Back on .Board ·Complain of Dealer Deliveries • Truck Drivers Bringing Cars to Ford Reportedlipark in the ~D Dle Ol Iftt1 •· Bor Boulevdrd and Block Traffic
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r • SERVING THE NEWPORT • MESA COiVJv\UNmES SINCE 1907 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1998 .. '"' Neighbors. ,,. Back on .board ·complain of dealer deliveries • Truck drivers bringing cars to Ford reportedlipark in the ~d dle ol Iftt1 •· bor Boulevdrd and block traffic. [11.iy l'¥o1 OSTA MESA ~ Bui.mi• scs around Th K>Ciore Rohm" r:ord s,uy _!he cctr dealer .is bcmg u had ne1qhhor hy d!low109 h1g-n9 tna ks to park in the lt•ft-tum lune of I iarbor Houle\ dHI to unl0<1cl cctrs Th,., problem occw ... '"hen l!!f9f> uuck park fot 11hout :in mmut1•<> in thP 111.iddlt• ol the hou!Pvnr'H tu load or unload 10 truck for th1 dPakr tup id L~ IP~ hllf'T, ">l'l'YIC e mrtOrlCJ CI ell Gt lll\Jd) J'cansnu~ ">1011 Exchflnge ·wc·rn tnlkmq about parkmg dn unatt •ndcd \'Plude ind trdfhc ldnP • .... a1<l Ti111 Lt'•\\l , ''ho runs R1"d·E·RPntals. ·1r .... not lair to the fl\e husme cs whose customer:. cun t tum in • Chip Mu}'nllrd, lhr> 11 ... ed car md11dgl r tor the dealership, said the} don't condone th1 behavtor hut it's not totallv in lh<>u < ontrol I le Sdld lht~ dedlersh1p d e:. not ha\ l! enough load mg wne!> and there <lf(' tinlP" , .. h• n c.ars p r1< m th t>tt loudmg ton<' 1 "The only Uung I can cio b retu.. e tu do busi n<'S:-. \•mh md1v:1dual dm·er~ Uldt '' ctnl IQ park out m tht> rn1ddl<~ ol the .. .tr.~f•t ~ !>.J<1rnarq dld " \\ .. even chan~_wd to ti') I allu\.-iate the prohlem, but wc•re p<l\\erle Lo control what one md1v1dual dnvt'r doe • ~tiller and Lewa .,<ll 1• matelv TlH odort> l'HOTOS BY KIM HAGGERTY ZVUUWAILY PILOT SEE- TRUCKS PAGE A 17 Scott McClung, above rig}Jt, talks with students from Mariners Chrtsttan School ~fore heading over to White's Cove on Cataqna Island for snorkeling Tuesday. The students took a three-day voyage aboard the Rapture to learn about martne biology. Scott Mcclung takes group With an ailing brother Sullivan mailer of sixth-graders from and a hectic schedule, Mariners Christian School · Scott Mcclung is draws sheriff's to Catalina on his first trip adj~sting by 'taking it since his Mexican release one day at a time' angry response Gru G R1~1JNG ~lilt Dalt Pibt • Letter accusing Jim Silva ot being till weary from his harrowing maid· ailing home frorn Cozumel, soil on ex offender 1s ldtf'st m senes en voyage on the Rapture, Scott Me xico, was s\1ppoM d to bt• SMcClung intently watched the chtl· Sa big relief for Scott ot chdllenge r's <lqgressive moves. dren playfully jump from the boat into the MC'Clung. It turns out, he hstc.,n t .. chilly water off Catalma Island on Tues· had time to rest. day. ln"th(> three wt•eks since his IDtr' Pill With Lows Armstrong blaring over the return to Orange < ounty after COST,.\ 1'.tCSA - 1\ cdmpuiqn mailt•r all11ymg ship's loudspeakers, the midaftemoon bemg cleared of gun-smuggling that Or.mqc County ~11pr•rv1 or Jim Silva oppo:-.e<I sunlight slum.mered on the ocean like a chdrges, Scott McClung hds -.1s1t· momtonnq ancl 1s~um9 wammg on ex oll~J)clers multitude of popping flashbulbs. ed Me x.iC'o twlce, ~t at t h l~ b1•d• provokeci d rcsponsP \\'l~clnt>-.tlo) from Orange. McClung stood on the stem of lus slup side of his ailing ol dN brother tind CoUJ t\ "ii ·nll Brad Gtitc and patted his best friend, Mel. a 2-year· spoke n al public fum llon~ . Dd\C' "ulhvdn, ~1h 11 .... oppom nt fo1 th• ind P.VCI) old Newfoundland. "l thought tlung would Di..,lnct -.1•at, hclS hl't'll runnmg cm aggr slV Ttus was a mernora ble moment. get back to normal," he o;1ud. ~ It campaign m c1 racp that v.-ill dPtemun the tntc of McClung was finally at home has been very d1•111<tndmg and U1e £.:I Tmu :-..fonne Cnqi-. \tr ~talion A victory tor After Junu>lng in the 0 It was a long time coming, but the 36· ocean, McClung gives reel! b eC' tic," · - Sulhva1i \\·oulcl lilt thf> commt.'rC'1al auport debate year-old Laguna Beach resident was with M cC'lung has problem' -.IL~u tO\Hird a 3-2 ttnll-auport ma1onl) on lh ' Hoard of his crew aboard the Rapture taking chtl· instructions to stu ing at night dnd n•mdms 1umpy dents, above, before 5upen•1,ors dren to Catalina Island once again this when Phopll• touch hun hecauo;p Ont> of Sullivan s late t nmUPrs tud tht> Los their swim test week. The sixth-graders from Mariners of the threatc> mng overture,., he An~elc>., Count) Boarc1 of supcrvi ors voted d. ti Chrisb.ari School in Costa Mesa were the begins. The sixth· &aid fede ral police n1t1dl' in l\lm.1· to begrn an a~H.JfC....... 1v• notifHation S)"'tem Y.hf'..n• first to schedule a trip after McClung's graders wl!re the first co. He was arrested m Anyu ... t ever a e otfi'nder move-. mto a ne1nhhorhood It five-week imprisonment m Cozumel, to chedule a hip with lu!