Trail # Trail Name Trail Use Miles Trail # Trail Name Trail Use Miles BST Bonneville Shoreline Trail F)!G N/A 1164 Brighton Lakes F 1.3 GWT Great Western Trail FG)!È)!Í N/A 1165 Dog Lake F 0.6 United States Department of Agriculture 1000 Temple Quarry Nature Trail Fb 0.3 1166 Clayton Peak GF 2.1 1001 Little Cottonwood Creek GF 3.3 1168 Greens Basin F 1.1 Tri-Canyon Trails 1002 White Pine GF 5 1169 Silver Fork GF 1 1003 Red Pine F 2.3 1171 Lake Solitude GF 1 Big Cottonwood Canyon 1004 Maybird F 1.3 1173 Kruzer GF 2.4 Little Cottonwood Canyon 1005 Gad Valley GF 3.7 1174 Queen Bess GF 1 Mill Creek Canyon 1006 Albion Meadows F 2.5 1175 Serenity GF 1.5 1007 Alta - Brighton F 1.7 1300 Rattlesnake FÈ 0.8 1008 Catherines Pass GF 1.5 1301 Pipeline GFÈ 6.7 1009 Sunset Peak GF 0.6 1302 Grandeur Peak FÈ 3 1010 Cecert Lake GF 0.9 1303 Mill Creek Crest FÈ 4.4 1011 Devils Castle Loop Fb 1.1 1304 Thaynes Canyon FÈ 0.4 1012 Lisa Falls F 1.1 1305 Porter Fork FÈ 3.7 1014 White Pine - Snowbird F 0.8 1306 Burch Hollow FÈ 1.4 1015 Snakepit F 0.5 1307 Bowman Fork FÈ 4.4 1016 Snowbird Nature GF 0.5 1308 Mt. Aire FÈ 1.7 1019 Peruvian Ridge F 1.7 1309 Terraces Elbow Fork FÈ 2.7 1023 Midway F 1.3 1310 Alexander Basin FÈ 1.7 1150 Broads Fork F 2.5 1311 Little Water GFÈk 1.8 1151 Lake Blanche F 3.1 1312 Big Water GFÈk 1.6 1152 Mill B North F 4 1313 Mill Creek Ski F% 4.4 1153 Mill Basin F 1.4 1315 Old Red Pine Road GFk 1.8 1154 Mineral Fork FÈGJL 4.5 1316 Canyons Ski Access GF 0.3 1155 Butler Fork F 2 1319 Alexander - Bowman FÈ 1.6 1156 Donut Falls F 1 1452 Bells Canyon F 4 1157 Cardiff Fork F 2.3 1453 Deaf Smith F 0.8 1158 Mill D North GF 1.8 1454 Ferguson Canyon F 0.5 1159 Desolation - Thaynes F)!È)!Í)!G 17 1455 Mount Olympus F 3.5 1160 Days Fork GF 3.5 1456 Neffs Canyon FÈ 4.1 1161 Bear Trap Fork GF 2.4 1459 Rocky Mouth Canyon F 0.3 1162 Silver Lake Loop GF 0.9 1466 Heughs Canyon F 1.6 1163 Twin Lakes Pass GF 1.1 Watershed Restrictions For more information on watershed Many of the trails listed are within the protected protection or watershed boundaries visit watershed and trail 1452 (Bells !F Hiker )!Í Prohibited in watershed Canyon) is within the protected Sandy City Salt Lake City Ranger District watershed. The following restrictions are strictly Private Land !G Bike enforced within these designated watersheds: Many of the trails shown on this map pass Uinta-Wasatch-Cache )!È Prohibited in watershed through private land. Access accross private Backcountry camping is not permitted within land is not guaranteed and may be closed at National Forest !È Horse 200 feet of any open water (lakes, streams, any time. You can help keep public access )!G Prohibited in wilderness marshes, etc.). open by packing out all trash, staying on the !J Motorcycle main path, and respecting the rights of Intermountain Region Pets and horses are prohibited (including the landowners. !L ATV * Bikes on even days only transporting of pets in vehicles). **Dogs off leash on odd days only Wilderness Swimming is prohibited. To protect wilderness values, motorized or !% Snow Trail mechanical vehicles are not allowed in the Forest Service 23.293.419 May 2017 Visitors must carry out everything they bring wilderness; including, but not limited to, !b Access in, including food scraps. bicycles and hang gliders. Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest T r i - C a n y o n T r a i l s Salt Lake Ranger District

7 Peaks !E Trailhead ! ! ! ! Bonneville Shoreline Trail Campground Great Western Trail !9 I-80 ¨¦§ Non-Motorized Trail !5 Picnic Site Motorized Trail !b Accessible Trail Major Roads !^ Visitor Information Mt Aire Lakes 78,621 Lambs Canyon !C !_ Restroom

