Darren M Gardner Visiting Scholar
[email protected] Dartmouth College 646-594-4969 June 2018: Visiting Scholar. Dartmouth College. Hanover, NH. Sept 2017: Lecturer of Philosophy, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Jan 2016: PhD: Philosophy New School for Social Research. New York, NY. Dec 2009: M.A: Philosophy New School for Social Research. New York, NY. May 1998: BA: History of Philosophy, History of Math and Science St. John’s College, Annapolis, Md. Area of specialty: Ancient Philosophy, (esp. Plato’s Metaphysics) Areas of competency: History of Philosophy; Early-Modern Philosophy of Music Dissertation: “Exercise and Insight: Gymnastics in Plato’s Parmenides” (Dmitri Nikulin Philosophy, New School, director; Cinzia Arruzza, Philosophy, New School; Phillip Mitsis, Classics, NYU; Mitchell Miller, Philosophy Emeritus, Vassar College) In Plato’s Parmenides, the young Socrates is famously unable to defend his notion of forms under the cross-examination of Parmenides. Socrates, however, is offered advice: exercise. This dissertation examines Plato’s Parmenides as an explicitly pedagogical enterprise, presenting an advanced dialectical training for students. Socrates here is an exemplar of a philosophical student, not yet a mature master. Plato offers the student of the dialogue exercise [gymnastike], as a means to prepare him or her to critically re- evaluate Socrates’ depiction of forms. I show, contrary to dominant readings of the dialogue, that the hypotheses help the student to overcome the problems of an immature notion of forms, one that still attributes to forms qualities that are only proper to sensible or perceivable things. The student is asked to consider “one” [hen], the subject of the hypotheses, through a web of mutually contradictory characterizations.