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Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

1-4-1908 Santa Fe New Mexican, 01-04-1908 New Mexican Printing Company

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Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing Company. "Santa Fe New Mexican, 01-04-1908." (1908).

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f which, in 1907, amounted to three and cruiTU uii t feen OF a half times that in the yenr 1900, indl eating a tremendous growth In the ITS NEEDY VETERANS ACQUITS outside circulation of local newspa pers. The weighing of the mails dur I Nashville Chapter of United Confeder- ing the past six months shows that WRECKED LAW ate Veterans Opposes Proposed LOU POKE there were mailed at the local post- II Pensioning By Uncle Sam. PEHIE offlce during the past year more than 150,000 pounds of letters, papers and Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 4. At a meet- parcels, and the count of the different At- ing last night of Frank Cheatham Bi- Great Growth in classes of mall, indicates that the loc- Bold Robbery Militia in Control vouac, United Confederate Veterans, a Verdict: Not al postofflce handled last year, in dis- resolution was adopted requesting the in Re- patch, receipt and transit, almost five tempted in Kansas of Indiana southern representatives in Congress Surprise to Receipts million pieces of mail matter, or about to do all in their power to defeat the Years half a million pounds of mail mat proposed pensioning of confederate Defense cent ter. City City soldiers by the governemt. The resolu- tion says in part: DESPERATE THIEVES "We do not need the pa'ternity of the REFLECTS PROSPERITY EXPLOSIONJAUSEO PANIC STRIKERS CEASE RIOTING government. We consider It the duty END OF FAMOUS CASES SLAY PATROLMEN of the respective states, formerly composing the Confederate States of Report of Postmaster Paul Two Chicago Officers Shot to Death Patron Who Crowded Cor- Pretence of Has America, to care for the worthy needy Proceeding Troops Confederate soldiers out of their state Against Moyer A. F. Walter an Interes. While In Pursuit of Organized ridors Made Mad Effec- Gov Will Gang of Yeggmen. Rush Quieting t- treasuries as many are now doing with Now Likely be ting Document. for Street. ernor Acts Promptly. great liberality." Dismissed. Chicago, Jan. 4. While City Detec tive William R. Mooney was lying on Postofflce in Kansas 4. A 4. com- FEARFUL MARINE 4. receipts any locality his death bed in a local hospital last City, Jan. bomb was Muncie, hid., Jan. Twelve Boise, Jan. After fourteen hours' are considered a Index exploded in the basement of of and one deliberation a generally good night, just after Identifying the thief the mag panies infantry battery are DISASTER FEARED verdict of not guilty was of the business of the com- nificent three-stor- y marble of here Gov- reached activity who shot him down Thursday, Patrol building gathering under orders from today by the Jury trying This is true to a the First National Bank, corner nf to dur-i- g Trans-Atlanti-c George A. munity. only certain man Michael Callahan, while on a hunt ernor Hanley maintain peace Canadian Steamer With Pettlbono, vice president of extent at Santa Fe for the Santa Fe Tenth and Baltimore in the of em- the. Western Federation for the two companions of Mooney's streets, the strike the street railway 400 Souls on Board, Long of Miners, handles more ofTlcial In business center of the with postofflce mail assailant, met the same fate. city, shortiv ployes." Cars are now running and Overdue, charged complicity in the to its than oth- after noon today, dam- were no murder of proportion receipts any Like Mooney he accosted a group of causing great there disturbances today. Frank A in age. Elbert Ward, a neero norter. was hart er office the United States excepting men on a street corner ana in The arrival of the state troops Portland, Me., Jan. 4. Another hope Steunenberg. The verdict was but to re- seriously Injured and two bank clerks a most effect on the strik- Pacific brought Into 1:15 Washington, strange say, quired into their business, when, with- quieting that the missing Canadian court at o'clock this ceives no credit for this official mat- were hurt, but not ers. Soldiers were on board No out 'the least warning one of them shot seriously. placed steamer Mont Royal with four hundred morning. demonstration of any ter handled either in its or Explosion Caused a Panic. cars as and detachments tow- kind marked receipts and mortally wounded him. Callahan guards large passengers and its crew might be the reading of the verdict In the of its salaries and mere were two hundred and were stationed at the car as ar- which made adjustment wounded the companion of his assail fifty barns, ed into port was dissipated on the Pettibone a free man af- of in the bank at the ter two allowances. The official weighing ant and held him until assistance ar persons time of the threats had been made to dynamite rival here today of the Allan Line years of imprisonment await- a the mails during the past six months rived. explosion and they made ttild scram the latter. The public welcomed the steamer Hungarian. As the Hun- ing trial. The defendant, pale and disclosed ble for the street. An de of the as the situation Glas- the fact that the free penalty All the members of the two gangs investigation coming troops garian was twenty days out from emaciated, merely smiled as he heard be- matter sent from the Santa Fe velopetl that the bomb had been had become almost unbearable the verdict. He was sur-- " postof- whom Mooney and Callahan encounter plac gow and a week overdue the shipping immediately flce exceeded the weight of all third ed in the toilet room of the basement cause of the serious rioting. It is London were led to believe rounded by his ed, have been captured. circles of attorneys and friends, and fourth class matter taken togeth- twenty feet from the main vault. The not known how long the troops will in with Mont who showered him with Mooney died early today. she had fallen the Royal congratula er. Neverheless the local postofflce building was shaken as if by an earth remain. , which left Antwerp on December 7th tions. is the third in point of receipts in New quake. Governor Declares City Under Martial bound for St. John, but no trace of All night the jury stood ton for ac- " Mexico, being surpassed only by Albu EARL OF YARMOUTH Robbery Motive For Deed. Law. the Mont Royal was seen by the Hun quittal and two for conviction. Thero querque and Roswell, and it shows a CONTEST ACTION The police are of the opinion that Indianapolis, Jan. 4. Governor carlan. The Allan Liner had a hard was no change until the final ballot. WILL law steady growth every year, which indi- the motive for the outrage was rob Hunl(y today issued a martial passage, due to heavy headwinds. President Moyer, awaiting trial on a cates a similar growth in the volume bery, the perpetrators, hoping to shat proclamation, placing Major General like charge will be released from ball Countess' Suit to Annual Marriage of business transacted in the city. ter the bank's vaults and during the McGoe in complete control of the city this afternoon and probably never will Promises to Develop Into Battle SHEEP SANITARY In the year 1900, there were only excitemen't following, to make a big of Muncie. be tried. The indictment against Jack

. Royal. 1o five names upon the payroll of the pos-offic- haul. There is no clue as who com BOARD IN SESSION SImpklns, who is a fugitive from jus- today there are fifteen names. In mitted the outrage. tice, will stand. London. Jan. 4. Solicitors of the FOREST SERVICE TO 1900, the expenditures outside of the Important Business Comes Before An Verdict of Acquittal Not a Surprise. Earl of whose wife was 4. postmaster's salary were $5,121.50; Yarmouth, LEND ASSISTANCE nual Meeting at Albuquerque uenver, Jan. But few persons Miss Alice of SPLENDID ADVERTISING last year they were twice as much, formerly Thaw, Pltsburg, Today. were in the office of the Western Fed- who has suit for a nullification $10,012.42. The total expenditures in begun FOR NEW MEXICO Chairman of Board of Con eration of Miners in this city today of have given notice that Hopewell when news these seven years were $78,055.94, her marriage, trol of As- Albuquerque, N. M., Jan. 4. The an the of the acquittal of to the action. Irrigation Congress Vice most of it for salaries which were ex they propose oppose Denver and Railroad sured of Its nual meeting of the New Mexico President Pettibone of that org Lewis and of the famous firm Support. pended in Santa Fe in greater part. Lewis, Adopts Unique Plan Which is Sheep Sanitary Board was held here anization was received. No demonstra which Sir Lewis The postal receipts in 1900 were of solicitors of George Bound to Have Good Results. In the office of Harry tion was made. Ernest Mills, acting Is Delegate Andrews is interesting today Secretary In 1907 they were $14,747.27. the best known lawyer in England, F. Lee. There was a full attendance of secretary, is the only officer of the countess. himself in helping Chairman W. S In 1900 there were sold 462.349 stamps, the head, will represent the The of members as follows: Solomon Federation in this city. He said the passenger department the Hopewell of the Board of Control of the cards and envelopes"; Insanity previous to marriage, Denver Rio of acquittal had been expected as there postal stamped and Grande railroad in ad t lie National Con Luna, president; Charles Schleter, In of the marriage relation coming Irrigation was not a of evidence connect- last year there were sold 721,503. dftlon to publishing and distributing a at to mane the af Clayton; Harry W. Kelly, of Las Veg particle transactions or an existing marriage, are the only gress Albuquerque Amarilla ing Pettibone with the to 1900, the money order mass of valuable Illustrated literature fair a success and a memorable and as; T. D. Burns, Jr., of Tierra conspiracy to In 1907, grounds upon which the English law on kill Governor or a gen- amounted $152,219.37; they the country through which its lines event for New Mexico. and Elza White, of Roswell. The board Steunenberg to To It provides that a marriage may be an- particular eral the foes of the amounted $313,615.06. put in Colorado, New Mexico and In accordance witn the of transacted considerable Important bus conspiracy against nulled. request miners' union. He said he more graphically. Utah run, has through its on iness, chief of which was a serious in anticipated Chairman Hopewell, he has called that the case now .. 1900, employes, 5; 1907, employes, General Passenger Agent S. K. Hooper to fraction of the dipping regulations in pending against Chief Forester Gilford Pinchot aid would ; 1900,' $9,803.30; and of were President Moyer be dropped. 15; postal receipts, "FRATS" IN CHICAGO Assistant General Passenger Ag about furnishing further explanation which a large number sheep IQftT rvnetol raootnta 414 747 27! 1900. ent Frank A. ' from Colora Wadleigh adopted a;;, 'he congress and for distributing brought Into the territory order SCHOOLS DOOMED au .money business, $152,219.37; another very unique plan ot advertis literature regarding the conditions do, the owner having eluded tne PLACED IN PRISON 1907, money order business, $313,615.-C6- ; ing which has been in vogue for the and resources of the national forests thorities and so far succeeded In keep President of Board of Education Would FOR SAFEKEEPING 1900, expenditures, $7,224.56; 1907, past year and will be continued here New will be ing the infected animals in the terri Prohibit Secret Societies of of Mexico. This request expenditures, $12,412.42. after as great benefits have already as the letter demon tory. Kind. granted following Hernandez Alias Hera in Postmaster's Arty been derived from it. strates: Lopez Brought Interesting Figures From Bernalillo Cou- It is the furnishing of photographs 'The Hon. Wm. H. House of Yesterday Report. Andrews, CLERK Convicted of Murder. 4. Otto C. of the scenery the road and the D. C. NEW CHIEF ntyWas Other figures may be Chicago, Jan. Schneider, along Representatives, Washington, Interesting sections to it for lantern from the annual report of president of the Board of Education, tributary "Sir C. S. Chapman has just call AT PENITENTIARY gleaned slides which are rn exhibitions Juan Hernandez, alias Lo Postmaster Paul A. F. Walter. There of this city, it was announced today, used ed my attention to your request that Benjamin at the next and lanterns of the American Lantern pez, who was convicted of murder In were Issued during last year, 7,085 do- will introduce a resolution the forest service supply W. S. Hope Captain Burbank Succeeds F. C. Bope board the Slide of the pho vico the second degree at the recent term mestic money orders, amounting to meeting of that prohibiting Exchange. Employes well, president of the Irrigation and Has Entered Upon Discharge ana bureau of 'the de of court in Bernalillo county, and $50,784.41 and the fees on which were further existence of fraternities tographic passenger Congress, with such exhibit material of Duties. and views and sentenced to a term of years in $407.89. The New Mexican ventures societies in the city high schools, partment take pictures, (maps, publications and forest pic ninety in such societies them and turn them be in con the penitentiary, was brought here to say that most of this money was making membership artistically turos) likely to of interest Captain William A. Burbank, form of the over to the Denver Athletic club to be held con yesterday from Alouquerque by Depu- sent to city department stores aud grounds for the expulsion pupils nod ion with the congress erly an officer in the Philippine schools. which sends them to the American in next I am sure in the ty Sheriff J. A. Montoya. Hernandez one-fift- h of the total from the city Superintendent Albuquerque year. stabulary force, who arrived only In- has been in the for sent Cooley Is strongly In favor of the pro- Lantern Exchange which exchange Mr. PlnchotfnB has been his custom, city about a month ago from Manila, placed prison amount out of Santa Fe annually safe the review of to business houses that know how to posed action, as it is claimed it will bo cludes them in "the slides it furnishes will be very glad to have the forest has been appointed as chiet. clerk in keeping pending with a score of state de- all over the country. service all the it can his case by the Territorial Supreme advertise liberally, while the majority in direct line give assistance the office of the territorial peniten made In a recent lot sent to the of our Court an appeal to the higher tribun- of local business men neglect adver- cisions and state enactments exchange in this matter. Doubtless such tiary and entered upon the discharge twenty-fou- r fine views of al having been granted. tising altogother or advertise parsi within the past three years. there are publications as would be of interest of his duties as such on January l. New Mexico scenery. These will be in sufficient po- moniously as If advertising as a busi can be supplied numbers, Frank C. Bope who has held the shown in hundreds of towns in the for local as well months has ness-gette- r were an possibly distribution sition for several past GOVERNOR CURRY only experiment MATTERS and Instead of a well proven fact, as Is dem OFFICIAL country during the coming year as for display. We can also lend the gone to Las Vegas where he resided bound to attract much favorable-attentio- some or one hundred to the ON SICK LIST onstrated by the quarter million do- are congress eighty prior to coming here accept especially of people who will very attractive forest llars sent out of Santa Fe annually in Notaries Public transparencies prison clerkship. Appointed. visit the Great Southwest this which I feel sure would be of Unable to Be at Executive Office To- response to advertisements. There year great Governor Curry yesterday appointed for recreation and for Interest. I should like much in day Owing to Severe Cold But were paid last year, 7,786 domestic for sightseeing, very TRANSMUTATION OF R. B, Willlson, of Encino, as a notary health and also as a num- the to talk this matter over MADE POS8IBLE. Expects to Be Out Monday. money orders amounting to $120,801.-37- , scientists, meantime, METALS public of Torrance county. of the views Cliff Dwell- with as are a number of considerably of this representing ber represent you there Governor Curry today appointed Wil Indian Pueblos and archaeologic should be discussed. If Governor Curry was confined to his money brought Into Santa Fe by ings, points that Chicago, Jan. 4. That the chang liam F. A. Giercke of Carrizozo as a al - '. will let me know where I can home today suffering with a severe healthseekers. There were issued only objects. you ing of elemental metals into one an public of Lincoln county. call I should be to do cold which he has so far been unable 140 foreign money orders, mostly to notary upon you, glad other is now possible was the startling Articles of Incorporation. so. to shake off, and at the advice of his France, amounting to $2,814.14, and Very respectfully, claim made yesterday by Professor The following articles of incorpor- "BIG STICK" FALLS Signed) "GEO. u. SEEDWOU'L-- , physician will remain indoors until the fees to $24.56. There were paid " Herbert N. McCoy of the University of ation been filed In the office of Monday. The governor contracted 34 from have IN IDAHO STATE "Dendrologist." at a final of the Am- foreign money orders, mostly Territorial Nathan Jaffa: Chicago meeting the cold on his recent junket over England, amounting to $532.11. There Secretary erican Association for the advance Rltch Cattle Company. Principal Sur- BLOODY TONG WAR the Eastern Railway of New Mexico were received $95,751.68 of surplus President Requests Resignation of ment of science. The study of radium of business at the Agua Seca CALLED OFF and to points in southeastern New from order offices, In place veyor General at Boise Incompet- FINALLY he is to about money mostly near Otero county. declared, likely bring Mexico. Instead of improving it has Taos and Rio Arriba counties. There ranch, Tularosa, ency the Cause. a solution of the of Territorial Watson L. Ritch, of complete problem been growing worse, and much as he were received from money order drafts agent, San Francisco, Jan. 4. One of the transmutation all but stock $140,000, di- already dislikes to be housed up the gover- Tularosa. Capital 4. bloodiest of wars this county ev ' $35,600. , of the Washington, Jan. President tong nor has been forced to submit, so as vided into four hundred shares er saw which seven Great Amount of Mail Matter Handled - live- Roosevelt has requested the resigna- originated years to be recovered in time for par value of $100 each. Object, over a Chinese and in which entirely There were handled during 1907 Period of tion of Ernest C. Eagleson, surveyor ago girl 'INCUBATOR BABY" CASE his to stock raising and farming. have been proposed trip Washington. a total of 20,270 letters and general of Idaho. This announcement over fifty persons killed, THROWN OUT OF COURT registered existence, fifty years. Incorporators, in- Of these 7,170 were was made at the White House today and more than double that number parcels. register- Watson L. Rltch, Lessie Morris Ritch, JAPANESE FLOCKING were de- Senator who said there jured, was declared off at a meeting ed at the local office; 10,000 bo'th of Olive Joy Laderer, by Heyburn, Topeka, Kans., Jan. 4. In a decision INTO VANCOUVER. Tularosa; - of the various tongs held at livered at the local office and 3,100 Kan- was general dissatisfaction with Eagle- yesterday Pollock of United J. F. Laderer, both of McPherson, rooms of six in this today, Judge the were recorded In transit. There were son's administration of his office and, the companies 4. sas, and Nellie Rltch Scudder, of Hunt- States circuit court accounced that his Vancouver, B. C, Jan. The unex- let- had also been made by the city. sent to the dead letter office, 2,100 New York. complaint court had no Jurisdiction in the fam- plained arrival of three hundred Jap- ington, interior He indicated j ters and parcels, on account of Insuffic- department. ous "Incubator baby" case. This leaves anese here yesterday and the prospect be- there would be a general cleaning out PQSTOFFICE ESTABLISHED AT ient postage, Illegible address or the child in charge of Mrs. Charlotte of an Influx of an additional thousand JURY IN CASE OF of the employes in the office of the MIAMI, COLFAX COUNTY, cause uncalled for. This seems to bo Bleakley, its mother. Mrs. James within the next month from Honolulu not CALEB POWERS DISAGREES general at Boise. an indication that people are near surveyor Barclay to whom the child was given are features of the Oriental situation mail as careful about addressing their Delegate W. H. Andrews has recom- by adoption at the World's Fair at St. here. Officers of the Asiatic Exclusion deliv- 4. as they should be. There were Georgetown, Ky Jan. The Jury STEAM SHOVELERS WILL mended the establishment of a post- Louis, will appeal to the United States League are much perturbed. So far no ered during the year 672 special de- in the case of Caleb Powers charged VOTE ON NEW WAGE SCALE offlce at Miami, the new town just be- supreme court. action has been taken by the police sent out Governor livery letters and there were with the murder of former ing established by the Miami Ranch toward disarming the Japanese. It Is dur- William E. was dismissed at 568 such letters. There were sold Goebel, Chicago, Jan. 4. The International company, eight miles west of Spring- RUSHING WORK ON NEW said there are over one thousand fire- one-cen- t noon unable to ing the year 146,876 stamps, today, being agree. Association of Steam Shovelers and er, Miss Cora L. Wampler has been L LINE arms in the Japanese section. The was out almost 48 hours. or three times as many as in 1900, this jury Dredgemen decided yesterday at its recommended for postmaster. The increase being caused in greater part annual convention to send Secretary Miami Ranch company is an adjunct Chicago, Jan. 4. Before April 1, the BRYAN ON RETUR N by the souvenir postal card craze ; The New Mexican rrlntlng Com' T. J. Dolan to Panama to investigate of the Farmers' Development com- Pacific Coast extension of the Chicago, HOME FROM SOUTH there were sold last year 351,731 two-cen-t pany Is prepared to furnish caids de the labor conditions in the canal none. pany, which latter company is now Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad will Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 4. William Jen stamps; 15,916 stamps of higher vlslte for ladles and for gentlemon on The object is to obtain data on which constructing reservoirs and ditch sys- be completed to Butte, Montana and nings Bryan is expected to reach here denominations; 24,850 postal cards; short notice In first class style at reas- to base a new wage scale to be voted tems on a tract of 12,000 acres which through train service established. It is next Monday. He will address the Dem'' and 178,439 stamped envelopes. The onable prices, either engraved or on next April. it owns in the Rayado valley. expected that trains can be run ocrats at a banquet in Omaha on Mon greatest increase has taken place In printed. Call on the New Ifeilcaa through to Seattle, Washington, early day evening and then leave for Chica the receipts of newspaper postage, Printing' Company. ' umixk W oqjjosqng Advertising pays. Try It and sea. in 1909. go. PAGE TWO SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1903.

