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President’s Column...... 2 CONTENTS CBAA Update ...... 3 Community Radio By Numbers...... 4 Genie STL: A powerful, rock solid IP audio codec for Genie Distribution: Deliver a wide range of solutions for studio-to-transmitter links. Includes dual PSUs plus audio mission critical stereo IP audio distribution. Genie Distribution Overcoming Sponsorship Objections: and network backup and much more. with WheatNet-IP also available. what to do when a prospect says no...... 6 Behind The Music...... 8 i-Mix G3 Getting The Message Across – Tahlia Azaria...... 10 Making Waves: Welcoming New CBAA Members...... 11 5 Tips For Finding And Keeping Volunteers At Your Station...... 12

2 Channel Mixer/Codec 2 Channel Studio Codec 5 Channel Mixer/Codec CBF Funding Update...... 14 CRN Program Guide...... 15 Call (08)9249 6688 to explore your grant options Your Station's Where? Stations In Unusual Locations...... 16 Do You Know Your Local MP And Do They Know You?...... 19 Out of the Box...... 20 AUSTRALIAN MADE AND O WNED www.tieline.com

*Apple, the Apple logo, iPad, and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. ** Android is a trademark of Google Inc 2 CBX APRIL 2015 your station, your community. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch. in to get hesitate don’t Please community. your station, your for you, for here is CBAA the that remember please Day to day, stations, your in Australia. over all from broadcasters community with network and speakers 50 than more from to us hear join year, can you that of each we hope Always ahighlight November. –15 12 from Coast Central NSW beautiful the on to place set take Conference, year’s this on updates for website eye the an You on keep also can Fact Area free our Sheets. in region your for results the out to forget check Don’t artists. local and personalities local voices, local news, local information, local – local local, local, are listening for reasons main Their week. every and each hours 17 for radio to in community tune 4people 1in that shows It Australians. to means radio community much how to just show continues Research results. Survey Listener National latest the as sector, such whole the for information useful and station, radio community local their find listeners to help Lookup Station a broadcasters, for Library new Resource a find you’ll site, example, for the On ever.than accessible more is musicians Australian and listeners radio community broadcasters, community for support and information news, sector that ensure to designed February, is in launched which website, new This www.cbaa.org.au. CBAA’s at on still the – new this website about more out You find can leadership. to provide CBAA’s the capacity strengthen and of stations sustainability and capability grow the thrive, can broadcasting community which in environment ahealthy to are build years three coming the for priorities our such, As culture. avibrant and democracy astrong society, open an is that an Australia of areflection is to and contributes broadcasting community that is vision this Foundation, Broadcasting Community the and Handicapped Print the for Radio Council, Broadcasters’ Multicultural and Ethnic National the Australia, Media Christian Association, Communications Indigenous Australian the Television Association, Community Australian –the organisations sector from representatives with collaboration in Developed vision. sector’s the supporting in role to aleading us for take aframework is result The plan. strategic arenewed for planning and consultation in of 2014 much spent CBAA The more. 40 (at least!) to ahead we’re now sector, looking and great of our years 40 we celebrated year Last broadcasting. community in year new to another welcome and Hello BASSO BY ADRIAN COLUMN PRESIDENT’S

Brightset printing [email protected] permission, provided credit isgiven. Judith Martinez [email protected] Community Broadcasting Association be used by CBAA members without Danny Chifley [email protected] CBX content isCBAA copyrighted. Helen [email protected] All rights reserved. may Articles CBX ISTHEMAGAZINE OFTHE Cover artwork by JudithMartinez ASSOCIATION OFAUSTRALIA. CBX ismailedto CBAA members COMMUNITY BROADCASTING www.cbaa.org.au/cbx-magazine CBX isalso available onlineat: For alladvertising enquiries Follow usonTwitter: @CBAA_ please contact theEditor. judithmartinez.com.au CBX ISPRINTEDON: GRAPHIC DESIGN: Like usonFacebook: and stakeholders. ADVERTISING: SUB-EDITOR: PRINTED BY: of Australia. EDITOR: ecoStar Solutins frm microphne tas • • • we: which in ayear be will 2015 forward, Looking to to up date. stay www.cbaa.org.au out check you sure Make website. a new launched Survey) and Listener (National results research sector new shared plan, strategic anew released already t In THE FOR OPPORTUNITY OF FULL YEAR BROADCASTING. A BE TO UP SHAPING COMMUNITY BROADCASTING ASSOCIATION IT’S UNDERWAY,OF AUSTRALIA AND THE WORK WELL WE DO TO CHAMPION COMMUNITY NOW 2015 WITH he first quarter of the year,of the have we quarter first he and infrastructure. infrastructure. and developmen content programming, on support and guidance with stations to provide Continue initiatives of new coordination and development the community broadcasting through of awareness social and community public the to by raising thrive sector the for environment healthy to create a opportunities new See capabilities. own their build to stations radio community assist to capacity our build and activities of portfolio our on Re-focus Broadcst equipmnfy Choice wtvalu broadcst@ wirelscompnt. om.au Ph:(02)83 4670Mob:18 80 41 t very valuable members of our team. team. of our members valuable very farewell to some we have said First, CBAA. the at changes personnel some we have had few months, last the Over movement. our power who people of the contributions incredible and work hard the celebrate and recognise importantly, and, broadcasting of community awareness raise and networks our policy, expand public influence positively and to inform research extensive out carry environment, political asupportive to nurture we continue as to strength strength from go will sector the leadership, CBAA's the under that confident I'm advice. and knowledge information, for source ago-to remain other, always each and support and from learn find, communities their and stations help We will year ahead. year the in you with to working forward look –and we do what in interest continued your for you I thank Assistant. Executive as team CBAA the joined also has Morris Chloe and Officers Services Member as roles to in have new moved Couch Emma and Chifley Danny Representative. Youth Board’s our as Lawley Tess and Member Board anew as year,This Tony we welcome Smythe years. over the CBAA to the contributions your for you Amy, thank and ahuge Jonathon To Amy both Moon. Manager Services &Stakeholder Member farewelled We have also Board. the from retired has so and November in Meeting General Annual our at re-election for stand not did Brown Jonathon Member Board First, By Jon Bisset, CBAA 1 Find usoacebk




