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6-21-1928 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)

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Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1928). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 1380.

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_ £! am' Mrs F er _, = Fred etc Is •• VIsIting h"'....".__.�"._ COME TO =:_=_==_��:--;-::---======-BI__:ULL=h=OCH=::::::::T=1=M:.:..ES--lAND���·�_w:::':::SJ Social the BULLOCH Happenings for Week mO;��,r�S COUNTY, ��y�r�o��:a;����rar:turn THE HEART OF BULLOCH COUNTY. TWU PHONES cd Irom a short stay at Asheville :..Snecial On t Weather Suits GEORGIA, � 1·· • 'rHE Mrs, J R Calhoun, of Claxton, H.1;1, 'WHERE NATURE SMILES" HE:\RT OF G!IOaoU', "as the week and of B }th.. Etsher Wat noek gueat )elatl�es spent Flldny a VIsitor In ULLOO'lt." "WHERE NATURE SMILD" in Savannah Savannah Satur hOI e ·,'·TIMISS d,IY �Liss EdIth Lewis, of (STATESBORO NEWs-St R. H Warnock, of Brooklet, was Hr' Paul Jon s left Sunday fOI Milledgeville, Su'b�tantial Savings­ 4TESBORO EAGLE) 13 the attractive of MISS Helen in the CJty :Sunday 1 VISit to her mother 111 Culloden guest Cone .Mrs Dabney has retur nad Prom Mrs Walter Brown" VISIting hOI }1ontlzs of Wear In 1I1,s8 Alberta carboro will be at STA':l'ESB(1)RO.,GA., JUNE 1928 .. VISIt to relatives Atlanta DUI ents at MOl eland fOI a few days THURSDAY, 21, l\tr and MIS J C MISS the Georgia Normal fo.r SIX wee'i(ibIIUon' Mr and MI s MIsses Annte Brooks and fij!uro a bette, vlsuahza- The Pbllathea claos of the'Metho· to' writhIng In the '�ntli, entertamment OD tile Herschel Franklin, M. and Mrs Harry of Virginia Probably / ago'ny, bellnnlnl' entertainment" With the Emmett, dist ball tJie of pos}tlve declaratlotl 'tll.l lie oc et was be the beauty pag- D B June • Tybee In p"ogram, 8111\8 Johnsoh, Savannah • Special On Dresses , 'l1urner, ohalTJnan, looh county execuU". leave made shott busmess a found" note addressed to mo- eant to be hel'\ Ilt on Democ�atlc MISS Alice PrectorlUs, from Sa· J F B,annen and Fl1day fot' a VISit to lclatlves meetmg, plogram hIS Tybee Tybre· 011 homes, Htnton Chntlle FOld Booth, chairman, commlttee, reports til. as WIth III \\ hlch SIB at following With In Rome lnst at the season's Inll contets and games as an added thet, he made mentOln of pavl)lOn 3 P tm on �uly 3rd on -.annah, spent Sunday hel !US- hum, of Savanuh, were guests Sun- arllVlng transportation,· Barney: Av.erltt, having qualtfled for the \\ as the It IS prImary iD Mrs Ml and MIS Y thl bv a featute enjoyed Sand\\ lches great bUlden of callng for he, expected that all queens and on 1;er, J B Lee I day of 1'111 S John F Barney Averitt and ou�h county county repOl ts t challman, cIty J A Blannen BEGINS FRIDAY, JUNE 15TH decolatlon, Septembel Chas G Edwards, for son $10 to $12 the end of the and punch \.. ere set ved and hiS family llnd re attendants W1U tn this , M,.s Turnel the little Jack spent Tuesday In Sa- season, the State De adequately, partICipate chalrmun on mu� Malgucllte Silent �hs D B TUlnel MISS Malguel Simmons, � special Congress, H B Strange and WlIl1am fel red to the pageant, whIch lS week end !It POI tal ,IS the of I vunnah as the of Mr and -l1!" tment then conferred With mar large alllount of hfe std',ed solely rll' D guest TUlnel and MIS J.lme, A Blanan guests PROM FOR SIC, Percy Avetlbt, chairman for of Unusual' thlS IS the most un- VISITORS msurance theIr Woodrum, Judge Ogeechee �n Herbert M,s E W Pall Ish VALUES Yes, ketmon and food anr! whIch would help them b�nefit, and a specml commIt These Kingery welo VISltOlS In ,Su\unnuh �C(day ,lUtholltles, M,ss LOUIse Addison comllllttee tha.rmen Will, tn JudlclIIl iT C l'te delightfully as tee WIll be on CIrCUIt, Hollingsworth Mrs Dl and MIS R mude the Repol ts to the amount of tnSUI hand to select the RalOlgh Clalk, of MISS �lalY Lou J Kennedy and usual offel of the but It IS up follo\vmg compIlatIOn of co-olleratlOn With tther� to be named and W G C,lrmlchael left season, cntettull1eri \\Ith a prom on NevlIle, fOI solicitor of" Leefield'i the nurty he cailled some SCYCl al thiS \\ son, R J JI f'OIll • actual food values V31Y, renchlng from the ladles' and 'Spent days week Ith her Monday fOI \\ here ilhe will ,Ietulned Tuseday other orgnruzu. Ogeechee and J V Macon, CREPE DE CHINE Sutuldny evenmg an honol of her as CHcUlt, Brunson, .8lstel Just more eVidence of OUI leadel­ Gume Value high as $36,000 Among the l\{dS James A DaVIS teach III the MClcet Asheville, N C, \"hm e they \ ISlted Total lance pol- tIOIlS, comprise n commlt- for SUOlrnCt school ntttact-lYe MIS,:, Plerc�, !Jteermg Iepresentatlve ln the legislature. MISS \lsltOI, 'Mary lelCS cUlrled, 1:5 saId he Jo� DanIel has letUlnea to BII- MIB H Evelyn Kennedy QUllll ------$ however, tee Each chairman wIll have a S Pall Ish, Mrs [<'red J[ In WIll '1,0 $1,960,000 01 Macon The lowel floor "to, I ship value-giVing, and you of the one fOI Is�ued last MI and GEORGETTES Doves ------30 $10,000, August, mlngham, Ala, aftel n VISit to hiS Sm,th and ss M,s Lem Blannen ami I 1,280,000 commIttee a'l� to III M.I Lena Belle Brannen pletty home was decorated WIth cut strong g[led hel" whIch eaITled a SUICIde clause which Misses I SUI want several of R.,bblts ------25 hIS wOlk It IS odaughtel, )11'8 CUll Anderson WOIO \1J31t01S In dnughtols, \Vllma and ElI'na ely these fOI' 1,300,000 eXPQcted,that a GEORGIA Savannah SatUlday flowers of color' Punch "as gen- NORMAL SCHOOL" _. blight WIll Blnnnen FLAT .