Mitglied der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft der Mitglied

STE Preprint 13/2010

Integration of Plug-in Hybrid and Electric Vehicles: Experience from

B. Claas, S. Marker, S. Bickert, J. Linssen, K. Strunz

Institut für Energieforschung Systemforschung und Technologische Entwicklung (IEF-STE)


Integration of Plug-in Hybrid and Electric Vehicles: Experience from Germany

B. Claas1, S. Marker2, S. Bickert3, J. Linssen3, K. Strunz1 1) Technische Universität Berlin, Institute of Energy and Automation Technology, Sustainable Elec- tric Networks and Sources of Energy, Einsteinufer 11 (EMH-1), D-10587 Berlin 2) Technische Universität Berlin, Institute of Land-based and Maritime Traffic, Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25, D-13355 Berlin 3) Forschungszentrum Jülich, Institute of Energy Research - Systems Analysis and Technology Evaluation (IEF-STE), D-52425 Jülich, Germany

Executive Summary This paper reviews the situation of electromobility and its development trends in Germany. Opportunities for the application of electromobility are presented. Impor- tant research and development activities and individual field tests about plug-in hy- brid electric vehicles and electric vehicles are included.

Keywords Battery storage, electric vehicles, power industry, power systems, vehicle-to-grid

Contribution to IEEE Power & Energy Society, 2010 General Meeting, July 25-29, 2010, Minneapo- lis, Minnesota, USA

I Introduction Main goals of the German Federal Government related to the development of Plug-in Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) and Electric Vehicles (EVs) are [German Federal Govern- ment, 2009]: • Germany will become a lead market for electromobility • One million electric vehicles on the road by 2020 • Contribution of electromobility to implementing energy and climate goals • Linking of industry and science in research • New concepts of mobility • Fostering social acceptance. A number of political, regulatory, technical and infrastructural measures are needed to achieve these goals. The National Electromobility Development Plan was set up to speed up research, development and market integration of electromobility in Ger- many. Government and industry have to intensify their efforts. So far, the government actively supports research and development in the field of energy storage, vehicle technology, system and grid integration, as well as in enhancing regulatory frame- works and market developments. II Development Plan The Development Plan is embedded in the Pact for Employment and Stability in Germany to safeguard jobs, strengthen the forces for growth and modernize the country (Economic Stimulus Package II). This package will act as a stimulus for the German manufacturing and parts supply industry. The Economic Stimulus Package II enables the industry to develop activities and gain technological and market leader- ship in electromobility. In line with the Economic Stimulus Package II the German Federal Government has made an additional amount of € 500 million available to boost the market introduction of electromobility. The National Electromobility Devel- opment Plan is conceived to have long-term effects for a ten year period. One main focus is research and development in various areas associated with electromobility. The Table 1 lists the existing and future milestones and activities in research and de- velopment in Germany.


Table 1: Pathway to the lead electromobility market

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 (2009 - 2011) (2011 - 2016) (2017 - 2020) Market Preparation Market Escalation Mass Market Research and develop- Research and development are of special importance in the field of bat- ment teries or double layer capacitors, vehicle technology and infrastruc- ture or grid integration in all phases. Batteries and double Research and devel- Demonstration and Mass production of 2nd layer capacitors opment, start-up field tests generation batteries of production of 1st generation Li- Mass production of Production start-up of ion batteries 1st generation Li- 3rd generation bat- ion batteries teries Research and devel- opment on 2nd Production of 2nd Continuation of re- generation Li-ion generation batter- search and devel- batteries and dou- ies opment on Li-ion ble layer capaci- batteries and alter- tors native storage tech- Research and devel- nologies opment on 3rd and 4th genera- tion Li-ion batter- ies Vehicle technology Production of PHEV Production of PHEVs Mass production of 2nd and Battery Elec- and BEVs generation PHEVs tric Vehicle (BEV) and BEVs prototypes Serial production maturity of 2nd Production of higher Drive technologies generation PHEV performance PHEVs and BEV platform and BEVs Research and devel- opment for electri- Research and devel- cal, electronic and opment for eco- mechanical vehi- nomical drive cle components technologies and vehicle compo- nents Infrastructure Research and devel- Charging infrastruc- Field tests on complete opment of new ture systems components Research, develop- Charging infrastructure Testing and simula- ment and initial tion facilities for trials for grid inte- Grid integration and grid integration tri- gration feedback als

Coupling with renew- Initial trials of fast load- Public charging sta- able energies ing, contactless en- tions ergy transfer

Advanced charging Coupling with renew- and energy able energies transmission sys- tems


Enabling framework Safety standards Appraising systems of incentives Regulatory frame- work Use of procurement guidelines for the public sector Standardisation of interfaces Market development Application in fleet First private users 1 million electric vehi- tests cles on Germany’s roads in 2020 Business models

