TREGONY BUS TIMETABLE: From 1 JUNE 2020 Notes: As from 29 March 2020, Go (Plymouth CityBus) are operating the 50/51 routes 50 service runs between St Mawes and 51 service runs between and , passengers for Veryan from Truro will need to change at Concessionary fares: passes are now valid all day every day Roseland and TREGONY to TRURO (via Probus) and to ST AUSTELL MONDAY-SATURDAY (except public holidays) TREGONY SQUARE Roseland TREGONY Truro No. Notes St Mawes Veryan Portloe ARR/DEP College SQUARE Probus Bus station St Austell 50 06:28 06:40 06:56 51 M-F, TREG 06:54 07:07 07:23 50 06:53 07:10 07:28 07:40 07:56 51 08:10 08:23 08:25 08:51 50 SAT & HOL 07:48 08:05 08:23 08:35 08:51 50 SCH 07:48 08:05 08:23 08:25 08:28 08:40 08:56 50 08:58 09:15 09:33 09:45 10:01 51 09:39 09:52 10:08/10:18 10:20 10:43 50 09:48 10:13 10:25 10:41 50 10:38 10:55 11:13 11:25 11:41 51 11:55 12:08/12:18 12:20 12:43 50 11:48 12:13 12:25 12:41 50 12:38 12:55 13:13 13:25 13:41 51 13:39 13:52 14:08/14:18 14:20 14:43 50 13:48 14:13 14:25 14:41 50 SAT & HOL 14:38 14:55 15:13 15:25 15:41 50 SCH 14:38 14:55 15:13 15:15 15:18 15:30 15:46 51 TREG 15:47 16:00 16:16 50 SAT & HOL 15:48 16:13 16:25 16:41 50 SCH 15:53 16:18 16:30 16:46 51 17:05 17:18/17:28 17:30 17:53 50 16:48 17:05 17:23 17:35 17:51 50 17:58 18:23 18:35 18:51 51 TREG 18:56 19:09 50 18:58 19:15 19:33 19:45 20:01

M-F Monday to Friday only SCH Monday to Friday on schooldays only SAT & HOL Saturday; and Monday-Friday in school holidays TREG Terminates at Tregony

SUNDAYS and public holidays

Gerrans TREGONY Truro No. Notes St Mawes Portscatho Veryan Portloe SQUARE Probus Bus station 50 10:03 10:20 10:38 10:50 11:08 50 12:33 12:50 13:08 13:20 13:38 50 15:03 15:20 15:38 15:50 16:08 50 17:33 17:50 18:08 18:20 18:38

Timetable prepared by Bob Egerton, Cornwall Councillor, from information published by First Buses &Go Cornwall Timetables subject to change. For updates, see For any queries, please email [email protected] TREGONY BUS TIMETABLE: From 1 JUNE 2020

Notes: As from 29 March 2020, Go Cornwall (Plymouth CityBus) are operating the 50/51 routes 50 service runs between St Mawes and Truro 51 service runs between Veryan and St Austell, passengers for Veryan from Truro will need to change at Tregony Concessionary fares: passes are now valid all day every day

ST AUSTELL and TRURO to TREGONY and Roseland

MONDAY-SATURDAY (except public holidays) TREGONY Truro TREGONY Roseland SQUARE Gerrans No. Notes St Austell Bus station Probus SQUARE College ARR/DEP Portloe Veryan Portscatho St Mawes 50 06:27 06:52 51 M-F 06:37 06:50 50 06:45 07:00 07:12 07:28 07:47 51 07:37 07:53 08:06 50 SCH 08:00 08:15 08:27 08:29 08:32 08:57 50 SAT & HOL 08:05 08:20 08:32 08:57 51 08:40 09:03 09:07/09:17 09:30 50 08:45 09:00 09:12 09:28 09:47 50 09:45 10:00 10:12 10:37 51 10:40 11:03 11:07/11:17 11:33 11:46 50 10:45 11:00 11:12 11:28 11:47 50 11:45 12:00 12:12 12:37 51 12:40 13:03 13:07/13:17 13:30 50 12:45 13:00 13:12 13:28 13:47 50 13:45 14:00 14:12 14:37 51 SAT & HOL 14:40 15:03 15:07/15:17 15:33 15:46 51 SCH 14:50 15:13 15:17 15:30 50 SAT & HOL 14:45 15:00 15:12 15:28 15:47 50 SCH 14:45 15:00 15:12 15:14 15:17 15:33 15:52 50 15:55 16:10 16:22 16:47 51 16:27 16:43 16:56 50 16:55 17:10 17:22 17:38 17:57 51 17:50 18:13 18:17/18:27 18:43 18:56 50 17:55 18:10 18:22 18:38 18:57 50 TREG 18:55 19:10 19:22

M-F Monday to Friday only SCH Monday to Friday on schooldays only SAT & HOL Saturday; and Monday-Friday in school holidays TREG Terminates at Tregony

SUNDAYS and public holidays

Truro TREGONY Roseland TREGONY Gerrans No. Notes St Austell Bus station Probus SQUARE School SQUARE Portloe Veryan Portscatho St Mawes 50 08:55 09:12 09:24 09:40 09:59 50 11:25 11:42 11:54 12:10 12:29 50 13:55 14:12 14:24 14:40 14:59 50 16:25 16:42 16:54 17:10 17:29

Timetable prepared by Bob Egerton, Cornwall Councillor, from information published by First Buses and Go Cornwall Timetables subject to change. For updates, see For any queries, please email [email protected]