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164th Infantry News: September 1982

164th Infantry Association

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Recommended Citation 164th Infantry Association, "164th Infantry News: September 1982" (1982). 164th Infantry Regiment Publications. 22.

This Book is brought to you for free and open access by UND Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in 164th Infantry Regiment Publications by an authorized administrator of UND Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. iv1 The 164th INFANTRY News Vol. "2 Number 3 I 982 is our 37 Ass'n Yr. September, I 982 Dear 164th Member: How Many Remember? The time is getting short for you to get your registration in for the "Reunion of Some excerpts from A Co's 164th some fine memories of the Australian's your life." Isn't it time we heard from History and Lt. Col. Samuel Baglien 's hospitality. Many will recall those lib­ you? We have 50 rooms already taken at diary of World War II. (Edited for use in erty hours as some of the best they ever Radisson St. Paul Hotel, but there is this issue of the paper). experienced. Remember it is there that still room for you, so get your reserva­ I. The 164th Infantry Regiment (a one could obtain 14% beer? It has been tion in now. part of the 34th Infantry Division), recorded that some of the fellows barely There are members coming from North Dakota National Guard was made it back to the ship and there were a Arizona, California, Georgia, New mobilized February IO, 1941 for one few due to varied reasons didn't make it York, and Tennessee. You are not any year. back to ship at all until much after leave farther away so let's hear from you 2. Its strength consisted of I 08 offic­ time. Tsck! Tsck! Naughty boys! Oh, today! ers and 1735 enlisted men. It had 120 (Continued on page 2) The registration fee will include Sat­ enlisted mobilization losses. urday noon ladies' luncheon, the men's 3. It departed for camp Claiborne, RADISSON SAINT PAUL HOTEL noon lunch and beer bust, Saturday La. during February 18 to 26, 1941. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS night banquet and dance to one of our 4. While stationed a t Camp 40TH ANNIVERSARY REUNION finest group of entertainers in St. Paul, Claiborne, LA there were several OF THE 169th INFANTRY then, the usual farewell brunch on Sun­ hundred selectees from North Dakota ASSOCIATION OF THE day morning. It's going to be our plea­ assigned to the Regiment, and at various UNITED ST A TES sure to entertain you, so make us work, later dates selectees from a number of OCTOBER, 1982 we like it. other states were assigned to the unit to If you have forgotten to send in your Friday, October 15, 1982 fill it to full strength. raffle tickets, please do so no\}/. Some­ I 2:00 noon Registration ...... Lower Lobby 5. That it was relieved from assign­ South Wall one is going to win, and it might as well ment to the 34th Division on December Two 6-foot draped tables, fo ur be you. 8, 1941, and departed for Australia as chairs, two schoolroom tables in We are waiting to see you October 15, part of Task Force 6814 on March 1942. back, wastebaskets, bulletin board, 16, and 17th. Don't disappoint your 6. It arrived in Australis on April 7, convention typewriter. "Fox-hole Buddy" because he will be 1942 then on to New Caledonia and Attention Dorothy Hutto: there! arrived there on April 19, 1942 wherein it House phone $ I 0.00. became a part of a group that was formed Saturday, October 16, 1982 Your Committee into the America! Division on May 24, 8:00 a.m. - Registration ...... Lower Lobby 1942. 8:00 p.m. Same set plus one additional regis­ Mail to: Arvid T hompson 7. That by in large the battle of Cape tration table with one chair off to the side of the main regist ration. 1187 Farrington Ave., Esperance was a result of a need to bols­ St. Pa ul, Mn. 5511 7 ter the number of troops on Guadal­ 8:00a.m.