Chronology of Events in Israel and Palestine Appendices Inaugurates Itsdelegation On16may
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Chronologies Appendices Chronology of Events in Israel and Palestine The decision taken by the United States Other countries also announce their ton’s decision to cut US funding of the on 6 December 2017 to recognize Je- transfer to Jerusalem, including Hondu- United Nations Agency for Palestinian rusalem as the capital of Israel and ras, Brazil and Romania, the latter being Refugees (UNRWA), a decision aimed subsequent move of the US embassy the first EU member country to adopt at forcing Palestine to resume the dead- from Tel Aviv sets much of the agenda the measure, which goes against the locked peace talks, dynamited by the of the Arab-Israeli conflict for 2018. In Union’s criteria. Turkey, in contrast, ex- US President himself when he recog- response to the US decision, the Arab pels the Israeli consul in Istanbul over nized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, League announces a diplomatic drive the death of 60 Palestinians in Gaza in ordered the closure of the PLO delega- Chronology in Events of Israel and Palestine for the United Nations to recognize Pal- the context of the protests against the tion in Washington and downgraded estine as a state with the pre-1967 embassy opening, a decision that Is- the Consulate General in Jerusalem, borders and with East Jerusalem as its rael responds to with a similar measure. which acted as representation for the capital, the Palestinian Liberation Or- Clashes between Palestinian demon- Palestinian National Authority (PNA) ganization (PLO) decides to suspend strators and the Israeli army are the and which is absorbed by the new em- its recognition of the State of Israel and most intense since 2014, as are the bassy in Jerusalem. In this regard, Don- end security and economic cooperation missile attacks launched from Gaza and ald Trump announces, in the context of until Israel recognizes Palestine as a Israel’s corresponding response. The the United Nations General Assembly 382 state and the International Court of Jus- attacks continue unabated throughout in September, that the new peace plan tice announces that it has received a the year prompting Palestine to file a for the region, ambitiously dubbed the complaint filed by the State of Palestine complaint in May to the International “Deal of the Century,” will be ready to against the US over its decision to move Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, the be presented in early 2019. The deal its embassy to Jerusalem. Outside of UN Human Rights Council’s approval contemplates the two-state solution, the diplomatic arena, the US decision to urgently dispatch an independent despite Jordan’s rejection at the begin- sparks a new surge in protests and vio- international commission to investigate ning of the month of the US proposal to lence in Gaza, the West Bank and Je- alleged violations and abuses in the create a confederation between Jordan rusalem, especially as of 30 March, Israeli military operations and the ap- and Palestine, insisting that the two- Palestine’s Land Day, and 14 May, the proval of a resolution in the UN Gen- state solution is the only viable way of inauguration date for the new diplo- eral Assembly, backed by the Arab resolving the conflict between Palestine matic delegation, the ceremony for countries, which condemns Israel’s and Israel. The year’s events are also which is attended by representatives of response to the protests on Palestinian marked by Israel’s growing involvement a number of countries including, Aus- territory. In addition, there are two note- in the conflict in neighbouring Syria - tria, Romania, Hungary, the Czech Re- worthy ceasefires between Israel and particularly with attacks on Iranian tar- public, Albania, FYROM, Serbia, Hamas in an effort to halt the spiral of gets - and by two new laws in Israel: Ukraine and Georgia. The inauguration violence in Gaza, agreed in talks bro- the widely criticized nation-state law, takes place a day before the Palestini- kered by Egypt and the UN on 21 July which sparks large-scale protests in Tel 2019 ans commemorate Nakba (catastrophe and 13 November. The second of these Aviv and other cities, and the debate on in Arabic), which remembers the meetings leads to the resignation of the the final draft of the new law on apply- 700,000 Palestinians who were ex- Israeli Defence Minister, Avigdor ing the death penalty for crimes of ter- pelled or forced to flee with the creation Lieberman, and leader of the ultra-right- rorism, crimes against humanity and of the State of Israel in 1948 and the wing Yisrael Beiteinu (Israel Our high treason, driven forward by Yisrael subsequent Arab-Israeli war. Washing- Home). But the change in direction of Beiteinu and which extends the author- ton’s