University „Džemal Bijedić“ in Mostar

Faculty of Information Technology

Theme: Internet

Student: Mentor:

Mostar, July 2013 Contents

1. Introduction...... 3 2. Internet...... 4 3. Conclusion...... 11


The term internet can be explained as a massive public spider web of computer connections. We can say that because it connects many things such as: personal computers, cell phones, mainframes, car alarms, music players, GPS units, soda pop machines, and even dog collars. The purpose of these computer connections is to share a free information.


The internet is built on a chaotic disarray of hardware, governed by minimal standards and with even fewer rules. Thousands of different software packages broadcast on the internet, are connecting millions of users each day. The Internet was nicknamed "The Information Superhighway", during the Clinton administration, but that term has now become inadequate to describe the sheer size of the Internet's reach.

Internet is the largest computer network with a large number of permanent and temporary users. It is estimated that there are about 10 million computers that are constantly active and about 500 million users who are occasionally included in order to search and exchange information. The number of users is constantly increasing, so that in a very short period of time it took one of the most important places for the storage, retrieval and utilization of various information.

Internet is practical realization of connecting hundreds of millions of computers into a single network.


The emergence of the Internet and computers, as well as their development of the first years is merit of technologically most advanced countries of our time: the of America. Like most projects, the U.S. military and the government, the emergence of the Internet is

3 shrouded in secrecy. Real, concrete reasons why the U.S. government has encouraged the development of the network are unclear.

There are two reasons that have led to the development of ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network). The official reason for building ARPANET was to enable professionals working in the military-industrial complex around the world, simultaneous use of a numerous computer databases. Unofficially, the top U.S. military learned that the Soviet Union has a long-range, intercontinental nuclear missiles.

With those missiles Soviet army could destroy any part of the world. Military information system was centralized and if the center was destroyed, the U.S. military unit would become unable to defend the country. Therefore, the Army decided on decentralization, but only IT and the 1969th The U.S. established a military computer network ARPANET.

The first step was to connect two computers at UCLA and Berkeley ,in Los Angeles, so at the end of 1969th there were 4 of them in the ARPANET , and one of them was owned by the Ministry of Defense. Number of connected computers is growing rapidly, and in 1971. there was a network ALOHANET of remote and isolated University of Hawaii attached as well.

In 1983. the army separated from ARPANET and established its own network MILNET, out of fear that a growing number of network users will jeopardize national security. Parallel with these two networks developed a network of National Science Foundation NSFNET, which is from 1988th connected with ARPANET. Since then, on the network system are rapidly joining many new networks, so Internet began to be a synonym for the online conglomerate. Looking at the earliest history of the Internet it seems to be more the product of spontaneous than something planned.

The term Internet comes from the English word interconnected and Networks (network computer system). In everyday life it is often identified with the World Wide Web (WWW), which is not so true in fact because the WWW is only one part, one service within the Internet as a global idea.

The emergence of the Internet is related to 1969 when the United States started to work on the project of the Ministry of Defense called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency), which connected computers at universities and research centers, although in the background of that development was a development of a Wired Network Connection divided and an interrupted communication system in case of nuclear war ("cold War"). Such military objectives were, however, as this day and everywhere in the world, practically funded civil projects that have used this system.

On the development of the Internet did not, as one might suppose, fundamentally affected Windows owned by Bill Gates (Microsoft),actually it was UNIX System.

By introducing internet protocol TCP / IP (later Telnet, FTP) using of the name internet has began. From the very beginning of a system, the most important applications was electronic mail (e-mail). The rapid development of the Internet is from the 1993rd through the World Wide Web and the first graphical capable browser called "Mosaic".


That WWW, that many nowadays consider to be an internet, developed in 1989. by Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee. The author is an Englishman, but the system is promoted at CERN in Geneva (Switzerland). For his work, along with numerous other awards, Queen of England also named him a knight (Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire). So, thanks to his discovery and the new system, for the first time internet could be used by amateurs and not just scientist.

Thus, the Internet has become a catalyst for rapid digital revolution which we have witnessed. Internet and many services within it, have become quite complicated for those who do not know him well, because it offers a whole range of always new opportunities, services and supports: IP. telephony, Groupware, Wikis, Blogs, super-fast connections that enable Vlogs, Video on demand, peer-o. Peer Wired Network Connection as File Sharing and Online games. Development is going on over the Web 2.0, Web 3.0 ...

Internet has exceeded the limits of the United States already in the early seventies, and in 1992. it exceeds the threshold of one million computers spread all over the world. The Internet Society is founded and it declares it the common good of humanity. In 1993rd World Wide Web was established and the Internet has entered in every segment of human activity.

