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s Po R r·s .. WEEKEND Volleyball serves up Center hopes to draw first CTF challenge new dance audience ng the Newport-Mesa commutlnce 1907 • . , fficialS s~rprised at ·delay in reiiaming park -------------- -------------~ ------------------------, • Disappoinbnent is reaction after commission votes to Employees Association. "I\ the ' wait another month before deciding whether to dedi commission wants· to wait a lJ l I " I I l 1 '\. month, it's definitely their prerog- cate site to slain Officer Bob Henry, abve." . .. We're- somewhat clisaru><>lnt· WHYWAm Recreation Commission would ed they didn't name the park after . Did the parks commission By Evan Henerson, Daily Pilot eventually i;ipprove the naming Bob .. If the public is not unaru clear and so focused that it do the right thing by wait the Upper Castaways ballfields mous on this, then they're a\Vtully requires very little public ing to naroe a new cast NEWPORT BEACH - The fail the •sob Heruy Park· when the close. We thought this was basi debdte, • McDonell said. "There's• aways park'? Should the ure of a city advisory commission commission reviews the matter cally a done deal." City Council itself name the a dorrunant sentnnent that nam to name a park after slain police is park after Bob Henry? Leave your. again in December In the mind of Police Ch.tef Bob ing that park after Bob an• thoughts on the Readers Hotline, Officer Bob Henry both surprised •Tue support will be there in a McDonell, this was one issue that appropnate act.· 642-6086. and disappointed police officers month. and it will be' even should not have generated con The behef that city adminis and city officials. · stronger than it is now," said troversy. trators had already made their Bob Henry At the same time, many pre Detective Rick Schulz. president "Ev.erynow and.then, an issue dicted the city Parks, Beaches and of the Newport Beach Police comes up that is so right anc;t so • SEE RENAME PAGE A15 ~... ---~ ------------------- --- - ------- -~---- ----• - - -- -----~ Merchants seek . " . halt to pier fishing • 'It's time to take our pier back, I association readers say; anglers concede it's been hard to get cooperation from fishers. cation, policmg dJld everything By Evan HenersQn, Daily Pilot now Nothing has worked ~ It '<> tnne to redevelop the pier NEWPORT BEACH - The to proVlde for usage for the peo· Newport Pier Associabon will ask ple who live in and visJt Newport for a fishing ban on the Newport Bedch, so they can all bave a and Balboa piers until city offi. pleasant expenence We think it's cials can figure out a way to per· time to take our pier back:" ·. manently contain ongoing prob- The ultimatP solution, Hill lems of trash and vandalism. said, could mean landscaping the The association voted 11-1 to end of the pier to encourage ~ appeal to City Manager Kevm walking and sitting or else creat- · : Murphy, who has the authot'ity to mg a platformed area underneath ' take whatever measures are nee- the pier where overhead casting essary to ~e~p the piers clean. and 'bait cutting is permitted. The assoaation enVlS1ons mea- Anything, Hill c;aict to bnng visi· sures that would allow fishers and · tor.. bdck to Nev.:-port Beach and pier watchers to en1oy the pier McFadden Square equally. I "The~e entertammPnt centers · we·~e . been. trymg to .Put opening up lm other Meas) are Band-Aids on this problem smce killing us,• satd Hill whp also 1977 " association vice pre 1rl~nt --- --.--- - --... Rush Hill said. "We've tne<i edu- - I• SEE PIER PAGE"A15 Curtain falls on ~anager of Pacific Amphitheatre .. • Despite big plans and the stars. She planned to book opera, symphony, ballet and. chil high hopes, Jody dren's theater groups and hoped Kennedy did not have a to attract other family-friendly · ..-------, fare. chance to present even "We will not one concert. be doing any .. Guns 'N Ros By Julie Ross Cannon, Daily Pt/or es• she vowed. Four loCal clergy members begin their tour of duty today What she COSTA MESA - When Jody did not unag Kennedy took the hehn at the me was that as cJ:aaplains for the Costa: Mesa Police Department Paafic Amphitheatre m February, she would be she envisioned a different out of a job in see D:>Udl of By Carolyn Miiier, Daily !Vot But chaplains may provide the source of "We so the negative side of amphitheater from the one that Jody Kennedy_ Jess than nine life that it gives us an opportunity to see sup~rt officers need. had plagued neighborhood re i months with someone differeRt point of Startiitg today. four diaplams from two with a view than dents with noise and crowd prob out ever having Chance to put COSTA MESA - Death, drugs, crime support.