Curated News Edition - 22/08/11 Huntsman in the ‘middle’ in 2012 Republican field JoAnne Allen (Front Row Huntsman said “sideshows,” message for a center-right country Washington) “finger pointing and name- that is looking for commonsense

Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:20:48 AM calling” distract from what solutions and a leader who’s candidates should be talking about actually been there and done that Jon Huntsman is counting on — their ideas for fixing the in the marketplace and can apply right-of-center politics to give him economy and creating jobs. those same principles now to a an advantage in the race for the Republican rivals Texas nation that so desperately needs it, 2012 Republican presidential Governor Rick Perry and that’s where we are,” Huntsman nomination, despite polls Minnesota congressman Michele said. “And I think that’s the showing him trailing far behind Bachmann — both strongly message that’s going to attract the favorites in a crowded field. outspoken fiscal and religious people.” He says Democrat Barack Obama conservatives — stir up Photo Credit: REUTERS/Scottt is too far to the left and the excitement among the party’s Audette (Huntsman at campaign president’s other Republican base. headquarters in Orlando, Fla.; ) opponents are too far to the right. But attracting the independent REUTERS/Brian Snyder (Perry in “This country is crying out for a voters a Republican candidate will Portsmouth, NH) sensible middle ground. This is a need to win the general election This entry passed through the center-right country; I am a center could prove difficult for the two what — what world that comment of 2.2 percent support. Full-Text RSS service — if this is -right candidate,” the former Utah party favorites. would come from, you know? With numbers like that, how long your content and you're reading it governor said in an interview on “I think when you find yourself at We live in the real world. It’s can he consider himself to be a on someone else's site, please read ABC’s “This Week with an extreme end of the Republican grounded in reality. And gas viable candidate? the FAQ at Christiane Amanpour.” Party, you make yourself prices just aren’t going to rebound “Stay tuned,” he said, adding that only/faq.php#publishers. Five “We’ve found ourselves at the unelectable,” said Huntsman, like that.” he likes where he is and is Filters featured article: A 'Malign extreme ends of the political when asked whether he thought Perry averages about 18 percent confident his poll numbers will Intellectual Subculture' - George spectrum, and people are crying Perry could prevail in the general in the polls, behind frontrunner get better. Monbiot Smears Chomsky, out for us to get back to some election. Mitt Romney. Bachmann “But I’m even more confident that Herman, Peterson, Pilger And of sensibility,” said About Bachmann’s recent $2-a- averages 9.6 percent and the message that we bring to this Media Lens. Huntsman, Obama’s former gallon gasoline promise, Huntsman trails with an average race, that of a center-right ambassador to China. Huntsman said: “I just don’t know 2 Top News/ Curated News Edition The Undecided: How Long Will Sarah Palin Keep Us in Suspense? (The Front Page)

Submitted at 8/22/2011 2:01:00 AM

Sarah Palin has said she will make a decision on whether to run for President before October. Until the former Alaska governor formally reveals her intentions, her actions and words will be viewed differently by those inclined to think she is running and those who think she is a drama queen, a mere Tea Party tease, determined to keep herself in the spotlight to assure future income and remain relevant in the national conversation. Just as and viewed the aftermath of events such as Hurricane Katrina and the controversies surrounding people such as O.J. Simpson and Barry Bonds through completely different prisms, Palin’s actions and words serve as a political Rorschach test that is interpreted alternatively by her supporters and detractors. Palin’s public statements and actions, if taken at face value, though, reveal a person who has called for a candidate to “shake things up,” but who is herself wavering on that “earth- shattering” decision. Signaling a Run In April, Palin went to between Gov. Scott Walker and which she told President Obama, campaign. Palin’s detractors herself. Wisconsin, into the eye of the Wisconsin’s public employee “Game On!” Palin’s supporters viewed it as a moment in which a In June, the first leg of her “One storm during a heated battle unions, and faced down unions on viewed this event as the curtain- diva starved for attention was UNDECIDED: page 3 the Left in a combative speech in raiser of a Palin 2012 presidential selfishly putting the spotlight on Curated News Edition 3 UNDECIDED: continued from page 2 Nation” bus tour ended in New questions from reporters for more Americans get so sick and tired of chances of fizzling out. In become the Tea Party’s leader Hampshire, conveniently on the than an hour, gave multiple one- hearing and kind of suffering addition, entering the race at a because, as Steve Bannon, who day Mitt Romney was kicking off on-one interviews to mainstream through.” later date would give her the directed The Undefeated, said, the his campaign in the Granite . media outlets, mingled with In another interview at the Iowa advantage of seeing her potential biggest surprise about making the The next day, Palin was on the Iowans by signing their T-shirts State Fair, though, Palin told the opponents possibly wounded and movie was how Palin never spoke front page of the local newspapers and shaking their hands. Palin Christian Broadcasting Network, damaged even as they pick up about her record of reform and while Romney was relegated to came across to many as a “We’re still thinking about it” and support. accomplishments in Alaska. To the back pages. Her supporters candidate who was prepared for wanted her “supporters to On the flip side, as her detractors Bannon, this was so because “her saw this as a candidate-in-training and anticipated questions she understand” that “family comes in the mainstream media, on the parents raised her not to brag.” who was playing political would be asked by reporters in a first in my life, and I just don’t Left and in much of the GOP have Seen in this light, as Palin has hardball. Her detractors saw this way that enabled her to respond want to adversely affect the said, Palin could also be said, she may decide that it would as a petulant move by a politician rapidly and on point on subjects family.” strategically undecided about be better to endorse a candidate whom they accused of breaking a ranging from Michele Bachmann “At the same time, I want to be seeking attention. Because she who fits the exacting standards sacred, unwritten rule that each to Obama’s economic policies. very fair to supporters and not does not have an organization of she often lays out. candidate should have a day to Later, appearing on Fox News’ keep them hanging on in paid staffers and professional fund But what if the Tea Party himself in the spotlight when he “Hannity,” Palin treated the perpetuity,” Palin said. -raisers, she is not taken very activists want her to be its face? announces. interview as if she were on a Palin also added that “it’s fair to seriously by much of the She has, after all, accepted an In late June, during the week of soapbox, and her answers seemed them to give them an answer here, chattering class. Yet because she invitation to headline a Sept. 3 Michele Bachmann’s like lines that were being field- in short order, so that they can trusts that the suspense Tea Party event in Iowa. What if announcement in Iowa, Palin tested to be included in a future jump on board with someone surrounding her decision will Palin thinks no candidate fits her went to Pella, Iowa, where a stump speech. After her else” if she decides not to run. keep her relevant, critics feel, description of the right person to documentary about her record of appearance on his show, Hannity There are many reasons Palin Palin is purposely drawing out her take on Obama in the fall? Or reform in Alaska, The said for the first time that he felt could be undecided. inevitable decision not to run just what if Palin, as her detractors Undefeated, premiered. In Palin was going to run. Possibly because of family. to remain relevant. have said, wants to remain in the footage later released from that A 'Very Grassroots' Campaign Though her husband, Todd, has But perhaps Palin is undecided spotlight, but sees that her core event, Palin seemed to give a fiery Asked what a potential Palin repeatedly said the family has for a reason more in tune with her base of supporters would never stump speech laced with anti- campaign would look like, Palin, “been tested,” and her other character. Does she want to forgive her, like lovers played or Obama rhetoric and one that according to Real Clear Politics, family members seem to be on effectively lead the Tea Party? scorned, if she chooses not to run? embraced themes of American said, "Each campaign that I’ve board with the idea of her The anti-establishment energy is In the end, if Palin wants to be exceptionalism. This speech led ever run in these 20 years of running, Palin became a there, as was shown by Donald President, as her supporters her supporters to believe she was elected office has been kind of grandmother again last week, so Trump’s meteoric rise in the polls, believe, or just desperately desires gearing up for a presidential run. unconventional. … We’ve any last-minute objection on Herman Cain’s positive intensity to remain a celebrity, as her Her detractors, however, accused always been outspent two to one, behalf of her family may give her scores, Michele Bachmann’s detractors allege, she may have no her of being jealous that another 10 to one, five to one. Never won pause about subjecting them to straw poll win and Ron Paul’s choice but to run in 2012. woman (Bachmann) was stealing any polls heading into election the rigors and scrutiny of a fervent followers. And while the For now, though, she remains the her thunder, and insisted it was night, but usually won the campaign. Tea Party has prided itself on great undecided. merely a catty move to grab the election.” Palin could also be being a leaderless movement, this [This article was originally spotlight back from Bachmann. Palin continued: “So it would be “strategically” undecided. In election cycle may be one in published in the August 22nd And two weeks ago during the unconventional and very other words, Palin knows that in a which that movement needs a issue of Human Events Ames Straw Poll, which is the grassroots. Very grassroots. And cycle in which information travels leader for its objectives—such as newspaper.] unofficial-official kickoff to the I wouldn’t be out there looking faster than in even the average reducing the size and limiting the Tony Lee edits The Chase 2012 presidential nominating season, for hires out of that political news cycle, now more fragmented scope of government—to be section and writes on politics and Palin began the second leg of her bubble that seem to result in the and compressed than ever, she has accomplished in the legislative culture for HUMAN EVENTS. bus tour by showing up at the same old ideas, the same old to pick the perfect time to enter arena. UNDECIDED: page 11 Iowa State Fair. She answered talking points, the things that the race in order to minimize her But Palin may be reluctant to 4 Top News/ Curated News Edition Alabama Passes Tough Law Against Illegal Aliens (The Front Page)

Submitted at 8/22/2011 2:01:00 AM

If you thought nobody could be as tough on illegal aliens as Arizona, then you should pay attention to what is happening in Alabama. If the anti-illegal alien legislation that Gov. Robert Bentley signed into law in June is any indication, then Alabama may very well be the state that is toughest on those crossing our border unlawfully. Indeed, the new law (set to take effect Sept. 1) has stringent provisions. In addition to enacting common-sense requirements such as proof of citizenship for voters and proof of legal residency for workers, the law also forbids landlords to rent to illegal aliens, anyone to harbor illegal aliens, and any Alabama local jurisdiction to refuse to cooperate with federal law enforcement (refusals that create so-called “sanctuary” cities for illegal aliens). It requires police in Alabama—as it should be in burglar—not an invited guest, but their liberal allies lost no time in Alabama’s unfortunate history as to check the immigration status of every state. an invader. As such, an illegal crying wolf over the Alabama a stronghold of Jim Crow laws, suspected illegal aliens and detain As someone who went to a great alien should be treated with the law. As they did in Arizona, they and managed to draw an them. Notably, it also requires deal of trouble to legally contempt that he or she deserves. raised the same hackneyed specter imaginary parallel between what school districts to record the immigrate to America, I salute Condoning an illegal alien is a of how the Alabama law will lead yesterday’s Southern blacks immigration status of students, so Alabama for taking a no-nonsense slap in the face of every to racial profiling—that anybody endured and what today’s that the state can accurately stand against illegal immigrant who respected who looks Hispanic or has a Hispanic immigrants might determine the cost of public immigration—the national America enough to obey its laws. Hispanic-sounding name will be endure. education of illegal alien students. scourge that has debased the Needless to say, the vast majority presumed to be an illegal alien. Make no mistake, such In short, the law will make life dignity of immigration. I believe of illegal aliens are Hispanic. So, Expert race hustlers that these very unpleasant for illegal aliens that an illegal alien is essentially a the ethnic Hispanic lobbies and lobbies are, they quickly exploited ALABAMA page 11 Curated News Edition Top News/ 5 Is Libya a victory for Obama? - CBS News (Top Stories - News) still lagging, it's possible the post-Qaddafi Libya is up to the Obama's job approval rating for

Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:00:13 PM public may not give a second task, that will go a long way to that week dropped to 40 percent -- thought to events abroad. vindicating their approach," the lowest weekly average of his People hold up the rebel flag as Democratic strategist Jamal Feaver writes. "But as the George administration. From Aug. 11 - they gather in Tajura, a suburb of Simmons told Hotsheet the W. Bush administration ruefully 14, just one in four voters Tripoli, celebrating in the early president "still needs to show a lot knows, as hard as it is to topple a approved of the president's morning on August 22, 2011 after more leg on trying to fix the dictator, the really hard part is handling of the economy. Libyan rebels surged into Tripoli economy," but he called the fall of what comes after." Simmons argues that success in in a final drive to oust leader Qaddafi important for the nation Some of the president's Libya will still help the president Moamer Kadhafi, seizing swathes and "an unmitigated success for argue it prolonged the inevitable... supporters argue the politically. of the capital including the the president." The rebels themselves were administration's limited "Most Americans aren't focused symbolic Square and "He said Qaddafi must go, and complaining about [insufficient involvement in Libya will help on today but arresting the strongman's son, Seif despite the short term focus of U.S. support] throughout the Libyans as they try to establish a everyone one of these wins al-Islam.(Credit: MAHMUD most American media and process." democracy. undergirds Obama's leadership TURKIA/AFP/Getty Images) pundits, Qaddafi is going without Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., gave "What Obama's intervention standing," he said. "The killing of As Libyan rebels sought to the loss of one American life," a similar critique on CBS' "Face accomplished was giving Libyans Osama bin Laden, the deaths of establish control of Tripoli on Simmons said. the Nation" on Sunday. an opportunity to own the terrorists due to drone strikes and Monday, with three of strongman Shadi Hamid, director of research "I grieve a bit because this outcome," wrote Steve Clemons, the fall of Qaddafi make it hard to Muammar Qaddafi's sons in at the Brookings Doha Center, conflict didn't have to last this Washington editor at large for marshal a national security custody as clashes continue at his also noted to Hotsheet that Mr. long," McCain told CBS' Norah The Atlantic magazine. "Obama argument against President longtime command center, some Obama helped avert a O'Donnell. "The United States' air kept the US military footprint Obama and that removes a major are questioning whether Qaddafi's humanitarian catastrophe at little power could have shortened this relatively small... This is the same arrow from the Republicans' seemingly imminent downfall expense to the American people, conflict dramatically. kind of approach that the quiver." should be considered a victory for citing estimates that U.S. Unfortunately we chose not to. international community needs to Mr. Obama himself said in an President Obama. engagement there cost around $1 We led from behind." take as Libya takes its next steps." interview which aired yesterday Some say taking out the brutal billion. Peter Feaver, a political scientist Regardless of what happens in on CBS Sunday Morning that the and destabilizing regime in North Photos: The battle comes to at Duke University who served on Libya, the fact remains that the economy will be one of voters' top Africa with little U.S. sacrifice Tripoli the National Security Council economy is of paramount concern priorities. "I expect to be judged a vindicates Mr. Obama's strategy Complete coverage: Anger in the staffs of Presidents Bill Clinton to voters. year from now on whether or not (called "leading from behind" by Arab World and George W. Bush, argues at A CBS News/New York Times things have continued to get some) which amounted to getting "Obama did the right thing, Foreign Policy magazine that it's poll revealed in May that Mr. better," he said. off the ground and supporting a however belated it was, to too early to declare Mr. Obama's Obama's overall approval rating This entry passed through the NATO-led mission. Others, intervene in Libya," he said. "I strategy a success, in part because jumped by an impressive 11 Full-Text RSS service — if this is meanwhile, are criticizing the think there was a real concern we it's unclear what will happen with percentage points in the wake of your content and you're reading it president for failing to take more were stuck in three quagmires, in Qaddafi gone. The National the U.S. military mission that on someone else's site, please read decisive action and failing to , Afghanistan and Libya -- Transitional Council will killed Osama bin Laden. Yet by the FAQ at topple the Qaddafi regime more now we can say, at the very least, essentially start from scratch as it August 4, the president's approval only/faq.php#publishers. Five swiftly. one of those wars has a been a aims to build up democratic rating was back to 48 percent, Filters featured article: A 'Malign Politically, the events there help relative success." institutions in Libya, and it's largely unchanged from CBS Intellectual Subculture' - George bolster the president's foreign However, he added, "That doesn't possible attempts at governing News findings throughout the Monbiot Smears Chomsky, policy record as he fends off mean Obama's strategy of leading could devolve precipitously. year. Herman, Peterson, Pilger And attacks from his Republican from behind was the right "If the Obama team's planning for Meanwhile, Gallup polling from Media Lens. rivals. But with the U.S. economy strategy. If anything, I would Aug. 8 - 14 showed that Mr. 6 Top News/ Policy/ Curated News Edition European shares bounce, led by ENI on Libya hopes - Reuters (Top Stories - ) caused some strategists to FORWARD The healthcare sector preferred play in the sector. The sectors...... Top 10

Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:21:11 PM question whether the rally would rose 2 percent. The defensive two companies gained 6.2 and 3.9 EUROSTOXX continue, but others said the attractions of the sector have percent respectively. Some sectors...... Top 10 Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:17pm market may have hit its low."If helped it outperform the wider technical analysts remained Eurofirst 300 sectors...... EDT* FTSEurofirst closes 0.8 pct you believe super-easy monetary market in 2011 and it has lost just cautious about the wider Top 25 European pct higher, after slump last week* policy and lower oil prices can 2.6 percent. As a consequence, its market."The important aspect to gainers...... Top 25 ENI leads rise for oil shares* help growth stay positive, albeit price-earnings ratio is now above note is if we break below the key European pct Gold stocks wanted as global rather anaemically, then this the average. Equity valuations on lows of early August (888.11) losers...... Main stock growth worries remain By Brian market forms a base," Bob Parker, Thomson Reuters Datastream then the trading landscape can get markets: Dow Jones...... Gorman LONDON, Aug 22 senior adviser at Credit Suisse, showed the STOXX Europe 600 potentially nasty. That would Wall Street report ..... Nikkei (Reuters) - European shares said. "It's not going to be driven carrying a one-year forward price- negate the short-term bullish 225...... Tokyo report...... bounced on Monday after a steep by corporate earnings. It's going to-earnings of 8.7, the lowest outlook for this week and see the FTSE 100...... London sell-off last week, with 's ENI to be macro-driven." The pan- since early 2009, while the bearish trend resume," said Sandy report...... Xetra DAX...... among the main gainers on hopes European index is still down 18.3 healthcare sector trades at 10 Jadeja, chief technical analyst at CAC-40...... World that a new political regime in percent in 2011. Investors have times. Roche rose 3 percent after City Index. The 14-day Relative Indices...... Libya will help it restore oil cut their exposure to risky assets an experimental drug designed to Strength Index for the pan- Reuters survey of world bourse production activities to former such as stocks following an raise "good" HDL cholesterol European benchmark rose to outlook...... Western European levels. ENI, the biggest foreign oil escalation of the euro zone debt produced encouraging results in a nearly 30 on Monday. In technical IPO diary...... producer in Libya, rose 6.3 crisis, the United States losing its small mid-stage clinical trial. terms, it remained "oversold", European Asset percent. France's Total , also triple-A credit rating and weak Across Europe, Britain's FTSE defined by values below 30. Allocation...... among heavyweight energy economic data from major 100 and France's CAC40 both (Additional reporting by David Reuters News at a Glance: companies active in Libya, rose economies -- which sparked rose 1.1 percent, while Germany's Brett; Editing by David Equities...... Main 2.3 percent. The sector gained 1.3 concerns they may lapse back into DAX fell 0.1 percent. Investors Holmes)======currency percent, despite Brent crude recession. The Federal Reserve continue to worry about the ======report:...... falling by more than $1 to around holds its annual global banking impact of a weaker economic ======For This entry passed through the $107 a barrel, with traders and conference in Jackson Hole, backdrop on German exporters rolling updates on what is moving Full-Text RSS service — if this is investors anticipating the Wyoming, at the end of the week, such as carmaker BMW , down European shares please click on your content and you're reading it resumption of oil exports from with markets watching a speech 4.2 percent. Gold rose almost 2 ======on someone else's site, please read OPEC-member Libya as a six- on Friday by Fed Chairman Ben percent to a record near $1,900 an ======the FAQ at month civil war there appeared Bernanke for clues to whether he ounce as a sputtering global ======For pan- only/faq.php#publishers. Five close to an end. The FTSEurofirst plans further quantitative easing economy boosted expectations for Europeanmarket data and news, Filters featured article: A 'Malign 300 index of top European shares (QE) or other stimulus measures further monetary easing, raising click on codes in brackets: Intellectual Subculture' - George rose 0.8 percent to close at 916.78 for the flagging U.S. economy. bullion's appeal as a hedge against European Equities speed Monbiot Smears Chomsky, points, having risen as high as Parker said there was a "risk of inflation. Citigroup raised its gold guide...... FTSEurofirst Herman, Peterson, Pilger And 933.35, after falling 6 percent last disappointment" and the market price forecasts, upped its 300 index...... Media Lens. week. Trading volume was light may be expecting too much in recommendation on London-listed STOXX Europe at 86 percent of the index's looking for Bernanke to announce Russian miner Petropavlovsk to index...... Top average for the last 90 days. This more QE. ONE YEAR "buy" and named Randgold as its 10 STOXX [unable to retrieve full-text content] Curated News Edition Top News/ 7 Your Smartphone Is An Artificial Limb Kit Eaton (Fast Company)

Submitted at 8/22/2011 11:39:04 AM

While you were busy catapulting Angry Birds on your iPhone, scientists at Vanderbilt university were using the components inside your smartphone to create bionic limbs. The Vanderbilt leg, seven years in the making, anticipates the movements of the person wearing it, resulting in a more natural gait instead of the slight dragging experienced by most wearers. The trick is pulled off by loading the prosthetic up with batteries, powerful mobile processing, and a suite of motion sensors -- many of the same core components that are jammed inside your precious, glossy smartphone. And it turns out that the advances achieved in smartphone tech, used cleverly, can change the world for people other than amputees too. Vanderbilt's leg is reportedly the first robotic artificial leg that has coordinated moves between the powered knee and ankle joints. Passive prosthesis lag behind the patient's healthy leg because they have to wait for a body shift in stumble, and lift up the robot limb First is its battery life: it can run It's also packed with precision Samsung order them by the order to move, the Vanderbilt leg to clear a trip-hazard obstacle. for about three days of normal use micro-machined sensors to give it hundreds of millions-- before is built with sensitive motion The upshots are a much more or 14 kilometers of continuous a sense of where it's positioned, around 2006 they'd been more or sensors that help it understand the natural gait, and speedier and less walking on one charge. Without and how the body of the patient is less exclusively developed for the body position of the patient and energy-hungry travel than using a the advances in rechargeable moving. This is the same kind of car industry, but they're now how they're moving. Its on-board passive leg. battery tech being pushed by high-tech engineering that makes evolving into a multi-billion computer uses this information to Battery Life smartphones and mobile your smartphone work as a games dollar industry all their own. make informed guesses about This version of the Vanderbilt computers, this kind of machine or augmented reality Chips which way they're moving, and limb wouldn't have been possible performance would've been interface. The price of these The motherboard of the then move its own joints without recent explosive unlikely. sensors has been tumbling as automatically. It can even detect a innovations in a number of fields. Sensors companies like Apple and YOUR page 14 8 Top News/ Curated News Edition Beware: New Obamanomics Plan Ahead (The Front Page)

Submitted at 8/22/2011 2:01:00 AM

by Brian Darling 08/22/2011 Crashing poll numbers for the President indicate that his "blame game” strategy is not working. Obama persistently lays all responsibility for the nation’s woes on former President Bush, Republicans, the Tea Party, Congress, Wall Street, talk radio and Fox News. Last week, he added “bad luck” to the list. But the American people aren’t buying it, according to public opinion surveys showing the president’s Popularity sinking below 30%. That’s sent the House scurrying back to the drawing board. The President this week promised that, just as soon as he finishes his vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, he’ll roll out a specific plan to jump-start the economy this fall. No need to rush on job creation, Mr. President. Rest well. Blaming others for your own failures can be very tiring. Very Democrats. Politico, the news “Perry just got into the This should provide a great want to take up the collection of tiring, indeed. outlet that originally aired the presidential race” and “you have leverage point for conservatives. taxes to maintain infrastructure, What Biden Gaffe? allegation, responded that they got to be a little more careful At a time when gas prices are then they should be allowed to do Last week, Tea Party activist used five sources to confirm about what you say.” That rule through the roof, this expiration of so without interference from the Ryan Rhodes confronted Biden’s remarks. Somebody is must not apply to members of his a huge tax will allow U.S. Department of President Obama and asked him not telling the truth. own administration. Consistency conservatives to prove they Transportation. why Vice President Ironically, the President had the has never been an Obama strong support returning road-building to Liberals, meanwhile, are called the Tea Party “terrorists.” audacity to criticize Texas Gov. suit. the states. expected to call for an increase in The President denied that his vice Rick Perry for saying that Fed Gas Tax—Give It to the States or Conservatives are expected to the gas tax and a national president used that word to Chairman Ben Bernanke’s plans Bank It? roll out initiatives to devolve the “infrastructure bank.” The new describe the Tea Party in a closed- for printing more money are On Sept. 30, the 18.4 cents-per- maintenance of roads and bridges BEWARE: page 14 door meeting of congressional “almost treasonous.” Obama said, gallon federal gas tax expires. back to the states. If the states Curated News Edition Top News/ Economy/ 9 China Const. Maxine Waters to Tea Party: 'Go plays down any B. of A. share Straight to Hell' sale - ( > Politics) Development Department Rep. Elijah Cummings of want him to come out on our side MarketWatch released figures projecting the Maryland attacked President not to watch and wait… We’re Submitted at 8/22/2011 9:25:33 AM (china - Google News) state’s jobless rate at 12 percent, Barack Obama. “We are totally suffering,” he said. the second-highest rate of frustrated, and people need to On Friday, Waters called for an Submitted at 8/22/2011 5:27:45 PM • (Reuters/Jonathan Ernst) unemployment in the country know that the president feels their emulation of the Tea Party. “The Subcommittee Chairman Rep. after Nevada. California pain. Almost every African- Tea Party discovered something. Maxine Waters (D-CA) listens to employers offered 4,500 new jobs American person I spoke to said That is if they organize, if they China Const. plays down any B. testimony on robo-signing and last month as compared to the he needs to fight, and fight talk loud enough, if they threaten, of A. share sale foreclosures at a hearing of the revised 30,400 jobs in June. harder,” he said. if they register to vote and elect a MarketWatch Housing and Community “I’m not afraid of anybody,” It seems Waters is trying to few people, they can take over the /quotes/zigman/190927/quotes/nls Opportunity Subcommittee of the Waters said addressing over 1,000 balance the Obama bashing by Congress of the United States,” /bac BAC -5.18% could House Financial Service people at the summit that was Democrats with criticism of the she said at a stop in Atlanta. significantly reduce its 10% stake Committee, on Capitol Hill in meant to give the jobless an Tea Party. “They called our bluff and we in China Construction Bank Corp. Washington, November 18, 2010. opportunity to vent out their Last week, Waters charged that blinked. We should have made (CICHY, 601939.SH, 0939.HK) frustrations over jobs. “This is a Obama ignored the them walk the plank.” in coming weeks, the Chinese “This is not a game for the weak,” tough game. You can’t be community during his Midwest As Waters tours for the rest of the lender said Monday that its US Maxine Waters was quoted as intimidated. You can’t be bus tour. “We don’t know why on month, she is expected to pop out partner has committed to holding saying by NBC Los Angeles. She frightened. And as far as I’m this trip that he’s in the United on several cable news networks in no less... said this during an interview after concerned, the Tea Party can go States now, he’s not in any black the near future, Mediaite said. China Construction Bank Posts Saturday’s “Kitchen Table straight to hell.” community,” she said at a similar Be the first of thousands of Record $14.5 Billion Profit on Summit” at Inglewood High Waters, who is touring the forum in Detroit. “We want to iPosters by sharing your news, Credit Demand Bloomberg School where she remarked that country with the Congressional give him every opportunity, but views, and analysis. China Construction Bank to Sell “the Tea Party can go straight to Black Caucus this month, was our people are hurting. The This entry passed through the $12.5 Billion in Subordinated hell.” apparently expressing unemployment is unconscionable. Full-Text RSS service — if this is Debt Wall Street Journal “This is not for the intimidated, disappointment with the Tea We don’t know what the strategy your content and you're reading it China's stock markets hit as this means you have to stand up to Party’s insistence on cutting the is. We’re supportive of the on someone else's site, please read reporting season starts Financial the Tea Party,” the U.S. national debt by keeping taxes president, but we getting tired, the FAQ at Times Representative for California’s low and cutting most spending, y’all, getting tired.” only/faq.php#publishers. Five TODAYonline- AFP- RTT News 35th congressional district said including spending designed to In July, Democrat Rep. John Filters featured article: A 'Malign all 241 news articles » during the interview. “We know help the unemployed, the Conyers from Michigan told Intellectual Subculture' - George that they’re going to resist. But Mediaite news website said. members of the House Out of Monbiot Smears Chomsky, let’s have that fight. Unless you Like us on Facebook Poverty Caucus that Obama Herman, Peterson, Pilger And struggle and fight, you don’t However, it’s not the Tea Party needed to address unemployment Media Lens. know whether you can win.” alone that is being blamed for in the black community. “We The Democrat’s jibe came a day unemployment. In an interview want him to know from this day after California’s Employment with CNN on Sunday, Democrat forward that we’ve had it. We

[unable to retrieve full-text content] 10 Top News/ Curated News Edition Sequencing The Marijuana Genome To Cure Disease, Get You Less High Ariel Schwartz (Fast Company)

Submitted at 8/22/2011 11:45:54 AM

Medicinal Genomics has just finished sequencing the cannabis genome. Not to make some truly righteous bud, but to find the parts of the plant that are medicinally valuable and make them into drugs that don't also get people stoned. The genetic secrets of everyone's favorite munchie-inducing plant have finally been unlocked. Last week, a company called Medicinal Genomics announced that it sequenced the genomes for cannabis sativa and cannabis indica--two of the three species of marijuana (the third is cannabis ruderalis). But stoners should put down their celebratory joints. This doesn't mean that super-potent cannabis strains are on the horizon; instead, Medicinal Genomics plans to use its research to help scientists breed marijuana strains that get smokers less high cannabis compounds can shrink over the past 30 years, growers indica and sativa in June, and is Genome Project), and since but have more medicinal benefits. tumors. "The challenge is that have hyper-bred the plant for already finished---but the process humans are only different by one Medicinal Genomics founder there is a potpourri of THC (the compound that gets cost $200,000, and Medicinal in 800 bases, the cost of Kevin McKernan, a veteran of the cannabinoids, and we can't smokers high), effectively Genomics expects to ultimately sequencing the next person is Human Genome Project (he measure what those are. We need eliminating many of the other spend another $200,000 on suddenly very, very cheap," managed the R&D team for the a genetic understanding of the useful cannabinoids. refining the results. explains McKernan. Cannabis, on project at MIT), first became plant," says McKernan. So Medicinal Genomics set out to Even though it is becoming the other hand, has no reference interested in the medicinal In addition to shrinking tumors, sequence the cannabis genomes increasingly cheap and easy to genome. qualities while studying of other potential benefits of the 85 and bring some of those semi- sequence human DNA, the "It took us about a month to marijuana after some friends cannabinoids in the plant include extinct cannabinoids back into the process is more expensive for collect data. The hard part is pointed him in the direction of a calming inflammation and plant. The company has moved other species. "They have a study claiming that certain SEQUENCING page 15 reducing cancer-related pain. But quickly--it started sequencing reference genome [the Human Curated News Edition Top News/ Technology/ 11 ALABAMA continued from page 4 Georgetown asseverations of impending alien unlawfully present in the e. A foreign passport with an government in controlling illegal plays next game injustice are intended to distract United States only if the person's unexpired United States visa and immigration. Is it any wonder attention from the unlawful unlawful immigration status has a corresponding stamp or notation that states have stepped in where in China without presence of illegal aliens. If these been verified by the federal by the United States the feds have stepped out? ethnic lobbies had their way, government pursuant to 8 USC § Department of Homeland Ideally, individual states should incident - USA America would become a Third 1373(c). No officer of this state or Security indicating the bearer's not have to deal with illegal World country—where ethnic and any political subdivision of this admission to the United States." aliens. But until we have a Today tribal loyalties, corruption, and state shall attempt to But such accommodations are not federal government with the (china - Google News) lawlessness are the rule. independently make a final enough to satisfy many anti- cojones to send illegal aliens Submitted at 8/22/2011 4:51:50 PM As a naturalized American, and determination of an alien's American liberals masquerading packing, we should be thankful having driven in at least 30 states immigration status.[Italics as public officials of the Obama for states such as Alabama and Globe and Mail (including Alabama ), I know added.] An alien possessing self- administration. The Justice Arizona that send the right Georgetown plays next game in better than to believe the identification in any of the Department is suing Alabama to message. China without incident benighted scenarios predicted by following forms is entitled to the stop the state from enforcing this Mr. de Silva is an engineer with USA Today the race hustlers. Simply put, I presumption that he or she is an new law. Ostensibly, the reason side interests in politics and Georgetown's basketball team know this—if you are in the alien lawfully present in the is that only the federal history. was able to play a game Sunday country legally, then you have no United States: government can make This entry passed through the in China without international reason to worry about a law such a. A valid, unexpired Alabama immigration laws. Full-Text RSS service — if this is incident. Jason Clark scored 17 as Alabama’s. Thedriver's license. Yet this is the same Justice your content and you're reading it points to lead the Hoyas to a 91- aforementioned analogy cements b. A valid, unexpired Alabama Department that looked the other on someone else's site, please read 69 defeat of the Liaoning my point—if you are not a nondriver identification card. way while another state, Utah, the FAQ at Dinosaurs at the Nike Festival of burglar, then you have no reason c. A valid tribal enrollment card passed a law that would create its only/faq.php#publishers. Five Sport in... to worry about tough burglary or other form of tribal own work permits for illegal Filters featured article: A 'Malign For Georgetown, a Peaceful Win laws. identification aliens. You could not find a Intellectual Subculture' - George in China New York Times Contrary to the race-pandering bearing a photograph or other worse instance of governmental Monbiot Smears Chomsky, Hoyas in China Washington Post insinuations of the liberal media, biometric identifier. hypocrisy. Who is the worse Herman, Peterson, Pilger And (blog) Alabama’s law will not turn every d. Any valid United States offender of the federal system—a Media Lens. Basketball Brawl Makes cop into the judge, jury and jailer federal or state government-issued state that reinforces federal laws Georgetown Hoyas a Hot Ticket of anyone who lacks a Southern identification document bearing a (as Alabama does), or a state that in China ABC News accent. In fact, the law is very photograph or other biometric creates special permits for illegal NTDTV- accommodating to legal identifier, if issued by an entity aliens in spite of federal laws (as immigrants. For instance, here is that requires proof of lawful Utah does)? all 1,621 news articles » a direct quotation from the law: presence in the United States Such hypocrisy exemplifies the "A person shall be regarded as an before issuance. utter incompetence of the federal UNDECIDED: continued from page 3 HP TouchPad fire sale Follow him on and on someone else's site, please read Herman, Peterson, Pilger And (CNET profiles for Google+, Skype buys Facebook. E-mail: ALEE (at) the FAQ at Media Lens. Submitted at 8/22/2011 11:34:50 AM GroupMe messaging service, and only/faq.php#publishers. Five HP liquidates its stock of tablets. This entry passed through the Filters featured article: A 'Malign [unable to retrieve full-text Full-Text RSS service — if this is Intellectual Subculture' - George content] Google rolls out verified your content and you're reading it Monbiot Smears Chomsky, 12 Top News/ Curated News Edition Syrian protesters defy regime and tell Assad: 'it's your turn!' - (Top Stories - Google News) allegations as "mere lies" and

Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:06:50 PM said the language in the draft was "hateful". President Bashar al-Assad Photo: He said: "Syria has been AFP/GETTY subjected to and continues to be By Ben Farmer subjected to an unprecedented 6:04PM BST 22 Aug 2011 misleading campaign carried out Syrians took to the streets after by a number of countries in Bashar al-Assad made a television order to weaken Syria and to address repeating promises of change its political position. reform and parliamentary "The resolution will only cause elections in February 2012. the crisis to lengthen and will only The concessions failed to prevent cause more instability. On this demonstrations across the basis, we call on the council not to country, and buoyed by the support the draft resolution, to news of rebel gains in Tripoli maintain peace and security in crowds chanted: "Gaddafi is Syria." gone, now it's your turn Bashar!" Britain, American and France are His security forces opened fire in reportedly preparing to ask the the central city of Homs, which United Nations Security Council has been a hotbed of dissent to freeze the foreign financial against the president. assets of Mr Assad. A witness told reporters a few The measure would also bar thousand people converged on the foreign travel for the president main square in Homs known as conscience to be released, the Navi Pillay, UN human rights various cities." and five other government and Clock Square on Monday after UN to have complete freedom to chief, said an estimated 350 UN investigators say they have military leaders as well as call for they heard that a United Nations assess the humanitarian people had been killed across found evidence of the regime an arms embargo on Syria. humanitarian team was to visit the situation and, for the sake of the the country since the beginning of using a "shoot-to-kill" policy, This entry passed through the city. Syrian people, it's time for Assad the month alone. summary executions and even Full-Text RSS service — if this is "Simply, without any to go. He is as irrelevant to Damascus has deployed tanks, torturing of children. your content and you're reading it introductions, they started Syria's future as Gaddafi is to artillery and snipers against An emergency session of the UN on someone else's site, please read shooting at them," he said, Libya's," he said. protesters. human rights council was called the FAQ at asking not to be named. The UN escalated pressure on the She said: "The military and in Geneva to draft a resolution only/faq.php#publishers. Five Nick Clegg, the Deputy Prime regime, saying its brutal security forces continue to employ that "deplores the continued Filters featured article: A 'Malign Minister, said on Monday it was repression of a five-month excessive force, including heavy indiscriminate attacks on its Intellectual Subculture' - George "time for Assad to go". uprising against 40 years of rule artillery, to quell peaceful population". Monbiot Smears Chomsky, "We are clear: we want the by the president's family had so demonstrations and regain Faysal Khabbaz Hamoui, Syria's Herman, Peterson, Pilger And violence to stop, prisoners of far killed 2,200. control over the residents of ambassador, rejected the Media Lens. Curated News Edition Top News/ 13 We Can Do Better Than Six Miles Per Gallon: Redesigning America's Truck Fleet Michael J. Coren (Fast tractor or cabin, other than that of Company) driver habits," wrote Babur

Submitted at 8/22/2011 1:13:44 PM Ozden, chief operating officer of ATDynamics which makes trailer America's trucks burn an aerodynamic devices, by email. enormous percentage of our total "Getting another 1% fuel fuel, but their efficiency hasn't efficiency from the tractor is same improved in years. But new, as getting 5% from the simple additions to a truck's body trailer."Ozden sees most of the can have impressive effects on trucking fleet, eventually, fuel economy. adopting the new technology. Trucks are miserable when it New durable materials, state and comes to gas mileage. America's federal mandates, and a new 2.2 million freight trucks get generation of drivers and fleet about six miles per gallon on owners interested in every average, usually with cargo. And possible competitive advantage, they aren't getting much better. both financial and environmental, While the gas mileage of cars is just makes business sense. exploding, between 1990 and Of course, word of mouth doesn't 2006, the average fuel economy hurt as well. "As more of and of the U.S. truck fleet went from more of these trailers with skirts just under six mpg to... a bit more full aerodynamic makeover years as an integrated whole.” panels along the bottom of the and now tails seen on the roads, under six mpg in 2009, the ago which improved fuel A rectangular metal box, it turns trailer which reduce wind other fleets get curious, interested, Department of Transportation economy by more than 15% out, may be the worst possible resistance and improve mileage, and place their initial orders for reported in 2009. compared to their 1980s shape to haul down the highway like those on the Walmart truck pilots," wrote Ozden. "From there, Since trucks burn more than 10% predecessors. at high speeds. It's a fashion pictured here--as factory installed they go to fleet-wide adoptions." of total gasoline used in the U.S. Yet the combination of trailer and show of new forms on the road: options. ATDyanmics [Image: Walmart's Flickr stream] each year, even small truck remains a problem. "Trailer trailer skirts, trailer tails, and manufactures the TrailerTail, Reach Michael J. Coren via improvements can have a major aerodynamic improvements are "SuperSpares" all designed to which smoothes out the airflow Twitter or email. impact. But it's not as if truck much less developed," the 2009 reduce the wind resistance around the back of the trailers, manufactures have been sitting on DOT study reported."There is sucking the efficiency out of and they've reportedly sold about their hands for the last two little interaction between tractor America's freight shipping fleet. 100,000 in the last 12 months decades; they're just already done and trailer manufacturers, and as a The top three trailer makers, alone. a lot to get that number up to six result, there has been no effort to Wabash, Utility, and Great Dane, "There is no more low hanging mpg. Truck designs were given a treat tractor-trailer aerodynamics now provide trailer side skirts-- fruit left for fuel savings in the 14 Top News/ Technology/ Curated News Edition YOUR BEWARE: continued from page 7 continued from page 8 Vanderbilt leg has undergone 15 But as amazing as the Vanderbilt organs, its surely via wireless “bank” would be a great way to Representatives Dave Camp (R.- revisions to get it to its current leg is, there's a much bigger and connections like this that users funnel more money to their Mich.), Fred Upton (R.-Mich.), advanced state, and it carries brighter future for smartphone will stay informed about the state friends in Big Labor. Jeb Hensarling (R.-Tex.), James some significant processing tech to change the world. of their prostheses--possibly even Postal Service Bailout Clyburn (D.-S.C.), Chris Van power to get its job done. Consider, for one example, the tweaking their performance--and The United States Postal Service Hollen (D.-Md.) and Xavier Precisely this sort of optimized push to develop a bionic eye. It's doctors will interface with them is expected to lose $8.3 billion Becerra (D.-Calif.). mobile computing problem has only in the smartphone world that via computers during checkups. this year. The perpetual money- Gingrich called the committee “a faced smartphone makers, and tiny space requirements have led Necessity is the mother of loser will have to ask Congress truly bad idea.” There are 117 they've optimized the use of to, for example, 12 megapixel invention, and war has been for another massive bailout. standing committees in Congress, power control and space-fitting cameras with advanced autofocus perhaps its grandmother (driving Congress would do better to he noted, yet this uber committee technology as well as the powers that are barely a handful necessity for military needs). But radically reform and downsize will be doing the jobs of all of explosion in power-sipping. The of millimeters deep--exactly the is it time to think of the this outdated institution. Rep. those committees. The 12 powerful mobile CPUs from kind of space constraints that smartphone as at least the little, Darrell Issa (R.-Calif.) has members of the Super Committee, Qualcomm and ARM result in, for would affect an artificial eyeball. geeky aunty of invention? The introduced legislation to establish he said, will be doing the job of example, the amazingly compact Then there's fast, efficient mobile quirky one who makes you try a board to oversee reform. It all 535 members of the House and board in the iPhone 4. The networking technology--the kind new things, and teaches you all would also put the postal service Senate. exploding market in smartphones that lets your smartphone hop sorts of exciting new stuff? under new management if it Brian Darling, a HUMAN and tablets has arguably pushed onto a 3G connection and share it [Image: Flickr user gemstone] defaults on monies owed. EVENTS columnist, is senior the development of these over a local Wi-Fi loop, or even Chat about this news with Kit Gingrich Rips 'Super Committee' fellow for Government Studies at processors massively, to the point Bluetooth, with nearby Eaton on Twitter and Fast Speaking at The Heritage The Heritage Foundation. that in a few years with chips like computers. It's this kind of clever, Company too. Foundation last week, former This entry passed through the ARM's multi-core A15 design, power-friendly, mobile tech that's Speaker of the House Newt Full-Text RSS service — if this is they'll be more powerful than enabling such advances as smart, Gingrich slammed the new “Super your content and you're reading it even today's desktop machines. wireless-controlled insulin pumps Committee” created by the recent on someone else's site, please read Cameras, networking and for diabetics. As we develop more act that increased the debt ceiling. the FAQ at everything else and more artificial limbs and The Super Committee is a only/faq.php#publishers. Five bicameral commission (six Filters featured article: A 'Malign senators, six representatives) Intellectual Subculture' - George China says no to Kobe, other tasked with finding $1.2 trillion in Monbiot Smears Chomsky, savings over the next 10 years. Herman, Peterson, Pilger And NBA players under contract: This Gang of 12 roster features Media Lens. Senators Jon Kyl (R.-Ariz.), Pat Toomey (R.-Pa.), Rob Portman Fan reaction - Yahoo! Sports (R.-Ohio), John Kerry (D.-Mass.), (china - Google News) of Kobe Bryant(notes) going to Patty Murray (D.-Wash.) and Max Submitted at 8/22/2011 4:31:39 PM play in China can officially be put Baucus (D.-Mont.), and to rest. China was an attractive China says no to Kobe, other destination for the superstars of NBA players under contract: Fan the NBA due to the possibility of reaction expanding their brand in a Donate to World Vision Yahoo! Sports populous, relatively new... This means that the speculation and more » (Ad times by grant funds, and can ServeRSS) (AdServRSS Feed) mean the difference between life and death for hungry children. Your gift to provide seeds, tools, and training will be multiplied 4 Curated News Edition Business/ News Wire/ Culture/ 15 SEQUENCING continued from page 10 Gaddafi hunted assembling it and making sense of compounds. (Medicinal Genomics Genomics decode cannabinoids? it," says McKernan. does not breed its own plants, The company is releasing an iPad as loyalists fight The next step for Medicinal though the Massachusetts-based app in the fall that will contain Genomics is to find strains that company has its lab in--where some of its data. "There's a on in Tripoli are high in therapeutic else?--the Netherlands.) bottleneck [with research] (Reuters: Top News) cannabinoids like CBD, a According to McKernan, major because in the States and it's Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:20:10 PM compound that has been shown to pharmaceutical companies already illegal to handle marijuana How Do I Stop reduce inflammation, anxiety, and have an interest in medicinal without a license," says [unable to retrieve full-text nausea. "Our plan is to understand marijuana. GW Pharmaceutical, McKernan. "By putting the data content] TRIPOLI (Reuters) - My Browser from genetics of this so that companies for example, has developed a on the web, everyone in the world Muammar Gaddafi was a hunted that are interested in making cannabis-derived drug called can study this." man on Monday as loyal remnants Slowing to a drugs from [cannabis] have better Sativex that is used to treat [Image: Flickr user spotreporting] of his forces made last-ditch info to work with," says muscle stiffness, bladder Reach Ariel Schwartz via Twitter stands in the capital and world Crawl? [Ask McKernan. When companies problems, and neuropathic pain or email. leaders rushed to embrace the come knocking, Medicinal from multiple sclerosis. Sativex is fractious Libyan rebels as new Lifehacker] Genomics will do more already available in Germany, masters of the oil-rich state. Alan Henry (Lifehacker) sequencing and analysis to help Spain, and the U.K., where it is Submitted at 8/22/2011 10:00:00 AM them breed plants that express marketed by Bayer. higher levels of medicinal Interested in helping Medicinal Dear Lifehacker, More » Obama To Make Statement On Libya At 2PM Zeke Miller (Business Insider) believe he has left Libya. dictator." the rights of the people of Libya, community to protect the people

Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:35:00 PM Earnest said Obama has not "The surest way for the bloodshed avoiding civilian casualties, of Libya, and to support a changed his opposition to putting to end is simple: Moammar protecting the institutions of the peaceful transition to democracy." President Barack Obama will U.S. troops on the ground in Qadhafi and his regime need to Libyan state, and pursuing a Please follow Politics on Twitter make a statement on the fall of the Libya to help secure the country. recognize that their rule has come transition to democracy that is just and Facebook. Qaddafi regime in Libya at 2 p.m. Here is Obama's statement from to an end. Qadhafi needs to and inclusive for all of the people Join the conversation about this today the White House Sunday night on the developing acknowledge the reality that he no of Libya. A season of conflict story » announced. situation in the North African longer controls Libya. He needs to must lead to one of peace." See Also: His remarks, from Martha's country: relinquish power once and for all. "The future of Libya is now in the • McCain And Graham: Obama Vineyard where he is vacationing, "Tonight, the momentum against Meanwhile, the United States has hands of the Libyan people. Didn't Get Rid Of Qaddafi Fast will not be carried live by the the Qadhafi regime has reached a recognized the Transitional Going forward, the United States Enough networks, but will be replayed tipping point. Tripoli is slipping National Council as the legitimate will continue to stay in close • Rick Perry Seems To Think shortly thereafter. from the grasp of a tyrant. The governing authority in Libya. At coordination with the TNC. We Obama Controls The Fed White House Deputy Press Qadhafi regime is showing signs this pivotal and historic time, the will continue to insist that the • Jon Huntsman Goes Rogue; Secretary Josh Earnest told of collapsing. The people of Libya TNC should continue to basic rights of the Libyan people Criticizes Entire GOP Field On reporters Monday that U.S. are showing that the universal demonstrate the leadership that is are respected. And we will Economy officials do not know Qaddafi's pursuit of dignity and freedom is necessary to steer the country continue to work with our allies whereabouts, but they do not far stronger than the iron fist of a through a transition by respecting and partners in the international 16 Business/ World News/ Curated News Edition The 15 Dream College Carl Icahn Made Football Matchups We Wish $535 Million Last We Could Watch In 2011 Week (SPY, MMI) Tony Manfred (Business upstart programming they were modern trend and gimmick into Courtney Comstock (Business bearish last week and he's sticking Insider) four years ago. its style of play. Insider) with a negative outlook.

Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:35:00 PM They go into the 2011 season Wisconsin is decidedly old Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:28:29 PM Funnily enough, Icahn made with their sights set up the BCS school — lining up in the I- about as much as (we think) John The first college football National Championship game. formation and pounding its Carl Icahn's hedge fund made Paulson lost last week. Saturday is just 12 days away. #2 Alabama vs. #25 USC opponents into submission. $120 million shorting the S&P Please follow Clusterstock on And it features two must-watch It's been 41 years since USC's See the rest of the story at index last week, according to Twitter and Facebook. games — Oregon vs. LSU, and integrated team went into the deep Business Insider Bloomberg. Join the conversation about this Georgia vs. Boise State. South and throttled Bear Bryant's Please follow Sports Page on Add that to the$415 million Icahn story » These matchups have everything all-white Alabama team 42-21. Twitter and Facebook. Capital made when its huge stake See Also: — elite teams, regional Now, two of college football's See Also: in Motorola got a boost from the • 13F Watch: David Einhorn differences, and stylistic contrasts. flagship programs are in very • Paying College Athletes Would announcement of its deal with Buys More Microsoft And Apple Unfortunately, these sorts of different places — Alabama Cost $200 Million Each Year Google and last week was hugely • Barclays Spent $50 Million To matchups are rare. competing for another national • LSU Players Lawyer Up Amid profitable for Icahn. He made at Poach This Trader. And Now He's So we put together 15 additional title, and USC climbing its way Reports That Their Star QB least $535 million. Leaving dream games that would be out of the ditch the NCAA threw Kicked A Marine In The Head And according to Bloomberg, • GUTS: Bruce Berkowitz Loads appointment television if they it in after the Reggie Bush During A Bar Fight he's still short the S&P. Their Up The Boat On Financials were coming up in 2011.#1 scandal. • LSU QB Jordan Jefferson Had sources say that Icahn became Oklahoma vs. #5 Boise State #3 Oregon vs. #11 Wisconsin A "Violent Night Of Activity" Boise State legitimized its There's no more striking contrast Last Night program by stunning Oklahoma in in styles than Oregon-Wisconsin. the 2007 Fiesta Bowl. Oregon plays at 100-miles an Now, Boise is no longer the hour, and incorporates every Father's appeal after 'hit-and-run' - The Press Association (Nation - Google News) The father of a nine-year-old boy with his family. Ayub Ahmed News who left boy 'screaming in road'

Submitted at 8/22/2011 5:00:00 PM from north London left fighting suffered serious head injuries after Father makes passionate plea for Evening Standard for his life after a suspected hit- a dark coloured car... hit-and-run driver to contact all 9 news articles » Father's appeal after 'hit-and-run' and-run has described how his son Harrow hit-and-run: Father police Harrow Times The Press Association was run down as he walked home appeals after son, 9, hurt BBC Police hunt hit-and-run driver Curated News Edition News Wire/ 17 U.S. Faces New Mideast Test, as Chaos Casts Doubt on Libya's Future ( whether the government that leaders to avoid civilian casualties

Submitted at 8/22/2011 1:07:03 PM replaces Qaddafi's will be pro- and pursue "democracy that is just American or anti-American, and inclusive for all of the people AP Islamist or secular or somewhere of Libya." People celebrate the capture in in-between. "A season of conflict must lead to Tripoli of Muammar al-Qaddafi's "Weeks from now, we're going to one of peace," Obama said in a son and one-time heir apparent, see the beginning of a tension written statement issued from his Seif al-Islam, at the rebel-held between the more Islamist part vacation digs at Martha's town of Benghazi, Libya, Aug. and the more secular part of that Vineyard. "We will continue to 22. Transitional Council," said Walid insist that the basic rights of the With another Arab country on the Phares, a Middle East analyst and Libyan people are respected. And cusp of deposing its leader, U.S. Fox News contributor. we will continue to work with our and European leaders are greeting The latest revolution of the Arab allies and partners in the the looming regime change in Spring also may not be its last. international community to Libya with a mix of triumph and Retired Gen. Jack Keane, former protect the people of Libya, and to trepidation. vice chief of staff for the Army, spiraling out of control. weapons, chemical weapons and support a peaceful transition to The Obama administration and said the Tripoli offensive Keane said the most important explosives don't fall into the democracy." its allies surely will cast the "provides energy" for protesters in order of business will be to wrong hands," he said in a The perils of regime change were rebels' swift and decisive advance Syria. maintain security in the absence statement. exemplified last week during a into Tripoli over the weekend as a It comes after Obama and of a stable government. Offering a glimpse into where deadly dispute between Egypt and vindication of their protracted European allies increased pressure "Civil order is crucial," he told western officials will be focused Israel. After Palestinian militants intervention in a de facto civil on Syria's Bashar Assad with Fox News, saying a spree of in the coming days and weeks, launched a series of attacks in a war. Just last month, some sanctions and long-awaited calls looting and revenge-killing would British Prime Minister David resort area of southern Israel, lawmakers in Congress were for him to step down following be disastrous to the budding Cameron said Monday that his presumably entering by way of trying to yank funding for the months of assaults on protesters. transition. government will be working on Egypt, Israeli forces in pursuit of mission. The mounting changes in turn U.S. officials said part of that deploying medical supplies and the militants apparently killed But analysts, and President increase pressure on Obama to effort will be to ensure that maintaining or repairing basic three Egyptian soldiers. Obama himself, warned that the express a more detailed and Libya's arsenal of weapons -- infrastructure in the country. He The Israelis labeled it an hard work is not finished. comprehensive approach to the including its anti-aircraft missiles also said the U.N. Security accident, but the violence Effectively, nobody is in charge political change in the Middle and chemical weapons -- are Council will consider giving the prompted fierce anti-Israel of the country. Muammar al- East and North Africa, to impart secured and kept from falling into Libyan rebels the "legal, protests in Cairo and Qaddafi is missing, his sons have some measure of stability on a the wrong hands. House diplomatic, political and financial condemnation from Egypt's new been captured and the rebels are region that has little. Intelligence Committee Chairman support they need." government. Both sides are trying still pushing through pockets of "He does need a plan," said Tevi Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., said Obama, in a written statement, to defuse the tension as Tripoli without a plan for who is Troy, senior fellow with the the United States must "step up urged the Transitional National Palestinian militants say they will the right person to take the reins Hudson Institute. and lead to ensure U.S. national Council to show "leadership" in a continue to target Israel. of leadership. In the near-term, the NATO-led security interests are way that respects the rights of Regardless of the potential for The presumed transition, as in coalition in Libya will be focused safeguarded." Libyans. Recognizing the council Egypt, raises questions about on keeping the situation from "In particular, we must ensure that as the country's official U.S. page 22 Qaddafi's stockpiles of advanced government, Obama urged its 18 News Wire/ Curated News Edition Cops Piece Together Leads In NFL Stadium Shootings ( serious condition Sunday. believe they are related."

Submitted at 8/22/2011 1:07:03 PM A second victim, a 20-year-old The attacks come nearly five man, was treated for less serious months after San Francisco Giants SAN FRANCISCO – The wounds in a separate shooting, fan Bryan Stow was severely mayors of San Francisco and also after the game. beaten by two men in Los Oakland and the NFL called for Sgt. Mike Andraychak said no Angeles Dodgers gear outside an end to acts of violence at arrests have been made and that Dodger Stadium after the sporting events, after two men police are looking for "a person of archrivals' season opener in Los were shot and wounded following interest" connected to at least one Angeles. Two men charged in the a San Francisco 49ers-Oakland of the shootings. He would not beating, Louie Sanchez, 28, and Raiders preseason game. specify which shooting. Marvin Norwood, 30, have Investigators Sunday looked for Apart from the shootings, a third pleaded not guilty. suspects and interviewed victim, a 26-year-old man, was Stow, 42, a Santa Cruz witnesses to the violence the night also hospitalized in serious paramedic, suffered severe brain before in the parking lot at condition Sunday after he was injuries and remains hospitalized Candlestick Park after the knocked unconscious in a stadium in our arenas." Francisco Police Department in in serious condition. matchup. bathroom during the game. NFL spokesman Greg Aiello any way possible to understand That attack drew widespread Motives for the shootings -- That attack appeared unrelated to echoed similar comments, saying how and why this happened." attention and focusing the including whether they were the other two, police said. "we deplore the activities of a Raiders CEO Amy Trask said in spotlight on security at Dodger influenced by emotions The victims' names have not been handful of fans at last night's a statement that "the incidents at Stadium, and the intense rivalry surrounding a game involving released as the violent spree game and pledge our full support last night's game are not among Dodgers and Giants fans. fiercely rival teams -- weren't overshadowed the 49ers' 17-3 to Mayors Lee and Quan and to acceptable to the Raiders or to any Christian End, an assistant known. victory over the Raiders. state and local law enforcement National Football League team professor at Xavier University in But the shootings evoked The crimes prompted San agencies." and our thoughts are with all Cincinnati, who specializes in memories of another recent Francisco Mayor Ed Lee and 49ers coach Jim Harbaugh, who affected." sports fan behavior, said there are disturbing act of post-game Oakland Mayor Jean Quan to once was a coach in the Raiders Head Coach Hue Jackson also several factors for unruliness at violence involving two rival issue a joint statement saying that organization, said he was shared his desire for a safe fan- sporting events -- including the California pro sports teams -- the violence at stadiums in both cities saddened to hear about the friendly environment "where we magnitude of the game, if it is near-fatal beating this spring of a will not be tolerated. violence. wish that people come out and between arch rivals, adrenaline San Francisco Giants fan outside "The incidents ... are completely "I didn't know anything was going enjoy a game and hopefully that and alcohol. There's also Dodger Stadium. unacceptable and will be on during the game. I wasn't those things don't happen." "deindividuation," when fans In Saturday's attacks, a 24-year- prosecuted to the fullest extent of aware of that," Harbaugh said. "I On Saturday, Sgt. Frank Harrell supporting a particular team adopt old man, who reportedly was the law," the mayors said. "Fans feel bad for the people who got said the man shot wearing the T- a group mentality and may wearing a "F--- the Niners" T- come to our stadiums to enjoy an injured and the people who had to shirt drove his truck to a gate and become uncivil. shirt, was shot several times in the afternoon of football, not to be see that, for those who had to stumbled to stadium security. A "The anonymity of large crowds stomach. Police said he managed subjected to intimidation or witness it." second man shot before that in the can afford some fans the to stumble to stadium security for violence. These games are family The team said that "these kinds of parking lot and had superficial opportunity to act in a way that help despite the severe injuries. events and the types of images we events are disquieting to everyone face injuries, Harrell said. He remained hospitalized in witnessed last night have no place in the Bay Area community. We He said the two shootings were COPS page 23 are working to assist the San being treated separately "but we Curated News Edition News Wire/ 19 South Korea Deports Falun Gong Practitioners, Yielding to Chinese Regime Pressure (Epoch Times | All headlines) the South Korean government has Nations clearly states in its deportations. After a meeting in March 2006

