Assist. Lect. Hawra Ali Abed Muhammad Regan1 , Prof. Dr. Ali Shanawa Wadi2

1,2University of Babylon/Iraq, College of Fine Arts, Department of Art Education.

Assist. Lect. Hawra Ali Abed Muhammad Regan , Prof. Dr. Ali Shanawa Wadi ,Features Of Ugliness In Jean-Michel Basquiat's Drawing , Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology 17(6). ISSN 1567-214x.

Keywords: features of ugliness, Jean-Michel Basquiat.

Abstract: The current research investigates (the features of ugliness in the drawings of jean- michel basquiat), as (Basquiat) is one of the most famous and popular artists in the formation of the postmodern phase, which in turn is a reaction to all the modernist data and its opposition, as it was born out of doubt and suspicion in the mind and Facts and the idea of existence, which drew its strength from philosophy from the middle of the twentieth century and the decades that followed, and its artists often mix between different artistic and popular styles, and with individual experiences that raise important issues with an artistic shift away from all previous idealistic labels, and art best embodies the above mentioned in This modest research is one of the most prominent phenomena in the contemporary time, the artist (Jean-Michel Basquiat), who passed away two decades ago and until this moment his works are being auctioned, adding that they are the biggest focus of questions and raise questions. In light of this, the research consists of the methodological framework of the research, starting with the problem, the importance of the research, its goal and its limits. It also includes the theoretical framework of the research and research procedures and ends with the most important results and conclusions. Chapter one: Research problem: the artist has recently sought, especially in the post-modern phase, to rush into great development and experience. Freedom and expression of the artist’s self in a way that calls for attention and contemplation, thanks to the artist’s


FEATURES OF UGLINESS IN JEAN – MICHEL BASQUIAT'S DRAWINGS PJAEE, 17(6) (2020) diligence and ridding him of the restrictions imposed on him and on art in advance and the abundance of alternatives and techniques. So the artist became more free to express himself in the artistic production and in the criticism of human reality and the issues of societies in light of the transformations that took place in the post-modern era, which is the post-war era coinciding with the migration of many artists to the United States of America, which severed the link with many of the data, concepts and methods of the past under the weight of the new thought This is combined with chaos, absurdity, technological and technical development, free direct expression, the permanent demolition of values in the face of the new construction and the activation of the fabric of the will that rejects and boycotts the totalitarian, the absolute, the purely beautiful, and the diligence in order to devote the relative, the daily transit, and the marginalized . In light of this, this study, investigating the features of ugliness, sheds light on one of the largest representatives of the new and most popular and famous graffiti and expressive art movements, "Jean-Michel Basquiat" as the artist who occupies the first place in both movements, as he became a phenomenon through the great freedom in presenting his themes Artistic in his own style and new free techniques to be the owner of the sixth most expensive painting in the world. In light of the foregoing, the problem of the current research is summarized by a problem that imposes itself through questions represented as follows: _ What are the features of ugliness in Jean-Michel Basquiat’s drawings The importance of research and the need for it: The possibility of benefiting from this study by researchers in the fields of art, aesthetics, educational and psychological sciences, and researchers in the fields of art education and fine criticism . Research Objective: The current research aims to : Recognizing the features of ugliness in the drawings of "Jean-Michel Basquiat" The limits of the research: The limits of the research are the products of the artist "Jean-Michel Basquiat" in the United States of America for the period (1975-1988 AD). •Define terms: ugliness A - Language: The word “ugly” appears in “Lisan al-Arab” meaning: the opposite of goodness is in the form, and the verb is ugly. Something (Ibn Manzur, 2003, p. 21). The word “ugly” appears in (Al-Munajjid in the Arabic language) meaning (the opposite of good in saying, deed, or image, and the ugly: ugly, ugly, hideous, unpleasant to look at, with a repulsive appearance) (Al-Munajjid in contemporary Arabic, b. T, pp. 1120 – 1121). b - Idiomatically: The (ugliness) of (Charles Lalo) is not only the absence of harmony, but also the negative or hostile attitude towards harmony (Al-Shukirji, 2002, p. 151). The researcher defines the features of ugliness in a procedural definition as expressive ranges specific to the artist working to distort the aesthetic elements prevalent in the