Germany is a lead mar- ket for electromobil- ity

Source:[German Federal Government, 2009] IEF-STE 2010

Electromobility will only come into general use if costs develop to the point where no subsidies are needed [German Federal Government, 2009]. The National Electromo- bility Development Plan focuses on Germany to become a lead market in electromo- bility. Research and development projects take place in Germany, but in contrast to various other countries no buying incentives are in operation by now. The National Electromobility Development Plan was published in August 2009 while concrete in- centives for vehicle purchasers were postponed. The project NET-ELAN is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology and is integrated among other projects within the framework of the National Electromobility Development Plan. NET-ELAN is concerned with the grid integration of electrical power train systems in existing and future energy supply structures. The participants are Ford For- schungszentrum Aachen GmbH, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Technische Uni- versität Berlin, Europe AG and Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasser- stoff-Forschung. The project deals with the question of whether electric vehicles can be used for energy storage within the grid as well as for consumer-side demand con- trol and for the integration of fluctuating power sources. This question is answered in the sense of a cross-sector systemic solution. Technical feasibility and possible con- straints will be discussed [Project NET-ELAN, 2008]. A first realization of the National Electromobility Development Plan is the suggested three-year program for market activation of electric vehicles. A number of 100,000 electric vehicles should be implemented by 2015. Beginning in 2012 a supplement between € 3,000 and € 5,000 should be paid for the first 100,000 electric vehicles [Bundesministerium für Umwelt Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit (BMU) (German Federal Ministry for the Environment Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety), 2009].


III Selected field tests This section presents the current field test activities of PHEVs and EVs in Germany. For EVs the pilot project “Mini E Berlin” led by BMW AG and Vattenfall Europe AG and the project “e-mobility Berlin” led by Daimler AG and RWE AG are introduced as an example. For PHEVs the project “VW Golf TwinDrive” led by VW AG and E.ON AG is described. III.1 Project: “Mini E Berlin” The project was launched with 50 vehicles in summer 2009. For this purpose, test drivers received a BMW-Mini-two-seater for € 400 leasing cost per month for a period of six months. The experimental findings will be obtained in the field of electrical mo- bility and the necessary infrastructure. Another object of investigation is the charging procedure of Li-ion batteries and the compensation of fluctuations caused by wind power. Each test driver of a Mini E gets a so-called Wallbox in his private garage or at work. The Wallbox is for recharging the battery while simultaneously documenting the user’s behaviour [International Business Times, 2008]. The intention to support the CO2 reduction caused by traffic is of great importance [International Business Times, 2008]. Methods for optimal utilization of wind energy, in which the vehicle bat- tery is used as storage, are tested. The vehicle-to-grid procedure will be initiated. III.2 Project: “e-mobility Berlin” From fall 2009, 100 Smart Electric Drive (ED) are tested in Berlin. Daimler AG and RWE AG are involved in the project “e-mobility Berlin”. RWE provides the necessary charging infrastructure, and Daimler provides the vehicles and the vehicle related services. Another important target is the standardization of infrastructure compo- nents. The business model is to be analyzed in general and the customer behaviour is to be analyzed in particular. The federal government wants to support the envi- ronmental and climate protection by contributing to that project. Berlin expects a re- duced CO2 and noise pollution. III.3 Project: “VW Golf TwinDrive” In cooperation with several project members, VW AG and E.ON AG started a field test in 2008. The aims of the test are the investigation of chances and potential bene- fits of grid-integrated PHEVs. The test fleet consists of 20 PHEVs, namely Golf TwinDrive. Ten of them will be tested in Berlin, ten in the city of Wolfsburg. From 2010, the vehicles shall only be operated in the all electric mode. On the one hand, the project group is interested in the practicability of the car concept and the charging infrastructure. On the other hand, the energy economic potential, the grid require- ments and suggestions for necessary adjustments are in the focus [Grünweg, 2009]. The target of the field test is to encourage the launch of electromobility. Another focal point is to find out if can be efficiently integrated into the traffic sys- tem. Clients of the field test cars will comprise companies, public institutions and pri-

5 vate persons. The duration of the test is about two years [Grünweg, 2009]. The Table 2 summarizes the existing field test activities in Germany.

Table 2: Pathway to the lead electromobility market

Mini E Berlin e-mobility Berlin VW GOLF TwinDrive

Period 2009 - 2010 2009 - 2010 2008 - 2012

Location Berlin Berlin Berlin, Wolfsburg

Number of vehicles 50 100 20

Battery capacity 35.0 kWh 16.5 kWh 12.0 kWh

Battery type Li-ion Li-ion Li-ion

Distance 250 km 135 km 50 km

Battery weight 300 kg 136 kg 160 kg

Consumption 15 kWh/100km 12 kWh/100km 18 kWh/100km

Charging options Wallbox Conventional Conventional power socket power socket

Public Public charging station charging station

Industry participants BMW AG, Daimler AG-Smart, VW AG, E.ON AG, Vattenfall RWE AG GAIA, Evonik, Europe AG LiTech

Source: [Grünweg, 2009, International Business Times, 2008] IEF-STE 2010 IV Acknowledgment The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of all people and sources from which the information was drawn and which may not have been mentioned specifi- cally.