THE LOCATION OF THE PRESBY- PROFESSIONAL CARDS SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN. TERIAN SANATORIUM. The selection of a location for the ATTORN EYSATXAW. Presbyterian sanatorium In New MAX. FROST, THE FIRST BAJVI THE NEW MEXICAN PRINTING COMPANY, PUBLISHERS. Mexico has been postponed for Attorney at Law. jUATIOpL the time being. This is right. Santa New Mexico MAX FROST, Editor. JOHN K. STAUFFER, Sec'y-Trea- Ft The proposition Is an important OF SANTA FE. . EDWIN F. COARD, City Editor. one and should bo thoroughly can G. W. PRICHi .iD, vassed from a cllmatological and Attorney and Counselor at Law. The oldest In Entered as Second Class flatter at tho Santa Fe Postofflce. health standpoint. It goes without sue Practices in all the District Courts banking institution New Mexico. Established In 1870. cessful contradition that this city and gives special attention to ca3e RUFUS J. PALEN, President. JOHN H. VAUGHN, Cashier. stands at the head of the list. Take it beforo tho Territorial Supreme Court RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily, six months, by mail 3.7" LEVI A. HUGHES, Vice President. ALFRED H. BRODHEAD, all the year around the Santa Fo val Office: BIk., Santa Fe, N. M. Daily, per week, by carrier $ .20 Weekly, per year 2.00 the best and most Assistant Cashier. Daily, per month, by carrier 75 ley possesses equal mm six months 1.00 able loss to sudden BENJAMIN M. Daily, per month, by mail C5 Weekly, i. ... climate, subject READ, with a at Law. Daily, per year, by mail 7.00 Weekly, per quarter 75 changes, lower velocitv of Attorney wind, with more sunshine, with the Santa Fe, New Mexico. Capital 8tock, 1150,000. Surplus and Undivided Profits 3,60i. OFFICIAL PAPER OF SANTA FE COUNTY. proper amount of humidity than any Office: Sena Block. Pa!ac Avenue. other town in tho territory. Next to Transacts a general banking business In all Its branches. Loans Santa Fo stands Silver City in Grant WILLIAM H. H. LLEWELLYN, Meican . oldest in New Mexico. It la sent to ev Tho New the newspaper county. There are other considerations Attorney at Law. money on the most favorable terms on all kinds of personal and col. ery in the and has a large and growing circulation however which A dona- Laa New Mexico. postofflce Territory, may govern. Cruces, lateral security. Buys and sell s bonds and stocks in all markets for among the and progressive people of the Southwest. tion of land In all likelihood will be of- United States District Attorney. utelllgent Its customers. fered by other places and hence San- Buys and sells domestic and foreign exchange and ta Fe and fortunately it has a number A. W. POLLARD, makes telegraphic transfers of money to all ports of the civilized of property owners and public spirited Attorney at Law. world on as liberal terms as citizens should bestir itself. Unfortun- District Attorney, Luna County. are given by any money transmitting . ately the number of these is not as Demlng New Mexico. agency, public or private. Interest allowed on time deposits at the as It should large be. rate of three cent on six months' or term. EDWARD C. WADE, per per annum, year "COAL MINING ACCIDENTS." NEW MEXICO AND NEVADA. If troops of tho United States were Attorney at Law. Liberal advances made on cons Ignments of live stock and products. The catastrophe in the Bernal coal The New York a in the and Dis- Evening Sun, very "marching through Georgia" these Practice Supreme The bank executes all orders of its in the and mine at Carthage on Tuesday last in influential and and Courts of in patrons banking line, bright newspaper, days they would have to do it "dry." trict the Territory, the which a dozen men lost their lives and not at all to the ambitions Courts and before U. 9. aims to extend to them as liberal treatment In all as It unfriendly Georgia has adopted a prohibition law Probate the respects, others were badly injured and crippled of tlio of this to at- General and U. S. Land pbupte territory and it is being enforced. Surveyor with safety and the principles of sound banking. Safety De- calls attention to the fact 'ihat New tain is of tho Offices. Las N. M. statehood, opinion that Despite the fact that no free passes Cruces, Mexico coal mines have had, consider- the recent disturbances In posit boxes for rent. The patronage of the public Is respectfully Goldfleld, except to railroad employes and oflic- - their but few of these fear- C. ing extent, Nevada, with the professed inability nls who are entitled to them and to E. ABBOTT, ful accidents. But even the few are of the state to at Law. government maintain a lot of alleged railroad who Attorney too law to attorneys in District and Su many. and order protect property and are not entitled to them were issued Practices the The record of the country at large to to men tho preme Courts. ana careful guarantee laboring right during the year 1907, passenger traff- Prompt regarding accidents in coal mines and to work when, where and for such attention given to all business. ic, according to reports especially in in coal workings, however, is an awful wages as chose and the puciliau-imon- s Santa Fe New Mexico. they the Southwest has up remarkably one, and it is estimated that course of Governor kept during Sparks, will well and of course tho railroads have the year closed over 7,000 deaths hurt the chances of this for A. B. RENEHAN, THE PALACE HOTEL just territory been the gainers financially. The in- in such have occurred. admission, ns it will lie in Practices in the Supreme and Dis catastrophic brought up terstate commerce law, it must be ad- The New York Sun under the head Contross that New Mexico like Neva- - trict Courts. Mining and Land Law mitted by even the most intense rail- WILLIAM' P ing, "Coal Mining Accidents," shows :tla would ! unable and un a Specialty. Office in Catron Block, VAUGHN, opt. probably road interest advocates has some good this awful situation in a clear and willing to maintain the of Santa Fe, N. M. - e supremacy points after all. cqneise way, taking the facts which It the law and peace and order discusses from an official within its dominions. CHAS. F. EASLEY. editorially It may Clovls. tho new town in Roosevelt One of Best report Issued recently by the Geologic- be argued that New Mexico (Late Surveyor General.) the Hotels in the West county, is evidently rapidly forging to al Survey of the United States for the would bo too weak and too Attorney at Law. the front, and . assuming important Fe Cuisine Tabic year 1007. According to this editorial poor and If a state in cases of emerg- Santa New Mexico... and Service Unexcelled. proportions. There is quite a' lively Land and Business the report just Issued by the Geologic- ency would set up tho claim now made Mining a Specialty. fight for tho appointment of postmast- al Survey in its Bulletin No. 333 on by Nevada and its governor. The Even- Large Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. er, the office having become vacant by GEORGE B. the causes and prevention of coal min- ing Sun is mistaken in its premises. BARBER, the resignation of the present iiicnm- - and Counselor at Law. ing accidents is a timely contribution New Mexico today contains over 400,-00- 0 Attorney iont. Postofiiccs are not sought unless Lincoln, Lincoln New Mexico. to the subject. Last year nearly 7,000 people. Nevada today has not cer- County, Santa Fe, New Mexico Avenue they are "a good In addition Practice in the Court and Washington men were killed or injured in our coal tainly over 00,000. New Mexico has a thing." District Clovis is situated in a section where it Supreme Courts of the mines. In the first seventeen days of well organized National guard system Territory, has been demonstrated that agricul- Prompt Attention Given to All last month H00 lives were lost, and and could put five good companies of tural crops of wheat, milo maze, kaf Business. the death roll of 1007 is expected infantry and one troop of cav- fir corn, millet, broom corn, and veg- to exceed that of 100G. In the opinion alry on duty within a rea- etables can be raised without irriga- FRANK W. CLANCY, of the men who wrote this report the sonable period to protect life tion but by dry farming. It is also to Attorney at Law. appalling casualty list is chiefly the and property, if necessary. It has bo an important point on the Eastern District Attorney for Second Judicial result of inadequate measures to re- also a mounted police force which, of New Mexico. Clovis is gel-tin- District. duce the although small in numbers, consists of Railway dangers. on. Practices in the District Court and The which is men under the orders of the report, only prelimin- picked die Supreme Court of the summarizes the result of studies these men would do Territory: ary, governor and also before tho United States made this five members of the their and and The El Paso Herald calls attention Supreme year, by duty promptly fearlessly Court In Washington. in states and territories at time would overcome a mob of to the fact that Arizona newspapers survey several any Albuquerque, New Mexico. relative to the causes and prevention a hundred or more. are now holding up New Mexico as a of such Later bulletins are "shining example." It says: accidents. In addition during the past sixty H. B. HOLT, on same "What what has happened? Ari to be based the topic. years of its existence as a territory, Attorney at Law. doubt- zona newspapers are using New Mexi- The writer tells us that it is New Mexico has demonstrated that its Las Cruces, New Mexico, co as a shining example in urging the ful If the natural conditions for get- people are law abiding and believe in Practices ia the District Courts as amount people of Arizona to organize toy state- ting out coal with a minimum out provisions of the law. we'l as before the JBuprem' Court of carrying hood as New Mexico has done to put HOTEL of danger are as favorable in any oth- They favor a stable, effective and the Territory. B3y&332a& up money like New Mexico, and pre- er country as in the United States. In strong government. In years gone by IACOMJJ Si pare to fight like New Mexico. Surely GABkE, Proprietors. the leading coal districts tho beds are during Indian raids and troublous MARK B. THOMPSON the millenium is near." still thick, He In nearly horizontal posi- border ruffian times many a company Attorney-at-La- a great change for the American and Ef Plan. Commodious Rooms. Steam tions and provide almost Ideal condi- of militia and rangers was raised and Evidently District Atforney, Eighth District, ropean Sample better has como over the of the Room a tions for mining. Our mines are not used to off enemies that were spirit Dona Ana. Lincoln and Otero Heated. JJlechic Wghtcd. Every Good Ore. Short Order fight Arizona Score another for the troubled with fire damp to a greater more nnd as far as that is press. Department Open Day and Night. Prcfce thc Batton we do the rest. dangerous, Sunshine extent than those of other countries, concerned, far more courageous than Territory. Las Cruces New Mexicf and until recently we had an abund- any mob possibly could be. While the ant supply of cheap timber to reduce Evening Sun presents the situation in The Republican state committee of HARVIE DUVAL, Ihe number of accidents by adequate Nevada in a recent editorial fair- Ohio has resolved to submit tho ques- Attorney at Law. THE NEW MEXICO supports for roofs and sides. ly and it does New Mexico a tion of preference of Ohio Republican Laud, Mining and Corporation Law ex- ' clearly, But in' spite of these favorable con- great injustice which in all fairness it voters for a candidate for the Repub- clusively. Practice in all the District ditions coal mining in this country is should correct. lican nomination for the presidency to Courts and Supreme Court. Special COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE more a Well to or- becoming dangerous every year, Tho difference between New Mexico primary election. posted poli- attention perfecting titles and it has been made safer in ticians state that this movement will ganizing and land and min- although and Arizona Is simple. New Mexico as fluanclng other countries by the enforce- favor the .candidacy of Secretary of ing properties. AND MECHANIC ARTS. ., a state, judging from its past history, of War William H. Taft. Ohio Office, Laughlin Bldg., Santa N. M. ment, stringent regulations. and conditions, will be fully Republi Fe, More 'three times as present cans from all will stand than aMc to and will maintain the suprem appearances men to each thousand employ- by the secretary. H. M. DOUGHERTY, many acy of the law and protect OCTOBER 2UTH TO MARCH 1ST. ed killed in our mines as in those Attorney and Counsellor at Law. are tho lives and property of all citizens of some countries. The Practices in the Supreme and District A complete and thoroughly practical course of Instruction In Field European and that energetically and efficiently. Delegate W. H. Andrews is certain number of deaths a million tons of Courts of the Territory. In Nevada i't has been proven that the ly full deserving of the title of the suc- Crops, Dairying, Farm Machinery, Farm Mechanics, Fruit Growing, coal mined is not only grearer here Office, Socorro. New Mexico, state cannot do this, is not prepared cessful "pension getter." The records in but our death rate Is Vegetable Growing, Livestock and Elementary Agriculture, Cooking, than Europe, to do it and desiies to fall back upon show that he has done more In that while thru of Europe is di- CATRON & GORTNER. increasing, the United States to do it. line during the two years he has been Home Sanitation, Sewing, Fancy Needlework. , Law. r minishing. in office than have all the delegates be Attorneys and Counsellors, at -- favorable Block. The report descrnes the fore him since the Civil war, and what Catron FOUR months beginning October 28th. Prepared for those who of measures to o Santa Fe New Mexico. results in Europe BUSINESS OF THE SANTA FE Is more he is keeping up the good cannot attend school ii.e full but who are free effective year during November, the dangers, including RAILWAY FOR 1907. work. The delegate is one of the con and to one over for unfavorable a JOHN K. STAUFFER, December, February. Course open any fifteen precautions combating The business of the Atchison, Tope-k- gressmen who "got there." January for the use of Notary Public. conditions, regulations r.ud Santa Fe Railway, up to date years of age. and the compulsory use of Office with the New Mencaa Print explosives, the most Important railroad artery in The prohibition movement is tested We find at home ing Co., Santa Fe, New Mexico. For further information address, safety lamps. New Mexico, for the year 1907 despite and that rapidly. During 1907 tho that our dangers are increasing, for we and the financial flurry, the depression states of Georgia, Alabama, Mississip-o- f are beginning to work thinner and less ROMAN L. BACA, business during the past three jpt ami Oklahoma adopted seams, and the tendency Is to - Real Estate and Mines. LUTHER FOSTER, President regular was very gratifying and show- hibltion and in many other states local in less though half of Spanish Translator, Notary Public. put timbering, ed a considerable increase over the or higher licenses have been P. O.) Agricultural Collega, N. M. the deaths in our mines In 1906 were option Office Griffin Bldg., Washington previous year. George T. Nicholson.the ordained. It Is rather to no-thir- of roofs coal. singular Ave., uta N. M. due to the falling and vice-preside- of the road in Fe, tlce the strength the prohibition move- - The nationalities employed in - many of tramc ana wen anu iavorau- ment lias attained in the "solid South is an of charge OSTEOPATHY. our mines also element dang- lv known to many New Mexicans, DR. CHARLES A. FLAT : OPENING : BLANK :B00K er for often the miners cannot under- he visited fre WHEELON, which territory quite W. H. Taft In his recent stand one another or speak a word of was the lad Secretary Osteopath. quently when he climbing - of show speech in Boston declared that conser- No. 103 Palace Ave. -- " English and a few the miners aer. nuuuau r" v..,.4, in " ivatism does not mean opposition to all Successfully treats acute and chronic recklessness that should be restrained of the business of the freight showing mfeagureg of ref (lemanded by thc diseases without drugs or medicines by the most stringent regulations. the com-- 1 department. Indeed principal The gecreta ,g r, M c No for Consultation. The whole subject undoubtedly de- be there were no charge seems to that , , 2 2-- and plaint servallsm ln the w d, t, Hours: m., 5 p. m. 'Phone 158. mands thorough investigation, any in anu M&$ min- iu uua. T per and timely. In the wrong direction measures required to make ,coal motive and sufficient freight power t )fj plg.headedness. CONY T. ing as safe In this country as in any cars of all kinds to transact the busi-- 1 BROWN, other should be applied. unco nfforei and readv as raddlv and Mining Engineer. Governor Buchtel of Colorado has and Treasurer New Mexico mMm as safely as It should be done. A good Secretary ?&&' of El "mistaken to out m School of Mines. The New Year's edition the deal of the freight traffic of the road stamp gambling ' Socorrc . New Paso Herald is highly creditable. It nnmM f, MaW MAxleo and the local Centennial state. He has directed Mexico. district to take all is well illustrated and contains many business has not only not fallen off but attorneys possible ' 7 ' ' y vJ-''- and 10 oo so anu ui una A f articles concerning the conditions is steadily increasing. This shows well 8luP8 carry eneci CORBET SMYTHE, advancemet of the Southwest which fn,. th. tt.rrttr.rv nnd for the ra road. g mw ui uiu sum ei- Civil, Mining and Hydraulic Engineers, are very interesting and timely. The fectively and thoroughly, The result Assaying nd General Contracting, Herald is a paper that overlooks no ran not but be beneficial. U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyors. The Industrial Advertiser hereto- chance to say a good word for the ter- East side Plaza. Santa Fe, N. M fore at Albuquerque, has and its people. It deserves the published The people of New Mexico do not ritory hied itself to Las Cruces where it is (FRAY PATENT.) will of New Mexico, especially of nrnnntjQ trt tin nn iha Rffi'tclinnH DAVID W. WHITE, C. E. FOR NEW MEXICO. good in connection with a lt NEW MEXICAN PRINTING CO., SOLE MAKERS southern published journal flgM ,n any manner The ,nteregt tak. Late Territorial Engineer.) its portion. heretofore known under the name of en Is steadily Increasing and many citl- - Irrigation, Water Supply, Railroad Farm and Orchard. The Industrial Ad- WATCHES It Is a gratifying fact that the influx zens who have heretofore been some- and Bridge Building. DIAMONDS H vertiser was a exponent of Si- m ynWTZ f and homestead settlers lively what lukewarm are now rallying to Santa Fe, New Mexico, immigrants mon Democratic and into the Estanda valley is keeping no pure principles the support of the movement. It is l.a,vi.fact-ci.r- of Jeffersonian doctrines while in the Tested at a very satisfactory rate, what is almost unanimous. E. W. HART. RIGHT PRICES Eyea and settled there Duku City. In Las Cruces it may FILIGREE more the who have Architects. A1EX1CAN o people have to reform. RIGHT GOODS Fitted by Up-t- within the past two or three years The New Mexican Printing Com-an- Plans Specifications and Supervision, ' -- and who are going there now under Is headquarters for . engraved Address. RIQHT SERVICE JEWELERV - Dots Method stand conditions fully and are ready i The new year starts off well for Al cards de vlste in New Mexico. Get Rooms 6 and 6 Pioneer Bldg and willing to meet them, believing .buquerque. Seventeen saloons have 'our work done here and you will te East Las Vegas, CUT GLASS, CHINA AND SXVERWARI N M that success will attain their efforts, gone out of business. please in every particular. H 1L III Ban Fmnclsc Bt 8nta To, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1908. SANTA FB NEW MEXICAN. SANTA FE. N.31. PAGE THREE f . I- ,- TIMS TABLE ALL LINES. LAME EVERY MOMNINQ.