- General Session ...... Capitol canal, i.e. Reinforcements apparently J 2:00 noon- Ballroom Set: Theatre style, head were needed by both sides. How many at table for 5 on a riser, table podium and microphone, ice water, ash that time ever even knew there was such a trays, gold liner and draping, one Co. ______place as Cape Esperance or prior to that American flag, one flag stand for time even knew of Guadalcanal? their flag. (Numbers - 200) Guest ______8. That the 164th Infantry Regiment 12:00noon- Men's did have an enjoyable occasion while l:OOp.m. Luncheon ..... Wabasha North *Catering to handle. (Number - en route abroad. It seems that there was 200). Single $30.00 on the 25th of March, 1942, a joyous time Double $60.00 enjoyed by all aboard the U.S. Coolidge I 2:00 noon- Women's Luncheon/ I :00 p.m. Entertainment .. Garden Court Total Paid at the time the ship crossed the equator. *Catering to ha ndle, Wednesday March 25, 1942 Father Nep­ One Cabana Room will be used as 6/ 22/ 82 tune called forth his able helpers and a dressing rooms. (Numbers - 150) Dear Mr. Thompson: party ensued resulting in many memo­ 6:00 p.m.- Dinner Dance . ... Wabasha Hall I would love to come to St. Paul, but ries for those who experienced their first I 2:00 mid. *Catering to handle. (Numbers - my age and old ticker will not permit crossing of the equator. April 7, 1942the 300) this. U.S. Coolidge docked at Melbourne, Sunday, October 17, 1982 Kindest regards to you all. I 'II be Australia but alas the stay was short but Breakfast ...... Garden Court thinking about you. snappy and resulted in many retaining *Catering to handle. (Numbers - 300). Dr. George Schatz

Page One (Continued from page I) command as a stepping stone for promo­ Debarkation of troops began at 5:30 AM well hell all good things seem to end too tion of regular army Cols, (all of them at Kuk um Beach, Guadalcanal Soloman soon and on April 12, 1942, the 164th West Point graduates), to the rank of Islands, debarkation of troops Infantry board three Dutch ships and Brigadeer General. It's interesting to completed without accident. Began headed for New Caledonia for jungle note that not one of the ranking officers debarkation of equipment and supplies training. The weather was questionable of the regiment reached a grade higher at 7:30 AM. Heavy bombing by Japa­ (?) and the cold mutton menu didn't seem than Lt. Col. while serving with the Regi­ nese aircraft at 12:05 PM to 12:30 PM. to help matters at all. On April 19, I 942 ment. Ah, yes one can hear the ring CPL KennethS. FoubertCompany"M" the I 64th Infantry arrived at the port of knocking clear down in the lower ranks killed. 2 ea EM injured. Bombing by Noumea, New Caledonia Island, South seems to be a paramount tradition of the enemy aircraft at 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM, Pacific. It was while stationed in New regular army. How many remember?On no damage or casualties reported. Fired Caledonia that a new division (The only Oct. 7, 1942 at 7:00 PM that the 164th upon and shelled by enemy field artillery one in existence that had a name instead Infantry was alerted and ordered to pack at 6:00 PM, no casualties. Regiment of a number), the America I Division was and be ready to move to Port of Emban­ moved to rear bivouac area at 11 :00 PM. formed. There in that southern Pacific kation at Noumea, New Caledonia on Ah! Yes! How many remember Guadal­ island was formed a fighting unit that Oct. 8, I 942, and that preparations canal on I 3 Oct. I 942 forty years ago? was to gain through it's long and hard began immediately. The I 64th a part of the America! Div­ fought battles a fame that will ring Oct. 8, 1942. ision was part oft he force sent to support through its many ( ). This division Regiment on alert and has started the ( I st) First Marine Division, which was formed mainly by units that had packing, preparing to leave new Caledo­ had been on that island since 7 August been left literally homeless by the trian­ nia, destination unknown. Personnel 1942. gularization of the Infantry Divisions. It and equipment all packed and ready to Remember when the 164th Regiment was made by in large from National move. Special details arrived at Noumea arrived on Guadalcanal. It had with it Guard troops supported by varied sup­ harbor at IO AM and began loading I 214 officers and enlisted men who were port troops. Task Force 6814 was supplies and equipment. 