By:AAJones of H.R.ANo.A1491


1 WHEREAS, of San Antonio played a pivotal

2 role in claiming Olympic gold in the men ’s 1,600-meter relay in

3 in 2004, sealing the American team ’s victory with an

4 inspired anchor leg; and

5 WHEREAS, Mr. Williamson and teammates , Derrick

6 Brew, and Jeremy Wariner continued America ’s recent dominance of

7 the 1,600-meter relay event, winning with a time of 2 minutes, 55.91

8 seconds--nearly 5 seconds ahead of second-place Australia and just

9 tenths of a second off the Olympic record; and

10 WHEREAS, A two-time Big 12 Conference champion in the 400

11 meters, Mr. Williamson joined the track team

12 after a stellar career at Holmes High School; in 2002, he

13 established himself as a star by winning the world junior 400-meter

14 championship and U.S. junior 400-meter championship; and

15 WHEREAS, Mr. Williamson ’s fourth-place finish in the 400

16 meters at the U.S. Olympic trials earned him a place in the

17 1,600-meter relay pool, and his strong showing in the event ’s

18 semifinal earned him the opportunity to anchor the American team in

19 the main event and demonstrate his impressive speed and athleticism

20 on sport ’s grandest stage; and

21 WHEREAS, With his impressive performance at the 2004 Athens

22 Olympic Games, Mr. Williamson has inscribed his name in the annals

23 of sports history, and his contributions to the U.S. Olympic team

24 have earned him the admiration not only of the citizens of Texas but

79R13153 JHS-D 1 H.R.ANo.A1491

1 also of countless citizens throughout America; now, therefore, be

2 it

3 RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas

4 Legislature hereby congratulate Darold Williamson for winning gold

5 at the 2004 Athens Olympic Games and extend to him best wishes for

6 continued success in all his endeavors; and, be it further

7 RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be

8 prepared for Mr. Williamson as an expression of high regard by the

9 Texas House of Representatives.