By launching the project CARNet (Croatian Academic and Research Network) in 1991. began the introduction to the internet in . At the beginning of the 1992. the agency Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA) gave CARNet right to administer the Internet community in Croatia. That same year the first communication line between Croatia and Austria was established, so Croatia became part of the Internet.

First institutions connected to the Internet were FER, RBI, Faculty FESB in Split, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Economics in , and the Ministry of Science and Technology, which initiated that project. For the next few years CATNet was the only Internet service provider in Croatia (the Internet provider), and the service is provided to all citizens totally free. In 1996th the Internet has been commercialized and suddenly blossomed. Today, according to the latest survey of 100 households 26 of them have .

Internet can be defined as a global computer information network, consisting of a large number of smaller interconnected computer networks, which enable the transfer of information between computers that are part of the network. So it may be defined as a network of networks. This literally means that it is the largest network that connects millions of personal computers, local area (LAN) and diffuse (WAN) network in a shared network.

Computers and individual networks are inside of the internet connected in different ways.

So there are various kinds of relationships that are used by internet. On one hand, the average user, in most parts of the world, connects to the internet via modem. On the other hand, there are links that connect computers to call servers, hosts or nodes. These are mostly extremely powerful computers, capable of processing huge amounts of data, and it is through them that individuals connect the modem to the Internet. Servers are usually networked with satellites

5 and radio links, and fiber optic and telephone cables. These computers are connected by specialized computers called routers (routers). Routers check which way is data moving over the Internet and decide where to send them.

Unlike traditional media to transfer data, such as radio and television Internet is a decentralized network, which means that there is no central place from which it is operated. Data travels over the network divided into packets. Each of these packets contains information from where he went and where is his destination. That's why it does not matter which way these packages pass if your destination is properly prepared, so it means it does not matter which way the sent message travels through the Internet - it will eventually find its way to the goal.

For their proper travel through the Internet and assembling on their destination ensures TCP / IP protocol, which has the task to ensure that message will arrive in the same form in which it was sent. The Internet is based on a client-server relation between computers, that is called client-server architecture. In the client-server architecture some of computers act as servers or data servers, and other computers act as clients or recipients of the data, so that a computer- client can access many different servers, and only a single server can be accessed by multiple client computers. Once a client establishes a connection to the server that contains the requested information, the server sends it to the client as a file. A special computer program called browser allows user to search for documents.

It is estimated that there are about 200 million Internet users in the world. The exact number depends on the source of data and is in the range of 172 (eMarketer) to 250 million (Nua). It is expected that the total number of Internet users will reach 350 million till 2005th year.

IDC estimates that the number of Internet users in the Czech Republic will grow by 30.7% annually over the next five years, so that by the 2014rd Internet use will be about 1 million citizens of the Czech. Currently in the Czech 292 000 people use Internet, which is 3% of the total population.

According to Carnation Consulting, 5% of the Hungarian population, or about 500,000 people now have Internet access. It is expected that this number will double by 2013.At 1995. there were only 26 million Internet users, at the end of 1999th there were 205 million, and is assumed that in 2014. year will be 500 million. In comparison, for the extraction of 50 million listeners, radio took 38 years, for 50 million viewers television needed 13 years and to get 50 million Internet users took only 4 years.

It is a known fact that these data are not valid for a longer period of time, because the number of applicants of Network changes from day to day.

Internet is today used by more than 300 million people, of which about 135 million in the United States.


In 2000. 214 countries has been connected to the internet..

There are approximately 330 000 users (47% are between 15 - 25 yrs.), Which is 8% of the population.

In Slovenia, it employs 500 000 people - 29% of the population.

In 1957 The Soviet Union launched Sputnik into space - the first satellite, and the U.S. responded by forming Agency projects of advanced Research (Advanced Research Projects Agency - ARPA) in the U.S. Department of Defense.

In 1961. L. Kleinrock developed packet switching, that means working mode of computer network in which messages are divided into packets, each packet requires its way to the finish line.

In1965 was managed to connect two computers for the first time in the U. S.

In 1968 ARPA with four universities in the United States (Los Angeles, Stanford, Santa Barbara, and Utah) introduced the first physical computer network within which operated four host. This network (ARPANET) was based on the theory of flow of punctuated data through the network (packet switched network).

1969th was the start of operating in the U.S. ARPANET network in which were included four supercomputers. The idea was to build a computer network for the military that would not stop to work in case of a partial cancellation or termination of some of its components, for example in case of war or in a situation after a nuclear war.

During the seventies important Internet services such as electronic mail, use of remote computers, transfer files, and the system of electronic news developed.

In 1972 the ARPANET network is connected to the 23 hosts, and the first e-mail program was found.

