Alpine Journal Index for Years 1988 - 2007
Alpine Journal Index for Years 1988 - 2007 Reference ref: year- Reference text page no. AACB (Akademischer 2005-260 photo Alpenclub Bern) 2005-261 Aarseth, Sverra 2001-359 2001-77 art. 'Three Solo Adventures in the Atacama', Aarseth, Sverre 1998-344 (with Scott Tremaine) obit. of Lyman Spitzer, Abominable! Cartoon of the 1999-84 Yeti Abraham, G D and A P 2000-211 Abraham, George & Ashley 2007-98 and. The Crux exhibition, 2007-99 Abruzzi, Duke of the 2000-211 Abruzzi, The Duke of the 1998-236 Access to mountains 2005-270 Acclimatisation 1998-33 Aconcagua 1993-265 2007-188 Aconcagua (Argentina) 1990-122 Acopantepui (Venezuela) 2004-76 art. Venezuelan Verticality', 2004-84 topo Adam Smith, Janet 1995-352 1997-314 book Mountain Holidays reviewed by Harold Drasdo, 1998-337 obit. of Ella Maillart, 2001-p45 plate Adam Smith, Janet (Janet 1994-326 obits. of Dame Freya Stark, Carleton) 1994-329 and Charmian Longstaff Adam Smith, Janet and Peter 1992-203 art. 'Wordsworth and the Alps', Bicknell 1992-337 1992-347 Adam Smith, Janet, OBE 2000-283 obituary by Luke Hughes, 2000-286 tributes by Roger Chorley 2000-287 Denise Evans 2000-295 obituary by J Adam Smith of Christine Bicknell CBE 2000-p72 plate Adamello 1996-237 Adams Carter, H 1993-262 1994-274 art.'North America 1993', 1994-353 Addis, Peter 1996-192 art. 'The Ala Dag Mystery Peak', 1996-357 Afghanistan 2004-327 art. 'Afghanistan 2003', 2006-163 art. 'The Yak King of Lashkergaaz', 2006-302 'Afghanistan & Pakistan 2005' Africa 1989-154 arts. 'In the Footsteps of Mackinder', 1989-162 'Laymen on Lenana' 1989-170 arts.
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