Of Opinion from the Radical Jewish Colllmunity!>~;

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Of Opinion from the Radical Jewish Colllmunity!>~; of Opinion " from the Radical Jewish COlllmunity!>~;:,/: Issue No.5' ST~TEMENT OF PURPOSE RESPONSE is the continuing attempt of coUege students :il~~,~q~ .'. to e~amine the. vitality and relevance of Juilaism to per­ '.. , 'M.t;Si?JQiScliool,o! Medicine ~nai develo.,ment and eqmmunity progress. ,l\1aJ:tinOierruaci1 . .,. '. '. , .,. • . I . '., ' Yale .University·· . AlaiiMiiitz· •. :......... To. wbat extent may intelligent participation in Jewish •..•. Go'~mlft4Uniti~rsiiy Joseph Reimer· , . , ~ivilization serve as a stimulus for inteUectuai growth, , '. HaVllr/lt. ShtiJom ~ " for increased sensitivity to bUlI\an problems, for active HoWatdStkklor ,contribution to societal erldeavors? 1fari;a1'dSchoo~o/ &/ucation Can jeWish commitment provide a common basis and 'ASSOcrAm~troRS depth for a variety of life-styles? How can the symbolic SteVen,Ajl":"";'" '<.;''', language of Jewish experience express our own tempera­ ".. ' ,'l!nifJersity of PennsY/fJ(mia m~nt? What is, and what oUght to be, .our relationship MOrucaBerger .... ., to existing communal structures? To Israel? , ..... Jii/:;!iSon College Bruc~;&Ilin '" . jeremy Brochin. RESPONSE is dedicated to a sincere consideration of , ,.' Up#~rsity ,0/ Minnesota tl)ese qUCstions as they relate to issues of current con· BethavivaCQhen < . jeff 'COoper '..,' < ' cern. As an independent journal, RESPONSE is not com· .~Norlhilieitem'·Un.ifiersity mitted to any particular approach, "line", or ideology . '.RUthrJbaum .... " .. '."'. .' An of 'the opinions expressed in these pages are tbe sole ;. ".' Hohiard Sch~ol o/Education , Rich8td' :Fmkelstein . responsibility of their various authors. 'Coluf:nbia COllege. Steven Fr.i3de . , ~ We encourage and solicit the SUbmisSion of articles, fic- tion, poetry and letters relating to Jewish themes. Manu­ scqpts must be double-spaced, and accompanied by a covenng letter. Letters of inquiry and manuscripts should be sent to RESPONSE Room3C 160 W. 106m St. New York, N. Y. 10025 RESPONSE is' published three times a year. Single copy SO¢. 0 Copyright . 1969 ,by RESPONSE. Office:. Room. l:c, 160 West 106th St., New York, N. Y. 10025; . : ~. - A WHAT'S WRONG WITH OUR SEMINARIES Towards a Relevant Community Rabbinate .... ;: .•.... Ben HoHander A Critique of Yeshiva University . ... Meyer Goldstein A Critique of the Hebrew Union College . Steve Stroiman ARTICLES Reflections on a Matured Zionist Commitment ... ~ .. '. '25 . Gabriel Ende The Yiddish Writer in 1he Face of Crisis. , David Roskies POETRY Pittsburgh -- Murray Pomerance. Father Abraham· . Danny Siegel .. , ' Mosaic -- Murray Pomerance ' , , ' , , , . , , .. ' ,:: . , , , ' : .23 .' Gates -- Lorne Segal Correspondence . News .. , .. "", . Volume III . [No. 2J I At present. the Seminary shares the attithde'of th6se"'ho,ebYi~i6ri;;the:,; pulpit rabbi. in Leibman's words. as "an encyclopedia sitting ona sheHW'aii-" ',' ing to be consulted," Thus. the logical conclusion of a :Semjn-ary'eclucati?~\< becomes a Kafkaesque nightmare: the rabbI, having drowned intpe;,sell':O(i,,', Talmud. himself has become text (notice how~ver theseminafyc6n<l~si::~~/ , sion: not original research. but popular encyclopedia); ,he sirsiiripQten~:is the dust muffles his cries. the termites gnaw at ryis insides, ,an9, theJ~wish community continues on its way ignoring him completely, 'The nlQral:'ifi~ -TOWARDS A ·RELEVANT encyclopedia must learn to get off the shelf and start walking and 'ifllki~g"" like a man, " COMMUNITY RABBINATE It is true that in the traditional story of \Vhat~is-more-importa~t;TQrin;,:) or m'l'aseh. Torah wins out. But note that it is relevant