El Mustang, July 29, 1949
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CALIFORNIA STATE POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE VOL. 9, NO. 84 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, JULY 89, 1949 Coaching Workshop Stars Sport Greats Farm Equipment Branch Rickey—Baseball, Dealers Learn Lynn Waldorf-Football Sales Methods Branch Rickey, Sr., maatermlnd of the Brooklyn Dodftr Monday marked the opening of Cal Holy's new rafraahar count baseball organization, will head a hoat of nationally known for salesmen and paraonnal con aporta personalities at the fourth annual California coaching nected with the agriculture equip ment dealer-service organisations workahop to be held hare at California Stata Polytechnic col of California. James P, Merton, lage August 1 to August 12. head pf the Ag engineering and More than 800 high school and mechanic* department <* directing college coaches from all parU of the program, with Dr. Milo Whit- the aUte are expected to benefit eon inetructing in mathematic*. Big Loagua Stars from the teachings of Riekey and Fred Gert* report writing, and othsr prominent flgurss as Lynn Robert Maurer *ale*man*hTp. Wsldofif, University of California's Thi* program, offered for the At Coacha's Clinic Rose Bowl football coaohi Jose Hill, firat time, and sponsored Jointly High School, College And Pro USC’s track coaeh end Everett by Cal Holy and the California fessional coachsa, tha toast of th* Di’hii. Stanford's basketball ooaeh. Farm Equipment Dealer* Associ two Coaata, will attend th* coach’s The affair Is sponsored by the ation, ha* a* its motive the train clinic at Cal Poly, In raviawing tha California Association for Health, ing of men in the field who are in attsndanca wa find such famoua Physical Education and Recreation terested in improving themselves in former players and managars aai with a membership mad* up of the merchandising and sales phases Branch Klekty—Prssldamt and California coachos and playground of the farm equipment business. general manager of tha Brooklyn directors. Recede* of the urgent need for Dodgers, has needed this urgent* Al Arps of Vnn Nuys is presi adequately trained personnel in cation for the past fl seasons. Un dent of th# association and Wil these fields, the college Is planning der ths guidanc* of Ricksy ths liam Lopes, supervisor of pliysi- in Include several new courses in dodgers have had a rscord of a ral education In the I.o« Angeles Its regular program to supplement first placs tie, a pannant and a City school sysUm, Is chairman of those already being offered in thi* third placa finish In ths past three th* workshop, line. It Is estimated that agencies years. All phases and problems of phy In California alone can employ 150 Riokty has taught school, played sical education will bo discussed men per year, who have completed, college baseball and football be- with leading Instructors coming the necessary training, for* turning professional and re from all parts of California. Mr. Mersen reports that much cently became administrator for Among them will be Tom Stow*, study has been given to this prob both professional baseball and foot Berkeley tennis club professional! lem, both by the dealers association ball. Rickey is like Iddic Cantor James Smith, leading Southern mittee of the dealers association, In having rlvg daughters but also California swimming ooaeh| Jack and a spat ial committee here at the has a son, Branch Jr., who la now Gaines, outstanding state amateur college, and it is hoped that many his father’s assistant tn Brooklyn. lfsr from Qlendalei Ivan Olson, young men will avail themselves of Branch Ricksy Jr. — Assistant n Diego Junior Collage wrest the opportunity to prepare for General Manager of th* Brooklyn Cling coacni Jerald Ruasom, author careers in this phase of the agricul Dodgers since 1947. Began profes ity on gymnaatlcsi Ted Btarr, one ture field. H i l l SOON , . Smiling Evaraft Dean, oce Stanford Univanlty sional baseball career In 1985 as or Southern California's loading botkotball coach, will be buf one of the small army of fop-flight business manager of a class D badminton roaohoO) and Konnis coochet in every sport, which will conduct the Coaching Workshop team. Albany fla^ of the St. Louis I.oiran, on* tlmo trainer of th* Boston Bed Sox, JSL. T . on the Mustong campus during the next two weeks Tim workshop chum Horn in St I.ouu Santa Maria Fair kCTan. MTlDU, played baseball Lopes announced today that Kon opens on August I ond will run through August 12 Besides Dean and football as catcher and line Davidson, outstanding professional who will import knowledge'the first-week, there will be Jess Hill' man In high school. Received A.B. badminton player, will assist Itarr Dombiatad by Poly Branch Rickey ond Poppy Waldorf to tell the tricks of the coach-' degree from Ohio Wealoyan and in this sport during th* first wook. waa on th* wrestling team. Branch Davidson recently returned from Cal Poly'a cattle dominated mg trade .to the 200 high school ond Jaycee coaches that will Rlckay Jr. la married and has two England where he was coach and ottend the dime daughters and a son. manager of th* United State* the aenlor dairy exhibit* at VTneaat J. 