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Verbindungen080305 1 Trade name Formula CAS (1,5-Cyclooctadiene)dimethylplatinum (II) Pt(CH3)2(C8H12) 12266-92-1 (Acetylacetonato)bis(ethylene)rhodium (I) Rh(C2H4)2[CH3COCH=C(O-)CH3] 12082-47-2 (Acetylacetonato)dicarbonyliridium (I) Ir(CO)2[CH3COCH=C(O-)CH3] 14023-80-4 (Acetylacetonato)dicarbonylrhodium (I) Rh(CO2)[CH3COCH=C(O-)CH3] 14874-82-9 (Trimethyl)methylcyclopentadienylplatinum (IV) (CH3)3(CH3C5H4)Pt 1,1'-Bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene palladium (II) chloride, complex with dichloromethane 72287-26-4 1,5-Cyclooctadiene(pyridine)(tricyclohexylphosphine)iridium (I) hexafluorophosphate Ir(C8H12)(C5H5N)[P(C6H11)3]PF6 64536-78-3 1,5-Cyclooctadienebis(methyldiphenylphosphine)iridium (I) hexafluorophosphate Ir(C8H12)[PCH3(C6H5)2]2PF6 38465-86-0 Allylpalladium (II) chloride dimer [PdCl(C3H5)]2 12012-95-2 Ammonium aquopentachlororhodate (III) (NH4)2[RhCl5(H2O)] 63771-33-5 Ammonium aquopentachlororuthenate (III) (NH4)2[RuCl5(H2O)] 68133-88-0 Ammonium bis(oxalato)palladium (II) (NH4)2Pd(C2O4)2·2H2O Ammonium hexabromoosmiate (IV) (NH4)2OsBr6 24598-62-7 Ammonium hexabromoplatinate (IV) (NH4)2PtBr6 17363-02-9 Ammonium hexachloroiridate (III) (NH4)3IrCl6·XH2O Ammonium hexachloroiridate (IV) (NH4)2IrCl6 16940-92-4 Ammonium hexachloroosmiate (IV) (NH4)2OsCl6 12125-08-5 Ammonium hexachloropalladate (IV) (NH4)2PdCl6 19168-23-1 Ammonium hexachloroplatinate (IV) (NH4)2PtCl6 16919-58-7 Ammonium hexachlororhodate (III) (NH4)3RhCl6·XH2O Ammonium hexachlororuthenate (IV) (NH4)2RuCl6 18746-63-9 Ammonium hexathiocyanoplatinate (IV) (NH4)2Pt(SCN)6 Ammonium tetrachloroaurate (III) (NH4)AuCl4·XH2O 13874-04-9 Ammonium tetrachloropalladate (II) (NH4)2PdCl4 13820-40-1 Ammonium tetrachloroplatinate (II) (NH4)2PtCl4 13820-41-2 Bis(1,5-cyclooctadiene)iridium (I) tetrafluoroborate [Ir(C8H12)2]BF4 35138-23-9 Bis(1,5-cyclooctadiene)-trifluoromethanesulfitorhodium (I) Rh(C8H12)2SO3CF3 99326-34-8 Bis(acetonitrile)dichloropalladium (II) PdCl2(CH3CN)2 14592-56-4 Bis(benzonitrile)dichloroplatinum (II) PtCl2[(C6H5)(CN)]2 14873-63-3 Bis(cyclopentadienyl)osmium (C5H5)2Os 1273-81-0 Bis(cyclopentadienyl)ruthenium (C5H5)2Ru 1287-13-4 Bis(dibenzylideneacetone)palladium Pd(C17H14O)2 32005-36-0 Bis(ethylenediamine)platinum (II) chloride [(NH2CH2CH2NH2)2Pt]Cl2 21430-85-3 Bis(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)osmium [(CH3)5C5]2Os 100603-32-5 