FEATURES OF UGLINESS IN JEAN – MICHEL BASQUIAT'S DRAWINGS PJAEE, 17(6) (2020) artistic achievement in form, content and technique in order to have a negative impact on the recipient's response, all of which are psychological reflections of the artist in the field of consciousness and his subconscious. Chapter II Features of ugliness in the products of postmodern art : Wars have contributed in a difficult way and have become as a catalyst and instigator to advance civilization for you from the historical and intellectual changes and transformations. Bradley described the civilizational tremors that have regularly abounded in the history of thought, science and art, so he divided them into three types. The second is not (large displacements) characterized by the deep transformations that they leave behind, and the third is in the form of (the sweeping destroyer), which undermines a wide area of civilized and intellectual thought, but it provokes the enthusiasm to build an alternative (Abdul Salam, bin Abdul-Ali, 1991, p. 104). Several changes were made in the course of the productions of postmodern artists through formal and implicit displacements such as the artist (William de Kooning), who officially became executing women with ugly forms, savage and seductive at the same time. , arrangement, relationships, light), and in the sixties (De Koenig) completed the issue of women, in which there are works of forms that are thinner, more graceful and sensual, despite the scarcity of color presentation at the time, and that his great achievements lie in integrating personal content with the rejection of style with the marriage of symbol to the suggestive style Severe, meaning (non- stylistic) (Anthony, Everitt, p25), figure (1)

Figure (1) Likewise the artist (Dubuffet), as he usually searches in the folds of the savagery that lies far behind our faces in areas behind the face mask, and he searches at the intuition of the naive, what is spontaneous lies behind the masks of the everyday, bringing about a revolution of new aesthetics where his works investigate the innate and childish that lie In the heart of Dubuffet, immersed in imaginative intuition, things that surprise the recipient, shock the ugly, ugly forms, to raise the corner of new aesthetic values from them to forms closer to them to caricature forms that invade ferocity of inner anxiety, and a margin of personal freedoms announces themselves with excessive pornography Forms that ridicule From the forum, through the naive and spontaneous in it (Al-Dulaimi, Riyadh, 2013, p. 475). Figure (2)



Figure (2) And also the artist (Francis Bacon), where he intends to isolate the human image within the external frame, specifically its position from the angle of an illusory vision, and supports the embodiment of the plastic space of the planned structural structure within the general composition in the form of a cage surrounding the person in the middle of the painting. With him (Bacon) in more than one field, using these synthesis structures and the accompanying distorted forms that have been kneaded and warped, as they contribute to the expression of camouflaged events and in an indirect way based on symbolic metaphors. (Amhaz, 2009, 454).

Figure (3) (Jean-Michel Basquiat 1960-1988): The influential American artist who achieved fame in the late 1970s and early 1980s was credited with employing graffiti in the world of fine arts. His drawings were characterized by ugliness, rebellion, provocation and rejection, as well as depicting the dark-skinned characters in his productions because he is a negro who suffers from clear racism towards the environment in which he lives, along with Keith Haring, whose work rose early in downtown New York with his friend (Al Diaz) under the pseudonym (samoo), (Jean) worked on many collaborations with pop art icon Andy Warhol, part of the Abstract Expressionist movement. Through his paintings, he mixed African images and avatars with distinctive gesture gestures, in addition to bright spots. A retrospective exhibition of Michelle was held at the Whitney Museum of American Art in 1992-1993. He spent his life working in New York until his death due to an overdose. From Drugs (adam brown, 2009, 94-97). Basquiat focused on suggestive divisions such as wealth versus poverty, integration versus segregation, and inner versus outer experience, and used social commentary in paintings as “a starting point for deeper truths about the individual.” as well as the attack He focused on power structures and racist regimes, while his fellow poets were sharply political and direct in their criticism of colonialism and support for class struggle (Hoffman, fred, 2005.p, 129-139).



