Children's Literature in Translation

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Children's Literature in Translation ti&t 02 02 translation interpreting and transfer For many of us, our earliest and most meaningful experiences with literature occur through the medium of a translated in translation literature children’s children’s book. This volume focuses on the complex interplay that happens between text and context when works of children’s literature are translated. What contexts of production and reception account for how translated children’s books come to be made and read as they are? How are translated children’s books adapted to suit the context of a new culture? Spanning the disciplines of Children’s Literature Studies and Translation Studies, this book brings together established and emerging voices to provide an overview of the analytical, empirical and geographic richness of current research in the field, and to identify and reflect on common insights, analytical perspectives and trajectories for future interdisciplinary research. This volume will appeal to an interdisciplinary audience of scholars and students in Translation Studies and Children’s children’s literature Literature Studies and related disciplines. It has a broad geographic and cultural scope, with contributions dealing with translated children’s literature in the United Kingdom, van coillie and mcmartin (eds) coillie van in translation the United States, Ireland, Spain, France, Brazil, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary, the former Yugoslavia, Sweden, Germany, texts and contexts and Belgium. Jan Van Coillie is emeritus professor at the Faculty of Arts, KU Leuven where he taught Applied Linguistics, Children’s Literature, and Children’s Literature in Translation. jan van coillie Jack McMartin is assistant professor of Translation Studies and English at KU Leuven. and jack mcmartin (eds) Children's Literature scanlaser.indd All Pages 01/10/2020 16:07 Children’s Literature in Translation Texts and Contexts Translation, Interpreting and Transfer 2 “Translation, Interpreting and Transfer” takes as its basis an inclusive view of translation and translation studies. It covers research and scholarly reflection, theoretical and methodological, on all aspects of the core activities of translation and interpreting, but also similar rewriting and recontextualization practices such as adaptation, localization, transcreation and transediting, keeping Roman Jakobson’s inclusive view on interlingual, intralingual and intersemiotic translation in mind. The title of the series, which includes the more encompassing concept of transfer, reflects this broad conceptualization of translation matters. Series editors Luc van Doorslaer (KU Leuven / University of Tartu) Haidee Kotze (Utrecht University) Editorial board Lieven D’hulst (KU Leuven) Daniel Gile (University Paris 3, Sorbonne Nouvelle) Sara Ramos Pinto (University of Leeds) Advisory board Pieter Boulogne (KU Leuven) Elke Brems (KU Leuven) Leo Tak-hung Chan (Lingnan University, Hong Kong) Dirk Delabastita (University of Namur) Dilek Dizdar (University of Mainz) Yves Gambier (University of Turku) Arnt Lykke Jakobsen (Copenhagen Business School) Reine Meylaerts (KU Leuven) Franz Pöchhacker (University of Vienna) Heidi Salaets (KU Leuven) Christina Schäffner (Aston University, Birmingham) Children’s Literature in Translation Texts and Contexts Edited by Jan Van Coillie & Jack McMartin Leuven University Press This book was published with the support of KU Leuven Fund for Fair Open Access and Ceres – Centre for Reception Studies Published in 2020 by Leuven University Press / Presses Universitaires de Louvain / Universitaire Pers Leuven. Minderbroedersstraat 4, B-3000 Leuven (Belgium). Selection and editorial matter © Jan Van Coillie and Jack McMartin, 2020 Individual chapters © The respective authors, 2020 This book is published under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Non-Derivative 4.0 Licence. Further details about Creative Commons licences are available at Attribution should include the following information: Jan Van Coillie and Jack McMartin (eds), Children’s Literature in Translation: Texts and Contexts. Leuven, Leuven University Press. (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) ISBN 978 94 6270 222 6 (Paperback) ISBN 978 94 6166 320 7 (ePDF) ISBN 978 94 6166 326 9 (ePUB) D/2020/1869/43 NUR: 617 Cover: Daniel Benneworth-Gray Typesetting: Crius Group Table of Contents Contributors 7 Introduction: Studying texts and contexts in translated children’s literature 11 Jan Van Coillie & Jack McMartin Part 1 Context » Text “Only English books”: The mediation of translated children’s literature in a resistant economy 41 Gillian Lathey Two languages, two children’s literatures: Translation in Ireland today 55 Emer O’Sullivan Cultural translation and the recruitment of