> fathPr, Eugen~. t1nd h rst ahn :.atcl that when !51h·a wa~ a..,ked to 'uppurt • .Mexico, on gun-smuggling charges. after McClung's ftve mate Noah Builey 11ho<11d tlwir ~ • mil.u program ior Oran~ • Count~. he ref\ •cl . McClung returned to his home port m week lmprtsonment ship, the Rapture. \\hen tht> elder Gc1tes saHI ,l .. imilar prnpo al hc1 not b e.n Newport Beach on Sept 30, but Catalina in Mexico. At right. McClung and B.nloy w 1•re hrouqht ht•low the 01ange Count' BPard ot released d WC'ek lttlt>r Scott was Island was where he wanted to venture. It McClung sits on the upeT\·1.,or... H1~ aid ~ilvd upportc-d Utt l st HHtUe!'> t tor ht>lp enlorcmg f\ 1l•gc1 n\ Urn on Junt' SEE VOYAGE PAGE A18 bridge of the Rapture. SEE COPING PAGE A 18 SEE MAILERS PAGE A17 JN DEX On ·a hi"9h note QASSIRB> .............. ~ ........... - ... 14 COMlllllY fOIUM _ .. __ J.16 Local choir will sing backup for Celine Dion tonight at the llfllllmlfT ..... _.......... _ J.13 . Pond and- nope - the 6-year-old soprano isn't nervous POLICE fll5..... _........ "-·".1 ... J.2 1,. PUIUC MOnm ......- .........- .83 About two weeks ago, Santa Ana Heights' SOCl1Y J.12 choir dlJ'Cctor Stacy Robbms was notified that ~"" her choir had been sclccterl to (>\1ffonn the SPOllS,.. _.. ___'""' _"_11 COSTA MESA - When h was 5, Jeffrey childn•n's port.ion of the title o;ong, which wdl Fichtner or Costa Mesa dttl a solo perfonnance be Dion's orwning number at tonight\ concert. of •Away in a Manger• 1n front of aboul_t,000 The young singers. who range m age from 6 people from his church. • to 12, have been practicing diligently ~moo WEATHER So smgmg backup for Cellne Dion torught then. at the Arrowhead Pond of Anaheim doesn't ·1 pulled this choir ~og thcr )u it tor thi per-. exactly have the young mger - who's all oJ 6 fonnance .~ Robbins dld. · 1 h "ltl auchllon tor now - shaking in his boOti. about 25 hour ." Jeffrey is one of 24 member.. of His KJds, a The auditions yt lded th 11 OO}'S and 15 local ch01..r that wa" selected to accompany glrls who have been vigorou ly lcammg their Olon on tho tiUe song of her latest CO, •tet's part.S to guarantc ' that th how will go on Talk About Love.• even tf sorno are hit W1th 1l mom ntary bout of DON~VP"Pf •rm a soprano'," said Jeffrey, who is 6lso a tage fnght. Ht KJds Choir lingers rebeule for tbe .,ollllng conoert 'J. Celbt Dlo*. lust-grader at Mariners Christian School in The cblldren wUI be part of Dlons bllck-gp cbonll+ 1be ddl*a llichldll Costa Mesa. •t sing the high part . ~ SEE SINGERS MGE A 17 Keelyn Dehnl1, front row from right, Jellry Fkhw and Kayla Allllal. , . .. .. " \ • Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Doily Pilot A2 Thursday, Octobet 22, 1998 locals onl IEST IUYS PILOT PIOPll greer Taking hands out of tickling the ivories Wyf der HE IS Pumpkins and Mixing mechanics with music. pancakes only MODERN TECHNOLOGY • Lannon admits it's an unusual part of the fun combination, but it's one that works. · at Halloween Lannon runs the Ptanomation Center of Southern California out of a small warehouse on bash Newport Boulevard. rystaJ Court will be Pianomation is the modem transformed into a dul version o{ the player piano. C dren's Halloween extrav Instead of paper rolls, Planoma- • agcmza from 8:30 to 11 :30 a.m tion uses computer equipment Sunddy. Pumpkins & Pancakes and CDs. ts an annual fund-raiser that And unlike the old player benefits The Fnends of Court pianos, Lannon's customers have Appointed Special Advocates and Child Abuse Service Team, the option of including vocals u nonprohl organization that and o,rchestra music. proVIdes a voice for children Also unlike the old pldyer through umque one-on-one pianos, the modem version can relatioqships between trained play more complicated pieces and supeTV1sed volunteer child with expression.