valuable or very valuable. very or valuable quite as it identified respondents 94% of ahuge community, to Australian is the radio community valuable how asked When to participate. people of local capacity the as well as artists, local for support and personalities local voices, local news, local information, were local for reasons top of the Some local. local, local, about all it’s why listen, they asked When data. wave of 2014 1st the since hours over 15 just from up hours, of 17 average an for listen They radio. to community listen and in tune people) 5million almost (that’s of 15 age over the Australians 4 1in week, average an In Australia. over all listeners from radio community for support ongoing the show results latest These • • • • stats: Other Afternoon and Drive time. Drive and Afternoon Breakfast, mid-morning, for strong consistently is day the across Listening week typical a in radio to community listen household their in English than other alanguage speak regularly who of people 30% part-time. or full-time work of listeners 60% years. –54 25 ages are listeners of majority The female. 46% male, 54% is listeners weekly for split gender the that shows information Key demographic

www.cbaa.org.au. website on CBAA the available freely is area, or regional metropolitan bydown State and broken data including information, More FOR LOCAL INFORMATION OF COMMUNITY RADIO LISTENERS FIND COMMUNITY RADIO ANDITS COMMUNITY RADIO TO COMMUNITY RADIO IS SERVICES TO THEAUSTRALIAN REASON FOR LISTENING 56


LISTENERS SPEND17HOURS the 1930s.the held surveys in audience radio first the to back dating research media of along history with organisation research social market and Australian accredited an Research, Ingenuity by McNair of CBAA the It conducted on is behalf territories. and states Australian all across over age the of 15, of 10,000 Australians sample representative of a survey online and telephone ahybrid Survey is Listener The National RADIO INANAVERAGE WEEK. TUNING INTO COMMUNITY THE NORTHERN TERRITORY HAS THE MOST COMMUNITY RADIO (34% OFTHEPOPULATION) LISTENERS PERCAPITA, 34 %

5 CBX APRIL 2015 6 CBX APRIL 2015 competitors. of your ahead stay and sale the close you help can effectively them handle to how –knowing objections empt to pre- people sales sponsorship for important now is It changed. has paradigm sales the Pead, Stephen professional to sponsorship According radio? community via services their to promoting businesses by local reluctance we handle can how So stations. radio community for challenging very be can sales means that securing sponsorship environment financial competitive advertisers and an increasingly by potential understood necessarily However, not is Australia. this over all by communities valued greatly is and listenership ahigh has radio community that shows Research F EEU, U I CN E H CTLS FR EAINHP WT LCL UIESS AND BUSINESSES, LOCAL WITH RELATIONSHIPS CATALYST FOR THE ULTIMATELY, BE CAN THE LOCAL COMMUNITY. IT BUT REVENUE, SOURCE OF NEEDED MUCH A WITH BROADCASTER A PROVIDE SPONSORSHIP DOES ONLY NOT STATION. RADIO COMMUNITY ATA PRACTICES SPONSORSHIP UNDERESTIMATINGEFFECTIVE NO BE CAN THERE


place, how far the conversation conversation the far how place, first the in attention have asponsor’s you whether like things, of crucial anumber salesperson attentive an tell can Objections them. welcome may they effectively, objections these handling in confident are people sponsorship When this. with assist can training and preparation proper and any case in them to to respond equipped be must people sales silly. Sponsorship sense, but this doesn’t necessarily necessarily doesn’t this but sense, makes broadcasting community with themselves aligning businesses Local OCCUR? OBJECTIONS DO WHY SO, asale. covered tobe close to remains what and progressed has re from vary can questions and Objections ason

