GRINDERS in TOWN COME from ■ ■■ ■ M Producer' and Their American Soldier Bene Talne, Ohio
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.sf.' * -. 'I ‘m ......... " V ' 1 >11 I ■ I'l I I -nil I I ii'ii ■Ail'i ’f,-I’liiti If tljt. i ’W j l Ofoatr nad Mianchester Rod and Gun Mlsa Karol B. KnooM, daugh cMtooid _____ , A » Q i | t T o ^ Club will have its quarterly ter of Mr. and Mm. George meeting Monday at 8 p.m. at Knoeaa of 37 Autumn St., has Pay Hike^ Addeid Benefits Oompliilats relating to g«r- mflddr wttR' the clubhouse on Daley Rd., been named to the dean’s high >Uge and reh«e service continue low. Ugh SOrfIS. J Coventry. honor Hat for the first quarter C ity o f VIOmgm C h t ^ t» run with only 27 report- Given VAC Sfdaried Hdp low, of the acadeniic year at North i d tor the week ending last The Rev. John D. Hughes, VOL.LXXXV,N0.6L (TWISLVE PAGBS^W SBCTION) ampton Commercial College. Pay Increaaea of three per before the pR>poi;ed revlstons MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1965 (OtaMiifMI AdvwtWnc «> PlQi S) Saturday, o t the total, 21 were senior assistant of St. Mery’s PRICE SEVEN C E ^ cent and a seriea erf improve- con take effect, they must be tor skips, three were tor cans Episcopal Church, will conduct Manchester Community Play not returned to back yards, and menta In fringe benefits for sal approved by the Internal Reve^- HEADQUARTERS a radio program Sunday from ers will meet tomorrow at 8:30 nue Service and the corpora three were tor miscellaneous 8:16 to 8:30 a.m. on radio sta p.m. at the home pf Mr. and aried employes of United Air reasons. tion’s stockholders. tion WINF. The service is Mrs. Robert Munson, 1 Riga craft Corporation . were an sponsored by the l^nchester Lane, Bolton. The cast for Tl^ turkey payments the com nounced ^bday by' William P. pany is making this month, in . Manchester Garden Club will Ministers Association. "Everyone Loves Opal,” the 2i^nn, president. an amount approaching $6,0Q0,- • ELECTRIC have Its December meeting and winter production, will be an He also reported that the com 000, represent a tradition that Gemini Sisterships Near Christmas supper Monday at nounced. ’There will be a Christ VFW Auxiliary will have its dates back to the founding year 6:30 pjn. at the home o( Mrs. mas party after the meeting. pany is distributing nearly $5,- annual Christmas party Tues of Pratt A Whitney Aircraft. The t Robert H. Smith, 131 Hartford day at the post home. A roast Members are reminded to bring 000,000 in ‘.'turkey payments” to • CALENDAR grab bag gifts. Members are its employes this holiday season. piaymento are based on employ Rd. Those attending are re beef dinner will be served at es’ length of sendee. minded to use the Hartford Rd. 6:30 p.m. There will be a brief reminded to pay dues at this The salary increases take ef entrance. This will be marked business meeting after dinner time or names will be removed fect Dec. 16. Each of the original 26 em • SELF-WINDING and is the first drive east of and an exchange of gifUs. Res from the mailing list. Dues may Broader insurance coverage, ployes of Pratt A Whitney Alr- Pilgrim Mills. ervations close tomorrow and be sent to Mrs. Mary Gaudet, libralized retirement provi cr-ut was given a turkey after Space Rendezvous may be made with Mrs. Ger 42 Gerard St. sions, and Irrtproved holiday the first Wasp engine had been trude Buchanan, 175 Woodland Temple Spealc^r and vacation schedules are assembled and. prepared for its Initial test run late on Christ St. or Mrs. Elia Brimble, 26 St. Christopher Mothers Cir The Rev. Eidward H. Flan .among the other employe bene [PRESCMPTIOIISI Cumberland. cle will hold its Chri.stmas party fits being provided by the cor mas Eve In 1926. The tradition State News on Monday at 8:30 p.m. at the nery, editor of the -Rhode Is poration. is carried on today with the distribution of cash ^payments Downtown Past Noble Grands of Sunset home of Mrs. Robert Kieman, land diocesan weekly, ‘‘The United Aircraft has on its pay Endurance instead of holiday birds. 