A Bad Back Is Always Worse In the SUN-LAN- Entering and Leaving 8anta re- MAGIC SPELL OF D Santa Fe People Are compiled According to Schedule Morning of Trains Now In Effect. Finding Relief. 1 1 a hnrk that aches all day and g Is jg SANTA FE CENTRAL. causes discomfort at night usually A NEW MEXICO IDYL. No. 1 Southbound leaves Santa Fe worse In the morning. Makes you El, at all. 1:40 p. m. feel as If ou hadn't slept No. 2. Northbound arrives Santa Can't cure a bad back until you Doan's Pills Ft 5:28 p. m. cure the kidneys. Kidney feel cure sick kidneys make you bet AN ALLEGORY THAT INTRODUCES A SUNRISE FROM THE TESUQUE work rest bettor and sleep DENVER A RIO GRANDE. ter, better, DIVIDE; A VISIT TO SNOWS ON PECOS BALDY; A No. 426. Eastbound 'eaves Santa better. SUNSET IN THE ; A MOONLIGHT SCENE ON Permanent cures In Santa Fe prove THE HAMILTON LANDSCAPES GIVE Mix --yJte-Z Fe 11 a. m. MESA; THAT GLIMPSES IN d rL Doan's. Ajl No. 425 Westbound arrives Santa the merit' of THE TAOS RANGE, OF THE NAMBE FALLS. THE SANTA CLARA IVriblo Rodrlaues. living at 110 CANON AND Fe 4 p. m. THE ENCHANTED MESA. Johnson Street, Santa Fe, N. M., says: "Prior to taking Doan's Kidney Pills A SANTA FE-L- a ATCHISON, TOPEK'i which I procured at Ireland s Phar Branch (Written By Mrs. W. H. Bartlett, of Santa Fe and Read Before the Fifteen my macy I suffered off and on for several Arrive Santa Fe Station. Club Published in the New Mexican at months with backache and pains Daily by Request.) No. 721 11:10 a. m 1 across my loins. Mornings when No. 723 6:50 m. p. would to work my back so dis No. 725 m. attempt 10:55 p. tressed me that often I would have Long, long ago, when the world out to the sunlit hills, gaze far across From Fe Station. Depart Santa to down to obtain relief. Finally was young, a beautiful fairy was sent the land and drink in the beauty. 720 m. sit Nj. 8:25 a. the became so constant that I from the realms of air to clothe the Drink deep, until the draught has No. 722 4:20 m. pain p. was not a moment without it I began earth in splendor and to prepare it filled thy heart. Then wilt thou have No. 724 T 7:40 p. m. Doan's Kidney Pills and in a as a nabitation ror man. She was a no need of galleries or libraries for No. 720 connects with Numbers 10 using short time was entirely csred." lovely fairy with a great, kind heart pictures. For memory has a wonder- and 2 and No. I west at east, limited, For sale by all dealers. Price 50 and she longed to make ot the earth ful pigment pot; imagination is a Lamy. cents. Foster-MUbur- n Co., Buffalo, a homo more beautiful than any that magical artist, and, in the long hours No. 722 connects with No. 1 west at New York, sole agents for the United had yet been made of star dust or when thou must sit alone, many are Lamy. States. world mint In the great firmament the pictures thy mind may paint "on No. 1 carries El Paso sleeper. Remember the name Doan's and about her. So she raised her magic the canvasses, wondrous canvasses 7 No. 724 connects with No. and 9, take no other. wand and made a vow: "To the that make up t ho sketch book of life. 4 8 eastbound. westbound, and and futhest ends of the earth I shall Sunrise From the Tesuque Divide. Jr 1 Jsf Line Via Oi ta Main Lamy, Legal blanks both English and travel," she said, "and whatever The City of the Holy Faith lay sleep No. 1 stops at all stations. nn1a O.inntalifrtr V hit tha Maot MatIoaii lands my' eyes shall see or my foot Ing under the soft white stars; the X- T- It 111 t .11 T " " I .t red-eye- i"1U. Will KWll Ut Oil Pnmnonv tread upon, I shall beautify with high, d moon, sank slowly to 11 . iuwu, onon 1 i. ,tl. mountains and lakes and rivers, with its bed, from an all-nig- trip from Santa Fe. gers Laxative Cough Syrup scenery such as no soul has yet across the sky; bright iu the azure 721 10:10 a. Kennedy's No. leaves Lamy at n 'nMa iinnn tYin TiAWftla n ml thArohv dreamed of. Even deserts and glacial blazed the morning star, forerunner and will not wait for No. 2 from out of Ule By9tm. ,'t wastes shall be glorified and vast sea of guy Phoebus, and crouched about vml contains no opiates- -It Is to stretches shall be made beautiful so the horizon were guardian mountains 7 ; r t . . . . pleasant lft from 7?"the south atd No. , rnnn"nillkA tnP that man may gaze about him and watching the aucient city as It slep"t. the east. - content children, Sold by The Ireland Pharm- be glad, so that he may be Xo sound dlsturbod the summer quiet IU. filled were ncy. to dwell for the short space allotted and the doors that the air I him. those of soft, languorous June. k Herewith are some offered June, Bargains 8TUDY THE MAP. by the New Mexican Printing Com- "HOI OY8TERSI HOI" Obedient to her vow she traveled Suddenly, from out the purple still- The natural on the New A., T. & S. F. Cut-of- f pany: Code of Civil Procedure of the The first of the season Just received far and wide. With her wand she ness came the souud of laughter, as point for the distribu- tion of ro-it- d freight, having the advantage of the easy and short Terltory of New Mexico, 1S97, fcheep at the only short ordei vast mountains and crags a band of merrymakers started up the grades to the East and West, and direct communication will all In Ter- bound, $1; paper bound, 75c; Mis- The Bon Ton, where they are and precipices, their feet bathed in road that leads to the divide. The points the house, ritory. souri Fleading forms, $5; Missouri being served to your taste. Call and the sea. Over their bosoms she incense of pine and cedar enveloped to Wholesale houses are coming to Wlllard as soon as the Cut off is Code Pleadings, $6; the two $10; be convinced. They handle A. Booth's draped wondrous waterfalls and wrap- them as they rode, stimulating open fr Surrounded by a fine The water in New Adapted to New Mexico Code, Laws New York oysters, which come In ped them about In velvet sward; tall acuteness their sense of beauty, and farming country. purest Mexico. The geographical center of Torrance and of New Mexico. The of New Mexico, 1899, 1901, end 1903, sealed cans. trees she raised and great stretches fit Ling them for the wonders they County water point on the great A., T. & S. F. short ilne New Mexico English and Spanish pamphlet, $2.25; of heath she planted round about.' She were about to behold. through star-dotte- d Wlllard Is a town. Willard Flexible-Cove- r and growing will make a the Ma full leather, $3; Sheriff's Notice to Our Customers. laid out meadows Soon the suy which had been like City. Study with sne For Information, cal on or address Pocket Docket, sing'e, $1.25; Wo are to announce that broidered bloom; gathered spangled sapphire began to scintillate pleased hollows of the land two or more books, $1 each; New Mex and Tar for coughs, blue lakes into the and grow pale. The stars closed Foley's Honey m-lie- s FRANK L. REAL ESTATE. lco Courts Nos. 3 and hemmed their borders wirn and sank away to dream- WALRATH, Supreme Reports, colds and lung troubles is not affected sleepy eyes N. to Inclusive $3.30 and with ferns. Wide rivers Lucifer was left blink- WILLARD, P. 10, each; Compila- by the National Pure Food and Drug land, till only trailed after her at her slightest to awake. tion Corporation Law3 75c; Compila- law as it contains no opiates or other ing hard and trying keep tion Di- wish; chasms cleft the earth; lavender-gray- , the Mining Laws, 50c; iloney's harmful drugs, and we recommend It great From sky changed of New Mp.iIco full wild fire mountains blazed up into of to sea-gree- n gest Reports, as a safe remedy for children and to ashes roses, pale feXXVK XXXXS XXXS KXXXX SXVXS XSVMS full scl ocl blanks. the and scene after scene of to cloth of A thin VX sxsxs sheep, $6.50; list adults. For sale by The Ireland sky and then gold. magic beauty was born wherever wraith in the east and form- Pharmacy. gathered she willed. Everywhere she laid ver- ed itself into a cloud that sailed with DeWltt's Carbollzed Witch Hazel Santa Fe Stable dure, trees, grasses and flowers until feather through the air. Livery Salve Is recommended for Subscribe for the Dall. New Mexi- - she lightness especially at last her work was finished and Now It Into baby clouds THEODORE COEIUCK Proprietor. Sold The can and the news. separated piles. by Ireland Pharmacy. get knew that man would be glad. hat hovered low near the mountain MMM One day, when her supply of beau tops, now It trailed Its d tiful things was almost exhausted, ribbons across the rose-lea- f sky, and BOARDING she stepped from her golden car and ever as it moved, It decked itsen with UVERV. AND FEED STABLE i beheld our great Southwest so vast jewels, pale sapphire, sparkling am- bathed iu It was and so alluring glo ber, or ruby, amethyst and pearl. FIR8T-CI.A8- FAYWOOD HOT SPRINGS S CARRIAOK8EKVTCB rious sunshine and over-arche- d with The trees and shrubs at the road- GOOD SADDLE HOR8K8 sky, that she almost regret- side began to take on new form. From - HEALTH-RESOR- T turquoise M j CELEBRATED ted having been so lavish with her shadowy nothings they evolved Into FINE R108 ji g trees and lakes and flowers. She had stem and branch and leaf. Strange, tree-top- s PHONE 132. 120 SAN FRANCISCO ST. IN THE SOUTHWEST only enough verdure left to clothe the muffled twitterings in the greatest heights, and barely enougn grew to lrd calls and the gay trium- water to sustain that verdure in Us phant songs of feathered creatures. greatest beauty. But she was not to Sweet odors were traced to flowing be she smiled a queer, that danced out from the beneficial and thor. overcome, plants The waters ot the Springs have proven very smile and said: and became live, enigmatical grayness growing I oughly efficacious In cases of Kidney troubles, Locomotor Ataxia, "A riddle I shall make of this land, things. am Sole Agent in this city for and a tonic for' Rheumatism, Gout, Neuritis, General Debility, perfect a riddle so profound that only a few But, see, a golden shaft Is Hung the of the human system, body and mind. shall guess its meaning. Only those from o'er the mountain, another, flash- "SCHWABS" First class hotel, with modern Improvements, at the Springs. who dream at eve when the shadows ing, follows in its train. A gleam, a are long and the night birds flit and a of and Rooms with bath If The greatest of care and attention given glare, burst glad effulgence Celebrated of required. whirr only those who stand on the lo! Phoebus has started Set Price Suits first-clas- gay. laughing first-clas- s and to suit. Miles of s to guests and invalids, fable heights and gaze long hours at the with his steeds across the sky. The and 25.00 roads in vicinity of Hotel and Spurlngs; carriages, buggies blue distance which calls and calls sun is up. Sing out ye happy birds, $(0.00 $15.00 $20.00 sadle horses furnished on application. and calls only those who weep In the fling out your odors lovely flowers, Is Fit and wear Sole "Crossetts" Men's 1st to twilight because the world sad, and everything that lives and breathes I guaranteed. agaut for I Climate of the best, especially from September June 1st II because sweet music hurts, and be bow down before the glorious god ot I Shoes, "Best on Earth." Please call and convinca ywuraelf. No Address for particulars and for circulars. cause rare causes nameless beauty day. trouble to show goods. II who I pain. 'Tls these and these alone, But look! what fairy scene Is this fathom because shall my great puzzle laid out before us, to north, to south, is such can all ADOLPH AN It only who penetrate and far to east and west? A thousand SEL1GM is sordid and can in the that glory hills in pink and yellow garments, like THOS. C. MD1RMOTT. of blue and shad beauty mists, purple stepping stones lead upward to the Hot New Mexico. ows and rejoice in the vibrant color Their Faywood Springs, Grant County, heights. sides are scarred with ly one of the most magnificent high- - upward, till finally one is conscious witn wnicn i snail DcuecK this my - aKge u cierts ana g ums wnere pur- , west. best beloved my land of sun way8 the The mountain seen-pi- that he has left all moving things be- land, snaaows piay at ntde nna seen, crv - here met is iipiintifni ho hind. No shine and romance and mystery,- my and on their crests, with mistletoe ! longer do tne woods throb of love chosen - umner land and beauty, my about them, hm rtarif.stnini in ""P"""- bmu lands, such with bird calls of chickadee, or tana-ge- r home." and low of Toward untoucne(1 forests, such verdant even the and the flickers cedars, growth. ' jays nieadow d 0J0 CALIEJSTE I0T SPRINGS. "I have no more rivers, nor lakes, the sun tnere rise majestic mountains stretches, are not to be sur-Ol- have been left behind and the squir- nor seas,' she added, "with which to Bald.v. Mosca and the Truchas: I)assed anywhere, while the wonder- - rels which on the lower levels were sun-kisse- d f,l! deck this I have not cloud-- 1 canon scenery so characteristic over are no- these Celebrated Hot 8prlngs are the world. The efficiency of these wat land; peaks, and far away like softly scampering everything, even material left to build ed Taos of owr mountains is here to he where to be seen. At as the located In the midst of the Ancient ers has been thoroughly tested by enough turquoise, the range and her, Bcky last, just well-rounde- d hills, but - shall level off sisters lie for blue so foun(l ln perfection. the timber line is reached, and as at Cliff Dwellings, twenty-fiv- e miles west the miraculous cures attested to In the yonder nearly Perhaps, just the and make vast d like a cloud a mist bathed greatest benefit the route will base of the last steep that of Taos, and fifty miles north of 8anta following diseases: Paralysis, Rheu- heights bank, brlngthe spring j to the residents of Bar-ane- mesas that shall advance and recede is within the state, New is Daldy makes, there opens out before Fe, and about twelve miles from a matism, Neuralgia, Malaria, Brlght's range, adjoining Mexico, In the like great Down the flows the Rio tnat 11 wl" make the Pecos a stretch and Station, on the Denver. & Rio Disease of the Kidneys, Syphilitic and quivering sunlight in valley upper 'us, broad, flat, grassy enchanted to beckon the travel Grande like beneath more accessible than It has been ever on its bosom is one of the Grande Railroad, from which point a Mercurial Affections, 8crofula, Catarrh, things gleaming gold gleaming or onward. I shall rear gaunt vege- the sun. Its western side is before. It would take volumes' to most lakes in all dally line of stages runs to the springs. La Grippe, all Femtle Complaints, eta rising table forms and cover them with flanked with dark crowned mesas describe the beauties of the forest re- - the Rockies. It is not but its The temperature of these waters Is etc. Board, lodging and bathing $2.50 large needles to protect them from the mov where only yucca and starved cactus serve which this route traverses and waters are of crystal clearness that from 90 to 122 degrees. Vha gases are per day; $15 per wetk; $50 per - I...... creatures that come to rob the green-taile- d ...... suf" volumes wouui ne wnony reflect as as a mirror the carbonic Altitude 6,000 feet. Climate month. Stage meets Denver trains ing grow, where lizards lu" accurately g stored In their i lor so snow-cappe- d and Fe re- juices creep at noon to sun theniselve-- end inadequate, tnere are many peak above. About its very dry .and delightful the year waits for 8anta train upon - leaves Bhall be clus- in Places to visit, so many gems of borders stand tall and at one round. There Is now a commodious quest. This resort Is attractive at all stalks; bayonet where, high the Impenetrable blue, pines ed about thick, stems, to forms circle all scenery to wonder at, that one side is a bit of marshland with butter- hotel for the convenience of Invalids, seasons and Is open all winter. Pas- thready strange bird day long, might guard the pearl like blossoms of the Shadows which a moment ago were spend a whole lifetime In admiration cups, elksllp and potentillas every- and tourists. People suffering . with sengers for OJo Callente can leave yucca, and the rod standing gray and dove-colore- have nnd tnen not naif encompass it. where. The of moving life consumption, cancer, and other con- Santa Fe at 9 a. m., and reach OJo changed through only sign thorny I shall make to blossom in the violet to and now throw One of the most are numerous deer tracks about tagious diseases, are not accepted. Callente at 4 p. m., the same day. deep purple Interesting points its desert. Barren rocks I shall scatter into strong relief the strange fantas-- on the reserve to visit is the summit rim and one can not help wishing These waters contain 1,686.24 grains Fare for round trip from 8anta Fa, to riv- over the hills and fever parched tic carvings that deck the sides of of Pecos Baldy a not visible these animals were not so shy and of alkaline salts to the gallon, being OJo Callente, $7.40. For further par 1 peak ers that starve and die of thirst, these mesas or "potreros" as they are from Santa Fe but one which occu- - that they had lingered to extend a the richest alkaline Hot Springs In tlculars, address. of shall place between long, lines called. Tier after tier, they recede pies a prominent place ln all Pecos welcome. drouth-curse- d horned to each a mesas; reptiles back the , scenery. From Windsor's the distance Now, comes the hardest part of the ANTONIO those with scales shall ill the a JOSEPH, Proprietor. and little higher, a little blner, a little less only eight miles and the trip is not trip for one must leave his horse be- brnz- - venom and over all a mesa or Ban shale-covere- K land with defined. Just ahead, the a imr(i 0ne. The trail starts un hind, and to climb that d : OJo Callente. Taos County, .M sweat en sun shall torture e'en the Ildefonso rears its dark menacing Jack's creek, crossing and mountain side witn the blood boom- land. But, moun- - from out the arid, desert form, like some great lodestone tnat pretty rivulet, skirting the brow ing at one's temples, with one's even with all these lungs oh shrink not, for tain lost in this valley. To tne ot Round mountain 10.000 feet in the ready to burst, and one's heart doing the my lana, mountains: withering forms, land, south are other blue air and leadinK un. un to wooded all sorts of unaccustomed things, is have I not and the d shall smile. For promised Sandla, the Cerrillos, ragged heights above. Across broad up-lan- no easy task. But there are compen- beautiful for the Into life to make all the earth Ortiz ranges, all springing meadows, "flats", the mountain folk sations, for the loveliest prim-ros- e of man? Today mounts lnv and haoDlness and color as the sun higher cali them where wild pinkg( gllias that grows is abloom here, tall moun- whose woof is blue-a- to the moun-scen- e weave a mattlc fabric In the l contributing and blue harebells grow; where tain larkspur as blue as a midnight 157 clsce is built of scene tan Fran ajtreei mystery and whose warp of wonder round us a tain cattle gather in wide-eye- d sur- - sky stands there In the shade, and of and with water- - onnheams. the beams morning not of Alpine splendor prise t0 ask lf the intruder brings before us is a snowbank as high This or just those of noon and those of night. falls and lakes, but one vibrant them salt; up bosky glens and through as a house. Shall we ever reach the land and fabric I shall lay over the color, beautiried by sun and shadow, far forest stretches, past marshes Ah, here we but before we of top? are, lo! It will become a thing beauty. by trembling veils of blue, with fleur-de-li- up, up look about us we must to rest Vfares of man ergr0Wn stop Indian and leiicso aim It shall be beyond the power glorified by the marvelous atmosphere cooi, nailt dells where colum-tha- t as we have done a dozen times al- Ms - trough shall with to ev- to describe. For who paint gives kaleidoscopic effects blneg swlng softiy tn th6 breeze; ready ln our climb. the or sunsmne. ' brush and pigments fairy beauty ery scene in this our land" wnere St. John's wort, phlox and Oh., what a death-lik- e stillness! No r Feather and Linen Drawn Work, Blankets, Baskets, nag, Wax, nf an nnal scene or who shall dip hia Midsummer Afternoon In Alpine mosa fjji cut hollow no Garnets and Other Qema. every deep flying thing, creeping thing, no Opals, Turquols, in liquid flame to 'paint In words Snows. withpjj ferns vio-- In Our pen rich bloom; past ajid living thing that moves only tha OUR MOTTO l T Havt the Beet of Everything Una. nav. thou - h iinnntntanlA? Nav. if The Scenic Highway leading from iets an(j mies, past roses and pente- whereof I go thou Is undoubted- - knowest not speak, Santa Fe to Las Vegas temon too on, on, the trail leads ever (Continued on Page Seven) PAGE FOUR JLNTA FE NEW MEXICAN, SANTA FE, N. M. SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1908.