Submitted at 8/22/2011 11:03:43 AM arranged these deportations out of Convention against Torture and Chiu also explained that by Chun Jung-bae, the South fear of the Chinese regime. He Other Cruel, Inhuman or according to Articles 1 and 33 of Korean Minister of Justice, with By Wen Long & Gisela Sommer believes the South Korean Degrading Treatment or the Refugee Convention, people China’s Public Security Minister, Epoch Times Staff Created: Aug government does not act out of Punishment that no country must who have been given refugee Zhou Yongkang, the refugee 22, 2011 Last Updated: Aug 22, fear, but out of a desire to flatter send someone back to an area status can’t be deported, and these applications of over 20 Falun 2011 the Chinese regime by assisting it where he or she might face two articles also cannot be altered Gong practitioners were rejected, South Korea, in violation of the in the persecution of Falun Gong. torture. by any individual country. In and the practitioners were United Nations Refugee When South Korea forcefully “The torture methods the CCP has other words, the South Korean immediately deported to China. Convention, deported three Falun deported two Falun Gong used on Falun Gong practitioners government is in clear violation of Falun Gong practitioners started Gong practitioners back to China practitioners in July 2009, 23 U.S. are widely known; sending them the convention. legal procedures right afterwards. this July, where they may face legislators sent a joint letter [http:/ back [to mainland China] is like Chiu pointed out that many When the CCP’s Politburo imprisonment and torture. This is /] murder. South Korea should not Korean legal professionals are of Standing Committee member and the latest in a string of such to the South Korean government, commit such an international the opinion that, based on the law, director of Propaganda Li deportations and is believed to be asking them to not let this happen human rights violation,” Chu said. the sentences given to Falun Gong Changchun visited South Korea in due to pressure from the Chinese again. However, four more David Matas, a renowned refugees are too harsh and very April 2009, a Korean reporter, Communist Party (CCP). incidents of deportation followed, international human rights lawyer likely due to foreign factors, such who did not want to give his Li Xiaoce, the spokesperson for with more people deported each from said the CCP as pressure from the CCP. name, told The Epoch Times that the Global Mission to Rescue time, according to Li. violates the Refugee Convention Chiu also said the South Korean Li clearly told the South Korean Persecuted Falun Gong “The decision by President Lee and forcefully deports North court has violated Article 76, government “to kick out any Practitioners, told The Epoch Myung-bak’s government to Korean refugees, but South Section 8 of the Immigration Falun Gong practitioners.” Times in a phone interview that in deport Falun Gong practitioners Korea—a democratic Control Act. The article says that Soon after, the South Korean the past two years, the South has damaged South Korea’s country—also violates the those who have not received Ministry of Justice started quickly Korean government has forcefully image in the international convention by deporting Falun refugee status, especially those rejecting Falun Gong deported a total of 10 Falun Gong community,” Li said. Violating Gong practitioners. awaiting verification, can be practitioners’ refugee applications practitioners to China on six International Law Matas said this is why it’s very permitted to temporarily stay by and deporting them. separate occasions, five of them Li supplied transcripts to The important for the South Korean approval of the President. Official Falun Gong, also known as Falun ethnic Koreans. Epoch Times from a press people to oppose the decision to Visits from China Dafa, is a traditional Chinese “When we told this to the conference he organized earlier deport Falun Gong refugees. Li Xiaoce said the South Korean mind-body cultivation practice governments and organizations of this year in front of the Korean Also speaking at the press Ministry of Justice began that consists of exercises, various countries, they were all government building complex in conference was Taiwanese lawyer receiving refugee applications meditation, and following the shocked and showed great Gwacheon. Kenneth Chiu, who said it is from Chinese Falun Gong principles of truthfulness, concern. There is not a single Theresa Chu, the Asia director of common knowledge that the CCP practitioners in 2002. In the first compassion, and forbearance in country in the world that assists the American Human Rights persecutes Falun Gong few years, the Ministry of Justice daily life. Practitioners generally the CCP to this extent,” Li said. Lawyers Association and one of practitioners. Chiu addressed the neither granted nor rejected these SOUTH page 20 Li said others have asked him if the speakers, said the United questionable legal basis for the applications. 20 News Wire/ Food/ Curated News Edition SOUTH continued from page 19 Brent oil drops as Libya civil war say that Falun Gong has dramatically improved their health and mental wellbeing. In July 1999, the CCP under the nears end leadership of Jiang Zemin began a campaign to “eradicate” the (Reuters: Top News) modestly bearish for crude oil barrel. opening the potential for the practice of Falun Gong. The Falun prices, but it is less likely that we Brent's premium to U.S. crude resumption of Libyan oil exports Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:09:05 PM Dafa Information Center can will get a $10-$20 drop in price of narrowed to $24.51 a barrel, after by the end of 2011," JPMorgan confirm the deaths of over 3,400 People wave Kingdom of Libya crude," Jason Schenker, president reaching a record $26.69 on said in a note to clients. practitioners from torture and flags, as they celebrate the arrival at Prestige Economics LLC in Friday. ECONOMIC CONCERNS abuse. According to the of rebel fighters in Tripoli, while Austin, Texas, said in a note. Brent crude trading volumes REMAIN Information Center, the true death riding on a pickup truck in U.S. crude prices pared gains as outpaced those for U.S. crude Even as Libya got much of the toll may be in the tens of Misrata August 22, 2011 in this the front-month September slightly, with both above 400,000 attention, the recent stock market thousands. still image taken from video. contract approached expiration at lots traded during the noon hour and a sputtering global economy Read the original Chinese article. Credit: Reuters/Reuters TV the end of Monday's session. U.S. in New York. had investors awaiting any This entry passed through the By Robert Gibbons prices enjoyed an early boost Part of U.S. crude divergence indications of central bank intent Full-Text RSS service — if this is NEW YORK| Mon Aug 22, 2011 from the dollar's weakness and a from Brent is because traders are on stimulus at a gathering of your content and you're reading it 1:09pm EDT bounce by equities on Wall Street. starting to bail out of their Brent/ policymakers and other financial on someone else's site, please read (Reuters) - Brent crude fell more The dollar had been pressured on U.S. spread positions, said leaders in Wyoming later this the FAQ at than 1 percent on Monday as speculation that the Federal Dominick Chirichella of the week. only/faq.php#publishers. Five investors anticipate a resumption Reserve this week might indicate Energy Management Institute. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Filters featured article: A 'Malign of oil exports from the OPEC- a need to take additional measures Speculators raised slightly their Bernanke will make a speech on Intellectual Subculture' - George member Libya, where rebels to support an ailing economy. long exposure to Brent in the Friday at a lodge in Wyoming's Monbiot Smears Chomsky, moved to control most of Tripoli But the dollar index bounced, the week to August 16, data from the Jackson Hole, where Herman, Peterson, Pilger And and an end to the six-month-old S&P 500 stocks index briefly Intercontinental Exchange policymakers and academics meet Media Lens. civil war seemed close. turned negative and, with any showed. once a year. Brent crude's forward curve threat from Hurricane Irene to key Selling by "soft longs" who (Additional reporting by Gene flattened in the months through U.S. oil infrastructure fading, U.S. increased exposure last week and Ramos and Janet McGurty in early next year and its premium to oil prices pulled back. profit taking by traders with long- New York, Claire Milhench in U.S. crude fell on hopes that a Hurricane Irene, the first held positions could put more London and Seng Li Peng in swift end to Libya's civil war will hurricane of 2011 Atlantic season, short-term pressure on Brent, Singapore; Editing by Andrea 2011 bring its oil exports back to the was on a track that could take it to according to brokers. Evans) market. Florida but would likely miss the Libya pumped around 1.6 million This entry passed through the Some Libyan output will be able concentrations of production and barrels per day (bpd), nearly 2 Full-Text RSS service — if this is Trailblazing to restart in a few months, but it refineries to the west. percent of global supply, before your content and you're reading it will take as long as 18 months to ICE Brent October crude fell the war cut its output. Most of on someone else's site, please read Chef Awards reach the prewar level, Libya's $1.33 to $107.29 a barrel by 12:39 Libya's high-quality crude flowed the FAQ at (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks) former top oil official Shokri p.m., having recovered from a to European refiners. After only/faq.php#publishers. Five Submitted at 8/22/2011 3:00:00 AM Ghanem told Reuters. $105.15 intraday low. Libyan exports ceased, tighter Filters featured article: A 'Malign Muammar Gaddafi was a hunted U.S. expiring September crude supply drove Brent to a two-year Intellectual Subculture' - George [unable to retrieve full-text man on Monday as remnants of rose 34 cents to $82.60 a barrel, high of $127.02 in April. Monbiot Smears Chomsky, content] Seven professional cooks his forces made a last-ditch stand having fallen back from $84.30. "The limited resistance to rebel Herman, Peterson, Pilger And whose restaurants are setting new in the capital of Tripoli. More actively traded October forces entering Tripoli may herald Media Lens. standards "A resolution of the conflict is crude rose 40 cents to $82.81 a a swift resolution to the civil war, Curated News Edition News Wire/ World News/ 21 Morcombe Kale Season family asks to (Epoch Times | All headlines) 1 can (15 ounce) diced tomatoes visit site - Submitted at 8/22/2011 6:14:43 AM 2 cups vegetable stock Heat 2 tablespoons of the olive Sunshine Coast By Jennifer A. Wickes Created: oil in a skillet over medium-high Aug 22, 2011 Last Updated: Aug heat. When the oil is hot, add the Daily 22, 2011 thyme, carrots, celery, and onions. (Nation - Google News) KALE: Kale has been cultivated Sweat these over very low heat over 2,000 years and probably for about 5 minutes. Then, add the Submitted at 8/22/2011 4:18:22 PM originated from the Mediterranean kale. Cover tightly and cook the Sky News region of the world. ( kale until it wilts to half its Morcombe family asks to visit Kale has been cultivated over volume. site 2,000 years and probably Add the tomatoes and 2 cups of Sunshine Coast Daily originated from the Mediterranean stock. Add salt and pepper to THE Morcombe family has asked region of the world. Despite its taste. Cover. Allow the stew to police about visiting the site at hot origin, kale grows better in come to another boil. Add the which three bones, believed to be colder climates and is very zucchini. Simmer for one more Daniel's, were found on Sunday. popular in Northern and Eastern hour; then add the beans. If However, the potential for DNA Europe, especially Scotland. vitamin A, folic acid, calcium, Cook the pasta according to the necessary, add more water to your contamination could prevent Science: Kale is a part of the and iron. package instructions. desired consistency, and cook 45 them, for the time being. Bruce cabbage family, Brassica oleracea. Trivia: Older kale is tougher and Dice the bacon and cook over minutes longer. Morcombe, who dashed back There are numerous varieties and stronger in flavor. Choose smaller medium heat. Jennifer A. Wickes is a freelance from... colors. bunches to avoid this. Remove the bacon, and sauté the food writer, researcher and Morcombe family hope find of How to Select: Kale has frilly Spices: Cayenne, mace, onions in the bacon fat. Add the cookbook reviewer. She has human remains will tell them son leaves with a deep green color and marjoram, nutmeg, sesame seed, kale, and toss until wilted. Add in written several eBooks, and has Daniel's resting... The Australian a possible tinge of on the tarragon. the cooked pasta and toss had several articles and recipes in Shoes may still hold DNA leaves. Avoid yellow, limp leaves. Equivalencies: 1 pound fresh kale thoroughly. printed publications. evidence as hunt for Daniel Preparation: Wash in cold water = 1 1/2 cups cooked Serve with grated Parmesan. This entry passed through the Morcombe continues to remove all the sand and dirt. Substitution: If you have extra Tuscan-Style Stew Full-Text RSS service — if this is Remove the stalk before cutting. kale in your house, try using it Makes 8 servings 2 carrots, your content and you're reading it Shoes found at Daniel Morcombe Kale can be blanched and frozen instead of spinach or Swiss chard! peeled and sliced on someone else's site, please read search site match brand he was for later use. Pasta and Kale 1 rib celery, sliced the FAQ at wearing Herald Sun Storage: Store kale, washed, Makes 4 servings 1 medium onion, minced only/faq.php#publishers. Five Sydney Morning Herald- wrapped in paper towels in a 1 pound fresh kale 1 pound kale Filters featured article: A 'Malign Brisbane Times plastic bag. Place in the coldest 8 strips bacon 2 medium zucchini Intellectual Subculture' - George all 845 news articles » part of the refrigerator. Kale will 1/2 onion, minced 1/4 cup olive oil Monbiot Smears Chomsky, stay fresh up to 7 days. 1 pound dried pasta, medium 1/4 teaspoon thyme Herman, Peterson, Pilger And Nutritional Qualities: Kale is wide noodles 2 cans (15 ounce) drained white Media Lens. extremely nutritious. It contains 1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan beans high amounts of vitamin C, 22 News Wire/ Curated News Edition U.S. continued from page 17 Israel and Hamas agree future unrest in the region, U.S. Four Lessons Learned Chorus of officials described the weekend's World Leaders Urge Qaddafi's developments in Libya as Exit AEHQ Blog: Obama unquestionably positive. Balancing Libya, Vacation Gaza truce: officials "We've seen difficulties with Related Video other countries that have made Can the Libyan Rebels Govern (Reuters: Top News) diplomatic row between Israel and pressure for a tough response to this transition, but we will be rid Effectively? Egypt after five Egyptian security the killing of the five Egyptian Submitted at 8/22/2011 7:27:54 AM of a guy who has the blood of Opposition prepares for possible officers were killed as Israeli security personnel, was due Americans on his hands," Sen. interim government Related A member of Hamas security troops along the border pursued Monday to discuss the growing John McCain, R-Ariz., told CBS' Video forces gestures at the site of an gunmen who had carried out a lawlessness along the border. "Face the Nation." Qaddafi Regime on Brink of Israeli air strike on a Hamas series of deadly attacks in Israel. The PRC, whose members fired Obama said Tripoli was "slipping Collapse? security compound in the northern Like similar arrangements in the many of the rockets launched over from the grasp of a tyrant." Rebels seize control of majority Gaza Strip August 21, 2011. past, the truce is not a formal the past few days, agreed to The chairman of the Libyan of Tripoli, capture sons of Credit: Reuters/Suhaib Salem agreement, but consists of each "temporarily halt firing rockets to opposition said Monday that the country's dictator Related By Nidal al-Mughrabi side saying it would halt preserve the interest of our "real moment of victory" will Slideshow GAZA| Mon Aug 22, 2011 hostilities if the other side did the people," but said it remained come when Qaddafi is captured. Libyan Rebel Fighters Take 8:27am EDT same. dedicated to the goal of Israel's He vowed that the transitional Tripoli (Reuters) - Israel and the Islamist Eight Israelis -- six civilians and destruction. council wants to give him a fair After a morning of heavy fighting group Hamas, which controls the two soldiers -- were killed Israeli leaders, looking to lower trial. near Muammar al-Qaddafi's Gaza Strip, have agreed to a Thursday when the gunmen tensions, have expressed regret Qaddafi's whereabouts are still Tripoli compound, rebel forces ceasefire after five days of cross- crossed into southern Israel and over the Egyptian deaths and unknown. control at least 95 percent of the border violence, officials said on opened fire on a number of reiterated that Egypt is an Despite the celebration Monday, capital city, though the Monday. vehicles on a quiet desert road. At important and strategic ally. Keane said western policies whereabouts of the Libyan leader One official who was involved in least seven of the attackers were They have also said they want to "protracted" the war. While the remain unknown. mediating talks between Israel killed, Israel said. avoid further escalations in Obama administration for months This entry passed through the and Palestinian factions in Gaza A total of 15 Palestinians, violence with the Palestinians, has defended its slow-and-steady Full-Text RSS service — if this is said the groups had "reached an including five civilians, and one which analysts said could hurt approach to Libya, Keane your content and you're reading it understanding on a truce and that Israeli were killed in the Israel ahead of a Palestinian described the entire operation as a on someone else's site, please read the truce has started." subsequent cross-border air statehood bid next month in the "tongue-in-cheek mission" -- one the FAQ at A Palestinian official said Hamas strikes and rocket attacks. United Nations. which described itself as only/faq.php#publishers. Five had agreed to ensure the Israel blamed the Popular (Editing by Tim Pearce) humanitarian but sought the Filters featured article: A 'Malign recognition of the ceasefire by Resistance Committees (PRC) in This entry passed through the ouster of Qaddafi. Intellectual Subculture' - George smaller militant groups which Gaza for the attack and killed two Full-Text RSS service — if this is "The problem is we never used Monbiot Smears Chomsky, were responsible for most of the of its leaders and three of its your content and you're reading it decisive force to do that," he said. Herman, Peterson, Pilger And rockets fired at Israel in the latest militants in an air strike shortly on someone else's site, please read Related Stories Libyan Rebels Media Lens. surge in violence. afterwards. the FAQ at Take Most of Tripoli, Pushing The Israeli security cabinet met But it said the gunmen had only/faq.php#publishers. Five Qaddafi's Regime to Brink of earlier Monday and decided the entered Israel from the Sinai Filters featured article: A 'Malign Collapse What's Next In Libya -- military would cease its strikes in desert and raised doubts as to Intellectual Subculture' - George the Gaza Strip if militants there whether Egypt was able to Monbiot Smears Chomsky, halted attacks on Israel, according maintain control in the border Herman, Peterson, Pilger And to an Israeli official. area. Media Lens. The fighting also sparked a Egypt's cabinet, facing growing Curated News Edition News Wire/ Technology/ 23 COPS continued from page 18 Tea Party Slams Dem Rep they typically wouldn't because majority of them are not." Related there's less accountability and less Video fear of repercussion," End said. Huge Brawl Breaks Out at End said violence between fans Football Game For 'Go to Hell' Comment of opposing teams can typically Fans fight in the stands ( begin with light banter, followed August 20: A police officer holds by "one-upping" each other with up a bloodied shirt as they Submitted at 8/22/2011 1:07:03 PM statistics or other chatter that investigate the scene of a shooting AP could draw a crowd. just outside of lot L at Candlestick Rep. Maxine Waters speaks "Then it could be taken up a notch Park, where the San Francisco during an event at Inglewood where the fun aspect is gone and 49ers had just finished playing the High School in Inglewood, Calif., it just escalates," End said. Oakland Raiders in San Aug. 20. End said he doesn't believe fan Francisco, Calif. A national Tea Party group urged violence has increased in the last This entry passed through the Democrats to adhere to their own 10 years but may appear that way Full-Text RSS service — if this is calls for civility after Democratic partially due to new technology at your content and you're reading it Rep. Maxine Waters told a hand. on someone else's site, please read restless crowd over the weekend "There are more cameras covering the FAQ at that the " Tea Party can go games and more fans using their only/faq.php#publishers. Five straight to hell." smartphones," End said. "Any Filters featured article: A 'Malign Mark Meckler and Jenny Beth deafening, but not surprising." straight to hell," she said. acts of aggression have a higher Intellectual Subculture' - George Martin, who lead the Tea Party Waters was ratcheting up her Video of her remarks was probability of being captured and Monbiot Smears Chomsky, Patriots, suggested President rhetoric as she and other captured by the ABC affiliate in being shown over the Internet and Herman, Peterson, Pilger And Obama should step in to put a lawmakers are confronted with Los Angeles. on television. Media Lens. check on the overheated rhetoric. the epidemic of joblessness in Waters and other lawmakers at "It would give the impression "We've had Democrats calling their home states. The California the event were faced with a series that, `Boy, fans are engaging in all American citizens 'terrorists' and Democrat last week told a Detroit of questions from residents about of this aggressive behavior.' But 'hostage takers,' and now an crowd that she was frustrated with what the government can do to you have to remember that a vast elected Democratic representative the Obama administration's fuel job creation. says that we can 'go straight to approach to the economy, urging This entry passed through the Explosive Eco-Friendly Hotels - The hell.' The president and all leaders voters to "unleash" her on the Full-Text RSS service — if this is of the Democratic Party, who White House. your content and you're reading it Ngorongoro Crater Lodge is Located have called for civility in the past, But at a forum in Inglewood, on someone else's site, please read in a Volcano ( are neglecting to censure their Calif., on Saturday, Waters the FAQ at own. Is civility only required from directed her ire at the Tea Party. only/faq.php#publishers. Five (TREND HUNTER - The Latest you are likely to encounter: the Trends) their opponents?" they asked in a "I'm not afraid of anybody. This is Filters featured article: A 'Malign lodge is located inside of a a tough game. You can't be Intellectual Subculture' - George statement. "Perhaps it's time for a Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:12:02 PM volcanic crater. But you can calm new-NEW era of civility. ... The intimidated. You can't be Monbiot Smears Chomsky, all of your fears as the volcano is president's silence on these latest frightened. And as far as I'm Herman, Peterson, Pilger And ( The no longer... violations of civility has been concerned, the Tea Party can go Media Lens. Ngorongoro Crater Lodge in Tanzania is unlike any other that 24 News Wire/ Technology/ World News/ Curated News Edition Malaysia swap Jack Layton, Canadian Opposition deal 'breaches' refugees' basic Leader, Dies at 61 rights - The (Epoch Times | All headlines) July, I wished him well and he Australian told me he’d be seeing me in the Submitted at 8/22/2011 10:54:37 AM (Nation - Google News) House of Commons in the fall. New Democratic Party leader This, sadly, will no longer come Submitted at 8/22/2011 4:11:34 PM Jack Layton waves during NDP's to pass,” Harper said in a campaign kickoff event at the statement.“On behalf of all Chateau Laurier in Ottawa, Canadians, I salute Jack’s Malaysia swap deal 'breaches' Canada, on March 26. Layton contribution to public life, a refugees' basic rights died of cancer at 61 on Aug. 22. contribution that will be sorely The Australian (Geoff Robins/AFP/Getty Images) missed.” THE full bench of the High Court Just three months after Jack Details of Layton’s funeral has been told the Gillard Layton announced he was taking arrangements will be released government's Malaysian swap a leave from his job to fight a later, his family said. deal interferes with the right to renewed bout of cancer, the 61- This entry passed through the liberty, freedom of movement and year-old NDP leader died early Full-Text RSS service — if this is freedom from assault. Lawyers Monday morning, his family said. your content and you're reading it for 41 asylum-seekers appealing Layton, who had been battling on someone else's site, please read their transfer to Kuala Lumpur cancer for more than a year, the FAQ at told... High Court hears claim against “passed away peacefully Even though diagnosed with are so appreciated,” Layton said only/faq.php#publishers. Five offshore processing ABC Online surrounded by family and loved prostate cancer in February 2010 in his last tweet on July 25, the Filters featured article: A 'Malign Malaysia won't protect asylum ones” at 4:45 a.m., his family said and relying on a cane after a day he stepped aside to fight a Intellectual Subculture' - George seekers: counsel The Age in a statement. surgery for a broken hip, Layton “non-prostate cancer.” “Thank Monbiot Smears Chomsky, Malaysia asylum seeker swap One of Layton’s greatest forged ahead during the spring you. I will fight this—and beat it.” Herman, Peterson, Pilger And illega', High Court told The Daily triumphs occurred earlier this year election campaign, forcing the Prime Minister Stephen Harper Media Lens. Telegraph when he led his New Democratic Liberal Party into third place for said he was “deeply saddened” to Herald Sun- Sydney Morning Party to official opposition status the first time since confederation hear of Layton’s death. Herald- for the first time in the history of in 1867. “When I last spoke with Jack all 266 news articles » Canadian politics. “Your support and well wishes following his announcement in NHS to the next wave of healthcare apps

Submitted at 8/22/2011 11:40:00 AM ideas for health apps that could example mentioned is Choose Breast Cancer, which provides help patients make informed Well, developed by NHS women with a guide to checking The UK's Health Secretary decisions about their care. Yorkshire and Humber, which their breasts for abnormalities. Andrew Lansley has launched a In addition to coming up with allows you to find your nearest Continue reading... competition inviting developers, new ideas for apps, Lansley is NHS health services. Another is doctors and patients to submit also inviting people to suggest their favourite existing apps. One iBreastCheck from Breakthrough Curated News Edition World News/ Technology/ 25 The New Rules: The Race Don't Sweat the for Global Leadership in Russia 'Reset' (World Politics Review: Articles) Cold War."

Submitted at 8/22/2011 2:18:00 AM So is the concern justified? ... the Age of Anger Subscribers receive: In recent weeks, pundits, • Access to in-depth feature (World Politics Review: Articles) populist anger building up across • Enhanced search across the diplomats and assorted foreign articles Submitted at 8/22/2011 2:25:00 AM the world system today, because it entire site policy wonks have started raising • Regular Strategic Posture demands a progressive response • Participation in our discussion the alarm on U.S.-Russia Reviews Ian Bremmer, the founder and from government elites in the section relations, with the Obama • Regular WPR Special Reports head of Eurasia Group (for which global North, South, East and administration's much-trumpeted • Access to our Document Center I work as an analyst), has argued West. In this process, some states Click here to subscribe » "reset" seeming to be increasingly • Access to WPR’s entire that we are living in a "G-Zero" will dramatically succeed in Click here to take a free trial » under threat. A recent travel ban archives world, or one in which there is no addressing their citizens' Already a subscriber? Login here. by the U.S. State Department on • Enhanced search across the genuine great-power leadership. grievances, while others will This entry passed through the certain Russian officials believed entire site From the perspective of political dramatically fail. The resulting Full-Text RSS service — if this is to be involved in the death of • Participation in our discussion science, it is hard to disagree, as internal political transformations your content and you're reading it lawyer Sergei Magnitsky elicited section anyone reading a newspaper these will determine global leadership on someone else's site, please read an angry response from Moscow days can attest. Still, the historian in the decades ahead. ... the FAQ at threatening cooperation in areas Click here to subscribe » in me says this situation cannot Subscribers receive: only/faq.php#publishers. Five ranging from Afghanistan to Click here to take a free trial » last for too long. My reasoning • Access to in-depth feature Filters featured article: A 'Malign . Russia's ambassador Already a subscriber? Login here. here has nothing to do with the articles Intellectual Subculture' - George to NATO, Dmitry Rogozin, has This entry passed through the global correlation of military • Regular Strategic Posture Monbiot Smears Chomsky, started grousing about U.S. Full-Text RSS service — if this is force, since thanks to Reviews Herman, Peterson, Pilger And missile defense plans again. And your content and you're reading it globalization's emerging middle • Regular WPR Special Reports Media Lens. all of this comes against a on someone else's site, please read class, "butter" will inevitably • Access to our Document Center backdrop of increasing criticism the FAQ at emerge as the winner over "guns." • Access to WPR’s entire from Prime Minister Vladimir only/faq.php#publishers. Five Instead, pay attention to all the archives Putin and his factional supporters Filters featured article: A 'Malign in the Russian government about Intellectual Subculture' - George U.S. policy in Libya and Syria. Monbiot Smears Chomsky, Predictably, this has resulted in a Herman, Peterson, Pilger And stream of op-eds in the Western Media Lens. press raising the specter of a "new BUY WITH ME! [email protected] (Ad CITY! ServeRSS) (AdServRSS Feed) Get the Best Deals in ANY 26 World News/ Curated News Edition Parties condemn No threat to Andhra Advani faces Achuthanandan's comment on Hazare government: Chiranjeevi supporters Royal House - Times of picketing his (Nation - Google News) that the head of the Travancore - royal family had tried to smuggle Submitted at 8/22/2011 5:18:41 PM (Nation - Google News) is no threat to the state house - Times of out precious articles... government.... Daily Bhaskar Achuthanandan criticises Submitted at 8/22/2011 5:39:21 PM India 24 Cong MLAs resign in support Parties condemn Travancore Royal family of Jagan Hindustan Times (Nation - Google News) Achuthanandan's comment on No threat to Andhra government: 29 MLAs, 2 MPs resign over Submitted at 8/22/2011 5:18:55 PM Royal House Achuthanandan Flayed for Chiranjeevi YSR name in FIR Business Times of India 'Smuggler' Slur Against Ex-royal Standard The Hindu PTI | Aug 22, 2011, 10.34PM HYDERABAD: In the wake of CBI begins examination of seized Advani faces Hazare supporters IST Royalty Against Opening Vault resignations by the legislators evidence, more raids possible picketing his house THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Yentha loyal to Kadapa MP YS Jagan MSN India Times of India Congress, BJP as well as well as City The Week Mohan Reddy, the actor-turned- Daily News & Analysis- The PTI | Aug 22, 2011, 10.42PM Hindu outifts in Kerala have all 30 news articles » politician Chiranjeevi and senior Hindu- Livemint IST NEW DELHI: BJP leader LK flayed CPM veteran VS Congress leaders from Andhra all 82 news articles » Advani faced Anna Hazare Achuthanandan for his remark Pradesh today asserted that there supporters picketing his house as he replied to their tough questions Kate Middleton and Prince William on the opposition stand on the Jan How would Libya's Lokpal Bill, and inclusion of meet riot victims in Birmingham - Prime Minister and higher judiciary... Now Magazine Online next government take Camp Anna packed, Government hunts for truce (Nation - Google News) including the parents of the three Hazare''s supporters take their men - Haroon Jahan and brothers Submitted at 8/22/2011 5:11:23 PM shape? - The Guardian fight to MPs'' doors Shazad... Congress calls for flexibility on (Nation - Google News) Kate Middleton, you're not alone! fight for control of Tripoli, one Lokpal issue Economic Times Kate Middleton and Prince Confessions of an eyeliner addict Submitted at 8/22/2011 5:00:22 PM question arises: if they are Livemint- Daily News & William meet riot victims in Daily Mail successful,... Analysis- MSN India Birmingham Pippa Middleton takes her UN chief says Col Gaddafi must all 3,144 news articles » Now Magazine Online bottom to Tesco OK! Magazine How would Libya's next give up fight Kate Middleton and Prince Kate Middleton a 'role model' for government take shape? PM: We'll help post-Gaddafi William showed their support for anorexics Herald Sun The Guardian Libya The Press Association victims of the riots by visiting Gather Celebs News Channel- Mustafa Abdel Jalil, chairman of Reporters: Anna Jones and Aidan Birmingham on Saturday. The Ology- MyDaily UK the Libyan National Transitional Lewis BBC News Duke and Duchess of Cambridge all 72 news articles » Council, attends a news Reuters UK- - spoke to people affected, conference on 22 August 2011. Photograph: Esam Omran Al- all 10,294 news articles » Fetori/Reuters As Libyan rebels Curated News Edition World News/ Technology/ 27 Soldier rejoined SAS after leaving for sake of family YC-Backed Vidyard Is A - New Zealand Herald YouTube For Businesses (Nation - Google News) chose to leave the SAS, the elite Leena Rao (TechCrunch) You can then add a custom players, realtime analytics, and thumbnail, choose from 10 other premium features. And Submitted at 8/22/2011 5:36:32 PM unit he had worked to... Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:05:17 PM Soldier becomes the 29th to die different player skins, customize Vidyard also has plans for large- BBC News in Afghanistan Many businesses embed the size and color, enable viral scale video hosting. Soldier rejoined SAS after Afghanistan war claims life of YouTube videos on their sites, but sharing on Twitter and Facebook, The startup uses RTMP leaving for sake of family 29th Digger The Australian one of the pain points of using and default content to HD if you’d streaming, which means you can New Zealand Herald Bomb kills Digger on patrol in YouTube as a platform is that like. jump to the middle of a video The 21-year army veteran was on Afghanistan Sydney Morning visitors can click through the In terms of integrating the video without waiting for the buffer to his second deployment to Herald video to YouTube and off the into a site, Vidyard offers a catch up. You can also Afghanistan when he was fatally The Age- ABC brand’s site — and those videos simple code that can be embedded implement chaptering, which wounded. Photo / Supplied With a Online also include YouTube’s ads and on any site (users can choose to means you can overlay links to young family at home, Corporal all 368 news articles » branding. Ooyala and Brightcove have an in-line video or one that additional videos on top of the Douglas Grant some time ago both offer professional, enterprise appears as a pop-up). Or one being watched. Every plan -hosted video platforms but these businesses can choose to send includes 101 GB of bandwidth, Abandoned Cali Abbreviated can be expensive. Enter Y people to a landing page with a and Litt says no business goes Combinator-backed Vidyard, link to the video, which Litt says over this amount. The startup has Cribs - The Anime Parodies - which is launching today as an is ideal for email marketing. Users tweaked its hosting technology to 'Prospect' House The DragonBall Z affordable way for businesses to can also comment on these pages be bandwidth efficient, and only host videos that can be viewed via Twitter and Facebook. buffers ten second in advance so by Jonathan Segal Kai Abridged either on a landing page or via an Once a business uses Vidyard, it the business isn’t wasting embeddable player. can also access detailed analytics bandwidth on clients that aren’t was Built on an Trims the Basically, Vidyard is offering a on the performance of the video. watching the whole videos. service that’s very similar to The startup allows businesses to Vidyard hasn’t yet graduated Expansive Barren Narrative YouTube, but without that link to see how many people watched a from Y Combinator’s incubator Lot Hilariously a third-party portal. The startup video, their attention span, (that happens this week) but has also offers instant, detailed and minutes watched, most popular already caught the eye of some ( ( real-time analytics with regards to times within a video, where well known companies and (TREND HUNTER - The Latest (TREND HUNTER - The Latest the embedded video people are located geographically, investors. Ernst and Young, Trends) Trends) performance. Co-founder Michael and more. Adchemy, and TheBizMedia(a Litt says that currently 3.5 million To monetize, Vidyard is using a digital video agency that Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:22:02 PM Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:02:02 PM businesses host YouTube videos freemium model: startups and represents Coke and Maxwell ( If the words ( If you grew on their site and there’s a huge companies with a smaller House) are using Vidyard’s "abandoned" and "California" up in the ‘90s, you're about to get opportunity to offer a better, marketing budget can create a hosting platform. And in addition seem not to go hand in hand, a bout of nostalgia with this simpler, easy to use video hosting hosted video through Vidyard for to the Start Fund and Y consider this, the 'Prospect' House DragonBall Z Kai Abridged product to companies. free with some of the Combinator’s financial backing, designed by Jonathan Segal was parody. Not only does it recap the Here’s how Vidyard works. First, functionality above (including Vidyard has raised additional developed on an abandoned 7,200 iconic first season of the anime you can choose to upload a video analytics). For $20 to $50 a funds from former RIM COO square feet plot of land in La... phenomenon, but it does it with... file or a video from YouTube. month, they can add branded Dennis Kavelman and SV Angel. 28 Technology/ Finance/ Curated News Edition Group Messaging Apps Are Hot: Tech Veteran Built Glassboard Launches Today Marshall Kirkpatrick Simmons, FeedDemon creator except it's better set up for small control panel -- and a scrappy (ReadWriteWeb) Nick Bradbury and Newsgator's groups of people you already Skype can't be ignored either."

Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:51:13 PM VP of Mobile and Data Walker know than it is big public group Why are these apps so hot right Fenton. When social media was chatter like Beluga is sometimes now? I think it's in part because Private group messaging apps are first bursting onto the scene with used for. One of the they capture the same feeling that hot. The Monday after Skype the self-publishing power of the differentiators is that Glassboard one to one SMS and MMS acquired year-old startup first blogging platforms, it was uses the News Feed model to capture, but on a whole new level GroupMe for a reported $85 RSS innovators like Simmons, display activity updates from all with multiple people. It's a million, a team of innovators who Bradbury and Fenton, along with your different group paradigm that's both simple and lead the ultimately unsuccessful leaders Jason conversations. highly engaging. but very important charge to Shellen and Chris Wetherell (now Clearly Skype and Microsoft Om Malik wrote in February that popularize RSS feeds has both at AOL) that really made think that mobile group good group messaging apps could regrouped to build and launch a blogging scale by building the Summer: messaging is going to be an hold the key to Google effectively new group messaging app called web apps that let millions of "It is built with Microsoft Azure important part of the tech challenging Facebook in social Glassboard. people subscribe easily to tens or as its back-end and will integrate landscape of the future. technology. Their synchronous Glassboard launched in the hundreds of millions of blogs. with Microsoft's forthcoming Glassboard is a solid entrant into Interactions are "highly personal, iTunes, Android and Windows Sadly, listening meaningfully to Office 365. The team is being that market, led by a very high- are location-aware and allow the Phone app stores this morning and other people will never be as intentionally 'agnostic' about its caliber team. Why Group sharing of experiences, whether it's a good, solid, simple app for popular as babbling about target market, saying it could be Messaging Matters it's photographs, video streams or communicating across multiple yourself or drooling, so RSS used by families, work teams or As David Card, Research simply smiley faces. Interactions different topical "boards" on your reading applications didn't companies and their clients. These Director at GigaOM Pro, wrote are supposed to mimic the feeling phone. If you've got a group of explode like subsequent guys have built some incredible this Spring: of actually being there. people you want to communicate technologies have. They have things in the past and it will be "Synchronous communications Interactions are about enmeshing with for a short or long period of changed the lives of millions of very interesting to see what they (such as mobile group chat) are the virtual with the physical." time, from your phone, with people, though, and continue to can bring to one of the biggest the latest battleground in the war That described Glassboard well, commenting, media and location power important work behind the potential markets of the day." over unified communications, but too; and so far the app looks like a sharing, then Glassboard could be scenes throughout a still- The app is now live and in no matter how clever and fun clean, simple, fast way to the app for you. democratizing media world. limited testing, I've been those apps are, they're not the real accomplish those goals that are Sponsor These days it's Group Messaging impressed with it so far. It contenders. Rather, technology common among group messaging Big Aspirations that's hot though, and it's surely reminds me a lot of Beluga, the platform players like Google, apps. Discuss The team behind Glassboard more accessible than RSS. As I group messaging client scooped Microsoft and Facebook are includes RSS veterans wrote when previewing the up by Facebook this Spring, fighting to see what company NetNewsWire creator Brent Glassboard app earlier this supplies a user's communications Petrofac eyes Libyan oil contracts (Finance News - Business news Oil services group Petrofac is set business expected from the from the UK and world) to join the queue of contractors revival of the Libyan oil industry. lining up to take a share of Curated News Edition Technology/ 29 What happens to Netflix's battered stock next week? (CNET someone is warming up a what people want to watch.