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simply not interested. not simply are or medium to another committed they’ve time, the at they’re busy too that budget, the in of money A lack COMMON OBJECTIONS? WHAT MOST THE OF SOME ARE outcomes? realistic and price best the times, lead to listenership, regards in details finer the about told to be need just prospect your Does disguise. in questions sometimes are proposals Reluctance or objections to sponsorship conce genuine other and time to their take prospect the by adesire time, that at sponsorship for of need lack aperceived sale, the to consider time needing prospect the as such reasons valid for occur guarante

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programming. and content and governance media, to social through issues technological from broadcasters, to community relevant of topics arange on sessions monthly to CBAA’s the regular addition in is This webinars. sponsorship special of three aseries hosting is Stephen Pead. Stephen professional by sponsorship presented and (CMTO) Training Organisation Media Community the from support with CBAA by the webinar, or held workshop, i This WEBINARS CBAA evidence or proof to reinforce proof the or evidence like would prospects Often • • • Found’ method: ‘ the recommends Stephen concerns. their understand you that know them let respond you when and out them carefully. Hear listen and talking prospect your to listen Instead, reactive. and reflexive are –they objections by these discouraged be not Do I RESPOND? CAN HOW on technology donations? Is your community radiostationmissingout m [email protected] w c 1300731844 Register Today, It’s Free! 11,000 Australian not-for-profits. Since 2007, our partnershave donatedover $200million worth of technology toover nformation is based on an online online an on based is nformation What they found however, found they was What way same the felt have sponsors other Initially you feel how understand I can www.connectingup.org Feel –Felt –

when a client says ‘no’”. says aclient when cope to is ‘yes’ positively eventual that key the that to know getting people “Successful Stephen. says business,”’ just it's that tois remember going keep and way up to get “The role. tough avery be can what in optimistic remain Remember, prospects. for kit sponsorship a neat into information this to like put might You station. your at undertaken research other or market radio the in Survey, trends Listener National the from refer to data also the can You sponsors. of other studies case and references or testimonials use For can you this, sponsorship. radio of community effectiveness sponsorship sponsorship kits. of examples for out it check point, astarting As sponsorship. including of topics, range awide on information find can you it, In broadcasters. community for Library Resource a contains website CBAA new The LIBRARY RESOURCE CBAA www.cbaa.org.au. at sessions previous of recordings access and webinars our about more out Find opportunity. great this on out miss Don’t training. to free access station your at people and you give sessions These



Almost five million Australians listen to community radio community to listen Australians million five Almost everyweek Arp satd utain ui arly n omnt radio community on airplay music Australian started (Amrap) a icesd y % o nw vrg o 3%. ic 2009, Since 39%*. of average new a to 7% by increased has community radio makers have ordered over a quarter of a million Australianmusic files for airplay from Amrap’s music distribution evc - iI. vr ,0 cmuiy ai porm nw use now programs radio community 1,000 Over AirIt. - service AmrapPages to log airplay lists,find online content to match the utain ui te ar n t pooe utain musicians Australian promote to and air they musicAustralian through station websites, social media and mobile phones. EID H MSC s nw eis hc clbae te ways the celebrates which series new a is MUSIC THE BEHIND ht omnt rdo racses n Asrla musicians Australian and broadcasters radio community that s Arp o hmin utain ui o ar n oln. It online. and air on music Australian champion to Amrap use bringsthese statistics tolife with stories from themusicians and broadcasters who make it happen.

andsince theAustralian Music Radio Airplay Project

Q&A compiled by Brooke Olsen, Amrap

I can visit! I can excited that now -but places of these to some been Ihaven't disappointed alittle Iam surprised. very I am tracks? your playing stations the of location and variety by the you surprised Are you online. promoted you and aired recently that stations listing report Pages Amrap latest You your received just work. to their show platform have a and exposure to get artists for important very are elements These restriction. less with minded open are They stations. radio of commercial boundaries of the outside sit might that music playing and talent local nurturing culture, and arts local supporting about is radio Community audience? and career your you to develop help radio community does How am without. I where be wouldn't and of my career beginning the from Imade friendship -avaluable Amrap of course and Brisbane, in 4ZZZ , in 3RRR Sydney, in radio FBi about I learnt how That’s important. super is you around community music the know to getting that you tell will musicians other and teachers - mentors, beginning the from important so is relationships these Creating it. with to help people right the meeting as much so to public the out my music getting been have not challenges The public? to the out music your getting in musician Australian independent an as faced you’ve challenges the of some are What new fans. reach and profile her to broaden Amrap and airplay radio community national utilised has Park 4years, past over the career music a building Whilst albums. Australian outstanding other eight with along (AMP) Prize Music Australian 2014’s for shortlisted was Sleeper’ ‘The recently of Youth Most Spirit award. aQantas her winning and England in Escape Great The America, in CMJ her to taking flourished, has career Park’s then Since 2011. in back on Radio FBi Sydney’s single first very her hearing recalls Park Caitlin musician folk and electronica Rising MUSICIAN, SYDNEY CAITLIN PARK, INDEPENDENT program together? weekly your you to put for easier it make AirIt Amrap’s does How them. behind to get continue we that important it's and airplay get to musicians Australian independent for opportunities many provides already radio Community Melbourne. in especially hand, in hand go really music local and radio community to. Ithink to airtime Iwant give that bands new great seeing and gigs to going always I'm fan, amusic As program? your of part important an such musicians Why unsigned are media. social and podcasts interview music lists, airplay Pages Amrap with online complemented is program on-air The area. local the in events music live upcoming about information and interviews music, new features program the Victoria, Melton, ofOz Land The In Living program radio weekly running long- his for inspiration provided which scene music local to athriving Stancliffe "Lee-Roy" Leigh presenter radio community exposed Melbourne in 90s and late 80s the in up Growing MELTON, FM, VIC 979 LIVING IN THE LAND OF OZ OF LAND THE IN LIVING LEIGH ‘LEE-ROY’ STANCLIFFE, ‘LEE-ROY’ LEIGH artists. local to support hard work and music about care they importantly, most -and loyal very and strong are country this in broadcasters radio community the that me taught has It radio? community you about taught service this has What AirIt Amrap’s via music 20 Since 11 you’ve distributed your your distributed you’ve 11 . Airing on 979 FM in in FM 979 on . Airing ,

