Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2015 No. 14 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was ing amendments to the bill. I want to capable of defying the powerful special called to order by the President pro commend Chairman MURKOWSKI and interests that oppose Keystone so we tempore (Mr. HATCH). Senator CANTWELL for working with can get things done for the middle f our colleagues to get literally dozens class. and dozens of amendments up and Constructing this infrastructure PRAYER voted on in the 3 weeks we have been project would pump literally billions of The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- working on this bill. dollars into our economy. It would sup- fered the following prayer: Now it is time to get through the re- port thousands of jobs, and it would do Let us pray. maining amendments and vote up or it all with minimal environmental im- Answer us, O God, when we call. Be down on passage of this bill before we pact. That is according to what we gracious to us and hear our prayers. leave for the week. have heard from the President’s own Look on our Nation with favor, for f State Department. So it makes sense Your promises are sure. We thank You to get this bipartisan legislation to the that so many of our Nation’s Founders MEASURE PLACED ON THE President for his signature. We hope he put their trust in You. Lord, make us CALENDAR—S. 272 will sign the Keystone jobs bill into worthy of this godly heritage. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I law. The President should expect more May Your presence on Capitol Hill understand there is a bill at the desk good ideas to head his way. today so influence our Senators that that is due for its second reading. That is the goal of this new Congress. the thoughts they think and the words The PRESIDING OFFICER. The We want to get Washington func- they speak will honor You. clerk will read the bill by title for the tioning again, and we want to pass Don’t be far from us, Lord, but con- second time. commonsense ideas. The Keystone de- tinue to be our hope for years to come. The assistant legislative clerk read bate is showing how we can do both. Help us to remember how You have as follows: One other issue. I am certainly glad sustained us in the past as You provide A bill (S. 272) making appropriations for to see President Obama dropped his for our daily needs. the Department of Homeland Security for plan to make it harder for the middle We pray in Your strong Name. Amen. the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, and class to save for college with 529s. I The PRESIDENT pro tempore. for other purposes. fought to ensure these plans were tax- Thank you, Dr. Black. Your prayers Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, in free at the Federal level. Thanks to are wonderful. order to place the bill on the calendar this incentive to save, literally mil- f under the provisions of rule XIV, I ob- lions of Americans use 529s to help pre- ject to further proceedings on this pare for college expenses. These are PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE measure. good plans that promote responsible The President pro tempore led the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- savings. I am not sure why President Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: tion is heard. Obama would have sought to under- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the The bill will be placed on the cal- mine them in the first place, but it cer- United States of America, and to the Repub- endar. tainly is good to see the President lic for which it stands, one nation under God, f coming around to Republicans’ pro- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. middle-class view on this matter. KEYSTONE ENERGY DEBATE AND f 529S f RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING LEADER thanks to the bill managers’ efforts MINORITY LEADER The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. that I just referred to, along with the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The as- PAUL). The majority leader is recog- years-long work undertaken by Mem- sistant Democratic leader is recog- nized. bers on both sides—Senator HOEVEN in nized. f particular—we expect this bipartisan f bill to finally pass the Senate. SCHEDULE We expect the filibuster of good DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND Mr. MCCONNELL. Today the Senate American jobs to soon come to an end. SECURITY FUNDING will resume consideration of the Key- That is good news for the Senate. It is Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, 30 days stone bill. There are up to 18 rollcall even better news for the people we rep- from today, on February 27, the De- votes scheduled this afternoon on pend- resent. It would show their Congress is partment of Homeland Security, the ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S549 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:36 Jan 28, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28JA6.000 S28JAPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S550 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 28, 2015 lead agency in protecting America view. He says our homeland security is to him and said, Mr. President, while from terrorism, will run out of money. already at risk because the Depart- the Senate and Congress debate the fu- The only way to prevent this impor- ment is operating under a short-term ture of the DREAM Act, there are lit- tant government agency from shutting funding bill known as a continuing res- erally thousands of these young people down is for Congress to pass legislation olution. Listen to what Secretary who have no future in America. They to fund the Department and to do it Johnson said: ‘‘As long as this Depart- don’t know which way to turn. They quickly. ment continues to operate on a [con- can’t get drivers licenses. They can’t This morning, we moved to the sec- tinuing resolution], we are prevented go to school with any government as- ond reading, what is known as a clean from funding key homeland security sistance. They don’t have any basic appropriations bill, which will provide initiatives [including] new grants to idea what their future is going to be. resources for this critical Department. state and local law enforcement [and] The President said, here is what I I hope the Senate can take that up additional border security resources.’’ will do. I will create this Deferred Ac- quickly and pass it quickly as well. How many times have we heard from tion for Childhood Arrivals Program, We should not even be debating the the other side of the aisle the highest the DACA Program. If these young peo- funding for the Homeland Security De- priority in America is our border secu- ple will come forward, if they will sub- partment. Every other government rity? Many of us agreed and voted for a mit a filing fee to cover the cost of the agency has been funded through the comprehensive immigration reform program, if they will submit them- end of the fiscal year, the end of Sep- that folded more resources than ever selves to background checks, then we tember, but not the Department of into protecting the border. Now the will give them temporary status in Homeland Security. The House Repub- same people, the same elected officials, America—temporary status in Amer- licans insisted on separating this crit- who have been arguing for a strong ica. We are not making them citizens ical agency from the rest of the Fed- border are underfunding the Depart- or declaring them legal forever. We are eral Government and treating it dif- ment with that responsibility. The Sec- saying they can go to school and work ferently, giving it temporary funding— retary reminds us their approach to without the fear of deportation. what is known as a continuing resolu- this is going to jeopardize investments We estimate there are 2 million tion—and making it extremely dif- in border security. young people in our Nation of 350 mil- ficult for the Department of Homeland What are these amendments the lion-plus who would qualify for this Security to do its job to keep America House Republicans feel so strongly DACA treatment. Six hundred thou- safe. about that they are willing to risk the sand have in fact registered in the 21⁄2 Why did the Republicans insist that funding of this critical agency? The years since the President’s decision. this one agency be treated differently, bill the House passed would defund DACA put on hold deportation so these funded in a way that it can’t do its job President Obama’s immigration poli- young people who grow up in this coun- effectively? They are using the dead- cies, including the Deferred Action for try would have a chance. These are the line, the end of February, on this De- Childhood Arrivals Program known as DREAMers. They are the ones we have partment’s funding in an attempt to DACA. referred to over and over on the floor force the Senate to accept extreme A quick history about how we and tell their stories. anti-immigrant amendments that have reached the point we are at today.