1st Bn cleared from the North Dakota National Guard melded into one of the most illustrious its area at 5:30 PM, 2nd Bn cleared its and still with it. The rest of its personnel fighting units that existed in the world at area at 6:00 PM . Provisional Bn cleared and just as important were filler person­ that time. The America! Division was at 6:30 PM, 1st and 3rd Bns embarked nel from many walks of life and hailed made up of National Guard units from on U.S.S. Zeilan, troop transport at IO from many states and credit is due all Massachusetts I 82nd Infantry, Illinois PM. 2nd and Provisional Bn's who took part in that campaign. Do you 132nd Infantry, North Dakota 164th embarked on U.S.S. McCawley, Troop remember or ever knew that losses were Infantry. New Caledonia and, of course, Transport at 10:00 PM. U.S . Navy in I 36 officers and enlisted men killed in the town of Noumea, represented charge of transports, embarkation and action and were buried in three different another phase of strange experiences for Lt. Col. Sa nrnel Bagli c:_n_ in clrnrge of _cemetacies_o_nJ heis.Laud. 62.o( these were the fellows from the prairies of North Regiment. National Guardsmen. Dakota and ass undried areas, for as you Loading of supplies and equipment on Do you recall that 288 officers and well recall the French have a way of their board both transports was completed at enlisted men were wounded and of that own in the running of an island, i.e. the I 1:45 AM. Troop inspection aboard 126 of them were National Guardsmen. Pink House, etc! and good wine just to ships by AdmiralGromeley, Major Gen­ That after I 38 days of campaign duty relate a couple of entriquements. It eral Harmon, and Major General Alex­ on Guadalcanal the National Guard seems that the I 64th had airfield, town, ander Patch were in compliments on strength of the Regiment had dwindled Tontua Bridge and Hotel duty, training appearances and condition of the troops from I 2 I 4 officers and enlisted men to sessions, and singing sessions. It has were made. Transports cleared Noumea 707. That 62 were KIA, 445 evacuated been said that even the Bugler blew the Habor at 3:15 PM. Fire Drill was con­ for reasons of malaria, combat fatigue wrong call one morning sending the ducted at 4:00 PM. Note! Colonel and other sundried reasons known by whole airfield into an extreme alert. As Moore, Major Zlevor and Cpt. Ordahl, those to whom the shoe fits . many of you recall, many times the night boarded a Navy transport plane for Please note! I.A. W. with a portion of alerts affected the daytime schedules. It flight to destination. Destination of Reg­ Col. Samuel Bagliens Diary covering the was in New Caledonia many enlisted iment, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands period of7 Oct I 942 through 3 I Dec I 942 men took officers training and were Co E assigned to guard duty. readsfor31 Dec 1942thusly"Lineupfor made Second (2nd LT) Lieutenants. It (Continued on page 4) was also during that time, actually on lOOct. 1942 Out at Sea. Routine duties and inspec­ September I 4, I 942, Col. Earle R. Sarles tions, assembly drills, officer meetings, was relieved from command of the I 64th noted weather clear. Morale good. The 164th Infantry News Infantry Regiment, by reason of being over age for overseas duty. Excerpts 11 Oct 1942 OFFICE: 610 Ave B West Bismarck, ND 58501 from a copy of an Extract From Journal At sea. Routine duties, debarkation Official Publication, 164th Infantry 164th Infantry dated September 16, drills and assembly drills, officer's meet­ ings, weather clear, morale good. Association of the 1942. 12 Oct. 1942 Published Quarterly Usual staff meeting 8:00 to 8:30 AM. KEITH P. PARSONS Col. Sarles rel'd com 'd of Regiment At sea. One debarkation drill, person­ Sept. 14, 1942, Per Par 8, So. 192, Hqs nel and equipment readied for debarka­ Editor America! Division. tion. Unloading and shore details POSTMASTER: Col. Bryant E. Moore assumed com­ assigned. Send address changes to 164th Inf. mand 14 Sept I 942, Per Par 9, SO 192. It 13 Oct 1942 Assn. is here that one notes that this was the (Editor 's Note: The 164th ~·- Box 1111. Bismarck. ND 58502 beginning of using the 164th Infantry disembarked from the McCauley). Page Three (Continued from page 