'BUI" Svilleh—Waa the Hants Barbara County Thomas Cup Badminton team. ths first four-letterman to grad- Rleksy plana Jto bring 80 fair in Hants Maria a digest (continued on Page Three) from the Brooklyn organisation of the reaulta revealed. Modern Campus Creamery with him to conduct th* baseball Cal Poly entered cowa of classes during ths first week. Among them will be well known three brede: Guernsey, Hol FIRST PACKAGE baseball names Brsnch Rickey Jr., stein and Jersey. These ani To Produce M a n y Items George Malar, Ray Blades I W o mals showed In 86 and won OF STAMPS — hompson, Howl* H a a k e, BUI 82 of tbe M classes and captured For tha firat tlma In tha hlatory of Cal Poly, complete fn- vlllch and Bob Clomonte. the grand champion ribbon for each I Waldorf who will conduct full breed, The stock was handled i-y dlltlaa will be available for the Instruction of dairy manu MAILED TO VETS scale football claaaea Urn'second Weslie Combe and Gene Starkey. facturing students this fall quarter. In the past, many labs week will bring hla California as Comb* took two firsts with a The first mailing to Veteran's sistants. Wos Fry, Bob Ussier and Junior Yearling and a Senior Calf, have had to be held In the two local creameries which waa hospitals of too stamp* collsrted Eggs M snake, whUe Deaa W i a second with a Junior Calf, eH of Inconvenient In many ways. In the “titamps for th* Wounded bring players from last year's which were Guernsey. „ Ths new creamery, located In th* Drive" wae mad# last week, Rob Stanford basketball team. Dave Kibler got a first prise In N. Y. A. building, will house th* ert L.Maurer, chairman of th* vol Handling arrangements for Cal the Jersey female class with Junior Letter Writing Aids most modern of dairy equipment. untary committee, announced to Poly are Vernon Msacham, loan Yearling. Ruseel Ch risen sen en This will give the students mors day. of student welfare and Robert ured a Senior Yearling Jersey Mott, director of athletics. female won first and we* Junlev Student In Sales practice In the “learn by doing" There war* over two and one-half champions he also took third with method and also provide mors pound* of stamp* collected and a three year old Jersey. A course In advanced letter writ products for th* dairy patrons. sent on for distribution to hoplta- This Is the Second fair that Poly ing at California State Polytechnic For buttor making,* modern Heed veterans. The sis* of the col had dominated this year; the first college he* paid off for on* atu- Vane churn has been Installed. A lection package reflects quite being the Alameda County fair. dent in the class taught by Fred 100 gallon coil-typs pasteuriser clearly tn* sarTnu* and cooperative The cattle of the Pefy herd are now Gertc, Instructor in English, will be used and also a new buttor manner In which everyone has re 609 Register being groomed for the Sen l,uis After receiving Inetruction rintar. This will be th* first time sponded to th* drive, Maurer Obl*p<> County fair that will be writing sales letters, Gordon Hull tutter has been offered for sale by added. held at Peso Robles. August 25 to Landry mulled out 500 post cards the dairy department. , - Your continued cooperation and 2* Plane are also being made U advertising his stamp business. A new Vogt continuous let cream appreciation of the work to be aor exhibit part of the herd at the Cow The cards were sent to holders of fleecer and fruit feeder has been compllshad through th* collection For New Term Palace In San Francicco in Novebi- his stamp catalog and listed bar Installed and will b* ready for use of thee# stamps will he appreci gains offered during ths "summer by September 16. A new homoge- ated not only by th* committee, Th# second cummer session got ft,*.,,It* I slump." niter to be used on ice cream mix but also by many hospitalised vet under way Monday with more than Ns Its I ,«ndry received 85 orders as a will also be used to homogenise eran* whom you will never know. T»« resrs, 'owtsf Iftfee Klm m 4 J ssh, 509 students registered, Paul 0. sst,IMt«e to Kimrr lhmn». Sr-t result of the mailing, a seven per milk, provided the demand for this An exceptionally large contribu n s»W n i l Hssvrlwilm- ftsssl Cssrlsss, cent return.