Technical Program: Symposiums, Special Sessions, Workshops
TECHNICAL PROGRAM: SYMPOSIUMS, SPECIAL SESSIONS, WORKSHOPS Tuesday, September 11 Introducing fixed-mobile number portability - Croatian case Željka Kardum Ban (Croatian Post and Electronic Communication Agency, Croatia); Gordan Jezic (University Tuesday, September 11, 15:00-16:30, (BRAČ) of Zagreb, Croatia) SYM1/I: SYMPOSIUM ON RFID TECHNOLOGIES & Business Case Assessments of Fixed and Mobile THE INTERNET OF THINGS.DEMONSTRATIONS Broadband Access Networks Deployments SESSIONS (16:30-17:00) Drago Zagar, Visnja Krizanovic, Kresimir Grgic (J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia) Symposium organizer: Luigi Patrono, University of Salento, Italy Symposium chair: Luigi Patrono, University of Salento, Italy Tuesday, September 11, 17:00-18:30, (BRAČ) Triggering and Data Collection Framework for Sensing Application Level SYM1/II: SYMPOSIUM ON RFID TECHNOLOGIES Nikolaos Zarokostas, Panagiotis Dimitropoulos (Sensap SA, & THE INTERNET OF THINGS Greece); John Soldatos (Athens Information Technology, DEMONSTRATIONS SESSIONS (18:30-19:00) Greece); Georgios Stamoulis (University of Thessaly, Greece) Symposium organizer: Luigi Patrono, University of Salento, Italy Symposium chair: Luigi Patrono, University of Salento, Italy Design and Development of a Traceability Service for EPC-enabled Food Supply Chains WSN and RFID Integrated Solution for Advanced Safety Rui Wang, Willibald Günthner (Technical University of Systems in Industrial Plants Munich, Germany) Cosimo Salvatore, Stefano Bocchino (Scuola Superiore Santa Anna, Italy); Matteo Petracca
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