Here Be Light/Tie Script
1 07 466 FILM: BOOK Film: Book 2 Films of Peace and War Edited by Robert Hughes Associate Editors: Stanley Brown, Carlos Clarens Grove Press, Inc. New York Copyright 1962 by Robert Hughes "The Real Thing" Copyright 1962 by Herbert Gold; "Designing Pacifist Films" Copyright 1962 by Paul Goodman. All Rights Reserved Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 59-5411 First Printing Manufactured hi the United States of America Contents ROBERT HUGHES: Murder/A "Wg problem" .... 7 I. THREE ON TARGET: 1945-1959 HERBERT GOLD: The Real Thing 19 JOHN HUSTON: The Cowage of the Men 22 NORMAN MCLAREN: Living with Neighbours .... 36 ALAIN RESNAIS: Hiroshima Mon Amour 49 II. THE BOMB, THE U.S., THE U.S.S.R., AND THE U.N. DONALD RICHIE: "Mono No Aware"/Hiroshima in Film 67 COLIN YOUNG: Nobody Dies/Patriotism in Hollywood 87 NEIL MORRIS: The Uses oj History/Eastern Europe . in THOROLD DICKINSON: Films to Unite the Nations . 147 HI. THE ISSUE: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON PEACE AND WAR Guroo ARISTARCO, CLAUDE AUTANT-LARA, ROBERT BRESSON, NOEL BURCH, ANDR CAYAITTE, SAMUEL FULLER, SERGEI GERASIMOV, JEAN-LUC GODARD, RICHARD GRIFFITH, ALEXANDER HAMMID, KURT HOFFMANN, STANLEY KAUFFMANN, STANLEY KRA- MER, LEN LYE, ROGER MANVELL, Louis MARCOREL- LES, MARSHALL MCLUHAN, ARTHUR MILLER, ROBERT OSBORN, GIAN-LUIGI POLIDORO, HERBERT READ, JEAN RENOIR, TONY RICHARDSON, PAUL ROTHA, DORE SCHARY, GEORGE STONEY, FRANCOIS TRUF- FAUT, ARCHER WINSTEN, ROBERT WISE 154 PAUL GOODMAN: Designing Pacifist Films 195 IV. TWO "BANNED" DOCUMENTS JOHN HUSTON: Let There Be Light/Tie script . 205 JEAN CAYROL: Night and Fog (Nuit et Brouillard)/r*e script for Alain Resnais* film 234 Copyright 1962 by Robert Hughes 1 "The Real Thing" Copyright 1962 by1 Herbert Gold; Paul Goodman.
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