Review of the Year (1916-1917)
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80 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK EVENTS IN 5676 JUNE 1, 1915, TO MAY 31, 1916 TABLE OF CONTENTS A. UNITED STATES PAGE I. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND AFFAIRS OF INTEREST TO JEWS 84 II. GENERAL EVENTS OF INTEREST TO JEWS Bible in Schools; Religion in Public Schools; Facilities for Jewish Religious Observance; Miscellaneous 84 III. EUROPEAN WAR Congress and Conference Movements; Relief Work; Other Events 88 IV. JEWISH COMMUNAL LIFE Anniversaries; Activity of Organizations; Other Events 93 Synagogues and Homes of Societies Dedicated 96 V. APPOINTMENTS, HONORS, AND ELECTIONS 99 VI. NECROLOGY 105 B. FOREIGN COUNTRIES ARABIA General Ill AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND General; Appointments, Honors, and Elections; Necrol- ogy ; European War Ill AUSTRIA-HUNGARY I. GENERAL EVENTS AFFECTING JEWS 112 II. APPOINTMENTS, HONORS, AND ELECTIONS 113 III. NECROLOGY 114 IV. EUROPEAN WAR General; Decorations; Promotions; Necrology 115 EVENTS IN 5676—CONTENTS gl BELGIUM PAGE European War 120 BULGARIA European War 120 CANADA General; Appointments, Honors, and Elections; Euro- pean War 120 EGYPT European War. 121 FRANCE I. GENERAL EVENTS AFFECTING JEWS 122 II. APPOINTMENTS, HONORS, AND ELECTIONS 122 III. NECROLOGY ] 23 IV. EUROPEAN WAR General; Decorations; Promotions; Necrology 124 GERMANY I. GENERAL EVENTS AFFECTING JEWS 127 II. APPOINTMENTS, HONORS, AND ELECTIONS 128 III. NECROLOGY 130 IV. EUROPEAN WAR General; Decorations; Promotions; Necrology 132 GREECE General; Appointments, Honors, and Elections; Necrol- ogy; European War 136 INDIA Appointments, Honors, and Elections; European War.. 137 ITALY I. GENERAL EVENTS AFFECTING JEWS 137 II. APPOINTMENTS, HONORS, AND ELECTIONS 138 III. NECROLOGY 138 IV. EUROPEAN WAR General; Decorations; Promotions; Necrology 138 V. JEWISH OFFICERS IN ITALIAN ARMY IN WAR, 1915-1916.... 140 JAMAICA Necrology 148 82 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK NETHERLANDS PAGE General; Necrology 148 PALESTINE 208 PERSIA General; Appointments, Honors, and Elections 149 ROUMANIA General; Necrology; European War 149 RUSSIA I. PERSECUTION AND REPRESSION Anti-Jewish Propaganda 151 Attacks on Jews 154 Blood Accusation 154 Expulsions and Domiciliary Restrictions 155 Industrial and Professional Restrictions 157 Suppression of Zionist Propaganda 158 Educational Restrictions 159 Other Forms of Repression 163 II. GENERAL EVENTS AFFECTING JEWS Growth of Pro-Jewish Sentiment 164 Duma Discussions and Legislation 169 Polish-Jewish Relations 173 Finland 175 Miscellaneous 175 III. JEWISH COMMUNAL LIFE 177 IV. APPOINTMENTS, HONORS, AND ELECTIONS 178 V. NECROLOGY 179 VI. EUROPEAN WAR Places Destroyed; Accusations of Treachery; Expul- sions; Extension of Pale; Condition of Refugees; Re- lief Work; Miscellaneous; Decorations; Promotions.. 179 SERVIA European War 206 SPAIN Appointment 206 SWEDEN General; Necrology 206 EVENTS IN 5676—CONTENTS 83 SWITZERLAND PAGE General; Appointments, Honors, and Elections; Ne- crology; European War 206 TRIPOLI General 207 TUNIS General; Appointments, Honors, and Elections; Ne- crology 207 TURKEY I. TURKEY (EXCEPT PALESTINE) General; European War 208 II. PALESTINE AND SYRIA General Events Affecting Jews; European War; Ap- pointments, Honors, and Elections; Necrology 208 UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA Appointments, Honors, and Elections; Necrology; Euro- pean War 210 UNITED KINGDOM I. JEWISH COMMUNAL LIFE 211 II. APPOINTMENTS, HONORS, AND ELECTIONS 213 III. NECROLOGY 213 IV. EUROPEAN WAR General; Decorations; Promotions; Necrology 215 84 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK A UNITED STATES I THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND AFFAIRS OF INTEREST TO JEWS JUNE 2. New York City: Upon appeal of Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society, Secretary of Labor Wilson suspends order deporting two hundred Russian immigrants, on ground that it is inhuman to subject them to hardships of trip to their homes via Archangel.—OCTOBER 29. United States Supreme Court decides that immigration puthorities are not authorized to take into account alleged industrial conditions in place of immigrant's desti- nation, in their supposed relations to immigrant's becoming a public charge.—DECEMBER 7. Senator William P. Dillingham, Ver- mont, introduces bill containing a literacy test and providing for the limitation of admissions in a year of any nationality to ten per cent of the residents of that nationality.—JANUARY 20-21. Wash- ington, D. C.: Hearing before House Committee on Immigration on Burnett Bill (H.R. 10384). Louis Marshall appears for the American Jewish Committee, Leon Sanders for the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society, Manuel F. Behar for Lib- eral Immigration League, and Louis E. Levy for the Philadelphia Association for the Protection of Jewish Immigrants and for the Independent Order B'nai B'rith.