OF OZ’ ATOF 979FM.COM.AU LAND THE IN ‘LIVING OUT CHECK AIRPLAY AT AND AIRIT.ORG.AU FOR MUSICIANS AUSTRALIAN PARK OTHER AND CAITLIN FIND playlists! Pages my Amrap out have checked or AirIt Amrap’s from reports airplay their on name my show noticed they've aspin".us Obviously giving for Oz Of guy, thanks Land The In Living the you're "oh said they've and myself introduced and agig after to up aband gone I've A few times music. their playing been you've know musicians way to agreat are let Pages Amrap listeners? to your you play music the you to promote helped it has How lists. airplay your to log Pages You’re Amrap of user avid an year.last of of my favourite releases one was which 'Kalyakoorl' album Ghouse’s Guy and Williams Gina example, for of before, heard Ihadn't acts excellent of alot Ifound music. Strait Islander Torres and to Aboriginal new access away.was gave me AirIt Amrap’s presenter regular the whilst program music Indigenous 979fm's on in to fill opportunity Recently, the given Iwas to play. single latest to Ihave sure their make way agreat is AirIt and area my local in touring by acts of music alot I play

9 CBX APRIL 2015 10 CBX APRIL 2015 broadcasting does; not public public not does; broadcasting way the community people connects platform other No compelling. incredibly is broadcasting Community communities? Australian offer or to contribute services broadcasting community think you do What SYN. at job Manager to aGeneral then and 31 Channel at to employment me led which SYN, at opportunities volunteer to other led That yes. Isaid So to lose. much nothing had I Ifigured of sleep, abit from show. Aside breakfast the Iproduce suggested someone there, few weeks my first In about. was it what see and around hang I'd thought so people, of interesting full was that SYN called astation found course my my with through career,do but to Iwanted what sure Iwasn't stage, At that uni. through involved I got broadcasting? community in involved become you why did and How MESSAGE GETTINGTHE T AHLIA AZARIA TAHLIA ACROSS MARKETING AND FUNDRAISING OFFICER, CBAA MARKETING OFFICER, AND FUNDRAISING