2) were actually ever evacuated o.!fof Gua­ did set one hell o{a record and made the dalcanal. Also it is estimated that there rest work like the devil to keep up. Note: the end of the year": First and third were between 42 to 43 thousand Japa­ The December issue will have a Guadal­ Battalions on the perimeter reserve; Ser­ nese personnel on the Island, thusly canal story you ma_\' be interested in. vice Company located near the Marine there were between 39,000 to 40. OOOmen cemetery. lost hy the Japanese in their struggles to Letters ... Here is the box score on casualties and keep Guadalcanal. miscellaneous information since our It has been said and is the belie/ al June 26, 1982 landing on October 13, 1942: 63 air raids, many who were there that the 1st battle Carl Sternberg these are raids where bombs actually fell starting on 14 Oct 1942 was the one that Rt. 3 - Box 18IA in our areas. This total does not include set the precedence ofoffensive action by Waupaca, Wis. 54981 all the alerts. 13 7 men and officers killed the U. S..forces setting the pace that actu­ Dear Arvid: in action. 308 men and officers wounded ally hroke Japan's will to win. What is the letter addressed to Radis­ in action. 393 men and officers evacu­ Remember that many al the Japanese son Hotel for? What is the $30.00 I'm ated. 13 men and officers missing in forces there were well seasoned troops. sending you for? action. Action by the 1st Bn marines, 3rd and I like to attend the 1982 reunion. It (Editor's Note: And that myfriends is 2nd Bns, 164th Jn/antry did in e.ffect seal will be my first. Would be nice to trade a how things developedfort_i·yearsagofor thefate a/Japan's Sendie Bn. few insults with the guys. I got to know the men and officers a/the 164th Jn/an­ //you who were there will but recall in Hq. Co. 1st Bn. My only distinction try a part of the America/ Division in the burial actions necessitated alter that in the outfit was that I was the only pvt. support of the Marines and who fought hattle. It is hoped by this individual this in the company towards the end. Got to onto glorious achievements. A /low for has provided some food for thought know the cooks pretty well as I was the and take the time to rememher. Mai; we recalling actions b_i· many brave men dogrobber. reproduce.for you here in respect to._i·ou forty years ago. Ah yes! Let us remember Coming to St. Paul from Waupaca is all the.following. and give just and due trihute to those fairly direct. Hw. 10 all the way. General Orders 12 February 1943 who so well deserve the credit for stop­ I am retired and the time element is No. 33 ping Japan's effort in the South Paci/ic. not important. Please advise me in I. In order that all members of this Where is the bitterness al war? Is it detail about arranging for food and command may know that higher head­ deeply buried in the hearts a/those who overnight lodging. Economy is of some quarters understand and appreciate fought it, who now have mellowed in consideration, of course meaning lim­ your accomplishments on Guadalcanal memories and those o/ you who were itied funds. the substance of the following there have enough memories to last a Hope to get a reply and eventually ·radiograms is published: lifetime as one recalled in a conversation seeing you. Met Marv Mauch in Chi­ From General Ha rmon (Comgenso with this editor. Hell we didn't take pri­ cago some time back and I a m sure. I st Pac): "All forces, Army, Marines, and soners early in the Guadalcanal opera­ Sgt Samson remembers me. Navy have given us all pride in splendid tions hecause we were green and under Best wishes and rapid advance against J ap forces the command of the joint task force Sincerely, and then final elimination from attached to support the marines who Carl Sternberg Guadalcanal." fought straight out hat ties. In later hat­ "No one doubts the capacity of our ties wherein prisoners were taken and forces to consistently whip the Jap in interrogated we learned a lot about the July 2, 1982 offensive action. We look forward with enemies strengths, unit assignments. Dear Arvid: confidence." supplies, armaments & etc. Thusly no Enclosed is a check for five bucks for From Admiral Halsey (Comso