Special Collect ion Offer April 23rd 2019

Armand Rousseau Chambertin Clos de Bèze 2010 Perfect Case from a Celebrated Producer and Vineyard

Product: Armand Rousseau Chambertin Clos de Bèze 2010

Product Code: 10570182010

Product Location: United Kingdom bonded warehouse

Condition: - Original case - Levels in bottle neck - Labels undamaged - No USA or Asia strips - Liv-ex “SIB passport”

Price (in Bond): GBP 44,500 USD 58,000 EUR 51,500 HKD 455,000 SGD 78,500

Delivery: Free to storage in London, Hong Kong, Bordeaux or Singapore, or by arrangement to home address / alternative bonded warehouse.

Payment: 10% deposit (credit card or transfer) to secure. Balance by bank transfer within 7 days.


This case was bought on release and has been stored in a UK bonded facility since then. The seller to Cru was only the second owner of this case. Armand Rousseau Chambertin Clos de Bèze 2010 was originally boxed in cardboard and this case comes in its original carton. This case has been inspected by experts at Vine International who have given it a “Standard in Bond” passport guaranteeing that the levels and labels are excellent, that the carton is original and that the wine hasn’t left bond and does not have any USA or Asian strips. It is investment quality, and very rare.

Why Buy or Invest in this Wine?

Chambertin Clos de Bèze: A Hallowed Burgundian Vineyard

The Armand Rousseau domaine owns 1.42 ha in the famous Chambertin Clos de Bèze Grand Cru vineyard (total size 15.39 ha). The “Clos de Bèze” in Gevrey-Chambertin originally belonged to the monks of the Bèze Abbey, who were given the land by the Duke of Lower Burgundy in the year 630. Even today the vineyard remains 'closed', enclosed by old stone walls.

Armand Rousseau owns two parcels within the Clos de Bèze; the larger one is in the upper part of the appellation (see left).

Clos de Bèze is often described as the feminine face of Chambertin, revealing the elegance and finesse of the Gevrey-Chambertin appellation. The wine is complex with deep colour and a long finish, smooth and of great finesse. The rich aromas are dominated by red berries and oriental spices.

Clos de Bèze predates Chambertin although they both enjoy the same high reputation. The wines of Le Clos are subtle and mineral whereas those of Le Chambertin are more ample and powerful.

The Clos de Bèze vineyard is one of the most expensive vineyards in Burgundy, and therefore the world. It tiny production quantities are eagerly snapped up and treasured by fanatical collectors across the world, giving the wines amazing investment performance over time.

Armand Rousseau: at the Pinnacle of Burgundy

The Domaine of Armand Rousseau is one of Burgundy’s most sought-after producers. The original Armand Rousseau built his reputation in the 1930s pioneering bottling at the domaine. His grandson Eric Rousseau is now leading the domaine. Rousseau produces 11 different wines, which only amount to around 63,000 bottles a year in total. In 2016, Decanter magazine listed the hierarchy of Burgundy producers as follows1:

1. Domaine de la Romanée-Conti 2. Domaine Leflaive 3. 4. Domaine Dugat-Py 5.

In a report in January 2019, Liv-ex.com produced a different Burgundy hierarchy, but one which also saw Armand Rousseau at number three (and seventh overall in the world):

So it is clear that Armand Rousseau is truly at the pinnacle of Burgundian wine production. Rousseau’s Chambertin, Clos de Bèze and Clos St Jacques are among the most celebrated wines in Burgundy.

1 https://www.decanter.com/wine/producer-profiles/burgundy-producers/burgundy-top-producers-286142/

What the Critics Say:

Robert Parker Wine Advocate: 94-96 points

"The 2010 Chambertin-Clos de Beze bursts from the glass with an exciting melange of blackberries, cassis, graphite, violets and exotic spices. The Beze is the most exuberant wine in the Rousseau lineup. Black cherries, spices and licorice develop in the glass, adding considerable weight and texture as the wine continues to flesh out. Firm, massive tannins provide the perfect foil for the exuberant fruit. Today the Beze is massive, but it should be spectacular once the tannins start melting away. Anticipated maturity: 2025-2050."

Allen Meadows Burghound: 94-97 points

Steven Tanzer: 94-97 points

Performance Metrics:

Price Performance: +336% since Sept 2012

Armand Rousseau Chambertin Clos de Bèze 2010 – Case Full View


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