5 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL 5 35WwsHvffE We extend to our many VV friends and a 1 1908. More than usual gayely marked the patrons 908 holidays In the Capital which have Just closed with a big list of dinner parties, receptions and dances, not to mention eevoral weddings which had been looked forward to with keen Very Happy $ Interest. Santa Fe has probably not WM, New Year been the scene of such festivity crowd Happy ed into one week since the gay days

wnen it was a I military post and the Lis Yeac army contingent entertained on a lav lew Ish scale. Tho New Year's custom ot The .secret ofold we will dawn The last leaf k torn from ilio calendar and keeping open house which has been in is Health Us& vogue here for many years has almost ai& And wish a where we left off. But we them a New Year, 1903, and begin begin entirely disappeared but society folic BALLARD'S I nevertheless found to the! backward. Within the . pleasure bountiful share of right. There will he no step year, your heart's content in functions of a more formal character. Governor Curry store has in volume and prestige and commands increased long life and happi- grown threw open the executive mansion at SYRUP a public on New Year's In a reception And von will Imvo hoalth. ness respect. wishing you 3 and day from to 6 p. m., and during 'tho Great care should Ua taken of through three hours It was in progress he was ones health ami Daiiaitf'a " besieged with callers who came to pay Herehound Syrup vriU caw the medium of this i heir respects and extend the compli- COUdHS, COLDS, CROUP, ments of the season. Capital society BRONCHITIS AND ALL space, tender our New turned out In in PULMONARY DISEASES. Happy ea force and the guests cluded all of the 'territorial and federal Mrs. J. II. McNeil, Salt appreciation of all we bet- officials in the the ' And thanking you for our growth and prosperity promise city. Although recep- Lake City, Utah, writes: tion was entirely Informal It was ono am eighty yoara old anil I received methods and store sor- - of sea- - thank Horohound for patronage ter things, improvements in merchandise, the brilliant events of a winter Syrup sou which has been almost one con having cured ma of coughs ' f Lit- colds and other liko illsoasoti." i ( f(! a (CIV vice. tinual round of pleasure. Goveror Cur ry has been the host at several large Three Sizes 25c, 50c and 1.00. in- to hand receptions during the five months ho tinuance and Our store shall ho something better than a place has occupied the gubernatorial office Ballard Snow Liniment Co, of New Mexico and the executive resi crease of the same out and take in money. ST. LOUIS, MO., goods, dence Is becoming as famed for Its true western hospitality as its liege in the future. when time shall harvest 1008, May the new year be kind, and lord Is popular as the official head of the territorial administration. On New Sold and Recommended by to FISCHER may we all be here and able again say. Year's day tho governor was assisted DRUG STORE. in entertaining by his two vivacious and pretty young cousins, Misses Maud Colonel Thomas Wentworth Harrison, Madden and Julia Miles. Among oth- who is active Inspector general for Bros Co A New Year ers in the 'receiving lino were the Kansas at the Masonic temple. Mr. Poe Seligman Happy wives of two former goverors of New Is the third Scottish Rite Free Mason Mexico. Those who assisted the gov- of New Mexico who has heen advanc received ernor and his cousins In welcoming the ed to this, the highest honor in the the .one by one for the patronage I I thank public guests were Mrs. L. Bradford Prince, rite. 1 one and all; Mrs. Miguel A. Otero, Mrs. Max Frost, from the year 1007. thank you Rev. and Mrs. Irvin Leo have you during Mrs. George W. Prlchard' and Mrs. A. Tyler moved into the superintendent's quart- M. Bergere, while Colonel Jose D. CHARLES WAGNER ers of the Mary E. James Sena, who is an on the Presbyterian Mission school for and are about staff, Introduced the guests boys governor's settled, some of the furniture SALMON. as the par- although NATHAN they approached receiving has not in the room where yet arrived. During the week ty. Presiding dining a Fmlttife Company. dozen who are to be New cheer in the form of old boys pupils at te Fa. Year's The and tlu' only store in Santa tho school have arrived and are al- largest fashioned egg-no- was served were Rattan In com- Iron and Brass Beds, Goods, Kitchen Cabinets, Book and Mrs. M. O. Miss Nina Otero ready comfortably quartered Llewellyn, modious and comfortable rooms. Corner Stands, wardrobes, desks and Imported goods. and Miss Julia Christensen. The floral By - the end of the month tho school will Wholesale and Retail decoratlous, while not as- elaborate as be in successful operation and ar- EMBALMING AND on previous occasions wore very ap- ranged properly in all details. propriate and pretty. UNDERTAKING Cards formally announcing tho mar- Silver Wedding Anniversary and riage of their daughter, Miss Florence Birthday. Hecker, to Nigel Campbell Flint, were A SPECIALTY. In One of the most pleasant social gath- received Santa Fe yesterday from 30G-- San Francisco St Thono 10 of week took on Tues- Mr. and Mrs. A. of erings the place Hecker, Atlanta, Night Oall 'Phono No 1 day afternoon and evening at the home Georgia. The wedding was quietly sol- of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Woodruff on emnized In this city on New Year's Don Gaspar avenue. Tho event mark- day, and the young couple will be at SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY NEW JBEXICAF. ed a double celebration. It was the home to their friends here after Feb 25th anniversary of tho marriage of ruary 1. They have taken apartments the host and hostess and also the fifty-eight- h at the Nusbaum residence on Washing- birthday of Mr. Woodruff. Mrs. ton avenue. Woodruff in the afternoon entortainod Three brides and bridegrooms were A Christmas the ladles of the Enavant club and in guests at a dinner party on New Year's the evening they were joined by their night given by Rev. and Mrs. W. R. f r husbands and Invited friends. Host and Dye at the parsonage of the Church mbrance sure to be appreciated hostess had trlod to keep the signifi- of the Holy Faith. The trio were mar UNciV I-- UI7 t 4.4. S11 cance of the affair a secret but Instead ried during the holidays by Rev. Dye. Call IUUIIM a l We Yeu of their friends as had were Mr. Mrs. Wish surprising they They and Nigel C.Flint, Wood-Davi- s planned they found themselves sur- Mr. and Mrs. Frank O. Brown The Hardware Store A prised. Tho Enavant club presented :ind Mr. and -- Mrs. Harry E. McCul-lough- . them with a beautiful silver four arm Covers were laid for eight and candelabra with pretty red shades as the menu was served in appetizing a token of friendship and the wish was courses. Jfew Year expressed that they might live to cele- Miss Julia Jaffa, daughter of Terri- CO Happy brate their annivers golden wedding torial Secretary Nathan Jaffa and Mrs. ary. During tho eveulng a delightful Jaffa, who has been In the city on a lap luncheon was served. One of the holiday vacation will leave tomorrow features was a "Jack Horner" pie for Denver to resume her studies at We Thank You for which contaiued mlnaturo cornlcoplas Wolfe hall. At Las Vegas she will be filled with The little funnel candy. joined by Miss Beulah Duncan, daugh- GO past patronage and shaped bags were made of silver faced ter of Territorial Oil Inspector James paper and each had a tiny silver bell S, Duncan, who Is a student at the shall endeavor to attached which tinkled merrily as the same school and has been spending her guests "stuck In their thumb and pull vacation at her home In the Meadow in ed out a plum." Secreted in 'three of City. serve you better the were a and button, THE LIST TO CHOOSE FROM. bags coin, ring The Fifteen club at Its last meeting emblems of and Crumb Sets wealth, marriage was entertained by Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Roller SUate3 1908, Mr. Razor Sets . and Mrs. Woodruff's d Safety spinsterhood. Victory presiding. The program con-slate- Sweaters cozy tent cottage where are mak Dumb . Sleds they of Christmas quotations, a pa- BelU, pair their home was dec Skates ing very prettily per, "Christmas In Many Lands," by Revolvers orated. from the In Pocket Knives .... WINTER GROCERY COMPANY. Hanging celling Mrs. Marsh, and a Christmas story, Indian Clubs the center of was a Coffee Pots Air Guns the parlor large "Tho Oil of Gladness," read by Mrs. Fancy Tea and bell made of tin one side O'Clock Teas Boxing Gloves, Set Santa Fe. Telephone No. 40. wedding foil, L. Bradford Prince. The club adjourn- Five Southeast Corner Plaza, "1882" and the oth Dishes Exercisers bearing the figures ed to meet Friday, January 10th, at Chafing er "1907." New Year's evo "1847" Silverware Sets . . Red Wagons Being the the home of Mrs. Victory at which Spoon occasion resolved itself Into a watch "1817" Knife and ... Razor Sets meeting Mrs. Wood will preside. Silverware and a number of the Forks, dozen Shaving Sets , party guests ling The Enavant club will meet with ered until the advent of the new Manicuring Sets Playing Cards year. Mrs. next afternoon. souvenir used In a Friday Monday Scissor Sets Carvers Dainty programs As Mrs. Waffensmlth will conduct a book contest bore pretty pen Fire Sets Rifles I guessing "Geographical Quiz" of New Mexico, PURE FOOD and Ink sketches In which wedding Nut Sets .... Shotguns WHISKEY members are requested to bring maps. Coats bells and holly were Intermingled, Fruit Knives Hunting Watches drawn by Miss Chevannes, who assist- "Meteor" Coffee Percolators ...... ed the host and hostess in enter- (Continued On Page Eight.) Oui goods having been bought taining. Mr. and Mrs. Woodruff, who have been well known Wood-Dav- bond-T- he Food Law residents of the is Hardware Co. in Pure and respected J Capital for a number of years, were OPERA have not changed any of our married on December 31st, 1882, at Fort Garland, Colorado. Mrs. Woodruff IS to or labels. was formerly Miss Sarah Frazier. JFor anything and everything appertaining Printing Binding call on the New Mexican Printing Company. Ralnh E. McFie, son of Judge and Phone No. 94. "THE CLUB." Mrs. John R. McFie of this city, who In Advice. Subscribe for the New Mexican. holds a very responsible position In Every Evening and Wednesday and Danger Asking When have a cough or cold do the land of the Philippine Matinees. you department Saturday not ask someone what is good for It, Island government is very well in ev- as there la danger of taking some un THE MAN WHO SWEARS BY ery way and Is well satisfied with his MOVING PICTURES. known preparation. Folye's Honey SLICKER position. He thinks he has become a Motor Racing London, lflnr. THE FISH BRAND and Tar cures coughs, colds and pre fixture at Manila. He has also engaged Masquerade Party. Break Cold vents pneumonia. The genuine Is In a is the man who In the of hemp at Mlndenao, Harbor Pirates. up your raising Refuse substitutes. has tried to Mindenao Island and feels confident yellow package. get Free Lunch. the success. He reads For sale by the Ireland Pharmacy. same service that he will make a out of Review some With the Famous Cold Tablet the Weekly New Mexican reg Song "Napanee." other make ularlv and Is very fond of the paper Vcmaa as Its contents keep him thoroughly MOVING PICTURES. Evory and on New Mexico affairs. Artistic Wood Carving. fthont the wonderful Sold Guaranteed by posted MARVEL Citi- West. WhirllngSpnry President John W. Poe of the Breezes From the i'lie Dew Vaulnnl Syrlnf. Best m on con w zens National Bank of Roswell, has re lent. It clean Clean light Durable The Ireland turned from a visit to Topeka, Kansas, Change of Programme Monday and yutiantlr (hiaranteed Waterproof Pharmacy Sow where the 33rd degree of the Scottish Thureday. Iut your drugftlat for it, Everywhere I M cannot tuppiy tU at Rite of Free Masonry being that of Admission ...... ; 10c ft h v k i. accent $300 20o t, but wna luunp pr 25 OBIsTTS. honorary Inspector general was con Reserved Seats ilti(A bnnk MBlea. It ferred upon him with a class of eleven Doors opsn at 7 o'clock; Performances -- Mmm 41 Phoite 41 ... other Scottish Rite Free Masons by At 7:30 and 8:30 o'clock ft FAOE FIVE SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1908. AKTA FE NEW MEXICAN, SANTA FE, N.M. prrrwrrrynr-- i

MINOR CITY TOPICS MLFEL , j i X X X X X X X X X X! Weather forecast for New LARGEST WHOLESALE HOUSE IN NEW MEXICO 4 per cent interest, Mexico: Fair tonight and Sun- S day with stationary tempera- convenient location ture. X X X X X $ X X X X Prepared to Fiii Small or Orders for in and bank- Large Anything adequate J A son was born last night to Mr. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, IMPLEMENTS, SADDLERY offered and Mrs. Andres Mcdrana. ing facilities The Woman's Rolief Corp3 will moot DRY with Mrs. CROCKERY, GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, , Marsh, Monday at 2.:H0 p, depositor's by this m. SHOES, HATS, MILLINERY, CLOTHING Mr. and Mrs. Florencio Montoya of bank ; Santa Rosa are in the city on a visit. Thoy are at the Normandie. Our Goods and Prices. Captain Fred Fornoff of the Territor- Compare We Can Supply you ial Mounted Police went to 0 Albuquer- and Better Than Far-o- ff que yesterday afternoon on official Quicker Houses. Try Us. business. Victoranio Madrid, a cltlon of Santa Rosa, registered at the Norman- die Hotel yesterday. He Is bore on per- LIVERY STABLE sonal business. HA Manuel C. de Baca of Conant, Guad- flUFEUS) 0, Is alupe county, in town on a visit to OttM, LAt VCOA A M. AJfTA ROL K. M. relatives and also to see friends. He is well acquainted here. FINE RIGS, RELIABLE HORSES. SINGLE Atnbroslo Ortega, farmer In the vi- BUGGIES. SURRIES. HACKS. cinity of Montoya, Quay county, was registered today at the Normandie. He FROM NOW ON came to the city to visit friends. CALL UP 'PHONE NO. 9 W. C. Asher Interested In real es- of Useful' Pfesemts tate at tbo town of Stanley, south San- balance my Winter When in Need of in the Livery ta Fe county attended to business mat- Millinery will be Anything ters today In the capital. He stopped Line. Drivers Furbished. Rates Riaht. at the Normandie. greatly reduced in Territorial Game Warden William rice, E. Griffin left yesterday afternoon for Morlarty, going there to be present Money Saved to Buy Now. at the preliminary hearing of a man CHAS. CLOSS0N. arrested for an alleged violation of the MISS A MUGLER game. laws. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will hold its annual meeting on w next Tuesday afternoon at the office of Victory, having declined

Mrs. L. A. Officers will be the comrades were unnnim-- ! Gft . i w YOU HIT THE RIGHT FEED Harvey. following J uJ'. IV" f ' r sj mum tja., elected at this meeting nnd other Im- ously elected to serve for the present when you strike this establishment portant business transacted. year: Post commander. Judge John we handle nothiug but Rev. E. C. Anderson, pastor of St. R. McFie; senior vice commander,! John's Melhodist Episcopal church, Candelario Martinez; junior vice com-- ; :. FWST-CLAS- FLOUR AND FEED. will occupy the pulpit of the First Pres- mander, Anecito Abeyta; chaplain,' tomorrow at Jacob Those who have dealt with us don't byterian church evening Weltmer; officer of the day, Ed the first of a series of union services ward officer of the have to be told how excellent our spe- Krumpagel; guard, cialties are: And those who don't marking the "Week of Prayer." Tomes Qulntana; delegates to depart- Mexican aro ment, Comrades know our flour and teed are losing New readers presented encampment, Victory with a treat in today's issue and Comrades Gar something every day they remain un- literary Rivera; alternates, on 3 and 7. It is In the nature cia and Vigil. acquainted. If you are one of these pages a New Mexico "The you should give us a trial order at of Idyl entitled, Sun-Land- on once. Magic Spell of the written (Continued Page Eight.) FOR BABY: A new Crib or Drop-Sid- e Iron o by Mrs. W. H. Bartlelt of this city who Bed, Sole Agency For is especially gifted as a descriptive A tickling cough from any cause, pretty High Chair or Rocker, a beautiful Mug or Drink- INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD. writer. Is quickly stopped by Dr. Shoop's ing Cup, an excellent pair of Manicure Scissors. USEFUL The annual meeting of the Guild of Cough Cure. And It is so thoroughly PRESENTS was harmless and safe, that Dr. Shoop tells the Church of the Holy Fafth FOR THE BOY: A new Sled, Wagon or Yelocipcd, LEO HERSCH held afternoon at the home mothers everywhere to give It with- yesterday Wheelbarrow, an Irish Mail Car, or a Coaster, a pair of Wholesale ami Retail Dealers In of Mrs. S. O. Cartwrlght. The follow out hesitation even to very young wholesome leaves Skates, or Rollers, a Pocket Hamilton or FLOUR, HAY, GRAIN, POTATOES, SALT AND SEEDS. ing officers were elected: President, babes. The green Knife, Repeating stone a lung-healin- g Belt and THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE GRAIN HOUSE IN SANTA FE, NEW MEX., Mrs. R. J. Palen; vice president, Mrs. and tender of Rifle, Cartridge Hunting or Fishing Outfit, cura S. Q. Cartwrlght; treasurer, Mrs. mountainous shrub, furnish the beautiful Cup and Saucer. USEFUL PRESENTS. to James T. Newhall; secretary, Mrs. tive properties Dr. Shoop's Cough FOR THE GIRL: A new Sled or a of Skates, a Cur. It calms the cough and heals pair Frances R. Rivenburg. Pocket n sore nnd bronchial mem- dainty Knife or pair of Scissors, pretty plate or Section Director Robert M. Hardlnge the sensitive branes. No no chloroform, set of Dishes, beautiful Picture Plates, Reading Lamp, WHY DID YOU COME WEST ? of the U. S. Weather Bureau is still opium, nothing harsh to injure or swppreis. Chafing Dish or beautiful set of Silverware, new Saddle, To breathe see confined to his home as a result of rest, recuperate, hmt, flsh, fresh, pure air, mountain Simply n resinous plant extract, that Bridle or Dresser a nonr artA Ufa linear nnn Ann.tHIwm an accident of Christmas eve when he Quirt, pretty Writing Desk, Wardrobe, oridnArv Hvq fncjnlnattntr to heal The Span- - was burned a Christmas helps aching lungs. or Rocker or beautiful BeeT, and et food that neoda no rure food law. by blazing Doc Cliiffouier, Sewing chair, His hand lards oall this shrub which the That's why you came west! troe which he ejected. right Couch or Davenport, USEFUL PRESENTS. was tor nses, "The Sacred Herb." Always There is a beautiful little valley that nestles between the moun- at the base of the thumb severely FOR THE HUSBAND: A set of highest he demand Dr. Shoop's Cough Curo. For Tools, Gardening of Rockies on 1 le ideal burned and is slow In healing but tains the upper Pecos river; a'Mtude, 7,000 feet, and sale a1., dealers. Outfit, Outfit and a" Shot Gun or Rifle, has recovered from the other superflc by Hunting splendid temperature identical wH. i Santa Fe. Its stream' swarm with trout set of or Double woods and are filled ial burns. Driving Outfit, pretty Runabout, Single and the ranges with game large and small. The The New Mexican Printing Com ranchers live the life of the west. There are mountain Carleton No. 3, Grand Army harness, Saddle or Bridle, Shaving Set and a money-earnin- g lion, bears, deer Post, is prepared to do the best of wolves the will install Its newly pany Desk or Pocket Rocker, and for hunter. There are saddle ponies to be had for the of the Republic, brief work In short order and at very Safety Razor, good Knife, Tooms in a big, ranch house with wide elected officers on Monday evening, de-sid- e Couch asking, rambling verandas, tent reasonable rates. Lawyers who or easy Chair, Dresser, Wardrobe or Chiffonier, rooms or a cabin If want it. The are never dull. You a at 7:30 o'clock. Commander J, you days pee nxt, to havo their briefs printed rap- Carving Set, Table Set or beautiful piece of Table Ware, ranch cand the genuin? western life. Fresh butter and eggs-- all great milk, idly and correctly and to present them USEFUL PRESENTS. you can drink and eat. Sleep In blankets at night fish la your shirt to the Supreme Court now In session A leaves the You couldn' more than 19 a week If FOR THE WIFE: Dinner Set, or some of our during day. spend you here on time, should call on the New tried. It the you are for. AcoomraoilaMont tor men beautiful Plates, Cup3 and Saucers, Vases, Bowls, Cream- place looking SPECIAL Mexican Printing Company. and women. ers and Sugars, Sauce and Berry Dishes, Glasses and wa- Inquire this office or address THE VALLEY N. M. RANCH, Pecos, Passed Examination Successfully. ter Pitchers, Baking Dishes, Chafing Dishes, Standard CHRISTMAS James Donahue, New British, Coiin., Silverware, Tableware, Tea or Coffee Pot in Alumnum, rem- writes: "I tried several kidney Nickle, Granite, Enamel or Tin, Cooking Stoves, Heaters edies, and was treated by our best nnd Ranges, Tin and Granite Ware, Furniture, Beds OFFERING for diabetes, but did not im physician Mattresses Wall prove until I took Foley's Kidney Cure Springs, Pillows, Shades, Paper, Carpet ftAer the second bottle I showed Im- Mattresses, Springs, Pillows, Shades. USEFUL PRES- provement and Ave bottles cured mo ENTS. completely. I have since passed a EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. Chocolate1 for life insurance." Sparrow's rigid examination Phone No. 83. Mail Orders Solicited. Foley's Kidney Cure cures back-ach- e "Elastic" Bookcase 1-- 2 lb. and 1 lb. fancy and all forms of kidney and bladder the original and only per boxes trouble. For sale by The Ireland feet sectional bookcase Pharmacy. made. The doors are non-bindin- g, dust-proo- f, oper- Prices ate on roller bearings, and Why Pay Fancy The seals and record books for no- positively cannot get out taries public for sale by the New Mex- of order. Bases furnished Save money by buying ican Printing Company at very reason-abl- e with or without drawers. rates, Seals for Incorporated t Call and see them, or are also handled. Call at send for No. 105 companies catalog Sparrow, note better or address tlw New Mexican New Mexican Printing By the Sanid New Mexico. New Mexico Militaiy Institute. Local Company, Fe, Printing Company, R03WELL, NEW MEXICO. agents. Santa FE, N. M. When the Stomach, Heart, or Kid- "The West Point of the Southwest." nerves or- Bulk Candies ney get weak, then these Army Officer Detailed by War Depart- gans always fail. Don't . drug the ment.. Army Inspectors RANK 8CHOOL stomach, nor stimulate the heart or 20-2- 5 and 35c IN CLASS "A." kidneys. That is simply a makeshift, Thorough Academic course, preparing Got a known prescription to Drug- young men for college or for business life. as Dr. Res- FANCY LAYER RAISNS gists everywhere Suoop's Great amount of open air work. Healthiest The Is 0 torative. Restorative prepared location of any Military 8chool In the Union. expressly for these weak Inside In 15 to 30c per-pou- nfl Located the beautiful Pecos Valley the nerves. nerves A ID .Strengthen these garden spot of the West at an elevation CALL SEE FOR YOURSELF build them up with Dr. She jp's Rest- of 3,700 feet above sea level, sunshine every orativetablets or see liquid and how day, but little rain or snow during session. will come. THE FINEST quickly help Free sample Eleven fficers and Instructors, all gradu- AND FULL LINE OF test sent on Ra- request by Dr. Shoop, ates from standard eastern colleges. Ton Wis. Your la cine, health surely worth buildings, thoroughly furnished, heated, CHRISTMAS GOODS this test. Sold all simple by dealers. lighted and modern In all respeota. 8 s of all kinds REGENTS-- E. A. Cahoon, President; W. New Mexico The Famous G. Hamilton, Vice President; 3. Phelps Apples Faistaff Befi White, Treasurer; W. M. Atkinson, Secre- Diamonds, Watches, Clocks tary, and W. A. Flnlay. For particulars and illustrated cata)gue Deco- Mexican and Naval Oraiip HENRY KRICK Jewelry, Silverware, 8ole Agent for address, COL. JA3. W. WILL80N, rated Cb i n N LEMP'S ST. LOUIS BEER Superintendent a, oveltles, MALAGA GP4PES Am All Kind. ( Miami Waters. Leather and I eat her Ehony SODA WATER, Kodaks and Photo Goods. Any Flavor yon Ooolro. Stspplic H. S. KAUHE a GO. ART PICTURES AND FRAtlT I trt.n riM lor Any Amount. Mad Orion Wo make a specialty or DSVBLOPINQ, PLJL MANUFACTURER win nsstnrs prompt Atteauaa. INO and ENI.AROINO. Mall Orders Given a. SplTZ JEWELER Prion 38. 8end (or Catalogue. . 4 DIW1Y AfONM. t!2H0WLAN0 COMPANY,. St Ft, I. ft. 610 t. iroadway, Los Angelas, c. JTE JViTff MJU iA MEXICAN, SAOTTA FE, H. IL SATURDAY, JANUARY. 4, 1908.