Submitted at 8/22/2011 11:50:59 AM shareholder lawsuit, that's how it Meanwhile, competing video- read to me as well. Suits like that rental services from Walmart's A chart showing how Netflix are not unusual. What's unusual is Vudu, Amazon and Blockbuster subscribers will be divided up the dramatic nosedive of Netflix's are all picking now to announce between the company's different stock. new enhancements and special plans at the end of the third So far, it appears as if the market offers. Vudu has a new iPad quarter.(Credit: Netflix) is worried about the more feature and Amazon now offers Netflix's share price closed competitive environment Netflix 100,000 titles in its pay-per-view trading Friday at $205 per share, faces and how Netflix's film library. No doubt the scene next down 32 percent from the studios and TV network suppliers week, when Netflix's price hike company's 52-week high of appear to be raising prices kicks in, will look like one of $304.79 per share, which it hit last dramatically. There is also some those nature shows where seagulls month shortly after announcing it concern that Netflix may have swoop down on migrating baby would raise prices. alienated a significant number of sea turtles. Yes, the entire stock market has customers by announcing the Rivals will be doing all they can stumbled since then but it doesn't price increase. to pick off unhappy Netflix totally explain the dramatic Last month, the company said customers. plummet of Netflix shares, at least customers who used to pay $9.99 I've said this before and it's worth to the satisfaction of some. A to rent one disc at a time as well repeating: shop for any Netflix group called the Shareholder's as to receive unlimited access to replacement very carefully before Foundation from San Diego Netflix's streaming library must jumping. Even at $16 per month, announced earlier this month that now pay separate fees for Netflix's CD and streaming a law firm would investigate streaming as well as DVD rental. combo is hard to beat. Netflix on behalf of investors over Starting on September 1, each to the Web to complain. Netflix onto the streets as a result of a $6 This entry passed through the "potential federal securities laws plan will cost $7.99 and to acquire isn't disclosing how many per month video-rental increase. Full-Text RSS service — if this is violations." both discs and Internet streaming customers cancelled their Still, a 60 percent boost is a lot, your content and you're reading it The group said in a press release will cost $15.98. subscriptions as a result but it's and many of the more than 30,000 on someone else's site, please read "the investigation concerns Related links seems like a safe bet that more people who responded to a CNET the FAQ at whether Netflix or others may • Netflix 'hates' upsetting subscribers will the drop service poll last month, don't think it's only/faq.php#publishers. Five have violated securities laws by customers, but most won't cancel in coming weeks, especially when worth it to pay more when they're Filters featured article: A 'Malign issuing a series of statements • Netflix now tone-deaf on public they find the new charges on their not receiving more. Intellectual Subculture' - George regarding its business, its perception statements. The complaint about Netflix's Monbiot Smears Chomsky, prospects and its operations that • Netflix price hike stirs Netflix says it anticipated the streaming service, which is Herman, Peterson, Pilger And were materially false and subscriber ire (roundup) backlash and also predicted that quickly become the way most Media Lens. misleading." The group's Netflix tried to downplay the the incident would blow over by Netflix customers prefer to rent manager, Trevor Allen, did not hostile reaction by customers to the fourth quarter. videos, is that the library is too respond to an interview request. the increase, but many thousands Nobody is going to be forced dated. There just isn't enough of If this sounds to you that if not millions of customers took 30 Technology/ Curated News Edition Compliance with New Disease Codes Leads to Health Care Software Overhaul Christian Scott M. Fulton, III classifications (ICD-9) to how nuanced healthcare workers (ReadWriteWeb) potentially over 140,000 (ICD- should expect it to be. A simple World Submitted at 8/22/2011 1:31:50 PM 10). forearm fracture, like the one Sponsor coded here, may not be complete On October 1, 2013, the US Here's just one example, courtesy enough for some agencies unless Dept. of Health and Human of the medical practitioner it spells out the possible or likely Adoption Services will expect all of certification agency AAPC. The causes in greater detail. [email protected] (Ad America's health care providers to patient in this example has a raisin As the presentation explains, ServeRSS) (AdServRSS Feed) have transitioned their business in her nose. Come 2013, in order "The staff coding the diagnosis bookkeeping and transaction for her office visit to be properly needs to know the specific Christian World Adoption is one records to the latest World Health categorized for insurance information about the type and of the largest international Organization (WHO) standards. purposes, and for the privacy location of the fracture, as well as adoption agencies in the United Although the latest set of the so- provisions of the U.S. HIPPA law knowing whether the visit is a States. Since 1991, Christian second with a 15% share of the called ICD codes (International to be met, practitioners will need subsequent encounter. If there is World Adoption has placed pie; but the leader, Epic EHR, Classification of Diseases), called to know how to translate the old documentation about how the thousands of children from takes only 17% of the market. If ICD-10, were rolled out in 1992, a raisin-up-nose disease code 932 patient suffered the broken arm, Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and anyone's going to make a play to study by the Medical Group into the new code T17.1XXA. an external cause code can be Latin America. These children break out of this market stalemate, Management Association This translation, among others, included to further identify how now enjoy the love and security of it needs to be now. estimates that the cost for each qualifies as what one healthcare the injury occurred. For example, a forever family. Christian World So full HIPPA compliance with U.S. hospital simply to change its consultancy describes as "closely a note stating that the patient was Adoption currently offers ICD-10 codes is step one of GE forms and retrain its office related." riding her bike on a bike path adoption programs in Bulgaria, Centricity's game plan. Step 2, managers could exceed $2 In light of the considerable when she ran into a runner and China, Ethiopia, Guatemala, announced last week, is an iPhone million. retraining time that will still need fell off her bike resulting in the Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia /iPad app for its cloud-based Why the change? The term to be implemented over the next broken arm could be coded with and Ukraine. Explore our website option for smaller providers, "disease" has been stretched 13 months, GE Healthcare V10.0 Pedal cycle driver injured to learn more about international Centricity Advance. somewhat since the ICD was first announced today it is now rolling in collision with pedestrian or adoption. Then, when you’re Step 3 focuses on retraining, with implemented after World War II. out its electronic health records animal in non-traffic accident." ready, call our friendly adoption an aim toward keeping costs low Now the system is being used to management system, GE Some of this retraining material counselor, toll free, at to stay competitive. Among the classify every kind of conceivable Centricity Business 5.0. is being shown at a Centricity 1.888.97ADOPT. ailment; and now healthcare A 2010 survey of some 225,000 training materials being shared by training conference in professionals and office managers physicians' offices nationwide GE Healthcare a presentation that today. Discuss are being expected to comprehend paints the healthcare software includes this slide: a system of codes that has market as completely wide open. This details how the new ICD-10 expanded from just over 10,000 GE Centricity ranks a very close coding system works, and just Curated News Edition Technology/ 31 Sharp RW-T107 Android Gingerbread NFC Tablet Chris Burns (SlashGear) Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:34:41 PM Q&A: Tina The people at Sharp have announced a brand new 7-inch Rosenberg on Android tablet that will be launched in Japan complete with using peer an NFC interface for commercial interactions. This Android tablet pressure to get will only support Japanese FeliCa cards at the start, but we can your way expect additional card support in Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:00:00 PM the near future. This Sharp RW- T107 unit will be able to be used Need to influence behaviour? in stores to read membership When nudges aren't enough, it's cards, IDs, loyalty cards, and time to deploy some good old- more – get some coupons to grab fashioned peer pressure. The some awesome cheap food and playground bully's tactic of choice such! can, in fact, change the world for As far as I can tell, and correct the better, argues Pulitzer-prize- me if I’m wrong, but this may winning author Tina Rosenberg well be the first NFC-enabled in her new book Join The Club: tablet anywhere in the world. August. guesses based on the image we’ve • getting Gingerbread How Peer Pressure Can Likely this is because bringing a Of course all that wont matter got. Grab it! in coming weeks Transform The World(£14.99, tablet into a store with you isn’t once Ice Cream Sandwich is [ via Sharp] • VIA-powered $100-$150 Icon). The strategy, she writes, nearly as convenient as bringing released, it being an OS which Relevant Entries on Android tablets due 2H 2010 has had diverse successes, from in a smartphone, and likely if mixes handset and tablet • US Android geeks can get upping calculus grades for ethnic you’ve got a tablet you’ve got a capabilities. This RW-T107 unit • Sharp Galapagos A01SH 7-inch Sharp Galapagos tablets in early -minority students to smartphone in your pocket and if is at the moment being prepared tablet gets official, launches in 2011 overthrowing Slobodan you’re in Japan, likely your for Japan only at the moment, so late August Miloševic. Wired pressured smartphone has NFC capabilities we can expect a Japan-only • Android 2.3 might land today, Sharp RW-T107 Android Rosenberg into engaging in a built in as well. Sharp has release at 5,000 units a month Notion Ink Adam supports NFC? Gingerbread NFC Tablet is discussion. Continue reading... released several Android tablets starting on the 5th of September. • LCD Density hack brings written by Chris Burns& before this, not being a group that Additional specifications on the Gingerbread interface to originally posted on SlashGear. waits for updates to OS versions, tablet are not yet known, but it Honeycomb tablets © 2005 - 2011, SlashGear. All all of them running pre- appears that it’s got a headphone • Andy Rubin to release Android right reserved. Honeycomb builds – save the jack, a couple of speakers, 2.3 Gingerbread on Dec 6? Sharp Galapagos 7-inch tablet microUSB port, SIM card slot, • Sharp IS01 Android MID hits that’ll be coming out at the end of and HDMI – though that’s all just US for $246 32 Technology/ Policy/ Curated News Edition Triumph in Sony Ericsson unveils Live with Tripoli - An FP Slide Show Walkman Android smartphone (Foreign Policy) Rue Liu (SlashGear) New Feature Phones, Txt Pro and Submitted at 8/21/2011 11:03:33 PM Submitted at 8/22/2011 11:43:47 AM Mix Walkman • Sony Ericsson W600 Walkman As the Qaddafi regime teeters, Sony Ericsson has unveiled a phone Libyan rebels take control of the new Android smartphone with • Xperia X8 Android 2.1 update capital city, sparking celebrations Walkman branding that touts rolling out now across the country. AUGUST 22, unique music-centric features. • Sony Ericsson turned down 2011 Dubbed the Live with Walkman, Google’ s request to make Nexus This entry passed through the the handset will feature a One Full-Text RSS service — if this is dedicated Walkman button for • Sony Ericsson “Rachel” your content and you're reading it quick access to your music. But, Android smartphone leaks on someone else's site, please read it’s different from previous • Sony Ericsson Hikaru Walkman the FAQ at Walkman-branded devices in that phone leaks: 8GB and 8MP only/faq.php#publishers. Five it also features deep Facebook camera Filters featured article: A 'Malign integration for music sharing and • Sony Ericsson “Rachel” Intellectual Subculture' - George discovering. Android UI gets video demo Monbiot Smears Chomsky, The Live with Walkman will • Sony Ericsson XPERIA X3 Herman, Peterson, Pilger And sport a 3.2-inch 480 x 320 Android phone to drop in January Media Lens. touchscreen display powered by a 2010? single-core 1GHz processor with have deep integration with Sony’s is expected to arrive later this fall, 380MB of RAM. It will have a Qriocity for music content. possibly in October. It will be Sony Ericsson unveils Live with front-facing VGA camera for However, it’s interesting to note available worldwide in select Walkman Android smartphone is Skype video calling, a 5- that the press image above shows markets, but no pricing written by Rue Liu& originally megapixel rear-facing auto-focus the device playing music through information has been disclosed posted on SlashGear. camera capable of 720p HD video Spotify, which makes us wonder yet. © 2005 - 2011, SlashGear. All recording, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, whether the music service would [ via Sony Ericsson] right reserved. DLNA, and Sony’s xLOUD also come preloaded. Relevant Entries on system for enhanced audio output. The Live with Walkman will run Additionally, the handset will on Android 2.3 Gingerbread and • Sony Ericsson Reveals Two The world's oldest fossils found in Australia

Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:00:00 PM and bacteria populated our planet Western Australia called Strelley known on Earth, in some of the more than 3.4 billion years ago. Pool. They had been preserved oldest sedimentary rocks that can Earth scientists are claiming that A team from the University of between the quartz sand grains of be found anywhere". Continue they have found the world's Western Australia and Oxford what the scientists are claiming to reading... oldest fossils, proving that cells University discovered the microfossils in a remote part of be "the oldest beach or shoreline Curated News Edition Technology/ 33 Daily iPad App: iClassics Facebook Climbs Megan Lavey-Heaton (TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog) Submitted at 8/22/2011 1:30:00 PM To No. 3 Video Deutsche Grammophon and Decca Classics, both part of the Universal Music Group, rolled out Site In U.S. iClassics last week, a classical Erick Schonfeld (TechCrunch) music discovery app that unique viewers slipping 8.6 percent to 24.4 million viewers in spotlights their catalog. If you Submitted at 8/22/2011 11:56:59 AM love the genre, it's definitely an July. Viewing sessions, however, Facebook is already the largest app to check out. increased 2.5 percent to 161 photo site in the U.S., and now it The core of iClassics is a drag- million and Hulu served nearly 1 is climbing up the charts for and-drop tagging feature that lets billion video ads, more than any online video. Facebook now you select among criteria such as other online video ad network. ranks as the third largest video instrument, genre, mood, period, Crunchbase FACEBOOK site on the Web in terms of unique composer and more to provide Company: viewers according to comScore, recommendations. When a tag is FACEBOOK Website: with an estimated 51.5 million selected, recommendations appear Launch people on Facebook watching a beneath the tag box. Choosing an Date: video during the month of July. album brings up previews of each 1/2/2004 Funding: The month before it was No. 6. It track akin to iTunes. If you want $2.34B passed Microsoft, Yahoo, and to buy, the app redirects you to Facebook is the world’s largest Viacom. Only (with 62 iTunes for the purchase. You can social network, with over 500 million monthly viewers) and share albums with Facebook and million users. Facebook was YouTube (158 million) are Twitter and add them to your founded by Mark Zuckerberg in iTunes. If I'm in the mood to try Library of Congress' National bigger. favorites. February 2004, initially as an some new classical pieces, I'll Jukebox, which launched a few It is only a matter of time before iClassics also streams music from exclusive network for Harvard most likely turn to iClassics for months ago with more than Facebook passes Vevo, but can it the Deutsche Grammophon and students. It... Learn more suggestions first. 10,000 recordings from between ever take the crown from Google/ Decca Classics catalog, and I've Crunchbase YOUTUBE But, it's disappointing that the 1901 and 1925 from the Victor Youtube? I’m not sure that will actually left the app running on Company: previews are limited to 30 Talking Machine Company. happen any time soon. ComScore my iPad while I do other tasks YOUTUBE Website: seconds. Not all the albums have iClassics is a free download from estimates there were 3 billion because I enjoy the music. Launch every track available for preview the App Store. viewing sessions on YouTube in However, it is on a loop and Date: like the iTunes version does, so if Daily iPad App: iClassics July versus 186 million on eventually repeats itself after a 11/9/2005 Funding: you're interested in an album, I originally appeared on TUAW - Facebook. (Note that “viewing couple of hours. There's an $11.5M suggest hopping to iTunes and The Unofficial Apple Weblog on sessions” is different than “views” interactive timeline showing YouTube was founded in 2005 listening to the longer previews Mon, 22 Aug 2011 13:30:00 EST. or “plays” and can include composers and giving brief by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and there. Please see our terms for use of multiple videos watched). biographies around them. Jawed Karim, who were all early I'd love to see an app like this as feeds. YouTube still accounts for 43 iClassics is an attractive app with employees of PayPal. YouTube is the front-end for NPR Source| Permalink| Email this| percent of all viewing sessions in nice extras, and it's a good way to the leader in online video, sharing Music(which is currently Comments the U.S. try some new music without original... Learn more available for the iPhone) or the Hulu stayed at No. 9 on the list of having to navigate the bowels of most-watched video sites, with 34 Technology/ Finance/ Curated News Edition New Back-end Telematics Facebook, Twitter see Standards to Be Shared by record number of visits in Toyota and Ford David Strom (ReadWriteWeb) July Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:30:10 PM Today both Toyota and Ford (CNET visitors in July, down from 33.9 million, and with 3.6 announced a new effort to jointly Submitted at 8/22/2011 11:33:00 AM million in June and 33.3 million million. author telematics standards for in May. With parents already hunting for their in-car electronics. While not package), climate and audio Facebook and Twitter each broke The latest social network on the back-to-school specials, consumer visible to any of us mere mortals controls, glass cockpit features a record last month with the block, Google+, wasn't listed goods sites saw a 13 percent jump that just drive the car, the joint and even the ability to do highest number of visitors seen by separately by ComScore but is in traffic. was in first effort should result in better in- firmware updates of your car from the sites, according to data likely factored into , place with 7.3 million visitors for vehicle cellphone and other a USB stick. I have driven several released Friday by ComScore. which was the most visited site the month. Office Depot came in wireless device usage, along with Ford cars and have found the For the month, Facebook ranked for the month with 182.2 million second with 4 million, followed better privacy and security system to be intriguing, although fourth in most visited Web sites in visitors. Earlier this month, by QVC Sites with 3.6 million, standards for Internet connectivity sometimes frustrating if you don't the U.S., behind Google, Yahoo, ComScore said that Google+ had and OfficeMax with 2.5 million. from our cars. The two have have the full-screen system and Microsoft. The popular social seen 25 million visitors through This entry passed through the created a memo of understanding installed. network had 162 million unique July 24, making it the fastest Web Full-Text RSS service — if this is and have begun work on a series Both companies' efforts are not visitors, compared with 160 site to reach such numbers. The your content and you're reading it of feasibility studies. going to result in actual customer- million in June, 157 million in social network launched at the on someone else's site, please read Sponsor seen devices, this is more an API May, and 145 million in July end of June. the FAQ at The telematics study is actually deal than anything else. Ford 2010. Beyond social networks, ticket only/faq.php#publishers. Five just part of a series of Sync, for example, won't find its Twitter, which was ranked at No. sites also proved popular in July, Filters featured article: A 'Malign collaborative efforts between the way to any Toyotas, and both will 34, saw 32.8 million people flock said ComScore, as people tried to Intellectual Subculture' - George two car companies. They will continue to compete on the front- to its site last month, compared soak in the summer by going to Monbiot Smears Chomsky, work on new hybrid powertrain end side of things and what you with 30.6 million in June, 27 movies, concerts, and sporting Herman, Peterson, Pilger And systems for both light trucks and will actually see when you sit in million in May, and 24.8 million events. Among these sites, Media Lens. SUVs to deliver better gas one of their cars. There is no in July 2010. Ticketmaster took the lead with mileage and other efficiencies. timetable as to when these Looking at other social networks, 10.9 million visitors, followed by Ford has long had its own joint enhancements will be in any LinkedIn took in 32.5 million with 5.6 effort with Microsoft on its Sync actual vehicles in the showrooms feature, which is now found in but a formal agreement between The car industry can help the UK and more than three million of its cars. Toyota and Ford is expected later Sync is a pretty nifty package that this year. combines GPS navigation (which Discuss Europe turn a corner in this used to be an extra cost option (Finance News - Business news Stephen Odell, chairman and again, in the second part of our and is now part of the basic from the UK and world) chief executive of Ford Europe, series.

Submitted at 8/22/2011 11:51:22 AM believes that better policy from the EU can help the UK grow Curated News Edition Technology/ Culture/ 35 Nokia teases Symbian Belle unveiling August 24 Rue Liu (SlashGear) Harmattan Style Swipe The Best Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:30:32 PM • Nokia RM-670 Passes Through FCC, Looks To Be Symbian Belle Symbian fans rejoice as it looks 700 Zeta Calendar App for like the next iteration dubbed • Nokia 700 Zeta smartphone Symbian Belle is only two days press photos leak Mac [Mac App away from an official unveiling. • Symbian Anna update for N8, Directory] Nokia has posted a teaser to its E7, C7 and C6-01 by end of Facebook page in the form of a August Adam Dachis (Lifehacker) countdown. As of this writing, • Nokia N8 arriving August 25th Submitted at 8/22/2011 10:30:00 AM there is about 43 more hours left in UK? until it’s time to try “something • New Nokia leaks detail phones There are more robust calendar new on Symbian,” pegging the named after girls apps and more minimalist options, special day to be August 24. • Nokia plan Symbian^3 phones too, but iCal is the best option for Symbian Belle follows the Anna Q3 2010; Symbian^4 by early Mac OS X because it falls in that update that was released on the 2011 sweet spot of providing X7 and the E6 just a few months • Nokia Promises Symbian everything most users really need ago. Anna has also just been Updates Until 2016 without the stuff that you don't. app switching. Back in July, it Although Nokia intends to rolled out this month for the N8, Plus it's free, integrates well with was rumored that Belle could take eventually transition entirely to C7, E7, and C6-01. It’s successor Nokia teases Symbian Belle OS X, and hardly requires a on a MeeGo-Harmattan style the Windows Phone platform, the Belle already has its own roster of unveiling August 24 is written by thought to use. More » swipe interface as recently company has promised that it rumored devices including the Rue Liu& originally posted on revealed on the N9 handset. Some would support Symbian updates Nokia 700 Zeta and several SlashGear. of the services still branded under until at least 2016. female-named handsets. © 2005 - 2011, SlashGear. All Ovi may also be switched to more Relevant Entries on Belle is expected to have features right reserved. that bring it closer to Android and direct names and get a few iOS 5 in terms of notifications and interface changes. • Symbian Belle Gets MeeGo- Credit Scores Aren't Everything [Personal Finance] Adam Pash (Lifehacker) MetaFilter founder Matt Haughey scores are, to a large degree, but if you're financially

Submitted at 8/22/2011 10:22:00 AM reminds us that, even though they bullshit. That doesn't mean you responsible, your credit score isn't can make a big difference when can't benefit from some simple everything. [ A Whole Lotta Friend-of-Lifehacker and you're looking for a loan, credit tips to improve your credit score, Nothing] More » 36 Technology/ Culture/ Finance/ Curated News Edition Square Card Case now available Michael Grothaus (TUAW - The Square today also updated their Unofficial Apple Weblog) Square credit card reader app. The

Submitted at 8/22/2011 1:00:00 PM update offers improved transaction speeds, no signature Square has released their Square required for transactions $25 or Card Case app today, which less and the ability to enter $0.00 allows anyone to open up a tab at transactions (useful for when the Plastic dinosaurs a local merchant and pay without merchant wants to keep track of having to swipe their credit card. items, but doesn't charge for them act out “Jurassic The Square Card Case works by -- like a free bottled water when Park” dialogue allowing users to enter their credit you buy a hotdog). The Square card details into their Square Card Case app and the Square [video] account. credit card reader app are free (Holy Kaw!) Once at a local merchant who downloads in the App Store. uses the Square Register app, Square Card Case now available Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:28:00 PM users can start a tab of things originally appeared on TUAW - they've purchased. When they are The Unofficial Apple Weblog on Two plastic dinosaurs playing digital receipt is sent to the email St. Louis. But as more merchants ready to check out, the Square Mon, 22 Aug 2011 13:00:00 EST. visual aid to script lines from address on file. start using Square, the Card Case Card Case user speaks their name Please see our terms for use of Jurassic Park? Thumbs up. Or A big plus of using Square Card app is sure to catch on. Square into the app and their tab is feeds. should we say retractable raptor Case is the ability to pay at local Credit Card users don't have to displayed on the merchant's Source| Permalink| Email this| claw up? merchants right from your iPhone. worry about any extra fees on Square Register app where the Comments Via This is Colossal. transactions are tallied and paid However, right now, the Card their end either. Like using a What nature has to offer. for using the Card Case user's Case app is only useful if you live regular credit card, Square Permalink| Leave a comment » credit card on file. Upon in , San Francisco, charges the merchant per completion of a transaction, a Washington D.C., Los Angeles or transaction. SABMiller's Asia chief Ari Mervis Alex Loudon Joins Kate and Pippa raises a glass to Snow Beer Middleton For a Stroll on the Beach (Finance News - Business news from the UK and world) Lauren Turner (PopSugar) North Wales and is part of a large though Pippa has been seen Submitted at 8/22/2011 11:08:42 AM Submitted at 8/22/2011 9:20:12 AM nature reserve. The sisters were stepping out around town. She dressed down for the outing, was spotted meeting her mom SABMiller aims to build on 10pc Kate Middleton wore wellies for which comes just days after a Carole for lunch and also showed growth in Chinese beer sales each a walk around Llanddwyn Island more formal appearance for Kate. her support for boyfriend Alex at year. with her sister Pippa Saturday. Kate Middleton was in Alexander a cricket game. View Slideshow › Pippa's boyfriend, Alex Loudon, McQueen to meet with a group of since returning to the UK from was along for the stroll too. The responders that helped during the her trip to North America in July, scenic spot is near Kate's home in UK riots. Kate's been laying low Curated News Edition Technology/ Economy/ Culture/ 37 TODAY'S MONEY GAME Modding Community TIP: Think Twice Before Taking Shelter In Swedish Currency Offers $1500 Bounty For Linette Lopez (Money Game) • Only the Canadian and Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:22:00 PM Australian dollars have performed worse (-0.9% and -1.8% Trying to preserve some capital? respectively) than the krona over TouchPad Android Port Need a place to put your money in the last three months. It's fallen Chris Velazco (TechCrunch) The total amount of money up for easy enough for the average user the midst of all this volatility? 0.5% against the dollar.

Submitted at 8/22/2011 11:48:27 AM grabs is $1500, but it’s broken to install on their own. You might be considering • The OMX Stockholm 30 Index down into several parts, so the As with all things, there is a bit of Sweden, where there's a budget under performs the Dow and is off This weekend’s TouchPad fire multiple devs will get a chance at a catch: while the $450 for the surplus, low public debt and a 22% year-to-date. sale has more or less petered out, a payout. Android port itself comes out of supposedly strong economy. • Swedish bonds may look and thousands of HP’s little tablet Whoever is first able to get a HackNMod’s pockets, the rest are But you might want to take a attractive- the 2-year has double that couldn’t have found new “basic Android port” up and being left up to sponsors. In a second look before buying the the return of a German 2-year- but homes. Not everyone seems to running on the TouchPad nets way, it’s the perfect system for a krona. gains are offset by the krona's loss love WebOS though, as a growing $400. HackNMod doesn’t project like this: the features with Brothers Harriman Forex against itself. number of people who bought elaborate on what exactly the highest demand are chief Marc Chandler warns of a bargain-bin TouchPads are constitutes a “basic port,” but (hopefully) the ones that will be slowdown: Please follow Money Game on clamoring for a tablet experience presumably the device would funded. Interested parties can also The economy is slowing, led by Twitter and Facebook. that’s a bit more… shall we say, have to boot into Android with a throw in money for other features industrial production and exports, Join the conversation about this relevant. decent degree of stability. The sub they want to see working, leading and the anticipated rate hike has story » Thanks to its open nature, -bounties run the gamut as far as to more sub-bounties for eager been taken back by the market. See Also: Android is the OS of choice for a payout: the team that gets WiFi to devs to jump on. June industrial output fell 3.3% on • What Are The Next Safe-Haven TouchPad port, and now the folks work nabs $350, the audio team Itching to throw your hat in the the month and the July PMI Trades If Switzerland Puts A Halt at a modding community called gets $300, and the multitouch ring? Be sure to post your code on reading was just above the 50 To The Surging Franc? HackNMod are offering bounties team gets $100. Developers will GitHub and provide photo & boom/bust level at 50.1. The • Remember That Swiss Franc to the devs that can make it have one more thing to contend video evidence. Ready, go! export sub-index was at 46.9. The Peg Rumor? happen. with: their solutions have to be August reading is due out on Sept • What The Swiss National Bank 1 and the risk is additional Announced Today, And Why It deterioration. Won't Matter A few more points from Chandler: The science and math of sound, frequency, and pitch [video] (Holy Kaw!) something today with the help of Math and science are fun.

Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:00:00 PM mathematician Vi Hart's Permalink| Leave a comment » interesting explanation of the Take a moment to learn science and mathmatics of sound, frequency, and pitch. 38 Technology/ Products/ Gaming/ Curated News Edition Evernote iOS app update offers rich text support, shared notebooks, more Now Playing: Megan Lavey-Heaton (TUAW - • Updates to the All Notes view, August 22- The Unofficial Apple Weblog) which now displays notes as

Submitted at 8/22/2011 1:45:00 PM snippets. • Premium Evernote users can 28, 2011 The folks at Evernote rolled out a add a passcode to the app. Steven Wong (Joystiq) pretty significant update to its iOS Submitted at 8/22/2011 1:00:00 PM app today that includes rich text The Evernote update is available support, shared notebooks, a now via the App Store. Get augmented this week with redesigned iPad interface and Evernote iOS app update offers Deus Ex: Human Revolution... more. rich text support, shared Choose your platform to jump to Andrew Sinkov said on notebooks, more originally a specific release list: Evernote's blog that implementing appeared on TUAW - The Continue reading Now Playing: rich text was "a doozy." Users can Unofficial Apple Weblog on August 22-28, 2011 stylize text, add highlights and Mon, 22 Aug 2011 13:45:00 EST. Now Playing: August 22-28, URLs, create headers and make the desktop version of Evernote. well. Please see our terms for use of 2011 originally appeared on lists. This also involved The feature I've looked forward Other additions include: feeds. Joystiq on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 overhauling a bit of the iPhone to most is accessing any notebook • Slideshow view that allows Source| Permalink| Email this| 13:00:00 EST. Please see our app to work in the features. In that's shared with you from any viewing of only images attached Comments terms for use of feeds. addition to creating new rich-text iOS device. When the shared to a particular note. They can be Permalink| Email this| Comments , existing ones can be notebooks are accessed, they also saved into the iDevice's camera edited. However, you still can't are stored locally. Users can now roll or be copied to the clipboard. create checkboxes without using search within a particular note as • A redesign of the iPad interface Save Money, Roast Your Own Coffee Phil Villarreal (The legwork to roast and brew your airtight plastic tub. Pour the beans Save Money and Have Fun only/faq.php#publishers. Five Consumerist) own. in your popper, turn it on and Roasting Your Own Filters featured article: A 'Malign

Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:15:00 PM takes you through the roast the beans for 10 minutes or Coffee[] Intellectual Subculture' - George process step-by-step: so. Wait 24 hours before grinding (Thanks, Natalia!) Monbiot Smears Chomsky, Daily coffee shop runs can add First, buy a popcorn popper and the beans in order to allow the This entry passed through the Herman, Peterson, Pilger And up and hamstring your finances. If some green coffee beans, which chemical transformation to bring Full-Text RSS service — if this is Media Lens. cutting down on your caffeine can cost less than half as much as forth a better flavor. your content and you're reading it intake isn't an option, you can the roasted variety. Buy the beans How do you cut costs on your on someone else's site, please read grind away at costs by doing the in bulk and keep them in an coffee habit? the FAQ at Curated News Edition Economy/ 39 Michael Pettis: Long-Term Outlook for China, Europe, and the World; 12 Global Predictions [email protected] (Michael reluctant to do. Until it does, any imbalances that have been created • Much slower growth in China of the developing world. The Shedlock) (Mish's Global move by the US to cut down its during the last two decades. These will not lead to social unrest if latter have postponed the impact Economic Trend Analysis) borrowing and spending will will be driven overall by a China meaningfully rebalances. of contracting consumption by

Submitted at 8/22/2011 3:56:00 AM trigger a drop in global demand contraction in global liquidity, a • Within three years Beijing will increasing domestic investment, Via email, Michael Pettis at which will cause either US sharply rising risk premium, be seriously examining large- in some cases very sharply, but China Financial Markets shared unemployment to rise, if the US substantial deleveraging, and a scale privatization as part of its the purpose of higher current his outlook for China, Europe, ignores trade issues, or will cause sharp contraction in international adjustment policy. investment is to serve higher and the world. The overall Chinese unemployment to rise, if trade and capital imbalances. • European politics will continue future consumption. In many outlook is not pretty, and includes the US moves to counteract To summarize, my predictions to deteriorate rapidly and the countries, most notably China, the a breakup of the Eurozone, a Chinese currency intervention. are: major political parties will either higher investment will itself limit major slowdown for China, and a The Big Picture become increasingly radicalized future consumption growth, and smack-down of the much beloved Rather than try to wade through • BRICs and other developing or marginalized. so with weak consumption growth BRICs. all the news this month, much of countries have not decoupled in • Spain and several countries, in the developed world, and no Pettis Writes ... which doesn’t seem to have much any meaningful sense, and once perhaps even Italy (but probably relief from the developing world, August is supposed to be a slow informational content, I thought I the current liquidity-driven not France) will be forced to leave today’s higher investment will month, but of course this August would duck out altogether and investment boom subsides the the euro and restructure their debt actually exacerbate the impact of has been hectic, and a lot crueler instead make a list of things I developing world will be hit hard with significant debt forgiveness. the current contraction in than April ever was. The US expect will happen over the next by the global crisis. • Germany will stubbornly (and consumption. downgrade set off a storm of several years. We are so caught • Over the next two years foolishly) refuse to bear its share 2. Near-Term Decline in Chinese market volatility, along with up in noise and market volatility – Chinese household consumption of the burden of the European Consumption bizarre concern in the US about as the market swings first in one will continue declining as a share adjustment, and the subsequent By 2013 Chinese household whether or not China will stop direction and then, as regulators of GDP. retaliation by the deficit countries consumption will still not have buying US debt and the economic react, in the other direction – that • Chinese debt levels will will cause German growth to drop exceeded the 35% of Chinese consequence if it does, and it is easy to lose sight of the continue to rise quickly over the to zero or negative for many GDP reached in 2009. In fact it equally bizarre bluster within bigger picture. rest of this year and next. years. will probably be lower. China about their refraining from My basic sense is that we are at • Chinese growth will begin to • Trade protection sentiment in Premier Wen listed the need to buying more debt until the US the end of one of the six or so slow sharply by 2013-14 and will the US will rise inexorably and raise the consumption share of reforms the economy and brings major globalization cycles that hit an average of 3% well before unemployment stays high for a GDP second in his speech last down debt levels. have occurred in the past two the end of the decade. few more years. March before the unveiling of the What both sides seem to have in centuries. If I am right, this means • Any decline in GDP growth new Five-Year Plan. common is an almost breathtaking that there still is a pretty will disproportionately affect 1. No BRIC Decoupling But I remain very, very skeptical. ignorance of the global balance of significant set of major investment and so the demand for Since most global consumption Low consumption levels are not payment mechanisms. China adjustments globally that have to non-food commodities. comes from the US, Europe and an accidental coincidence. They cannot stop buying US debt until take place before we will have • If the PBoC resists interest rate Japan, the collapse in their are fundamental to the growth it engineers a major adjustment reversed the most important of the cuts as inflation declines, China demand will ultimately be very MICHAEL page 40 within its economy, which it is many global debt and payments may even begin slowing in 2012. painful for the BRICs and the rest 40 Curated News Edition MICHAEL continued from page 39 model, and the suppression of 2012, but my guess (and hope) is long ago considered astonishingly unemployment. Anything disruptive. The historical consumption is a consequence of that by 2013 the stubborn refusal low). substantially lower will cause precedents are clear. During a the very policies – low wage of consumption to rise as share of 5. Non-Food Commodities unemployment to surge, they debt crisis the political system growth relative to productivity GDP, and the continuing surge in Disproportionately Affected argue, and this would lead to becomes fragmented and growth, an undervalued currency debt, will have convinced all but The decline in Chinese growth social chaos and political contentious. If the major parties and, above all, artificially low the most recalcitrant that China will fall disproportionately on instability. don’t become radicalized, smaller interest rates – that have needs a dramatic change of investment and, because of this, it I disagree. The employment radical parties will take away their generated the furious GDP policy. will severely impact the price of effect of lower growth depends votes. growth. You cannot change the Why do I say we will be talking non-food commodities. The crucially on the kind of growth we Remember that the process of former without giving up the about 3% growth soon? Two implications are inescapable, get. Since rebalancing in China adjustment is a political one. We latter. Until Beijing acknowledges reasons. First, I am impressed by although I think many people, requires less emphasis on heavy all know someone has to pay for that it must dramatically the bleakness of historical especially in the commodities investment and more on the massive adjustment countries transform the growth model, precedents. Every single case in sector, have missed them. consumption, and since like Spain must make. The only which it doesn’t yet seemed to history that I have been able to 6. Significant Slowing Could rebalancing also means a sharp interesting question is about who have acknowledged, consumption find of countries undergoing a Start in 2012 reduction in free credit provided will be forced to take the brunt of will continue to be suppressed. decade or more of “miracle” What happens to real interest to SOEs and local governments the payment – workers in the form 3. Chinese Debt Levels will levels of growth driven by rates will determine when the and cheaper and more available of unemployment, the middle Continue to Rise Very Quickly investment (and there are many) process of Chinese adjustment credit for efficient but marginal classes in the form of confiscated The attempts to rein in debt has ended with long periods of begins. In fact there is a chance SMEs, a rebalancing China would savings, small businesses in the growth will fail because they extremely low or even negative that we may see growth in China presumably see much more rapid form of taxes, large businesses in address specific areas of debt and growth – often referred to as “lost slow significantly in 2012, growth in the service sector and in the form of taxes and not the overall tendency of the decades” – which turned out to be perhaps even to 7%, although I the SME sector, both of which are nationalization, foreigners, or system to generate debt. far worse than even the most suspect that it will probably be in relatively labor intensive. Much creditors. China funds almost all of its pessimistic forecasts of the few the 8-9% region. lower growth, in that case, could Deciding who pays is a political major investments with bank debt, skeptics that existed during the What the PBoC does to interest easily come with minimal changes process, and because the stakes and it long ago ran out of obvious boom period. I see no reason why rates is likely to be the outcome of in overall employment. Japan is a are so high it will be a very bitter investments that are economically China, having pursued the most a struggle in the State Council useful reminder of what can process. This means, among other viable – at least investments that extreme version of this growth between policymakers that are happen. things, that politics will are likely to be generated by what model, would somehow find itself worried about growth and those 8. Large-Scale Privatization degenerate quickly, and of course is a distorted system with very immune from the consequences that are worried about imbalances. Because of its rapidly rising debt if Europe doesn’t arrive at fiscal skewed incentives – so increases that have afflicted every other If the PBoC can hold off the burden, the only way for China to union in the next year or two, it in investment must be matched by case. former, and especially if wages manage a smooth social transition probably never will. This increases in debt. Second, I just use a very simple continue rising, we might begin to will be through wealth transfers conclusion is also the reason for To the extent that investments are calculus. Remember that see Chinese rebalancing taking from the state sector to the my next prediction. not economically viable, this rebalancing is not an option for place a little earlier than expected. household sector. In the past, 10. Spain, other PIIGS Leave means that the value of debt China. It will happen one way or Of course this must, and will, Chinese households received a Euro correctly calculated must rise the other, and the sooner the less come with much slower GDP diminishing share of a rapidly Spain will leave the euro and will faster than the value of assets. By disruptive. And for China to growth. growing pie. In the future they be forced to restructure its debt definition this results in an rebalance in a meaningful way, 7. Social Unrest Not a Given must receive a growing share. within three or four years. So will unsustainable rise in debt. consumption growth is going to Growth rates of 3% will not This will probably be Greece, Portugal, Ireland and 4. By 2013-14 Chinese GDP have to outpace GDP growth by at necessarily lead to social and accomplished through formal or possibly even Italy and Belgium. Growth will Slow sharply least 3-4 full percentage points political instability. Most analysts informal privatization. The only strategies by which I don’t expect a significant (and even then, at that rate, it will argue that China needs annual 9. Disruptive European Politics Spain can regain competitiveness growth slow-down until after the take China over five years to growth rates of at least 8% to European politics will become MICHAEL page 41 new leadership takes power in late return to the 40% that was not maintain current levels of much more difficult and Curated News Edition 41 MICHAEL continued from page 40 are either to deflate and force Protection Sentiment global demand it is the deficit there is no reason to expect it as not also include a fiscal union. down wages, which will hurt As the US fights over the fiscal countries that have all the best debt-deflation plays out and China The question at hand is how workers and small businesses, or deficit and whether or not it is the cards. They control demand, abandons its reckless investments much more will governments to leave the euro and devalue. right way to expand domestic which is the world’s scarcest and in infrastructure. force down the throats of Given the large share of vote demand, more and more most valuable commodity. Once I suspect China slows sooner than taxpayers (hoping to bail out the workers have, the former strategy politicians will focus on the they begin intervening in trade Pettis thinks, but no sooner than banks and the bondholders) before will not last long. But of course expansionary impact of trade and regaining the full use of their the next regime change in China. this mess cracks in pieces. The once Spain leaves the euro and protection. There will be an domestic demand, they will push Markets, however, may react well more politicians force down devalues, its external debt will increasing tendency to intervene the adjustment onto the surplus in advance. taxpayer throats, the bigger the soar. Debt restructuring and in trade – in fact I think of countries. Unemployment in Global Deflationary Outlook eventual repercussions. forgiveness is almost inevitable. quantitative easing as a policy deficit countries will drop, while Pettis does not use the word Shrink to Survive 11. Germany Will Not aimed at trade and currency it will rise in surplus countries. "deflation" in his writeup, but he Just as I typed the above thoughts Voluntarily Share Costs imbalances as much as one aimed That is a lengthy clip of ideas, yet describes a very deflationary a Bloomberg headline came in on Unless Germany moves quickly at domestic monetary hopefully within the spirit of global outlook complete with this very subject: Prospect of New to reverse its current account management. Pettis' guidelines on these emails. protectionism, beggar-thy- Core Euro Gains Traction The surplus – which is very unlikely – As unemployment persists, and His PDF is 14 pages and will neighbor policies, currency wars, euro area may need to shrink to the European crisis will force a as the political pressure to address appear on his blog shortly. and falling non-food commodity survive. sharp balance-of-trade adjustment unemployment rises, the US will, I added the bold headlines in the prices. As its sovereign-debt crisis nears onto Germany, which will cause like Britain in 1930-31, lose its detailed discussion points above. Pettis did not discuss energy, but a third year and rescue efforts fail its economy to slow sharply and ideological commitment to free Six Key Ideas the forces are clear: peak oil. vs. to stop the rot in financial even to contract. By 2015-16 trade and become increasingly global slowdown. Given peak oil markets, economists from Pacific German economic performance protectionist. Also like Britain in • China Will Slow Much More and the possibility of war over it, Investment Management Co.’s will be much worse than that of 1930-31, once it does so the US than China Bulls and Commodity energy is a wildcard. Mohamed El-Erian to Harvard’s France and the UK. economy will begin growing more Bulls Think What Country Leaves Eurozone Martin Feldstein say ensuring the For one or two years the deficit rapidly – thus putting the burden • Non-food Commodities Take First? euro’s existence may require countries will try to bear the full of adjustment on China, Germany Big Hit The current political path members to leave the 17-nation brunt of the adjustment while (which will already be suffering • Eurozone Experiment Ends in including the dismissal of currency region. Germany scolds and cajoles from from the European adjustment) Breakup Eurobonds by Germany and The result would be what El- the side. Eventually they will be and Japan. • US Protectionism Takes Hold France certainly indicates a Erian, Pimco’s Newport Beach, unable politically to accept the Trade policy in the next few • Deficit Countries Control breakup of the Eurozone. California-based chief executive necessary high unemployment years will be about deciding who Demand, Thus Have the Best However, I wonder if Germany officer, calls a “smaller, much and they will intervene in trade – will bear the brunt of the global Cards abandons the Euro first, rather better integrated, fiscally strong almost certainly by abandoning contraction in demand growth. • Disaster Hits BRICs than one of the PIIGS. euro zone.” While leaders such as the euro and devaluing. In that The surplus countries, because I doubt it matters much, at least German Chancellor Angela case they automatically push the they are so reliant on surpluses, Contrarian Thinking from the perspective of Germany. Merkel consistently rule out that brunt of the adjustment onto the will be very reluctant to eliminate Except perhaps for points three However, should Germany leave option, El-Erian told “Bloomberg surplus countries, i.e. Germany, their trade intervention policies. and four (and perhaps for all six the Euro, France would then be in Surveillance” with Tom Keene on and German unemployment will Because they are making the same points) investors and analysts the position Germany is in now, Aug. 17 that they eventually may rise. I don’t know how soon this mistake the US made in the late have taken the opposite view. certainly unable to bailout the rest embrace it over the fiscal union will happen, but remember that in 1920s and Japan in the late 1980s Most are looking to buy the dip, of the Eurozone. required to maintain the status global demand contractions it is – thinking they are in a strong invest in commodities, invest in One way or another, the grand quo. Don' expect rational thinking the surplus countries who always enough position to dictate terms – commodity producing currencies, experiment will fail. Historically from EU leaders. Instead, expect suffer the most. I don’t see why they will refuse to take the and invest in the BRICs. speaking it never had a chance. politicians to act in their this time will be any different. necessary steps to adjust. We did not have commodity There has never been a successful MICHAEL page 43 12. Expect US Rising Trade But in fact in this fight over producer decoupling in 2008 and currency union in history that did 42 Economy/ Curated News Edition With Just 4 Days Left Till Jackson Hole, Are The 'Great Expectations For QE3' Too High? Tyler Durden (Money Game) to the Chairsatan. suggest that the national ISM the pace needed to sustain for a QE3 commitment. For now,

Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:25:00 PM From SocGen: Great could print in the mid 40s. A 42 employment gains. For example, both inflation and inflation Expectations For Jackson Hole level has historically been 1.0% GDP growth, if sustained, expectations remain quite high. And so we return to that point Bernanke’s Jackson Hole speech consistent with flat GDP growth would lead to a roughly 1% The CPI report for July certainly when the most engaging, yet will be the highlight of the week. and therefore is a threshold for contraction in employment which did not make things easier for the useless, topic of discussion is Expectations are high, but those recessions. In this context, the is equivalent to 10k jobs lost per Fed. It showed some evidence of what Bernanke will say or the Fed looking for an outright risks are certainly growing. To be month. This would push the pass-through and rising rents are will do, in this case this coming commitment to QE3 are likely to sure, hard activity data has held unemployment rate higher, toward also adding to upward pressure on Friday at the 2011 edition of the be disappointed. QE3 may well up well so far: retail sales, the 9.5%-10% range over the core inflation. These could Jackson Hole Fed meeting, and happen eventually, but the Fed production and employment all course of one year. Inflation reverse eventually if the economy specifically Ben's keynote speech. will likely use up more increased in July, suggesting that would likely ease, opening the continues to grow at or below stall By now we have seen endless conventional and less Q3 will see positive, albeit slow door for further monetary and speed, but the Fed will have to iterations of what pundits expect controversial tools first. The most GDP growth. Our real time perhaps even fiscal wait. As for inflation will happen: from nothing to likely next step in our view is a recession probability model, accommodation. expectations, they are finally another round of QE. duration extension of the Fed’s based on the four coincident Next week’s Jackson Hole moving in the right direction. The Today, we present SocGen's take securities portfolio. Bernanke indicators used by the NBER in meeting is awaited with much 5y5y forward breakeven dropped which is that while an outright could refer to it as “sterilized dating business cycles, suggests anticipation. Bernanke is due to over 30bps last week to 2.52%. If third round of monetization is QE,” giving the markets what only a 2% chance that the speak on Friday and markets are this trend continues, an important unlikely for now, the Fed may they want to hear. Other options economy was in a recession as of looking for a commitment to hurdle to further quantitative well proceed with a lite version of include broadening policy July (see the accompanying further monetary support. The easing could be lifted before year- QE in the form of "sterilized" guidance to include the balance chart). However, if financial focus of the speech is likely to be end. operations, or curve targeting, aka sheet. For example, the Fed could conditions and sentiment continue on additional easing tools which The political backdrop is another Operation Twist, as was noted promise not to reduce its to deteriorate – and our view is were discussed extensively during important consideration which here some time ago. One thing we securities portfolio until 2013 or, that much of that depends on the August 9 FOMC meeting. The complicates matters for the Fed. certainly agree with SocGen on: better yet, promise to keep it “at European policymakers – we tools include further language Conservatives remain firmly "If markets remain under least” at the current size until could start seeing cracks in hard guidance (for example no balance opposed to ‘printing money’ and pressure, Bernanke could be 2013. The latter would open the data in the fourth quarter. At the sheet contraction until mid-2013), have been very vocal about it. forced to commit to something door to QE3 more formally, yet moment, we would peg recession cutting interest on reserves, Though the Fed should in theory next week." The market obviously without committing to it outright. risks around 40%. changing the composition of the be independent from the political knows this, in which case if the The Fed could also cut interest on If there is a recession in the next Fed’s securities portfolio, or process, Bernanke surely does not market case is for QE3 or bust reserves or shift to outright 12 months, it is not all that clear establishing an outright inflation want to put the central bank in the (and remember: Wall Street is still inflation targeting. Price level what it will look like. Given that target. A more controversial cross hairs of a presidential stuck in beta levered world where targeting would be the nuclear the US economy is already option would be price level campaign. The bottom line is that the only P&L comes courtesy of option, but it is probably too early operating well below capacity targeting, but it is a long shot to the Fed will ultimately do what is the Fed this will be most for that. (nearly 7% by CBO estimates), it expect Bernanke to endorse such right for the economy, but it will welcome) today's latest vapor Sentiment measures in the US is hard to imagine another deep a radical policy shift at this stage. need to build a strong case first. rally will be promptly nullified by have continued to slide last week. contraction. Instead, we would Finally, there is of course the If markets remain under pressure, Wall Street which has only 4 days Early regional manufacturing probably see flat or even slightly option of QE3. left to send a very loud message surveys for the month of August positive GDP growth, but below We still think that it is too early WITH page 45 Curated News Edition Economy/ 43 MICHAEL continued from page 41 Global Trade Wars, Smoot- perceived best interests and is the solution on many occasions, secondarily in the perceived bests rather than tariffs I have interests of the banks and supported a return to the gold Hawley, and Peak Oil Followup to bondholders. standard. I saw no need to bring it All it takes is for any country to up yet again, but perhaps I should leave, even Greece, before other have. 12 Predictions from Michael Pettis countries consider the same thing. Here are the pertinent links once [email protected] (Michael serious potential for another Discipline Revisited There are lots of ideas in this post again. Shedlock) (Mish's Global Smoot-Hawley with equally Michael Pettis Warns of Economic Trend Analysis) to consider, and I thank Michael Hugo Salinas Price and Michael devastating consequences if "Virulent Political Turn Against Pettis for sharing his thoughts. Pettis on the Trade Imbalance Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:25:00 PM Congress goes overboard. Euro", Adds Clarification to Addendum: Dilemma; Gold's Honest In response to Michael Pettis: Where I did comment and where "Gold's Honest Discipline" Reader Craig writes: "I was Discipline Revisited Long-Term Outlook for China, I agree with Pettis' contrarian I also want to add a note that shocked by your commentary on Michael Pettis Warns of Europe, and the World; 12 Global thinking is that the brunt of the peak oil (some say "peak 12. I thought for sure you would "Virulent Political Turn Against Predictions Reader Craig writes ... adjustment will be felt on trade everything") will impact China's come out blasting U.S. trade Euro", Adds Clarification to " I was shocked by your surplus countries. Mathematically ability to to have an investment restrictions as protectionist and "Gold's Honest Discipline" commentary on 12. I thought for it has to, in any kind of led economy based forever leading to economic slowdown in Mike "Mish" Shedlock sure you would come out blasting rebalancing. Not every country expanding infrastructure. Add the U.S. Instead, you basically http:// U.S. trade restrictions as can run a trade surplus. It is peak oil to the list of reasons said what Trump has been saying globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot. protectionist and leading to impossible. China will slow, whether they like in every interview, and that is that com economic slowdown in the U.S. Moreover, and as Pettis points it or not. China is playing us for fools and Click Here To Scroll Thru My Instead, you basically said what out, the imposed austerity Mike "Mish" Shedlock that we need to recapture our Recent Post List Mike Trump has been saying in every measures in Europe will impact http://manufacturing from them. I "Mish" Shedlock is a registered interview, and that is that China Germany's ability to export. The globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot. thought you were a "free trader" investment advisor representative is playing us for fools and that we slowdown in China and the US com to the max." for SitkaPacific Capital need to recapture our will also impact Germany. Click Here To Scroll Thru My Craig, I am indeed a free trade Management. Sitka Pacific is an manufacturing from them. I The question is whether or not Recent Post List Mike advocate. I simply failed to point asset management firm whose thought you were a "free trader" adjustments come about in a "Mish" Shedlock is a registered out every nuance in the article I goal is strong performance and to the max." reasonable manner or by trade investment advisor representative disagree with. I do not think the low volatility, regardless of Craig, I am indeed a free trade wars and currency devaluations. for SitkaPacific Capital US gains by protectionism. Other market direction. Visit http:// advocate. I simply failed to point No one wins in another Smoot- Management. Sitka Pacific is an countries will do the same and US out every nuance in the article I Hawley setup. asset management firm whose exports will dive if imports dive account_management.html to disagree with. It is a mistake to I have pointed out what I believe goal is strong performance and as other countries retaliate. There learn more about wealth assume I agree with everything in is the solution on many low volatility, regardless of is serious potential for another management and capital an article just because I agree with occasions. Rather than tariffs I market direction. Visit http:// Smoot-Hawley with equally preservation strategies of Sitka 90% of it. I made no specific have supported a return to the damaging results. Where Pettis is Pacific. comments on protectionism so gold standard. I saw no need to account_management.html to correct is that the brunt of the there should not have been an bring it up yet again, but perhaps I learn more about wealth adjustment will be felt on trade implication of agreement. should have. management and capital surplus countries. Mathematically I do not think the US gains by Here are the pertinent links once preservation strategies of Sitka it has to, in any kind of protectionism. Other countries again. Pacific. rebalancing. will do the same and US exports Hugo Salinas Price and Michael I have pointed out what I believe will dive if imports dive as other Pettis on the Trade Imbalance countries retaliate. There is Dilemma; Gold's Honest 44 Economy/ Obituaries Curated News Edition News Corp. Stock Is Going To Take Last Chance to Oppose the Beating As "Powerful Enemies" Get Their Revenge, Warns Needham Obama's Labor Board (NWS) Noah Davis (Money Game) substantially during market

Submitted at 8/22/2011 11:50:01 AM shocks in 2008, 2002, 2011 and 1998." Union Elections Scheme Now, News Corp. is fighting the Combine the current state of the [email protected] (Michael conduct one-sided unionization I hope you'll act right away. bogeyman. stock market with the ongoing Shedlock) (Mish's Global campaigns and deny workers Sincerely, Unnamed but "powerful fallout from the News of the Economic Trend Analysis) sufficient time to educate Mark Mix enemies" are swarming, and the World phone-hacking scandal, Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:07:00 PM themselves and coworkers about President, National Right to perception led Needham & Co. to and the downgrade makes sense. The National-Right-to-Work the effects of unionization and Work Foundation Click here to downgrade the stock from buy to The company's stock price was foundation notes that Monday is organize in opposition to the register your opposition to the hold, reports Forbes' Jeff slightly down Monday morning your Last Chance to Oppose the union; NLRB's latest union- power Bercovici. after posting strong gains in the Obama's Labor Board Union 2. Invading workers' privacy and grab. “We expect the powerful enemies morning along with the rest of the Elections Scheme Dear exposing them to intimidating It will only take a few minutes to of conservative-leaning Fox News market. Concerned American, "home visits" by forcing register your opposition this and WSJ to exhibit sharper Please follow SAI: Media on Through Monday August 22, the employers to provide to union blatant abuse of power by the elbows in an election year like Twitter and Facebook. National Labor Relations Board organizers the name, home Obama administration. 2012," two analysts wrote in a Join the conversation about this (NLRB) is accepting public address, phone number, email Mike "Mish" Shedlock report. "Near-term headline risk is story » comments on its proposed rule address, and shift schedule of http://acute, even if accusations prove See Also: changes to union certification each worker; globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot. erroneous after the elections are • James Murdoch Leaving News election procedures. 3. Abusive card check campaigns com over.” Corp? The new election guidelines in which union organizers lie, Click Here To Scroll Thru My While the opinion sounds a bit • FBI Investigating More would make union certification trick, or harass workers into Recent Post List spurious and vague, another Potential News Corp. Hacking In elections as one-sided as possible signing "union authorization Mike "Mish" Shedlock is a reason cited for the downgrade The US by ambushing workers with quick cards" -- a practice that could registered investment advisor holds more weight. The pair of • SEC STALKER: Million Dollar -snap elections and invading become significantly more representative for SitkaPacific authors "also note that News Pay Day Is Here For The workers' privacy by forcing prevalent under the proposed rules Capital Management. Sitka Corp.’s stock has never done well Murdochs, Roger Ailes, And companies to hand over their because union organizers may Pacific is an asset management during periods of volatility, Chase Carey addresses, phone numbers, and withdraw the election petition but firm whose goal is strong underperforming the S&P 500 shift schedules to union bosses. keep the list of employees' performance and low volatility, So far, the Board has received personal information to launch a regardless of market direction. over 8,000 comments -- card check campaign at a later Visit Former AP political reporter overwhelmingly pro-Right to date. /account_management.html to Work and against the ambush Click here to register your learn more about wealth Joseph Mohbat dies (AP) election procedures. opposition to the NLRB's latest management and capital (Yahoo! News: Obituaries) who served as press secretary for Tell the Obama Labor Board that, union-boss power grab preservation strategies of Sitka Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:40:43 PM the Democratic National as a concerned citizen, you The bureaucrats at the Obama Pacific. Committee, has died, his wife said oppose: Labor Board are out of control. AP - Joseph Mohbat, a former Monday. He was 73. 1. Ambush elections that allow Demand they stop acting as an Associated Press political reporter aggressive union organizers to organizing tool for Big Labor. Curated News Edition Culture/ Food/ Obituaries 45 WITH continued from page 42 Brad Pitt Gets Sexy in NY Bernanke could be forced to Please follow Money Game on commit to something next week. Twitter and Facebook. If so, the most likely next step in Join the conversation about this Mag to Chat Moneyball our view will be duration story » extension of the Fed’s portfolio. See Also: With Jonah Hill Bernanke could even call it • Some Preliminary Thoughts On ‚sterilized QE,? giving the Bernanke's 2011 Jackson Hole Lauren Turner (PopSugar) markets what they want to hear. Speech Submitted at 8/22/2011 10:22:16 AM The impact would be similar to • Bernanke's Last Bullet And The outright QE with the curve likely Fallacy Of Resetting Mortgages Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill are flattening further and pushing • Guess How Much Wall Street decked out in all black on the yield-hungry investors into riskier Borrowed From Fed During Crisis cover of New York Magazine's assets. However, the impact on While Americans Went Bust? latest issue. The Moneyball the dollar would be more limited costars chatted with the as there is no outright increase in publication about the difficulty of the money supply. getting the movie made and what This post originally appeared at ultimately drew them to the Zero Hedge. project. Brad's since switched to film World War Z interesting work that's been going overseas, but he'll soon hit the on in the last couple of years is carpet to show off the movie, Indian historian Ram Sharan what the comedy guys have been which is being released on Sept. doing." 23 after years in the making. Sharma dies at 92 (AP) • Jonah on identifying with his Here's more from Brad Pitt and character's obsessiveness: "It's (Yahoo! News: Obituaries) Sharma has died in a hospital in Jonah Hill in NY Mag: what we do all the time about Submitted at 8/21/2011 10:56:15 PM the eastern state of Bihar after a • Brad on getting the movie movies-we analytically sh*t-talk prolonged illness. He was 92. made: "There were some hard everybody's strengths and AP - Indian historian Ram Sharan days. I don't mind the struggle as weaknesses! •Everybody I know Facts and myths long as the work amounts to does that. So that was my in." something in the end." about breast • Brad on Jonah Hill: "Jonah's a View Slideshow › revelation in this thing-he's a cancer study in reserve. I think the most [infographic] (Holy Kaw!) Superfast Mediterranean Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:38:00 PM (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks) shrimp in the water with the pasta, View Recipe: Lemon Basil only/faq.php#publishers. Five Via AsbestosNews. (H/T

Submitted at 8/22/2011 3:00:00 AM then add herby basil, briny capers, Shrimp and Pasta Next Chicken Filters featured article: A 'Malign @ritubpant) rich olive oil, and bright lemon Souvlaki Intellectual Subculture' - George More on breast cancer. A hallmark of Mediterranean juice, no further cooking required. This entry passed through the Monbiot Smears Chomsky, Permalink| Leave a comment » dishes is that they derive deep Serve on a bed of spinach or Full-Text RSS service — if this is Herman, Peterson, Pilger And flavor from simple ingredients alongside broccoli, asparagus, your content and you're reading it Media Lens. prepared simply. This dish is a green beans, or any other green on someone else's site, please read great example: You cook the vegetable. the FAQ at 46 Culture/ Curated News Edition NASA Might Be Open to Boosting Whistleblower Protections Dave Mosher (Wired Top Stories)

Submitted at 8/22/2011 10:15:00 AM

Under attack for leaving whistleblowers out to dry, NASA has tentatively signaled that it’s open to changing its policies. “We believe that strongly enforcing existing protections is not something to be embarrassed about,” said NASA spokesperson Bob Jacobs. “That said, if NASA’s science community wants to consider the pros and cons of advancing additional protections, we would not discourage such a process.” Though Jacobs’ words are restrained, they represent a change in NASA’s position towards criticisms raised after their new science integrity plan was publicized by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, a government watchdog group. NASA sent its plan to the White House in response to a 2009 call for policies to explicitly protect federal scientists from financial reports on NASA’s climate were highlighted August 15 by scientific integrity. But PEER and 1994; since then whistleblowers and political pressures. During the research. Public Employees for the Union of Concerned Scientists have been favored in only 3 of Bush administration, such Following an August 5 deadline, Environmental Responsibility, or (UCS), a U.S.-based science 206 cases filed in the Federal interferences distorted scientific NASA and 18 other agencies and PEER. advocacy group, find the plans Circuit Court of Appeals. information and fact-gathering departments submitted their According to NASA, their plan lacking in protection for Those protections weren’t efforts on dozens of issues(.pdf), drafts. Despite the — a 10-page memo(.pdf) devoted whistleblowers. NASA leans enough for NASA employees from stem cells to the safety of administration’s focus on mostly to describing existing entirely on the Whistleblower prior to the 2003 Space Shuttle drinking rocket fuel-tainted water. transparency, however, only five policies — reflected the fact that Protection Act of 1989, which Political appointees altered were made public. NASA’s plans those policies already protect lawmakers later expanded in NASA page 49 Curated News Edition Culture/ 47 Why Some Seconds Seem to Last Forever Danielle Venton (Wired Top understanding of psychology, Stories) Heron’s conclusions give an

Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:13:00 PM intriguing “peek at the machinery under the hood,” said Though our perception of time neuroscientist David Eagleman, can be stunningly precise — director of the Laboratory for given a beat to keep, professional Perception and Action at Baylor drummers are accurate within College of Medicine. milliseconds — it can also be “What we know about vision and curiously plastic. Some moments hearing suggests that different seem to last longer than others, populations [of neurons] in the and scientists don’t know why. brain are tuned to different Unlike our other senses, our properties,” said Eagleman, perception of time has no defined author of Incognito, “so the idea location in our brain, making it that there may be populations of difficult to understand and study. neurons tuned to different But now researchers have found durations is plausible and in line hints that our sense of time stems with previous electrophysiology from specialized units in our data.” brain, channels of neurons tuned The workings of the brain are far to signals of certain time lengths. from simple, however, and the “We know keeping track of time channel-based model doesn’t is incredibly important, it allows explain why, for example, time us to coordinate movements, seems to pass more slowly when interpret body language,” said we are in a life threatening optometrist James Heron of the situation like falling off a roof or University of Bradford in the UK, a car crash. lead author of the study in “There is a lot going on in the Proceedings of the Royal Society brain,” Eagleman said. “You’re B, Aug. 10. “We know the brain unconsciously counting the clicks. certain duration, which adapted flashes that last 150 milliseconds, not just passively tracking the does this routinely and accurately, Or it may judge time based on the the people to signals of that then a 300 doesn’t feel like 300, it river of time. You’re actively but we’re not sure how. Our amount of energy needed to length. feels more like 400,” Heron said. constructing it.” evidence strongly suggests the process a signal. The more They then tested the participants’ The closer the signals were to the Image: Alex Lomix/Flickr. presence of neural units in the attention we give to something, time judgment by giving them a duration they were adapted to, the See Also: brain that are tuned to different the longer the processing seems to beep and a flash and asking which further off peoples’ guesses were. • Audio Excerpt: The Secret durations.” take. had lasted longer. What they “The channel-based system seems Lives of the Brain Researchers who study the Heron and his colleagues believe found was flashes and beeps that the best explanation for this,” • Magic and the Brain: Teller brain’s perception of time have our mental chronometer runs, at were close in duration to the Heron said. “It was as if we Reveals the Neuroscience of previously proposed several ways least partially, on neuron channels signals the people had been fatigued the channels tuned to that Illusion our mental clock might work. It that respond to a specific adapted to were consistently duration, and the channels near it, could be like a metronome, “frequency of time.” The new judged to be significantly longer but the channels further away Citation: “Duration channels ticking at a regular rate, allowing experiment exposed people to one than they really were. were still fresh.” us to keep track of time by hundred beeps or flashes of a “If I present you with lots of While not changing our WHY page 49 48 Culture/ Curated News Edition Union Challenges Missouri Ban on Student- Teacher Online Communications David Kravets (Wired Top Amendment rights,” (.pdf) Stories) according to the suit.

Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:10:00 PM Photo: breity/Flickr See Also: • Rulings Leave Online Student A union representing 44,000 Speech Rights Unresolved Missouri public school reachers is • Student’s Facebook Tirade challenging a state law that Against Teacher Is Protected dramatically restricts their online Speech speech with current and former • Court Vacates Online Student- students in a lawsuit accusing the Speech Rulings legislation as a First Amendment • Student Who Created Facebook breach. Group Critical of Teacher Sues The Missouri State Teachers High School Over Suspension Association is challenging a part • School Dazed by Speech Ruling or the Amy Hestir Student • Scenes From the MySpace Protection Act, (.pdf) which Backlash essentially bars public school • Court: Cyberbullying Threats teachers from having private Are Not Protected Speech electronic communications with • Prior Restraint Lives: students and past minor students. Newspaper Blocked From Among other things, this means Publishing Photo of Murder no e-mail, online chatting, Suspect Facebook messaging and Twitter abuses a child and the district had school officials to be aware of law would also bar them from • Supreme Court: Hey Kids, No direct messages. information of previous abuses. sexual misconduct exhibited by communicating online with their Talking About Bong Hits “It’s vague, and more importantly, That was the main public focus of potential hires and their own children. we believe it violates the bill, which was sponsored by employees when making staffing “The act is unconstitutionally This entry passed through the constitutional rights of educators,” Jane Cunningham, a Missouri decisions. This will serve as an overbroad and void on its face Full-Text RSS service — if this is said Todd Fuller, a union state senator. invaluable tool for protecting our because it prohibits every teacher your content and you're reading it spokesman. “This legislation is vital to protect children.” in the state of Missouri from on someone else's site, please read Some school districts have our children from sexual predators The union is asking a judge to having any non-work-related web the FAQ at interpreted the law to ban teachers in our schools — places meant as block implementation of the -based communications with only/faq.php#publishers. Five from having Facebook pages safe learning environments,” she online-speech hinderances current or former students that Filters featured article: A 'Malign outright. said. “Aside from mandatory contained in the bill, which is to allow exclusive access by the Intellectual Subculture' - George The measure is part of a broader extensive background checks, my take effect August 28. teacher and student which will Monbiot Smears Chomsky, law making school districts liable bill will make it possible for Some teachers complain that the deter legitimate exercise of First Herman, Peterson, Pilger And for damages if a teacher sexually Media Lens. Curated News Edition Culture/ 49 NASA continued from page 46 Johnny Depp Sets Sail on a Columbia disaster. The Columbia whistleblower protections, NASA • Op-Ed: Reversing the Romantic Cruise With Vanessa and Accident Investigation Board said initially stressed its adherence to Congressional Science Lobotomy the employees kept quiet for fear the Whistleblower Protection Act. • Whistleblower Protections for Gifts Lily-Rose With a Justin Bieber of reprisal by their bosses(.pdf). But pressed by with Industry Scientists “The Whistleblower Protection the UCS recommendations, • U.S. Science-Funding Boost Surprise! Act was a great policy when it Jacobs gave the less-boilerplate Faces Uncertain Future Katie Henry (PopSugar) came out, but it has been eroded response above: “We would not • Republican Congressmen and eroded and eroded,” said discourage such a process.” Crowdsource Attack on Science Submitted at 8/22/2011 9:22:55 AM Francesca Grifo, a senior scientist Grifo said she’ll take any opening • U.S. Leading Charge on Johnny Depp happily reunited at the UCS. “NASA needs to she can get on the matter. Synthetic Biology Funding with his family aboard a yacht make a clear commitment to However, “the devil is in the docked off the South of France protect whistleblowers from details and to get to the details This entry passed through the late last week. Vanessa Paradis, retaliation.” requires a conversation,” she said. Full-Text RSS service — if this is wearing a sexy black one-piece, Grifo released to new NASA’s final scientific integrity your content and you're reading it greeted him with a sweet kiss recommended wording for policy is now undergoing a formal on someone else's site, please read while Johnny handed out gifts. whistleblower protection review process closed to the the FAQ at Lily-Rose, a huge Justin Bieber policies(.pdf, page 35). The public. It’s expected to be only/faq.php#publishers. Five fan, got a new poster to add to her language attempts to close finalized before Oct. 31, 2011. Filters featured article: A 'Malign collection of Bieber gear. Their fi spin, and Paul Revere, which loopholes in the Whistleblower Image: Sharon Hall Shipp/Flickr Intellectual Subculture' - George family vacation comes amidst tells the story of the historic ride Protection Act. Under current See Also: Monbiot Smears Chomsky, news that production on Johnny's to warn of an impending British legal precedents, whistleblowers • Obama’s 2012 Budget Proposes Herman, Peterson, Pilger And Lone Ranger remake has been invasion. If that wasn't enough to can be fired or punished in Pains, Gains for Science Media Lens. suspended due to budgetary keep him busy, he's also among retaliation, or have their cases • Charting the Winners and issues. Disney's still hoping to the hot dads competing in this dismissed for waiting too long to Losers in Obama’s Science make the film if it can get the year's shirtless bracket. Johnny's file complaints. Budget budget under $215 million. holding down the number-eight When confronted with general • On Science, Obama Puts His Despite the slight setback, position, but there's still plenty of criticisms of current Mouth Where His Money Is Johnny's still moving forward on time for him to surge ahead - don't two new projects with Disney, forget to fill out your ballot for a including The Night Stalker, chance to win $1,000 from about a reporter who investigates J.Crew! View Slideshow › crimes with a supernatural or sci- WHY continued from page 47 mediate human time perception.” Full-Text RSS service — if this is Herman, Peterson, Pilger And By James Heron, Craig Aaen- your content and you're reading it Media Lens. Stockdale, John Hotchkiss, Neil on someone else's site, please read Roach, Paul McGraw and David the FAQ at Whitaker. Proceedings of the only/faq.php#publishers. Five Royal Society B. August 10, Filters featured article: A 'Malign 2011. Intellectual Subculture' - George This entry passed through the Monbiot Smears Chomsky, 50 Politics-Left/ Curated News Edition Pockets of resistance as rebels claim Tripoli ( ENGLISH (AJE)) International Criminal Court, was strike or if they are just here for

