O[P Oetry C;L,.: I ] • ·
~ ·.~°:"'1e..6e..... K.-.. ..{,,~1 Editors Emeriti Tke Norton Antho ogy_5"'-J!-= .... .· .• .· ., Alexa:r1der Allison · .... .. , LATE OF T HE UNIVERSITI OF MICHIGAN o[P oetry c;L,.: I ] • ·. l . Herbert Barrows PROFESSOR EMERffl/S,. UNIVERSITIO F '.M)CHIGAN ... , FT·F T H ·j 'E' D'I TIO N ~s-, : : .. .· ·.···; .•: i::·' :· Caesar R. Blake ., ' .. ·; .:,J ·;. ·:: . ,, ·' .. UNIVERSITI 01' TORONTO ,. ; .. :•.. \ :- . · , .:'· Iylargar~t,J,i'erg1.,1~9n: ,: : UNIVERSITY 0~ Ci1.I.'.ii:0RNIA, DA.vis '': ·~1 Arthur J. Carr ·:. • ' '1 i/. ~-. : : i . LAT E OF WILLIAMS COLLEGE .., ,,;-_.1vr' · ,: · s ··1 · · · ;_. ..... ,.,..... aryJ<;> ~}er MotlNT HoLYOICE COLLEGE . ,, ::' ·.:. .•. Arthur M. Eastman I ' .. 1 LATE OF VIRGINIA P OLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY. i, .' ..: ::···, •; :- . • '1\ -. ·, ":.· . • . : ,\ :: : , ·, .;,<jon.Stallworthy··.·'.. ·· ;., ,. : Hubert M. English, Jr. ··':•,·:: -;··· 1·:· . ,, OXFORD UN~~~I~. ' . .. \ . ·• . .· ': :",i' '! · .·1J ,' , •• '• UNlVERSITI OF MICHIGAN jl: r I \ ff. D..c:,J..:J--- 2.6s'>t- :. I . .. •. i.~ ; :: . 1"· '•'· 1:!!;- : ··: 1··. i• . :·, l ,, .; ~ •,, ', 'I •' ' 'l: . it• :· ·.... .,. ,:··-...• ··:. · ,· :. :.'·,'/ ;•,,:,\·,nr,J ,J•:-; :-:" · -.. ~.1 .~.;\. .,:···:, .. ... .f>tt' . W • W • NORTON & COMPANY • New York • London .... .;;.J::, ,,. I . • · ·V ersiiication A poem is a composition written for performance by the human voice. What your eye sees on the page is the composer's verbal score, waiting for your voice to bring it alive as you read it aloud or hear it in youx; mind's ear. U11like your reading·of a newspaper, the b_est reading~that is to say, the most' sat isfying reading-of a poem involves a simultaneous engagement of eye and ear: the eye atterif?ve not only to the ·meaning cif words, but to their grouping and sp'acirig as li~es cin apage; the ear attuned to the grouping and spacing _, ·of s_ounds: The more you understand.
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