(Homestead No. HOTEL ARRIVALS Entry 7484.) FRATERNAL SOCIETIES. Rail- Notice For Publication. Santa Fc Central Department of the Interior, Palace. Land Office at Santa Fe, N. M. way Company MACON A. C. McElwaln, St. Louis; W. II. December 18, 1907. IC. Notice is erven Canuta Dearstyne, Denver; W. L. Burton, St. hereby that Madril de Levba. of Gallsten N. M.. Louis; C. Melby, Duluth,-Minneso- ta; Montezuma Lodge, No. has filed notice of his to John L. Wilson, St. Louis; A. Grunet, intention 1, A. F. & A. M. Regu- make final five in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. year riroof sunnnrt: lar communication first TIlvlE TABLE of his izkzM'W&M i Claire. claim, viz: Homestead Entrv Monday of eacn month v No. r 7484, made 1903 rr April 9, for the at Masonic Hall at 11, 1907. Mrs, C. P. and Effective August Laughlin son, Silver 1-- 2 1-- Sunday, W NW W SW section 7:30 m. City; C. W. Wright, Albuquerque; p. 34, township 14N, range 9E., and that R. MANNA. W. M. South Bouud North Bound Frank P. Helm, Sr., Ken- H. Covington, said proof will be made before Regis Altl No a C. S. St. B. C. ILAN R. McCORD, 8ec'y. No 1 ill Stations. tucky; Michols, Louis; ter and Receiver at Santa N. J. F. Fe, M., lillfIWppH' Hachett, Denver; Peterson, Oma- on 1908. 28 Jan. 22, 1 40 p 0 Lv. !"SaiitaF...Arr 7,000 6 p 4 ha; H. Colora- Santa Fe No. 2 42 22 .Kenuedy.... 6,0(50 29 P Joseph Nieset, Alamosa, He names witnesses to Chapter, p M the following A M 41 ..Stanley ... 6,370 3 p do; A. .M. 1, R. A. M. Regu- 3 00 Shockey. Moriarty; Morey continuous 4 P 62 .Moriarty ... 6,2K0 p prove his residence upon, B.17S 2 35 and E. B. DuPree and lar convocation second 4 29 61 .Molutoin... p Long wife, wife, and cultivation of p 13 the land, vi: ft 49 69 .Kstaoola.... 6,140 2 P II. A. Flo of each month p 41 DuBois, Young; Florence Juan N. Sandoval. Monday 8 19 p 81 ..Wlilnrd.... ii p Cresnin Levba. 41! U R. Reveilo at Masonic Hall at 7 80 p 116 Arr. .Turreuo..Lv 6 it a Elsby, J. Binder, Urquhart, Canuto Leyba. Juan Leyba. all of Gal- - 7:30 m. Fred C. Gastone, members "A Royal Isteo, N. M. p. and Slave" 8. SPITZ, H. P. Freight, PassengeT SteamBhip troupe. MAUEL R. OTERO, Normandle. ARTHUR SELIGMAN, business. Register. 8ec'y. Pullman berthi secured by wire. Joseph A. Subedra, San Rafael; Mrs. Connections: At Santa Fe, with N. J. Wood, California; Susan Cullison Fever Sorea. Sant . Fe Commindery No. Donver & Rio Grande Railroad, and F. P. Hutchinson, Aztec; William Cox, Fever sores and old chronic sores 1, K. T. Regular conclave Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rail- St. Joseph, Missouri; Ambroslo Orte- should not be healed but second Saturday In each To- entirely, way. At Kennedy, wUh Atchison, ga, Montoya; Vlctorlano Madrid, Santa should be kept in healthy condition. month at Masonic Ha!'. 01 uv 4 At Tor- 7:30 m. C. fir peka & Santa Fe Railway. Rosa; J. P. Ashford, Stanley; A. A. This can be done by applying Cham- p. J. CRANDALL, E. C. & H. rance with El Paso Southwesterp line, Estancla; W. C. Ashe'r, Stanley; berlain's Salve. This salve has no su- F. STEPHENS, Recorder. fcyiteni. Floroncio Montoya and wife, Santa perior for this purpose. It is also most t. i. GRIMSHAW. Rosn; C. M. Scoullos, excellent Albuquerque. for shapped hands, sore nip Santa Fe Lodge of Perfection No. 1, General and Passenger Aeef I. Coronado. Freight ples, burns and diseases of the skin. 14th degree, Ancient and Accepted Juan Plnos P. B. For sale Gallegos, Wells; by all druggists. Scottish Rite of Free Masonry meets Price, Fort Garland, Colorado; E. N. on the third Saturday of each month David Peden, Estancia; Selkirk, New TO AND FROM ROSWELL. at 7:30 o'clock in the evening in York; M. C. De Baca, Conant; M. C. Connection aaaae with Automobile Masonic Hall, south side of Plaza. Shelby, Morarlty. Line at Torrance for Roswell daily. Visiting Scottish Rite Masons are cor- Automobile leaves Torrance for Ros dially invited to attend. well 4 0 The Pure Food Law. at a. m., and arrives at Roswell CHARLES A. WHEELON, 32, Pacilic at 12 noon. Automobile ft tl! k Et Secretary Wilson says, "Ono of the leave? Ros Venerable Master it. law Is to Inform con- well for Torrance at 1 m., and ar- I objects of the the p. HENRY F. STEPHENS, 14, Sec. sumer of the presence of certain rives at Torrance at 10 p. m. The fare harmful drugs in medicines." The law botween Santa Fe and Torrance Is ill I. O. O. requires that the amount of chloro- $5.80 and between Torrance and Ros F. form, opium, morphine, and other hab- well $10. Reserve seats oi automo it forming drugs be stated on the label bile by wire, Santa Fe Lodge, No. 2. I. O. 0. F, PASSENGER SWSCHEDULE of each bottle. The manufacturers of J. W. STOCKARD, meets every Thursday evening in Odd Chamberlain's Cough Remedy have al- Manager Automobile Line Fellows' Hall, San Francisco Street ways claimed that their remedy did Visiting brothers welcome. KODOL Is N". not contain any of theso drugs, and tho best reinedv known MAX KALTER, G. the truth of this claim is now fully today for dyspepsia, indigestion and LEO HERSCH, V. O. proven, as no mention of them Is made all troubles arising from disordered DAVID L. MILLER, Sec'y. stomach. In Effect September 1, 1907. on the label. This remedy is not only It is pleasant, prompt and one of the safest, but one of the best thorough. Sold by The Ireland Pharm B. P. O. E. In use for coughs and colds. Its value acy. No. 81 Auto Mllea No. 2 Na , Monday has been dur- STATI0N3 proven beyond question fMn - "BOOTH'S FKESM OYSTERS." n- Pally Kx. Hun. drrdai8y' ing the many years It has been In gen- Qo, T,i- - v WFriday. Ex.&Sun. Uatoii ninrk nR9 T.nlra Vornh I . w""" " uu6, eral use. For sale by all druggists. 4 00 0 Loaves KATON.N. M Arrive 2J5P-- 5X1 IMS' 4StS::::::::::::: .5 :::::::::::::: S:S. llgtS: I.VUU1 brothers .' d w h :::::::::::::: Shrimp can be found only at the Bon 8 S come. R. H. HANNA, B. R. :::::..v:::::r0 agtS: SK CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Ton Restaurant, where thoy can cook :::::::::::. ,,, :::::::::::::: S: i J. D. wSa;. VERMKJ0 fc'BBMS: just to your taste. SENA, Sec'y. SStS..,oj. :::::::::::: i2&5: ,V:;:L cwmososo 3p.m. Cahtedral. Take DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder " 45 : :::::: q - u - FRATERNAL UNION. g.:n; a. fc:.- iqtb park i03j- First Sunday after New Year's Day. Pills. They promptly relieve backache First Mass at 7 a. m. and weak back. Sold by The Ireland Second Mass at ft: 30 a. m. Sermon Pharmacy. Santa Fe Lodge, No. 259, Frateraal in Union of America. - Thursday Dei Saturday English. Regular meetings Saturday Molues Third Mass at 10:30. Sermon in The New Mexican rrlntlng Com- rst and third Mondays in each month m 0 Leave DBS MOINKS, N. M Arrive ,2S9am Spanish. pany is prepared to furnish caids de at 8 o'clock p. m., Odd Fellows' Hall, 14o2 "' .... . CAPUL1N VKGAS 8?5B-- m 55 ... VIGIL 8 45 a. m At 4 o'clock p. m., Vespers. Benedic- visit for ladles and for gentlemen on San Francisco Street Visiting Frat-er- s 1 tion. short notice in first class style at reas- welcome. ' 81 .CUNNINGHAM 2SSB m . m onable either, or M. Master. IRoS'm 42 Arrivol CLIFTON HOUSK JUNCTION j Leave 2"Sa Methodist. prices, engraved E. ORTIZ, Fraternal I'.'.".:.'..:: CUFTONHOUBK JUNCTION Urrlve a. printed. Call on the New Mexican GREGORiO "I. I OOp Leaves 7 00 a.m Sunday school at 9:45 m. RAEL, Treat. 2 . . 49 Arrive.. KATON.N.M iOp-- Preaching at 11 a. m. Subject, "The Printing Compaiy. DAVID GONZALES, 8ec'y. 124. In N. M,, at 6:10 More Excellent Way." Rev. E. C. And- T Connects with El Paso A Southwestern Ry. train Dawson, p.m. arrlylngr N. M. 10:05 a. It is I Connects with El Paso Jfc Southwestern Ky . train 125. Dawson. at a erson, preaching the sermon. very important and in fact it 5 Stasrefor Van Houten, N M., meets trains at Preston, N. M. no is absolutely necessary to health that "BOOTH'S OYSTEMS." It and from Taos anil Kllzabethtown, w. M. There will be Epworth League Connects with Stage to in ' V. & S. at Pes Moines, and h. T. A S. W or service In the we give relief to the stomach promptly The very finest tho land have Track connection with A. T. & S. F Ry., at Eaton and Preston, with Ey. preaching evening, on account of the Union Services in at the first signs of trouble. Take some- Just been received at the Bon Ton Mi3 and Red Lakes, once In a Restaurant. These are the very first depot for following stations In N. M.: Coato, Ponil Tark, Rayado the Presbyterian church. thing while; especially after Itlack Lakes, Corro, Elizabeth-town- , soason can be found ET'SlijUte Park! N. M., is depot for following stations In N. M.: Arroyo Seco, Aurora, Baldj, First Church. meals; something like KODOL for dys of the and only and Valdez. Presbyterian Lobo, Questa, Ranchos do Taos, Red River City, Talpa, Taos, Twining Divine will bo held this pepsia and Indigestion. It wl'l enable at this place where they are VV. services in 1 J- A. GORMAN, A will convince - VAN HOUTEN, your stomach to do Its work proper In evorythlug. trial J. DEDMAN, Oen. church tomorrow as follows: Vice Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Passenger Agt ly. Sold The Ireland you. Superintendent. M. Sabbath School at 9:45 a. m. H. F. by Pharmacy. N. M. RATON, N. M. RATON, N. RATON, Stephens, superintendent, will be in charge. Sermon at 11 a. m. Subject, "The - '"" " -- """ a Value of True Manhood." Rev. J. W. ONLY PERFECT RESULTS ARE OBTAINED. Purccll occupying the pulpit. at 2:30 Mrs. COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONES AND COLUMBIA RECORDS. Junior Endeavor p. m., DIRECT ROUTE Walker, lady manager. It at 0:30 m. Sub- Our Records OUR DISC CfllDS Senior Endeavor p. I Cylinder ject, "What is True Blessedness?" Psalms Matt. V. (A New Year's Con- The Mining of Colorado, Utah and Nevada; FIT DISC I; Camps Fit Any Cylinder AJ.Y JjA. secration Meeting.) To Denver, Colorado Springs and In 'the evening at 7:30 o'clock the Pueblo is Via the Iachine i first meeting of the Week of Prayer CljE ?! services will be held, the sermon will

i h SO X. P. Cylinder Records 25 Dlac Record cents ?! be preached by Rev. E. C. Anderson, of the church. Denver & Rio Grande ' dozen. Methodist Railway cents each. $3.00 per each. $7.20 per Dozen. p.. HALF FOOT CYLINDER Don't Take the Risk. h Disc Records $1 each. a bad or cold Through the fertile San Luis valley; also to the RECORDS 50c Each. i When you have cough do not let It drag along until It be- San Jaan country of Colorado. I $10 Dozen. $5.00 Per Doze.i per comes chronic bronchitis or develops For information as to rales, train service, des- an of but Cylinder Machines. Disc Machines range In I into attack pneumonia, give call on or address ?! it the attention it deserves and get rid criptive literature, etc, Range In Price from price from 912.50 to $100.00. of it. Take Chamberlain's Cough Rem 8. K. HOOPER, Q. P. Ti A. F. H. MciRIDE, Agent 17.50 to 1125.00 edy and you are sure of prompt relief Denver, Colo.i Santa Fe, N. M. From a small beginning the sale and use of this preparation has extended jjMaeMeiciaMUMAflUftMWM!MMMHItB!H0 to all of the United States and GUARANTEED. parts ALL MACHINES to many countries. Its many OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN. foreign IT WILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE remarkable cures of coughs and colds COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO. have won for it this wide reputation 505-50- Mail Order 16th Street, Denver, Colo. Departments. and extensive use. Sold by all drug gists. 3 INCORPORATED The New Mexican Printing Com For La H. B. Simple Remedy Grippe. pany has the largest most mdorn and Cartwright & Bro., La are as Grippe coughs dangerous best arranged book bindery In the they frequently develop Into pneu- Southwest. The best kind of work and Tar not on- CI monia. Foley's Honey onry turned out. Prices very low and WHOLESALE GROCERS to Paso? but heals and Going ly stops the cough eatlsfactlon guaranteed. If you have so no seri- strengthens the lungs that Books to bind, whether the largest need be feared. The gen- ous results ledger or Journal, or magazines and and Tar contains Grain, Flour and Potatoes. uine Foley's Honey pamphlets or need any other binding Stationery, and is in a TAKE THE GOLDEN STATE LIMITED no harmful drugs yellow call for figures, samples and prices of Refuse substitutes. Sold by Patent Medicine and Grocers' Sundries. package. the New Mexican Printing Company. Tbo Ireland Pharmacy. The company is anxious to serve you PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN MAIL At Torrnce at 11:10 fi. W. and will give you satisfactory rates. ORDERS The New Mexican can ao printing P. ffl. to that done In any of the large N. M. ?Be in El Paso at 5:30 equal The finest coffee substitute ever SANTA FE, Our solicitor: of cities. Every piece has been work we turn etit. Try our work once made, recently produced by Dr. of Racine, Wisconsin. You and will come We Shoop you certainly again. don't have to boil it or have all the facilities for turning out twenty thirty minutes. "Made In a minute," says every class of work, Including one of ' the doctor. "Health Coffee" is to El Paso is a via the best binderies In the west. really The Trip quick pleasant jouaney the closest Imitation ever yetp reduced O and B. P. & S. W. The Golden State Not a of real coffee in it either. theS. P. Public Speaker Interrupted. grain of any-thin- g Health Coffee Imitation is made from FHEN in need ' now resumed Mid winter Service so Public speakers are frequently. In- Limited has pure toasted cereals or grains, with terrupted by people coughlug. Thi time malt, etc Really it would fool take advantage of this splendid train, the first would not h;.ipen If Foley's Honey nuts, on Eatth a an wer he to unknowingly ity and Tar vere It cures coughs expert El Psso. Cart-wrigh- hare occassion to go drink It for Coffee. For sale t you cold pneumonia and by j.' iirjveats Davis Co NEW MEXICAN WANT AD. V.- - V. R- - STILES, consumptio . The genuine contains ..o g ' and is In a allow . opiates y parkige. ; , ' . General Passenger Agent. Sold by The I3reland Pharmacy. The New Mexican Printing Com It will positively brino results. El PasoTexas pany will do your Job work with neat Subscribe for the New Mexloan. ness and dispatch. SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1903. SANTA FE JNETY MEXICAN. SANTA tfJB, 1. tt PAGE SEVKN

Future Railroad Metropolis of New Mexico. RflE T b 9 Located on Helen Cut-of- f of Santa Pe Rry

ALL FAST LIMITED Belen is 31 miles south of Albuquerque, N. M., at the EXPRESS, MAIL AND Main Line of the Fe lead- The FREIGHT TRAINS OF THE SANTA GO junction of the Santa System Cl FE WILL OVER ing East and West from Chicago, Kansas City, Galveston THE MAIN LINE THROUGH TO BELEN, EAST AND and points East to San Francisco, Los Angeles, El Paso Belen Town and WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH. and Old Mexico. The lots ofTercd are in the center of the city, well graded

1,000 business and residence lots, also 25x145 feet laid (many of them improved by cultivation) ; no sand or grav-

first-cla- 70-fo- el. We ss out with broad 80 and ot streets, with alleys 20 feet Improvement need a bakery, tailor shop, shoe honse,jew-ele- r, wide, with beautiful lake and public park and grand old plumbing shop, planing mill, coal and wood yard, shade trees; public school house, costing $16,000; church- Company drug store, harness shop etc. rtc; also a first-cla- ss modern hotel. es; large mercantile establishments; the Belen Patent Our Roller Mill, capacity 150 barrels daily; large winery; threo are owners of the prices of lots are low and terms on easy payments;; hotels, Commercial Club; a population of 1,500 people; title perfect; warranty deeds. One-thir- d purchaso money, several restaurants, etc. Belen is the largest shipping point BELEJ1 TOWNSITE casli. Two-thir- may remain on note, with mortgage as se- for wood, flour, wheat, wine, beans and hay in Central New curity, for one year, with 8 per cent interest thereon. Mexico. Its as a great commercial railroad city Apply at once for map and prices if you wish to secure importance JOHN BECKER, President. the choicest in the near future cannot bo estimated. WM. M. BERQER, Secretary. lot. The Belen Town and Improvement Company wtw --www cm tw wv wtf.'nn t t"ww'r'rff