Pac): douht many of our own were spree/ tickets at the 40th annual reunion of the "Thanks and congratulations." hecause we learned to.fight smarter and 164th Infantry. From General Marshall (Chief of harder. I was an enlisted man in Co. A., Staff, ): "Other mes­ Ah yes! There are many stories that North Dakota National Guard from sages of congratulation have ought to he told or at least recorded for 1913-1916; then I joined the Navy and emphasized the excellence of your future generations rememher the 164th was in it for four wars of the 20th Cen­ achievement. My personal thanks. Infantr_\' Regiment is recognized as the tury. Please pass to American forces on Cac­ first American regiment to.fight the Jap­ Best wishes to you and all surviving tus, congratulations on splendid anese on hattlef,elds chosen hy them and members of these conflicts. successes. They fill us with confidence in to heat them. Congratulations go to all Cordially, the future." who took part. Rememher it took all of Capt. J.M. Amberson 2. To all members of our forces, I the teams to do thejoh hut that part you MC, USN (Ret.) therefore express my gratitude for the efforts and sacrifice made which have achieved the victory and merited these 'ffiqe. 'Piast ~oII QWI expressions from the higher command. It has been reported that the following named members of the 164th AM Patch Infantry have answered the LAST ROLL CALL since our last issue: Major General, Arthur E. Ulness ...... 25 Feb 82 ...... Fargo, ND U.S. Army Harry M. Olson ...... 8 Mar 82 ...... Helen MT Commanding William P. _Jones ...... 12 June 82 ...... Albuquerque: NM Editor's Note: To relate some Andrew Mitzel ...... Aug 82 ...... Casselton ND estimated figures it is believed bv manv Henery Schepers ...... IO July 82 ...... St. Paul,' MN that no more than 1500 to 2000J~panese

Page Four New Members Lesson In History ... Gary, S.D. Here's your lesson in history: It all 9/ 4/ 82 Welcome on board! started back in the year 1636. The par­ 164th Infantry Assn. Harry E. Schulte ent unit of the 182nd Infantry Regiment Bismarck, N D Box 254 RR I was organized in that year. Note the Dear Sir: date and remember the Declaration of Gary, SD 57237 Last month I drove up to Casselton, Independence was signed in 1776, 140 ND to attend the funeral of a good years after the 182nd was formed. The Lionel Garant friend and buddy, Andrew Mitzel, who Regiment carries battle streamers from 71 Consul St. wasted away with cancer. the Revolutionary War, the War of Fall River, MA 02720 We had gotten together at the Co. D 1812, two Civil War Campaigns and the reunion at Rugby last year. He was ill Meuse-A rgonne in World War I. Plus Harry Burd then but had a remission later which of course, streamers from our own 6018 E. 34th St. lasted until this last May. Then the dis­ ca mpaigns. Tuscon, AZ 85711 ease took over in full force. Others from The 132nd Infantry Regiment carried Co. D who attended the funeral were the nickname "Second Illinois" and tra­ Kenneth M. Prosser Leslie Skar, who was an active Pall ces its history back to 1861 and six 4821 S. Pacific Hy Bearer, Anton Herding, Clement Fox, campaigns of the Civil War, from Ten­ Phoenix, OR 97535 Melford Halvorson and Max Forester. nessee to Atlanta. The Second l llinois Max later mailed me the application also carries battle streamers from Roger S . Smith blank for membership in the association World War I, for Picardy, the Somme 17394thAVeNE for which we will enclose our check for Offensive , Lorraine and the Jamestown, ND 58401 $5.00. Max suggested we ask for the Meause-Argonne, again plus our own copy of the 164th News telling about the ca mpaigns. Donald W. Well upcoming reunion in St. Paul in The 221 st Field Artillery Battalion Star Rt I Box 800-41 October. traces its roots back to 1852, when it was Tehachapi, CA 93561 Thank you in advance for this and designated the I st Battalion of Light hope to see more of you in the future. Dragoons, Massachusetts Volunteer Sincerely, Militia, then redesignated the Boston Harry E. Schulte Light Dragoons the same year. In 1865 Box 254, RR I it was combined with the Prescott Light Gary, SD 57277 June 28, 1982 Guard and the Rosbury Horse Guards, 164th Infantry to