decision to move its embassy to the Trump Administration’s strategy to- ity to apply the death penalty to civil the Holy City, thereby fulfilling one of wards Israel and Palestine with respect courts and eliminates the criteria of Mediterranean Yearbook President Trump’s electoral promises, to the Obama Administration’s guiding unanimity in the court ruling. As regards is joined by that of Guatemala, which principles leads to other worrying de- the Israeli settlements in occupied Pal- Med. Med. IE inaugurates its delegation on 16 May. velopments in 2018, such as Washing- estinian territories, throughout 2018, new constructions are approved, along after the PNA agrees to resume pay- raeli airstrike on jihadists in Sinai, au- with extensions to various settlements ments for the electricity Israel supplies thorized by Cairo. in the West Bank, like Adam or Efrat, to the Palestinian enclave. • On 4 February the Israeli government which lead to unrest at the entrances to • On 15 January the PLO executive starts the procedure of issuing notices the Temple Mount / Noble Sanctuary committee votes in favour of suspending to between 35,000 and 40,000 mi- Appendices and on the border between Israel and its recognition of the State of Israel, in grants from Sudan and Eritrea, asking the Gaza Strip. In September, however, light of the US decision on 6 December them to leave the country within 60 days the Israeli Supreme Court authorizes to recognize Jerusalem as the Israeli in exchange for financial support of the demolition of the Bedouin town of capital. 3,500 dollars and a flight ticket. Khan al-Ahmar after rejecting the ap- • On 9 February the Lebanese Energy peal filed by its residents. This ruling Peace Negotiations Minister Cesar Abi Khalil announces leads the PLO to file a new complaint that preparations are underway to ex- against Israel at the ICC. The year in • On 6 January Israel expresses its plore an oil and gas field, following an Israel ends with a disagreement in the support for the Trump Administration’s agreement signed with Russian, Italian government coalition over the military plans to cut US funding of UNRWA, if and French companies, despite it being service law for ultra-Orthodox Jews, the measure is applied gradually. The partially located in waters disputed by leading to early elections being sched- threat is aimed at forcing Palestinians Israel. uled for 2019 by Benjamin Netanyahu, to resume negotiations which were dy- • On 10 February an Israeli helicopter who is being investigated in a number namited by the US President himself intercepts and downs the first drone of different corruption probes. when he recognized Jerusalem as the sent directly into Israeli airspace by Iran Israeli capital in December 2017. and not by Hezbollah. In addition, eight Israeli fighter jets attack a military facil- Chronology in Events of Israel and Palestine January 2018 Conflicts between the Parties ity close to the Syrian city of Palmyra, from where Iran had sent the drone. For Israel • On 3 January the Israeli army bombs its part, the defensive batteries of Hamas positions in the Gaza Strip, Bashar al-Assad’s regime fire 25 mis- • On 4 January the Knesset (Israeli hours after three missiles fired from the siles at Israeli warplanes, one of which Parliament) gives its preliminary backing Palestinian enclave land in the south of is shot down and explodes in Galilea. to the possibility of applying the death Israel. This is the first Israeli fighter jet to have penalty for anyone found guilty of terror- • On 4 January a Palestinian is injured been shot down by enemy fire since the 383 ism. The bill, sponsored by the Defence by shots fired by Israeli forces during 1982 Lebanon War. The situation trig- Minister Avigdor Lieberman from the clashes following the funeral of a Pales- gers a rapid escalation between Israel, far-right Yisrael Beiteinu, is condemned tinian teenager who was killed on 3 Iran and Syria. by the Palestinian authorities, who warn January in clashes in the West Bank. • On 13 February the Israeli police that its definitive approval will lead to • On 15 January a young Palestinian recommend that the Prime Minister state-sponsored terrorism against Pal- is killed in clashes in Jayyous, the West Benjamin Netanyahu be charged for estinians. Bank. bribery, fraud and breach of trust in the • On 6 January, in Bethlehem, a group • On 17 January an Israeli military so-called Case 1000 and Case 2000. of Christian Palestinians attack the car court extends the detention of the Pal- According to Case 1000, the Netanya- carrying the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of estinian teenager Ahed Tamimi until her hus received gifts to the value of more Jerusalem in protest against his church’s trial on 31 January. The teenager was than 200,000 euros between 2007 and decision to sell land to Jewish groups.