Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) Bulloch County Historical Newspapers 6-21-1928 Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle) Notes Condition varies. Some pages missing or in poor condition. Originals provided for filming by the publisher. Gift of tS atesboro Herald and the Bulloch County Historical Society. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news- issues Recommended Citation "Bulloch Times (Statesboro News-Statesboro Eagle)" (1928). Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues). 1380. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/bulloch-news-issues/1380 This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Bulloch County Historical Newspapers at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulloch County Newspapers (Single Issues) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1928 ftNg�============::::======--=.:::.�_:-_:::_-=_=:__ _ £! am' Mrs F er _, = Fred etc Is •• VIsIting h"'....".__.�"._ COME TO =:_=_==_��:--;-::---======-BI__:ULL=h=OCH=::::::::T=1=M:.:..ES--lAND���·�_w:::':::SJ Social the BULLOCH Happenings for Week mO;��,r�S COUNTY, ��y�r�o��:a;����rar:turn THE HEART OF BULLOCH COUNTY. TWU PHONES cd Irom a short stay at Asheville :..Snecial On t Weather Suits GEORGIA, � 1·· • 'rHE Mrs, J R Calhoun, of Claxton, H.1;1, 'WHERE NATURE SMILES" HE:\RT OF G!IOaoU', "as the week and of B }th.. Etsher Wat noek gueat )elatl�es spent Flldny a VIsitor In ULLOO'lt." "WHERE NATURE SMILD" in Savannah Savannah Satur hOI e ·,'·TIMISS d,IY �Liss EdIth Lewis, of (STATESBORO NEWs-St R. H Warnock, of Brooklet, was Hr' Paul Jon s left Sunday fOI Milledgeville, Su'b�tantial Savings­ 4TESBORO EAGLE) 13 the attractive of MISS Helen in the CJty :Sunday 1 VISit to her mother 111 Culloden guest Cone .Mrs Dabney has retur nad Prom Mrs Walter Brown" VISIting hOI }1ontlzs of Wear In 1I1,s8 Alberta carboro will be at STA':l'ESB(1)RO.,GA., JUNE 1928 .. VISIt to relatives Atlanta DUI ents at MOl eland fOI a few days THURSDAY, 21, l\tr and MIS J C MISS the Georgia Normal fo.r SIX wee'i<s Rooch, itom MUl:Y Pierce, of Macon, IS this summer ..Arcoln, were In the city VISiting her aunt, Mrs S F Coo pel '( Monday.. Frances and John .Joshua Everett, of Metter. VIsited MI and Mrs Paul Dekle, of Met- Shearouse, of The r��� �ee�!:,�!Nt�e W M Brooklet. are of -Mrs Lbe GIGANTIC ,VALUE�,IFOR tllS daughter, M rs F I W I,Iliarns tel, visited Irtends III the Sun- guests BRDOKtET CASHIER TillY-FIVE COU"lIEt cIty' , CAIOIOAiES IN Moorc Waters COMMlTfE�S NAMED HIOIIG .sunday day I , MoISS LIla of lIlrs Waite, Forbes, of Stilson, Mlss.Malvlna 'I'russell has return- Doster, Rocky FO.,R, WU Franklin visited her aunt Mrs S F BAlE '¥(all the guest of Mrs A J ed from 8 V1S1t to relattves In Tal- Cooper, BEIIIA'S GO_UDIClIlF, AS·:fIAL DAY the week D.,� aret:§�[�"�:����;g Sun d botton during DATA tROM-::-S;:;TE DEPAilT. invited :. lEEJlIII I' , WIth ay, "'��'��T.!f�In the date MISS LIla Preetorius seve 1 oUlltltS and South I clolllng tor I� Mrs J E Parker had as her Mrs spent MENT OF Georgl� CIIlO- I , fOH·� M.arv of .... AIifD CAME I g�est Harper, Harlem. FI/iH IS, NOTE TO MOTHER SAYS HIS oal\cUdate� week With fnends FROM $3 TO d DORMAN S· Iltna the Savannah zone have se. onlY,forty-elght hdUlll elurlng 1Jt� Mrs ,Strozier. her Dr and M,s J days durmg ,SAVE OF. INTEREST. PIc;.NIC�:r" in" Pl..\N5 lIE(OINl'IING TO S�PE 0_, )yeek vlsltmg parents, th,e JlURDEI\IS ARE HEAVIER canduJate8 fOr the In � 'I'he of tIle r THAN leetedl\:t.be.tr oa.ial ... state Cordele f�Ont B Oene Asheville, N C 1 mem�el'3 Ellwortit 'FOR ENTf;RTAINIWENT Of legjslatu", MaST WANTED HE TO p.._.ti�e� VISi are latlll FRABICS, of the MethodIst IS 'r"'BLE CARRY' or who- ....Ill f under co:ver is MISS Clara Scarboro left Tuesday 'Atlanta, G -J--18une -The act"1 LIllfU� church cn-" ,..I.'eens ftA�tlo,tpate In the ITORS IN �uUoch .OUD­ M,s. IrIS Mr a, • Thompspn, and MIS Grover C of u ' AUGU�T , �,l.YOrtb, Dekle, II" I ' I "1"- , Joyeu t Dorman fifth ,annual �,l. entl�lJ!d t& two for N where she WIll STOUTS, SHORTS, SLIMS food valu of wild iIIe ID " s pooI on • Savannah water carmi the gue.t Mr and Mn T MIllen visited In e Chapel.Hill, C, � k,ll.... I repr�,eJllfltl9_ of, (,L friends bhe ity • , PIC�II:" r- val on JuI I 'he. attend .... In a afternoon Irhe .r WIllie y 2 Brd 4 i� leglllll.ture, yet only oDe.. , 'Thomson Slimmer school eolgla 'r:itInlf th;"lut 1l'�e.ltlflY chaperones Coleman, aged 24 yearl\,' nd, th Statesboro WIll. have _ Monday .aIId� 11. guest. fo� fin ,'he -;ea, wero'Mrs .t A Addiaon and Mrs W cashier of the of Ant.but ten counttes the .ra�. V.'Bnm­ Mrs Emma r)!turn- MISS CurrlC M"�ssrs Glady Jl:, Johnston, Thad Most of the valaeof a summer SUIt JlUntlng season s record to 8ank invited by three In �Ullhfl.ed Thompsqn hAS Law Clay has I elut n- compu� �rooklet., days August, belflnntng on, for tWG Morr.. and If. who have of the hls Ca."tVal AlSoclatlon 'l"n, a , of from U VISIt 10 RI,I88ell EverItt were lS In the , .. And the value IS, Jphllson, charge Monday have made .e� ter�. m,ember ..,d Wltl! relatIves br- ed flO"l n week's VISit to relatives In VIS1 tallorllig l'lght 15,236,250,000 cndc,d Ii.{�, shortly afte( Monday, the 13th, and til] - contInuing t)Uot bedy Itors In Macon The I,eague1work Lunch was af- noon lectlone, and It 18 Fla ' Saturday thele IS where thIS becomes aVllrage attaches httle spread by h,mself. be,( �ando, Savannah special p�rson shoo�ll.g jVltll &,,11-, eXl.'ected the 16th, the merrobers of I ' te, tbl th,t IThursday, At;. noon tIme lot JlQd M,» W C These are 01 no actual value to 'khat IS the'swlnt Twenty-nve cOlIt!."n The rash act took of thla week the Saturday 0. Leotlel has m t MISS W.llma of M{ Helmy, ImpoI!tan�' SUitS bagged , 1I1ace ;;"'1 'for"t!Je.clese �ull the f;""l'fI'ia AS8bclation" tpe Edwards, _ • Coleman, �v}to bJ)en Ellahelle, fas�­ Pre"'l �es will elbse • list of Whoever weI e .• on a &'fter 'II his thlrty-flve WIll be !'lin" mut AsheVIlle and N WIth her Savannah, guests Sunday lOned right "taIlored and cut triP Hunttnlf IS Just .!lad dumer, dur- completed, It WIll be a HendersonvIlle, C, spent Su"day Mrs h'lliting • 1i1!.1.hed bIg occaSIon for nunt, • .' ( ,th.� Illel n'otlllI of hi, Mrs Cone "full" 'THe 'Ing whIch hg' half of the' queen. seJected candidacy bef_ .is at home W H Colhns M-I ,an'd Henry like winter weights, "pot co.U'1le,· i� to have Qo;er sectloll. and are ", .exp,en!!lVe ,With hunt�r," tofl I MRS. SMITH HOSTESS undel'3toop plans now begtn- ' no sb fat t"at hour. Who. W1U It Ibel' • M,s. WilLI Ie ee L wh atl soe. It bQt� !rIven' of hIS haH chosen thelT attondants M,ss Gladys "larke," who has been MISS LOUIse aDler, unusual attentIOn to shpulders, neck ditterelt!:iy, th� '''pot Intlll)atlon intended to for, the Hagan, "f Atla�,ta,' S Mr W T Sm,h, en· nlng shape proper hand, So far no not dehghtfuly self , to deft!1lte' ... at IS ut home for tendmg bUSIness college In 0S'Savan· and sleeve hunter" Is usually classed a de�tructloll accpmpany tilem'to Savannah to of the prospect" teachmg Claxton, hel pllrents, Mr ,lIId Mrs perfectIon l'" the members of ner Sun- hng At' reoent the Vlsltlpg ter�lI,lned The on the vlsltols open. Amonlf tbe mentioDed ;the summer nah, spent FrIday at home are made to not sportsman young man, ;ftel his bIg floats 10 <the HOIace Hagm They "fit," hang day schoo class after lint.hmg rIde, parad", meetIng of t}te StateBboro Ohamber Weclne.day on S: L . 1'111 and Mrs Bates Lovelt and Mr The State and dinner IS understood to have July 2nd All told, there WIll be of J)osslbl!ltle,1l pre oJu!lire .,OO�" W T Hughes and daughter, M,.. MIS Dew G,oo,e, and Clllldlcn You knolV what we mean, men, you Game. F,sh Depa.t- noon at her gone Commerce, a ,commIttee, of twen- home 01} ,,"orth MaIO Who aay, h. run I.f and Mrs W H Blitch Mon. ment lIa3 mto the room whera hl3 chIld thIrty-the queens and lit-. Will nobody el.. LoUIse Hughes, are, vlSlttng relatIVes have I etUl ned from a visit to rcla- spent well know the difference between JUst statIStICS, young seventy ty-five was to take � tl co,!",Pltted st�ect' Lo,ely cut ftowers adorned appohltell gen­ dQes, aftd l-. O. who In was the one RUBhlng,. la ...d :at LUd0W ICI In day Savannah and ust a made up from a careful and sleeping, took chIld 10 hudred and fit's eral tl\'CS Savannah Tybee "J summer SUIt and 1\ b\llored survey the rooll' 111 whIch she entertamed bl.' �endanb, ,or charge of the conventIon W.
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