form the 1st Battalion of Cavalry, Dear Mr. Thompson, Bismarck, North Dakota Mass. Volunteer Militia. Company A I'm enclosing t he two books of raffl e Attn: President retained its title of National Lancers tickets. Wallace passed away on April Since I am the dear friend that took until 1916, when it became known as the 22, 1982. care of Wm. P. Jones during his han­ 1st Squadron of Cavalry, Mass. I hope your 40th Anniversary Reun- dicap period of four years, I grieve to National Guard. It progressed through ion will be the best ever. tell you he passed on here m various reorganizations, finally becom­ Sincerely, Albuquerque, NM on June 12th. He ing the 102nd Machine Gun Battalion, Mrs. Wallace Robertson was very very proud of this infantry and 26th Yankee Division, serving at 430 E. St. Charles many times felt so badly that he couldn't Champagne-Marne, Aisne-Marne, St. Fergus Falls, MN 56537 attend your reunions. The last few Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne, also the Ile months he promised friends of the 164th de France and Lorraine Campaigns. that he would make this reunion this After World War I it became the 110th "·'""""' I"~"'""" • " "' 'w- ~·~ t)11arhrl1 I f4 lro11r ,,. oo year but our Lord had other plans for Cavalry, Mass. NG, then at the begin­ _,,_.,,. .._. . ..., a°""o .. o• • •~·· •C o, uec,u,, -11-.c,, . .-- .... , ...... ,,.c-,,___ , him. ning of Federalization of National I wish to ask you a favor. I am in Guard units in 1940, reorganized to the possession of two books on wars your 180th Field Artillery Regiment, 200th infantry participated in and have no FA Battalion and finally the 221 st FA way of knowing who this gentlemen in Battalion, Americal Division. Alb. is . Could it be possible to find me a The 164th Infantry Regiment, list of those men in Alb. so I can return NDNG, then known as the First North these to him. Dakota, saw action in the War with I thank you as his dear friend for Spain in 1898 and the Philippine Insur­ mailing all of your newspapers; he could rection in 1899 . . . (Ok we will expand hardly wait to receive them as several on this in future issues, Editor). people through your publication have ::;;;....~=---,- ··- ·.. ., contacted him. Hi - Thank you very kindly. I know your 1,a,ocu,eu,..,11"" --,-...... --.... - guys were the very best in this world. Just a line. I joined "M" Co. N.D. Thank you so much. Guard, March 16, 1914. Served on Sincerely, border and WW#I. Also, five years in Alma C. Van Develde WW#2. c / o 712 Palorues Dr. NE Goodwater Albuquerque, NM 87108 Reserve, MT 59258

Page Five been to we enjoyed them very much. So Letters ... August 21 , 1982 I hope to see you all in St. Paul for the August 9, 1982 Mr. Keith P. Parsons reunion. Editor Editor Sincerely, The 164th Infantry News 164th Infantry News Albert Rode Box 1111 Office: 610 Ave B West Bismarck, N. D. 58502 Bismarck, ND 5850 I Valley City Dear Sir: Sir: 6/ 19 / 82 On August 7, I 982the Far West Chap­ In the issue of April, 1982 of the Hi - ter of the America! Division Veterans America! Newsletter, it was announced We plan at this time to make our 40th Association conducted a Memorial that there will be a reunion of 164th Reunion. Greet Pete Grant of Co. G. Tribute in honor of the 40th anniversary Infantry. and Raymond Anderson of Co. F. Both of the landing at Guadalcanal, at the May I know if there is 164th Infantry tn your area. Officers Club, Presidio of San America! Divisions WWII who are one See you in October. Francisco. Many members of the 164th of the Combat Regiment Liberated Vern Martini Infantry Regiment were in attendance Cebu last March 26, 1945 and if it is old Co. G. and all expressed a wish to get informa­ outfit, will you please donate if there are Valley City tion out to the other 164th members available shoulder patch or insignia so who are not part of the ADV A, to join ~hat it could be displayed permanently International Falls up and enjoy the activities. The 164th is tn our post home America! Division August 2, 1982 putting up a good showing in the San American Legion Post 45 based in Cebu Dear Arvid, Francisco Bay Area and could poten­ City, Philippines. Sorry but we will be unable to attend tially