Wilderness Area " TH and Picnic 8

1303 1

UV " 3 " UV 0 _ Forest Service Land Winter Gate 8 Elbow Fork TH UV1 3 GWT 0 Grandeur Pk 6 UV Terraces TH 0 0.5 1 2 2 8,299 0 7 3 !_ Miles 1 and Picnic ¯ UV Box " 8 1301 3300 S !^ Elder Picnic UV Church Fork TH !C 13 " UV UV1301 !C 13 Public 1309 0 !5 0 01 UV 3 13 G Lands 1 UVW Murdock Pk UV UV UV1 T 3 0 9,602 Info 4 7 Rattlesnake TH !C Center yn 16 C 1 13 k UV30 (PLIC) ee 7 9 _" UV Cr 31 1 ill 1 UV315 M 1 UV in REI UV15 9 UV 1 UV1 3 Big Water TH !C 3

1 1 1 0 T W GUV !C Neffs Canyon TH

UV1 UVG 3 W 1 1 5 3 T 1 UV0 2 4 0 Gobblers Knob UV56 7 3

1 UV 710,246 9 15 I-215 1UV Dog Lake UV11 ¨¦§ 5 9 Red Pine Lake 1 UV15 T 5 9 5

S 1

159 1 ! ! B 1

UV Mount RaymondUV UV ! ! Mount Olympus ! 710,241 Desolation Lake ! 79,026 11 8

53 5

! ! Mt Olympus TH UV Butler Fork TH 1UV1 !C 1455 UV M o u n tt O ll y m p u s !C Mill D North Fork TH 2 5 !C 1 W i l d e r n e s s 1 6 W i l d e r n e s s 1 n _" 1 UV Cy 1UV 6 6 d Mill D South TH 4 o 1UV o !C Mill B nw Spruces CG and Picnic Dry Lake tto !9 North and South Co Donut Falls TH !C g 6 Fork THs i 5 1 1 1 VUG B Mineral 1 UV68 !C UV W E T Dogwood Birches !5C Fork TH 190 0 UV


1 ¤£ 0 Picnic 6 0 Picnic _" 0 e 3 1174 UV 1 UV 1

5 !5 7 Salt !5 !5 !5 175 Storm UV1 1 1 UV 1 5 227 UV1 Lake 190 5 1 ¬ Mountain 1 « 0 UV ¤£ 1 5 Ledgemere 4 1 Redman CG UV1 District Picnic 7 3 !_ Picnic S Office 4 !9 5 i 4 Storm Mtn l 9 v 1 e UV 6 1 r 9,524 1 7 UV L a Lake Blanche 1 k !^ 7 1 e 1 UV Twin T w ii n P e a k s Lake Lillian Flagstaff Mtn !_ Lakes 3 6 710,530 1 W ii ll d e rr n e s s Reservoir 1UV !b

Twin Peaks UV1 Dromedary Pk 7 1 00 6 11,330 Flagstaff TH 1 4 !C Deaf Smith TH 77 11,107 UV 11,489 7 10,721 !C 14 11,132 UV53 7 !C Lake Mary 7 210 101 Clayton Pk ¤£ 210 UV5 £ 11 ¤ 6 n Lake Martha 1165 UV6 y 1 UV C UV0 d 0 oo 6 Pioneer Pk nw WT o 1008 G 710,440 tt 1016 UV VU 2 o 1 C UV 0 e 1 tl UV Lit UV1014 _" 1023 !9 Albion Basin CG 209 !C UV1 0 !_ UV 0 01 ¤£ 1 1 1 !C 1001 02 9 UV 1 UV !9 10 _" 10 !C UV1000 e UV Mount Baldy UV Bells Canyon THs Temple Quarry Tanners Flat CG White Pine TH 711,068 !C UV1 !b 0 0 Lower Interpretive Loop Trail 5

3 Bells 0 0 1 UV 1 Canyon 14 UV0 UV52 02 Reservoir L o n e P e a k L o n e P e a k 4 0 11,433 0 W ii ll d e rr n e s s 1UV 7 711,489 Twin Peaks Silver Lake Area Inset

9 5 4 1 1 UV1 UV Upper Bells 7 Red Pine Lake 3 Canyon Reservoir White Pine Lake Little Matterhorn 711,326

Lone Pk 11,253 !^ 7 1 Silver 7 1 Lake Silver 1 !_ UV Lake 2 16 Visitor 1UV 3 6 Center 1UV1 !b Twin Lakes Reservoir For more information: Brighton

1 UV1 Lodge 6 4 Salt Lake Ranger District Public Lands Information Center (PLIC) 6944 South 3000 East located inside REI Salt Lake City, UT 84121 Lake Mary 3285 East 3300 South (801) 733-2660 Salt Lake City, UT 84109 5 6 116 1 6 Dog 1 UV (801) 466-6411 Martha Lake UV Lake T GUVW Pioneer Pk 1008 710,440 UV Catherine !_ Lake 1009 The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is an equal UV opportunity employer.

1 01 0 0.25 0.5 1UV Miles