-;, el. 25 lendel It VOId e,at 1Itrs J C BUldette Lane 81e to VIS" CREPES Co.UlI1 300,000 of all'oommlttee wonk- . Lane, )\1IS John Edenfield has ,eturned leu\1I1g Friday whIle us 'Emory SmIth spent WIth MI fOle retul Mary Lee and OUlda Tem- staggering, and Myers, who returned • county among Por- Sunday mng to her home III At· e �esslon will on v"th had they known he was In dIstress tal begIn Jlf.onday, July .and MIs A G .,t pies left fOI WllIIams- AND knOWing how It was an Ived slOnary from Korea Mlss has and Brooklet are Thompson Lyons la lta Wednesday SLEEVELESS Myers entel'prislng 23�d BUI', u. was who is Ur.' wdl be I Young Coleman the 80n of towns Muthews, MISSes Sarah Thackston and Ru- Mrs G E blllg, Va, to attend sum mel school i at, ecelved sl.eptlcally It spellt twellty.£wo years tn foreIgn whose people have already Bean, MIS J E Done- l! charge of the csent the late John who for a pI telim, will alH Homer at WIlham and IS, hO\\CVel, well and �s fields and her hfe IS rIch In the serv- Coleman, Ilgnlfted a desITe to be Included In bye Groovel, Mellon and D hoo, Mrs B,uce Olhff and MISS Ulma MOlY College SIZES �� lhLsed, Just be of the great many years was nlldullge second'term. :B. Roach m6tOJed to MI and MIS Chalile Watels and accurate as It IS for Ice of the Lord member of bookkeepor the ente,rtalnment program an"ll 1ybcc Olliff \\ele VISitors In on ,11c81ly pOSSIble Every Metter, WIll be Sundar Savannah .". for W H In assisted by the a Bhtch thIS county Be practIcally I, MI BIld M,s Blooks l'lnch and MIS Lee Moore Wntels last lihlCh calcuietlon to be made the chutch IS tnvlted to come VISI- for the party also, and has de- Tuesday spent 14 to 46 Tyb�e same teach 109 cOII's as at SIdes hIS WIfe and small chIld he IS In pr_nt. JlttJe of week end In Immodlatelv lit the close of the tors are welcomed has asked son, Leefield, spent Wednes- Mr and �hs Thomas Mrs ColumbIa, S C M,ss cordIally and.adJolntng cOllnty, At thIS .econd BlItch, surVIved by hIS mother and two sis- teTlIl, courses will b. WIth FIOla Wald 1 eccnt huntmg season the state de· PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN manded that she be counted as .y her Bunt, Mrs J A DaVIS Lloyd Brannen and M,ss Annie accompanied 1<(ls Lee otl'ered for ters was s",,11 college PI edIt In educa­ ' tmcnt of Interment at the Brook- a of l\{.rs Holland and so Moole Watels home for a VISIt pal game nnd fish conduct suburb Statesboro when the Roger Itttle no, Smith weI e VISItors In. Savannah Ilj tIon, Englt.\t, hl8tOlY, aDd let sociology od a close census ThIS RETURN FROM CONFERENCE cemetery Tuesday afternoon fol· are matured .... 3, , M,s E C Mrs was arrlved plans finally 1."" Billy and Bobby, left last Salulday Oltvel, Flank S,m- economICS, and also eleventh � at bv MIsses Ruby Ann Ruth Mc- ,",rvlces at the MethodIst trrade 'week fOI a VISIt to hel at mons and little son, JI and sendIng o}lt 10,000 carefully Deal, lowtng, F,ank , pments MIS W B Lee has 8chool wo,k _ re�ulned to and church hIgh The crowded co j}l nnalres to Dougald Brune!le Deal and WII-_ I :TIlton I hunters , hel M,ss Inez P,ltman left fo cpnred questl home In B,unsw,ck aftel a VISIt Tuesday dltlon at the present'term ave and IIam ueal from in antlclpatton of any uneaslnes. kept Ruth Ashburn �hs Ohver and M" Summer 'Dress offiCIals 1111 0\ el the state asktng r'eturned Tuesday GEORGIA KNIGHT Mls�e. Brunell hel Slm- Fabrics ... McDougald, to blothel, E H Kennedy, and Sil�s that IE.PLAIS many PIOSpcctlvC students from en " that each 1 make a "'tlnnta, where the;'i had been In at<- mIght naturally SprIng up among -and 'Ruby Ann Deal and WIlliam Deal h,. mons WIll VISIt MIS W D Hlilts anrt eClplcnt reP9rt tertng These WIll be famIly the as a able to seeare as tendance for ten days on the depOSItors result of the .re a few week MISS PItman's Ielat,ve- Just as could done young' .pendtng days thIS MIS Annn Olliff, of IS pe accommodatIOns at the second Savannah, conference of the cashIer's suiCIde, tHe dlr�ctors Imme­ ATTEND GRANO CONCLAVE term, ia Atlanta Dr and A $1.25 Value $2.25 Value t of the numbel of each specIe of peoples' Presby- v,.,tlng her �Isters, Mrs R F Don· Mrs Temples and Leo $1.40 Value and should make nppltcatlon at •• kdled te",an church, at Scott Col- dlately'piaced expert 10 lIDce Mrs Ann were In Atlanta game by the tnd,v,dual Agnes MalY Good"ln and Mr tldSOll, lilts F D Olliff and Mrs J Temples to TUB SILK FIGURED- GEORGETTE durIng attll,nd CREPE DE WhIle Ilt the charge bank and lIta e ar­ At tlie recent e CHINE thu season The was lege conference Mr o� ,the account�nts anl)ual concla, of and Mrs Harold Snedlcor, of Savan- W Rountree the graduation exel CI es at Tech, on quc!tlOnnalre not sent to a Deal nnd MISS McDougald aSSIsted the Grand of nllh were the \\ and FLAT spcclUlly Jllcked Itst ef ;0. Geolgul guests o-f MI s A J. M,. C H Purllsh, of Mondal The) ele accompanlecL fREPES and GEORGETTE I1lngeme�� Comm�ndery AGED CITIZEN DIES Ami NeWington. In a from every dep".,t fUllonpro'm�temlln ". held tn BI Frno'klm home John 36 Inches Wide, figured hunters, but names taken" at landotn pI ogram broadc�.ted WSB, pa7en�hjofJ'- Kntghts Te)llJller unRwlCk, Sunday who spent last week WIth her by Temples, who was a 4. daugh .J. flom the Atlaltta Journal radIO prompt action cannot but help In Ga, the trlenntal committee mudc MI ana lilts M Illembel of he 40 Inches Wide the offICial Itsts of hunters, �tation, by C and tel Mrs C Z I graduatlJlg clllss deSigns, washable, light ,a wonder­ 40 Cummtng Donaldson, has e- Inches Rush mbre the In a A Wide, firmly establishinj! bank on the 81· PROTRACTED -wh!te �l1ld In very Interestl11g Icport ILLNESS ;:M1��es Anna Mae and Menza Cum- llllned home MISS Madge Cobb left Wednesday and dal k shades ful colOled, e\ery county Special selectlOn of beautiful the cofidence of the ..nth whIch TI'IPPs quality, plain III the state The names were and, .angements lhey had perfect w -Dung have retUined from 1\11 and 1'01 Lumbelton N C, to VISit hm 10,000 �uhhc, Atlanta, 1\115 Solomon Blnnnen floral a strong board the' ed for \ patterns. Special t"ken from tho I CCOI d of all Itcen. � dIrectors, bank­ the Geol gl!l delegatIon to the aft"l the week WIth rela· ,Ind slstels, MI sOP and M,.s colors, washable, whIte, �penf]Jng daughter, �(lidl ed, of ChItty WIll not In wIse be T McttCl, any shaken trlCnmal conclave nnd grand encamp· t,ve. Loille Cobb MISS Loille Cobb went black navy and all shades wele j!uests 01 MI and MIS John preSIdent of tlie bank IS J W Rob· ment to be 75c held", DetrOIt, Mlch , on tIlT an 1\11 s Thomas �f Tomhn, thele on Wednesclay of last week Special Gctff Sunday .... ertson, T R Bryan, VlCe preSident, July 16-19tli (of and $1.60 Savllnnah, who qUIeti I mal TIed ,n Mrs Sam upon het 811\\n1 was car- WIth Tlapnell has ,eturned and they, the foJ]owmg, constI­ The auangements OVId. fOI all lIed [n :Rid�eland, S C, June 1st, spent last to het In Immedlatell to a hospital for an home 1'oomsbolO a'ftc! a tute the board of directors R H Sit KOIghts, thell ladles· and fTlend. yeel< WIth her fOI FIGURED CHIFFON and parents, MI and Mrs VISIt to hel MI and OpClatlon appendlclt18 HCI D r; pal enl!!', Mrs $1.10 Warnock, Aldl!rman, W R to c"ncentJale IQ Atlanta 011 the � E f"ends here WIll 'b;, to leam PLAIN COLORED Rushlllg A' L DeLoach • glad FLAT CREPES Aultman, Fehx flarrish 'and ,J 111 mOrlllng of July 15th and'ieave lit .Mrs D D Ar- that she IS Arden, Miss Itene M,s J A dOIng nIcely McElveen The was McDougald and 1I1J •• es VOILE bank orguDlzed 9 00 a m on uGeortla" specull, Mrs Fanme Mae Mrs Hal nson Olliff the, rUn, SmIth and Ruth anel has leburned $2.95 Values In 190(1 WItt; StOcl< McDougald, Loille, Madge BED SPREADS capItal of $25, arrIVing In DetrOIt 6 30 A m July Ira J C Lane ate from a stay of several months WIth 25c uttendtng the M�ude Cobb 10 Savan- Seller 000 ha. now w�le vl.,tors 'ahd, steadIly i(own,' J.6th , . Seller' I or the Grand hel Mrs, A F In $1,15 meetlllg Chapter 0 E. nah Wednesday daughtel, MIkell. Just see If we a un: to are really haVIng surplus'of $15,(lOO'and Aft"", the close of tile nett Olt con­ �. in Macon thIS week Deland, Fill She wa" Mr alld ?fa W R accompanied 1,000 gomg In thiS dlVltl'eti of clave the Woodcock, offenni values. come and yards •• Georgia J!III'Lf r wll) malie Mrs. W L Walren, MIS C L NIta by lIrs J.!,lkell ahd 'hel 'little son 81x90, colored, good l'�oflt ',i" M,ss Wooitc6ck and 1'11 .. Hor- special Now IS the tIme, $6,,��� �:JI;;r see thiS Warren, MISS Margaret &ftAs ace Special Warren, Snuth Wele VISItor. In Savannah so don't mIss this Special heavy quality Colors Ilre 'Stella Fra1\1sltn and MiSs EtRel Me- durlll� the week ���::�,1'a"'�:d:�� �� Jt�;e�,t:�e�.I1:� posltlveiy fast Special -co.... alld Felton rnck, o( PulaskI, were guelt.

, . and eecta. or .tain An per�on"'.indebted to,the e'lta,te Family. WOo't 'pot ..U.. po*d.r on,p�.(Jt. and .. Writ.... of . arc . pet PREE itu«t Cephl1S Feelings, deceased, . for """lIkt, If Notice to Debtota and Cred,tor." d.aler CIIu't we 'f�ir�d to make prompt'settTem,mt' "'Rem'oval �·War )'e supply I will.bip by ..,.rcel ,;a.tat .'With. the and all GEORGJA-B�llocb County. ,I!f TaX: ..1Jelivered Prices /' prlcoeaamod. M.COUIICIC It (".o�-"Nd. Ul'loel'.l!ighed, per. .LolI!e.r.s _l All mdebted to the ' .·80ns holding claims against said esl' p�rson� e.ta�'1 , . �f Hetti� are Dotl' Bmley, deceWled, . .tate. a�� .notlfied � to . :wme fied to I' • '.1 make' j)ronlpt settlement Wit'h tUlle ' _I)'Is:�<',bik",,!' � ",<. E. D. I:A:TTIlIfElf, AMin1.trator; RAINES BDW; CO. l' ,(aIllll1Stc) . __ .(lOmay6t

Cotner The GreatestEvent! the Historyoft-Iake.Firte.Inc,



MEN'S AND BOYS' B. V. D.£. Good PIECE GOODS" DEPARTMENT " BED, SPREADS, good quality, full size quality. ]f you cannot attend Men's Oxfords MEN'S SUITS Below are a few bf 'our offerings 81x90, 100 dozen in . send your wif or daughter, 2 or 88 C �ust going this let you know what it is all about: I event at, each C . One lot 88 All Leather of M n's Suits, Palm Beach s, Tropicals and some worth from S'marfbt' Worsted, BED SHEETS, good quality, no starch, New EVERFAST GINGHAM, 36 wi ..• $10'.00 to $25.00, just a little out of ty le, MEN'S NECKWEAR. We carry in stock a Styles inche� size 81x90, worth in this Styled $1.25, and warranteed going event at- fast. colors, regu- in this event going each �______88 C

lar 50c _ big range of patterns in the famous Black, Tan value, 21f2 yards for 88

PILLQW CHENEY CRAVATS. $6.88 'Footwmr CASES,' same quality as sheet, size 42x36, .VQILE, 36 inches wide and fast Get your supply now, for this

.. 4 for-; _ $2,.88,., colors, yards 88 is a real value that cannot I I be duplicated, 2 pairs for 88e TURKISH TOWELS, good heavy SUI"llmer' MEN'S and BOYS' WASH and SILK TIES. Foot""ear QlNGHAM, 32 wide, quality, 10 for _ .1' _incbes ,I f f"'" the.�amo BEl) SHEETS, Lady there Big range of pateerns. Arnoskeag, regular 50c seller IPepperell, is YOU WILL REALLY BE SURPRISED WHEN' YOU SEE THESE NEW STYLES. no better 2 for �------�---- 88 C 3 yards for _ 48 positively made for YOU NEVER KNEW service, $1.95 seller, at • . THAT SO MANY STYLES COULD BE IN THE PRICE $1 48 ' WE ' . , SUIT i . l ',!,;:""! �' I CASES, good quality- . eacb _ SSe ARE OFFERING THESE AT. THESE STYLES FIT PERFECTLY AT THE I Wm. ANDERSON'S inch HEEL; PRINTS, LADIES' HAND BAGS. We have a KAYSE� 'light: :-o/',e-\ght 'service KAYSER SILK . selec-t :IH.Q�'I!�Y�: HOSIERY, allover silk 321 . wide . THEY HUG THE MEN'S and BIOYS' DRE.SS SHIRTS. and guaranteed colors '. .. ANKLE; THEY FIT- THE AND THEY' PROVIDE tion here Fancy sih; to silk fast. ARC;H, ROOM that you can match any I lisle " pure silk I I)ar,ro�.", from 3 .. h,e,m (hread. chiffon, top to toe, yards for _ 88 dress. For two' boot extends '1:0 11!,I'e' hem, sandal' loot of FOR THOSE TOES. days oJlI'y"",-..:.:.