3- Search procedures : 3.1 The original community: The current community was determined by the artist's works during the period from 1975-1988, and the selection was made from them specifically .

3.2 The research sample: The research sample was selected using the intentional method from the paintings according to the expert opinion in this field, and (3) samples were chosen in accordance with the artist's style.

3.3 Research tool: The researcher prepared a form containing the indicators that were developed in the light of what was stated by the theoretical framework for adoption when analyzing the sample . 3.4 Validity and stability of the tool: After selecting the paragraphs and placing them in a special form, they were presented to a group of experts and using Cooper's equation, an agreement ratio (84) 0/0 was adopted, which is a new agreement percentage that can be relied upon in calculating the validity of the tool in such cases, until It became its final form. The researcher also adopted the interpretation method in analyzing the sample, according to the following: A. Inter-analyst consistency, which means that analysts working alone reach the same results when analyzing the same content, using the same classification. B. Consistency over time, which means that the researcher reached the same results after analyzing them again and after a certain period of time. Using the same procedures when analyzing, the researchers used the two methods together, as the researchers randomly selected two paintings from the original sample of (10) paintings, and the analysts were asked to analyze these paintings separately, as the researchers analyzed the same sample twice in a row with an interval of eighteen days between the analysis. The first and the second analysis in order to find the consistency of the researcher with himself over time, and after calculating the agreement coefficient, and using Scott’s equation, the percentage of agreement was (87)0/0

Research Method : The researcher adopted the descriptive method in analyzing the current research sample.

Sample analysis: 1- Work title: Dust Completion date: 1982



The work consists of two characters with distorted shapes, the first consisting of a character with a yellow face representing white nationalism for Americans on the right from work, and the other character represents a figure with a face with large eyes, similar to black who settle in America and with red clothes bearing the two characters giving a shorthand expression. The formations do not bear a subject, distributed over all parts of the painting, in addition to brushstrokes bearing spontaneous expression, because the artist (Basquiat) resorts to the area of unreality to be a reality laden with anxiety, primitive expression and alienation within an individualistic style that expresses a quiet life in the world of primitiveness and childhood. The spontaneous expression played its role in the scenes of his painting under analysis with an expression close to children’s drawings and primitive art. As for the artist’s strange ideas, they refer to the irony of the Negro individual on the north of the painting from the other character of white nationalism whose struggles over racial racism are intensified against it on the right of the painting to confirm the expression The irrational, which penetrated into his painting the course of analysis to destroy all the familiar traditional methods and treatments, as the artist benefited from the emergency and accidental expressive system and everything that contradicts reality, and therefore we find him, like postmodern artists, seeking to destabilize the fixed meaning in this work, and the meaning became dependent on the reader who turned To a participant in the production of the work and an understanding of its expressive nature, and it is worth mentioning that the artist has deliberately distorted and reduced his current artwork and deleted its fine qualities, which leads to its deformation, and this is what postmodern currents have turned to to come up with new expression characteristics that are compatible with their propositions and concepts and wear an American character with a temper Thus, the connotations of expression for the artist are related to ambiguity and do not cancel the human presence and depend on spontaneous, instantaneous expression, and so on. We find that his artistic work wears a nihilistic and chaotic expressive system with a clear expression that fertilizes with the features of chance and spontaneity. It has its main action in granting the privacy of the artwork, and the result of this is the use of various expression indications to record a creative plastic act by reducing shapes or liquefying dyes on the work surface under analysis or adding pictorial features Marginalization leads to the dismantling of the structure of the current work, so the work becomes engaged in the structure of absence to achieve pleasure and express the pleasure generated by it. It can also be said that its current artistic output is an activity of a multi-suggestive nature with an expressive given with self-connotations. 2- Work title: With chains of two: Completion date: 1983 The work includes a deformed black figure executed in a way that shows the inner cavity wearing the crown and around it passing lines and writings limited to black and brown and light yellow gradations .



