SUITABLE FOR INDUSTRIAL/ WAREHOUSING WARSTOCK ROAD DEVELOPMENT* KINGS HEATH, SOUTH BIRMINGHAM, B14 4RT *SUBJECT TO PLANNING FOR SALE COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT LAND 3.83 ACRE SITE (1.55 HA) APPROX. Boundary is for illustrative purposes only 11A T7 T8 T6 M54 2 1 10A A34 TAMWORTH T5 A449 A460 A461 LOCATION M6 M6 TOLL VAT 10 The site is located to the north of Warstock Road in Kings Heath 10 WALSALL A5 VAT may be charged in addition to any costs A452 just off the A435 Alcester Road. T3 at the prevailing rate. SUTTON M42 A454 9 COLDFIELD Birmingham City Centre is approximately 7 miles to the north of 7 T2 8 the site and Junction 3 of the M42 Motorway is approximately 5 A38 9 miles to the south of the site. DATA ROOM T1 NUNEATON DUDLEY 1 Immediately surrounding the site are industrial and warehouse A suite of documents and reports can be obtained 6 5 4A 8 A461 occupiers with a new Lidl just being developed at the junction of via our dedicated data room, which can be accessed 2 BIRMINGHAM A456 7 M6 Warstock Road with the Pershore Road. by visiting the website Birmingham Birmingham Airport International 3 A45 6 A45 A41 A456 THE SITE The password can be obtained from Alice Harding A38 M5 SOLIHULL M42 COVENTRY The former industrial buildings to the west of the site have been
[email protected] 5 A34 demolished down to slab with all waste and rubble removed. The A435 industrial complex to the east remains in situ but quotes and 4 4 timescales have been obtained previously for the site’s demolition 2 CLICK THE BUTTONS BELOW TO EXPLORE THE SITE: 4A M42 3 and clearance.