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SUMMER HOMES.Sdc Or Let 5 , I ! r APARTMENTS _ 10 44 REAL ESTATE OUT OF CITY 6 , JUNE 1922. / ~:== THEI. NEW YORK HERALD SUNDAY, 11, E*" g.i^r, : 4,i' SUMMER HOMES.Sdc or Let. SUMMER HOMES.S*l« brLet. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. TO LET FOR BUSINESS. HOUSES TO LET.Unfurnished. HOUSES TO LET-t-Unfornifhed. APARTMENTS.To Let APARTMENTS.To Let. Weat Bronx. Furnished. Furnished.Brooklyn !Wrildwitcr. New York. BURLING & McCURDY. INC.. 138 Remaen Above 1Mb St. lo SSlli St. (Inclusive). BEAUTIFtTL 14 room modern dwelling, at.. Brooklyn, has several attractive 80th. $4.000. I,KNNEY. 81 E. 42<1. Above 58th St..5th Av. to North Blvtr. to exchange for city or FOR RENT.Beautiful new stucco one FLATBUSH.In detached cottage. two room# TACONIC I-AICR. Berkshlres, N. T..Moun properties IncomeCORNER office* at Madison av. and 50th; and suitable for 2 two iPOR RENT at oxce pt'onally-low figure* for exclusive Chrlattan community ; suburban. suitable for any business requiring display; FOR RENT.Unfurnished private house, on dwelling, elx exceptionally large rooms;familyWONDERFTTI.LT furnished »l* room private bath, men; v furnished residence on lie," , ?i West 70th 11 rooms. 4 hatha; steam up to date, and garden. refined for sale at reasonable price; nInutae from subway.. Marefleld 97». choreafu i.'11* August, .,000 *M;a(tlon; boat, canoe, bathing, HAVE cash buyers for East Bide tenements, about 1,500 sq. feet. Immediate possession. St.. strictly leavingapartment Road, New Rochelle; 11 rooms, 4 18 to Troy; Immediate GEORGE 8. 1232 AUSTIN F1NEGAN, 35 Nassau st. heat and hot water supply. Apply Hotel family; reasonable rent. 318 East 241st st. city; must sacrifice; everything In latest FLATB0SH.Three room apartment, nloely Oaths: 2 ear .*Jtfpj>ll<*a convenient; Intlea action. RUSK, St. Tremont <1802. or Woodlawn IMP. garage; 4 acres; on golf "'Jiom camp furnished; $300 flshi,n';Irfxlngtun »v. at 83th st. LOFTS; Robert Fulton. 228 West 71st style; upper West Bide. Appointment by ftirnlahed; $65. MANSFIELD 38ft4. Course; high locailon; back from road: near completely DAYLIGHT telephone. Schuyler »777. Travers Island. R. V. WOLFE. 2.1 Burrhfleld av., seaKin.OWNER will exchange her high class 10 light four sides, large freight elevator, rL.KA8 ANT AV. (Harlem)..14 room dwell Westchester. KINI.AY, 67:> Pelham road.' N'. J. Phone 478 W. Cranford. steam heat; to 7.000 square top floor, altered; rent $1,600. 8 1423 WEST END AV.. 473..Three rooms, bath, Furnished.Queens New Rochelle IMS or Broad 3'4h Cranford,room suburban dwelling of English 2,00u electricity. Ing. rhon^ TO RENT FOR JULY AND AUGUST, quartered oak Interior, on large, feet: Immediate possession; any broker. Herald. Harlem. r kitchenette, beautifully furnished; rent FOR RENT.To one 4 architecture, East 49th st. Academy >125. WALTEft. fes family only. ' beautiful residence of 10 rooms, with all beautifully shaded plot for smaller Engineer, 207-200 THREE house, 10 rooms, 3 DBUGHTTUL, airy, cardan apartments porch, large my story private FOR RENT.IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. beautiful Jackson on 22 lawn, garden vh, Improvements, completely furnished; driving or lots with small amount of cash;residence2754. baths, electricity, redecorated; Immediate Lawrence Bronxvllle. 20 WEST rtOTH.Large living room. 2 Heights; subway of to For write an unusual Room 927, 17 E. FLOOR, Weat, two blocks from Park, kitchenette, range; minutea from 42d st.; suburban Ufa with all ehelrterUL,!mr,rOU2^V- I'^neart West-' distance Saratoga. particular* opportunity FOR RENT.COMPLETE occupancy; 90s, Westohester's most beautiful shower, porch, bedrooms.Its pleasures and attractions In the heart of fi i, fr'r.®;^son, Write to H. 1'. F. QUIOLEY. Coxsackle. N. Y. 42d st. Vanderbllt IQOOflO. 200 WEST 57TH ST. and elevated stations. 