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Timely Message Americans from The Secretary ofthe Treaswy America has much to be thankful for. greatly to a stable, prosperous postwar which meant unemployment, business Abroad we have overcome enemies nation. failuresandfarm foreclosures for many. whose strength not long ago sent a You, the individual American cilizen, Today you can help steer our course shudder of fear throughout the world. also helped by cooperation with ration· toward a prosperous America: At home we have checked an enemy ing, price and wage controls, by exer -by buying all the Victory Bonds that would have impaired oureconomy cising restraint in your buying and by you can afford and by holding on to and our American way oflife. That en accepting high wartime taxes. the War Bonds you now have emy was inflation-runaway prices. All those things relieved the pressure -by cooperating with such price, on prices. The credit for this achievement, like rationing and other controls as may be necessary for a while longer the credit for military victory, belongs THE TASK AHEAD to the people. -by continuing to exercise patience We now setourfacestoward thisfuture: and good sense with high faith in aUf You-theindividual American ciLizen a prosperous, stable postwar America future. -have kept our economy strong in the -an America with jobs and an oppor The challenge to America of switching face of the greatest inflationary threat tunity for all. this nation ever faced. from war to peace with a minimum of To achieve this we must steer a fum clashing gears is a big one. You did it by simple, everyday acts course between an inflationary price oLgood citizenship. But it is a small one compared to the rise such as followed World War I and tasks this nation hasaccomplished since You put, on the average, nearly one a deflation that might mean prolonged Sunday, December 7, 1941. fourth of your income into War Bonds unemployment.Pricesrosemoresharply and other savings. The 85,000,000 after the last war than they did during owners of War Bonds not only helped the conflict and paved the way for the paythecostsofwar, butalso contributed depression that followed-a depression A Govemment ll1e~llalo\"" lIr"par"d by th.. War Aclv"rti~il1Q' Council and contributed by this mllgazinu in coop.ention with the MagazirH! l'ubli~hcr~ ...1 America. ""WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE BEST IN RADIO? Variely lakes the spotlight on our all-star radio 'Iuiz tbis month, with top-ranking news commentators, actors, singers, comedians and lI1aster~ of ceremonieR. They're all on one network ... so )'ou'li come lip \\ itb the correct an~"ers if you combine the capLion.r;; \\ ith )"our memory of Ihe brilliant programs yOll lislen to regularl)' o,er i\BC I) THE MENTAL BANKER "Marti.. 2)VOUOVEHEARD HIM man~ limh-, 3) SWEET-SWINGING H.·th hilt· 4) HAR.NESS Of WASHINGTON dullaf'" (or ri;:::hl all~"'f'r" un IIiI' "ondllci in~ ,I.r .WI,lll":"lra un ·"rh.. Kllntlt'" rill~.. lIlt' rt'J:i",lrr 1"1111 a~ i,. a nt'\4;1.glli,l.. 10 lllnulGllnt~: he" till I/; ",lIu"". rlllb.ulatinn ,1,.Z•.,., uf Vnit·{" uf Fir..,.IHlII·.·· MIIII.lll~Joo l'a"hit'r lIml \ut.'uli:-l u\t'r j\ tH:. kll""~ Ilu· ..... llital insid.. oul. "'i~1 l·al.. l~ . fur '" rUII~ ':IH·Nlt~. (:..11 U\ t'r 1\ Ii(:. lit· DentmIJUnit.,. ~tmf' Sumla) ... \\ hr,.., in rB.lin ,,11111.1 ",illt th.· own \4ho I'"'' llit" Of'''''. hllll "I'ru(.-,,",or I.t).:' alit! ""hieh o( .\mf'rica'lol (u vori It· urI i~ll", (:»11 ~.,u 1M' n",..1 liLt'l) 10 mf~'1 lhi~ 11t"" IWllnl HVt'r Be.,. how ,",Hultl ,'Ull 1:1'l~ \UU nam.· him'~ talc'lllrtl \llllllg 'tIU: "Iar'! man) lifllt'fi It ""ek? , S) 'AUl LAVAllE LEADS Ihu. 6) HEAITS BEAT IN :Y.. TIME 7) fOLK MUSIC i.. lilt' uf 8) THE MAN CALLED MARSHALL "lIltlull, un,I...,.Lra un llu- (:ili,'~ ",Iwu In\'t'l~ ".\.·I)n 'Id;rt·~,,.. t.arillllw HI·.1 Ful,'~ ...inging :<lar ..lliOo ill "Th.· \tan Call..d X:' a "'t'n it,t· Pru,:rall1. ru.liu·'" 1I111HI ",rull" up \4ahz('1'1 in Ilt'r dt·t·11 Blit.! .'nu.'.",· (If ••( ;,.,a ",I Ole f "I"~ :. II~rum ufinlrrnatinnal intrigue "IMm!'04"Wf·tlll~ram. "'rida) '" u,'fOr vdvl'l voi4X' alUl .It'livc"f'g llwrn ;'\ BC' 1'0 hila,.i.HI" hilU,iII, hil. ... on "He. TueMla"6. \\ lIal I\JH<:' Fir", "mall{,u~l in 19'16, u\'rr .:\I:IC 011 "'ritIB)6. On ",hUl ",hieh is Itroaltcalit once a ",,·d.. , (a mOllti fllnn)' man'l'.\ program dote ""hal i" il~ litle' tulia) '! "lime" d(M~ ghe ,.ing'! on ",hul lIil;t.f~ hiti rt'plucc' this IOumnw,.? Turn page upside down ",JolIn" l'"11 'S U~P""ltrS '~ .,,,IW!.I. :&1'. \\.. U() '9 ,. '1/OOj"lI\ u~ "'''.''''fl'!II,. 'S ~'!." 