Women's troubles throw a cloud over their lives, which neglect may cause to become permanent. Wei! s & dis- Make yours Into a passing shadow by taking a medicine that acts directly on your womanly organs, the Fargo Company order of which has caused your womanly troubles. The right remedy for you, when you have headache, Your backache, nervous spells, dragging pains, Irregular functions etc., Is Express General Express Forwarders Win of Cardui TO Passing ' Mrs. R. H. Lawson, of Sprott, Ala,, writes: I suffered with female troubles for '12 years; tried 4 All 1 Parts of World. doctors; they dldno good, so I took Wine of Cardui. I have taken 8 bottles.'feel greatly relieved and am the 1 it. Save better than In 20 years." Sold by all reliable druggists. In $ .00 bottles. Try Money and Inconvenience by Purchasing Wells Fargo Shadow llfniTC IIC A I CTTCI1 Write today for a free cooy of valnblo64-pe- e Illustrated Book for Women. If you need Medical DOMESTIC MONEY I A I Advice, describe your symptoms, statin age, and reply will be sentiln plain, sealed envelope, ORDERS, TRAVELERS' J-2- IlKI I II 1 I TK 4 una a Vw la LI Address: Ladies The Medicine Co., Chattanooga. Tenn. Advisory Dept., Chattanooga MONEY ORDERS, FOREIGN MONEY ORDERS. Payable Throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico brilliant than those seen here. seemed glad that here, not far from and all Foreign Countries THE MAGIC SPELL Out in the west, an amber cloud has home, was a place for peace and rest, "wint-derschoe- REMITTANCES SENT BY flooded across the sky, in a twinkling and, oh, it was so beautiful to iITFS TELEGRAPH. the Organs have changed to a ghastly so wunderschoen." if OF 1HE lurid for a 1 sum hue, but 'tis only moment, Other Alluring Landscapes. J. D. BARNES, back they flash into color that quivers, But moments fly with lightning-foote- d Agent throbs and glows, and ever as the speed. One may not always FOR RENT. Two furnished rooms (Continued From Page Three.) colors change, the flood steals slowly dream, not even of the pictures in with modern conveniences. Apply this up the mountain's face leaving its feet the mind. For if he could well, office. Roswell faithful alpine flowers castilleia and in shadow. The roses and pansy pur- there's a vision of a wide-mouthe- d Automobile Co. rocket. One can hear the are now on the and WANTED Mail yellow ples only heights cave hidden far in the heart of the Positions by two young and Passenger Line between Island train, due at 2 a. m. world go round and the in now from the up- A ladies as or as- N. ringing they creep Organ's Taos range. filmy veil of water stenographer office Roswell, M., and Torrance, N. M., Running time between the two one's ears is like the music of the turned and suffuse the with Over S Angers sky slips from above and trys to hide its sistant. years' experience. At daily, Sunday included, connection points five hours, meals furnished a blue-blac- k spheres wafted from that their warmth. Lilac and mauve are , all scene State with all on entrance in vain. That present employed. requirements trains the Rock Island and Camp N'eedmore, free of charge. sky that looks so very near. From born there and mingling with the and Address 223 W. Santa would bear description. salary paid. "II," Fe Central Railways. Excursion parties accommodated br the top of one can look down gold from the west, soft, gray a Third Oklahoma Leave 1 Baldy pearl There is waterfall near Nambe, street, City, Roswell at p. m. notifying the company two days Jr scores of so wood- upon peaks thickly springs into life, then green, then that leaps into three broad basins. Leave Torrance on arrival of Rock advance. ed that their sides look like velvet as the fades deep, deep blue, twilight Its waters flow through a canon where Agents for the Buick Automobiles, one of the best Known art! Best To the east and south are and comes on. WANTED For U. S. able-bodie- grass. night frost and snow, with sharper chisel Army, Machines for all p urposes on the market Grass Mountain, Round Mountain, The smile has died out of the sky, have cut unmarried men, between Two of beBt s than ever sculptor wielded, ages the known and bes t machines for all par-nose- ok tbe Hamilton Mesa, the Chaperito, the the warmth of the sun has of 18 and citizens of sustaining a channel deep Into the living, rock. 35; United States, market Address all communication s and inquiries to the hills about the Valley Ranch, the sunk behind the hills and the Organ There's a picture that once filled of Rood character and temperate hab- mesas below Pecos town, and on in- mountains are bereft. Atriplex and the Santa Clara canon with a beauty its, who can speak, read and write En- terminably to the plains below. To thorn are asleep in the shadows on most too wonderful for words. It glish. For information apply to recruit- Roswell Automobile Co. the north and the west is the blue the plains, the autumn's breeze is was of a tired cloud bank that had ing officer, Laughlln Block, Santa Fe, range that starts in Colorado and vesting, weary-hearte- d down the vale, rested long in the valley and was New Mexico. Roswell, New Mexico. ends with Sandia and the Manzanos the fairies in the blue are busy with rudely awaiiened by the rising sun.' while In im- star-lamp- no one near Albuquerque; the their and stops It had no time to lift and float away Lame Shoulder Cured. mediate are the Truchas, to watch the nun as foreground gray weep alone, but was caught imprisoned within lue Lame shoulder is usually caused by Santa Fe Lake Peak and many alone, she her all as Baldy, always keeps night jagged walls of the canon. There rheumatism of the muscles and quick- e of race. Noble other veterans their vigil o'er the plain. if begging for pardon and praying for to a few of that have battled with ly yields applications warriors long Moonlight From the Top of Hamilton release, it changed itself into the Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Mrs. F. II. heroes for d time, brave always ready Mesa. most beautiful pearl of New Bruns- what the next dawn shall heart.' McKlwee, Boislown, Rubber day's A hunter's moon sailed slowly that ever rested in the canon's wick, writes: "Having beeu troubled ( Stamps bring. shot across the midnight blue, the pole star Ten thousand irised hues for some time with a pain in my left A September Sunset on the Organ with wheeled on through it, not laid in rainbow bands I decided to Chamber- its train round high, ' shoulder, give WHEN YOU FIND YOUKSELF WRITING THE Mountains. the milky way stretched overhead but rather like the iridescent gleams lain's Pain Balm a trial, with the re- motner-of-pear- l beauli-- i SAME TILING IN THE COURSE Rising abruptly from the plain that like foam across the deep, and be- that make the sult that I got prompt relief." For sale FREQUENTLY OF not to be YOUR spans the Mesilla valley, forbidding neath lay the valleys and mountains ful. Is that scene worthy by all druggists. BUSINESS, REMEMBER A RUBBER STAMP moun- n And of the view from and austere, are the Organ of the Pecos reserve bathed in a blue-gree- described? what WILL AVE YOU A GREAT DEAL OF TIME. BUSY volcanic Cloudcroft with its forests in the tains. Their thin ledges light like the mountains under HOT TAMALES. PEOPLE ARE SING RUBBER STAMPS MORE of de- below, and in the stand on end, barren verdure, the sea. Long ribbons of mist trailed foreground, plains Hot Tamales, Chile Verde, Chile NOW Me-nud- o THAN EVER BEFORE BECAUSE THEY void of softening lines, but straight up the valleys rising and falling, di- distance the White Sands that shift Colorado, Pozole with Cueritos, SAVE and bare and lifeless as the leaden viding the obedient to the and shift and tell no tales. What of and Chicken Tcmolo are among TIME, AND'TIME IS MONEY THESE DAYS pipes of some monster organ. A her- slightest midnight breeze. All around the views from the Bland mountains, the Mexican and Spanish dishes which to a mit nun, grayrobed and starved of stood pines, blue spruces and balsam where the eye reaches distances are being served nightly at the where soul, could never be more cold and firs, tall, black guardians, ever faith- hundred miles in each direction, short order house, The Bon Ton and are laid PRICE-LIS-T proud than this embittered dame. No ful. Beneath lurked mysterious sha- valleys and mesa plain Restaurant. in in neat in the low lands far One-lin- e emerald vales are cradled her dows where elves and pyxies danced precision Stamp, not over 2J inches long lie no be- and where an opal mist hangs treatments are gaunt, emaciated arms, shady and slender aspens stood in rows away, Trial Catarrh being Each additional line on same 10c. sunshot and flecked with rose mailed out on Dr. stamp, glens hide neath benignant smiles, yond the clearing, their sleek white always, free, request, by One-lin- not have a e Stamp, over 2 J and not over 3J inches .20c but hard, oh, flinty hard, stands grim stems All day long their and pearl. Should tnat Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests are long. Each offspring of some Titanic force that burnished leaves had trembled, shak- place in our gallery? proving to the people without a pen- additional line on same stamp, 15c. writhed mid earthquake and volcanic ing bits of sunlight from their quiv- The Enchanted Mesa. ny's cost the great value of this sci- One-lin- e Stamp, over 3 J and not over 5 inches long. . .21c gray-visage- d child was as en- in the vast sand wastes entific known to drug- fire when this ering finger tips and now, if Out pink prescription Each additional line on same stamp, 20c. a master with the of the San Mateo as Dr. Ca- born. But just as chanted in the moonlight they seemed that stretch south gists everywhere Shoop's One-lin- e Stamp, over 5 inches long, inch Sle use of stops and keys, makes of an like dancing shaking out mountains, there stands a square cut tarrh Remedy. Sold by all dealers. per dryads Each organ a living, throbbing thing; just their airy skirts, tossing their heads mesa. The sunlight plays about it all additional line, same price. as a heart full of tenderness and love in murmuring laughter and making through the summer day, causing Keep your Tiusmess ever nerore the (Curved lines on Stamp count as two lines.) new to a sad and faint- to in heat waves to form- in home carries hope of the wood a gay place revel quivering rise, public by advertising your Borders of all shapes, under 3 inches long way, 25c extra. ing heart, so does the sun dying slow- 'till cock crow. ing mirages beautiful to behold. The paper. A good advertiser always has Larger sizes at proportionate ly in the west warm with its kiss the Down in the valley, the willows mesa is called "Enchanted" and sure- success in any honest enterprise. prices. Where used is over one-ha- lf inch we cold gray Organ peaks, change their swayed, so gray they looked and so ly it deserves its name for it is nev- type in size, charge tall spires from adamant to gems,, and alluring was their call, that one could er seen twice alike. Sometimes it DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the for one line for each one-ha- lf inch or fraction. clothe their thin sides with robes fit not help thinking the erl king had seems large and near, sometimes u best pills known. Sold by The Ireland DATES, ETC. to be for dames. come from his home across the sea, is small and appears far, far Pharmacy. -- royal Local Dater any town and date for ten $1,00 Look, far over the plains just before to take up his abode in alien lands. away. One day it is a mesa in a years. Ledger Dater month, and in .50 them, a purple wonder is creeping, One could not see the river, deep stretch of sand, the next an island The New Mexican Printing Com- day year ...... growths that were now green-gol- d down in the rocky ribs of the canon, floating on a blue sea. One moment pany lg prepared to furnish cards de Regular line Dater. .81 have changed to violet and amethyst, bu the echo of its singing was wafted it is purple, the next it is pink or gold visite for ladies or rentlemen on Defiance Model Band Dater. 1.60 are now f ochre it a Fac-Simi- hills that were yellow like the strainr-o- some soft and always stands mystical thing, short in first cUss le upward notice, style at Signatures, Rubber Stamp and Wood Cut 1.10 vermilllon and scarlet lake, and as lullaby, that soothed and brought one reminder of a race that has gone be- reasonable either or prices, engraved Pearl Check Protector 1.00 the sun sinks slowly so slowly creeps In closer touch with the majesty of fore, of a people who toiled and suf- printed. Call on the New Mexican SELF-INKIN- the color till at last it has reached the moon-li- t night and the "wonder fered and waited, a strange race that Printing Comiy G STAMP PADS. the mountains and bathed their feet beauty of the star-li- t vale. loved the southland with its sun, its Iix2i, 10c; 2x3 J, 15c; 25c; S5c; like love be- 2x3, 2,x4, 8ixi, in Its flood. See, a glow ruby, From glade and meadows came the color, just as you it, reader, Stomach Trouble Cured. throw- can not do for 50c; 4x7J, 7c. lights up the canons yonder, soft lowing of the 'mountain cattle cause you otherwise, If you have trouble with rocks and the any your FOR ing to bold relief the jagged and the mellowed sound of bells, the magic spell is upon you stomach you should take Chamberlain's TYPE SPECIMENS ADDRESS deep-se- t scars of the Pueblos Is land. about it. The across the valley an owl hooted, up land of the your Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr. J. P. mountain are in Ultra blue canon a wild wed from painted the cat and Klote of Edlna, Mo., says: "I have us- a is came call CO. and everywhere golden light either side the low, weird Orlno Laxatlva Fruit Srup,tne new ed a great many different medicines PRIflTIfJG The a royal Ir- fmatfl dancing. gems that deck of other creatures of the but does not night. Laxative, stimulates, for stomach trouble, but find Chamber-Iain'- s p7 crown are not more brave, than those The scene was quieting, to Guaran- SANTA NEW MEXICO ritate. It the best Laxative. Stomach and Liver Tablets more m Fl, on pinnacle and crag, and the lights The cares of life were shifted or back. Sold teed your money by beneficial than any other remedy I ev- i V flash from the Btar not more for a while that dog to one side and the heart The Irelaod Pharmacy. er used." For sale by all druggists. PAGE EIGHT SA-NT- ' A FE NEW MEXICAN, SAOTA FE, N.M. SATURDAY, .'ANUARV 4, 1903.

