Dinosaur tracks in Lower Jurassic coastal plain sediments (Sose Bugt Member, Rønne Formation) on Bornholm, Denmark LARS B. CLEMMENSEN, JESPER MILAN, GUNVER K. PEDERSEN, ANNE B. JOHANNESEN AND CONNIE LARSEN Clemmensen, L.B., Milan, J., Pedersen, G.K., Johannesen, A.B. & Larsen, C. 2014: Dinosaur tracks in Lower Jurassic coastal plain sediments (Sose Bugt Member, Rønne Formation) on Bornholm, Denmark. Lethaia,Vol. 47, pp. 485–493. Fluvial palaeochannels of coastal plain sediments of the Lower Jurassic Sose Bugt Member of the Rønne Formation exposed in the coastal cliffs at Sose Bugt, Bornholm, contain abundant dinosaur or other large vertebrate tracks in the form of deformation structures exposed in vertical section. The tracks are represented by steep-walled, flat- to-concave-bottomed depressions, with a raised ridge at each side. The tracks are filled with laminated sediments, draping the contours of the bottom of the depression. Un- derprints, stacked concave deformations beneath the prints, are present beneath each track. Contemporary Upper Triassic – Lower Jurassic strata from southern Sweden and Poland contain a diverse track fauna, supporting our interpretation. This is the earliest evidence of dinosaur activity in Denmark. □ Bornholm, coastal plain, dinosaur tracks, lake sediments, Lower Jurassic. Lars B. Clemmensen [
[email protected]], Jesper Milan [
[email protected]], Anne B. Joh- annesen [
[email protected]], and Connie Larsen [
[email protected]], Depart- ment for Geosciences and Natural Resource Managements, University of Copenhagen, Øster Voldgade 10, DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark; Jesper Milan [
[email protected]], Geomuseum Faxe/Østsjællands Museum, Østervej 2, DK-4640 Faxe, Denmark; Gunver K. Pedersen [
[email protected]], GEUS Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Øster Voldgade 10, DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark; manuscript received on 12/04/2013; manuscript accepted on 04/12/2013.