't for the ANSWERS ..... (, t h' '[ "''11''.'' 11"."'1'11 .(: ·tt"! ~:~I.. •."'11 "llu-:> 'I America's No. 1 Network ... the National Broadcasting Company Along Radio Row WATER PlEfnRED: Louella Parsons seems determined that Ray Milland doesn't lose another week-end as she pours aqua pura. GLAMOR MANOR got a new hostess when Host Cliff Arquette bumped into childhood sweetheart. Darlene Sammons, at a Hallowe'en parry , , CURYACfOUS CAROLE LANDIS seeks band lead., W;1l Lorin's ap DISGUISED ANNOUNCERS d;dn', Slump guest Eddie Cantor on Ralph (Aren', proval for her selection for benefit appearance with lanny Ross, We Devils) Edward's program. How many of these can you identify' 2 • NOT KIBITZING. Bob Cmsby jus< pccks to see if Fnnces Langford GENE nERNEY points to emphasjze point in argument with unseen friend IS singing the right words when she pays a visit to his program. as Producer Bill KaghJey and Announcer John Kennedy look on. ~ nOSE HAIlIONY, Benny Goodman blends his hOI c1a.rinec: with Nelson Eddy's tenor voice. MAGGI MdlEUIS is quite upset because she 'R£At.-lIFE CINDERELLA: This Minnesota Miss, 20-yea'r-old Evelyn Novotna. fouod herseJf singing can wear only one 01 her chic ~a(S at a time. CoasH().-COast on OUcago Theatre of the Air after discovery 00 a small foreign-lanSt1a8e stauoh. 3 ALONG RADIO ROW (continued) - IAPT WRfiSfON of Ida lupino indicates that Carle-tbo E: Morse may "KEEP YOUI BIG NOSE out of chis," would seem to be- what rugged be telling what happens in nexl chapler of, his "One Man's Family." Marjorie Main is tclling Frank Morgan as Eddy Ouchin looks on, • "CIIlON SING, BABY'" pleads Jerry Lawrroce on hiS "Mtft the MJS5W," CBS Pacific Coast neuer, as he mtervlews three' of the cop gal smlter~ an che busiQe1s, Ide 10 nghl, Carole Sman (CBS "ocalm), June Otriscy (Sun Kenton's band) and Anita Boyer (Harry James' sloAec) TUNE IN VOL••, NO. " AUGUST 1t4& Pu~lllh.. h.IlUn (1Il1t« Superman (watch for future story) getting plaud "lcl~.,. Davit fr..el.... lliI.IIIl.& its for toleranoe theme in recent scripts ••• ......1... E.lIIor A__lll. ElIIllor Hal ·Gildersleeve· Peary now being asked to EtI .eC~Il, a•• J.,.Uu record some of the songs he' s sung U!twlaJ A_lat.- on his radio show •••Bill Goodwin T-'TY W.... VI",II'_ C......... commuting to his BOO-acre ranch in Merced, Cal., by means of Army Art O".'W 'h.., AIIIII•• primary training plane he's just ~urchased. Bill has more than 300 hours to his credit .•• Gracie Allen now working on mus- CONTENTS ical sequel to her ·Concerto for Index Finger.· Tentative titles are ·Theme for a AUDIENCE HOT fOOT II, Sa. hnUu..... _ ••• 13 Thumb· and ·Knuckle Knocturne· ••• Kate Smith CLAGHORN'S THE NAME has more flowers named after her than anyone II, TWMlI B~" .... _, , ....•. ..... 17 we know. The latest is the Kate Smith Sweet Pea TAUN' LOUNGE ...... ,. • •• ABC hosted gay party for Lew Lahr, emcee on ·Detect and Collect· ••• HIEIlI'S MOaG". II, C....... D. B....n....... ., • 21 Ginger Rogers' husband, Jack BRIO£ AND GROOIII . •.••• •. 24 Briggs, turning radio producer and planning to star Ginger in nu: HIAT IS ON r by Jim C"...lnl•......... ·.,.· •••• ... 2& his first production ••• Bob fOlUVE. SNOOKS •.• _. •• ,. Hope rumored to be changing pro gram format in the fall, and COME TO THIE fA11t I... .. 11 Frances Langford supposedly con MORE THAN A CROONER •• ." sidering a show of her own ••• GHOST VOICE GIRL •. • •••• .. 37 Du Mont inaugurated their new studios for the UP AND DOWN THt SCAl£l .. 31 first permanent television network with a gala open house attended by countless radio celeb ••• nt'ENDSHIP .... • .. rities ••• Herb Shriner of. the Philip Morris COAST·lO·COAST COM POUR . ........ .. .... oil Follies is solving New York housing shortage by OIrllE Of A KIIrlIO . ... 4' liVing on 91-foot house-boat he just bought. Fellow cast members are pitching in to help renovate the barge ••• Fred Waring is o EPA R T• E N TI one of the busiest men in radio this S'lDmer with two different ALONG RADIO ROW . 2 shows on the air. Considering TUIrlIE IN" LISTENING POST .... ... .. I rehearsal time as well as actual TUNE IN THE RECORDS , II broadcasts, his group is work- Of .IK£8 AND MEN......... .. 12 ing practically around the clock ••• Jack Benny YOU CAN'T HEAR EVERYTHING 34 collaborating with David Rose on concerto based on Jack's violin exercises ••• Perry Como fans RAOIO HUMOR ... introducing new fad by besieging singer for IIAOIO ODOITl£8 43 autographed scripts after each Supper Club THE ANSWER .AN........... .. •.•.•: .. 45 broadcast ••• Jerry Colonna WITH THE NATIOIrll'& nAl"ION& 47 touring ballrooms and dance pa TELEVIIIOIf .