- 88 C patterns, abo plain colors, wbite in all the new WE HAVE 25 STYLES FOR shades, per pail' $1'.:.48. :QI�'FE�ENT, BOU,QHT JUSr blue and highly me);��lji)led lisle, blocked to prevent " BATHING SUITS tan, all siaes, each _ S8e THIS OCCAS]()N IN BLAc"K PATEN'I', w HIT'E] Kl'D, 'pARCHMENT KID.' Y'()U RED wearat SEA 36 inches STAR DIAPER CLOTH, 10-' .. :>i�Iil.r?f.Joes" p.q�1'/t�! ISLAND, wide, 27x27, • yard heel, per Pall' 1$1 :'28 gOOG heavy quality, 12 for 88 Our entire lot of. Bathing Suits wild be on WILL FIND PUMPS, STRAPS HEELS, MEDIUM HEELS AND packages. Every one does not need CHILDREN'S yards AN1?. TIE�'i .L,OW SQX, %. length,' fancy , this, but those that do should sale tbese two days . HIGH AT� HEELS, take MEN'S colors and of this • , , SOX, plain and plain- . advantage price. fancy patterns; . $1 48' . l ';! , . PRINTED DIMITIES and _2 pairs for 88c BATIS,JS, b all a� LADIES' al 0 a . silk, going SIL� HOSE, and fine mer- range of 40c to 50c " patterns, , " .' .. 1" 2 . ,LADIES' PARASOLS, all for _ colors, pa� SSc cerized LISLE HQSE- sellers, 3 yards for _ 88 . . , . while s , • . LADIES' .' each : . one " they last, . lot" t 2 ':.1.·.·:';,·, 1.1 I DRESSES; (I .,.! , �_-:_,----:- '88e pairs for .:.._._:..______88 C lOUR il of Silk at _ YOU, FRIENDS IN HAVE A MANY LADIES' SILK Dresses, going nilS ,;StCTIQN, TI'END.ED Dur� v • .,',. '. STOCKINGS, . ·1' ,.' ithread \ I .. r· .PILLOW CASES, The famous �hk narrow 88c DAYS AT THIS AND ON to. lisle • • EVERY OCCASION WE HAVE • "" ST.ORE,, , heiTI, priintex r � \ I' '. , size MEN'S sure-fit � , , Lady Pepperell, 45x36, each CAPS, make, some i 38e[ -- 'I . , heal, .pair 88e . \'. . . full-fashjon�iju;,1;'i""���lyO\lI:·Y, �,��. .'. � r.�8�'�.' ,1... ;M���HtN�I�f!��,::·i. . goilllr 'event; ,at.' 1/' • I,' �. .� . \ /'. ' \ .' �" 5 (. I' \.1 yardsfor_------__ .'." .. , .' ,.l:, �', I $1 �. .8 �['-! ',,' J.',SHQENEMAN'S "r

" . , SUm'meT:',. ;'i'<'; .. �izes , MEN'S fmel GOsSARD BRAsSiEREs, all ". � . '. �, , .. 1Jtj_S'BS�'" SClYS" '.1 'and' . ·t.; SOX,\i1ai� dncy \ 'D :-' : I. .,);.', , !b (V',J" I" ,,' .. l,\, 'ra '$i�OO,:ilnd' $1'.25 �.Jalue'sj(· ea_ch ..:_ 8e PrfA:VI.S ��c;:E,.:POvyl)fi:R., ;. Q g .l..lm)''Oeach , ':, ... lJm value .. I': i ',' 1 ': :!: I' t'" �" I" :',! � ., 2'boxes for __ :.. .:. j)'atternH, J!obd . a"d \ ;;. l: " at.f5�,. . ·�e . " -', ; \ • , • ! I', . '., \ t ,,. ." • I , f • .' " /IU$,J_T.i J1.oh,'!t�;fUi��'." r , ... � . * : 4 � . )�' ! l'�..' t �, t , :M,e�,: 1 pak'�'or SSC ,If 1� ,�' eacl1';puI-chase. Y4,(\"Oikj'.' ' ,With . qf' :�f�·\risi.'Face' 'P9w-l . OF. OUR . �. , OF '.,' J191�P1,;, �m�T �XpEPTIONAL, " P�ACTICALLy.,Au,. �J!:CElf,I' , der we will giv8 2 cans 'Of 'Mavis r 'YAWJ�� Tac1um',• . PALM �N ,s�f1� Powder . BEACH AND FREE. MOHAIR:SU[TS; TAILORED ND A Ne:w-·Line of , t /- \A�D .DRE'SSpts" .' 'W�M,EN'S }vPSS�' Ht� I , 'i!/<"fJE!. J:ATTERNS'A'NI) YOU I WE FRESH ,. M.QR.NING I I' ,. . AT !"i� 'II) , . WILL t ,MONDA):; ME'S uno BOYS' SUN '.!H!,A1'S. Tbe "\" ""�lrNI',,'.' C'OLORlN1GS CfOL .... v� ,.� ,:-,_ t� ::. {": ,:,l r· ! 'O� Wl�'P1tESt:N''1' L '. :." '. \,'1'\\" LIKEr " � L E Y NEW DREsSES FROM NEW THE St1m­ . Y'()R¥, aftREFULLY Don't ,to ¥iait the' �,l!,,� )'ti,E If. , �·U�, �i � Forg�t mer is n eel .;:, f SELECTED CHOICE OF THE yet, you w:ill '.ll'.\] . . .;. S�ASON�S:'CHOICEST �OU.Ilg ,(,:. i: .; : 'J " f�t T1ii�·�':'tI MERCHANDISE. NONE OF 'BABY DEP'ART-MENT pnmmg 4 for _�__ SSe, 'I theJllo. tobacco, Y" 'i' i \ '\ ) � I' i ·.WILL if,;) \ 1I'�' J)? ", . lIHf..SE DRE]SSES • , !i 1 .' : ; S1', S',. S· BE OPENED UNTIL MONBAY MORNING, JUNE 25TH. ":;,IJ,t:;/'\I\�':'�:':i:!:':'!·:":;\1 !, It Ha. Been ho';ed to'th>e< Firat Flcior. "., find hat �o any THERE WILL BE 500 OF AU. " p, }j,e:t;e, ',. ..iro� �,a.� THEM, Alol:. ma1f.h �:tZES, ,-- . "�Ii, ------� �----J--l . , . be '" BE: .. THEY . priceQ, -AND ::1\;�::1:� ,;')�����. '�l� )�hey �i\lI: al,so" ,speci�lIl� �QIPR�, .MOST, ,IMPOIt1;ANT [ ·.�,�OT�_iNP, �m'EA�'�Y :�_r���: O�,�,' f"· MEN'S WORK � SHOES,' 'all, the iEDU�ED: ',' . leather, THROUGH Qulf GREATEST ,.;\., ,: , '�ortl)isgrtlatest, EIGHTY-EIGHT I �.!I' .:. ,'X1Itk BE, .SP��,�.�Y I;'RIC:ED / � CEfNTS I �, ..'},f SSe' Sjar , 1 THIS lNCLUDES ADLER • r:�YSi " COLLEGIAN AND 1 famo�B6 to B�'�nel, H��.�ll:, .. , DAYS 11, per palr $1.88 .. _iiii...._i),\, ''tIAR'Jii 'CHAFFNER MARX '. ,"1, � CL<;>THES., 88e- EVENT' ill .' Ij·,:: ',,'.5�.S8 SIX 'U�LO,CH TIME� ,�NI) STATESBO�O NEWS THURSBAY, .WNE 21, ':1928 Ocean- Sccitch is all A lot of it &.L -ompurutivo caw b), othcru. right. ... U L L 0 C H T 11\1 E S, lopping is not yet 50 popular as to would't do us harm. \\'hen we ened JUNE THURSDAY, 21, 1928 BULLOCH''FIME5 A'ND 'STATESBORO NEW! AND appeal to the masses, but it will he stimulany we need it. M.y g-rnnd­ n a short tlme. afyer was hroug-r up on rum. The), �l')_: 1:;i.i\t£!3borv was so nervous and could not sleep nn uutomo- had it in tho housd all the time. rrhey Twcni.y-Iive veers nr-c LOCAL MISSIONARY LADIES and did not have time to attend the tlcnt'l i1 el h.1"-"':I-<.. �tll\'()' kilO bile that would run from Statesboro dran] it. rreel�l and even the minstew .. - missionary meetings, and because of -�. 1.0 Suvan nnh without u mishap wag drank it when he came to our housn. ----$-UU-�l-;I-(.I-P'f'jO-N-I{-A;�S� fntigue had to spend her week ends of •. 5 a marvel. ne man H8s a kinf of a coinlry when PRESENT boasted pretty INTERESTING PLAY . at sea shore or other for rest Ooe Year , �1.50; Six Months, 'If>c; ptaces , in a new machine, a is better than his way garndson gund- ",�!If"'�1If��".