Supplement to the London Gazette, Ist January 1968 27

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Supplement to the London Gazette, Ist January 1968 27 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, IST JANUARY 1968 27 22288524 Staff Sergeant (acting) Thomas Mc- W0620154 Chief Technician Douglas Charles Kenzie STEPHENSON, Royal Regiment of Edwin PONSFORD, Royal Air Force. Artillery, formerly serving with the South J4033292 Chief Technician Kenneth SYKES, Arabian Army. Royal Air Force. 23709279 Corporal Gordon Eric THOMPSON, G4012338 Sergeant Edward Elwyn BEVAN, Corps of Royal Engineers. Royal Air Force. 4627719 Staff Sergeant Leonard WILKINSON, D2231774 Sergeant Roy Victor BICKLEY, The Prince of Wales's Own Regiment of Royal Air Force. Yorkshire. R41055 65 Sergeant Gareth Mark Swan 19038495 Staff Sergeant (acting) George BROWN, Royal Air Force. WOOLFSON, Royal Horse Artillery. H4184878 Sergeant Geoffrey Charles BUTLER, 23252389 Sergeant Douglas John WORSFOLD, Royal Air Force. Grenadier Guards. V2490244 Sergeant Derek Ivor PAYNE, Royal Air Force Regiment. OVERSEAS AWARD K0592578 Corporal Raymond Ivor BOWDEN, Sergeant Walter Percival LAMB, British Hon- Royal Air Force. duras Volunteer Guard. V4139447 Corporal Alexander GRANT, Royal Air Force. MINISTRY OF DEFENCE (Am FORCE L4237237 Corporal Charles Rex TURNER, DEPARTMENT) Royal Air Force. W4249663 Junior Technician Donald Findley V2086557 Flight Sergeant Freda Alice BASS, SPENCE, Royal Air Force. Women's Royal Air Force. R19213 79 Flight Sergeant Joseph Christopher BOYD, Royal Air Force. N0977113 Flight Sergeant Gilbert COLLEDGE, THE QUEEN has been graciously pleased to Royal Air Force. approve the award of the British Empire Medal E0592242 Flight Sergeant Ivor Charles (Civil Division) to the undermentioned: EASTON, Royal Air Force. British Empire Medal L2035595 Flight Sergeant Winifred Frances (Civil Division) EDMONDS, Women's Royal Air Force. UNITED KINGDOM U4021042 Flight Sergeant Robert FOGGON, Royal Air Force Regiment (for services while Clara Ellen, Mrs. ALDAM, Member of Cloth- on loan to the Kenya Air Force). ing Centre Staff, Chesterfield, Women's U2355816 Flight Sergeant John HARWOOD, Royal Voluntary Service. Royal Air Force. Walter Boyd ALLEN, Ambulance Driver, Lang- P0727075 Flight Sergeant (Acting Warrant holm, St. Andrew's Scottish Ambulance Ser- Officer) William Vincent John HIGGINS, vice. Royal Air Force. Miss Edith Eleanor AVEY, Bees Officer, D4013045 Flight Sergeant John KNOWLES, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Royal Air Force. Edwin Arthur Richard BAKER, Foreman, H. P0535706 Flight Sergeant (Acting Warrant Mount and Sons, Ltd., Kent. Officer) Edwin Lewis MORGAN, Royal Air Harry Frederick BAKER, Chief Instructor, St. Force. Loyes College for the Training and Rehabili- D1909821 Flight Sergeant William tation of the Disabled, Exeter. O'CONNELL, Royal Air Force. William BANNER, Craftsman, Leicester Gas- E0575346 Flight Sergeant Patrick O'SHEA, works, East Midlands Gas Board. Royal Air Force. Miss Hester BANNON, Honorary Collector, P4048991 Flight Sergeant William Henry Street Savings Group, Pomeroy, Co. Tyrone. Stephen SHARP, Royal Air Force. Herbert L. BARKER, Turner, Avimo Ltd., E1921486 Acting Flight Sergeant Patrick Peter Taunton. BONNER, Royal Air Force. Ean MacKenzie BERKLEY-BARTON, Assist- C4018796 Acting Flight Sergeant Daniel ant Civil Defence Officer, West Sussex. BYRNE, Royal Air Force. William BATE, Master, Varne Light Vessel, F0626435 Acting Flight Sergeant Ernest Jack Corporation of Trinity House. COOPER, Royal Air Force. Charles Thomas BEDFORD, Chargehand Y4026940 Chief Technician Ronald BEDDOW, (Fitter), 29 Command Workshop, Royal Elec- Royal Air Force. trical and Mechanical Engineers, Ministry of PI 922597 Chief Technician John Michael Defence (Army). BROWN, Royal Air Force. William BELL, Foreman, Laboratory Workshop, F0579879 Chief Technician Arthur Stanley Ferranti Ltd., Edinburgh. CARTER, Royal Air Force. Arthur Norman BENNETT, Maintenance En- H0586251 Chief Technician Ronald Edward gineer, Plymouth Laboratory, Marine Bio- DALLAS, Royal Air Force. logical Association. Y1921231 Chief Technician Philip Ivor ELLIS, Reginald William Leslie BIRD, Technical Grade Royal Air Force. III, 29 Command Workshop, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Ministry of Ml 160633 Chief Technician Reginald Edward Defence (Army). HARRISON, Royal Air Force. Miss Winifred Annie BISHOP, Woman Chief N4012064 Chief Technician Arthur LOADER, Inspector, Sheffield and Rotherham Con- Royal Air Force. stabulary. G1035464 Chief Technician Ronald Alfred George Edward BLACKMORE, D.C.M., In- MOORE, Royal Air Force. spector, Metropolitan Police. J4063543 Chief Technician Gordon Richard Miss Lily Eva BLANK, Cook, Treherbert PALIN, Royal Air Force. ' Hospital, Rhondda. Contents list on last page.
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