Torah,lei<aingt~,) , ad ion Unfortunately. in the Seminary. Torah leads to textolatry, Ikibplan; (Reflections of a Recent Seminary Graduatt' I deslrioes how in the Seminary's method of scholarship vvords are more,lm" by 'sen Hollander pOrLtnt than ideas. philology more important than philosophy. Fortht",tr<i; d ItJ()[l;i1 s(hoi;lr. "Talmud is the core of Judaism," and he can justifydev~ting many of us the Jewish Theological Seminarv " ih seal the hush th,,, To t1l\ lik to it th;lt way, For today's practicing rabbi. though, this is"neither !)tubbornly wiil not be consumed, The world feeters ,\nd Jlld,llS[1l ",'tt'r\ (ft',lihk nor creditahle, The core of Judaism ,to him IS existentialhot'tex-' 'and the flames flare close: horrors in Harlem d(lWn (lnt' stn'('t, l ',I,h", ,it 1\1,'\ it IS the searchings of the Jewish soul (first his own, whichledhi~ "'Cohim'bia"up another. an exodus of students ;md LlnJit\ to \,Irlllll' "Wll'r S III l'hoos(' his vocation: then his congregants'. which sltstainhirri:ln:"his ofdiaspora and homeland, But the Seminary lns(fuuhlv st.ll1ds l'rllll."tlll!l>': \, )l,lt iOll ) 'Ldm ud (and of course the entire tradition that implies lis: faw it's message. (Eternal of course. although nt 1;l[e Shllmn Y"r,\('[ " \'1"( IILItl'rldl that must oe assimilated and refined - and sanctified "'::,hv life: m,atically, reve'aIing itself as the lnstitu!(, fnr the ,\d\ ,II1n,d Stu,h ,'! rht' It IS lIot 'Ldmud, out lik itself that is sacred. Torah l'shma is simply~tuxury Huma~ities. ) .. \\ Imh 11\ temperament and .commitment the active rabbi in a world,gone-, But unless we.are to relv Oil mlrades, the Sl'lllllLlf\ (,lIll' '1'(' til, ,,Jh t]j"c\ ,';lnrwt ,dlow himself too often, , ' ' Rabbinical Department which is our t"I'IC I nwn' th,IIl ,II1\thllll: 111'1,,1, III ,hon, de'pite rhe Sem inary's facile equation of text-study a~d ,rab~ a',:Iarg~ dose of reality ther;]py, The Semlfldrv hds tWll ~l),ds, ""til t't \\ hi, I, hill" rr,'IIlIng. the scholar is not necessarily suited to being a rabbi (6r.,as i('is filf from realizing or reconciling, One IS tll tr.llIl slhlll.,rs, thl' "thn t" " ll\\l "e\1 knnwn, e\'t'n a teacher), The locus of God's presence foi,,,thetabbi :frain. .rabbis. It tries to reconcile them OV conn'ni(,fltiv th,lt thl ,'''Ufllln~ " lilt,,! I'l'f"onal relations. not books, A serious cOlTImitment to bei~g:a"sp'ir-:, .m.ost basic requisite to the rabbi is his scholarh .Ibill[l('s, ,'Illl thndort' the Itll,1i guide' flwans oeing open to the potential of all encouiiters)mdb~'ing Seminary can do it~ duty to both its,goals bv n)nn'nrratlll~ on sdwl<lrshq), willing tll tolerate the many false and wasteful starts - and not begru(lging -,-'Scholar-training has failed with most student, OCCll1S(" OIlt', " 'lIl[,lbk prl' the time d\\'a\ from learning when, for example, the phone rings ot the meet- kEtowledge on which to build scholarship is rarc, and two, the tii,if)cl,n,l[loll Inl,! nlfllt'S to order. ' ' " '"tdbincl,'one's study, much less one's lif(, in the covers of Talmud I.S not ran', R~bbi~training has failed because the Semin'ar, does not know what t(1,LI\" In relating to congregations.. it is not a matter of learning Torahancl ,i~bbiisordoes, and has little interest in wh;.lt he could or should be. I,t lack-; Illouthing it it's being Torah, And for that a people-o~ientedpersonaIiti >~s LiebmanlametJts, "an image of the role of the rabbi," ThiS article i, in i_' needed which takes eyerY bit of Torah that one knows and applies:jt~uL: tended to be a small contribution to developIng d more dYndmH image of of the uniqueness of one's own personality. philosophy, and communicative, t.he :potentia:Iofthe active rabbinate: and suggestions as to the form the skill. Unfortunately. Seminary training fails on all three counts.