Australian broadcasting. in akey is: pillar it what for recognised be can broadcasting community so out message that to is get goal My we're thriving. and we're here that to everyone tell time it's Ithink and secrets, kept best of Australia's one is broadcasting have. Community services our and stations our impact the knew they if would, certainly and too; should else everyone I think and broadcasting, I love community role? this in to achieve working are you What CBAA. at the Officer You’re &Fundraising Marketing the now past. to look hard That's bigger. of something part are you broadcasting, sector. community In our across volunteers 22,000 by the clear -that's themselves than greater apurpose for together people brings physically broadcasting community that is difference The internet. the or radio, commercial or broadcasting, breakfast show, Triple Threat breakfast Tuesday of JOY's fan a big morning also I'm but do, they love everything I so love SYN for I have unconditional JOY.Triple because Rand biased I'm PBS, SYN, between flick Imainly is! favourite child their who a parent asking like is question this Answering to? to listen shows radio favourite community your are What to moving. is keep challenge Our still. by standing anywhere ever got one No growing. keep can broadcasting community that so lessons those apply and to learn and to mistakes make risks, to those take bold, to is be challenge Our happen. mistakes sometimes and risks, taking involves that Sometimes bold. to is be of those advantage to taking trick my the in view and opportunities, always also are there but challenges, be always will and always are There moment? the at sector the for challenge main the as see you do What . THE REWARDING CHALLENGE OF BRINGING COMMUNITY-DRIVEN RADIO TO COMMUNITIES. THEIR RADIO COMMUNITY-DRIVEN BRINGING OF CHALLENGE REWARDING THE STATIONS NEW THAT HAVEOF TAKEN ON NUMBER THE BY ENCOURAGED ARE WE AND SECTOR BROADCASTING COMMUNITY THE OF 80% REPRESENTS STATIONS. CBAA RADIO THE COMMUNITY ESTABLISHED AND ASPIRANT 5 OF MEMBERSHIP NEW THE ACCEPTING OF GREAT PLEASURE THE HAD CBAA THE PASTMONTHS OVERSIX THE will celebrate its 14th anniversary since receiving its permanent community broadcasting licence. licence. broadcasting community its permanent receiving since anniversary its 14th celebrate will station the 2015, December In week. the across music Christian of dose ahealthy its community 107.3 offers also Juice programming, of mix astrong With Waters. Biggera of suburb Coast Gold to the radio taste’ ‘good 107.3 provides Juice JUICE 107.3FM 2MTM! year. last Birthday Happy licence broadcasting permanent its receiving of anniversary 10th the celebrated 2MTM NSW. crew at of The plains central-western the in Coonamble of community citizen 3000 the services 2MTM fold. the into back 2MTM to welcome happy very was CBAA the 2014, In 2MTM spiritualists. and hobbyists for programming to comedy and fishing from shows of range adiverse features and up filling already is grid program station’s The ever since. entertained Hills Adelaide the in Barker Mt of community the keeping have been and 2014 late in Licence Broadcasting Community its Temporary received Radio Hills 88.9FM 88.9FM HILLS RADIO hype’. less music, ‘More is motto station their 105.9FM on Broadcasting mid-2015. in community Gin Gin the with voices their sharing to be hope and operational and equipped studio their getting of throes the in are Broadcasters District Perry Mt group, aspirant An Queensland. of region Bundaberg the in town rural asmall Gin, Gin in located is Broadcasters District Perry Mt MT PERRY DISTRICT BROADCASTERS thisyear. later air get to and life to station the bring to paperwork filing and filling busy are Broadcasters Orana broadcasters, community surrounding of assistance NSW. the With central in town regional the for broadcaster asecond as serve will station this broadcasting, When Dubbo. in located is Broadcasters Orana BROADCASTERS ORANA making waves By EmmaCouch, CBAA


CBX Editor Helen Henry has worked in collaboration with Volunteering Australia to provide these tips for finding and and finding for tips these provide to station: your at volunteers Australia keeping Volunteering with collaboration in worked has Henry Helen Editor CBX FIVE FOUR THREE TWO ONE not hesitate to contact the CBAA on [email protected] or via phone 02 9310 2999. 02 9310 phone via or [email protected] on CBAA the to contact hesitate not Fordetailedmoreinformation www.volunteeringaustralia.org. this,see on youhaveIfadditional questions, doplease may value a referee for their resumé. areferee their for may value or they newskills, their recognising formally certificate a obtain and to training receive opportunities value may they track, the down opportunity employment apaid of pursuing hope the in experience seeking is volunteer if the place. example, For first the in station your with involved to become them motivated what consider volunteers, your to recognise best how out another. volunteer, not To by but one work valuable as seen be might of recognition type One importance. of is recognised are efforts way the volunteer that VOLUNTEERS. YOUR OF CONTRIBUTION THE RECOGNISE community. local your with ties your strengthen and volunteers and staff your among awareness cultural raise station, to your perspectives new bring can experiences and backgrounds diverse from Volunteers principle. this uphold way can you that important an is station your at backgrounds diverse linguistically and culturally from volunteers Involving community. Australian diverse culturally and cohesive to inclusive, an contribute and diversity and harmony to is promote principles guiding sector’s broadcasting RECRUIT INCLUSIVELY. community of the One • • include: to session coverKey this in things station. your at involved get can people how about questions answer and information share volunteering, of profile way the to agreat raise be can station your at session information volunteer face-to-face A AVOLUNTEER INFORMATIONHOLD SESSION. noticeboards. on community and events local at flyers or media local in advertisements announcements, air on- posts, media social website, your on information include could This available. readily station your at involved get can volunteers how about have information ACTIVELY RECRUIT VOLUNTEERS. the to arouse likely less is jobs of odd A collection role. volunteer ameaningful up make collectively and value intrinsic have some tasks their that to ensure need you board, on volunteers keep To and engage MEANINGFUL. YOURMAKE VOLUNTEER ROLES What are the benefits of volunteering? benefits the are What volunteering? is What Volunteer managers should be aware be should managers Volunteer Make sure you you sure Make about your station. your about have might volunteers prospective questions of what idea an to get station your at volunteers current with in Check session. the in questions to answer prepared Be • responses. and enquiries to handle ready be and roles volunteer specific identify professional, and simple message the keep it, promoting you’re Wherever volunteer opportunities on govolunteer.com.au. to sure post Be networks. personal your consider Also assistant music director, example. for music assistant presenter, be producer, or could this station, radio your of case In the organisation. in the role identified an is than volunteer existing or of apotential enthusiasm work of your volunteers. volunteers. of your work hard the to acknowledge merchandise and resources of range agreat for website Australia Volunteering the on Happy, Give the section Live Visit Happy earth. on Place Happiest the to Australia make help your wants Australia Volunteering Happy, Give is and Live Happy 2015 Week Volunteer National for May. theme The 11-17 Week Volunteer National in involved to get is volunteers of your work vital the way toA great celebrate volunteer achievement. to applaud space noticeboard allocating and concerns, and ideas to to volunteer listen time the taking events, special in them including responsibility, additional giving include: volunteers your ways to recognise Other language(s). into different materials promotional and information volunteer your translate and sessions information coordinate volunteers, to potential out strategy, reach recruitment volunteer your on feedback to seek leaders You community with work can demographics. with you provide to able may be council Your local leaders. community relevant with by connecting them with relationships build and groups community local and demographics local your research communities, these with To connect needed. hours involved, tasks For example, organisation. your at avolunteer of being logistics The