- lrove part F'ollr and couldn't attend church. The an 0 ____ Montbs,_60c. nenr Brooklet d Iahcr. I can drink thi's sort f f�. but broke down _ The Methodist society doctor told h r an wus mur.tcr M.nJ'o' missiooary operation BLACK·· SUMMER "tIL�red UB :itH,:ond�l!lass was in a of fright- all day and not be no worse FLAG VACATION TRIPS d"3!!getl pail' Scu'tog met in the church lit iltatc. by, Monday after- necessary and love for Christ would . nt the On TRAINS U, 1906. I;ostolhce mules in the fields a citoxen than I was befote, I and SHIPS via SAVANNAH oned mules. The noon in oeen, Ga. under the Act of Con regular monthly literary be the anae the tic used, so there York. tore out of harness could drink this whole audd Phll.dt!lphl�, no.ton, Or to New York; Portland, tho roadside quad T0:t"' - M:llDeJ ...... MBrch 3, 1879. by meeting. Mrs. F'red T. Lanier ,('as would be no and then pain. gave Boetonj 1I.",lIf••• N. B. when t.hey heard a oue-lunger pass- neger quiber an etelash. .1�1"c'i�fe!'':.�J>ah�r�:·lern chairman, . .prograra her a tonic; "Unselfish Service" for .' . . I Dr-iv- But wneat 0 f is to fIf·, At NATURE IS .SMILlNG ing through the community. I, whay I yiu Reduced Summer At Reduced Opening song, "Publish Glad Tid- her disease, "Clubibis." Her pre­ threw 'abd • ers who met. an automobile up rernund yiu oncr agaian agnain J Excursion Circle Tour ings." Devotion, Mrs, W .... O.�' Shup-> scription was "Be strong in th Lord, Fares Fares ' is ar, their to th it, mules' you arw dead wronh ib corns­ ... Go;I•• ltOllto Hunuluity hands, jumped thqt trine. Her for f1,fd: R.rumlnA' Goln. Ono W.7. A.. " "Motives and in the of His \ ' �me Returnln& cJ:aw en\otionn: topic [lower, might." a, enee.r ele,mrmt. .' .i W���,' di�� . I swore. as n • Inclua. and Frorn one extreme to another IS but heads. hollered for lteip and [enging evert bony whu drinls rnf".II/. barth on ""p. Discipleship ... and she gave for th� (Eph. G :10.) Inform.doa fic�' 3. mnn cr ,O'.e� •• wilt pflln 11 short, with most of us, It \VRS a hazardous thing for bouhm. W c ain�t iulals, 0.': b.8ee.. your � step .scripture teading a part of the 10th "Nervous Patient," Mrs. Jay. She kUlen eo" 30 eeia.. chfNtrf.ul"Co�r:Ji�'::�,o�:�r�':�t��':'!:rl�bo on a as JOlIN \Y. Two months there was not a mechanic to start trip I will sat , thqt I BLOUNT, OCtIt�"'t A Sa .. ago gloom I im, for unless I cotton, - 01 poet making crop gas gives Yioytqx del'S. Mrs. • dea.Ue8' .!.., _. Prayer' by Edward ing, but ca,n go to other places. 'Even the ' corn 01' I \Ve were f blows The automobile of SWl'V- % T. .Ni.o�t�ie�e�tO:=;D�.�b�t:o�r�.:.�n�d;:;c�r:ed�lt:o:r:. obncco. rightun­ up, O'Neal of A "A ail Savannah. play, the sight of missionary 01' church .. Hall GEORGIA-Bulloch County. =�S�OD�A;'=S�U�LP:;:H:A::;T:E:.=AR.S=:E=N:A�TE�--· would will still further Willie B. FulLe 1'. ,pin�, �3 , Ed, Somebody had said there future be improved. I . onl,. eent8. All Missionary Glinle,' was given by literature made her nervous. The , persons indebted to the estate Nitrate of in it!:; �car be a !illmmerless ycar, and crops likewise, is'the airplane I Save FIBST t of J. S, are .hlp� So, ..eli Mikell, notified eos,.­ nine ladjes, Doctor. Mrs. Inman doctor gave her a tonic of "Warm ..,�•• fin"",., ...... deceased, $46.80. i.o.b. cars, Savannall Ga. �u • IIfloI) \ make ...,. wuuld be n failure. Summer was, infancy. In twenty-fi,·c years .,._ ...... tp prompt Bottlement with tho of Mrs. J. D. office nr...... - Sulphate ammonia 26% tho, Foy; nurse, Lee; Interest" and suggested u _ buD.• car hypoder· .. - _ -.. undersigned, and all schedule. There had man will at who today I lOURS .... persons holdinJr indeed. be , behind 1929 ASSOCIATED -._--...... , , $48.00 InughCI! IN , .�pments delivered. cu­ UPKEEP maid, Mrs,' Grady Smith, mie of "antitoxin intelli- , Me. 011 claims missionary '.0.. against said e.tate will pre- e,um car ne\'cr ueen a year when our crops arsenate, shipment. 6c __ from �(,rs. Grady Johnston repres�nted gence," and advised her to take sent stlme within the time ton 'the Start big FOR four-room prescribed livered; quantity 6 \it and 1_ fl-dll.'d nor n in RENT-New. logs' completely, yeul' ��l�,Sjd;l;�e �1��l�:����Pl\�:ch��C �;:��:: a loved tennis and of highest price by law. than ton GUIDE fOR TOURISTS IN VAUIlI young lad:? w.ho, qases �'Generous Giving," to move meI'!t, modern In every paid,. If interested' quantity 7c i.o.b·. Wa� we a will have been ove 'come, und the re;:ll?eet, write Or tele- whit'h had not hud summel'; RE·� In. Tj1is M",y 23, 1028. or I other sports. but�when called upon off the lowlands "of ignorance and c1o�e Phone 259 or 121 South phone. W, R. boro,' "Write wire us.. C. P. - ALTMAN will hn/e belIn reduced, From the day you takeiINbecause of its basic LUMBER R. C. GIi; but still we couldn't Limo Mam street. MIKELL. Administrator. DANIEL S help feeling" required write papers for on the mountain of (17maytfc) 0., Ga. SONS, Waynesboro. Ga. COME IN! of tq missionnl'Y pro- get up (Jrivilege. apart-IWANTElD-PineBroo�lot. 24may2moc) (24may6tc) al'e to delivery. ownership which results 311"a 3t 1 little g-Ioomy, We gccting mighty who to take a vaca- design ) c1os� Motorists plnn a grams or shake hands with those out� Her was "Abide in" l�e 'I See Six is an in low coata. prescription' L�l onc the our across the AU mtlC. for Yourself expe­ operating ride through country neighbors � tion tour this summer w.ill be inter- 'side of he .. circle of friend" would and I in Why Experienced rience in economy. you." (John 14:4.) and see nature smile, There toduy Owners And you save in resale suffer terribly with pains or cramps "Blind Mrs. B. H, Ram­ Demand You save in first cost Woman," .arc fol' in Bul­ good prospects living ot; Bodie. Fuller. value because used car t in her right hand. The doctor's ... She could see .. CONVICTION ���e: by because the Pontiac pr seY'. .nly things ne� loch lute thl'ce 01' A GROWING �::�ic!h��st�:s�,:t:::i���� COlHlt.y, Corn, by the fourteenth edItIOn of Its annuul buyers are scription was to rub with oil at hand and in the hou Vi,1t our showroom Six gives you those everywhere given 'e, and in the '-fottl' is weeks, looking good; cotton, during the opeclal willing to pay more for of gladness freely, and he advised So I advanced features usu­ noighbors' hou�e8. to test her Fisher rat.her poor stands in most places, is IS WRONG Bodv Demon. every available Pontiac hel' that "Whatsoever hand find- PROHIBITION ;.o::rs �����, ':��Ch 1i�2�ow �:s::.