comparing sites by size of sample units and levels of replication needed to a standard t-test, with the locations acting as replicates. detect an effect of a particular size with a desired level The reason for considering log-length rather than length of probability (Andrew and Mapstone, 1987; Gerrodette, is twofold. First, it may be more prudent to perform such 1987; Fairweather, 1991). Power is a function of sample an analysis on the log-scale, for the usual reason of want- size, the probability of a type-I error (α) and the effect size ing to satisfy the assumptions of the t-test. Second, the (Gerrodette, 1987). Fairweather (1991) discussed the is- power analysis can then be framed in terms of our ability sues associated with deciding upon an appropriate level of to detect a percentage change in mean length. As a conse- power. Low power can be attributed not only to the sample quence, the standard allometric relationship between log- design, but also to biases and errors inherent in the sam- length and log-weight (Kulbicki, 1989) implies that the pling method (Andrew and Mapstone, 1987) and power results given here for the power to detect a percentage analysis must account for the uncertainty of measurement change in mean length will also apply to an equivalent error (Gerrodette, 1987). proportional change in mean weight. Historically, reef-fi sh ecologists have failed to calculate The estimated length of fi sh j at dive location i can be and publish the power of their sampling programs. Fur- written as thermore, it is frequently assumed by many researchers that their visual estimates of reef-fi sh length are both yij = xij eij , accurate and precise. In the published literature on reef

fi sh studies containing data on visual length estimates, where xij = the true length of the fi sh; and we found only three examples out of forty-three papers in eij = the relative accuracy of the estimate (see St which the authors stated the accuracy of their in situ vi- John et al., 1990). sual length estimates (Sweatman, 1985; Polunin and Rob- erts, 1993; Green, 1996). This equation shows that variation in estimated length The aims of our study were 1) to examine the accuracy will arise from two sources: fi rst, from the natural varia- and precision of length estimates made by a number of ex- tion, both between and within dive locations, of the true perienced and novice scientifi c SCUBA divers, and so de- lengths of the fi sh; second, from the variation, between termine their power to detect changes in the mean length and within dives, in the relative accuracy of the estimate. of populations of three common species of reef fi sh from It is this second component of variation that will be infl u- around New Zealand coastal waters and 2) to demonstrate enced by using stereo-video system as opposed to experi- that the power to detect changes in mean length can be enced or novice scientifi c divers. The relative magnitudes greatly improved for two of the three species by using an of the two sources of variation will determine the benefi ts underwater stereo-video system instead of divers’ visual to be expected from improving the measurement of length. estimates. Thus, if the natural variation in true length is large in The three fi sh species that we consider are blue cod (Pa- relation to the measurement error, there will be little sta- rapercis colias), red cod (Pseudophycis bachus), and snap- tistical benefi t in reducing the latter. per (Pagrus auratus). All three species support commer- On a log-scale this equation can be written as cial trawl (red cod and snapper), long line (snapper), and trap (blue cod) fi sheries. Blue cod and snapper are also the log yij = log xij + logeij. focus of popular recreational fi sheries and thus are impor- tant species in New Zealand. The variation in logxij between and within dive locations can be expressed in a one-way random effects model as

Methods and materials log xij = ai + bij ,

σ2 σ2 To assess the extent to which measurement error will with Var(ai) = a and Var(bij) = b (Sokal and Rolf, 1995). σ2 σ2 affect the power of visual estimates to detect changes in Thus a and b are the between-dive and within-dive mean length of a population of fi sh, we considered the fol- variance components, respectively. 74 Bulletin 99(1)

Now consider the variation in log eij. We can write In order to evaluate the power, we needed estimates of the σ2 σ2 four variance components. The fi rst two, a and b, were ε eij = di ij, estimated by using catch data on true length for populations of red cod, blue cod, and snapper from around New Zealand where d i = an effect applying to all estimates made from trawl and trap surveys by the Division of the during dive i; and National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research. The ε ij = an effect applying solely to the estimate for length data for red cod and snapper came from a number of fi sh j during that dive. locations around New Zealand (Fig. 1). The depths at which these fi sh were collected ranged between 20 and 40 m. The