have a preponderance of members Thank in advance, I hope there will the 40th anniversary reunion this fall. in the Chapter. be a reply. We hope you have a real good turnout, A film on the America! Division was I remain. and have real good time. Will try to shown, Mark Durley of the 164th put on Very respectfully yours, make it again next year. Give my a slide show of his recent trips to the JUSTO C. DE LOS regards to Dr. Flannery and all the Solomons and everyone enjoyed a good SANTOS medics. dinner. The meeting started with Adju­ Service Officer Yours truly tant's Call in the Lounge and ended with Historian Researcher 2nd Bn. Medics dancing in the ballroom. Anton Hannel, P.S.: The 164th Commanding officer 164th - 164th won the top door prize of an ocean Liberation of Cebu march 26, 1945 was August I 0, 1982 salmon fishing trip for two on board the Col. Mahoney. 2701 Ferndale Ave., Apt. #5 sportfis hing boat, Wacky Jacky, out of Ames, lowa-500 10 San Francisco; Harold Aarhus, 164th MPLS , MN Dear Herb: won 3rd prize of I. 75 litre of bourbon. Aug. 31 , 1982 Received your letter with the No. I Two out of five went to the 164. Dear Sir, 164th Infantry card and am taking Our next meeting in the Bay Area will Enclosed is a check for $8.00 for my immediate action to send you a check be in January; in Southern California in 1983 dues. So the $3.00 you can use for for $5.00. Thanks a lot. Our address is late Sept. or early Oct.; Spokane, the 164th. Hope that it will help for as listed at the top of this letter. We Washington last week in October; Seat­ some of the postage in sending the would appreciate passing on to the tle, first week in November; Colorado paper or as needed. members of the 164th Inf. Assn. so that and Arizona later in the year. Notices I do hope to see a lot of the 164th they might drop us a note. I hope Par­ will be sent to all names on your roster. People in St. Paul in Oct. And I'm sure sons gives the address some space in the I have enclosed a program that we had that they will have a good time. And to next issue of the 164th Assn. paper. for the meeting. If you could make some visit with all our buddies that we served It is nice to live close to Doug and his mention in your Newsletter of the activi­ with. Also to meet some that we have family. That is something we haven't ties we are starting here in the Far West it not seen for a time. As all the ones I have been able to enoy since he started school would be greatly appreciated by the at the Naval Academy - and that is undersigned and by many of your Asso­ some time ago (he has one son of his ciation members in the area. We need all NOTICE PLEASE own that is now married.) the members we can get to make this a This is your paper and it needs your The weather is not anything to shout more vibrant and interesting Chapter. support. It needs your stories, let­ about here. The humidity is very high Your consideration will be appreciated. ters, and pictures to make it as good here - only the last three or four days For more information contact the and readable as you desire. When has the temperature been in the 60's undersigned. sending in stories or photos of news which at level reminds me of one of the Sincerely, interest, please identify all photos. nice days in North Dakota. (Give me Lloyd J . Morrell Black and white glossy prints seem North Dakota). Regional Chairman and to reproduce best. Color prints may Gen is ready to go across the street to State Adjutant-California be used to a lesser degree of clarity if The North Grand Mall. That makes it America! Division Veterans they are sharp photos. Photos used nice for us to shop and put in our exer­ Association will be returned to sender when re­ cise walking. 47 Collins Drive quested. Must quit - thanks for your thinking Pleasant Hill, Ca. 94523 Thank you respectfully, of me at membership time. Tel: Days (415) 273-6255 KEITH P. PARSONS Pop Eve (415) 933-2188 Editor Harold E. Barker