3. STANTON,subway 29 minutes to Orand Central; beautifully furnished. Columbus 4277; fsseo Bedford. y 727 Wtlnut av. Melrose 3606. suburb; the city; golf, tennis, clubhouse and gl.ABSER. Co N New Jersey. OWNER of 10! acres. Adlrondacks Divided Into small offices, partitioned, 02 Summit av. ; a Colonial house, references. playgrounds. Phone 8CHIFF, New.children's 1 7.-14 room house, near station and river, exchange 8,000 SQUARE FEET, WEST END AV., near 86th st_-Handsome on a hillside street; 8 68TH, 11 cool, well furnished 2 town G 1599 Herald,Mountains. In whole 6r In part. shady W.-Light, 23(11. fMtmer, garden, cow. eggs, furnished aeven for Improved suburban plot. 4 story dwelling, 13 rooms, 8 baths; rooms. 8 baths; sleeping porch; rooms, h&th, kitchen, porch, grand piano; beach, garage, 3 ASBURY PARK.Beautifully Bronx. SUITABLE FOR SHOWROOMS A OFFICES. rent $4,300. all modern garage. WHITE. FIVE room furnished apartment, all ere* Ortliii bathing room cottage with large enclosed sun possession, appointments; t»0. from July 1 to September 13. ~ Box 113. 10ft to 75 feet 4dtb PORTER A CO.. 159 W. 123th St. Improvements, WF !2Ufffa Point, Mamaroneck, will rent for 1M)0 for the summer until PACIFIC ST., 1290 (near New York av.).. FOUR story let, front. CHAPIN PRATT, 71 ST. 235 W..Four rooms, beautifully BuulON. 8748 138th et. Richmond Hill. seven room house; 1303 Asburyparlor;Handsome detached brick residence, 14 St., west of 10th av., about 18,000 square &0TH, Beventy West, between 6-0 avenue; 17 East 42d St. Tel. Murray Hill 535T. X150. 8th floor: sublet for leas than October 1. MRS. HATCHELL. per annum: no taxes or Or own broker. furnished. all conveniences and Improvements;July-Aui av.. Park. N. J. rooms, three baths: designed by Stanford feet, $7,500 lease expires September; seen 2-5 week your rent unfurnished. Columbus 3923. Rlchmood. Asbury ___ electrlo and / mm .i, Karnpn. 11 vu",u.v »*., vv IIILU White; will exchange. WALTER SMITH, good light and heat; powerInsurance,days; 39 rooms, 16 baths; to rent. jwrvn, AT $80 monthly to refined Christian family elevator. Apply 419 Madison a\. Telephone 73D, 38 W..Beautiful two rooraa, bath, N. Y. Phone 414-W White Plains. 188 Montague St.. Brooklyn. __ JjjTalna, attractively furnished house; July-October; Vanderhllt 1081, or your own broker, kitchenette apartment complete, modern; FOR light housekeeping, completely jr ITOR RENT.Furnished house, 5 rooma, all Hackensack, K. J.; piazzas, garage; near SMALL amount of caah will buy 100 foot 23. 2 rooms, kitchenette, bath furnished, Improvements, from June to October. Herald, Harlem. elevator apartment In Harlem; rent GROUND FLOOR, 25x100, FIREPROOF. 16 In best residential section; 11 station, trolley. H 1127 83 Park LIVE 74TH, Weet End Av., Hotel Esplanade.Two minutes'adjoining; Croton-on-Hudson, N. V.; prone Beblat,100 ATLANTIC N. J .Furnished price $140,000. MOTON CO.. $24,500; FT. CEILING: ALSO LOFTS; APARTMEISITS.To Let. beautifully furnished rooms and bath, three walk to ferry. Tompkinsvtlle 2035 W. Croton. HIGHLANDS, How. STEAM. ECONOMY CO., 100 10TH AV., Hudson bungalow for rent, 8 rooms; all NEAR 16TII. large closets; rooms overlooking BT'R&JfsilED house. 3 rooma; all for season; reasonable. 37 Valley Furnished. Famished. River and both southern exposure; for rent Furnished.Long Island. Croton on Improvements; EXCHANGE MODERN JUST most desirable store and July and phone. June tg^October; improveprf-Jnts;Hudaon, Drlv». Phone 2.18R. WOULD completed, xrom Dturry 10 itui m., ionium. Above 14th St. to 59th St. (Inclusive). during August; private Y. Tel. Croton 100 fireproof business building of heavy light loft or showroom; reasonable rent. 7843. Ring mornings for appointment.CoiumbusELiMHTTRST.Five rooms and bath, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS..Modern lease to one tenant for plot on 52 West 4Bth st. fumlahed. Tel. 1061. modern 10 room house for 7 room cottage; garage, grounds; construction,Sept.. APARTMENT bedroom and to 301 West.Attractive studio, bedroom, 7-!TH ST., 164 WEST..TWO ROOMS AND Havermeyor completsly liK'RNISHED 9S av. furnishedupper east side, suitable for apartment site; suitable for studio, bath, 57TH, FURNISHED; aew-sn; garage, garden. Central reasonable desirable tenants. McKeever. 