The value of di will be infl uenced by the conditions at loca- locations at which they were collected were grouped into tion i, as well as by the diver used at that location. The sites, such that two locations that were within approximate- ε value of ij will be infl uenced by the activity of the fi sh and ly 30 km of each other were considered to be at the same its orientation to the diver. site. For red cod, there were 12 sites, each with between We can now write two and four locations: at each location, lengths were record- ed for between 12 and 20 fi sh. For snapper, there were six ε Logeij = logdi + log ij, sites, two of which contained 14 locations, and the other four had just two locations each. At each location, lengths were σ2 ε σ2 with Var(logdi) = d and, Var(log ij) = ε, analogous to the recorded for between 10 and 91 fi sh. The log-lengths were σ2 σ2 equation for log xij. Again, d and e are the between-dive then analyzed by using nested analysis of variance. Site and and within-dive variance components. location were specifi ed to be random factors, and location The power analysis that follows involves predicting the was nested within the site. The location and residual vari- σ2 σ2 variation we would expect in logyijfor a given number of ance components were used as estimates of a and b, re- dive locations (n) and a fi xed number of fi sh at each loca- spectively. The data for blue cod came from one site, at fi ve tion (m). The equations above can be combined to show locations off Stewart Island. There were between 47 and 51 that this variation has four components. Because fi sh lengths recorded per location. The log-lengths were ana- lyzed by using analysis of variance, with location being spec- ε log yij = ai + bij + log di + log ij, ifi ed as a random factor. The location and residual variance σ2 σ2 components were used as estimates of a and b, respec- σ2 σ2 we have tively. The remaining two variance components, d and ε were estimated by using data on the measurement error of σ2 σ2 σ2 σ2 V(log yij) = a + b + d + ε. novice scientifi c divers, experienced scientifi c divers, and a stereo-video system. These errors were determined by using Going one step further, the predicted variance of the mean a simple testing procedure for calibrating diver estimates of of log yij over all fi sh (j) and all dives (i) at that site can be the lengths of reef fi sh. Silhouettes of fi sh were placed in the written as water and their lengths estimated by following the meth- ods of the GBRMPA (1979), Bell et al. (1985), and English σ 2 σ 2 σ 2 + b σ 2 + ε et al. (1994). There were eight novice divers and six expe- a d V = m + m . rienced divers, each of who swam fi ve repeat transects. On n n each transect they estimated the length of sixteen silhou- ettes. The same procedure was used for the stereo-video es- Assuming the number of dives and fi sh recorded per dive timates: for each image the estimate used was the mean is the same at the second site, the predicted power to of ten measurements. The novice divers and three of the detect a difference D in the mean log-lengths at the two experienced divers made their length estimates in a salt- sites is given by water pool. For the stereo-video system and the other three experienced divers, measurements were made in a swim-   D − ming pool. Defi nitions of novice and experienced scientifi c Fτ  ta ,  SED /2  divers are the same as those given in Harvey et al. (2000), which contains a full presentation of the data and detailed where Fτ [.] = cumulative distribution function; description of the method used. A full description of the de- α tα = the upper /2% point for the t-distribution sign and calibration of the system can be found in Harvey /2 with 2(n–1) degrees of freedom, and SED = and Shortis (1996, 1998). √2V, which is the standard error of the dif- The novice and experienced diver estimates were both ference in the two mean log-lengths (see analyzed by using nested analysis of variance of the loga- Sokal and Rohlf, 1995, p. 263). Note that if rithm of the relative accuracy (estimated length divided the analysis involved the comparison of s>2 by true length). Diver and silhouette were specifi ed to be sites, the degrees of freedom for the t-distri- random factors, and silhouette was nested within diver. bution would be s(n–1). Because the anal- The diver and silhouette variance components were used σ2 σ2 ysis is on a log-scale, the difference D is as estimates of d and ε, respectively. The stereo-video calculated as D=log(R+1), where R is the estimates were analyzed by using analysis of variance percentage change of interest. of the logarithm of the relative accuracy, and silhouette Harvey et al.: Improving the statistical power of length estimates of reef fi sh 75

