Iniezione the Newsletter of the Northwest Alfa Romeo Club

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Iniezione the Newsletter of the Northwest Alfa Romeo Club Iniezione The newsletter of the Northwest Alfa Romeo Club Heronswood and Windcliff Humor and inspiration on our annual Garden Tour, June 10 NWARC’s annual Garden Tour has always been a fascinating event, but organizer Debi Schmid outdid herself this year by arranging tours of Dan Hinckley’s amazing Heronswood garden on the Olympic Peninsu- la, and of Windcliff, the private garden at his personal home, both tours being led by Dan himself! As a re- sult we had a great turn-out, with contingencies of Alfisti arriving in convoys from Gig Harbor and via the Edmonds-Kingston ferry. Notable vehicles included a flight of four immaculate GTVs and Bill and Judy Gehring’s brand-new Giu- lia, picked up only three days earlier. An avid plant explorer, Dan has for many years roamed the world searching for new and unusual plants that will thrive in the Pacific Northwest. Many of his specimens are from China and other Asian locations, and his most recent focus has been on the mountains of north Viet- nam. When he finds previously-unclassified species, which is often, he has the seeds cleared for import by the US Department of Agri- culture and then sends them to Kew Gardens in England for identification and classi- fication. As a result of his decades of work, Herons- wood is as renowned for its fascinating mix of plants as it is for its beautiful location and landscaping. Dan’s per- Cindy Akana sonal garden at Windcliff has a more open and windy exposure, over- looking Puget Sound with a killer view down to Seattle and Mt. Rainier. Consequently it has a different mix of plants and trees, but is equally beautiful in its own way. Dan sold Heronswood to Burpee Seeds in 2000 when the burdens of running it, operating a nursery to sell specimens and frequent travel to find new varie- ties became over- whelming. Burpee, however, went bankrupt and the garden eventually (continued on page 4) Inside this July 2017 issue… * Garden Tour ………….. pp 1, 4 * Summer Drive ………..…... p 7 * Membership …..…......…. p 11 * President’s Column ........ p 2 * Solar Eclipse Tour ….…..... p 7 * Calendar …………...……… p 12 * AROC Goes To Italy.. pp 3, 4 * Alfa 6C 2500 Villa d’Este . p 8 Next club events… * SOVREN Historics, BBQ ... p 5 * Alfa History Snapshot ...… p 9 * Viva Italia …...…………….……………... July 29 * Viva Italia ……………......... p 6 * Classifieds, Alfa News ... p 10 * Back Roads Summer Drive …..….…. June 13 * Solar Eclipse Tour ………....…. August 20/21 President ’s Column By Fred Russell Lucky me. Lucky us. fa Romeo. He toured the Driving home after the NWARC BBQ at the won- Museo Historico Alfa Ro- derful home of our members Gary & Marie Patitz with meo on June 25th… one the top down on the car, I was reminded how lucky day after the 107th birth- we are. The darkening evening had a hint of light in day of our beloved the sky and the scenery was wonderful with hills, marque. If he wasn’t al- trees, farms, winding roads, and all with a perfect ready into Alfa Romeos for warm temperature. Cindy and I were treated to a life, this will probably en- great Northwest evening as we drove up past Coving- sure he is now. He is one ton, Hobart, Issaquah, and into Renton on backroads. of the reasons NWARC was But it’s more than that. I had just enjoyed an started and why we keep evening chatting with a new member named Sean an active calendar with fun about his cars, thoughts and ideas. He clearly en- and informative events. joyed his cars and drinks the Alfa flavored Kool-Aid on We support and encourage the fun of Alfa Romeo a regular basis. We discussed that with the rising ownership and enjoyment. Hurry back Miguel. I cost of living in our area, affording space for our fa- want to get all the details and perhaps you’ll share vorite cars has become a premium and more of a your travels at one of our upcoming meetings. challenge for some. My advice was for people to dis- Speaking of meetings, with all our busy schedules card the lesser priority items like relatives, friends, at this time of year, we are skipping our typical July lawn mowers, furniture, etc. and make sure space meeting to leave you more time with family, friends, and money support the Alfa needs. Sean was a tad fun, and the few heading to the AROC National Con- more polite than me and is seeking better