Submitted at 8/22/2011 11:41:43 AM arrested in a village in western surveillance." Tripoli; and Mohammed Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the The head of Libya's National surrendered to rebel forces and NATO secretary-general, Transitional Council (NTC) has spoke to Al Jazeera shortly said NATO was ready to work announced the end of the Gaddafi afterwards. with the Libyan NTC, and "our era, while sporadic fighting • Egypt formally recognises the goal throughout this conflict has continued across the capital, NTC as Libya's governing body, been to protect the people of Tripoli. while Venezuelan President Hugo Libya". Fighting and gun battles erupted Chavez condemns NATO for and people's property ... he also occupation forces to be deployed With Gaddafi's grip on power in parts of Tripoli on Monday demolishing Tripoli. stressed that there should not be a in Tripoli." apparently slipping, speculation after tanks left Bab al-Azizyah, • The Libyan diaspora case of people taking the law into Opposition forces and Tripoli has begun on where he may flee if Muammar Gaddafi's compound, communities celebrate the their own hands". residents were trying to maintain Tripoli falls into rebel hands. to confront the rebel assault that advance of opposition forces. Jalil said Gaddafi had left a order in the city on Monday, said The Pentagon has said the US gained control of much of the • Throughout the night, euphoric legacy of violence against his own Khodr. does not believe Gaddafi has capital in a battle overnight. Libyan rebels moved into the people and the world. "The people of Tripoli really already left Libya. Many of the streets in the centre centre of Tripoli and thousands of He said he hoped that Gaddafi are maintaining law and order in Some have suggested that he of the city - where anti- jubilant civilians rushed out of was captured alive so that he the areas that they are could be in neighbouring Algeria government supporters had their homes to cheer the long could be put on trial. now controlling in Tripoli," our or in remote southern Libya. celebrated hours earlier - were convoys of pickup trucks packed "We will provide him with a fair correspondent said. There were also claims that he abandoned as pockets of pro- with fighters shooting in the air. trial. But I have no idea how he "They have set up checkpoints, may be talking to regional allies Gaddafi resistance and the will defend himself against these are searching cars and looking for in Africa. presence of snipers and artillery For the latest news, follow our crimes that he committed against possible Gaddafi supporters, In a press conference, Maite fire made the area dangerous. Libya Live Blog the Libyan people and the world," because ever since late last night Nkoana-Mashabane, South Al Jazeera's Zeina Khodr, who Meanwhile, speaking at a press Jalil said. they were worried about sleeper Africa's foreign minister, said entered the city with rebel fighters conference in the rebel stronghold Defiant audio messages cells in the capital." Pretoria was not facilitating who advanced overnight, said the Benghazi, the NTC's Mustafa There has been no word on the As the fighting intensified, it was Gaddafi's exit and did not know security situation in the city was Abdel Jalil acknowledged that location of Gaddafi himself. The reported that foreign journalists the 69-year-old leader's current "tenuous," despite there being Libya still faced many challenges, Libyan leader has delivered a had been trapped inside the Rixos whereabouts. celebrations in the streets. including maintaining law and series of angry and defiant audio hotel where many correspondents Nkoana-Mashabane added that "There are some Gaddafi forces order. messages in recent days, vowing have been based throughout the South Africa had no plans at the still putting up a fight," our "Jalil spoke at length saying that it not to surrender. conflict. moment to recognise the rebel correspondent said. wasn't going to be a bed of roses In the most recent address, he "They are not allowed to leave the government if Gaddafi falls. "And rebels still have one last and a great number of challenges acknowledged that opposition hotel because there are Gaddafi “The Libyans themselves must be push to make towards Bab al- lay ahead for the Libyan people," forces were moving into Tripoli men in the area and around the given the chance to decide the Azizyah," Khodr added, saying Al Jazeera's and said the city would be turned area," Khodr said. future of their country and the that it was unclear when this reported from Benghazi. into another Baghdad. He also Opposition hold majority control future of Gaddafi," Nkoana- advance would take place. Rowland called Jalil "a very called on Libya's tribes to rally to An opposition fighter in Tripoli Mashabane said. In other developments: moderate voice, a voice calling the city's defence. told Al Jazeera that only about 20 Al Jazeera's correspondent • Gaddafi's three sons are in for common sense and reason" at "How come you allow Tripoli, the per cent of the city was in the in Johannesburg, Haru Matasa, custody. Saadi was captured by this sensitive time. capital, to be under occupation hands of Gaddafi supporters. said Angola and Zimbabwe had rebels in Tripoli; Saif al-Islam, She said: "He called on people in once again?" he said. "The traitors "NATO air forces are above us, I who is wanted by the Tripoli to respect people's lives are paving the way for the am not sure if they are going to POCKETS page 52 Curated News Edition Politics-Left/ 51 Gaddafi sons in custody; spy chief at large ( (AJE))

Submitted at 8/22/2011 11:29:11 AM

Saif al-Islam, pictured in March, is one of three regime figures, including his father, wanted by the ICC [Reuters] Libyan rebel forces have arrested a third son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, after two others were earlier taken into custody by the opposition. Monday's capture of Saadi Gaddafi, in the capital Tripoli, comes as the whereabouts of other relatives and senior Libyan officials remains unknown. Earlier, Gaddafi's second-eldest son, Saif al-Islam, was detained by rebels on Sunday night, according to Mustafa Abdul Jalil, the head of the rebel National Transitional Council (NTC). The council provided few other details. Hours later, a spokesman for the International Criminal Court (ICC) confirmed the arrest. The opposition has not announced whether it will hand over prisoners to the ICC. Hague," Moreno-Ocampo said on Mohammad Gaddafi's interview background. was reportedly minimal, far The ICC issued an arrest warrant Monday. with Al Jazeera Abdul Jalil said that Gaddafi was smaller than Saif al-Islam's. for Saif al-Islam in June on Still, the rebels have not yet said In an interview with Al Jazeera unharmed, though there was no Gaddafi, Senussi fled Tripoli? charges of crimes against whether they will transfer Saif al- after he surrendered, Mohammad way to verify that claim. Other former senior Gaddafi humanity. Luis Moreno-Ocampo, Islam to the ICC. Representatives expressed his "sadness" at the Mohammad did, however, officials remain at large, including the court's chief prosecutor, from the court and the rebel fighting in Libya. The interview conduct another interview on air three of his seven sons. described Saif al-Islam as Libya's council are scheduled to meet on was interrupted by gunfire. with Al Jazeera shortly after the The biggest question is "de facto prime minister", and Monday to discuss a possible "What's happening in Libya is gunfire. His whereabouts are Muammar Gaddafi himself, last accused him of recruiting foreign transfer. very upsetting. The killing currently unknown. heard in a brief audio recording mercenaries that reportedly Eldest son 'unharmed' between brothers, between Mohammad was the chairman of on Sunday night. He called on attacked protesters during Libya's Muammar Gaddafi's eldest son, Muslims, is something that Libya's main state-run Libya's tribes to March on the six-month uprising. Mohammad, was also detained by saddens me," he said, shortly telecommunications firm, but his "We hope he can soon be in The rebels on Sunday night. before gunfire rang out in the role in his father's government GADDAFI page 52 52 Politics-Left/ TV/ Curated News Edition POCKETS continued from page 50 Libya Live Blog been cited as countries the Filters featured article: A 'Malign embattled leader was most likely Intellectual Subculture' - George (AL JAZEERA ENGLISH (AJE)) $(input_id).parent().parent().get(0 $('#mce-'+resp.result+'- to go to. Monbiot Smears Chomsky, Submitted at 8/22/2011 8:13:04 AM ); response').show(); This entry passed through the Herman, Peterson, Pilger And } else { $('#mce-'+resp.result+'- Full-Text RSS service — if this is Media Lens. '; input_id = '#mce- response').html(msg); your content and you're reading it '+fnames[index]; } on someone else's site, please read var input_id = f = } the FAQ at '#mc_embed_signup'; $().parent(input_id).get(0); } only/faq.php#publishers. Five var f = $(input_id); } // ]]> if if (f){ This entry passed through the (ftypes[index]=='address'){ $(f).append(html); Full-Text RSS service — if this is input_id = '#mce- $(input_id).focus(); your content and you're reading it Denise Richards '+fnames[index]+'-addr1'; } else { on someone else's site, please read f = $('#mce- the FAQ at $(input_id).parent().parent().get(0 '+resp.result+'-response').show(); only/faq.php#publishers. Five ); $('#mce- Filters featured article: A 'Malign Making 'Two and a } else if '+resp.result+'- Intellectual Subculture' - George (ftypes[index]=='date'){ response').html(msg); Monbiot Smears Chomsky, input_id = '#mce- } Herman, Peterson, Pilger And Half Men' Cameo? '+fnames[index]+'-month'; } Media Lens. Chris Harnick (AOL TV) f = } catch(e){ Submitted at 8/22/2011 7:30:00 AM GADDAFI continued from page 51 Filed under: TV News, Fall TV capital. with soldiers loyal to him. That official charged by the ICC in When'Two and a Half Men' "How can you allow Tripoli to be report could not be immediately June. The court accused him of returns, new cast member Ashton burned?" he asked. confirmed. carrying out a campaign of Kutcher won't be the only familiar It is unclear whether Gaddafi is Abdullah al-Senussi, Gaddafi's murder, mass arrest and torture. TV face, there will be a parade of still in Tripoli, though that seems longtime intelligence chief and This entry passed through the guest stars. increasingly unlikely. Gaddafi, brother-in-law, also seems to have Full-Text RSS service — if this is Look for a bevvy of ex- like Saif al-Islam, is wanted by eluded the rebels. He was last your content and you're reading it girlfriends -- including some very the ICC. seen at Tripoli's Rixos Hotel on on someone else's site, please read famous folks -- to attend Charlie Three other Gaddafi sons - Sunday, when he told foreign the FAQ at Harper's (Charlie Sheen) funeral. Hannibal, Mutasim and Khamis - journalists that "Western only/faq.php#publishers. Five Among the rumored stars? None have not been located. Hannibal intelligence" was "working Filters featured article: A 'Malign other than Sheen's real-life ex- had little role in politics, but alongside al-Qaeda to destroy Intellectual Subculture' - George wife Denise Richards. than turning up on Ashton's debut Khamis headed a feared army Libya". Monbiot Smears Chomsky, "The fact she is his ex-wife and episode." unit that took a leading role in There are rumours in Arabic Herman, Peterson, Pilger And talented can't fail to work," a Other famous faces set to appear suppressing protests. Mutasim newspapers that Senussi fled Media Lens. source told our sister site The in the premiere episode of the hit was an army officer and a security Tripoli, either to southern Libya Huffington Post."Initially Denise CBS sitcom include John Stamos, adviser to his father. or to the Tunisian town of Djerba, said no out of respect for Charlie Jenny McCarthy and the stars of The Al-Arabiya news network but those reports cannot be but everyone is hoping she Chuck Lorre's other shows. reported on Monday that Khamis substantiated. changes her mind." Permalink| Email this| Linking was traveling to central Tripoli Senussi was the third Libyan "She did two episodes a while back but nothing would be bigger Blogs| Comments Curated News Edition 53

'Game of Thrones' Expands Its Roster of European Locations Maureen Ryan (AOL TV) locations we can expect to see on

Submitted at 8/22/2011 8:30:00 AM the show. The 700-foot Wall, the far Filed under: Reality-Free, TV northern Westeros location that is News, Stay Tuned As is the case home to the men of the Night's in the book series on which it is Watch, was the setting of many of based, the world of'Game of my favorite season 1 moments. As Thrones' is continuing to expand. you'll recall, Jon Snow and the HBO has confirmed that parts of men who serve in the Night's the upcoming season will be Watch help protect Westeros from filmed in Croatia and Iceland. the fearsome creatures beyond the Croatia will supply locations for Wall's icy bulk. Some of the some of the southern parts of season 2 scenes set beyond the Westeros, the fictional kingdom Wall will be shot in Iceland, HBO in which the drama takes place. said Monday. Not surprisingly, the well- Permalink| Email this| Linking informed fan site Winter is Blogs| Comments Coming has extensive intel on the 54 Products/ Curated News Edition ViewSonic gTablet 10.1" Multi-touch Tablet (Woot! - One Day, One Deal) which I watched through Condition: New source with this tablet: play Facebook

Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:00:20 AM binoculars, or hiding in closets) Features: music , watch movies, or • Wi-Fi b/g/n support, video inspired me to design a tablet • The ViewSonic gTablet has a upload images from your conferencing via 1.3MP camera, View(you)sonic with such extensive format crisp and vibrant 10.1” capacitive camcorder and share and Bluetooth support with 8-10 This gTablet is perfect for you, support, including H.264, WMV, touch screen display with plenty entertainment with your friends hours of battery life because it is you. WMA, MP4, DivX and more. It of real estate for even the most on the go • Experience the power of Dear Lauren, was watching you move quickly demanding tablet users • Switch between apps and tasks NVIDIA’s latest processor. I hope this letter finds you well. between all six (seven? eight?) of • Great for multitasking, viewing instantly: while checking email, Designed for mobile applications, You don’t know me, but I have them that gave me the idea that multiple apps, and browsing web download apps while updating you will experience super fast studied you for some time. My the gTablet should be sleek, light, pages in their entirety, including your calendar, jump from reading gaming, crystal clear 1080p HD name is Earl Vanderkirk and I am and easy for traveling. The Wi-Fi the ability to play Flash videos your eBooks to keeping up with video, blazingly fast web access an engineer for ViewSonic. I was capability obviously corresponds • With is 1080p playback your favorite blogs and surreal HD video chatting happy to learn that you purchased to your free-spirited nature and resolution, sharing entertainment • Open multiple apps with the • 1 GHz Dual ARM Cortex-A9 one of our gTablets. As you may desire not to be tied down (except and photos on this gorgeous flick of a finger. It is so intuitive, processor, 512MB DDR2 have read in the product’s for that one time). display is truly a delight you’ll be able to pinch, scroll, memory, 2D/3D Graphics features, it was “designed with Personally, I find the gTablet’s • Extensive format support rotate or zoom to your heart's processing, HD Video encode and you in mind.” For most people, performance to be as awesome as includes H.264, WMV, WMA, content decode, Ultra-low power GeForce that only refers to the gTablet’s your tearful karaoke performance MP3, DivX and more • Expandable memory up to GPU, 1080p video playback instinctive, easy-to-use interface. of Supertramp’s “Goodbye • Easy to take anywhere with its 32GB via microSD processor, OpenGL ES 2.0, and But for you, Lauren, it means Stranger,” and its 1080p playback super slim and sleek design and • Offers 3.5 mm headphone jack, 32-bit LP-DDR2, DDR2 something entirely different. You resolution is, in my opinion, smooth beveled edges. Weighing USB port, and mini USB port • Applications and games come see, Lauren, I did, in fact, design nearly as stunning as your own in at 1.5 pounds and just 0.5” • Direct access to the Apps Store alive in your hand with the G this product with you in my mind. intoxicated resolution to finally thick, just grab it and go to download thousands of leading sensor. Your gaming imagination And in view. Constantly. enroll in that ceramics class (the • Newly revised OS gives you the Android apps never has been this real or this When the bigwigs came to me gTablet might be a bit better at ability to switch between • Features Google’s Android 2.2 wild. An ambient light sensor and said, “Earl, we need to break sticking to its resolution, but hey, TapnTap menu environment and OS with new features and benefits also automatically reduces into the tablet market,” I told no one’s perfect). Droid graphic environment with a such as faster web browsing, brightness in dim lit settings to them I’d need a muse. Within Normally, I don’t send letters like single screen touch and results in simple app launching and conserve power. It follows your days, one of our Inspiration this to my muses, but I’m quite improved system stability and updating, and a completely more every move; it feels what you Coordinators gave me a file on proud of the gTablet, so I wanted speed intuitive experience feel you that stated you were “ripe you to know your part in its • Engineered with you in mind, • Improvement in JavaScript • The gTablet app is preloaded, with tablet-like personality traits,” creation. Please, Lauren, take the navigation is practically loading, better overall which gives you instant access to and so I left my hyperbaric pride in your contributions to instinctive. 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Your ability to carry on of which represents the closest I and moving forward all at , improved Google for developers, and more several intimate relationships ever came to you during my lightning speed Voice Search that recognizes long • Quick Start Guide(click here) simultaneously was what led me research. • On-display buttons include and complicated speech • Users Guide(click here) to make the tablet so great for All the Best, Search, Home, Menu and back. • Now you can contact anyone • How to Use Android(click here) multitasking. And the varied types Earl Authorized for SquareTrade Volume rocker is located on top just the way they like. Use email, of men with whom you engaged Extended Warranty • You get an awesome video chatting, tweet them on in these intimate acts (many of Warranty: 1 Year ViewSonic performance from practically any Twitter or update your status on VIEWSONIC page 56 Curated News Edition Products/ Gaming/ 55 Radio Shack's Hassle-Free Replacement Plan Full Of Hassles, Doesn't Replace Item Laura Northrup (The told that the process was not as associate who looked at least these service plans, but in this shows us three Consumerist) easy as we had thought. First, we confused, and at worst poorly case it actually would have saved

Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:02:00 PM would have to call an 800 number trained. He told us that us spending money on a failed ways to skin a listed on a convenient pamphlet unfortunately, the price must have headset, except that they won't While buying headsets at Radio they provided us. Upon calling gone up so we would have to pay honor the replacement because Robin Shack,Orlando let himself be that number, they looked up the the $5 difference. Instead, we they inflated the price. Richard Mitchell (Joystiq) talked into buying the Shack's receipt so that they could issue us called the 800 number back to I can see why they switched to a Submitted at 8/22/2011 1:30:00 PM replacement plan for the item. a gift card that could be used not clear up this REPLACEMENT gift card policy, so they can There's no hassle to using the just to replace the headset, but for policy, and were told that double dip on their price increases The sharp-eyed Batfans over at plan, the salesperson assured him, anything we may want. Stragenly, unfortunately, this is NOT a and not honor their own service have spotted but he probably should have they asked us for the sales tax replacement program and that the plan. Their customer service line some images of the Batman: realized that there is no such thing amount in our area. THEN, they gift card is only for the value that supervisor was not moved at all Arkham City Robin pre-order as "no hassle" at Radio Shack. gave us a number to write down the item was purchased for, which by the story and not swayed by DLC on In addition While the plan replaced a broken to bring in to the store with the I guess several months ago was losing a loyal customer which is a to the rugged Robin announced headset, there was plenty of damaged merchandise. Does it only $15. pity, because that is another thing earlier this summer (complete hassle, and the plan didn't fully end here? Of course not! In the The service replacement plan is The Shack is seriously lacking with a trendy hood), the images replace the item. store, they took the old headset, clearly spelled out on their nowadays. also reveal the Red Robin Earlier this year, I bought a new took the number so that a gift card website, which says nothing This entry passed through the costume as well as the Animated set of Sony headsets from "The could be issued via email within except that we would indeed get a Full-Text RSS service — if this is Series Robin. Shack." Of course the salesperson 48 hours. While already a long replacement http:// your content and you're reading it Robin is available as a Best Buy talked us in to buying the Radio and frustrating process for this no on someone else's site, please read pre-order bonus for Arkham City, Shack Replacement Plan, which hassle replacement, we waited ADRadioShackPRP/ the FAQ at allowing players to try out the on this product was only a few and got our gift card emailed... for only/faq.php#publishers. Five Boy Wonder's moves in the dollars. After assuring us that the $15.89. rsservice. Not only was the Filters featured article: A 'Malign game's challenge mode. The DLC plan is no hassle, and that you Excited for a headset so we could process to get this gift card (nee Intellectual Subculture' - George will be made available to all don't even need your receipt to get once again go running without our replacement) a week long hassle, Monbiot Smears Chomsky, Arkham City owners sometime a replacement, we were sold. earbuds falling out, we went to but now they won't give us the Herman, Peterson, Pilger And after launch. Earlier this month, the headset another Shack and picked out the replacement that we paid a Media Lens. shows us three ways failed so we went to our local exact same headset. Small premium for, without shelling out to skin a Robin originally Shack to get our promised problem, the headset is going for another $5. Maybe this is a lesson appeared on Joystiq on Mon, 22 replacement. However, we were $19.99. We asked the sales for the uselessness of buying Aug 2011 13:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds. Permalink| Email this| Comments 56 Products/ Politics-Right/ Curated News Edition VIEWSONIC continued from page 54 Video: Transportation Additional Photos: • MicroSD • Power Button, USB Port, • DC Input (Power) Included Software Secretary Ray LaHood explains Speakers, Headphone Jack, and • Adobe Flash Player Power Port Operating System: Google • Kindle the new fuel-economy labels • Speakers and On-Display Android 2.2 (Froyo) Processor: • Pandora Radio Consumer Reports News Controls 1GHz NVIDIA Tegra 2-Dual- • G-market (Consumer Reports) • Volume Rocker core ARM Cortex-A9 CPU with • Angry Birds • Microphone and Proprietary 512MB DRR Video: NVIDIA • Color Note Submitted at 8/22/2011 9:30:43 AM Port Tegra 2, OpenGL ES 2.0, 32-bit Video: Transportation Secretary • Back Profile LP-DDR2, DDR2 Display: 10.1” In the box: Ray LaHood explains the new • 1080p Resolution Video TFT-LCD with LED driver • ViewSonic gTablet 10.1” PC fuel-economy labels Playback system Network: Wi-Fi : 802.11 b Android 2.2 ( UPC300-2.2) New fuel-economy labels will • Package Contents /g/n • USB Cable soon give car shoppers more • Packaging Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR Resolution: • Power Adapter information about energy greenhouse gas emissions ratings 1024x600 Audio Output: Built-in • Cleaning Cloth consumption than ever before, (grams of CO2 per 100 miles) and Specifications: Camera: 1.3- 2 x 1-watt stereo speakers • ESD Cover enabling direct comparisons the EPA’s long-time air pollution megapixel camera Battery: 3.5mm stereo headphone Power: • User Guide among vehicles with different score, rated on a 1 to 10 scale. 3650mAh Li-ion battery 7.4 Voltage Power Adapter • Quick Start Guide powertrains right in the showroom The new labels also include a QR Operating Temp: 32°F to 113°F Supported Media Formats: or on a dealer’s lot. In an code, a type of bar code that can Storage Temp:-4°F to 113°F • S1080p H.264/H.263/ VC-1/ photo credit: BrightStarPhoto21 exclusive video, Transportation be scanned with a smartphone Dimensions: 6.8” (H) x 10.5” (W) MPEG-2/4/WMV9/DivX 4/5 Discuss this product Secretary Ray LaHood explains camera to connect shoppers to a Weight (with battery): 1.55 lbs Video Decode Price: $239.99 I want one! the benefits of the new window website for customized the Memory: 16GB internal memory • 1080p H.264/MPEG-4 Video stickers and how to read them. information based on driving Input/Output: Encode Required on all 2013 model-year habits. • USB 2.0 (Slave) • Supports multi-standard audio cars, these new stickers mark the Secretary LaHood further • Mini USB 2.0 (Host) formats, including AAC, AMR, first revisions since EPA labels explains the labels in the video • 3.5mm stereo headphone WMA, and MP3 were originally required for model below. -year 1975. Notably, a For more information, read: consumption factor on every Guide to fuel economy Fighting Continues in Libya window sticker gives a measure New 2013 model-year car of how many gallons of fuel a window stickers explained (The Feed) Amongst them is the Information on someone else's site, please read vehicle uses over 100 miles—the EPA and DOT release new Submitted at 8/22/2011 10:43:33 AM Minister Ali al Kilani. While in the FAQ at inverse of miles per gallon. And it window stickers to aid in Brega ppposition fighters have only/faq.php#publishers. Five gives a more accurate comparison choosing fuel-efficient cars Via Al Jazeera: entered the industrial area after a Filters featured article: A 'Malign of fuel usage between large and Subscribe now! Al Jazeera Live Blog: According rebel artillery barrage drove off Intellectual Subculture' - George small vehicles. Subscribe to to Mustafa Jalil, Sirte is under Gaddafi forces. . . Monbiot Smears Chomsky, The new stickers will show each for expert seige. Al Jazeera’s sources It’s not over Herman, Peterson, Pilger And car’s total fuel costs over five Ratings, buying advice and confirm that electricity to the city yet.— Greg PollowitzMedia Lens. years, as well as the difference, reliability on hundreds of has been cut and communications This entry passed through the higher or lower, from a new products. Update your feed disrupted and senior Gaddafi Full-Text RSS service — if this is average 20 mpg car. And the preferences officials have taken refuge there. your content and you're reading it stickers will incorporate Curated News Edition Products/ 57 Electric car prototype Pricing: Updated travels more than 1,000 2012 Kia Soul starts under $14,000 miles on one charge Consumer Reports News (Consumer Reports) Consumer Reports News recharging. (Consumer Reports) While such constraints probably Submitted at 8/22/2011 10:15:10 AM

Submitted at 8/22/2011 10:29:59 AM wouldn't work in the "real world," the technology used in the Pricing: Updated 2012 Kia Soul Electric car prototype travels German prototype could make its starts under $14,000 more than 1,000 miles on one way into next-generation electric The Kia Soul receives new, more charge cars. The in-wheel hub motors, -powerful engines and upgraded Detractors of all-electric vehicles, for example, are being further interior for the 2012 model year. beware. A group of German developed by the University of The sticker price has edged up, distinguish the new model year, but the better-equipped base automotive students has set a new reach the new distance milestone Offenburg and a German firm, with changes to the front fascia, model remains just under $14,000 distance record for EVs—1,013 For one, the experimental EV Evomotiv. headlamps, side mirrors, rear at $13,900 with a manual miles on a single charge—and uses lightweight materials to keep Team Schluckspecht website fascia, and taillights. transmission. Models with an may point the way to future the car's weight low—about 700 "Boozer" the Electric Car Kia claims the upgraded interior automatic start at $15,700. battery-powered cars that won't pounds. Two electric motors, Smashes Distance Record, reduces noise, vibration, and Destination charges add $750. give owners "range anxiety." housed inside the car's wheels, Driving 1,000 Miles on a Single harshness-something we were A new 135-horsepower, 1.6-liter The Schluckspecht E—"boozer" propel the car using energy Charge[Popular Science] critical of in our last road test. A four-cylinder powerplant serves or "heavy drinker" in colloquial supplied by 14 lithium-cobalt Electric Car Travels More Than new voice-activated infotainment as the base engine. Fitted with German—was a collaborative batteries. 1000 Miles on Single system with a rear camera and direct injection, Kia says it will be effort among students at the Unfortunately, to maintain an Charge[] 350-watt stereo will be offered. A good for 35 mpg on the highway University of Applied Science at aerodynamic shape and low Subscribe now! tilt-and-telescoping steering wheel when paired with either a six- Offenburg, Germany and other weight, the boozer can carry only Subscribe to is now standard, and leather will speed manual or six-speed organizations. Named after a driver. And it took a team of for expert be optional. automatic transmission. The top- previous test vehicles that guzzled four drivers more than 36 hours, Ratings, buying advice and The Kia Soul is on our shopping level engine is now a 164-hp, 2.0- gas, the prototype electric car uses traveling at an average speed of reliability on hundreds of list for our 2012 test program, and liter turbocharged four cylinder. several interesting design and 28 mph, to push the car past the products. Update your feed we look forward to seeing if it (The 2011 Soul has the original operational factors to help the four-digit mileage without preferences fulfills the new promises. German team of scientists to 122-hp and 142-hp engines, and Subscribe now! its best highway EPA-rated fuel Subscribe to economy is 31 mpg.) The Soul for expert will offer “Idle Stop and Go” to Ratings, buying advice and further boost fuel economy, reliability on hundreds of allowing the engine to turn off at products. Update your feed standstill, then quickly fire back preferences up. An exterior freshening will 58 Products/ Gaming/ Daily World/ Curated News Edition Number Of Delinquent Mortgages Sneaks Back Up Chris Morran (The While overall mortgage down 1.43% year over year. Consumerist) delinquencies increased only Florida has the highest

Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:31:06 PM slightly between the first and delinquency rate with 14.4%, second quarters of this year, it is followed by New Jersey (8.0%); After several quarters of clear that the downward trend we Illinois (7.0%); New York (5.5%); decreasing mortgage delinquency saw through most of 2010 has and California (3.6%). rates, that number saw a slight stopped... Mortgage delinquencies Number of Delinquent Mortgages uptick in the second quarter of are no longer improving and are on the Rise Again[CNBC] 2011, according to the Mortgage now showing some signs of This entry passed through the Zumba Fitness wins tenth Bankers Association's latest worsening. Full-Text RSS service — if this is survey data. Delinquent loans are defined as your content and you're reading it consecutive week, Xenoblade The mortgage delinquency rate those that have at least one past on someone else's site, please read for the second quarter was 8.44%, due payment but have not entered the FAQ at debuts strong on UK charts an increase of .12% from the first the foreclosure process. only/faq.php#publishers. Five Alexander Sliwinski (Joystiq) the title, we've written up a piece quarter. On the positive side, it When you toss in those homes in Filters featured article: A 'Malign about how to do that. was still down 1.41% from the the process of foreclosure, the Intellectual Subculture' - George Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:30:00 PM This week sees the beginning of same quarter in 2010. combined number is 12.54% of all Monbiot Smears Chomsky, We live for your armpits, Zumba the end-of-year launch onslaught, Quoth the MBA's Chief mortgages, an increase of 0.23% Herman, Peterson, Pilger And Fitness lady; not a week goes by with the debut of Deus Ex: Economist: from the previous quarter, but Media Lens. without our need to see them! Human Revolution. There's gonna Despite an 18 percent drop in be "real talk" if Zumba beats that sales, Zumba Fitness doesn't even next week. Check out the UK Top Jeremiah 31:25 (08-22-11) break a sweat maintaining the top Ten after the break. spot on Chart-Track's All Formats Continue reading Zumba Fitness (Verse of the Day) powerful and scorching warnings, Spirit and my body. Please help chart in the UK for its tenth wins tenth consecutive week, God also slips in passages that me find satisfaction in the Submitted at 8/22/2011 2:00:00 AM straight week. Xenoblade debuts strong on UK soar with hope and grace. Can abundance you have already so Second and third place didn't charts I will refresh the weary and you think of anything more graciously shared with me. To move either, with Disney's Lego Zumba Fitness wins tenth satisfy the faint. reassuring than God's promise to you belongs all glory, honor, Pirates of the Caribbean and Cars consecutive week, Xenoblade — Jeremiah 31:25(NIV) "refresh the weary and satisfy the strength and power. I joyously 2 holding their respective debuts strong on UK charts Thoughts on Today's Verse... In faint"? For seventy years, that's all submit myself in faith, waiting for positions. originally appeared on Joystiq on the overwhelming, hair-raising, Israel had -- God's promise. But the rest and satisfaction you have The one new entry into the UK Mon, 22 Aug 2011 12:30:00 EST. and depressing prophecies of when the time came, God made promised. In Jesus' name I pray. top ten was Xenoblade Please see our terms for use of Jeremiah, God repeatedly told his good on his word. I believe he Amen. Chronicles, which entered the fray feeds. people he would destroy them for will do the same with us today! in seventh place. If you live in the Permalink| Email this| Comments their obstinate and hardened My Prayer... Great Shepherd, I am States and are looking to import hearts. Yet in the middle of these tired and weary. Please refresh my Curated News Edition Products/ Sports/ 59 Flash In The Brain Pan: Deep And (Woot! - One Day, One Deal) fair. You'll meet divers who want

Submitted at 8/22/2011 11:00:00 AM treasure, statues that have fallen apart, even a very special- well, Ranking the Today we're going all peaceful let's not spoil it. Because as you with our game selection, so if you figure out where to click you'll goaltending were hoping for a chance to shoot also get to enjoy a bit of a story up some aliens, you'll have to about this whale's world, both revamps in the look somewhere else. Today we're good and bad. If you like some playing Deep and Blue, a puzzle- gentle drama now and then, you'll NHL like game where you've got to probably enjoy a quick pass Greg Wyshynski (Y! Sports make some old fashioned clicks to through Deep and Blue. Just be Blogs - Yahoo! Sports) enjoy the story. whale's life. If you only care of like life, eh? EH? sure to do something nice for Submitted at 8/22/2011 10:23:52 AM In Deep and Blue you're not about winning, here are the rules: For the most part, you're just someone IRL after. It's what Mr. really anything except the mouse. move obstacles so the whale can helping strangers. Sometimes Whale would do. Goalies are both the last line of Think of yourself as the a go to the left. But if you'd rather you'll annoy a fisherman but from defense and the first ones to get guardian angel, a third-person explore by clicking on everything, a whale's perspective they aren't RANKING page 60 guiding force in this happy you'll have much more fun. Sort nice people anyway so that seems Dimitar Berbatov is…The Continental Brooks Peck (Y! Sports Blogs - account. That actually takes very working. Ha-HA! Yahoo! Sports) little of my time, since my cousin Oh-OHHH! I think my fingers