021 exceptional value; hlg future. LOFTS, very Tight, light sublet, furnished. June 15 to September 15; bath, kitchenette apt., coolest In city, ele- BATH, BEAUTIFULLY *W"hito Cains, X. V. Tel. 2B0-J. West 14Uth. And, r.41'2 Interior decorator, architect;manufacturing.and 10 East 0th St. Vftlor. Phone Circle 72B0. COOL AND COMFORTABLE; TO SUBLET Foralshed.Westchester. SLAWSON & HOBBS, 162 W. 72D ST. also store. East at. cool quiet. BURNET, IRVINE. FOR SUMMER . Moat beautiful MASTEN CO.. 226 48th MONTHS; VERY OX HUDSON to lot; 7 rooms, furnished; Phone Worth 6534. , (BARMON BUNGALOWS WILL exchange 20 free and clear lots, city 67TH. 144 W..Attractive 2 rooms and bath: COLUMBUS 3290. three room housekeeping atone bungalow, 1 hour from Broadway, bath, electric lights, Ac.; $475 season; will LOFT, 50x80: new side windows, elevators, GREENWICH VILLAGE.-Charmlngly REASONABLE.FURNISHED Completely furnished, few mlnutea from North N. J. Call 180 Duane st. of Yonkers, for apartment; sprlnklered: $4,000; 15 West 18th. elevator; restaurant In building. Circle fiTH ST.. 170 WE8T.Hotel Berkley; sublet all conveniences; commutingapartments; Caldwell, builder for the whole amount. subordinateT. 155 Watklns 5000. apartment, S rooms, bath, kitchen;furnished8722. fl and 7 P. M. PHELPS. until fall well surroundings; $45 per month: Croton I>ake district, boating, fishing,station,Canal 0100. 540 West 14th. DURQ3S possession July 1, to Include September 80, furnished, 2 rooms, bath; country distance; 4 bedrooms, sun parlor, &c.; West 188th. McINTYRE, very reasonable. NICKLA3. reference. LANGHAM, Parlt av., near West bathing, BA38 LAKE. elevator LOFTS to let. 25x100. suitable for'any with option for year, beginning October 1. 57TH, 157 Weet (Apt. Ml).Attractively N. Y. telephone, garage, steam heat, electricity,built Bungalows, 3, 4 and 5 furnished rooms, WILL exchange large apartment leva.. rental OOiJ W.ef STVtH at purivxcaeEVANS, 125 Washington place.
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  • Appendix A: Shadows
    Appendix A: Shadows Appendix A: Shadows A. INTRODUCTION As discussed in Chapter 6, “Shadows,” a detailed analysis comparing shadows in the future with the proposed project with the shadows in the future with the Previously Approved Project and with the Expanded Development Scenario was undertaken on each of the four analysis days, consistent with the methodology outlined in the CEQR Technical Manual. For a substantial number of open space and historic resources, the proposed project would not result in any incremental increase in shadow. In addition, there are a number of resources that would receive incremental shadow for fewer than 30 minutes. These resources are described in detail in this appendix. B. ASSESSMENT OF INCREMENTAL SHADOWS: PROPOSED PROJECT COMPARED WITH PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PROJECT OPEN SPACES THAT WOULD NOT RECEIVE ANY INCREMENTAL SHADOW THE SHEFFIELD RESIDENTIAL PLAZAS These plazas, located on the block bounded by Eighth and Ninth Avenues and West 56th and 57th Streets, are fully in existing shadow during the first 15 minutes of the December 21 analysis day, when the proposed project’s shadow would otherwise affect them. No incremental shadow would fall on these spaces at any time of year, and no shadow impacts would occur as a result of the proposed project. MCCAFFREY PLAYGROUND This playground is located on the north side of West 43rd Street between Eighth and Ninth Avenues. Shadow from the proposed project would be long enough to reach this playground from 6:57 AM to 7:15 AM on the June 21 analysis day; however, the portions of the space that could be affected are already in shadow at this time, and so no incremental shadow would occur.
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