Journal of the Russell Society, Vol 6 No. 2
JOURNAL OF THE RUSSELL SOCIETY The journal of British Isles topographical mineralogy EDITOR: George Ryback, 42 Bell Road, Sittingbourne, Kent MElO 4EB, U.K. JOURNAL MANAGER: Harry W. Day, 83 Hollywood Lane, Frindsbury, Rochester, Kent ME3 8AT, U.K. EDITORIAL BOARD: F.B. Atkins, Oxford, U.K. R.J. King, Tewkesbury, U.K. R.E. Bevins, Cardiff, U.K. A. Livingstone, Edinburgh, U.K. R.S.W. Braithwaite, Manchester, U.K. I.R. Plimer, Parkville, Australia T.F. Bridges, Ovington, U.K. R.E. Starkey. Bromsgrove, U.K. N.J. Elton, St Austell, U.K. R.F. Symes, London, U.K. N.J . Fortey, Keyworth, U.K. P.A. Williams, Kingswood, Australia R.A. Howie, Matlock, U.K. B. Young, Newcastle, U.K. Aims and Scope: The Journal publishes anicles and reviews by both amateur and professional mineralogists dealing with all aspects of mineralogy. Contributions concerning the topographical mineralogy of the British Isles are particularly welcome. Notes for contributors can be found in the last issue of the Journal, or obtained from the editor. Subscription rates: The Journal is free to members of the Russell Society. Subscription rate for non-members is £15 for two issues. Enquiries should be made to the Journal Manager at the above address. Back copies of the Journal may al so be ordered through the Journal Manager. For information about membership of the Russell Society, write to the Membership Secretary, Mr F.K. Werner, 12 Maninshaw Lane, Groby, Leicestershire LE6 OBJ, U.K. Advertising: Details of advertising rates may be obtained from the Journal Manager.
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