Submitted at 8/22/2011 10:22:33 AM Timitar Berbatov is the one who are stuck in this netting! Oh, this actually finds/films many of the is terrible! I was just about to Well hello there. strangely exciting videos himself. gently caress your face before you I see you caught me standing Especially the ones involving slapped me and/or sprayed me in here acting casual. This is how I taxidermied goats wearing the mouth with your giant canister train for big matches. It's also how sunglasses and pictures of Justin of mace, but I am completely I lure in gorgeous Berba-babes Bieber's non-existent twin sister. unable to dislodge them from this like you. And it seems to be Ha-HA! decidedly unsexy restraint! Oh, working. Ha-HA! Instead, I have been spending the this is terrible. Oh! Oh, wait. I just But aside from standing here and vast majority of my time making had to let go of it. holding onto this net in a manner sure Chicharito a.k.a. Little Berba Join us again next time for by instructing him to massage Timitar's videos with the goats that makes you want to fondle my is back in good health and ready another chapter in the life of...The curdled mayonnaise into his and Bieber's non-existent twin kneecaps, The Berba has been to play instead of me. How have I Continental... concussed head while singing sister. Chicharito said that all of quite busy. ... No, I haven't been been doing this? ... I know you Photo: AP made-up lyrics to smooth jazz this made him even dizzier. I told busy forwarding vulgar Internet didn't ask that, but I'm going to songs. I also made him watch him that that's how we know it's videos to your private email tell you anyway: I've been doing it 60 Curated News Edition RANKING continued from page 59 the blame if things go poorly for underrated, but hasn't started more pipes. But it's going to be Much like Varlamov will be providing support. an NHL team. than 50 games in two years. One interesting to see how steep the judged by what was given up for At least, in theory. So a few teams, for various interesting number from his time downgrade in results is; i.e., how him, Vokoun will be judged by What he's able to do behind this reason, had dramatic makeovers with the Wild: .910 save much of Bryzgalov was playing in how much was given to him: 1 Flyers team rests on three things: between the pipes this summer. percentage while shorthanded, Tippett's system? year, $1.5 million in the steal of His own abilities, the health of There was a bit of a domino facing roughly five shots per 3. Colorado Avalanche the summer for GM George Chris Pronger and the manner in effect: One departure would lead game. In: Semyon Varlamov(11-9-5, McPhee. which the team in front of them to another arrival, which would There's no denying this is a 2.23 GAA, .924 SV%); Jean- With that as the baseline, meshes. leave another hole on a different downgrade. The hope here is that Sebastien Giguere(11-11-4, 2.87 anything Vokoun does will be From team. But at the end of this 5-team they can at least offer some GAA, .900 SV%) gravy. And what he could do is The Flyers appear to have gone shuffle, there are some that clearly average play and veteran Out: Peter Budaj(15-21-4, 3.20 become the best regular-season from an attacking, offensive- have upgraded their goaltending competence as the team in front of GAA, .890 SV%); Brian Elliott(2- goaltender for the Capitals since, minded team to one that will rely and some that have seen a down them gels. 8-1, 3.83 GAA, .890 SV%) perhaps, Olaf Kolzig. Due respect more on goaltending and defense. grade. 4. Phoenix Coyotes Gone are Budaj, the ex-boyfriend to Michal Neuvirth, but Vokoun That places the pressure squarely Which team improved its In: Mike Smith(13-6-1, 2.89 you keep around unless something has 19 shutouts in his last three on Bryzgalov, who could be the goaltending most dramatically GAA and .899 SV%) else better comes along, and seasons, and he wasn't exactly best goaltender to wear black and this summer? Out: Ilya Bryzgalov(36-20-10, Elliott, that creepy guy who thinks playing on a Jacques Lemaire trap orange since Ron Hextall won 37 5. Florida Panthers .48 GAA, .920 SV%) he has a shot but was just a team to get them. games as a rookie in 1987. In: Jose Theodore(15-11-3, 2.71 How on earth does a tandem of regrettable rebound. This tandem of Vokoun and "We rank Ilya as one of the upper- GAA, .916 SV%) Mike Smith and Jason LaBarbera Varlamov is an exceptionally Neuvirth gives the Capitals, echelon goalies in the League, and Out: Tomas Vokoun(22-28-5, rank ahead of Theodore and talented athlete. His health is a potentially, top-10 goaltending in bringing him in, he does give us 2.55 GAA, .920 SV%) Clemmensen? concern. The workload is a this League. As with everything stability," Holmgren said. For all the money GM Dale Dave Tippett is the answer. concern, even if you do worse with the Capitals, it all comes "Adding Ilya and maintaining the Tallon spent on forwards and Tippett's defensive system is than having Giggy behind him for down to playoff performance, and defense we had last year, we think defensemen, he's doing going to give these guys an spot starts and sage advice. But Vokoun has played 11 postseason we're in a good spot." goaltending on the cheap. advantage over the Panthers' he's an upgrade over what was games, winning three. But on For simply going from Theodore hopped from the Wild keepers, who will be playing there last season after the Craig paper, this is a serious upgrade for uncertainty to a proven for $1.5 million in each of the behind a more up-tempo team. In Anderson deal, with the Washington. commodity, the Flyers belong at next two season. Scott his eight years as an NHL coach acknowledgment that Anderson 1. Philadelphia Flyers the top of this list. That he could Clemmensen, Vokoun's backup with the Dallas Stars and the was never going to be Anderson In: Ilya Bryzgalov (36-20-10, .48 elevate this team into a from last season, will earn $1.5 Phoenix Coyotes, Tippett's teams again in Colorado. GAA, .920 SV%) championship contender after it million in salary and $1.2 million have been below the League-wide The problem with Varlamov is Out: Brian Boucher(18-10-4, imploded in the summer makes against the cap. Combined, they'll average for goals against in seven that he now has Phil Kessel 2.42 GAA, .916 SV%) Bryzgalov the biggest upgrade of make as much as Dwayne of them. Syndrome. His personal stats and Bryzgalov joined the Flyers on a the summer. Roloson will next season for the He told us last week that Smith accomplishments won't matter 9-year, $51-million contract that Photo credit: Getty Images Lightning. and LaBarbera will go into camp next season; his team's record, and solidifies him as their starting This tandem is a placeholder until competing for the starting the draft position of that first- goaltender in a way the franchise Jacob Markstrom is ready for his goaltender's gig, but one imagines round pick the Capitals are rarely as committed to a keeper shot as the franchise goaltender; Smith has the edge having been a holding, will. before. No more spinning the that Theodore is signed for two starter in the past and having 2. Washington Capitals carousel to see who starts that years should give you a sense of played well under Tippett in In: Tomas Vokoun (22-28-5, 2.55 week. No more snatching a the timetable. Dallas. GAA, .920 SV%) familiar name off the scrap heap Can the Panthers win with this It's another team with a clear Out: Semyon Varlamov (11-9-5, to throw into the mix. Bryz is the goaltending? Theodore's downgrade in talent between the 2.23 GAA, .924 SV%) man, with Sergei Bobrovsky Curated News Edition Sports/ 61 Miami fans: Your ‘Nevin Shapiro: Stop Snitchin’ shirts have arrived - (- Bing News) Canes. U Family. Keep the faith. behind the most infamous college

Submitted at 8/22/2011 5:48:17 AM Online apparel shops calling out football scandal of the last decade white-collar con men on behalf of managed to insert himself, The first stage of grief following a private university may not be unsolicited, directly into the a traumatic experience: Denial, exactly what Rodney Bethea and dumbest college football scandal which was in no short supply last Skinny Suge had in mind, but of the last decade. And if it turns week after ex- Miami booster they'd appreciate the sentiment, out Shapiro's call to Nutt wasn't turned convicted Ponzi-schemer I'm sure. unsolicited — if anyone in an Nevin Shapiro detailed nearly a In the meantime, our picture of official capacity at Miami put him decade's worth of NCAA Nevin Shapiro's megalomaniacal up to it or was even aware of it — violations implicating dozens of web of deceit continues to expand then that's one less chip on the U's Hurricane players and coaches. — most recently to Arkansas, side of the table when it gets to The second stage: Anger. So where his name has surfaced, the bargaining phase. maybe the existence of a"Nevin incredibly, in the mountain of - - - Shapiro: Snitches Get Stitches" T- phone records and other Matt Hinton is on Facebook and shirt on leading 'Canes sites is documents solicited by a single Twitter: Follow him actually a sign of progress: Razorback fan through the @DrSaturday. Fresh from our guys at Bad Boys Freedom of Information Act in Related: Arkansas Razorbacks, Of The 80s, the "Snitches Tee" - early 2007. At the time, the fan Miami (FL) Hurricanes, for that snitching, stool pigeon, was looking for dirt on then-head Mississippi Rebels, Law & Order: scumbag, jailbird rat, Nevin coach Houston Nutt, and actually NCAA, Swag, Nostalgia Shapiro. Rakontur's Billy succeeded in spoiling the This entry passed through the Corben[director of the "30 For relationship between coach and Full-Text RSS service — if this is 30" documentary"The U"— ed.] university to the extent that Nutt your content and you're reading it turned us on to the new tee, so we bolted the following winter for According to Nutt's cell phone minutes. Nutt then hung up and on someone else's site, please read made a point to get it in stock due Ole Miss. But oh, it could have records obtained by the Arkansas called his agent, Jimmy Sexton, the FAQ at to popular demand. This worn-in, been so, so much dirtier: Democrat-Gazette through the before contacting Shapiro again only/faq.php#publishers. Five comfy tee is a double middle An example of Shapiro being Freedom of Information Act, Nutt that same day. Nutt also called Filters featured article: A 'Malign finger to the corrupt NCAA and involved in a manner he had no spoke with Shapiro, in addition to Hernandez four times in a span of Intellectual Subculture' - George that steaming pile of human business being: He spoke to then- UM assistant AD Tony four hours that day. Monbiot Smears Chomsky, garbage rotting in an Atlanta Arkansas coach Houston Nutt on Hernandez. Nevin Shapiro's presence in LAS Herman, Peterson, Pilger And prison. This tee might not be for a couple of occasions in According to records, Nutt called CRONICAS DE BOSS HOG is a Media Lens. everybody, but there was a big December 2006 about the UM Shapiro at 10:17 a.m. on Dec. 7, Fabergé egg of corruption and outcry for it and to those who see coaching job after [former Miami 2006 and the call lasted 30 insanity: At one point, the man it as therapy, here you go. Go coach] Larry Coker left. 62 Sports/ Finance/ Curated News Edition Boston Red Sox (77-49) at Texas Rangers (73-55), 8:05 p.m. - Miami Herald How to Find (- Bing News) Crawford hit solo homers for the see there, with his ability to spin 3 1/3 innings, giving up five runs Red Sox, who remained a half- the breaking ball, throws strikes -- on eight hits while fanning three Submitted at 8/22/2011 9:51:40 AM Cheap or Free game behind the Yankees for the [he] commands the running game. and walking two. The Boston Red Sox can grab a AL East lead after New York beat That's exciting. Not just now, but Yorvit Torrealba collected two of share of the American League Minnesota on Sunday. going forward. He can go through Texas' four hits while Endy Legal Advice East lead tonight. However, they The Yankees are idle on Monday. some lineups now, which is Chavez and Mike Napoli [email protected] will have to beat the AL West- So if the Red Sox are going to good." accounted for the other two. The ( (Financiallyfit on leading Texas Rangers to do so, join the Yankees atop the AL East Bedard has faced the Rangers 13 Rangers have lost three of their Shine) as the two playoff hopefuls kick they will need lefty Erik Bedard times and is 4-3 against them with last four after a six-game winning Submitted at 8/22/2011 7:21:17 PM off a four-game series at Rangers to pick up his first win with the a 3.22 ERA. streak. By: Juliana Weiss-Roessler Ballpark in Arlington. team and his first in more than Opposing him will be lefty C.J. Texas, which swept a three-game Finding yourself in a situation The Red Sox took three of four two months overall. Wilson, who is 12-5 on the year set from the Red Sox to start the where you need legal help can from the Kansas City Royals over Acquired by Seattle at the non- with a 3.20 ERA. Wilson won his season, still holds a four-game make you feel powerless, the weekend, securing the series waiver trade deadline, Bedard has second straight start on edge on the Los Angeles Angels frustrated, and confused – win with a 6-1 victory on Sunday. gone 0-1 in three starts for the Wednesday in Anaheim, as he of Anaheim in the AL West. especially if you can’t afford the Jon Lester (13-6) gave up just Red Sox, but has pitched well in held the Angels to two runs (one This entry passed through the incredibly high price many one hit before the seventh, when each start. On Tuesday against earned) and five hits in seven Full-Text RSS service — if this is lawyers charge. The best way to the Royals scored their only run to Tampa Bay, Bedard allowed three innings. your content and you're reading it get legal advice is through your knock him out of the game with runs (one earned) and seven hits Wilson did not get a decision the on someone else's site, please read own personal contacts, but not all no outs. The left- hander struck in six innings, but was charged last time he faced the Red Sox, the FAQ at of us are best friends with a out three, walked four and moved with the loss, dropping him to 4-8 but is 3-1 lifetime against them only/faq.php#publishers. Five lawyer or have the family attorney to 3-2 in six starts since coming on the year to go along with a with a 1.69 ERA in 16 games, just Filters featured article: A 'Malign on speed dial. Luckily, there are off the disabled list last month. 3.44 ERA. four of which have been starts. Intellectual Subculture' - George people out there who know how "I feel good because we won the "I actually am really encouraged," The Rangers ran into a little Monbiot Smears Chomsky, tough it is, and a number of game. My stuff at times was Boston manager Terry Francona trouble in Chicago over the Herman, Peterson, Pilger And different options are available to good," said Lester. "Other times, I said of Bedard's first three starts weekend, dropping two of three to Media Lens. those who just have basic was trying to do too much, over- with the Red Sox. "I think we the White Sox and were routed in questions or need a little advice. throwing the ball a little bit." were prepared to see some rust Sunday's rubber match, 10-0. Darnell McDonald and Carl when he first pitched. What you Derek Holland (11-5) lasted only Curated News Edition Sports/ Featured/ 63 Biden: China did not need New header on reassurance on U.S. Scripting News (Scripting News) After that, it's just a

Submitted at 8/22/2011 7:11:42 AM in divHeaderText, which I've economy - given a style. I know a lot of people who read As I got this working, I did it in a (- Bing News) needed reassurance about our China's next leader, who is this blog read it in an aggregator, more general way in the Submitted at 8/22/2011 10:27:27 AM economic stability or well-being," expected to succeed Hu Jintao in and of course that's very cool. We worldoutline software, so you can he said in an interview with a 2103. support RSS here, as I'm sure you use text headers on any page, updated 2 hours 12 minutes ago small group of reporters on his "My impressions of Xi were that know. using whatever font and size you 2011-08-22T15:29:58 plane, Air Force Two, while he's strong, that he's pragmatic," But if you do, you might want to like. (I use Fontdiner Swanky TOKYO— U.S. Vice President flying to Tokyo. Biden said. "I would guess his click this link and have a look at both here and there because I like Joe Biden said on Monday "I didn't get any sense that there highest priority is not to have any the home page, because there's a it so much. It's friendly and wacky China's leaders did not need was any anxiety on the part of the surprises in the (U.S.-China) new header here. It's notable not yet very readable. A nice informal reassurance about the struggling Chinese government about relationship." just because it looks good, but it's headline font, imho.) U.S. economy, and called Vice whether or not we were a rising or The U.S. vice president, who was text, not a graphic. So this is nice, but it's still just a President Xi Jinping "strong" and declining economic power. I got a key player in reaching a deal I knew when I saw Google Web beginning. A foot in the door. I "pragmatic," providing a window the sense that, just like with us, with Republicans to raise the debt Fonts that I was going to use it, want to make this site a showcase into the nature of the man they were hoping we'd begin to ceiling and cut the deficit, said but it took a bit of for the tasteful use of fonts, expected to take over as president grow again seriously -- because there was a shot that the two experimentation and thinking to because I love text, but I love it of the world's second largest it's in their interest. So it wasn't parties would reach a deal to trim figure out how. It's always a good even more when it looks economy. like, 'Is my investment OK?'" the deficit more under a new idea to let things settle-in a bit beautiful. Biden, who just wrapped up a Biden said China's leaders had congressional committee, though before moving. Your first And since I often gripe about multi-day visit to China that not expressed concern about there was still a risk that a trigger intuition is not always so good. Google here, let me say thanks for included stops in Beijing and ratings agency Standard & Poor's for automatic cuts would be used. But after a while, you figure it putting some cool technology out Chengdu, said the United States downgrading of U.S. debt, and Copyright 2011 Thomson out. there. Keep up the good work! would continue to press China to added that he personally was Reuters. Click for restrictions. It's very simple, which is of PS: Since all this is certain to let its yuan currency rise, but he disappointed by the move. This entry passed through the course how these thing should be. change at some time in the future, made clear he did not expect that The weakening U.S. economy is Full-Text RSS service — if this is There's just a link in the head I took a screen shot so future to happen quickly in the coming a political worry for Biden and your content and you're reading it section of the HTML, that gets the readers can know what I'm talking year. President Barack Obama at home on someone else's site, please read font from Google's website. about. Biden's trip was seen by many as much as it is for Beijing. the FAQ at And then a style that defines it. analysts as designed to reassure STABLE RELATIONSHIP only/faq.php#publishers. Five the largest foreign holder of U.S. Asked about plans by Obama to Filters featured article: A 'Malign debt that its investments were lay out new proposals to boost Intellectual Subculture' - George safe. But Biden said his jobs in the coming weeks, Biden Monbiot Smears Chomsky, counterparts -- who spoke said a payroll tax cut for Herman, Peterson, Pilger And confidently about the U.S. businesses was "on the table" but Media Lens. economy in public during his trip declined to give details. -- did not ask for reassurance. Biden's meetings with Xi were "I didn't sense it a bit that they carefully watched for clues about 64 Sports/ Food/ Curated News Edition Golfer records rare hole-in 12 Hands-On -one on 360-yard par-4 Recipes for Jonathan Wall (Y! Sports Blogs - Yahoo! Sports) Submitted at 8/22/2011 10:12:19 AM Toddlers Carding a hole-in-one on a par-3 (Cooking Light: Editor's Picks) younger children: appears to be so 2010. This year, Submitted at 8/22/2011 3:00:00 AM • Help gather ingredients from a it seems, golfers are going for a low shelf in the pantry new feat: holing out from the tee A few months ago as you • Add measured ingredients to a on a par-4. spooned tiny bites of pureed peas mixing bowl Just two months after Devil Ball into your little one's mouth, you • Stir ingredients highlighted Justin Ernst's may have longed for the day that • Sprinkle raisins or nuts into a incredible par-4 hole-in-one feat baby could feed herself. Now batter Next Breakfast Fig and Nut at the U.S. Amateur Public Links, your toddler is older, and that day “Cookies” another golfer decided to join the has arrived. But just because she This entry passed through the par-4 party. can feed herself doesn't mean she Full-Text RSS service — if this is Playing in a member-guest will. Help get your child involved your content and you're reading it tournament in Georgetown, in mealtime as well as initiate a on someone else's site, please read Texas, Austin Bryan decided to lifelong interest in cooking and the FAQ at go for the green on the 10th hole nutrition by letting your toddler only/faq.php#publishers. Five at Berry Creek Country Club, a help prepare food in the kitchen. Filters featured article: A 'Malign dogleg right that was playing 360 the green, four smiling players the ball 360 yards in the air, while In this slideshow, we have Intellectual Subculture' - George yards on that particular day. greeted them on bended knees, also clearing a creek, trees, and identified a few ways your toddler Monbiot Smears Chomsky, After getting the go-ahead from raising their hands and bowing other vegetation to accomplish can help with these family- Herman, Peterson, Pilger And his playing partner to try for the down as they made eye contact one of the rarest shots in golf. friendly recipes. Media Lens. green, Bryan let loose on his with Bryan. The players reported I hope Bryan decided to go play Here are a few general tasks for drive, watching it soar into the air to the big hitter that the ball hit the lottery after his round. on a perfect line for the green. As the fairway and rolled up on the Considering the odds of holing the Bryan-College Station Eagle green, slowing down to drop in out from the tee on par-4 -- newspaper reported, the single- the cup like a long putt. estimated to be 1-million-to-1 -- digit handicapper knew something Bryan not only drove the green, with his luck, he probably would was up when he approached the but managed to hole out from the have won the nightly lotto green and the group in front of tee ... with his driver. The feat drawing as well. him was on bended knee. seems even more incredible when As Bryan and Ray approached you realize he was able to work Curated News Edition Science/ News Photos 65 Urban Outfitters Ford Revives the Three-Cylinder Had No Idea Hailey Clauson Engine in a Quest for Fuel Was Underage - New York Efficiency Magazine (blog)

Lawrence Ulrich

(news photos - Google News) (Popular Science - New Submitted at 8/22/2011 5:28:23 PM Technology, Science News, The Future Now) ABC News Urban Outfitters Had No Idea Submitted at 8/22/2011 10:08:57 AM Downshifting Ford's three- Hailey Clauson Was Underage cylinder engine is expectedto New York Magazine (blog) debut in 2012 or 2013 in the Urban Outfitters is one of several Fiesta hatchback Ford Motors defendants in a $28 million Carmakers have spent the past lawsuit filed by the parents of few years aggressively teenage model Hailey Clauson, downsizing engines throughout who are upset that sexy photos of their lineups to meet increasingly their daughter were printed on T- tight fuel-economy regulations. shirts and sold without their But with the sole exception of the permission.... three-cylinder Smart Fortwo, four Photog Defends Racy Photos of cylinders is as low as carmakers Teen Model ABC News have expected Americans to go. Parents Of Underage Model Three-cylinders are common in Suing Urban Outfitters For Racy Europe but have been scorned in Photos the U.S., where they're tainted by of a typical 1.6-liter four-cylinder. benchmark. 11 pounds from the engine. And Teen model Clauson sues over association with claptrap cars like For an easy comparison, Ford's Such efficiency is the result of unlike some three-cylinder lurid photos the mousy Geo Metro. Now, with 2011 Fiesta hatchback wrings 119 many small technical victories. engines, which require an International fuel-economy standards set to rise horsepower and 40 highway mpg Unlike conventional engines, the energysapping balance shaft to Business Times- KTLA as high as 56.2 mph by 2025, from its 1.6-liter four-cylinder. new EcoBoost will use an offset counter shake and rattle, Ford all 69 news articles » Ford is planning to bring the three Drop a turbocharged 1.0-liter in a crankshaft, which reduces friction says the EcoBoost is inherently -cylinder to the American similar-size car, and you can and puts more energy into balanced. mainstream. expect 45 or 46 mpg-within creating motion and loses less to Ford has withheld most details, Ford's 1.0-liter engine,the latest spitting distance of the most heat. A split-cooling system but it has said that the engine will in the company's cylinder slashing frugal hybrids. Brett Hinds, a warms the engine block quickly, eventually replace four-cylinders EcoBoost series, will be smaller Ford engine-design manager, says making it easier for the engine to in millions of small models than the average Harley motor, the forthcoming three-cylinder pump cold, thick oil, thereby around the world. Expect other but with the help of turbocharging will produce more than 100 using 1 to 2 percent less fuel. carmakers to follow suit. and direct injection, it should horsepower per liter, blowing past Higher-quality aluminum alloy in match the horsepower and torque a longtime engine-efficiency the exhaust manifold helps to trim 66 Science/ News Photos Curated News Edition San Francisco DIY Wrist Cuff Equips Blind home to the photographer of People With Sonar iconic Marine Rebecca Boyle (Popular Science - New Technology, war photo - Science News, The Future Now) (news photos - Google News) Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:05:24 PM Tacit Haptic Glove Grathio Labs Submitted at 8/22/2011 5:06:15 PM Like strapping a seeing-eye bat to San Francisco home to the your wrist photographer of iconic Marine Guide dogs are great, but vision- war photo impaired people sometimes need to find their own way through It's the iconic photo of Marines - complex environments. Instead of Five Marines and one Navy checking for obstacles with a corpsman. They raised a flag on trademark white stick, inventor the top of a volcano hundreds of Steve Hoefer has another idea: miles in the middle of the Pacific Use wrist-mounted sonar. Ocean. And there to capture it all, Hoefer designed a haptic gauntlet in just 1/400th of a second, was a with ultrasonic sensors mounted photographer who... just over the knuckles. The Tacit, location. An earlier version was modeled an inaccessible price tag." and more » as it's called, is encased in a Since it's mounted to the back of after a medical wrist support, but He gives detailed instructions for neoprene cuff and can sense the hand, the device will not that required separate designs for how to make one of your own. objects from about 1 inch to 10 interfere with a person's sense of right-handed and left-handed Check it out here. feet. touch, nor with other assistive users, Hoefer explains. The Project Tacit: Sonar For The Ultrasonic sensors send out devices that use audio feedback, newest version attaches by a loop Blind from Grathio Labs on pulses, and small servomotors Hoefer explains on his website, over the middle finger and a Vimeo. apply pressure to give the user a Grathio Labs. He designed a Velcro strap around the wrist, so [via Slashdot] sense of an object's proximity. A previous version that was worn it can be worn on either hand. shorter return signal means an like a headband, but decided The device uses an Arduino Mini object is closer, so the vibrating head gear could quickly Pro 5v, ultrasonic sensors, hobby servomotors apply more pressure. drive someone crazy. Plus, visual servomotors and a 9-volt battery. Pressure is applied on the right or assistance devices don't need to be The parts retail for about $65, left side of the wrist, helping the worn on the head - "that's a Hoefer says - "I don't see the point user determine the obstacle's sighted prejudice," he writes. of an accessibility device that has Curated News Edition Science/ 67 As Kidnappings Increase, Mexicans Get Dubious RFID Tracking Chips Implanted In Their Arms Julie Beck (Popular Science - Mexicans have good reason to be New Technology, Science frightened, with abductions News, The Future Now) having jumped 317 percent in the

Submitted at 8/22/2011 11:15:05 AM past five years. One fifth of RFID Chip Wammes Waggel/ instances have involved police Wikimedia Commons officers or soldiers, which leads to Following the violent kidnapping a mistrust of authority figures. of former Mexican presidential Xega has seen its sales increase candidate Diego Fernandez de by 40 percent in the past two Cevallos last year, some years. Mexicans are now having Other companies are selling themselves implanted with RFID external GPS trackers equipped tracking chips similar to the one with panic buttons, disguised as that was supposedly cut from keychains, watches, or bracelets Fernandez's arm by his abductors, in the hopes of fooling the Washington Post reports. kidnappers. This approach at least Companies selling these chips to many of the chips, says that they been lost is ludicrous. The is not technologically impossible, scared citizens are promising that can track clients even without the technology that would allow although emitting a regular they will help rescuers track them GPS unit, by sending radio signals remote tracking of RFID signals distress signal could quickly drain down in the event of a directly to the implanted chip. is still far off, they say. Although the battery of such a device. kidnapping. This claim seems very unlikely to Xega says they have helped to [ The Washington Post] The chip, implanted in the tissue be true. rescue 178 people in the past ten between the shoulder and elbow, RFID researchers say that Xega's years, an executive acknowledged sends a signal to an GPS device claim that it can still find clients that the implant would likely not that the wearer carries. But Xega, even if their external GPS unit has work without the external GPS. the company that manufactures 68 Health/ Politics-Right/ Curated News Edition Libyan Draft Constitution: How Music May Help Sharia is ‘Principle Source Ward Off Hearing Loss of Legislation’ Lachlan Markay (The Foundry: including rule of law, freedom of Conservative Policy News Blog speech and religious practice, and As We Age from The Heritage Foundation) a multi-party electoral system. Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:23:12 PM But despite the Lockean of (NPR Blogs: Shots - Health different tonal qualities. Kraus has playing. And if you gave it up, it The dust has not yet settled over much of the constitution, the Blog) studied younger musicians and may be time to dust off the old the Libyan capital of Tripoli since inescapable clause lies right in Submitted at 8/21/2011 11:01:00 PM found that their hearing is far violin. rebels took control over the Part 1, Article 1: “Islam is the superior to that of their non- As for picking up an instrument weekend. But already, a draft Religion of the State, and the [4 min 1 sec] Download musician counterparts. for the first time in mid-life, constitutional charter for the principle source of legislation is Older people often have So Kraus wondered: Could that there's no evidence yet that it can transitional state has appeared Islamic Jurisprudence (Sharia).” difficulty understanding musical training also help fend off help maintain hearing. But the online (embedded below). It is Under this constitution, in other conversation in a crowd. Like age-related hearing loss? To find world of rodents offers some just a draft, mind you, and words, Islam is law. That makes everything else, our hearing out, she assembled a small group hope: One recent study found that gauging its authenticity at this other phrases such as “there shall deteriorates as we age. of middle-aged musicians and non intense auditory training of older point is difficult. There is also no be no crime or penalty except by There are physiological reasons musicians, aged 45-65. She put rats resulted in significant way to know whether this draft or virtue of the law” and “Judges for this decline: We lose tiny hair both groups through a series of improvement in their ability to something similar will emerge as shall be independent, subject to no cells that pave the way for sound tests measuring their ability to recognize high-pitched sounds. It the final governing document for other authority but law and to reach our brains. We lose make out and repeat a variety of also boosted their levels of brain a new Libyan regime. conscience” a bit more ominous. needed neurons and chemicals in sentences spoken in noisy chemicals crucial for hearing. As both the Morning Bell and Libya Draft Constitutional the inner ear, reducing our background environments. Of course, rats' ears, though Washington in a Flash noted Charter for the Transitional Stage capacity to hear. Turns out, the musicians were 40 similar to humans, are not the today, Heritage Fellow Jim This entry passed through the So how can you help stave off percent better than non-musicians same. More research is needed to Phillips recently pointed out that Full-Text RSS service — if this is that age-related hearing loss? Try at tuning out background noise find out if old human ears can Islamist forces “appear to make your content and you're reading it embracing music early in life, and hearing the sentences, as also be taught new tricks. up a small but not insignificant on someone else's site, please read research suggests. Kraus reported in PloS ONE. The This entry passed through the part of the opposition coalition,” the FAQ at "If you spend a lot of your life musicians were also better able to Full-Text RSS service — if this is and must be prevented “from only/faq.php#publishers. Five interacting with sound in an active remember the sentences than the your content and you're reading it hijacking Libya’s future.” Parts of Filters featured article: A 'Malign manner, then your nervous system non-musicians — and that made it on someone else's site, please read the draft Constitution allay those Intellectual Subculture' - George has made lots of sound-to- easier for them to follow a line of the FAQ at fears, while others exacerbate Monbiot Smears Chomsky, meaning connections" that can conversation. After all, Kraus only/faq.php#publishers. Five them. Herman, Peterson, Pilger And strengthen your auditory system, says, in order to listen to a friend Filters featured article: A 'Malign Much of the document describes Media Lens. says Nina Kraus, director of the in a noisy restaurant, you need to Intellectual Subculture' - George political institutions that will Auditory Neuroscience be able to recall what was said a Monbiot Smears Chomsky, sound familiar to citizens of Laboratory at Northwestern few seconds ago in order to make Herman, Peterson, Pilger And Western liberal democracies, University. sense of what you're hearing right Media Lens. Musicians focus extraordinary now. attention on deciphering low notes The take-home message: If you're from high notes and detecting an older musician, don't stop Curated News Edition Politics-Right/ News Photos 69 Hurricane A Fifth Keynesian ‘Stimulus’? Tracker: NASA David Weinberger (The program? The evidence now funds, continues to function. The key, then, to increasing Captures Irene Foundry: Conservative Policy aligns with the theory, however, Savings are channeled to growth in the economy is for the News Blog from The Heritage as our lawmakers have tried it investment or to spending by economy to better align resources Foundation) from Space four times already in quantities others and so contribute to the with needs, to reduce the harmful Submitted at 8/22/2011 10:43:47 AM never before seriously economy dollar-for-dollar as uncertainty in the economy which (PHOTOS and The concept of a Keynesian contemplated, yet the equally as consumer spending or reduces growth-generating risk- stimulus never seems to tire unemployment rate remains above government deficit spending. To taking, and to encourage VIDEO) - among politicians eager to grow 9 percent and seems likely to stay borrow a line from the movie productivity growth through the economy artificially by at or above that lofty level for “Wall Street:” money never investment in productive capital International spending other people’s money. months, if not years, to come. sleeps. in all its forms. The resulting Recently, Obama’s Secretary of The idea that government can As my former colleague Brian growth will organically raise both Business Times Agriculture Tom Vilsack boost “aggregate demand” by Riedl put it, the economy doesn’t total supply and total demand. (news photos - Google News) encouraged expanding SNAP, the spending sounds attractive, care if I spend $100 on baseball One key to get people to produce Submitted at 8/22/2011 4:40:25 PM Supplemental Nutritional especially when resources are cards or if I save that $100 by more is to reduce the Assistance Program aimed to help “idle” in the economy. putting it in a bank savings disincentives to do so by allowing Hurricane Tracker: NASA the poor, as a way to stimulate the The argument is that during a account, so that it’s lent out to people to keep more of what they Captures Irene from Space ( economy. “Every dollar of SNAP recession people have less money someone else to spend on a pair of produce – i.e., tax rate reductions PHOTOS and VIDEO) benefits generates $1.84 in the to spend in general, and often shoes. Either way, the $100 flows at the margins of income and International Business Times economy in terms of economic increase their saving out of fear, through the economy. At this investment. People from the Caribbean are activity. If people are able to buy all of which results in less point, some may ask: “Well wait a So, regardless of what one thinks feeling the early impact from a little more in the grocery store, consumer spending, or “demand,” minute, what about when an of the humanitarian imperative of Hurricane Irene as storm season is someone has to stock it, package in the economy, and therefore economy is really depressed and increasing money for SNAP, or in full effect. The storm started it, shelve it, process it, ship it. All output (GDP) and employment no one is spending much?” Even for additional “stimulus” money off as heavy rainfall and hot of those are jobs. It’s the most fall. The economy is said to be in the case where total savings in other forms put forth by the towering thunderstorm clouds in direct stimulus you can get in the operating below full capacity at increase, banks don’t sit on idle ‘supercommittee,’ neither is an the Atlantic... economy during these tough this point. The policy argument cash in savings accounts. They economic stimulus. and more » times,” he said. then is that only government can would lose money doing so. At This entry passed through the Still others are calling for step in to fill the drop in total the very least, banks invest that Full-Text RSS service — if this is additional hundreds of billions in demand by increasing deficit money in government treasuries, your content and you're reading it stimulus spending as part of any spending. or T-bills, so the former owners of on someone else's site, please read deficit reduction deal coming out The problem with this reasoning, the treasuries then supply them to the FAQ at of the ‘supercommittee.’ If either however, is deficit spending the financial system to seek out only/faq.php#publishers. Five of these ideas takes hold, it would means more government those who need the funding. Filters featured article: A 'Malign be the fifth major Keynesian borrowing which means less That’s why having government Intellectual Subculture' - George experiment since 2000. And rest capital is available to the private put idle resources to use in one Monbiot Smears Chomsky, assured, it would be its fifth sector. Even in a recession, place requires equal idling of Herman, Peterson, Pilger And failure. savings don’t drop out of the resources in another place: Media Lens. If Secretary Vilsack is right, and economy. The financial system, Government can only transfer if high systemic unemployment is which intermediates between money from one part of the the problem, then why not suggest saving and investing, between economy to another, with no net a doubling of the SNAP sources of funds and uses of increase in demand. 70 Politics-Right/ Curated News Edition Egypt’s Venom Toward Israel Rick Moran (FrontPage mile-long border. Magazine » FrontPage) The deaths of the Egyptian