Page Six July 25, 1982 Letters ... 164th Infantry Association Kenneth M. Prosser 31 August 1982 Arvid Thompson 4821 So. Pacific Hwy. Editor 1187 Farmington Ave. Phoenix, Oregon 97535 164th Infantry Newsletter St. Paul, MN 55117 Phone - 535-2930 The enclosed is a copy of a statement Dear Arvid and Reunion Committee, 164th Infantry News given at the 7 August 1982 meeting of I do not kntn \~F~NTRY ~5S'N. you get someone to write and continu­ SoRR.Y, I WILL NOT BE THERE. ing short history - say 500 to 1000 tl.J PE.R~DN,BUT WILL l'>t.-/N SPIRIT/ words on each engagement - to appear -AND O~E l)AY i'OO'L L BC:... • in the Newsletter as a standard feature 5URPRIS£1l TO 5EE A BALD HEAD article. I would like to see more articles "IN <,)OUR. Mlll~T AND WONDE. Q. - such as the one you condensed from the WHO IN HE \.l 1':> l\o\Al ? ,, Williston, ND, newspaper and fewer letters. Why not a "We Have Heard From ... "column in which you give the names and addresses of individuals who have written about dues and the like. I feel for you every time a Newsletter a rrives as I was the editor of a college's news sheet for 15 years. Believe me, I know the struggles involved. Sincerely, W. Mark Durley, Jr. 1485 North Blosser Road Santa Maria, Calif. 93454 \ \ EDITOR'S NOTE: Thanks Mark. I needed this. Wei/fellows lets hear from r------· you. I think Mark has a very good idea and I ·would like your input in as much APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP and/or ANNUAL RENEWAL as your story is for real. May we receive 164th INFANTRY ASSOCIATION of the UNITED STATES them please. Your Editor, Keith P. Parsons

August I, 1982 Unit Served With and Dates Greetings: Am forwarding $10. 00 for the raffle Mailing Address ------tickets. City______State _____ Zip Code No. _ _ _ _ Present time still do not know if I will be able to make the reunion. Will know more in a month. Certainly looks like it DUES FOR 1982 - $5.00, includes subscription to 164th News. will be a good one. Send to: Secretary 164th Infantry, Box 1111, Bismarck, North Dakota 58502 Sincerely yours, Wendell W. Wichmoiw ------~-'

Page Seven Letters ... 1972, 1975 and 1979 trips to those (and Coastwatches and numerous others So. Pacific) islands. Was in Australia involved in Borgainville operating dur­ 7/ 29 / 82 last November for two weeks, ing CW period and post-America! mil­ Dear Friends: interviewing Jack Read (DSC/ US of Al itary operation. Had a ball. Payment for dues and whatever and Mark would appreciate a little information. Was there ever an America! Division shoulder patch? If there was could you tell me where I could get one? I sure wish I could come to the reun­ ion but don't see any way to do it. Sure would like to hear from some of the old 164th Infantry Regimental Service Co. guys. Sincerely, 40th Anniversary Reunion Earl T. Hanson P.O. Box 277 Oct. 15, 16 & 17, St. Paul, Mn. Riggins, ID 83549 Note: Hope you enjoyed the patch our Secretary Herb sent you. TO CIVIC C ENIE:R ..___ _ FROM a v~ NT"IER------f>

September I 0, 1982 Dear Mr. Sande: I am writing in response to my life­ time dues to the 164th Infantry Assoc. Last fall at the Minot reunion I paid the $50 to Mrs. Doug McMahn for life membership but have never gotten a card or anythaing showing a proof of that? If so, would like to receive it. Thank you. Will be in St. Paul for reunion. Leslie Skar 2113 No. 10th St. Fargo, Nd

To: Arvid .. .,,,... ~ :;:::::::=~~~==9~Sa=IRt~Po=.. 1~ G:onventlon, From: W. Mark Durley, Jr. , \ Exblbltlon and Date: July 1982 Nearly all routes go to the "-Plsm Gommlsslon• Subject: :Y St. Paul 164th Inf. Hdqtrs. 15-16 & 17 Oct. 1982 Cannot make reunion tbs year. Will At the Radisson St. Paul Hotel be in France visiting WWII battlefields and tasting wine. August 7th will be at Northern Cali­ fornia Chapter of America) Division Assoc. where I'll show my pictures of Guadalcanal and Borgainville taken in ANNOUNCEMENT Please be advised that William L. The 164th Infantry News Dunphy has been reelected National Box 1111 Commander of the America) Division BISMARCK, N.D. 58502 Veterans Association for the year 1982- 83. A ll correspondence should be ALVIN TOLLEF3RUD directed to the Commander at the fol- (' lowing address: National Commander MAYVILLE, NOAK 58257 William L. Dunphy 247 Willow Street West Roxbury, MA 02132 Tel. No. (617) 323-2007 - home National Adjutant Hector L. D'Amato America) Division Vet's Assoc.

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