1 Rebekah Lodge will meet, elect 51 Goodwin St. Providence Visitor,’’ will be the roll approjflmately 70,000 em Voting Bill ‘The payments ahd other bene officers and have . a Christmas guest speaker at a Joint meet ployes, about '30,000 of them are Billiards fits are going to employes of Mark Due party Monday at 8 p.m. at the salaried. More th ^ 60,000 per 68 Cottage St., cor. of Oak ing of the Sisterhood of Temple Pratt A Whitney Aircraft, Ham home of Mrs, Robert Ann- sons work tor the’ -corporation AT THE PARKADE ^ WEST MIDDLE tPKE. Is Endorsed Hubbard Heads Beth Sholom, B’nai B’rith, Ha- ilton Standard, Sikorsky Air Ample Free Parking!. strong, 64 Hemlock St. Mrs. in Connecticut. Tom oirow da.ssah and the Mr. and Mrs. craft, Norden, United Technol Henry Starkweather is chair A ninth paid holiday - k the WE SAVE YOU MONEY Master’s Club Club on Tuesday at 8:15 p.m. ogy Center, Vector, United Air By Dempsey Now Open on man of a refreshment commit Friday after ‘Thanksgiving Day SPACE CENTER, Hous^ at the temple. He will speak of craft Corporate Systems Cen tee. Members are reminded to — will be added starting next ton, Tex. (AP) — After a Harold V. Hubbard of 50 the new era of ter, United Aircraft Research HARTFORD (AP)—Gov. John Our Regular bring gifts for secret pals and a year. Cimbridge St. last night was relations and' of probes for fur Laboratories, and United Air;, N. Dempsey has endorsed a night of fitful sleep in- a grab bag. For the first time, four-week Winter Schedule elected president of the Master’s ther advances in the Jewish- craft International, Inc. proposal that tlie legislature act cold, tumbling spacecraft, Club of Friendship Lodge of Cliristian dialogue. vacations with pay will be given on e bill Monday which would the Gemini 7 pilots flew on Boilerman Fireman Walter G. Masons. He succeeds Joseph P. In his capacity as editor. Fa to efnployes with 20 or more permit persons who have moved ■— including — Parker Jr., U.S. Navy, son of today toward a world space Vollrath. ther Flannery has been involved years’ continuous service. from one Connecticut town to Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Parker ‘Three-week paid vacations will endurance record and the The meeting, held at Pellin’s in many controversies on such another to vote in the ‘Tuesday SUNDAYS Sr. of 10 Coleman Rd., has de historic rendezvous with was the first annual meeting of subjects as integrated housing, go to employes with 10 years’ referendum. parted Norfolk, Va., aboard the When^ you think of The driver of the station wagon, Joseph A. Armentano, was killed in a crash another orbiting ship. the club. false mysticism, anli-lntellectu- service, instead of 12 as at pres The referendum, which asks and attack aircraft carrier USS ent. last night on W. Middle Tpke. James Morin, who was driving the convertible The temperature ta the cabin Other officers to serve with alisni and ultra-conservatism. GIFTS (for> yourself voiters to accept or reject pro America for her first deplo.v- (foreground), is in critical condition with head injuries. Ronald Rutherford, dropped 20 degrees during tha HOLIDAYS! Hubbard are Wayne Anderson, He believes that the root of our Gwinn said the company is or others) think of posed constitutional changes. Is ment with the Sixth Fleet in adding a new coverage to its driver of the third car, was uninjured. (Photo by Burkamp) legally classified as a series of night, astronaut Frank Borman vice president; Harry Jack.son, society’s trouble lies in the mod reported. the Meditteranean. group insurance program for local elections all taking place secretary; and David Nichols, em depreciation of Intelligence Borman had taken off Ua trea.surer, and charity. employes and is broadening at the same time, and there some forms of protection al fore the six-month residency re spacesult and was flying ta hia Hubbard is also junior ward Educated in Paris, the guest underwear when the sharp drop ready offered under the group quirement that governs local en-elect of Friendship Lodge. speaker is a translator of Mari- Joseph A. Armentano Dies program. elections must be observed. came. He put on two lightwelgM Ajppropriate remarks on the tain and Mauriac. He is also flight suits, his own and that of the author of the recently pub Unite-d Aircraft Is also pro 064 Mair St., Manchester The General Assembly will be occasion of the club’s first an posing a number of “ substantial asked at the one - day special his copilot, James A. Lovell Jr., niversary meeting were made lished ‘"The Anguish of the • Open 6 Days 0 to 9 • to protect himself from the coUL Jews” in which he expresses his improvements” in its retire session to approve a measure by Charter Master Christopher ment income plans. However, As Result o f 3-Car Crash which woixld permit voters who Asked if he had put on tha belief that anti-Semitism is the W. Totten and Master-elect have recently moved to return suits before the start 'o f tha chief stumbling block separat night’s sleep period, Borman John L. VonDeck Jr. to their former tov/ns to cast ing Christians and Jews.