was specifi ed as a random factor. The silhouette vari- E 2 ance component was used as an estimate of σ ε. Note σ2 that for the stereo-video estimates, we took d. This is because there should be no variation in the accuracy and precision of measurement made with a stereo-vid- eo system operated by different divers over different dives. Operators either swim the system along a tran- sect or locate it in one area to record point counts. The operator has no control over the confi guration of the camera system and cannot change any of the param- eters; both these features of the system would preserve measurement accuracy and precision. Over the dura- tion of one dive, and between several dives, the small variations in calibration stability that occur have mini- mal effect on the accuracy and precision of measure- ments (Harvey and Shortis, 1998). Harvey et al. (2000) 47.0 S have shown that very small variations in measure- ment accuracy (mean error –0.25 cm) may occur de- pending on the level of experience of the operators with Figure 1 the software used for making measurements from the Map of the distribution of sites where fi sh were collected. The images in the laboratory. To minimize this error, mea- mean lengths shown for each site are in cm. surements where made where the orientation of a fi sh was less than 50 degrees perpendicular to the camera rig (Harvey and Shortis, 1996). Table 1 σ2 Estimates of the variance components a (between dive Results σ2 locations) and b (within dive locations) of the natural log- arithm of true fi sh length, for each of three species (90% The estimates of the variance components used in the pow- confi dence limits shown in parentheses). er analysis are shown in Tables 1 and 2, together with their 90% confi dence limits. Figure 2 shows the predicted power Between Within-dive of visual estimates made by novice and experienced sci- Species dive locations locations entifi c divers and the predicted power of estimates made by a stereo-video system to detect a 15% change in the Red cod 0.025 (0.015,0.060) 0.076 (0.068,0.084) mean length of populations of blue cod, snapper, and red Snapper 0.008 (0.005,0.014) 0.027 (0.025,0.029) cod based on recording 30 fi sh per sample. Fifteen percent Blue cod 0.008 (0.004,0.060) 0.019 (0.016,0.022) has been selected as an effect size because it represents a 5-cm change in the mean length of the population of blue cod used for our study. The results show that for each of the three species, the experienced scientifi c divers had greater cm. (Ayling and Cox, 1982). The sample of blue cod on power to detect changes than did novice scientifi c divers. which our power analysis was based had a mean length However, for blue cod and snapper (Fig. 2), the stereo-video of 33 cm. A 15% change in mean length would represent a system had much greater power to detect changes in the change of 5 cm. Figure 3 shows how the advantages of ste- mean length than either novice or experienced scientifi c reo-video measurements over diver estimates diminish as divers. For example, we could achieve 90% power to detect a the size of the change to be detected increases. For exam- 15% change in the mean length of blue cod by recording 10 ple, to detect a 30% change in the mean length of blue cod samples per site with the stereo-video system, with 27 sam- with 90% power 4 samples were needed per site with the ples per site for experienced scientifi c divers, and with 28 stereo-video system, 9 samples were needed with experi- samples per site for novice divers. Similar conclusions apply enced scientifi c divers, and nine samples with novice sci- to snapper with 11, 23, and 29 samples being required, entifi c divers. A 50% change would be detected with 90% respectively, under the same conditions. The advantage of power with three samples per site with the stereo-video the stereo-video system was not as good for red cod (30, 43, system, fi ve samples with experienced scientifi c divers, and 50 samples, respectively) as a result of the greater vari- and fi ve samples with novice scientifi c divers. ability in their true mean length between locations than that recorded for the other two species (Fig. 2). The infl uence of numbers of fi sh per sample

Infl uence of effect size As the numbers of fi sh recorded per sample decreases (for example from 30 to 10 to 1), the number of samples Around the southern coastal waters of New Zealand, blue that need to be recorded to maintain an equivalent level cod may reach a maximum size of 50 cm, averaging 20–30 of power increases. For example, to detect an effect size 76 Fishery Bulletin 99(1)

of 15% with 90% power for blue cod when only Table 2 one fi sh is being recorded per sample, 30 samples σ2 σ2 per site need to be recorded with the stereo-video Estimates of the variance components d (between divers) and ε (within divers) of the natural logarithm of relative accuracy (esti- system, 70 with experienced scientifi c divers, and mated length/true length), for experienced scientifi c divers, novice 71 with novice scientifi c divers. When 30 fi sh are divers, and the stereo-video system (90% confi dence limits shown in recorded per sample only 10, 27, and 28 samples σ2 parentheses). The value of d is taken to be zero for the stereo-video are required, respectively (Fig. 4). system. Infl uence of α Between divers Within divers With stereo-video measurements, an increase in Experienced the value of α has little effect on the number of divers 0.015 (0.006,0.067) 0.022 (0.017,0.030) samples required to achieve a high level of power. Novice divers 0.016 (0.008,0.063) 0.023 (0.017,0.031) When α is set at 5%, 10%, and 20%, we required Stereo-video system 0.00020 (0.0001,0.0005) 10, 9, and 7 samples per site, respectively, to detect a 15% change in the mean length of our popula- tion of blue cod with 90% power (Fig. 5). To achieve a similar level of power with experienced scien- tifi c divers 27, 22, and 17 samples needed to be recorded per site, whereas 28, 23, and 18 samples were required for novice scientifi c divers.