solutions vention in Montreal. Technically, we made the BBQ with a less tyrannical outcome. our official July meeting. (Most club officers were I also spent time chatting with club members who there and we were gathered… it looked a little like a are organizing what will be the best ever Alfa Romeo meeting.) Our August meeting will be part of the up- National Convention, in 2018. Gordy Hyde, Joe coming Viva Italia car show. Since you’re busy in Au- Faherty and Debi Schmid have been busy putting to- gust, we hope this will work well. With so much go- gether the basis for SempreVerde ‘18 which will be a ing on with NWARC that we can’t let the grass grow great opportunity to show off the Northwest to our under our feet… maybe we can let it grow a little dur- wonderful Alfa Romeo friends from across the nation. ing the open-air meeting. Plan your calendar now Debi shared some of the presentation about the and it’ll all work out great! event. It’s designed to be both informative and en- July has our Viva Italia event on the 29th at the tice people to attend. It worked. I’m going to attend same location as last year: St. Edward State Park and with the event in our backyard, I hope everyone near Kenmore. The only location alteration is we of us can be there as well. If you have ideas and share the main grass with a wedding so we only get skills that will help make this work, you’re in luck as the North half. This means we drive in and stay to they’ll be reaching out to all of us for input and sup- the right of the seminary and park buildings. I’ll have port in the coming months. If you remember the signs up for this event and path. There is more info 2005 Potlatch NWARC hosted, it was an amazing suc- on page 6 of this newsletter. cess. 2018 will be equally outstanding while being a Speaking of car shows, the annual Ferrari Club totally different event. NW Concours is a worthwhile event being held on July My luck went further still as our BBQ host re-fired 9th from 10AM-3PM. Sure, they’re not exactly Alfa up the grill to cook up another Italian sausage espe- Romeos, but they are Italian and rather cool cars. It cially for me. My late arrival didn’t deserve that, but is held at a home located in the Renton Highlands ar- I greatly appreciated it! I was surrounded by many ea at 13200 Lake Kathleen Rd SE, Renton 98059. It’s people who had come earlier and had already enjoyed free to attend as a guest. There is one entrance for a wonderful meal and great conversation all in an participants, but just north of the house is the guest outstanding location with Alfa Romeos, vintage wall entrance to a large parking area as well. They usual- art and radios, and greenery. It’s become a wonder- ly have volunteers showing you where to go. ful annual event and so a nice Thank You goes out to As soon as August arrives, we jump in with both Gary & Marie and their minions who put on this event feet. The always fun Summer Drive on the 12th host- and clean up afterwards. ed by Ken & Louisa Case (more info on page 7) and On a more distant thought, I also am lucky to then the Solar Eclipse Tour on the 20th -21st. The So- have met our member Miguel Salguero. He joined lar Eclipse tour has a number of people signed up al- NWARC as a teenager before being old enough to ready but there is room for more at the hotel. The drive. In the early events, his mom would ride shot- block of rooms (AlfaRomeoClub) with a discounted gun as Miguel drove using his learner’s permit. His rate are held only until July 19th. There is updated loyalty to Alfa Romeos ran deep as he restored his info on page 7 of this issue. Milano as part of his high school senior project, When we hold any of these events, the best parts though his buddies thought some other ‘merican hot are the great cars and the wonderful people in our rod would make more sense. Miguel wasn’t at the mix. Yes, we are lucky when we’re at any of these BBQ as he is touring Italy at the moment! His always events so I’ll see you at the next Alfa mixer. supportive mom, recognizing his passion and the fact that he graduated from high school in 2016 with hon- Fred Russell / President ors, gave him a 2017 trip to visit the birthplace of Al- NWARC July 2017 newsletter page 2 June 13 - NWARC Club Meeting Board Members President Fred Russell (425) 308-6621 [email protected] Last month's club meeting was once again at Wild About Cars garage.
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