Suggestions for Further Reading

Biographical materials are very numerous. Some of the most helpful articles and essays may be traced through references in the text. Longer studies include the following:

A. St J. Adcock (ed.), : His Work and His Person­ ality (1924); H. B. Baildon, Robert Louis Stevenson (1901); Sir Graham Balfour, The Life of Robert Louis Stevenson, 2 vols (1901); Ian Bell, Robert Louis Stevenson: Dreams of Exile (1992); Adelaide A. Boodle, Robert Louis Stevenson and his Sine Qua Non: Flashlights from Skerryvore (New York, 1926); Jenni Calder, RLS: A Life Study (1980); Jenni Calder (ed.), The Robert Louis Stevenson Companion (, 1980); Elsie Noble Caldwell, Last Witness for Robert Louis Stevenson (Norman, Oklahoma, 1960); G. K. Chesterton, Robert Louis Stevenson (1927); Stephen Chalmers, The Penny Piper of Saranac: An Episode in Stevenson's Life (Boston, Mass., 1916); Sidney Colvin, Memories and Notes of Persons and Places, 1852-1912 (1921); Sidney Colvin, The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson to his Family and Friends, 2 vols (1900); David Daiches, Robert Louis Stevenson and His World (1973); De Lancey Ferguson and Marshall Waingrow (eds), R.L.S.: Stevenson's Letters to Charles Baxter (1956); Isobel Field and , Mem­ ories of Vailima (New York, 1902); Isobel Field, This Life I've Loved (1937); Barry Menikoff, Robert Louis Stevenson and the Beach of Falesa (Edinburgh, 1984); Marie Fraser, In Stevenson's (1895); J. c. Furnas, Voyage to Windward: The Life of Robert Louis Stevenson (New York, 1951); Sir Edmund Gosse, Critical Kit-Kats (1896); Charles J. Guthrie, Robert Louis Stevenson: Some Personal Recollections (Edinburgh, 1924); J. A. Hammerton, Stevensoniana (Edinburgh, 1910); J. R. Hammond, A Robert Louis Stevenson Companion (1984); James Pope Hennessy, Robert Louis Stevenson (1974); Anne Roller Issler, Happier for His Presence: San Francisco and Robert Louis Stevenson (Stanford, Cal., 1949); Arthur Johnstone, Recollections of Robert Louis Stevenson in the Pacific (1905); Alanna Knight, Robert Louis Stevenson in the South Seas (Edinburgh, 1986); Alanna Knight, Robert Louis Stevenson Treasury (1985); William G. Lockett, Robert Louis Stevenson at Davos (1934); Will H. Low, A Chronicle of Friendships, 1873-1900 (New York, 1908); Sister Martha Mary MacGaw, Stevenson in Hawaii (Honolulu, 1950); Margaret MacKay, The Violent Friend: The Story of Mrs Robert Louis Stevenson (New York, 1968); Rosaline O. Masson, I Can Remember Robert Louis Stevenson (1922); Rosaline O. Masson, Robert Louis Stevenson (1914); Rosaline O. Masson, The Life of Robert Louis Stevenson (1923); Frank McLynn, Robert Louis Stevenson, A Biography (1993); H. J. Moors, With Stevenson in Samoa (Boston, Mass., 1910); Lloyd Osbourne, An Intimate SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER READING 209

