Of Opinion from the Radical Jewish Colllmunity!>~;
of Opinion " from the Radical Jewish COlllmunity!>~;:,/: Issue No.5' ST~TEMENT OF PURPOSE RESPONSE is the continuing attempt of coUege students :il~~,~q~ .'. to e~amine the. vitality and relevance of Juilaism to per '.. , 'M.t;Si?JQiScliool,o! Medicine ~nai develo.,ment and eqmmunity progress. ,l\1aJ:tinOierruaci1 . .,. '. '. , .,. • . I . '., ' Yale .University·· . AlaiiMiiitz· •. :......... To. wbat extent may intelligent participation in Jewish •..•. Go'~mlft4Uniti~rsiiy Joseph Reimer· , . , ~ivilization serve as a stimulus for inteUectuai growth, , '. HaVllr/lt. ShtiJom ~ " for increased sensitivity to bUlI\an problems, for active HoWatdStkklor ,contribution to societal erldeavors? 1fari;a1'dSchoo~o/ &/ucation Can jeWish commitment provide a common basis and 'ASSOcrAm~troRS depth for a variety of life-styles? How can the symbolic SteVen,Ajl":"";'" '<.;''', language of Jewish experience express our own tempera ".. ' ,'l!nifJersity of PennsY/fJ(mia m~nt? What is, and what oUght to be, .our relationship MOrucaBerger .... ., to existing communal structures? To Israel? , ..... Jii/:;!iSon College Bruc~;&Ilin '" . jeremy Brochin. RESPONSE is dedicated to a sincere consideration of , ,.' Up#~rsity ,0/ Minnesota tl)ese qUCstions as they relate to issues of current con· BethavivaCQhen < . jeff 'COoper '..,' < ' cern. As an independent journal, RESPONSE is not com· .~Norlhilieitem'·Un.ifiersity mitted to any particular approach, "line", or ideology . '.RUthrJbaum .... " .. '."'. .' An of 'the opinions expressed in these pages are tbe sole ;. ".' Hohiard Sch~ol o/Education , Rich8td' :Fmkelstein . responsibility of their various authors. 'Coluf:nbia COllege. Steven Fr.i3de . , ~ We encourage and solicit the SUbmisSion of articles, fic- tion, poetry and letters relating to Jewish themes. Manu scqpts must be double-spaced, and accompanied by a covenng letter.
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