The Music Academy, Madras 115-E, Mowbray’S Road, Madras-14
DONATED BY. Sat. uQMATI fliitAAIiATHAS, THE JOURNAL OP THE MUSIC' # ACADEMY MADRAS A QUARTERLY DEVOTED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF THE SCIENCE AND ART OF MUSIC Vol. XXXVII 1966 Parts MV H ji t o tB t si i *nr m^rf^cr foHTfa 11 «* I dwell not in Vaikuntha, nor in the hearts of Yogins, nor in the Sun; (but), where my Bhaktas sing, there be I, Narada ! ” EDITED BY V. RAGHAVAN, M .A., p h .d . 19 66 PUBLISHED BY THE MUSIC ACADEMY, MADRAS 115-E, MOWBRAY’S ROAD, MADRAS-14 Annual Subscription—Inland Rs. 4. Foreign 8 sh. Post paid, f THE JOURNAL OF THE MUSIC ACADEMY, MADRAS OPINIONS The Indian Express: “The resumption of the Journal is an event of the first The Oriental Literary Digest, Poona magnitude in the musical world.” writes : The Hindu : “ The revival of this “ A journal of all-India character, valuable Journal devoted to the study solely devoted to music, has been a and promotion of Indian Music will be serious and long-standing desideratum. welcomed by all lovers and exponents Though the Sangita, a quarterly pub of the art. lished from the Marris College, The Madras M ail: “We are glad to Lucknow, and the Journal of the Music note the revival of the Journal of the Academy, Madras, (JMAM), were start Madras Music Academy (a quarterly ed in 1930, both had unfortunately to devoted to the advancement of the be suspended after issuing a few excel science and art of music) Fulfilling lent numbers. The re-appearance of the as it does a real need of music lovers, JMAM will therefore be welcomed by we are sure all lovers of art and culture all thoughtful lovers of Indian music will support it.” and culture with no small amount of H.
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