13 CBX APRIL 2015 14 CBX APRIL 2015 update CBF funding grant programs are best placed to placed best are programs grant and structure CBF the that ensure to is goal Our detail. in processes and structures of existing retention the and change of both implications the through to think necessary time the taking is Foundation sector. the The from received recommendations to its responses of range broad the and Group, by Nous review report independent the considering thoroughly Review the of complexities the through work to to continue February in meeting atwo-day held Board CBF The OPPORTUNITIES CBF GRANTS Small Equipment YourPromote Station grants Ethnic Content Development grants CBOnline grants Content TV Indigenous GRANT CATEGORY CBF Structure and Governance Governance and Structure CBF . We are carefully and and . We carefully are Web: www.cbf.com.au Phone: 03 8341 5900 Email: [email protected] CONTACT THECBF:

Content Development grants course. due in provided be will Review CBF the with progress on information sector. of the Further needs emerging and existing the serve level of funding available for for available oflevel funding alimited be only will there policy Government in to achange Due June. 29 on close ideas ‘Out-of-the-Box’ for interest of expressions and subsidies, salary content-related and specials program & broadcasts outside programs, national programs, local support to funds for Applications content. radio of community distribution and production development, the support 14 September 2015 September 14 2015 September 14 2015 July 10 2015 June 29 2015 April 17 2015 April 13 DUE DATE Community Broadcasting Foundation By JoCurtin,

with online transition. online with assist to years financial 2015/16 and 2014/15 over the provided be will of $450,000 Atotal delivery. to online transition broadcasters’ television community metropolitan to support re-purposed be will funds content television community other that given program, grant this for CBF and Communications of Department by the upon agreed amount the represents pool funding grants) TV returned from funds any (plus $75,000 The content. television community Indigenous of production the support will it and 2014/15 in grants Content TV & Digital Radio Grants TV, Amrap, CBOnline Jon King RPH Grants Jo Curtin Development Grants General andContent Claire Stuchbery Indigenous andTraining Grants Georgie Boucher Ethnic andTransmission Grants Barbara Baxter GRANT APPLICATION: QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR ADMINISTRATOR WITHANY CONTACT ACBFGRANTS