SOCIAL AND PERSONAL which was to have been held In It on C ARTWRIGHT.D AVIS CO. New Year's has been Indefinitely post poned by the Woman's Board of Trade, (Continued From Page Four) It will be a month or more before the structure Is entirely completed, and Otis Harding of Albuquerque is a no date will be again set for the open guest of his uncle and until it is more known No. 250 San Francisco Street aunt, Mr. and ing definitely Bookcase Mrs. Roman L. Baca, on Palace ave- when It will be ready. "Elastic" nue. Supervisor Ross McMillan of the the original ancf only per No. 4. Meat Market. Tele- feet sectional bookcase Grocery Telephone Miss Clara Olson, private secretary Pecos River, Jemez and Taos national of made. The doors are non-bindin- g, Governor Curry, is to re- forests, and Mrs. McMillan, have been expected dust-proo- f, No. 49. turn next week from on a to of oper- phone Los Angeles. Cal visit various sections the ate on roller and where she the bearings, ifornia, has been spending jJoinez national forest during positively cannot get out 'V-- her vacation. l week. Mrs. Brldgman, the mother of of order. Bases furnished Mrs. B. Jorgensen who has been In Mrs. McMillan, who has been on ith or without drawers. Call the city the past seven months visit!- - visit to her daughter for the past few and see them, or send for No. 105 ing her daughter, Mrs. Marie Michel- - months is preparing to leave for her catalog By the New Mexican son, will leave during the coming eastern home In Buffalo, New York, BAbS, BUTqErS! Local week for her home at Newton, Iowa, .during the present month, Printing Company, Santa N. M. Miss Ruth Laughlin, cider daugh- - Associate Justice William H. Pope agents. FE, ter of Judge aud Mrs. N. B. Laughlin, and wife will arrive in Santa Fe Mon-wh- o is a student at Colorado College, day and while here will be the guests and In shell. California crabs and SHELLED NUTS. the and has spent the holidays with her of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Walker. for eastern fresh fish. New stock of shelled nuts salt parents, will leave tomorrow tor Colo- They left their home at Roswell yes- Ing, making candy, etc. rado Springs to resume her studies. terday aud today and tomorrow will Per Pound TURKEYS. Attorney General and Mrs. James be the guests of friends at Trinidad, 60 Order for the .Shelled walnuts your turkeys holidays M. Hervey and children who have been Colorado, while en route to this city. 60 now. We will have extra Bhelled almonds fancy stock, at St. Vincent's Sanitarium, today mov- - Judge Pope is coming here to attend 75 but the will be limited. Will Shelled pecans quantity ed into the Abbott residence on Cerrll- - the sessions of the Territorial supreme WITH YOUR CHRISTMAS DINNER 40 fill all we Shelled filberts orders that accept. Heads los street. If a suitable lot can be court which will convene next week, 40 and feet will be off. Shelled Cashews found Attorney General Hervey may General Superintendent H. W. 40 Try a bottle of California Rhine wine 65c Shelled plgnollas build a residence here. Sharp of the western grand division of orly 80 MEAT MARKET. Salted pistachios Miss Sellgman who has spent the the Santa Fe railway who has been Scupperuong a pure white grape wine macJe Salted 25 Wo can fix you up a beef tenderloin Albu-wll- peanuts holidays with her parents in 'this city on a tour of Inspection was in l or a crown roast of lamb, or French in Virginia 75c return to Colorado Springs Mon- - querque today en route to his station NEW NUTS. etc., that will be a revelation chops, day to resume her studies at Colorado at La Junta. He Is accompanied by walnuts 25 to We have a new larding out Other Wines by the gallon at special price. Extra you. - fancy College. Thursday evening Miss Sellg- Mrs. Sharp and their two daughters :::::: California almonds 25 fit that enables us to lard tender man entertained Miss Helen Laughlin who are enjoying the trip very much, Blue Beer Doz. 20 loin roasts, much moro effectives Famous gibbon per $3,00 Imported chestnuts ptc, and Miss Jaffa at dinner. ,The elder Miss Sharp Is a student at filberts 20 ly than by the old methods. Imported President W. S. Hopewell of the Ter- - the Now York College of Arts and Is 20 Pabst Export Qts. 2.35 Fancy polished pecans ritorlal Statehood League and of the especially interested in New Mexico nuts 20 COLORADO APPLES. Brazil board of control of the National Irri- sights and scenery. The party spent ..... fresh 15 We have unloaded a car of NO. 6 Peanuts, roasted just gation Congress who has been hero last Monday In Santa Fe and enjoyed PHONE, Pinion nuts 20 fancy Colorado apples that we are of- several days on business connected the visit very much. They were en- Black 3 lbs. for 25 fering at from $2.75 to $3.25 per box. walnuts, with these projects, returned to his tertained Informally at luncheon by SPECIAL XMAS. nuts, 3 lbs. for 25 Ben Davis and Ganos, per box $2.75. FOR WEEK Large hickory Albuquerque home' last and Mrs. Jaffa. Jonatons, winesays, etc $3.25 night. Secretary Thomas D. Burns, Jr., of Tierra Am-arlll- Two delightful though informal lit- CANDY. These are large fine apples. Strict- ono of the young men of tle dancing parties were held during All kinds food 25 ly fancy mid worth much more than rising DIGP0 &PP0LE0JI. angel taffy.. northern New Mexico and son of Hon. the week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. assorted 15 the ordinary pack of apples. Califor- Ordinary taffy, and Mrs. T. D. Burns, of Tierra Am-arill- Charles L. .Bishop, on Bowers street. candy, 15 nia Hoover apples, $2.75. us Large variety good was in Albuquerque today attend Mr. and Mrs. Bishop entertained at J Fancy chocolate creams 40 ing the annual session of the Terrl- - one on New Year's eve, while their Fancy boves, 5c to $1.50 ORANGES. 30 at 11 a. m., the mean tem-pera'tu- marke is steady and unchanged today. torlal Sheep Board of which Miss Marian Bishop, was the degrees corn bricks and 05 California navels are much earlier Sanitary daughter, the 33 Sheep 3,000. Market weak. West- crlsplets ho is a member. hostess at the other on New Year's for day being degrees this year than usual. Already nicely and relative humidity 90 erns, $3.005.15; yearlings, $4.70 Major Martini Mancini, member or night. A big phonograph furnished the the average XMAS ORNAMENTS. colored and well flavored. cent. The of snow on the 5.50; lambs, $4.756.80; westerns. the faculty of the New Mexico Military music and dancing on both occasions per depth Nice line of Xmas. ornament3. We CHRISTMAS DESSERT. at 0 was a trace, $4.75G.80. Institute at Roswell and instructor in. was enjoyed until midnight. On New ground p. m., only will receive other shipments before Plum pudding, .20 to .75, according the for the 21 hours Kansas City, Jan. 4. Cattle 1,000. and French, has returned Year's eve the guests included Judge precipitation Xmas. to size and quality. Spanish Inch Market steady today. Southern steers. from a six months' leave of absence and Mrs. McFie; Mr. and being 0.08 Mincemeat, 31bs. Ferndell, 75c, Bibs. A Royal Slave at the opera nouse inner, du; soutliern cows, $2.26 spent at his former home in Ma- Mrs. Paul of Pittsburg; Mr. and Mrs. XMAS CANDLES. $1.15. Italy. last to a large and stockers and feeders, $2.25 jor Mancini had a very enjoyable va C. A. Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Fischer, night played 36 Christmas candles 15 Fruit cake our own make 25c and audience. Lie show was 4.40; bulls, $ 4,. 00 to Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. preciative $3.004.00; calves, 40c. cation but was nevertheless glad Garrett, season. western Mr. and Mrs. Zook, Mrs. Hall, the best seen here this Every ;o.75; steers, $3.604.50; Almorla rais- get back to New Mexico. Walker, cos western FISH AND SHELL FISH. grapes, fancy layer of member of the cast was good, the cows, $2.504.00. etc. Deputy Internal Revenue Collector of East LaB Vegas; Mrs. Schuerlch, Blue Point Oysters, both soalshlpt ins, bananas, - tumes were gorgeous and the play Sheep None. Market to i Members" of young- nominally Frank R. with Clovis. t the " Crandall, headquarters went off without a hitch. The conv steady. at Phoenix. Arizona, who has been on or society set were guests at nam' was creatly handicapped, how a visit to his for the the soiree the following evening when parents holidays, ever by the poor stage facilities, be NOTICE TO SANTA FE COUNTY has returned to his station. Mr. Cran- Miss Bishop filled the role of hostess. unable to use any of its own seen' TEACHERS. dall Is well with his official ing DUDROW & M0NTENIE pleased ery of which it carries a car load. The A regular teachers' examination for duties and station, but after all thinks company left this morning lor aidu- - applicants for first, second and third Santa Fe "the place." Minor City Topics querque. grade certiflca'tes will be held Janu- Hon. W. B. Childers of Albuquerque, The following visitors have register ary 21th at 10 a. ra., at the Santa Fo one of New Mexico's foremost attor- from Five.) (Continued Page ed since Saturday at the rooms of the High School, and all those wishing to neys, will leave tomorrow evening for FUNERAL DIRECTORS Historical Society: Adele Bordenave, teach in Santa Fe county, who are not where he will an All on time this Washington argue trains reported Albuquerque; May E. Bennlck, Shel- already holders of certificates must be case before the AND important Supreme evening. don, Iowa; Emma Parrett, Estancia; passed by the board. All holders of Court of the United States and will Court will The Territorial Supremo Susie Richards, Baxter, Iowa; Mar special permits must also attend this also do some for the statehood work open its winter, session in the supreme garet Smith, Amelia Tunr-or- examination as their on EMBALMERS to Blossburg; permits expire cause, lie expects be absent anout court chambers at the capitol next Las .1. V. J. F. 24 ' East Vegas; Bowen, the th of January, 1908, and failure ten , The session will be of days. Tuesday. likely Munford, Stanley; Mrs. George L. to attend and secure proper certificates Hon. James W. will leave three weeks duration. and White Hearse. Raynolds Giesler, Morarity; MrsWilliam Rowe, will disqualify them as teachers. Black tomorrow for ranches of the T. B. of the tin the sheep Fischer, manager Estancia; Margaret Kelcher, Albu- I would be pleased to have a Salado Live Stock In Guad of the large company dertaking department Wagner querque; Mrs. Reta Mathews, Mrs. attendance at this examination, as of which he is Furniture left this after-noo- n alupe county secretary. company, Mary Neet, Morlarty; G. Falconer and there are several school districts at lie expects to be absent about two or for Morlarty, having been sum-inonc- All Kinds of Picture wife, Estancia; Alice Wilkinson, Kim- Ii resent not supplied with teachers.and Framing three weeks. The latest news from there to a corpse for prepare ball, Nebraska; Jose Garcia, Chllill; those securing certificates will bo Mrs. and sons burial. Raynolds their three Mrs. N. A. Bolich, Alice Smith, Dera-lng- ; positions. DAY 35 Is well home will OODROW'S OFFICE BUILDING. 'PHONE that they are very at the Probate Judge Victor Ortega John F. Summers, Estancia; J. V. CONWAY, of Mrs. father at Omaha. hold a session of the and No. 142. Raynolds' regular probate Daniel Hayes, East Las Vegas; W. F. County School Superintendent. Residence, Lincoln Avenue. Night Sundays. Telephone court of Fe at his office In the Territorial Engineer Vernon L. Sul- - Santa Osborne, Portales; Jesus C. Sanchez, court house next. Consider- - livan and wife who have snent the Monday Tome; Jose Baca, Ana M. Baca, Nico- The New Mexican come before the Printing two ablc business will D. - past weeks with the parents of las Baca, Belen; B. Morrill, Estan has and for sale up-to- court. ready Mrs. Sullivan at Lakewood, Eddy coun- - cia; R. K. Grant and wire, lflast Las date and correct compilations of the 1o - son ty, will return Santa Fe tomor- Edward Bright Ehle, the infant Vegas; N. E. Wood, Clayton; A. W. territorial Incorporation laws, prlco row. Mr. Sullivan has also of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ehle, Is very William E. ' Glasgow, Turner, Kansas 75 cents, of the territorial road laws, low was Lead-vill- COAL s WOOD looked after irrigation projects in that but this afternoon reported City; Mrs. Katherine McMaster, price 50 cents, and of the territorial as T..e child had section which have been submitted to slightly improved. Colorado; D. M. Richards, Albu- mining laws, price 50 cents per copy. , een unl n a Cerrtllot Anthracite Furnace, his office for investigation and approv-- apparently recovering querque; J. M. Duenslng, Neogo, Illin These can be purchased by applying Lump, set in. al. relapse ois; Maoelie T. carpenter, juauci m. in person or by mall at the office of Monero Lump, 6mlthlng Coal, The Saturday Whist club was enter- Alfredo Sandoval, a sheepman of Carpenter, Ke'tner; John Gualdonl, the company. Anthracite Mixed. Sawed Wood and Kindling. tained this afternoon, the members be- Sandoval, arrived In the city 'today ac- Morenci, Arizona; Mrs. John H. Pyle, W. of Mrs. A. J. at companying a young who is Pawnee City, Nebraska; Herbert CulitfAM .H fl. ..II.. XT . I - ing the guests Fisher, brother, iui me ucuiy mew mei;- L. Far-qu- e, uuujiwuc her pretty home on Washington ave returning to resume his studies at St. Cornell, Philadelphia; Peter can and get the news. CAPITAL COAL YARD. nue. ' Mrs. Fischer, although not a Michael's college after spending his Morena, Arizona; John D. Clark, 8. M. Phone No. 85. Office Garfield Avenue, near A.; T. and F. Depot member of the club has been enter- - holiday vacation at his home, Alamos, Mexico; H. Allen, Chicago; ' ,T. P. Warren F. talned by it and today's card party at Marriage licenses were issued by Lavelle, Roswell; La Colorado. DIAZ her residence was In appreciation of Probate Clerk George W. Armljo to-th- e Wilcox, Jara, SflNITIDPI courtesies extended to her by the day to Miss Rita Lobato, aged 17, of club. Santa Cruz and Tomas Qulntana, aged MARKET REPORT. Miss Ellen F. Daniels, a member of "G of Chamita, and to Miss Paullta Equipped for the treatment of medi Gurule, 1G, and Robert N. the faculty of the New Mexico Normal aged Clokey, cal, surgical and obstetrical cases. PI University at East Las Vegas, who has aed 47 both f Glorleta. CLOSING MARKET REPORT. ACE Atchison 69 84 1-- bid. Approved methods of diagnosis an.1 OUR been in the city spending the holiday Chairman Sparks of the Board of pfd. vacation of two weeks, departed this County Commissioners is indisposed New York Central 92 therapy. Rooms steam heated and morning for the Meadow City. She and confined, to his residence Pennsylvania 111 OTTO RETSCH, Proprietor. 73. electrlo lighted. No patient wttK greatly enjoyed her visit here where by a cold. The Board of Coun- Southern Pacific FALSTAFF BOTTLED BEER. SO. she has many friends. Miss Daniels ty Commissioners will meet Mon- Union Pacific 118 contagious disease aeocrted, Open ANY QUANTITY FROM A PINT UP. was a teacher in the local at Its rooms at the court house Amalgamated 49. formerly day to all lloeneed practitioner. public schools. in regular quarterly session for the Steel 20 pfd. 89. Or. J. M. Diaz, Pre. J. A, Relit, Fine Wines, Liquors and cigars. It is understood that Reverend V. transaction of business. MONEYS AND METALS. teey, R. Dye, rector of the Church of the 'ihe remains of the late William New York. Jan. 4. Money on call t N.M. WEST SIDE OF PLAZA t t SANTA FE, Holy Faith has been offered the rector- Melby whose death occurred in this nominal, 68 per cent; prime mercan- Wiut IVe "Turn Out" ship of a church In Virginia and will city, will be forwarded via the Santa tile paper, 810. Statement of clear- leave in a few days for that state to Fe Central Railway tomorrow after- ing house banks for week, (five days) look Into conditions. If satisfactory, noon to Duluth, Minnesota, where the shows they hold $11,509,500 less than -- JF YCU ABE LOOKING FcR the chances are that he will sever young man resided. The body will the requirements of the 25 per cent jhls connections with the Church of be accompanied by c. Melby, father reserve rule; Increase of $8,600,800 hi A CHRISTMAS PRESENT .the Holy Faith in this city In order of the deceased, who arrived here last proportionate cash reserve, compared to in view. from Duluth. To send to Home Folks or Frienda in the East that will take the place .night with last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Barney entertain- - While in the New York, aJn. 4. Lead Market be in the line of working yesterday appreciated, buy something Filigree ed at a dinner party on Thursday ev- - basement at the court house, Samuel quiet. Lead, 3,603.70; Lake Copper Mexican Drawn Nub- - 5-- Jewelry, Work, Unmounted or Mounted cuing at their apartments at the Fallor, the plumber, unwittingly drop- - quiet, 13.00 silver, 55.00 Turquoise or best of all, a Blanket. We have a bautn residence complimentary to Mr. ped a chunk of lead wet with water! WOOL MARKET, and Mrs. N. C a bride and great variety of nice things appropriate as gifts. Flint, into the melting pot and the molten St. Louis, Jan. 4. Wool steady groom of New Year's day. Covers were metal already in the receptacle splash- - and unchanged, laid for hostess FOR EVERYBODY eight, including host, ed in his face. Fortunately he was GRAIN, PORK LARD AND RIBS. ana guests or nonor. uuiur guesis wore wearing spectacles at tne time wnicn Jan. 4. Wheat of- Chicago, May As a inducement to Santa Fe we are l W. Mrs. 3-- 1-- special people Mrs. H. Warner, .Woolger, protected his eyes from injury but his 1.08 4 July,-1.0-

Goods Miss and Thomas Jones. was burned. 3-- 1-- fering Holiday of all kinds in stock at cost or great- Woolger .face painfully Had the Corn May, 61 July, 60 in the way of rough wood you, as a - unmelted lead been 1-- ly reduced prices. While they last we are selling Chimayo Mrs. Grace B. Hall of East Las Veg- perfectly dry the Oats May 53 July 46 carpenter, can "turn Into" the finest who has been In the .the accident would not haye happened, 1-- work. Our lumber is pillow tops at 50 cents each, Mexican Drawn Work Collars as, city past Pork Jan. 12.72 May, 13.37 cabinet second two weeks as a house guest of Mr. and Santa Fe'a weather must have taken Lard Jan. 7.87 May,. to none in quality, being fully season- turn-ov- ei at 10 cents Souvenir 127.90; of pattern, each, and Post - Mrs. C. L. Bishop, will return tomor- a jog to London last night as a dense 8.07 ed and free from knots, warps, and all al Cards of at 1 cent each. There are other City bargains row to the Meadow City. Mrs. Hall, fog prevailed and the mist that hung Ribs Jan. G.87 May 7.25 Imperfections. Good, hard wood that for holiday shoppers. who was formerly a teacher in the over the city was not dissipated until 7.27 1-- Is every carpenter's pride. There is local public schools, now holds a slm- - the sun rose. During the early evening LIVE 8TOCK. no fear of any of our lumber going AT CURIO liar position at East Las Vegas and the mountains surrounding the city Omaha, Nob., Jan. 4. Cattle Re back on you in the way of splitting. CflNDELflRIO'S STORE and while hero she attended the sessions were completely obscured. The tern-o- f celpts 200. Market unehangod, Itiue, cut to. required lengths for 301-3O- 3 San - or J. S. Francisco Street. the New Mexico Educational asso- perature at 6 o'clock this morlng was Sheep RocclDts UQ. ? Market Begging curling, it is honest ami Candelano, Prop. immediate uae. ' will be to the ladies the week' elation. so degrees which' was also the lowest steady. Yearlings $:5.G0; wethers Free sourenirs giren during "" Owing to the Inability of having the during last The maximum tern-ne- $4.254.75; ewes . lambs , m' mmm-- ' between Christinas and New Year's, night. $l4.od; m' public library building finished perature yesterday waa 36 degrees at $5.256.75. , . . AV- 9 T - TllttnGtWT y January 1, the public reception 1 a. m., and the minimum temperature Chicago, Jan. 4. Catttle400. The J w W f