V References BUNDESMINISTERIUM FÜR UMWELT NATURSCHUTZ UND REAKTORSICHER- HEIT (BMU) (GERMAN FEDERAL MINISTRY FOR THE ENVIRONMENT NATURE CONSERVATION AND NUCLEAR SAFETY) (2009) Programm zur Marktaktivierung für Elektrofahrzeuge - 100.000 Stück bis Ende 2014. BMU, Berlin. GERMAN FEDERAL GOVERNMENT (2009) German Federal Government’s Na- tional Electromobility Development Plan. Berlin. GRÜNWEG, T. (2009) VW Golf TwinDrive - Jetzt hat's gefunkt. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TIMES (2008) Elektroautos im Alltagstest: Mini E in Berlin. PROJECT NET-ELAN (2008) Netzintegration von elektrifizierten Antriebssystemen in bestehende und zukünftige Energieversorgungsstrukturen.

Preprints 2009

01/2010 Hansen, P.: Klimaschutz im Europäischen Gebäudesektor – Auf dem Weg zum Strukturwandel mit der neuen Gebäude-Richtlinie? 02/2010 Martinsen, D., Markewitz, P., Weber, K.: Energy Scenarios for Germany up to 2050 in View of Energy Economy Indicators. 03/2010 Markewitz, P., Schreiber, A., Zapp, P.: Implementierung von CCS-Technik in Deutschland: Strategien und umweltseitige Auswirkungen 04/2010 Vögele, S., Wassermann, S. Fuchs, G.: Globalisierung, Multinationale Unterneh- men und Innovationen im Kohlekraftwerkssektor. 05/2010 Weber, K., Martinsen, D.: Computation of Transition Paths Towards Sustainable Energy Systems by Means of Fuzzy Optimization 06/2010 Weber, K., Martinsen, D.: From Cost Minimization to Sustainability Maximization – A New Approach to Energy Systems Analysis. 07/2010 Geske, J., Herold J.: Carbon Capture Transport and Storage Investment and Management in an Environment of Technological and Price Uncertainties. 08/2010 Schlör, H., Fischer, W., Hake, J.-Fr.: Adjusted genuine savings and HDI - a two dimensional indicator for sustainability. 09/2010 Schlör, H., Fischer, W., Hake, J.-Fr.: Measuring Income and Energy Distribution in Germany with the Atkinson Index 10/2010 Schlör, H., Fischer, W., Hake, J.-Fr.: Index of Sustainable Development - Meas- uring sustainability policies in absolute and relative terms. 11/2010 Schlör, H., Fischer, W., Hake, J.-Fr.: Is the German Energy System Sustainable? An Analysis Based on the UNCSD Theme-based Sustainability Approach. 12/2010 Kuckshinrichs, W., Markewitz, P., Peters, M., Leitner, W.: Weltweite Innovationen bei der Entwicklung von CCS-Technologien und Möglichkeiten der Nutzung und des Recyclings von CO2.

Research Reports 2009

01/2010 Birnbaum, U., Bongartz, R., Markewitz, P., Vögele, S, Linssen, J.: Energietechno- logien 2050 – Fossil basierte Stromerzeugung, Wärmetransport, Brennstoffzellen

Systems Analysis and Technology Evaluation at the Research Centre Jülich Many of the issues at the centre of public attention can only be dealt with by an inter- disciplinary energy systems analysis. Technical, economic and ecological subsys- tems which interact with each other often have to be investigated simultaneously. The group Systems Analysis and Technology Evaluation (STE) takes up this chal- lenge focusing on the long-term supply- and demand-side characteristics of energy systems. It follows, in particular, the idea of a holistic, interdisciplinary approach tak- ing an inter-linkage of technical systems with economics, environment and society into account and thus looking at the security of supply, economic efficiency and envi- ronmental protection. This triple strategy is oriented here to societal/political guiding principles such as sustainable development. In these fields, STE analyses the con- sequences of technical developments and provides scientific aids to decision making for politics and industry. This work is based on the further methodological develop- ment of systems analysis tools and their application as well as cooperation between scientists from different institutions.

Leitung/Head: Jürgen-Friedrich Hake Forschungszentrum Jülich Institute of Energy Research IEF-STE: Systems Analysis and Technology Evaluation 52428 Jülich Germany Tel.: +49-2461-61-6363 Fax: +49-2461-61-2540, Email: [email protected] Web: