Stirling Range National Park
MANAGEMENT PLAN Stirling Range National Park and Porongurup National Park 1999-2009 PLANNING TEAM Ian Herford (Co-ordinator of Draft Management Plan) Kelly Gillen Martin Lloyd Corinn Hine Lachlan McCaw Greg Keighery Jude Allan and Ian Herford (Co-ordinators of Final Management Plan) PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Des Gaze (Chairman), Geoff Clark (Deputy Chairman), Jack Adams, Oscar Colbung, Helen Cooke, Keith Davis, Ken Dean, Jeff Ellett, Chris Enright, Terry Enright, Allan Hunt, Don McFarlane, Sonia Lemann, Mark Saxon, Garry Sounness, Ric Walne, John Watson, Jackie Watt PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Department of Conservation and Land Management for the National Parks and Nature Conservation Authority Perth, Western Australia, 1999 Stirling Range and Porongurup National Parks Management Plan PREFACE Under the Conservation and Land Management Act 1984, conservation reserves in Western Australia are specified as national parks, conservation parks, nature reserves, marine management areas, marine parks and marine nature reserves. National parks, conservation parks and nature reserves are vested in the National Parks and Nature Conservation Authority (NPNCA). These reserves are managed on behalf of the NPNCA by the Department of Conservation and Land Management (CALM). The NPNCA is responsible for the preparation of management plans for all lands which are vested in it. These are prepared on a regional or area basis. Area plans for individual parks and reserves are being prepared on a priority basis. This plan complements the Regional Management Plan for the South Coast Region (CALM, 1992). Also relevant to the area in which the parks are located are the State Planning Strategy (WA Planning Commission, 1997) and the Albany Regional Strategy (WA Planning Commission, 1994).
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