translated texts to induce social change: The case of theHaskalah 73 Zohar Shavit Associative practices and translations in children’s book publishing: Co-editions in France and Spain 93 Delia Guijarro Arribas Translation and the formation of a Brazilian children’s literature 111 Lia A. Miranda de Lima & Germana H. Pereira Said, spoke, spluttered, spouted: The role of text editors in stylistic shifts in translated children’s literature 125 Marija Zlatnar Moe & Tanja Žigon Diversity can change the world: Children’s literature, translation and images of childhood 141 Jan Van Coillie Part 2 Text » Context The creative reinventions of nonsense and domesticating the implied child reader in Hungarian translations of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland 159 Anna Kérchy “Better watch it, mate” and “Listen ’ere, lads”: The cultural specificity of the English translation of Janusz Korczak’s classicKról Maciuś Pierwszy 179 Michał Borodo Brazilian rewritings of Perrault’s short stories: Nineteenth- and twentieth-century versus twenty-first-century retellings and consequences for the moral message 197 Anna Olga Prudente de Oliveira Translating crossover picture books: The Italian translations of Bear Hunt by Anthony Browne 215 Annalisa Sezzi Pettson and Findus go glocal: Recontextualization of images and multimodal analysis of simultaneous action in Dutch and French translations 231 Sara Van Meerbergen & Charlotte Lindgren Translating violence in children’s picture books: A view from the former Yugoslavia 249 Marija Todorova Defying norms through unprovoked violence: The translation and reception of two Swedish young adult novels in France 263 Valérie Alfvén Index 277 Contributors Valérie Alfvén is Assistant Lecturer in translation studies at the Institute for Interpreting and Translation Studies at Stockholm University. She has a PhD in French from Stockholm University (2016). Her dissertation explored the translation and reception of Swedish young adult novels in France. She is especially interested in the translation of sensitive topics in children’s and young adult literature and the circulation of these translated novels from Sweden to other countries. Michał Borodo is Assistant Professor in the Department of English Linguistics at the Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland. His main research interests include the translation of children’s literature, the translation of comics, non-professional/volunteer translation, translation and globalization, and translator training. His recent book publications include Translation, Globalization and Younger Audiences: The Situation in Poland (2017) and English Translations of Korczak’s Children’s Fiction: A Linguistic Perspective (2020). Delia Guijarro Arribas is a specialist in the sociology of culture and in children’s book publishing in France and Spain. She holds a PhD in sociology from EHESS (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales) in Paris. She currently lectures on the book industry at the University Paris-Nanterre. She is also a research associate at CESSP (Centre européen de sociologie et de science politique), a research center of EHESS. Anna Kérchy is Associate Professor of English literature at the University of Szeged, in Hungary. She is interested in Victorian and postmodern fantastic imagination and transmedial, material, and corporeal narratological dimen- sions of children’s and young adult literature. She authored the monographs Alice in Transmedia Wonderland (2016), Body-Texts in the Novels of Angela Carter (2008), Essays on Feminist Aesthetics, Narratology, and Body Studies (in Hungarian, 2018), and (co-)edited Postmodern Reinterpretations of Fairy Tales (2011), The Fairy-Tale Vanguard (2019), and Transmediating and Translating Children’s Literature (forthcoming). 8 CONTRIBUTORS Gillian Lathey is Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the University of Roehampton, and co-founder and member of the judging panel of the Marsh Award for Children’s Literature in Translation. Publications include The Translation of Children’s Literature: A Reader (2006), The Role of Translators in Children’s Literature: Invisible Storytellers (2010), and Translating Children’s Literature: Translation Practices Explained (2016). Lia A. Miranda de Lima holds a PhD in literature (2020) and a master’s degree in translation studies (2015) from the University of Brasília (UnB). She is the author of the book Traduções para a primeira infância: O livro ilustrado traduzido no Brasil [Translations for Early Childhood: Picture Books Translated in Brazil] and guest editor of a special issue on children’s literature and translation in the journal Belas Infiéis (2019). Charlotte Lindgren is Senior Lecturer in French at Dalarna University, in Sweden. She obtained her doctoral degree in French language
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