�a��� ally found in thy eyes the doctor pointed to a map of oration now to on bloom, and t.o­ ---- I betnl only Six. eth beginning put , distribution. to do it with 'all held"Don·tmlaothl. higher-priced cars. do, thy might." �frica on the wall. I'his was all thut bacco is just fine, There is The conviction grows prohi- one 9 going The Guide in its hundred and opportunIty to lIaln -Eccl. :10. 'black to she couldn't see it. The You save in upkeep, be· If you value dol. hel'; a .. your to be some money in the lund ufter bition is wrong. The marc shine contains • BOund undentand "Mrs. Mrs, lwcnty�eight pages, (',auae of its Stiff-Neck." Don Bran- doctor then gave her u copy of the ina of such an im· oversi:e lars, you will drive a all this fall, Our small cotton mun inside of the more CI'OP get3 him, wealth of useful information for ex� nen. Because she attended the mis- Voice. This portant part of your dimensions developed Pontiac Six and learn Missionary she could 'lviJI and firm his perhaps bl'ing higher prices, opposition against pl'ohi- where to go on your automobile. on ,ionaTY meeting and not l'ead, The doctor actly planning the full meaning of �ew o�ers then gave he" THE WINCHESTER STORE corn will as even doesn't make CHALLENGE SALE not be selHng low bilion, Sometimes he vacation find how to there, were this first tl'ip get Proving Ground-and elected. being tpe n cop)' of a very po fashion As Ad•• motoring economy. pillar rtiaed in tho E•• Po.t June 14th as bushel next 'ro­ his l'CllSOnS cleur, but even then he Satuiu.y nlntr ,1 )IeI' spring, 'Tne mileages and itin­ 2-Door change in years and she hated so and she IllOtOi' maps, Sedan, $745; Coupe, $745; SPOTI Road.reT, $745; Phaeton. $775; CabTiold. $795, magazine, this could read buceo is g'oing to be nght, but of ex­ !nukes the cnUEe clear enough, in 4-DooT $825; Sf>ort lAndau much to see these eraries shown the Guide, covering Sr""n� Sedan. $875. Oakland AIl....meTican Six. $1045 10 chnnges, newly very easily. The doctor took her The Co-operative Action 01 6300 Individ­ cellent. and nrc velernn editor $1265. pTlce. al Check Our �I'ade Pl'iCC3 goin:; Arthur G, Staples. area of the A!I faclory. Oakland·Ponliac deli'>eTrd pTice.• -Ihey include!ow- elected oftlcers were Owned Wincheater Store thc vast United States ed young people black glasses away and fitted her a ually Winchester Stores Make. TocIa.­ handle"g char,e,. Gmeral Motors Time Plan at the to bc of thc Lewiston Evening Payment utluilable minimum rate. it These Examine Merchandiae aacl good, (Maine) eust of tho and castern , too, caused her to have stiff' neck of clear vision Bargains Possible. � Mississippi pail' glasses, With "ince Y Bullocll county farmers can be­ in his book, "'rhe aDd could not ouraelf_ �Jol11'nnl, pJ'il}tcu Cunadn, as well as the mOTe populu1' she turn to speak or these she could see and War Tax Removed-Delivered Price. Removed wl>en given gin lo fcc I more checrful, and Lhey tho following letter Punsing Age," t.ranscontinental and tl'nns-Cnnndi3n greet stra'ngers, The doctol' wrote a church llaper she could read il again l11'C so, 11'orn A who 8ecms her already feeling COl'l'espondent routes, afford the 'motor vacationist two prescriptions, "Singing with it, but didn't like to. The doctol' to h8\'e taken sOllle clffensc at out' KENNEDY MOTOR in heart 3 wid a range of fields from CO. grace your to the Lord," advised her to read the two ONE GROSS GOOD FOR BEN DAVIS touring religioug on lhc of peoplo and opinion duty f(ood which to select, , (Coi. 3:16); "walk wOl'thil)' ul\ until her magazines every day eyes Bottle Caps Regularly 25c. to lhe 11\",." the vocation wherein obey I the 0110 hun.' �� ye arc called," wel'e Her . nil, Guide gives ovei' !rnRl!,S' strong, prescription read, In.rorrnat.ion comes fl'om the lute All will ugl' e thn� tl e followlIlg 4 and advised her to elrod und twenty-five thousand mile!'; (Eph. :1); get "Lift up your eyes and look on the UepublicOlll convention in Kansas of the �:� un unustH\1 1l1'cscnta,iL):\ lof Lho best hard surfaced out of the ruts, try new plans. study field. The field is the world." lSc that .loe the JI'OIH highwa�'s (John City \Vntson, negro n(.rtonul liberty thNUO. methods. and start i in the country, especlf\lIy chosen 1'01' stop sighing :35.) , .Albnny, hod B'n Davis defeated by SIX new, To the Editor: PONTIAC 'Jmglng. their ,harm of scenic outlook, load. Pi\OPUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS 14 HHousemaid's knee," Mrs. G, E, ..n of one in the I 1)lnjot'ity Georgia YOLI �CCl1l to llke n deal of Mrs, E, T, good ing to seaside, mountains and inlulltl Hlnsomnia/' Young- Bean, She worked so hurd (lolish­ �lolegut.ion, and that, to avoid his un_' how ions.type-writer sculc tOllr, benefit her and not be like Boy's Watch English others; ... Dmnocl'llcy has In Georgl8, Ben Tea Pot I you. It bears the label of Sundy foolish Unbreakable A fonture of mo- Mr. F. virgins. Her Davis and ,lac both the Gu,d" thai, Cb;arles Todd, of Este. the, prescriP- Watso.D, d, ! I 'rood. fair, w�dl-uodied tion colore, n.'tncDonuld-a i'!