And the character here shows aggressive behaviors with what it shows and bears, the artist’s message is to show strength through his aggressive behavior in the hands of the left character that wants to be beaten and in the ready position, while the right one wears an iron handle with sharp ends and in the defense position at times and in the mode of sabotage, destruction and death at other times, the features of the provocative character are full of anger Caution and readiness also indicates a state of strength to the left of the character's head, strong scattered lines, and emphasizing the features of the movement, all employed in the service of provocation, as well as the absurd atmosphere and the incompleteness of the inconsistent forms through his brutal treatments and the surrounding elements and dark colors that break the horizon of the receiver's expectation and degrade his taste. The destruction does not include aggressive vocabulary, sharp lines and hostile action, but rather the artist employed it by tampering with society by highlighting the masculine sexual areas in his executed character in order to cross-fertilize the atmosphere of hostility presented in its explicit form in the accomplished, and the accompanying features of anxiety, conflict and internal escalation of the isolated, self- looted personality, trying to reverse that with distributions There are ambiguous shapes around them and the sense of pessimism that is evident on their features, through the limited colors and the undermining of ugly and color formal treatments, and the artist’s adoption of the spontaneous primitive style, out of order, throwing all its repercussions and unconscious projections In the end, the product leads to the artist's ego projections in employing himself as he represents his ideals in order to control through distorted forms, violence, destruction and rebellion against the socially dominant forces that deliberately marginalized him and marginalized the black race in general. Work title: Untitled Completion date: 1982 The masterpiece includes a negro character on a background tinged with yellow and dark blue strokes. The person in the foreground in the middle of the work, with his hands outstretched, holds a sword in the right, and the left is the remains of two fish made of metal . The person in the work represents (Bascoat) with his black color, which is a special feature that is unique to him in employing his characters to represent him, as well as representing the sons of his race. The character carries hostile behavioral implications represented by the sharpness of prominent teeth with the glow of the eyes in red and yellow as an expression of her anger to express her predicates of anxiety and conflict A psychological ferment represented by physical vitality with an emphasis on movement along with color contrasts in the work that the artist adopted in employing and expressing his idea from free play, direct and spontaneous implementation, and a free technical style that comes out of the traditional style and falls within the harbingers of the nihilistic era in a distorted and distorted manner that contradicts the societal taste .



The artist expressed, content and formally, his alienation and the alienation of the era, which is shrouded under its shadow with a limited number of yellow colors of death, in addition to his isolation and the ambiguity of his personality, which he expressed sadistically as a rebellion against reality and the law in particular by showing purely hostile behaviors represented by the use of weapons represented by the character's hand and the completely disturbed form and the degree of distortion of forms And the provocation that occurs through the visible teeth and sharp arms as a hybrid provocative expression that irritates the recipient . The expressive discourse here is veiled and carries satirical connotations about reality and the authority that overthrew the rights of blacks in the country and arbitrarily excluded them psychologically and socially. And the artist in this metaphor has moved away from any holistic thought, focusing on the vernacular in the post- modern era with its popular culture and keeping away from the sacred, the origin and the reference. Reference: 1. Ibn Manzoor, Jamal Al-Din Al-Ansari: Lisan Al-Arab, Volume Seven, Dar Al- Hadith, Cairo, 2003. 2. Al-Munajjid in the Contemporary Arabic Language, Dar Al-Mashreq, Beirut, Bt,. 3. Al-Shakarji, Jaafar: Art and Ethics in the Philosophy of Beauty, 1st Edition, Dar Houran for Printing, Publishing and Distribution, Damascus, 2002 . 4. Amhaz, Mahmoud, Contemporary Artistic Currents, 2nd Edition, The Publications Company for Distribution and Publishing, Beirut, 2009. 5. Al-Dulaimi, Riyadh Hilal: Between Thought, Criticism, and Visual Formation, i 1. Dar Al-Radwan for Publishing and Distribution, Amman, 2013 6. Anthony, Everitt: Abstract Expressionism, p25 7. ,the graffiti revoloution, adam brown at 01.02 printed and bound,2009, Cedar lewisohn 8. Hoffman, fred.2005 the defining year; notes on five works from the book basquiat