Portrait of Robert Louis Stevenson (New York, 1924); Nellie Vandegrift Sanchez, The Life of Robert Louis Stevenson (1920); Eve Blantyre Simpson, Robert Louis Stevenson (Edinburgh, 1906); Eve Blantyre Simpson, Robert Louis Stevenson's Edinburgh Days (1898); Eve Blantyre Simpson, The Robert Louis Stevenson Originals (1912); Janet Adam Smith (ed.), Henry James and Robert Louis Stevenson (1948); J. A. Steuart, Robert Louis Stevenson, Man and Writer, 2 vols (1924); Fanny and Robert Louis Stevenson, Our Samoan Adventure (New York, 1955); Margaret I. Balfour Stevenson, Letters from Samoa: 1891-1895 (1906); Margaret I. Balfour Stevenson, From Saranac to the Marquesas and Beyond (1903); Margaret I. Balfour Stevenson, Stevenson's Baby Book (San Francisco, 1922); Roger G. Swearingen, The Prose Writings of Robert Louis Stevenson: A Guide (Hamden, Conn., 1980). Index

Adams, Henry, xx, 157-63 Benson, E. F., 69, 72n Ah-Fu, 141, 143, 144 Bisset, Revd Archibald, 28, 31n Aitu (Samoan spirits), xxv, 159, Black, Margaret, xx, 38-42 161, 162, 163n, 172 Blaikie, W. B., 5n Archer, William and Charles, Bloomer, Hiram, 105, 110 104-10, 124, 142 Boodle, Adelaide, xvi, xviii, xix, 100-4 Baden-Powell, Sir H. W., 183, Bookman, xxii, 85 184n Bough, Samuel, 56n Baildon, H. B., 20-4 Box Hill,85 Baker , Shirley, xxvi Bridges, Robert, 66 Bakers of Saranac, 124, 128 Brookfield, Charles, 57n, 134n Balfour, 'Cramond' Lewis, 45-8 Burlingame, E. L., 122, 127n, 158 Balfour, Revd David (uncle), 3, 7 Burns, Robert, 31n, 43, 190, 192 Balfour, Graham, xix, xxii, xxixn; Balfour lineage, 1; Louis's Calder, Jenni, xxixn, 76n, 96, name, IOn; Louis's politics, 143n, 178, 192 30, 163n; 61n, Belle's Carlyle, Thomas, 49-50, 52n attachment to, 67, 115, 118n; Carruthers, R. H., 151n, 160 penny-whistle, 133n, 177-8n, Chalmers, Revd James, 166, 169n 184n; his Samoan name, 188, Chalmers, Stephen, 128-34 189; Henley's disagreement Chambers's Journal, 15, 32 with biography, 192-4, Chesterton, G. K., xv, xxii 197-202 Clarke, Marcus, ISS, 157n Balfour, Jane (Whyte), xx, 7, 13, Clarke, William Edward, 164-9, 14n, 29-30, 202 204, 205, 206n Balfour, Dr John, 38, 39 Colvin, Sidney, xvi, xvii, xviii, Balfour, Lewis, 1, 7, 14n, 39 xx; Louis at Colvin's house, Balfour, Marie and Dr Craig, xxi, 65-6; xxiv, xxvi, lOn, 12; 14-20 editor of Edinburgh edition Ballantyne, R. M., 5n and letters, 14n, 53-5, 55, 56, Balzac, H., 34, 78, BOn 58, 59; first meets Louis, Barrie, J. M., xxi, 7, lOn, 122n, 62-5; 107, 110n, 114n, 128n; 192 eulogy, 202n Baxter, Charles (and Letters), xv, Cornhill Magazine, xx, 32, 45, 84n, xxviii, 5n; Louis on his 92n, 96, 138n, 174, 184n name, tOn; Louis gives up Cunningham, Alison ('Cummy'), engineering, 31n; 34; Louis's nurse, xvii, xxx, 1, 2, business agent, 38n; 53, 76, 3, 10-14, 27n 84n, l04n, 125, 147n; Louis on Samoan politics, 163; Damien, Father, 144 Louis on break with Henley, de Mattos, Katharine, 142n, 196n 196n de Quincey, Florence, 25, 27n Bell, Ian, xiii, 88n, 115, 129 de Quincey, Thomas, 25, 92, 156

210 INDEX 211

Dew Smith, A. G., 99 Hyde, Revd Dr, 144 Dickens, Charles, 53, 79, 132 Disraeli, Benjamin, 49 James, Henry, xvi, xvii, xx, xxiv, Don Quixote, 62, 132 68, 106, 110n; initially wary of Louis, 61n; Louis leaves Eaton, Charlotte, xix, 134-8 England, 134; Louis on joys Edinburgh University Magazine, of travel, 138, 157n, 163n; 43, 44n tributes to Louis, vi, 207n Edinburgh University, xii, xxx, Japp, Alexander, xviii, xx, xxixn, 10, 24-5, 27, 28, 30, 38n, 39, lOn, 92-6, 149 42n, 42-3, 49, 51n, 57, 104 Jenkin, Fleeming, xx, xxx, 26, 27, Eliot, George, 109 32, 35, 37, 38n, 51n, 107, 108, 117n, 195 Fairchild, Charles, 122 Jenkin, Anne (Mrs F.), 26, 27n, Fergusson, Robert, 31n 32, 35, 37, 117n Ferrier, James Walter, xv, 43, 44n Jerome, Jerome K., 178 Fowles, John, xiii, xxixn Jersey, Lady, xxii Fraser, Sir Andrew, 50, 52n Jex-Blake, Sophia, 42 Fraser, Marie, 174-8 Furnas, J. c., xiii, xxixn, 76n, Kalakaua, 'King', 144, 147n 143n, 147, 163n, 184n Kelland, Philip, 43, 44n Knight, Alanna, xxi, xxiii, 57, 67 Gilder, Jeannette L., xviii, 118-22 Gordon, Alice, 85-8 Lafaele (Raphael), 171, 173n Gosse, Edmund, xix, xxii, xxiv, La Farge, John, 159, 161, 162, lOn, 52-7, 68, 69, 75, 200 163n Guthrie, Lord (Charles), xix, xx, Lang, Andrew, xviii, xx, xxi, xxii, 10-14, 49-52 xxiii, 49, 57-61, 61n, 62, 142 Lawrence, D. H., xv Hamerton, Philip, xxiii, xxixn Lisle, George, 45-9 Hamley, Sir Edward, 98, lOOn Low, Will, 68, 70, 72-6, 107, Hammerton, J. A., xxii, 31n, 92, 110n, 121, 122, 127n, 134 118n Lowe, Charles, 42-5 Hardy, Thomas, 142, 157n Lysaght, Sidney, xxi Harrison, Birge, xviii, 76-80 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, xxi, 84n, MacCallum, T. M., 143-7 87n Macmillan's Magazine, 27, 61n, Henderson's School, 4, 47, 48n 76n Henley, W. E., xxiv, xxx, 27n, Malieto, 'King', 152, 157n 45n, 53, 57n, 68, 87n, 92, 107, Masson, Flora, xvi, xviii, xxixn, 122; collaboration in play­ 32-8 writing, 24n, 108, 110n; Masson, Rosaline, xxii, 5n, 27n, business manager, 38n; poem 27-31, 31n, 39, 56n, 105, 115, to Louis, 48-9n, 197; editor, 184n 84n; break with Louis, 142n; Mataafa, 'King', 14n, 157n, 161, hostile criticism of Louis, 162, 163n, 191n 192-7 McClure, S. S., 122-8 Hennessy, James Pope, 114n McLynn, Frank, 85, 88n, 128n, Hume, David, 25, 29 129, 147, 184n 212 INDEX

Menikoff, Barry, xxv, xxixn Robinson, Theodore, 76, 77 Meredith, George, xvi, 85-7, 87n, Roch, Valentine, 100, 104n, 138 88n, 109, 113, 142 Rodin, Auguste, 107 Moore, George, 155, 157n Ruedi, Karl, 96, 122 Moors, H. J., xviii, xxvi, 147-51, 160, 170, 178n Said, Edward, xiv, xxixn Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, 72, Neider, Charles, 128, 169 118, 119, 123, 127n, 134 Newell, Revd" James, 184n Samoan politics, xxv, xxvi, xxxi, 142n, 147, 152-3, 157n, 163n, Odyssey, xiv 191n Oliphant, Mrs (Margaret), 109, Samoan social life, xxv-xxvi, 160, nOn 175, 178, 180-1 O'Meara, Frank, 67, 68, 70, 71, Sanchez, Nellie, xxii, 117n, 128n, 72n 207n Osbourne, Isobel (Belle), xix, xxii, Sargent, John Singer, xix, 107, xxv, 81, 140, 142, 152, 157, 110n 170, 174, 180; amanuensis, Scott, Dr Thomas Bodley, 115 xxvii, 185-91; studies art, Scott, Sir Walter, 20n, 50, 51, 78, 67-72,91n 79,184n Osbourne, Lloyd, xviii, xxii, xxv, Scribner, Charles, 125, 154 xxx, xxxi, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, Scribner's Magazine, 20n, 45, 117n, 80n, 121, 127n, 132, 134, 138, 118n, 122, 127n, 138, 141, 140, 143, 146, 148, 165, 172, 142n, 196n 180, 189, 191n; first meets Seed, William, xii, xiii, xvi, xxixn Louis, 81-4; printing press Sellar, E. M., 23-7 productions, 94-5; war Sellar, William Young, 24-5 games, lOOn; writing of Jekyll Sewall, Harold, 161, 163n and Hyde, 115-18; Sharp, William, 111-14 collaborations with Louis, Shelley, Lady and Sir Percy, xix, 127n, 141, 145, 154, 184n; at 106, 110n, 114, 114n, 186 Louis's death, 203, 205, 206 Simpson, Eve Blantyre, xix, xx, Osbourne, Katharine, xxii xxii, 6-10, 38n, 49, 114 Osbourne, Samuel, xxiv, 81, 92 Simpson, Sir Walter, xv, xxx, 6, Otis, A. H. Captain, xx, xxiii, 138 14n, 33, 38n, 45n, 53, 68, 70, 71,201 Pall Mall Gazette, lOOn, 109, 191n, Simpson, Sir James Young, 6 192 Sitwell, Mrs Frances (later Colvin), Palmer, W. L., 70, 72n xii, xvii, 37n, 64, 66, 67n Payn, James, xvi, xxii Stephen, Leslie, xx, 55, 61n, 84n, Pears, Sir Edmund Radcliffe, 192, 193 138-43 Stevenson, Alan, 6, lOn, 25, 26~ Pinero, Sir Arthur Wing, 105, 27n,110n 117n Stevenson, David, 3, 5n Poe, Edgar Allan, 59, 79, 165 Stevenson, Fanny (Frances Vandegrift Osbourne), wife Reade, Charles, 188, 191n of RLS: appearance, Reid, Denny, 143-7 personality and manner, Reid, Thomas Mayne, 5n xxiv, 53, 67n, 70, 80, 88n, 96, INDEX 213

101, 102, 104n, 106, 110n, 'Tusitala', xxiii, 6, 9, 11, 12, 114n, 126-7, 128, 139-40, 146, 53, 175, 176, 177, 181, 184n, 147, 151n, 162, 165, 169, 177, 203, 205 182-4, 191n, 192; loyalty and schooling, 4-7, 21-4 courage, xxiv-xxv, 94, 96n, loss of faith, xii, xv, 67n 128n, 147n, 169-70, 183-4; university, 28, 30, 39-40, 43-4, unhappy first marriage, xxiv, 47, 49-51; Speculative xxx, 81, 91n; art training, 67, Society, xix, 10, 50, 51, 52n 91-2; meets Louis, 69, 80, 82; homes, Edinburgh:: xv, xvi, no. nurses Louis, lOOn, 187, 203; 8 Howard Place, xxx, 2, 5n, own artistic yearnings, xxiv, 25; Inverleith Terrace, 4, 5n; 171, 173; gardening, xxiv, no. 17 Heriot Row, xii, xxvi, xxvii, 158, 169-71, 173n; 4, 5n, 17, 18, 23, 26, 33, 39, writings, 142-3n, 196n; 184n; Princes Street, xvi, xx, 'Critic on the Hearth', 41-2; Colinton, 1, 4, 7, 8, 115-16, 117-18n, 124; ill 14, 14n; North Berwick health and death, 16, 162, coast, xviii, 15, 19, 20n; 163n,207n 'Skerryvore', Bournemouth, Stevenson, Margaret Isabella, xvi, xxiv, xxv, xxvi, xxx, 27n, mother of RLS: appearance, 59, 88, 100-7, 133n, 184n; personality and manner, 7, 8, 'Vailima', , Samoa, xxii, 11, 23, 26, 33-5, 140, 143n; xxiv, xxv, xxvi, xxvii, xxx, writings, xxii; faith, xxvi, 67, 81, 149-50, 152, 157, 172, 166, 204; devotion to 158-63, 163n, 165, 167, husband, xvii, 25; closeness 169-73, 174-7, 178-91, 197, to Louis, xv, 1-4, 6, 13, 16, 198, 199, 202-6 29, 31n, 36, 42, 85, 141, 151ni travels: Barbizon, xii, 74, 75, journeys to America, xxx, 72, 124, 134; Davos, xxiii, xxv, 122, 134, 202; in the South xxx, 59, 93-4, 95, 95n, 96-9, Seas, xxxi, 138, 172, 175, 99-100n, 108i Fontainebleau, 202-7 78; Gilbert Islands, xxx, xxxi; Stevenson, R. A. M. (Bob), Grez-sur-Loing, xii, xxx, youthful escapades with 67-72, 74, 75, 76-80, 81, 83, Louis, xv, 38n, 41-2; 84n, 91-2n, 126-7; Hawaii childhood games, 3, 5n, 10n; (Honolulu), xvi, xx, xxiv, family, 27n, 57n; artist, 59, xxv, xxx, 134, 138-42, 143, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 77, 144, 157n, 173n, 178, 184n; 80n, 81, 82i witty Hyeres, France, xxiii, xxiv, conversation, 77-8, 122, 195 xxv, xxx, 104n, 196; Stevenson, Robert, xxixn, 7 Manasquan, N. J., xix; STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS Monterey, xviii, xxx, 88, 91n, Life (see also under 'Letters'): 173n; Navigators' Islands summary of events in, xxx­ (Samoa), xiiii New York, xxxi xxiii, 118; Paris, 70-1, 72, 74, ancestry, xxixn, 1, 7, 8, 10n 200-1; Polynesia, 138; Samoa, birth, early childhood, 1-5, 5n, xvi, xvii, xviii, xxi, xxx, 16, 7, 10-24 59, 90, 133, 137, 138n, 143, nicknames, 1-4, 9, 11, 14n, 16 , 146, 147-51, 158-91; San 184n; 'Velvet Coat', xv, 48n; Francisco, xvi, xxiii, 6, 67, 81, 214 INDEX

88, 91, 128n, 134, 206; father-son relations, xv, xviii, Saranac Lake, 122, 128-33; 8-9, 24n, 33-4, 38n, 48n, 67n, Silverado, xxiv, xxx, 92n, 93, 91n, 127n, 134n 94, 193; Sydney, xxxi, 149, grace and manners, xix, 26, 43, 152-7, 163n, 183, 185; Tahiti, 97, 101, 121, 135, 139, 144, xiv, 138 150, 194 health, xiv, xvii, xviii, xxi, hair, xviii, 25, 53, 63, 65, 74, xxiii, 2-5, 58, 59, 63, 74, 76, 81, 88, 93, 106, 112, 133, 158 90, 91n, 95n, 96-8, lOOn, height, weight, xviii, 19, 22, 104n, 105-6, 110n, 119, 123, 31n, 34, 53, 58, 62, 66n, 90, 133, 133n, 138, 148, 149, 152, 92, 111, 159, 182, 198 158, 162, 186-7, 200 optimism and fortitude, 24n, law study, xv, 51 148-9, 182 engineering, 30, 31n, 53-4, 56n personality, 16, 23, 24n, 27-30, arrival in California, 88 39-41, 44, 60, 75, 79, 89, Savile Club, xxx, 54-5, 56n, 59, 113-14, 119, 126, 193-6, 62,73 199-201, 202n financial security, 122, 125, portraits, sculpture, xix, 72, 127n 107, 118, 119, 120, 123, 127n first meets Fanny, 69, 70, 80, smoking, xix, xxi, 93, 105, 108, 82 119, 121, 122n, 127n, 130, success with , 92, 135, 139, 150, 165, 182 96n temper, xix, 116, 148, 