All times AEST/AEDT. Visitwww.cbaa.org.au/crn forfull descriptions andlatest updates. PROGRAM GUIDEAPRIL2015 COMMUNITY RADIONETWORK BBC World News (5min)at 00:01 &05:01 Sat-Sun andonthehourfrom 06:00-12:00 andevery Mon-Fri, hourfromNational 09:00-19:00 RadioNews (4min)onthehalfhourfrom 06:00-09:00 04:00 00:06 06:00 08:00 00:30 09:04 20:00 03:00 02:00 05:06 07:00 22:00 23:00 01:00 00:01 10:04 21:00 19:04 14:04 16:04 18:04 05:01 15:04 13:04 12:04 17:04 10:32 12:30 17:30 16:32 18:32 13:32 11:04 Incorporating Rural Commerce Report 05:15,Rural Livestock 05:30, Rural Outlook05:45&Rural News 06:05 The best incountry musicto kickstart your morning Good MorningCountry (live) WorldLink BBC World News Dancer The Phantom Asia Calling Alternative Radio Spotlight Living inthe60s Contact! The BohemianBeat BBC World News Urban Meltdown Off the Record Home Brew Documentary Series National Features & Shorts The Wire –national independentcurrent affairs (live) Arts Alive Repeats orMusic Let theBandsPlay Writers Radio Review N. Indig.News Rural Commerce Report, Rural Livestock, Rural Outlook,DailyInterview, StarTours Jazz MadeinAustralia It’s Time Repeats orMusic MON TUE The History Show The Fourth Estate Balance A Question of Off the Record Sound Sideways Through Blues Nothin’ butthe Radio Gumbo Sub-sequence The Breeze The BookClub Overdrive Repeats orMusic Blues Nothin’ butthe Accent ofWomen Radioactive Democracy Now! Repeats orMusic Listen to OlderVoices New York Jazz Real World Gardener Primary Perspectives On theMoney TUE WED News/Q-munity Network NewsNews/Q-munity More CivilSocieties/Overdrive Spectrum The Why Factor Stick Together This Week Anarchist World Radio Gumbo Let The BandsPlay New Releases Show Lost inScience Caravan Beale Street Australia Songwriters Across Amrap AirItCharts New York Jazz Repeats orMusic Extras 2 Repeats orMusic A JazzHour Extras 1 Cinemascape Jailbreak All theBest Diffusion More Civil Societies WED THU Recorded Live All theBest Dads ontheAir Global Village Wellbeing Dirt Music Mood In aSentimental Definition Radio Pop Heads Contact! Sounds Revolution The Folk Show Word For Word Repeats orMusic Australia Jazz Madein Lost inScience Spotlight Repeats orMusic The Breeze Homepage Cinemascape Under African Skies WINGS Panorama / Asia Calling Inside Motorsport / THU FRI Hour Vision Australia No Brow Fair Comment Beale Street Caravan Yesterday Hit Parade of Live Delay Amrap AirItCharts Indij HipHopShow Sound Sideways Through Pop Heads Repeats orMusic Off The Record Wellbeing Definition Radio Repeats orMusic Global Village Zed Games Women ontheLine Never Talk Politics Earth Matters This Way Out Hardtalk Asian Pop RadioAustralia FRI SAT Top ofthePops 1hr Dirt Music Bluesbeat Blues Show National Rock & Home Brew New Releases Show Living inthe60s Bluesbeat Beyond Zero Tecka’s Tracks Show (live) The Mike McColl Live Delay (live) Saturday Breakfast Real World Gardener Radio Atticus Off the Record The Folk Show A JazzHour Arts Alive Jellybeans Jumping SAT SUN A Week in Science Heard itThrough theGrapevine Red Velvet &Wild Boronia Red Velvet &Wild Boronia Fine MusicLive The BohemianBeat Dancer The Phantom Curved Radio(live) Curved Radio(live) It’s Time Ultima Thule Pulse Yesterday Hit Parade of Recorded Live Concert Hour Australia (live) Countryfolk Around Overdrive Hot, Sweet &Jazzy Mood In aSentimental Listen to OlderVoices Australia Songwriters Across Nothin’ but the Blues Nothin’ buttheBlues the House Deadly Voices from tralia Jazz MadeinAus- SUN MON


16 CBX APRIL 2015


By Emma Couch, CBAA defies the norm is carving out homes out carving is norm the defies that doing themselves find sector of this members some that thing One media. of Australia's rest of the much of circumstances and scope the outside work to generally and rag, oily of an smell the 'on to run boundaries, to push ability radio's community on comment we when obvious the We're stating IS YOUR STATION LOCATED IN UNUSUAL PREMISES? SHARE YOUR PHOTOS AND STORY WITH US AT US STORY WITH STATION PHOTOS YOUR YOUR IS AND SHARE [email protected] LOCATED PREMISES? UNUSUAL IN

of Northern NSW. Since receiving its its receiving NSW. Since of Northern town of coast Kempsey, the rural on the servicing station radio community a is Tank example, for Radio, FM heights. to new infrastructure repurposing have taken CBAA'sof members the anumber necessity or by choice Either premises. unusual in studios their for heights. new to infrastructure have taken repurposing members of the CBAAs necessity anumber Either by choice or showroom of the local service station. station. service local of the showroom the -in began station the where parked was caravan, shaped egg old an van, The OB1. van, broadcast outside stations the from to went air volunteers refurbished, to be To studios the for accommodate of water. 15cms under itself found home brick mud celebrated their and severe flooding endured Bellingen 2009, In premises. brick mud purpose-built infamous into its moved station the station, service a local of showroom the from broadcasting commenced it after years 35 Shire. Bellingen the in 2BBB is infrastructure broadcasting of atraditional boundaries the pushed has that station Another wildlife. local –the station their of supporters great more with dotted paddocks overlooks entrance station's the tracks train dormant the above people, 2,600 of around a community to Broadcasting station. train defunct town’s the 2HAY from operated has FM 1993, view. Since arural with station NSW, 2HAY Central in Located a is FM park. alocal in today sits that tank into the by crane lifted and ago years 16 removed was premises weatherboard small the stilts, on Tea Sitting Rooms. Council Kempsey the life as a previous lived room equipment and studio sole stations the efforts, upcycling FM’s to To flavour more space. abit add Tank of the aportion 2WET,as inhabiting known Tank with also diameter in FM, r water adisused from broadcast has station the 1999, in license permanent eservoir. The reservoir spans 40ft 40ft spans reservoir eservoir. The