Bis(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)ruthenium [(CH3)5C5]2Ru 84821-53-4 Bis(tricyclohexylphosphine)benzylidine ruthenium (IV) dichloride RuCl2(CHC6H5)[P(C6H11)3]2 172222-30-9 Bis[1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane]palladium (0) Pd[(C6H5)2PCH2CH2P(C6H5)2]2 31277-98-2 Bromo(triphenylphosphine)gold (I) AuBr[P(C6H5)3] Bromotris(triphenylphosphine)rhodium (I) RhBr[(C6H5)3P]3 14973-89-8 Carbonyl-2,4-pentanedionato-(triphenylphosphine)rhodium (I) Rh(C5H7O2)(CO)[P(C6H5)3] 25470-96-6 08.03.2005 Carbonylbromobis(triphenylphosphine)rhodium (I) RhBr(CO)[P(C6H5)3]2 14056-79-2 Carbonylchlorobis(triphenylphosphine)iridium (I) IrCl(CO)[P(C6H5)3]2 14871-41-1 Carbonylchlorobis(triphenylphosphine)rhodium (I) RhCl(CO)[P(C6H5)3]2 13938-94-8 Carbonyldihydridotris(triphenylphosphine)ruthenium (II) Ru(CO)(H2)[P(C6H5)3]3 25360-32-1 Carbonylhydridotris(triphenylphosphine)iridium (I) IrH(CO)[P(C6H5)3]3 17250-25-8 Carbonylhydridotris(triphenylphosphine)rhodium (I) RhH(CO)[P(C6H5)3]3 17185-29-4 Chloro(1,5-cyclooctadiene)iridium (I) dimer [IrCl(C8H12)]2 12112-67-3 Chloro(1,5-cyclooctadiene)rhodium (I) dimer [Rh(C8H12)Cl]2 12092-47-6 Chloro(triphenylphosphine)gold (I) AuCl[P(C6H5)3] 14243-64-2 Chlorobis(ethylene)rhodium (I) dimer [RhCl(C2H4)2]2 12081-16-2 Chloropentaammineiridium (III) chloride [IrCl(NH3)5]Cl2 Chlorotricarbonyliridium (I) [IrCl(CO)3]n 32594-40-4 Chlorotris(triphenylphosphine)rhodium (I), Wilkinson's catalyst RhCl[(C6H5)3P]3 14694-95-2 cis-Bis-(2,2'-Bipyridine)dichlororuthenium (II) RuCl2(C1€H8N2)2·2H2O 15746-57-3 cis-Diamminedichloroplatinum (II) PtCl2(NH3)2 15663-27-1 cis-Dichlorobis(diethylsulfide)platinum (II) Pt[(C2H5)2S]2Cl2 15442-57-6 cis-Dichlorobis(ethylenediamine)iridium (III) chloride [Ir(C2H8N2)2Cl2]Cl 15444-46-9 cis-Dichlorobis(ethylenediamine)platinum (II) Pt(C2H8N2)2Cl2 cis-Dichlorobis(triethylphosphine)platinum (II) PtCl2[(C2H5)3P]2 13965-02-1 cis-Dichlorobis(triphenylphosphine)platinum (II) PtCl2[P(C6H5)3]2 15604-36-1 cis-Dichlorobis(triphenylphosphine)platinum (II) PtCl2[P(C6H5)3]2 15604-36-1 Di-æ-chlorobis(norbornadiene) dirhodium (I) [Rh(C7H8)Cl]2 12257-42-0 Di-æ-chlorodichlorobis(ethylene)diplatinum (II) [PtCl2(C2H4)]2 12073-36-8 Di-æ-chlorodichlorobis(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)dirhodate [C5(CH3)5RhCl2]2 12354-85-7 Diamminepalladium (II) nitrite solution (NH3)2Pd(NO2)2 28068-05-5 Diammineplatinum (II) nitrite solution (NH3)2Pt(NO2)2 