—31. Burnett Immigration Bill, reported by Committee to the House of Representatives, practically exempts Jewish immigrants from Russia from literacy test.— MARCH 27. Literacy Test retained in Burnett Immigration bill by House of Representatives by vote of 225 to 82.-—APRIL 17. Louis Marshall, president of American Jewish Committee, informs De- partment of State that the Committee has received cablegram stat- ing that Jewish population of Russia fear new series of pogroms in cities and villages, where Jews are now congregated, during Easter. II GENERAL EVENTS OF INTEREST TO JEWS BIBLE IN SCHOOLS:—OCTOBER 29. Indianapolis, Ind.: Pro- posal to have Bible readings in the high schools opposed by Rabbi Feuerlicht, tabled by School Board.—FEBRUARY 28. Newark, N. J.: EVENTS IN 5676—UNITED STATES Julius Silberfeld, rabbi, Temple B'nai Abraham, appears before New Jersey State Senate Committee to protest against bill for com- pulsory Bible reading in elementary schools.—MARCH 14. Albany, N. Y.: Rabbis Bernard Drachman and Da-vid de Sola Pool appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee to oppose the Greiner bill providing for reading of selected verses from the Bible in the public schools.—15. Trenton, N. J.: Senate passes Bill requiring the reading of passages from the Old Testament daily in the public school of the State, by vote of 17 to 4.—17. Greenville, Miss.: Reading of Bible in Public School eliminated through efforts of Rabbi Jacob Mielziner.—APRIL 7. Harry Plotz, physician of Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York City, awarded medal, at Uskub, for services in typhus epidemic. RELIGION IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS:—NOVEMBER 4. New York City: Board of Jewish Ministers considers Gary system of school organization with special reference to its provisions for religious instruction, and adopts resolution favoring introduction of the system into New York schools. Committee of five appointed to report to special meeting of the board some method of co-operation, by which all Jewish pupils may be reached effectively.—12. Brook- lyn, N. Y.: Rabbis oppose introduction of Gary system in Public Schools.—13. New York City: Meeting of principals and directors of Talmud Torahs and representatives of organizations interested in teaching of Jewish children adopts resolution against intro- duction of Gary system, it being opposed to the spirit of equality now prevailing in the public schools and to the interests of the Jewish people.—24. New York City.: Isadore M. Levy, member of Board of Education, introduces resolution opposing religious instruction feature of Gary plan.—26. Independent Order Free Sons of Israel adopts resolution protesting against the religious education feature of the Gary plan.—28. New York City: Con- vention of Delegates of Jewish Community (Kehillah) discusses Gary system and a statement by the Bureau of Education on its probable effect on Jewish education. Resolutions adopted oppos- ing any change in the traditional American attitude toward public education, in regard to its non-sectarian and non-religious charac- ter, and recommending a six consecutive hour school day, or less, thus affording Jewish parents opportunity of giving their children religious instruction outside of Public School hours.—DECEMBER. Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, First District, General Com- mittee, adopts resolution opposing religious education feature of Gary plan.—JANUARY 17. Boston, Mass.: Nathan Ullian protests to School Committee against further use in Boston Public Schools of doctrinal song books.—MARCH 20. Boston: Boston School Com- mittee holds public hearing on merits of petition to eliminate all Christological references from song books in public schools.—MAY 86 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK 16-17. New York City: Annual convention of Orthodox Rabbis of United States and Canada adopts resolution opposing Gary plan in public schools. FACILITIES FOR JEWISH RELIGIOUS OBSERVANCES:— JULY 9. Camden, N. J.: Petition addressed to Board of Education by the Young Men's Hebrew Association praying that Jewish pupils be not made to suffer deduction marks for absence on holy days.—SEPTEMBER 18. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University de- clines to change date of examinations scheduled for Yom Kippur, but grants permission to Jewish students to dictate answers to stenographers.—OCTOBER 21. Lorain, O.: Board of Education re- ceives petition signed by citizens asking for use of Garden Avenue school building for purpose of instructing Jewish children in Jew- ish religion.—NOVEMBER 5. Philadelphia, Pa.: Cyrus Adler, presi- dent, on behalf of the Jewish Community of Philadelphia, protests to Governor Brumbaugh against discrimination by hotels in the State against Jews, and urges passage of a law prohibiting such discrimination.—DECEMBER 6. Washington, D. C: Secretary of War Garrison in reply to