--cThe,Jatter, l,\1l be helped through training - but the Seminary only' tr,ainirig for such a vocation would take, Wn()ws,"spe~ch,. (words again!) whereas what is needed is to utilize all the mediamade'p6s-, BenHoitander graduated from the Rabbinical Department 0/ I 1'5, in 19(JR sihle bv the communications revolution and all the discoveries ofthe:benav;" l-(ew#hesto acknowledge his wife 5 contribution to this ilrticle .. JudI hilS ioral s~'iences: the second can be helped by ~tudying Talmudand'iT6rah­ :experieitcedwith him set'en,vears at the Seminar,v and tu'o in Ii con!{re!{iltion, but not if it is text-organized rather than topic-integrated,so thatyou'h~ve':, " ,,' . '.', , " . -, :,.,-:<!';~:,:<::;- to:'~fridyih~followingpa'ge instead of following the development of an idea tllrough,othettexts ind other disciplines' and. traditions: the first is one's reform will not succeed because on~v~hanafiJ{ ivllnitbbe, ~H~""'~,'~.-.'; piir'ticu'hirgift'but which can be developed (particularly in such a small in­ It calls upon this handful to intensify, the qualiWof theit:. .... , 'stitutiOn).::..:'but which is ignored by the Seminary in favor of the exclusive It sUf[f[ests thil! Judaism has alwalls survived andwillt:onHnue I? sur­ concern ,;ith ,the ability to learn (in its narrow scholastic sense I. Indeed, l'it'e in the lit'es of a small remn;nt who pursue ,ih,e. workofOqa.and<' ,', the uord of God at its source, and who can rhple,:: .' , ieis this .;Iack of feeling for the individual and interest in developing his influenc/on~y by ext1 ,uniquepo'tential :.- .and the consequent lack of any impulse toward commun- This ideal has its merit and horefullv it inspires some " .' ,1·' , s:rrlaIlgr:o~ps,butit j:ty.t0,whichcbncern gives 'forth - that is the real traged\' of the Seminar\', is hardly appropriate for a school which must provide-;guidancef()r,~milIi()'n; a betraya1.of it~ religious. purpose. and the reason for its failure to create members plu<; the countle,s others unaffiliated whom the mo\(errle-nt:would:, a;concerhedrabbinate,~-For if exemplary religious life and religious com- undoubted I\" like to reach, .munity cao't:be found at the Seminary (and is not even a goal!.
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    SEARCH SAVE PDF TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTERS A Welcome and Introduction 1 B Acknowledgements 2 C To the Children... A Dedication 3 D Suggested Reading List 4 E This Study Guide and You 6 F My Journal - A Silent Dialogue with Myself 7 G Understanding Human Emotions 11 H Hurricane Andrew and the Holocaust 16 I You Are the Best 17 UNIT I - DANGER SIGNALS I Exploring Our Roots 19 II Prejudice and Discrimination 27 III A Study of Words 37 IV Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust 44 V "Vus is geven is geven" - What was lost is lost forever 53 UNIT II - THE PERSECUTION YEARS VI A State of Terror: Germany 1933-1939 70 VII The War against the Jews 79 VIII The Ghetto 95 IX The Camps 110 Study Guide X Living with Dignity in a World Gone Insane 133 XI The Silent World and the Righteous Few Who Did Respond 154 XII Poland Today 176 XIII PostScript 186 UNIT III - ISRAEL XIV Shivat Zion - The Return to Zion 196 XV The Yishuv - During the Shoah 206 XVI B'riha - The Illegal Immigration (1945-1947) 213 XVII The Struggle for Independence and the Birth of the State of Israel (1945-1948) 224 XVIII The War of Independence (1947-1949) 238 XIX Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha'Atzmaut 254 XX Jerusalem 261 XXI The Legacy: The War of Independence and the Current Peace Process 269 HOME A. WELCOME Dear March of the Living Participant, You are about to embark upon an exciting experience, one that may just change your life.
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