14286-02-3 Dibromo(cycloocta-1,5-diene)platinum (II) PtBr2(C8H12) 12145-48-1 Dichloro(cycloocta-1,5-diene)palladium (II) PdCl2(C8H12) 12107-56-1 Dichloro(cycloocta-1,5-diene)platinum (II) PtCl2(C8H12) 12080-32-9 Dichloro(cycloocta-1,5-diene)ruthenium (II), polymer [RuCl2(C8H12)]n 3935-17-0 Dichloro(ethylenediamine)palladium (II) PdCl2(H2NCH2CH2NH2) 15020-99-2 Dichloro(ethylenediamine)platinum (II) PtCl2(H2NCH2CH2NH2) 14096-51-6 Dichloro[bis(1,2-diphenylphosphino)ethane]palladium (II) PdCl2[(C6H5)2PCH2CH2P(C6H5)2] 14647-24-6 Dichlorobis(pyridine)palladium(II) 14872-20-9 Dichlorohydridotris(triphenylphosphine)iridium (III) IrCl2H[P(C6H5)3]3 16971-01-0 Dichloropentamethylcyclopentadienylrhodium (III) dimer [(CH3)5C5RhCl2]2 12354-85-7 Dichlorotris(triphenylphosphine)ruthenium (II) RuCl2[P(C6H5)3]3 15529-49-4 Dihydrogen dinitrosulfatoplatinate (II) solution H2Pt(NO2)2SO4 12033-81-7 Dihydrogen hexabromoiridate (IV) H2IrBr6·6H2O Dihydrogen hexabromoosmiate (IV) H2OsBr6·XH2O Dihydrogen hexabromoplatinate (IV) H2Br6Pt·9H2O 20596-34-3 08.03.2005 Dihydrogen hexachloroiridate (IV) H2IrCl6·XH2O Dihydrogen hexachloroosmiate (IV) H2OsCl6·XH2O Dihydrogen hexachloroplatinate (IV) H2PtCl6·6H2O 26023-84-7 Dihydrogen hexachloroplatinate (IV) H2PtCl6·XH2O Dihydrogen hexachloroplatinate (IV) solution H2PtCl6 16941-12-1 Dihydrogen hexahydroxyplatinate (IV) H2Pt(OH)6 51850-20-5 Dodecacarbonyltetrairidium Ir4(CO)12 11065-24-0 Dodecacarbonyltriosmium Os3(CO)12 15696-40-9 Dodecacarbonyltriruthenium Ru3(CO)12 15243-33-1 Gold (I) cyanide AuCN 506-65-0 Gold (I) iodide AuI 10294-31-2 Gold (I) sodium cyanide NaAu(CN)2 15280-09-8 Gold (I) sodium thiosulfate Na3Au(S2O3)2·XH2O Gold (III) acetate Au(O2CCH3)3 Gold (III) bromide AuBr3 10294-28-7 Gold (III) chloride AuCl3 13453-07-1 Gold (III) hydroxide Au(OH)3 1303-52-2 Gold (III) oxide Au2O3 1303-58-8 Gold (III) potassium thiocyanate KAu(SCN)4 Gold (III) sulfide Au2S3 1303-61-3 Gold powder 7440-57-5 Hexa(acetato)-æ-oxotris(aqua)trirhodium (III) acetate [Rh3(OOCCH3)6-µ-O(H2O)3]OAc 42204-14-8 Hexaammineruthenium (III) chloride Ru(NH3)6Cl3 14282-91-8 Hexadecacarbonylhexarhodium Rh6(CO)16 28407-51-4 Hydrogen tetrabromoaurate (III) HAuBr4·XH2O Hydrogen tetrachloroaurate (III) HAuCl4·XH2O 27988-77-8 Hydrogen tetranitratoaurate (III) HAu(NO3)4·XH2O Indium (III) chloride InCl3 10025-82-8 Indium (III) hydroxide In(OH)3 20661-21-6 Indium (III) oxide In2O3 1312-43-2 Indium (III) sulfate