10 January 1977 – 21 December 1977
MINUTES OF QUARTERLY MEETING OF WEXFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS WEXFORD ON MONDAY 10th JANUARY 1977 The members p resen t were Her Worship the Mayor, Councillor Mrs. Avril Doyle, p r e s id in g . Aldermen James Mahoney, Philip Corish, Peter Roche, Fergus Byrne. Councillors : K. Morris, John Roche, J. Furlong, Thomas C arr, J. Jenkins, T .F . Byrne. In attendance Mr. Michael N. Dillon, County Manager, Mr. Eamon Lacey, Acting Borough Surveyor, Mr. John Kennedy, Borough Accountant, Mr. Frank Kavanagh, Town Clerk. VOTES OF SYMPATHY The members passed a v o te o f sympathy w ith the w ife and relatives of the late Mr. T. Cullimore, Storekeeper, and the late Mr. Lorcan Kiernan, Staff Officer, Wexford County Council. The County Manager, on behalf of the staff, wished to be associated with the vote of sympathy. ADOPTION OF MINUTES On the proposition of Councillor T.F. Byrne and seconded by Her Worship the Mayor, the Council adopted the Minutes of the Adjourned Statutory Estimates Meeting held on 6th December 1976 and the Monthly Meeting held on 6th December 1976. INTERVIEWING FACILITIES AT MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS The following motion in the name of Alderman Philip Corish and seconded by Alderman P e te r Roche was adopted ’’That private interviewing facilities be provided in the Municipal Buildings for those making enquiries of a personal nature". The County Manager inform ed the members th at a N o tic e Board would be erected identifying the various offices. A member o f the p u b lic could then s ta te the nature o f t h e ir business to the Receptionist and would be directed to the appropriate office.
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