Our research suggests that the power to detect changes in the mean length of three common spe- cies of fi sh from coastal waters of New Zealand will be higher when length estimates are made by a stereo-video system rather than by experi- enced or novice scientifi c divers. In addition, the level of power to detect these changes will differ between species, depending on the natural vari- ability in mean length between different sites and locations. Managers and environmental research- ers need to be aware of this issue when selecting suitable species of fi sh to be included in monitor- ing programs. For some species of fi sh (e.g. red cod), the variability in mean length between sites may be so great that even with a stereo-video system, unrealistically large numbers of samples need to be taken per site to detect changes in the order of 30% with high statistical power. A stereo-video system may have many advan- tages in monitoring programs, particularly where few fi sh are recorded per sample. Fewer samples need to be taken per site with a stereo-video sys- tem to obtain an equivalent level of power com- pared with the number of samples needed with experienced scientifi c divers (Fig. 2), thus both time and money are saved in the fi eld. Even though calibration procedures are recom- mended and used by some researchers (GBRM- PA, 1979; Bell et al., 1985; Polunin and Roberts, Number of samples per site 1993; Darwall and Dulvy, 1996), interdiver vari- Figure 2 ability and diver measurement error may still in- The power of novice scientifi c divers, experienced scientifi c divers validate comparisons of the changes in the mean and a stereo-video system to detect a 15% change in the mean length length between sites and over time. Consequently, of a population of blue cod, snapper, and red cod. n = 30 fi sh; α = 5%. it is important that the level of precision and ac- curacy of length estimates is stated in reports and Harvey et al.: Improving the statistical power of length estimates of reef fi sh 77

Figure 3 The infl uence of 5 cm, 10 cm, and 15 cm effect sizes on the power of novice scientifi c divers, experienced scientifi c divers, and a stereo- video system to detect changes in the mean length of a population of blue cod. n = 30 fi sh; α = 5%.

publications and that measurement error is minimized to estimates, and ultimately the power of a monitoring pro- allow realistic interpretation of the data and comparisons gram, an underwater stereo-video system could be used. of assemblages or individual species. Because of these er- The use of an underwater stereo-video system provides an rors and biases, it is likely that many studies lack the sta- opportunity for volunteers to be involved in monitoring tistical power to detect small, but biologically important, programs without compromising the quality of the data. changes in fi sh length within reef-fi sh communities. In assessing the statistical precision of visual length es- Increasing numbers of volunteers are assisting with timates, we have focused solely on the extra variability sampling for monitoring programs, particularly in third in the estimates introduced by measurement error. This world countries (Halusky et al., 1994; Mumby et al., 1995; error can also introduce a bias in the estimates. For ex- Darwall and Dulvy, 1996). Darwall and Dulvy (1996) not- ample, the experienced scientifi c divers used by Harvey et ed that the advantages of using volunteers in surveys in- al. (2000) had a mean relative error of –8.6% (SE=1.9%), clude not only greater manpower, enabling large spatial suggesting that they would on average underestimate the surveys, but also fi nancial savings and increased public true length by between 5% and 12%. In the type of study awareness of environmental issues through participation. for which we have predicted the power to detect a differ- To overcome the problem of subjectivity in visual esti- ence in mean length, this bias will make little, if any, con- mates and to enhance the accuracy and precision of length tribution to the loss of precision because the true lengths 78 Fishery Bulletin 99(1)

Figure 4 The effect of 1, 10, and 30 fi sh being recorded per sample on the power of novice scientifi c divers, experienced scientifi c divers and a stereo-video tsystem o detect changes in the mean length of a population of blue cod. 5% effect size; α = 5%.

will be tend to be underestimated by the same amount at scale, diver and stereo-video estimates may be more or less the two sites. accurate and precise, and thus change the power analysis. For clarity of exposition, we have considered only the sim- plest possible study in which mean lengths of size-frequen- cy distributions might be compared. We would expect that, Conclusion at least qualitatively, the power comparisons made in our study would apply equally to other, more complex, sampling A stereo-video system provides a new and alternative designs. Likewise, the focus of our study has been on mean method for collecting length data on reef fi sh through length (and thereby biomass), but we conjecture that the nondestructive visual sampling. The use of a stereo-video benefi ts of using a stereo-video system will apply equally system reduces measurement error substantially, thus well for the comparison of size-frequency distributions. increasing the statistical power of a monitoring program Our calculations are based on length estimates made by to detect changes in the mean length of a population of divers and a stereo-video system in a controlled environ- fi sh. When environmental managers set program goals ment with plastic silhouettes. Under fi eld conditions with of detecting small effect sizes (30% or less of the mean moving fi sh, variable light conditions, and with other ob- length of the target fi sh population) with a high statistical jects such as corals or in the fi eld of view providing a power (example 90%), the use of stereo-video technology Harvey et al.: Improving the statistical power of length estimates of reef fi sh 79

and from Sony New Zealand Ltd, THC Milford Sound, Fiordland Company, and Mobil and Gore Services Ltd. We are grateful to James Seager, of the Department of Geomatics at the Uni- versity of Melbourne, for assistance with software development, and to June Hill, Callum Duncan, Lisa Kelleher, and Andrea Brown for assisting with fi eld trials and to all the divers who willingly gave their time to assist with this research. We would also like to acknowledge Glenn Carbines and the Fisheries Division, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, for allowing us access to data. This manuscript was greatly improved by comments from Howard Choat, June Hill, Philip Mladenov, Keith Probert, and four anonymous reviewers.

Literature cited

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