200-1 final years, xxv-vi, 174-91, voice, 113, 132, 134n, 135, 199 202-6 Interests, opinions, etc.: arrival in Samoa, 146; purchase acting, reading aloud, xx, 3, of Vailima, 158 5n, 17, 20n, 35-7, 38n, 95, 'Road of the Loving Heart', 12, 108, 117n, 132, 140, 150 13, 14n, 189, 191n, 205 art collection, 106-7 Mount Vaea, xxv, 147, 164, canoeing, sailing, 4-6, 68, 176, 203, 205, 206, 207n 201n death, xxvii, xxxi, 57, 202-7 religion, 25, 31n, 48, 48n, 67n, Appearance, character, habits: 89, 126, 166-8, 193-4, 198, affectation, xix, 26, 29, 65, 97, 202,204 195 library at Vailima, 176, 190 art of conversation, xx, 33, 40, music, 108, 130, 133n, 141-2, 44, 54, 57n, 77, 86, 88, 101, 176 119, 150, 159, 160-1, 199 politics, 30, 49-50, 52n, 152-3, clothing, xx, xxi, 29, 34, 41-2, 157n, 163 46, 56, 57n, 58, 64-5, 74, 81, ships and sea, 6; 'Casco', xiv, 83, 84, 93, 100, 101, 106, xvi, xx, xxiv, xxx, 92n, 104n, 111-12, 113, 119, 121, 127n, 126, 134, 138, 141, 147n, 196; 133, 150, 151, 151n, 162, 165, 'The Equator', xxx, 138, 174, 182, 187, 195, 198-9 143-7; 'The Janet Nicholl' constitution and energy, ix, xxxi, 151n, 152, 158; 'Ludgate xviii, xxiii, 54-5, 62-3, 66, 74, Hill', xvi, 72, 122; 'Pharos', 93, 158-9, 198-9 18,20n eyes, xviii, 19, 25, 31n, 34, 73, skating, 32, 37n, 124 93, 112, 120, 121, 123, 149 war games, 98, lOOn, 120 INDEX 215

Literary concerns: Dynamiter, 110n, 142n active vocabulary, 102-4, 186-8 , 77, 191n 'crawlers', 59 Short stories: dreams, 115, 117n, 137-8 'Beach of Falesa, The', 143, 163n heroes and heroines, 87 'Body-Snatcher, The', 95n moral concerns, 154-5, 157n, 'Bottle Imp, The', 167, 169n 186, 193-4 'Convicts, The', 24n plays, 23, 108, lIOn 'Count's Secret, The', 24n printing-press productions, 'Lodging for the Night, N, xxx 94-5,108 '', 186, 187n realism and romance, xxii-iii, 'Merry Men, The', 56n, 95n, 126, 132, 136, 155 138, 186 study and research, 78-9, 86, 'Misadventures of John 87n Nicholson, The', 23, 24n work methods, 117, 175~, 183, 'Providence and the Guitar', 185, 190, 191n, 206 71, 72n, 191n Works mentioned in the text: 'Suicide Club, The', 77, 84n Novels: '', 59, 95n, 105 Black Arrow, The, 123, 124 'Will 0' the Mill', 83, 84n, 137, , xxxi, 1, 87, 88n, 169n 138n Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, xvii, Plays: xxii, xxx, 24n, 59, 66n, 90, Beau Austin, 108 110n, 112, 115-18, 123, 127n, Deacon Brodie, xxx, 23, 24n, 108 136, 137, 140, 143, 156, 165 Poems: Ebb-Tide, The, xxxi, 81, 183, Child's Garden of Verses, A, xvii, 184n, 188 xxx, 2, 14n, 20n, 47, 89, 105, , xxx, 1, 56n, lIOn, HO, HOn 123, 124, 127n, 154 Songs of Travel, xiv, 80 Master of Ballantrae, The, xvii, , xv, 20n, 96, 106, xxx, 127n, 129, 141, 156, 185 108, 109, HOn, 191 , 110n Travel: St Ives, 48n, 124, 185-91 , xxii, xxx, 15, Treasure Island, xvi, xxx, 5n, 44, 20n, 56n, 80n, 117n, H8n, 86, 90, 91, 92, 94, 95n, 96n, 210n 96, 107, 115-17, 