HEADQUARTERS AIR COMMAND RAF Personnel Secretariat Lancaster Building (Building 2) Room 15 Royal Air Force High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP14 4UE Mr A Smith E-mail: request-65049- Reference: FOI 11-04-2011-094609-006
[email protected] Date: 11 May 2011 Dear Mr Smith I refer to my letter of 15 April regarding the clarification which you are seeking regarding the response, dated 5 April, which was provided to question (4) of FOI 14-03-2011-090906-002. You have now requested, from any of the historical data covering the period in question [1990-2011]: (1) the number of ground trade technicians (whichever classifications are used) placed before the promotion board, both A and B candidates, by rank and the numbers of those promotions granted, and (2) based on the response to question (1), to provide this information for each trade group, which would include Trade Groups 4 and 11. As previously mentioned, your request us being considered as a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and I have been asked to reply. In response to questions (1) and (2), Annexes A – D set out the promotion data available for ground trade technician trade groups 1, 4, 5 and 6. The Ground Electronic Technician trade, Trade Group 3, and the Telecommunications trade, Trade Group 11, were amalgamated to form Trade Group 4. Although incomplete, the data provided is the only information held for the ground trade technician trade groups referred to in the Annexes. For each Annex, the full and short trade titles for the Trade Group are listed on the first page.