> tOl'iEts nrc to i� tlu"t Five - ..... read, "Prepare ye, the· way of Crystal burc WaYIICIsburg. Ky y.: tn.'c heads of that ,e 1 wh IC h apt apIH·Cc.latl! In liquor which 1 am :lssul'ed was ,Steps "I the Lord." 3 emcrt all .... with nervoul (Matt.' i itinerurics are so as to :3.) Regularly' to remain Demo� arranged ,autferiDg Winchater ;r., )Georgia before the wur and has been 1 "Fashionable $1.50 St:�:::re I.bought beadachu. About once a week Mrs. J, 0, com�lcls nl1o\\< for a logical t'\t Lad)·.", I -crnhc. Every once and anon stopping pla('e 1 GaI_ Hoi and Cold in friend's ceilar evC1� since, What I .... ". my 1 would I Johnston. She was 80 run sO,mc the cnd of ,have the88 headaches, weak and JIII, !U.79 ., each day's rUIl. w�el'C! RL'­ $L75 has f01'111 of Law to make atld down ,'.50 Ceutcr ,ReguIarly f01'gettl�g right uny ha.v.:to and to and was tired out . half-heul'�ed ,D�mocl'at" commodations fo1' the a quit work, SO completely 'Walon' ".s.g. Lhe service whIch the Democratic II night in Successful lIle n 'criminal if I partake of this bed for about hours.' all the time. When asked about how 7 In_ SltIinl_ I hoLel 01' inn be twenty·four .ulcber Knife flul'ty hus I'ondere d th 0 S outh'm a II good ma�r fourid, g'e: �ift as it Wt" intended that I do I would 'have in g8e � by pains my neck. she spent time and mO,nc),. she Both the National and " h�r .'(.In. IltIiiiJ� t;IIe yeurs 0 r'Its h'ISt u tters the Stule High- Milllet Carv�: .site: ory, and behind ear. '1..h(' , for � my giver. , n,ht replied "mostly n,yself and my •. . I way ,He shown 1J,4'!In. lItIinae. system!! . foolish wish that there be a numbellng SUcer. '" might " I IS In m· "A merchant at told I' ,6'e: I ch"n anv law I that I Este.blll'l precious dog, .1. am inter­ .ucp th e nn . Rcginald! division or the Southern d' �'h e rOll t os. 1'1 lCI'l� 160&_ Mechamn pcople- I me to NaO Ita_mer ,'asion 'of: my p�rsonal libcrty. �n �np! ,In uj. takins BIao,;(·Draught, ested only in my own affairs." She $1.$,0 IS 1\180 a of Poultry thllt the Republican party might gct given �Igest which 'I Axe referred often Boys ,Outilll and • notice tlH�t ,,�u huve • a�1 �hc :stat,t! Ilid. told of her unlimited 'ex I"'" 'us for ,barb $1: .sg motor 11- Management . " a ·r:oothold-sQ that the South hnvs, For might , "It relieved me. From that SOc ,Ice in vour column to the BO- Pick", "" ' exc�llent ,speed ,restrictions, theatl'rs and dl'essmakers, ented·ain-· !,:.• '}i1,o,;,;"... :lIe: demnnds of and consld· 1 cenSe rcgulatlons, .{eny schedule!:', Smooth 'muk,e, \,eceive time I would take I . I W { I calJed Bill of R'ghts'h.Ich secul'cs ' '1 1. KEEP ONLY PURE BRED BIRDS. on,: Black.. ing friends. and when asked ubout Velvet ' , as wc II as, eration the leaders of both the numerous mups showlOg loon B8 I felt irol,l wome·n 111- II like I _ Other • men certslIl J , ,. t.o all and I- to I- missions decllll'ed Lh,'t she Lawn Drauah.t·.118 how ttlen eave giving Spedah, l)oht,cull'artles. The w,sh Is uttered er, "Iavol( th cm. was gomg ,to have one of those al�nuble ril!hts to their pe,'Sonnl lib- ,0 �' "could not ive to thosc hOI'l';,1 50 feet Winchester Rub. ,1.1.5 1. ,hea- .. 1'1'_1', , ·in the moment of the towrs large maps' 2. WEED OUT THE l'I0N-PRODUCERS. headach�8-and wouldn't Quart ,.,�Q!' 9Bc . they. forgetfulness CI'Ly as vall snv, are not in- , wl�h thens when silk anti fu1'o ber Hose, Regularly $9,00 and: whicll, 111 hose, l!loves 11.eO Nickel �omes from the mistaken that I nrc: come OD.; Plated, Ibean� .:;;.�$l'.�g thou�ht cons'istent with the l'ig'hts of oth�rs, t!le Guf�:. ,Ca­ ',.1 are so expensive." She di:ln't see Nozzle 'is and more. AdlI'OIHla\k, few I take three loSe Stainl_ pelf above principle pte Cape I 3. A "Every weeke, � I THEM Cp,d" GIVE COMFORTABi.E HOUSE. Free, Paria. Knife.,;,..,.,. lIe How do you reconcile your �t8te- n�d,lftn-�aclh.c" ,. T�cl' docbln' tbJd:' I \�"S lo�g straig-h.t v.arioLies. p,'nt s:,zc Vucuum Iy $2:00' '..' lhose who feel I,heir her to her entire moud 'bf $'1,':..... Winchester. troll, 1'.,.. �: ocean to wi. " chunge Bottle, trip E�T6pe "i"tter' 'sy.�elH" require I � Keeps ��_MITH,' '(14jun2tc) C. E. Ga, Llq�id. COlliE, 'Stat!l!a1)orG,• ,Uy Size, rrhe Hot Point , or band 01'- FOn ' living, Hot Cold 6f weeks. Improved ocean tl'uvill stimulanl, should togotheT; SALE...l.The ...en�il:e RountTcc l"." '_ 98c .;.... ,I, stal't a tJ flool' the twc. IIMol'e Love to Thee." Regularly nas bl'ought the time for cl'ossing r�ani7.e, and campaigo!1 _ block, inc111(�in� I�otel, C?t�� JONES, S,tateaboro, Ga. Song, nnJ; rear of �fLl:tE After a bl'jeT th e Atl'an t'IC d own t0 filve d'ays, Wb'IC'll this VoMoad business it it con ue tn,ges resI(lence,'<>n lot; �ISS business session, the 79c . . . I 5011 at 8 \V. bargam. MRS,:oJ . Ga. was touch with our ' '" ,:: Statesboro, society uismiscu with put �s in close neigli- don�. ROUNTREE, LlVEL'! pl'a��er bj, fW11I (l4iu�tfc\ MI'. W. T. Smith, lIol' KcroSl!' the sen. We thought a! Now. Mr, Edilor. J am no bum and, MRS. W. ._ SElWING' MACHINES rCl'nited aDd W; MALLARD, Sta.tesboro, Ga. week's time us was lleUl' you c"un't make lire a uum. I like a PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN. 13�i"� b�tween t put ,in first class. conditjon.1 at rca­ MRS -enough 83 1 per annuni, mechanical perfOl1llllllce 01 General a to be to be payable annually on January lie annually lin 1st The law requires report convenient and comfortable way of puhlic to make free IIlIeeo.