In2(SO4)3·XH2O 13464-82-9 Indium (III) sulfate, anhydrous In2(SO4)3 13464-82-9 Indium acetate In(CH3COO)3 25114-58-3 Iodotrimethylplatinum (IV) (CH3)3PtI 14364-93-3 Iridium (III) 2,4-pentanedionate [CH3COCH=C(O-)CH3]3Ir 15635-87-7 Iridium (III) bromide IrBr3·XH2O Iridium (III) chloride IrCl3·3H2O 13569-57-8 Iridium (III) chloride, anhydrous IrCl3 10025-83-9 Iridium (IV) bromide IrBr4 7789-64-2 Iridium (IV) iodide IrI4 7790-45-6 Iridium (IV) oxide IrO2·2H2O 30980-84-8 08.03.2005 Iridium (IV) oxide, anhydrous IrO2 12030-49-8 Iridium black, 99.8% (metals basis) 7439-88-5 Iridium potassium cyanide K3Ir(CN)6 20792-41-0 Iridium powder 7439-88-5 Lithium tetrachloroaurate (III) LiAuCl4·XH2O Lithium tetrachloropalladate (II) Li2PdCl4 15525-45-8 Lithium tetracyanoplatinate (II) Li2Pt(CN)4·XH2O Magnesium tetracyanoplatinate MgPt(CN)4·XH2O Osmium (III) chloride OsCl3·3H2O 13444-93-4 Osmium (VIII) oxide OsO4 20816-12-0 Osmium powder 7740-04-2 Palladium (II) 2,4-pentanedionate Pd(C5H7O2)2 14026-61-4 Palladium (II) acetate, trimer [Pd(C2H3O2)2]3 3375-31-3 Palladium (II) bromide PdBr2 13444-94-5 Palladium (II) chloride PdCl2 7647-10-1 Palladium (II) chloride, solution PdCl2 7647-10-1 Palladium (II) cyanide Pd(CN)2 2035-66-7 Palladium (II) iodide PdI2 7790-38-7 Palladium (II) nitrate Pd(NO3)2·XH2O Palladium (II) nitrate, solution Pd(NO3)2 10102-05-3 Palladium (II) oxide PdO·H2O 64109-12-2 Palladium (II) oxide, anhydrous PdO 1314-08-5 Palladium (II) potassium thiosulfate K2Pd(S2O3)2·H2O Palladium (II) sulfate PdSO4·2H2O 13566-03-5 Palladium (II) sulfate, solution PdSO4 13566-03-5 Palladium (II) sulfide PdS 12125-22-3 Palladium (II) trifluoroacetate Pd(O2CCF3)2 42196-31-6 Palladium black 7440-05-3 Palladium hydroxide Pd(OH)2 12135-22-7 Palladium oxalate PdC2O4 57592-57-1 Palladium powder 7440-05-3 Pentaamminechlororhodium (III) dichloride [RhCl(NH3)5]Cl2 13820-95-6 Pentaamminechlororuthenium (III) dichloride [RuCl(NH3)5]Cl2 18532-87-1 Platinum (II) 1,1,1,5,5,5-hexafluoro 2,4-pentanedionate Pt(CF3COCHCOCF3)2 65353-51-7 Platinum (II) 2,4-pentanedionate Pt(C5H7O2)2 15170-57-7 Platinum (II) bromide PtBr2 13455-12-4 Platinum (II) chloride PtCl2 10025-65-7 Platinum (II) iodide PtI2 7790-39-8 Platinum (IV) bromide PtBr4 68938-92-1 Platinum (IV) chloride PtCl4 13454-96-1 Platinum (IV) iodide PtI4 7790-46-7 08.03.2005 Platinum (IV) oxide PtO2·H2O 12137-21-2 Platinum (IV) oxide,
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