123, 127n, Amateur Emigrant, The, xv, 91 153, 178, 192 Inland Voya.ge, An, xxii, xxx, , xiv, 38n, 55, 84n, 125, 201n xxvi-xxvii, xxxi, 8, 57, 80, Silverado Squatters, The, 88, 91n, 189-90, 191n 93,96 Wrecker, The, 59~0, 72, 81, 88, South Seas, The: A Record of 122, 138, 143n, 143, 145, 153 Three Cruises (In the South Wrong Box, The, xxx, 81, 124, Seas), xxii, 126, 128n, 138 127n, 141 Travels with a Donkey in the Short-story collections Cevennes, xxii, xxx, 125 Island Nights' Entertainments, Biography: xxxi Records of a Family of Engineers, Merry Men and Other Tales, ton 84n, 110n, 191n Letters: More New Arabian Nights: The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson 216 INDEX

to His Family and Friends, ed. 'New Form of Intermittent Sidney Colvin, 2 vols (1900), Light for Lighthouses, A', 30 14n, 24n, 38n, 42n, 45n, 62, 'Outlaws of Tunstall Forest, 66n, HOn, 122, 134, 138, 149, The', 126 158, 169, 202n 'Requiem', xiv, 207n Vailima Letters, xxii, xxvi, 77, 169 'Scott's Voyage in the Collections of essays: Lighthouse Yacht', 20n Familiar Studies of Men and 'Travelling Companion, The', Books, lOn, 51 H8n , 5n, 6, Stevenson, Thomas (father of lOn, 15, 20n, 24n, 44n, 45, RLS): 49n, 52n, 52, 56n, 57n, 87n engineer, xii, xiv, xxixn, 5n, 27, Virginibus Puerisque, 5n, 52n, 31n; faith, xv, 13, 67n; 61n, 76n, 96, 192 relations with Louis, xv, Essays and belles-lettres: xviii, 1, 8-10, 30, 31n, 33-4, 'Beggars', 129 127n; generosity towards 'Books which have Influenced Louis and Fanny, 61, 100, Me', 134n 122; Treasure Island, 95-6n 'Chapter on Dreams, A', H7n, Stoddard, Charles Warren, xviii, 129, 138n 88-92 'Child's Play', 5n Strong, Austin, 67, 172, 173n, 'College Magazine, A', 52n, 87n 188, 189 'Education of an Engineer, Swearingen, Roger, 61n, H8n, The',56n 127n 'Fontainebleau', 80n Sydney Press, 152-7, 162 'Footnote to History, A', xxxi, Symonds, John Addington, 61n, 157 66n, 93, 96, lOOn 'Foreigner at Home, The', 49n 'Gentlemen', 129 Taylor, Sir Henry and Una 'Henry David Thoreau', 92 (daughter), 107, HOn, 114n 'Lantern Bearers, The', 15, 129 Tennyson, Alfred Lord, xiii 'Memoirs of an Islet', 45, 56n Thompson, D' Arcy Wentworth 'Ordered South', 58, 61n, 65, (Class Club), 30, 31n 75,76n Thompson, Robert (day school), 'Pentland Rising, The', 61n 20, 21,23n 'Roads', xxx, 61n Thoreau, Henry David, 89, 92, 105 'Some College Memories', 24n, Triggs, William Henry, 178-81 52n Trollope, Anthony, HOn, 117, 118n 'Talk and Talkers', 38n, 52, Trudeau, Dr Edward, 122n, 57n, lOOn, 192 128-32, 133n 'Virginibus Puerisque', 86 Miscellaneous: Vallings, Harold, xxiii, 96-100 'Blue Scalper, The', 95 van Rensselaer, M. G., xix, H8-22 'Hair Trunk, The', or 'The Ideal Commonwealth', xiii Whitman, Walt, xxi 'Inn of Aberhuern, The', 41-2, Williams, Virgil and Dora, 91, 92 42n Wordsworth, William, xxi 'Juvenilia', 129 'Moral Emblems', 95 Zola, Emile, 155, 157n