[ ihe serv-: ' 'payable �anuary ',.",.,do.',rQ"el ..per 3 R.",s 19c 1st of the of Motors carl! is tested and on GeDeral killed the each year, principal to, each the prtncipal to mao: proWct made of each deer from to with of Central of year,. � during [llac�. place G,eorgja tiokat . Ijetting if"S mature and be paid 0IIf as follows: ture and be paid 0... as follows: Bond' Moton· 1.245 acre Provine Ground. Before ea.son but to this THE, each maximum and The agents and by hunter, speed �afety. naSHenger rapresenta­ Bond No. 1 on 1 on and the January 1st, 1929, �o. January Ist, 1929, .y new model is in it mUst more there is a ,"'.Qltell�"ouse CoHee lb. 49c put production, pall l'OCOI-U percenetage added, summer traveler recognizes th t tives, or of ,any officer or employe and the remaiiling tbirteen bonds in remaining twenty-nine bonds in nu­ than 135 different tests fOl' based on the or the screened and rail­ of who can now h�I(:i'. all official endurance aDd numerical one on merical one on lEt powef, � durablBiy general reports, electrically cooled tile rai.!ro;"d .aid ·thein: , order, Janu8ry:lst order, January STUDEB�R of each thereafter the next of for the next which the total num- states: records for cars-a year for each year thereafter aDd lenera) .survey, places road passenger cars afford protec­ He "�he ticket agent's serv­ CRI,}:" 5 ·1Bi: speed fully-equipped stock �'. penormaDCe. '''s. succeeding thirteen yeuTs, so thut succeeding so thnt bel' killed at the figures given. In the' tion from heat, min, storms ice is not limited a in each of 4 classes I Here is of 8IDU­ twenty-nin� ye,ars, ' dust, '\:0 �elJing ticket champion price proof the whole amount of principal and the whole amount 0:1:, principal and As to the appearance and comfort 01· General matter of the total number of rab- and similar cncoun­ or when next inconveniences telling the train will as well- interest will been off interest will been .,CE .rollen 10 ing stoppinA ability have paid by have paid off by Motors cars, we h:.vite you to be the juciae, Ewq bits th� figures arrived at from the terud when by other leave. He can telegraph ahead for Grain. .pounds ·46c January 1942. 1968. None but ,traveling Lst, January 1st, regis- cllllled Stud�baker and Erslrjn� IIumIts to tbar None but vot- body'is built by Fisher-the largest builder of quostlonnnire reports, should be means." sleeping car or steamship reserva­ cars; a.pli�m- registered qualified tered qualified voters of said Middle­ era of said Consolrduted school district will automobile bodies , 4-whffl iN LESS 'tltan 1M Cliponreka ground be in the World. The IIDd nCllrly doubled if information frolll lI1r. Pelley states that not only is tiotls, He can recommend best bralres, stop half tlisI4II« IJI«ifi«l per­ experience Ros""ale� No.'2 Can 21c School Llistrict will be permitted to. mitted to, vote in said election, and denlers is an fol' one dealer r.outes to :Cruslted The the vast: production 01 the meimmore service corn fort­ quote tl'uin sched­ Pineapple A

Brown's . "'f Ineat delliers in the stute who han- "''''e Tobacco the same. '. order of Board sion fares in tlft'ect from May 1t Per Cady 55.25 Studebaker or Erskine car 40 miles an hour even wlien By the of Trustee. Board ' dlod rabbit. on the marke� a harvest Enjoy golden hours of restful, re­ By order of the of Trustees of Middleground School District. thl'Ough October 31, circle tour fares NEW. The oil in Studebaker-built cars need be changed of Consolidated School This tne 15th of of this of alone of over treshing Each summer Cliponreka day June, 1928. species game permitting the traveler t� go over sleep, night but once in 2500 miles. District. This 'the 9th day of June, JOHN F.' CANNON, Tru's�ec. may be calm, peaceflll, undisturbed. CHEVROLF,;T -7 model., .0,000,000. one route and return viu another, 1928. 'W. A. AKINS, �rustee. $495 to and better With these and an Everyone may have them. Just $715.' Bigger calculations, and the combination rail ancl w tel' by In fo'w: price field. Studeb.lier oll'en you ch_pion can-each D. B. GRANKLIN, Trustee, C. D. MARSH, Trustee. backed Studebaker'. 76 of J than ever before. 4-wheel b�kea. ·expmnation of the manner in which tl'ips. Stop-over privileges at points using FL,(,TOX. Sprayin.,. the sleep­ • by yearS manufacturing Intearity IRA S. PERKINS, Trustee. (2Jjuu5tc) IILORE.D Th. Erskin. Six, $795'0 The Dictator, $1195 '0 ,More powerful cogiae. Luxurioua BROS _965; J. S. it rooms. ·tbey have been arrived at. is read- en route are on ing Killinlr the mosquitoes. 111395) STROUSE, Trustee, permitted thes� The IVoriJ Champion Co",..andeT, $1435 to $1625; The Presa-' (J4jun5tc) --'--T-A-X-S-AL-E-S-�-'-"-- Fisher Bodi... New bood. New seen that the actual food value knows PHONE 472' 47 EAST , ily tickets. He also mentions Sunday Everyone mosquitoes nre dis- MAIN STREET WE DELIVER Unt Straight Ei,I... $1915 10 112485. AU pric.. r. o. b. factory . Duco colors. AIIo truck chaooia; for the season recent- ease carders. mUMt be killed. of $5,236.250 and week-end excursion as They I ·SHERIFF'S SALE GEORGlA-Bulloch County. fares, Health 31i-ton, $395; I-too, $-195. whicli has been authorities advocate FLY- Will be sold before the court Jy closed, placed by well are the special excursions the LANNIE F. SIItI.ONS GEORGJA-Bulloch County. TOX. It i, the scientlfice insecticide house door in " the state and fish J \v.ill sell at public outcry, lo the the city of Stateabol'o, game department, railroad operates the SUIll- at GA. during developed Mellon Institute of In- GOING TO driv- STATESBORO, suid county, on the first in is FLORIDA-Lady STRAYED-From my place Satur- highest bidder, for cash, befbl'e the 1"uesday is exlremely conservabive, and for all of which lower rates dustrial Research Rex STRAYED-From my place about mer, by Fellowship. ing to West Palm on court house door in July, J928, within lhe legal hours of Beach, Fla., day, May 19th, sow with eight two weeks five .. Statesboro, Ga., PONTIAC-7 plOdelo, $7065- readily subject to about 20% in- Simple 011 euch bottle ago, shoats, all reel are Illude. instl'U�tions June 20th would carry two passen- on the first in sale, the roJlowing described prop- small pigs; sow light l'ed with white onos; two deep red male all Tuesday ,1uly, 1928, to $875. Lowcot-priced quality crease on a fail' and reusonable es- (bluc label) for ALL house- Must sati• pigs, lev:ied on to tax execu­ President Pelley streBse, the at- l