In 1983 INTERNET. TCP / IP protocol becomes mandatory under the ARPANET network, and that same year the University of Wisconsin created the system of domain names (Domain Name System - DNS) which was established by the European Academic and Research Network.

In 1984 in the United States was created the backbone network with a transmission speed of 56 Kbps.

In 1986 was created First technical coordinating body for the development of networks (Internet Engineering Task Force - IETF). With the continuous improvement of technical data rates of hosts who made the network, crossed 50,000 during the 1988.

In 1988th to the Internet was connected only 8 countries: USA, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.

In 1989. speed core network extends to 1.544 Mbps (T1).


1990. in Geneva, Tim Berners Lee (CERN) found a hypertext system (HTML) that provides an efficient access to information.

1991st Croatia has joined the Internet, and also was developed multimedia World Wide Web (WWW) service.

In 1992 Hypertext system (HTML) was released as the WWW, and then there was a first million hosts on the Internet.

In 1993 the software with a good graphical user interface was developed, which successfully read WWW presentation.

In 1994 first appeared the ability to order a pizza over the WEB. In the same year were opened first cyber banks and radio stations, and the number of hosts increased to about 4 million.

In 1994. and 1995th were developed first search services for the Internet (Altavista) and also catalogs (Yahoo).

In 1995th was generated Java language for dynamic programming language for web and VRML virtual reality modeling.

By the 1996th transfer rate through the core network has increased ten thousand times (and today over 1000 Mbps).

In 2000. 315 million Internet surfers were recorded, the Internet is connected to 214 countries and has approximately 104 million computers hosting.

In an American study in 2005, the percentage of men using the Internet was very slightly ahead of the percentage of women, but this was among those under the age of 30. It is because men logged on more often, they spent more time online, so they were more likely to be broadband users. Women used more e mail and other programs used for communication. Men used the Internet to pay bills, also to participate in auctions, and some of them used it for recreation such as downloading music and videos. Both of them were equally used the Internet for shopping and banking.

More studies indicate that in 2008, women used the Internet much more than men, mostly for social networking sites, such as Facebook and Myspace, although that is not so true, because it varied with age. Also, women watched more streaming content, but men downloaded more. In terms of blogs, men were those who used blog in the first place. Between those who write blogs, most of the men have a professional blog, and women were more likely to have a personal blog.

Number of computers (continuously connected) on the Internet grew rapidly:


In 1984. exceeded 1000 computers

1987th 10 000 computers

In 1989. 100,000 computers

In 1992. 1 million computers

1996th 10 million computers

1998th has more than 30 million computers

In 2000. has more than 100 million computers. The first mobile phone with Internet connectivity was the Nokia 9000 Communicator, that was launched in Finland in 1996. At first the Internet services access on mobile phones was limited, but after prices came down for that model, network providers started to develop systems and services that were accessible on phones. The first mobile Internet service was launched by NTT DoCoMo in Japan, i-mode, in 1999 and this is considered to be the birth of the mobile phone Internet services. In 2001, the mobile phone email system was launched in America by Research in Motion for their BlackBerry product. To make efficient use of the small screen and tiny keypad and one-handed operation typical of mobile phones, a specific document and networking model was created for mobile devices, the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP). Most mobile device Internet services operate using WAP. A study performed by JupiterResearch shows that there is a 38 percent increase in the number of people that have online access, so that mean that, 22 percent of the Earth's population will surf the Internet regularly by 2011. The report says that 1.1 billion people have regular Web access. For the sake of study, JupiterResearch defined that online users are people who regularly access the Internet from other Internet-access devices than cellular telephones. Today, the connection to the Internet has become easier than ever. Prices of computer equipment that is needed are so pale that they have become acceptable to almost anyone, even in such a difficult economic situation in which our country is currently located. Besides the equipment, you also need to choose your Internet service provider (ISP - Internet Service Provider).

Besides BH Telecom, there are private Internet service providers that with quality and speed are trying to recruit as many users. To connect you need to choose one of the groups that user makes the most appropriate depending on the number of hours per month that will be implemented on the Internet. For beginners it might be best to choose a group without a subscription that has the highest price for an hour spent on the internet, but for a small number of hours per month is the most worthwhile. Usually for all groups free e-mail address is included, so the user immediately after he connects can start by searching the World Wide Web and sending e-mail.



In this seminar paper, I covered the topic of the Internet, from its very beginning, the origin, history, development, expansion, up to the present day when the Internet is an indispensable part of our everyday life.


For easier understanding of the topic I have also tried to explain briefly the notion of the Internet, its components and principles of operation. The facts that I have presented in this seminar paper are very important for knowing main things about the Internet because we all use it every day so why not should we learn something about it.