• Costa a Costa Mesa churches will offer non ours and provide said Mesa lems. on a concert. and corruption all in a day's work for denominational support regUlarly to the police Capt. Rick Johnson ~ who helpe d The new general manager many police officers, Oftentimes But when the Orange County and the Costa Mesa Police Department and the envisioned octs such as Melissa Fair decided to shut down the pressure to cope can oo tremendous. community. •SEE CHAPLAINS PAGE A18 Manchestet, Kenny Loggins, • Tony Bennett and Lyle Lovett playing to l~al residents under 8 SE6 THEATER PAGE A15 r~----------------~~-~--------~--~--, Complaint I \ P I \ Volunteer coach irispire~ top charges police AROUND TOWN performance OJ}. .and off the field with racism BEST BtN'S Q.ASSIFIEO • Bob Harrington makes COMMUNITY FORUM sure Estancia players player Jackie Slater says ENTERTAINMENT attend to their studies as she was harassed at POUCEFILES well as their game. South Coast Plaza PUIUCNOTiaS IOOETY because she is black. By Julie Ross cannon, Daily Piiot . lf&Cltb By Carolyn Miller, Daily Pilot r wunea OSTA MESA -Coach Har· I rington know, what it takes COSTA MESA - The Wife of I Cto ~ a good football player. Rams football great Jackie Slater I Strength, speed and roncen· I ~......... · AC-" .... Wednesday - tretion heij>. So does e:ndmance agdinst the city of Costa Mesa and detcmination. and tlie Police Department for an "ut U his charges rHlly want to incident at South Coast Plaza last go 'Tfr, Bob Hanington tells them month m which she claims police one ttUng: get an education. detained her because he is _. they've gOt a pOdlive attl· 1'11 black. NM WMb themselves and wllb Annie Slater, the Wife of the ldaool. they do better oa tM longtime St. Louis Rams offensive IWll,• •kt Harrington, wtao lplesman, states in the claim that ....... IOl'to1 ·~ he was detained and aiTelted ...._. we tbe Sltandl HIP •because She is African·Ameribw .................. IEE SLATER PAGE A11 I l l. A2 CHRIS FIELDER Cbril fielder bas· He,s ·an expert been honored for his volunteer work. at volunteerism Fielder has donated more than 700 hours HE IS to the American Red ' greer A volunteer who recently Cross, tralning stu recetved the Oran~e County Red dents in Wesavtng wy.lder Cross Golden Circle Award for techniques. outstanding volunteer work. Fielder, 26, has donated 700 KATSUYA RAINONE hoW'S over the last tour years to I DAILY PILOT Boutique featwes the American Red Cross by tra.m mg 420 students in beCJ.}th and array ofhollday items safety through CPR and first-aid he Las Commodoras auxil classes. ldry of Bahia CortnthJ;m He is also an HIVI AIDS T Yacht Club (644-9530) is 1instnictor , chamncµl of the organi having its sixth dnnual holiday _Zdtion 's speakers" bureau and a boubque open to the public from disaster volunteeJ', and he trains 11 a.m. to 6 p m . Chairwoman people to become Red Cross Lee Knudson say!> there;s a instructors. uruque array of holiday items from regional artists, and local ALWAYS HELPING OTHERS gift merchants will be available Fielder works for Independent at the vdrious display booths. Options Inc., a company licensed Highlighting this year's partici by the state as dD intermed1ate pants is dn artist who credles care facility for the developmen Ame ncan IndJdn designs, includ tally disabled with 20 group mg dngels and scarecrows, out homes for disabled children in of gourds dJld com hus ks Los Angeles, Riverside ' and AJso featured will be anllque Orange counties. costume dlld designer Jewelry, He is an administrator for two handrndde dolls and toys; holJ group homes in Riverside, where day decorauons, dt>signer bags. he was transferred after working topiary plants, photo albums, tor the same company in Costa instructor in 1991. The course accept a pin for 60 years of volun lessons in the community, and h e Fielder said he voluntel p, pewter dnd nautmil items. A Mesa for four yecltS and m Dia, sparked his interest in the Red teenng, and that's wbat I would has coached football for the Costa because it is rewar?mg dnd homemdde bdke saJe and oppor mond Bar for one yedr Cross, and he started to volunteer like to do," Fielder said . Mesa Pop Warner football league because he feels people have to turuty drdWUlg for pnzes will top He now lives m Riverside but and take one Red Cross class after Fielder is also involved with and Newport Mesa .Junior All be involved. "U everyone were to off the event There 1c., no ddm1s· stays pdrt-brne with tus fdther, another. the National Dyslexia Research American football. volunteer, if only one hour t1 s10ia chdrge The dub I!> at 1601 stepmother and sisters m Costa It all finally led to the Golden Foundation m Newport Beach, "I like youth services, and I week, our society would be bt>l 'Bayside Dnve m Corona del Mesa.