17 CBX APRIL 2015 18 CBX APRIL 2015

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community broadcasting sector of support and understanding knowledge, to strengthen stakeholders political influential with working to proactively commits CBAA the CBAA’s plan, the In strategic new community event. to a or interview an for air on MP your inviting consider could you this, as well As station. of your work the about know representatives community’s to your let to contact make time agreat is now already, haven’t you If sector. the for environment regulatory asupportive and viability financial securing work our in CBAA the helps also It electorate. to their important is broadcasting community for support why their realise politicians -makes future and present - past, station of your Telling stories the

aftrs.edu.au/radio and seek any other advice in this area. this in advice any other seek and these to access [email protected] email via or 2999 310 02 on Pringle Joel Officer, & Advocacy CBAA’s the Policy contact Please use. your for available materials template and aguide has CBAA know. The us let please assistance, some like would but MP your with relationship a building in interested are you If do. you work important the about more to learn them to encourage and electorate their in stations local the and sector the about information with them to update MPs with contact regular has CBAA The volunteers. and listeners of our passion the and of stations work great the about know politicians that sure making we are commitment, of this part As programs. and policies CBAA By JoelPringle,

19 CBX APRIL 2015 20 CBX APRIL 2015 our family and country up North. North. up country and family our with connection maintain we still and into my family have married people Noongar Many 12. was she when here down brought and mother her off stolen was my grandmother because Country Noongar in my Perth life in of most have I lived fly)but eagles tailed wedged the where country of WA West central the from (red dirt come my people Yamatji and woman Badimaya/ astrong as I broadcast marginalised population. as a in live to place difficult avery be to proved has Australia and reality constant our is racism and Injustice me. around community and my family of that and experience my lived own from comes This rights. human our asserting and affairs current about is that broadcasting doing in interested particularly Ihave been freedom. means people by Aboriginal service radio effective and ahealthy having that Iknow because me for a passion been always has my in It life. constant a been always has radio Aboriginal five years. past the for apart) is Radio Noongar (of which Enterprises Media Noongar of Chair the been Ihave also histories. oral and documentary-making in specialise now and ever since radio Aboriginal with Ihave stayed SILENT ON THE AIRWAVES. THE ON SILENT FOR IMPORTANT ISSUES ABOUT US WE SURE ARE AND MAKING NOT OF PLAYING A VITAL ROLE PEOPLE IN EDUCATING NON-ABORIGINAL MY FIRST NATION FOR PEOPLES. I WAS ABLE TO MEDIA ALSO FIND THE ENJOYMENT THE OF POWER TO TRUTH OURSELVESAND AS REALITY OUR OF TOPEOPLE SPEAK THE ABOUT LOT A ME TAUGHT EXPERIENCE PRODUCER/PRESENTERS THE OLD. YEAR 19 A STARTEDAS I AND ASSOCIATION RADIO TRAINEE TRAINED THROUGH THE WESTERN AUSTRALIAN MEDIA ABORIGINAL ABORIGINAL THE OF ONE WASFIRST I BADIMAYA/YAMATJI WOMAN. PROUD A AM I

BY CAROL DOWLING NOONGAR RADIO 100.9FM, PERTH, WA PERTH, 100.9FM, RADIO NOONGAR the Honours program here and Ihave and here program Honours the of Coordinator the I am University. Curtin at Studies Aboriginal for Centre the at academic afull-time now I am degree. undergraduate my finished even Ihad before career academic into an accidently stumbled I also ago years twenty Some festivals. cultural huge deliver helping or organisations starting as such projects development community various doing community Noongar Perth the within to work of times acouple radio from I have wandered community. the by ‘owned’ is Radio Noongar that say to proud I’m and community Noongar Perth the throughout done being also is same The in. tuned permanently channel our having institutions educational sites and building surgeries, doctor’s with Aboriginal, non- are listeners of our majority The truth. our to speak community our for opportunity adirect providing Radio, Noongar on today airwaves the on my from people Ihear stories the also are They hope. and humour, resilience survival, of courage, were stories family. These of my mother’s stories the with up brought Iwas storytellers. of tradition long avery from come Most first nation people in this country country in this people nation first (Noongar term for good and strong). and good for term (Noongar You mooditj conferences. all are CBAA at Imeet by anyone on cheered and Ihave feltcountry. welcomed always in this broadcasting nations first encourage and to support ability its and radio other. community live Long any as accepted and valid as just is voice their where acountry in raised to be them Iwant Noongars. are who my sons with two ceremony the to attend able Iwas and 2014 in work award my for documentary a CBAA won Ialso Ilive. which in community the in of material vein arich is there because documentary-making with to going keep Ihope with. Iyarn who those for and me for process healing a is it and my community about story to a tell mymake documentaries Ireally 2014. and 2013 for radio for award Commission Rights Human the won having documentary-making, of art the perfected I have also stories down. write these to finally privilege agreat was It of age. away 93 years at passed she before keythe participant was myin family. grandmother My of women generations of five stories –the important as see Icould topic scien social in thesis my doctoral submitted also ces. I studied the only only the Istudied ces.

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