Submitted at 8/21/2011 11:19:01 PM policemen who engaged Israeli forces in hot pursuit of the The fallout from the terrorist terrorists has angered the attack near the border town of Egyptian people and government. Eliat this past Thursday that killed The Egyptian government eight Israelis, and the subsequent threatened to recall its ambassador pursuit of the murderers by Israeli to Israel if the Israelis didn’t security forces into Egypt that apologize for the killings. Late resulted in a confrontation with Sunday, Israeli Defense Minister Qaddafi Egyptian police, killing as many Ehud Barak issued a formal as five, continues to be felt across statement saying, “Israel is sorry the region. for the deaths of Egyptian Hamas launched a deadly barrage Falls policemen during the attack along of rockets that killed one civilian the Egyptian-Israeli border,” Ryan Mauro (FrontPage and wounded twenty over the while a foreign ministry Magazine » FrontPage) weekend, while Israel launched a spokesman said in another Submitted at 8/21/2011 11:20:04 PM series of air strikes that Hamas isolated Israel at a time when the to respond to popular opinion that statement that “Israel expresses claims killed fourteen Palestinian Authority is preparing is rabidly anti-Israel. deep regret” over the incident. The reign of Muammar Qaddafi Palestinians. As Israeli politicians to ask the United Nations General Opposition leader Tzipi Livni Barak also called for a joint has come to an end. That he was call for stronger action against the Assembly to grant it statehood. said on Friday, “The border with investigation of the incident with a cruel despot deserving of an terrorists, the UN and Egypt are Further complicating matters is Egypt is no longer a peaceful the Egyptian military. unforgiving end is a given, but working to broker a cease-fire the growing insecurity along the border and we need to change the The Egyptian cabinet refused to now a new chapter in Libya, rife with Hamas. The terrorists agreed Egyptian border as Palestinian way we treat it.” Egypt denies accept the apologies because it with uncharted, ominous struggles late Sunday to restoring the peace, infiltration into Gaza is now claims that the terrorists infiltrated was “not in keeping with the has begun. Foremost among but, according to the Associated augmented by concerns about the into Israel from the Sinai, and also magnitude of the incident and the theses struggles will be preventing Press, more rocket fire targeting Sinai crossing. The terrorists scoffs at the notion that the border state of Egyptian anger toward the ensuing anarchy and civil Israeli towns was launched after made their way from Gaza into security has weakened in the Israeli actions.” But even though strife brought on by Qaddafi’s the cease-fire deadline, and Israeli the Negev Desert and then region since the fall of Mubarak. it appears Israel’s statements of defeat from being utilized by planes continued their strikes deep crossed into Israel. Also, there are Israel thinks that the Egyptian regret was rejected, there are Islamists to gain power and to into Gaza. Apparently, not all concerns about the ability of the army doesn’t see guarding the conflicting reports whether or not establish a Sharia state. With the Hamas factions have accepted the Egyptian army to keep weapons border with Israel as a top priority the Egyptian ambassador has been likes of Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah, cease-fire and the violence and explosives from making their anymore. Indeed, attacks on the recalled. The Israelis claim they Hamas and the Muslim continues. way into Gaza since the Rafah gas pipeline that supplies Israel have received no information Brotherhood openly supporting The incident has sparked the border crossing was opened by and Jordan proves the Israeli’s from the Egyptian government the Libyan rebels, the danger is most serious diplomatic row the new Egyptian government. point. No doubt, the government that any kind of rupture was that the downfall of the proverbial between Israel and Egypt since And there are concerns about how will be forced to address this imminent. devil we knew, Qaddafi, may yet Hosni Mubarak was forced out committed the Egyptian army is additional threat to Israel by unleash something far worse. last February. It has also further to securing the border as it seeks beefing up security along the 250 The International Criminal Court confirms that Saif al-Islam,

QADDAFI page 73 Curated News Edition Politics-Right/ 71 Huntsman 2016? David Frum (FrumForum » I wish there were space for a David Frum) sounder Republican approach in

Submitted at 8/22/2011 11:23:31 AM 2012: one that could deploy stimulative tax cuts plus targeted I was driving all day Sunday, and temporary infrastructure returning to DC from Canada, so I spending to boost demand, and missed the live broadcast of Jon very accommodating monetary Huntsman’s appearance on This policy to inflate enough to reduce Week, interviewed by Jake household debt burdens. Tapper. Apparently, however, that is Huntsman said a lot of entirely out of the picture, even impressive and important things for a Jon Huntsman. in that interview. He urged the I wish my party had something GOP to retake the center ground. better to contribute to the He slammed Republicans who resolution of the crisis. Jon flirted with default. He celebrated Huntsman is proposing a style and scientific knowledge as a basis for a platform that could usefully decision making. All good. contribute to the cleaning up after But here was the big the crisis somehow heals itself. disappointment – and one more He’s a responsible candidate for reason for thinking Huntsman a the future rebuilding process. But 2016 candidate, not 2012. we’re not hearing anything from Huntsman sketched to Jake the immediate global and US avoid or contain a Eurozone up. But deregulation today? What him about the rescue process – Tapper his ideas for economic financial and economic crisis. would that accomplish for people and rescue is today’s imperative. recovery: simplifying the emergency. Huntsman’s Huntsman has brave independent like Andrew Pavelyev? This entry passed through the corporate tax code to reduce economic program does not instincts, but he has not developed Right now, Americans are Full-Text RSS service — if this is business tax rates while collecting address that emergency. the necessary independent policy offered a choice between your content and you're reading it more revenues, easing the burden The 2012 GOP candidate needs a response to the present crisis. Democrats who offer a on someone else's site, please read of regulation, and debt reduction. program to lighten the burden of But his thinking does suggest that permanently and excessively large the FAQ at All good ideas … if your concern household debt. He or she needs a he’d be a fine and responsible federal government as a response only/faq.php#publishers. Five is enhancing long-term growth. I program to increase the demand manager of the economic phase to the economic crisis – and a Filters featured article: A 'Malign hope & trust & pray that by 2016, for US-domiciled labor. that we hope will succeed the Republican mainstream tragically Intellectual Subculture' - George we will be focused again on long- Obviously this isn’t a big vote crisis: a responsible and coalescing upon policies that Monbiot Smears Chomsky, term growth. winner, but he or she also needs a compassionate build-down of the would make the crisis more cruel Herman, Peterson, Pilger And But right now, the focus must be plan B to work with Europeans to federal government’s crisis build- and more intractable. Media Lens. 72 Politics-Right/ Curated News Edition Cohabitation Compounds Divorce as a Threat to America’s Children Collette Caprara (The Foundry: people unrelated to them by birth Conservative Policy News Blog or marriage. from The Heritage Foundation) Unfortunately, the decline of the

Submitted at 8/22/2011 9:14:38 AM divorce rate hasn’t been Given the overwhelming accompanied by a corresponding evidence that parental divorce increase in the number of intact, takes a heavy toll on children—in married families, but rather by a areas ranging from emotional well rise in the incidence of cohabiting -being and academic achievement households, where levels of to delinquency, substance abuse, commitment and stability are and sexual activity—the nation typically far lower. had cause to breathe a collective To stop this devastating trend, sigh of relief when data showed policymakers should earnestly that the incidence of divorce has pursue policies and programs that dropped steadily since peaking in can promote and strengthen 1979. In fact, today’s divorce rate marriage and an intact family is nearly as low as that of the late structure—the safest, most ’60s. But this moment in the sun nurturing, and most prosperous has been overshadowed by a dark environment for the next cloud. generation. Research recently released by This entry passed through the The National Marriage Project Full-Text RSS service — if this is and the Institute for American divorce. at least three times more likely to born to married couples. This your content and you're reading it Values (the third edition of the As the Marriage Matters report be abused physically, sexually, or family instability carries dire on someone else's site, please read Why Marriage Matters series) (an analysis of federal data and emotionally. In fact, regarding consequences for children. the FAQ at reveals that more than 40 percent more than 250 peer-reviewed significant measures of well- Unsettling family transitions are only/faq.php#publishers. Five of children in the country spend journal articles) shows, compared being, children in cohabiting linked to poor relationships with Filters featured article: A 'Malign some portion of their lives in a with peers who live in the “gold households fare worse than parents, behavioral and health Intellectual Subculture' - George household with a cohabiting standard” family structure of the counterparts in single-parent problems, and school failure. Monbiot Smears Chomsky, parent before they are 12 years intact, married family, children in families. There is also emerging evidence Herman, Peterson, Pilger And old. Twenty percent are born into cohabiting households are more Cohabiting couples are much that such problems are Media Lens. such households. And the likely to suffer from a range of more likely to separate than exacerbated by the resulting incidence of cohabitation is on the emotional, social, and behavioral married parents. Children born to (euphemistically dubbed) rise. Today, children are nearly problems and less likely to cohabiting couples are 170 “complex” households in which twice as likely to experience succeed academically. According percent more likely to experience children live with half-siblings, parental cohabitation as parental to government data, they are also a parental breakup than children stepsiblings, stepparents, and Curated News Edition Politics-Right/ 73 QADDAFI continued from page 70 Muammar Qaddafi’s likely heir, The unit in charge of protecting Islamist or jihadist elements in the Economists Prefer has been captured by the rebels. It Qaddafi surrendered, and the anti-Qaddafi coalition. Al-Qaeda, is also confirmed that Mohammed dictator offered to directly Hezbollah and the Muslim Qaddafi, another one of the negotiate with the rebel Brotherhood supported the rebels dictator’s sons, has been taken leadership. The Green Square was for a reason, and Hamas in fact Spending Cuts into custody. There is ongoing soon swarmed by rebel congratulated the rebels on their fighting around Qaddafi’s supporters, bringing Qaddafi’s victory. The crucial question is on compound, and foreign journalists rule effectively to an end. the actual composition of the over Tax Increases are being held at the Rixos hotel. One of the reasons for Tripoli’s rebel forces, which has never been (The Feed) Nearly a quarter recommended There are reports that South rapid fall was the effective completely clear. U.S. intelligence Submitted at 8/22/2011 11:10:39 AM overhauling the tax system and Africa is negotiating Qaddafi’s uprising strategy employed by the has claimed that there is no simplifying tax rates and passage to another African rebels within the city. Arms were organized Al-Qaeda or Islamist Via AP: exemptions. About 15 percent country, such as Angola or smuggled to operatives in the element among the opposition, The majority of economists said the government should enact Zimbabwe, but it is difficult to see eastern part of the city, and when although media evidence has surveyed by the National tough spending caps and cut why the rebels would settle when these cells rose up at a suggested that there is some Association for Business discretionary spending. . . they are on the precipice of predetermined time, the security Islamist influence. Encouragingly, Economics believe that the federal So the GOP has the economists complete triumph. It is forces were surprised and the rebel leaders have pledged to deficit should be reduced only or on their side?— Greg Pollowitz incontestable that the rebels in overwhelmed, as they expected an create a secular democracy, with primarily through spending cuts. This entry passed through the Libya are victorious, no matter assault from the west. Widespread the vice chairman of the National The survey out Monday found Full-Text RSS service — if this is what the truth is. protests immediately erupted, Transitional Council bluntly that 56 percent of the NABE your content and you're reading it The overthrow of Qaddafi came collapsing the regime’s defenses. stating, “There is no place for an members surveyed felt that way, on someone else's site, please read even quicker than the rebels Of course, over the long term, Islamic state.” However, the 14- while 37 percent said they favor the FAQ at expected. They originally pledged Western intervention was the page “constitutional declaration” equal parts spending cuts and tax only/faq.php#publishers. Five to defeat him by the end of most decisive factor in the rebels’ written by the opposition does increases. The remaining 7 Filters featured article: A 'Malign August, and then a defector victory, saving them from a open the door to the Islamists in percent believe it should be done Intellectual Subculture' - George predicted victory within 10 days. massacre in Benghazi in March. very significant ways. only or mostly through tax Monbiot Smears Chomsky, Qaddafi’s loyalists failed to put NATO flew over 20,000 sorties, increases. As for how to reduce Herman, Peterson, Pilger And up much of a fight in the western including 7,500 strikes, and spent the deficit, nearly 40 percent said Media Lens. parts of Tripoli. Apparently, they billions of dollars to weaken the the best way would be to contain recognized that defeat was Qaddafi regime. Medicare and Medicaid costs. inevitable, as the city faced Several challenges now lie ahead. offensives on three sides, and the First is in the necessary strategic oil city of Zawiyah fell. marginalization of internal 74 Politics-Right/ Curated News Edition Give Obama a Break David Frum (FrumForum » “vacation days” to make a point David Frum) about presidential work ethic tells

Submitted at 8/22/2011 11:09:48 AM us nothing. Franklin Roosevelt devised the concept of Lend In my column for CNN, I discuss Lease, which provided aid to why it ridiculous to try and score Britain and other nations in the political points by attacking early years of World War II, presidents for taking vacations: while on a two-week cruise Back during the George W. Bush through the Caribbean in years, Democrats sneered and December 1940. That seems a scoffed at the 43rd president’s very good week’s work — even if extended visits to his Crawford, he also managed to find time for a Texas, ranch. Where was the little sunbathing. guy’s work ethic? Click here to read the full Now the shoe is on the other foot. column. President Barack Obama has, for This entry passed through the the second summer in a row, Full-Text RSS service — if this is rented an expensive compound on your content and you're reading it the Atlantic island of Martha’s on someone else's site, please read Vineyard. What a snob! morning, including Christmas. the girl who sold the most Girl the FAQ at Let’s dial back and introduce The decisions never stop, the Scout cookies that year, that kind only/faq.php#publishers. Five some reality to this partisan point- cares of state never lighten, the of thing; Filters featured article: A 'Malign scoring. burden of responsibility is never 2) The other members of the first Intellectual Subculture' - George The president of the United lifted. family are liberated from living Monbiot Smears Chomsky, States never gets a vacation, not When a president goes “on inside the White House, aptly Herman, Peterson, Pilger And really. The nuclear football vacation,” here’s what happens: described by Harry Truman as Media Lens. follows wherever the president 1) He or she is spared the “the crown jewel of the federal goes. He receives the daily ceremonial parts of the job: the prison system.” intelligence briefing every state dinners, the meetings with But this game of tallying Curated News Edition Politics-Right/ 75 Obama’s Backdoor Amnesty Matthew Vadum (FrontPage Magazine » FrontPage)

Submitted at 8/21/2011 11:15:44 PM

The Obama administration’s new immigration amnesty is a purely political calculation intended to What Did We Just shore up the president’s sagging support among Latino voters. President Obama has a habit of not enforcing laws he doesn’t like. Win in Libya? He doesn’t like the Defense of David Frum (FrumForum » only off-shore Western help, and Marriage Act so he won’t defend David Frum) the post-Qaddafi regime proves it in the court. He doesn’t like Submitted at 8/22/2011 6:11:25 AM itself less a menace to the region energy exploration so he has and its own people. ignored court order after court the American public that his “of the ethics of means and ends,” Back in the Fall of 2001, we all Here’s hoping. But no celebrating order that would allow deep-water refusal to enforce the law is all great leaders lie and use celebrated as local forces backed yet. oil drilling. He doesn’t like the somehow in the best interests of moralistic propaganda in order to by NATO airpower ejected the This entry passed through the free speech protections in the the nation. accomplish their goals. They Taliban from control of Full-Text RSS service — if this is Supreme Court’s decision in That’s exactly what he’s done. invoke “‘moral principles’ to Afghanistan’s cities. All seemed your content and you're reading it Citizens United v. FEC so he’s Justifying the new, thinly veiled cover naked self-interest.” They over but the peacekeeping. The on someone else's site, please read planning an executive order to immigration amnesty, President must do this because “[a]ll rest of the story, you know. the FAQ at undermine it. Obama continues to draw on the effective actions require the If Libya is a more successful only/faq.php#publishers. Five Now we can add immigration teachings of Rules for Radicals passport of morality.” version of the Afghanistan Filters featured article: A 'Malign laws to the list. author Saul Alinsky. It irritates President Obama that campaign, then it is a signal Intellectual Subculture' - George But Obama cannot come out and Alinsky, the neo-communist Congress has not passed his accomplishment. Success means Monbiot Smears Chomsky, state baldly that he is ignoring the father of modern community beloved Development, Relief, and that the conflict subsides, the new Herman, Peterson, Pilger And law of the land, a move that organizing whose tactics Obama Education for Alien Minors government can hold power with Media Lens. diminishes respect for the rule of taught in college, wrote that “you (DREAM) Act so he has decided law and shows prospective illegal do what you can with what you to bypass the nation’s lawmaking immigrants that America doesn’t have and clothe it with moral body, ignore existing law, and care if they respect the nation’s garments.” simply decree it. borders. He has to try to convince According to Alinsky’s tenth rule 76 Social Media/ Technology/ Curated News Edition Topshop Targets Student Shoppers With SCVNGR Campaign Lauren Indvik (Mashable!) engaged with merchandise. Priebatsch adds that the company

Submitted at 8/22/2011 11:51:23 AM Participants will be asked to snap will launch a number of other UK photos of their favorite “back to and Europe-based campaigns in UK-based retailer Topshop has college” outfits and items the coming months, having partnered with location-based corresponding with certain trends, received its most recent round of mobile gaming app SCVNGR to among other tasks. funding from UK-based Balderton get students into stores for back-to The program won’t end once Capital. -school shopping. class is in session, however; new Image courtesy of Flickr, Magnus Beginning September 5, anyone challenges and rewards will be D within a 500-meter radius of a released October 6. For more Business & Marketing Topshop location can play the The SCVNGR campaign is the coverage: game via SCVNGR’s apps for latest in a sequence of digital and • Follow Mashable Business & iPhone[iTunes link] and Android mobile initiatives developed to Marketing on Twitter devices. Players choose the draw visitors into shops and more • Become a Fan on Facebook reward they want — say, a 20% in thoroughly engage them while • Subscribe to the Business & -store discount or a chance to win they’re there. Last spring, the Marketing channel a £500 shopping spree — and retailer set up an augmented significant for SCVNGR, as it SCVNGR founder and CEO Seth • Download our free apps for complete challenges to achieve reality-powered fitting room in its marks the startup’s first major Priebatsch — but the app is Android, Mac, iPhone and iPad the required number of points. flagship store in Moscow, brand partnership outside of North relatively intuitive to first-time As with Neiman Marcus’s followed by Instagram-styled America. As such, SCVNGR will users and, unlike location-based SCNVGR campaign last spring, photoshoots at outlets in the U.S., be an unfamiliar name to most — social networks, it doesn’t require challenges are designed to get UK and Ireland. “our presence in the UK is small, a large existing userbase to be shoppers more thoroughly The campaign is even more but growing fast,” admits successful. Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Program: now you can find out if you made the cut Daniel Cooper (Engadget) Early adopters were offered 20 easy-to-click source link, enter you made the cut originally

Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:35:00 PM free games if they signed in to the their 11 digit serial number and appeared on Engadget on Mon, 22 Nintendo eShop before August see if they're due some freebies Aug 2011 12:35:00 EDT. Please Remember the 11th, but the software didn't courtesy of delicious corporate see our terms for use of feeds. Nintendo"Ambassador Program" confirm if they'd successfully guilt. Permalink Joystiq| Nintendo| for 3DS owners with the price joined or not. Now they can check Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Email this| Comments drop ? for themselves by heading to Nintendo's support page via our Program: now you can find out if Curated News Edition Social Media/ Technology/ 77 Starbucks Expands iTunes Pick of the Week Program With Apps, iBooks & More Jennifer Van Grove (Mashable!) expansion of this program

Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:15:05 PM because there are so many different ways that we can Starbucks, in partnership with enhance our customers experience Apple, is expanding its through content,” he says. “The longstanding iTunes Pick of the expansion of this program is a Week program to include iPhone signal of things to come in how Netduino and WP7 used to remotely applications, excerpts from we plan to innovate by engaging iBooks, television episodes and with customers through content.” control sprinkler system, show off other media types. The news confirms reports that Beginning Tuesday and surfaced last week. Financial Microsoft's DIY credentials continuing each week thereafter, terms of the relationship among Terrence O'Brien (Engadget) all pretty neat, and there's some Starbucks customers will notice Starbucks, Apple and content Submitted at 8/22/2011 1:34:00 PM DOS command line action thrown new Pick of the Week cards — in makers is not being disclosed. in for good measure. Check out limited supply at nearly 8,500 Starbucks will continue to refresh Arduino, Android and the iPhone the lengthy demo video after the Starbucks operated stores and its weekly iTunes music offering usually get all the DIY love, but break, and hit up the source for licensed stores — redeemable for online via Starbucks Digital Mike Linnen, he has taken the more detail and the necessary a complimentary iTunes store Network. road less traveled by -- turning to code to set up your own. entertainment offering. More About: apple, starbucks Windows Phone 7, Azure and a Continue reading Netduino and “With the explosion of app For more Business & Marketing Netduino Plus to get his home WP7 used to remotely control program by offering customers downloads and digital versions of coverage: hacking on. The .NET-powered sprinkler system, show off the premium music-identifying books — the kinds of content that • Follow Mashable Business & microcontroller is the heart of Microsoft's DIY credentials Shazam Encore application on we already love to curate and help Marketing on Twitter Linnen's new sprinkler system Netduino and WP7 used to August 23. The following week, our customers discover through • Become a Fan on Facebook which can be scheduled to turn on remotely control sprinkler system, Starbucks stores will feature EA Starbucks Digital Network — this • Subscribe to the Business & and off automatically or manually show off Microsoft's DIY and Firemint’s SPY mouse game. is a great time to expand an Marketing channel triggered remotely from his WP7 credentials originally appeared on Apple and Starbucks are working already successful program,” • Download our free apps for handset. The system also monitors Engadget on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 together closely on the initiative; Adam Brotman, vice president of Android, Mac, iPhone and iPad weather forecasts and, if the 13:34:00 EDT. Please see our they’ll be jointly selecting each digital ventures at Starbucks, tells chance of rain is above 39- terms for use of feeds. Permalink week’s application or media Mashable. percent, any sprinkler activity for WMPoweruser| Protosystems, 2| offering, Brotman says. Starbucks will kick off the the day is canceled to avoid over Email this| Comments expanded Pick of the Week “We’re excited about the watering the grass and plants. It's 78 Social Media/ Technology/ Curated News Edition HP's Compaq 8200 Elite Twitter To Join Facebook all-in-one desktop coming & RIM for Riot Talks to a cubicle near you Joseph Volpe (Engadget) With UK Government Submitted at 8/22/2011 1:03:00 PM If you were in need of HP news Sarah Kessler (Mashable!) that has nothing to do with the Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:28:51 PM sold-out, overnight sensation that's become the TouchPad, then Twitter has confirmed that it will read on. The company's just attend a meeting with UK Home announced a new all-in-one Secretary Theresa May and other desktop solution for the enterprise UK officials about the role social set -- the Compaq 8200 Elite. media played in riots earlier this Starting at a wallet-pleasing and Norton Internet Security. month. $1000, the 1920 x 1080 23-inch Sound like the sort of refresh you Facebook and BlackBerry-maker full HD monitor comes outfitted so desperately need for your RIM confirmed their participation with your choice of Intel's cubicle? Then check it out for in the meeting last week, but at Pentium or vPro line of chips, up yourself at the source below. the time a Twitter spokesperson to 8GB DDR3 SDRAM, HDD HP's Compaq 8200 Elite all-in- only said, “We’d be happy to storage that ranges from 250GB one desktop coming to a cubicle listen.” to 1TB, six USB 2.0 ports, an near you originally appeared on After it became clear that some optional Blu-ray drive, and a six- Engadget on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 rioters were using social media of many free speech activists. “So More About: twitter, UK riots in-one media card reader. As you 13:03:00 EDT. Please see our and BlackBerry messenger to we are working with the police, For more Social Media coverage: might expect, the machine also terms for use of feeds. Permalink| coordinate violence, UK Prime the intelligence services and • Follow Mashable Social Media comes pre-loaded with MS' ever- HP| Email this| Comments Minister David Cameron told industry to look at whether it on Twitter handy Office 2010 starter pack Parliament that the government would be right to stop people • Become a Fan on Facebook was examining whether to ban communicating via these websites • Subscribe to the Social Media suspected troublemakers in the and services when we know they channel riot from using social media and are plotting violence, disorder and • Download our free apps for other digital communication tools. criminality.” Android, Mac, iPhone and iPad “When people are using social Image courtesy of Flickr, media for violence we need to ukhomeoffice stop them,” he said, to the chagrin Curated News Edition Daily World/ 79 London Libyans take to streets to celebrate Miranda Bryant and Martin For six months until yesterday was also welcomed by world Mr Jalil sacked his cabinet over stated. Some also warn of a risk Bentham (Evening Standard - there has been lots of things leaders with French President its failure to investigate properly that al Qaeda could seek to exploit News) happening in Libya. Nicolas Sarkozy urging the the murder of army commander the instability in Libya. But there

Submitted at 8/22/2011 6:44:47 AM People have been killed and their dictator to spare his people further Abdul Fatah Younis last month. has been no evidence of this so Miranda Bryant and Martin homes taken. pointless suffering by "renouncing Questions about the council's far. Bentham "It was the first time in my life I without delay what little powers alleged role in the killing remain Will there be elections? 22 Aug 2011 could speak to my family freely. he retains". unanswered, while the failure to Yes, but not immediately. The The niece of the head of Libya's Before if they said something Italian foreign minister Franco appoint a replacement cabinet is council has drawn up an transition government, Mustafa wrong about Gaddafi someone Frattini added: "The time is up. blamed by some on internal impeccably liberal statement on Abdul Jahir, today told of her joy from Gaddafi's regime would There is no alternative to disputes. its "vision of a democratic Libya" that Gaddafi's regime had been come to their house." surrendering and handing himself Is the council accepted across in which it promises elections, ousted from power. Celebrations broke out across the in to justice", while US President Libya? freedom of speech, an Basma El Mesmari, 29, said that world as political leaders and Barack Obama said Tripoli was Still in doubt. One of the key independent judiciary and other last night was the first time she Libyan exiles reacted with delight "slipping from the grasp of a factors behind the rebels' dramatic reforms. The first step will be to was able to speak to her family in to developments in Tripoli. tyrant". advance into Tripoli has been the draw up a new constitution, with Libya without fear of being Posters of the Libyan leader were "The surest way for the bloodshed role of a separate, mainly Berber- elections within two years. It intercepted and said she would set on fire in the Turkish capital to end is simple: Muammar led force, in the east of the might take time for fully join them in her home country as Ankara after dozens of Libyan Gaddafi and his regime need to country. Military commanders in functioning political parties to soon as she can. residents in the city broke into recognise that their rule has come the country's third city Misrata emerge after decades of Miss Mesmari, who used to work their country's embassy. to an end," he said. have also appeared reluctant to dictatorship. for the Libyan Embassy in There were similar scenes in Who will run Libya now? accept the council's authority. This entry passed through the Lebanon and now lives in Malta after some 200 Libyans The National Transitional Tripoli's residents might not Full-Text RSS service — if this is Kilburn, was speaking outside the entered the embassy to hoist the Council, which until now has accept a new Benghazi dominated your content and you're reading it Libyan Embassy in Knightsbridge rebel flag while setting fire to been based in Benghazi, is poised leadership. on someone else's site, please read where Free Libya supporters were pictures of Gaddafi. to take over the running of the Are there any other challenges? the FAQ at arriving throughout the day with In the Bosnian capital Sarajevo, whole of the country and has There is a risk that the tribal only/faq.php#publishers. Five flags and shouting chants such as police were called after a dozen already been recognised by divisions which blighted Libya Filters featured article: A 'Malign "Freedom" to show their support. Libyans entered their embassy, Britain, France and about 30 other before Colonel Gaddafi came to Intellectual Subculture' - George She said: "I'm so happy because threw Gaddafi's pictures out of the states. It is led by Libya's former power could resurface. The most Monbiot Smears Chomsky, all my family are there and in windows, raised the rebels' justice minister, Mustafa Abdul obvious difficulty could come Herman, Peterson, Pilger And Libya where there has been no tricolor flag and demanded the Jalil. from Gaddafi's own Qadhadfa Media Lens. international calls, no internet, resignation of the ambassador. How credible is the council? tribe. Optimists believe, however, people from my family have died. The collapse of Gaddafi's power Doubts have begun to surface. that the risks of conflict are over- 80 Daily World/ Curated News Edition Tyrant's son Get Gaddafi: Libyan leader goes to could face war crime charges ground as regime crumbles within weeks Nicholas Cecil, Chief Political raids on the Gaddafi compound. under their control and vowed that Gaddafi. Rashid Razaq (Evening Correspondent (Evening As rebels gained more and more Gaddafi would be found. Special forces and other military Standard - News) Standard - News) control of the city, the National "The fighters will turn over every trainers are understood to have Submitted at 8/22/2011 6:35:08 AM

Submitted at 8/22/2011 1:39:11 AM Transitional Council was this stone to find him". The startling played a key role in transforming Colonel Gaddafi was being afternoon planning to move from breakthrough, after a long the rebels into a fighting force. Rashid Razaq hunted by rebels and Nato forces Benghazi inthe east to take deadlock, was the culmination of Nato aircraft carried out 22 Aug 2011 this afternoon as his brutal regime control of the country in the a closely coordinated plan by thousands of missions over Libya, Colonel Gaddafi's heir-apparent of 42 years crumbled in the face capital. "The heroic rebels control rebels, Nato and anti-Gaddafi with British planes bombing 900 Saif al-Islam could be handed of sweeping rebel advances across almost all of Tripoli," said forces in Tripoli, rebel leaders targets. over to The Hague within weeks Tripoli. Mustafa Abdul Jalil, head of the said. The International Criminal Court to face charges of war crimes. Opposition fighters vowed to council. Britain, America and other has issued arrest warrants for The former playboy and London "turn every stone" to make sure he But Gaddafi was refusing to heed nations are urging rebel leaders to Gaddafi, his son Saif, and the School of Economics student, faces justice. They were besieging calls to end the bloodshed. ensure that the toppling of the head of the intelligence service, who owns a £10million his compound after over-running Hundreds of opposition fighters dictator is not followed by fresh Abdullah al-Sanussi, for crimes Hampstead home, was today the Libyan capital in a dramatic were reported to have been killed bloodshed as happened in Iraq. against humanity. With events being held under armed guard end to the six-month civil war. in bitter fighting overnight. Gaddafi last night issued an unfolding quickly, Mr Cameron after being captured by rebel But as David Cameron said the The tyrant's whereabouts were appeal on state television for broke off his holiday in Cornwall fighters. Two of Gaddafi's other regime was in "full retreat", unknown but he may be hiding in Libyans to save the capital. In a to chair a meeting of the National sons were also being held. Gaddafi seemed determined to a labyrinth of tunnels underneath series of audio messages, he Security Council on Libya this Officials from the International make a bloody last stand, sending his compound. He could have called on his supporters to march morning. Criminal Court announced they tanks against the fighters and gone to ground in his home town in the streets of the capital and He stressed Gaddafi's future was had opened talks with the rebel ordering a fightback by his feared of Sirte or another secret location "purify it" from "the rats". up to the Libyan people adding: National Transitional Council son Khamis. Three of Gaddafi's - possibly even in another As euphoric residents celebrated "The Libyan people are closer to over a transfer to The Hague, sons, including London playboy country. in Green Square, the symbolic their dream of a better future free where Saif and his father have Saif-al Islam, were arrested by Rebels streamed into Tripoli heart of the Gaddafi regime, rebel from the terror of Gaddafi." been indicted for crimes against rebels in Tripoli. from the east, west and south in spokesman Mohammed Abdel- This entry passed through the humanity. Libyan rebel leader The National Transitional co-ordinated attacks. They came Rahman warned that pockets of Full-Text RSS service — if this is Mustafa Abdul Jalil said Saif and Council was poised to take over under fire from tanks and resistance remained and that as your content and you're reading it his brother Al-Saadi had been as celebrations erupted across machineguns mounted on lorries long as Gaddafi remained on the on someone else's site, please read captured and a third brother, Libya and on the streets of which poured out of the run the "danger is still there". the FAQ at Muhammad, had been arrested London. compound. Reporters in the Rixos Hotel only/faq.php#publishers. Five after handing himself in. The Prime Minister said: "His There were reports that tanks could hear gunfire and loud Filters featured article: A 'Malign He said: "He (Saif) is being kept regime is falling apart and is in were also heading to the port. But explosions from the direction of Intellectual Subculture' - George in a secure place under close full retreat. Gaddafi must stop some local residents claimed that the compound. In Green Square - Monbiot Smears Chomsky, guard until he is handed over to fighting without conditions and most of Gaddafi's forces had which is to return to its original Herman, Peterson, Pilger And the judiciary. We gave clearly show that he has given up deserted him. name of Martyrs' Square - rebel Media Lens. instructions that he is well treated, any claim to control Libya." The rebels' top diplomat in supporters tore down the green in order to be judged." Nato is believed to have joined London, Mahmud Nacua, said flags of the Libyan government The capture of Saif, the dictator's the battle today with bombing that 95 per cent of the city was and trampled on portraits of TYRANT'S page 81 Curated News Edition Politics/ 81 TYRANT'S continued from page 80 second son, is a major coup for Ocampo said discussions were which operated all mobile phones the rebels. Once seen as a under way over Saif's transfer to and satellites in the country, as moderate and a force for change, The Hague. He said: "It is time for well as being head of the Libyan the 39-year-old has been the justice, not revenge." Olympic Committee. Al-Saadi public face of the regime during Saif has strong links to the UK. was commander of Libya's the uprising. He embarked on a one-year Special Forces. He has been Sir Richard Dalton, the former masters course, and then a four- accused of ordering the army to British ambassador to Libya, said year PhD, at LSE - although an fire on unarmed protesters. that while his two brothers may be investigation found parts of his This entry passed through the able to cut a deal with the rebels thesis had been plagiarised. Full-Text RSS service — if this is Saif was too closely allied with As well as his Hampstead home, your content and you're reading it his father to escape justice. he lived for a time at the on someone else's site, please read He said: "Saif al-Islam burnt his Lanesborough hotel. He held the FAQ at boats a long time ago. He has birthday parties in Monaco and St only/faq.php#publishers. Five been at the forefront from very Tropez and went on hunting trips Filters featured article: A 'Malign As Critics Pounce early on and he is completely in Europe and New Zealand. He Intellectual Subculture' - George discredited. I don't think there will reportedly kept a pair of Bengal Monbiot Smears Chomsky, be any deal for him. tigers at his Tripoli home. Herman, Peterson, Pilger And "He has been indicted by the ICC After Tony Blair offered the Media Lens. on Perry, and I would believe the ICC will "hand of friendship" in 2004, try and honour that arrest warrant. Colonel Gaddafi's British It is ultimately up to the NTC to investments grew to an estimated decide. There is a Libyan £10billion with Saif managing the Romney Lays Off judiciary with the ability for him business interests. Alex Roarty & Beth Bernanke unpresidential. Two of to be tried in Libya." Gaddafi's oldest son, Reinhard (Politics : The his Republican presidential ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno- Muhammad, ran the company Atlantic) opponents, from the center and Submitted at 8/22/2011 11:03:37 AM the right, characterized his Candidates and bystanders alike statements as extreme on national have taken shots at the Texas television. Even his successor at governor over the past week. The the Republican Governors 2012 frontrunner, by contrast, has Association, Virginia Gov. Bob remained quiet. McDonnell, called Perry's Since Texas Gov. Rick Perry Bernanke remarks "incendiary," entered the Republican and said he didn't add to the presidential race, he's given plenty national debate. MORE FROM of ammunition to his political NATIONAL JOURNAL: opponents - from suggesting that Qaddafi Isn't Giving Up Without Federal Reserve Board Chairman a Fight Ben Bernanke's monetary policies Hotline Sort: Supersize Me were borderline-treasonous to H Street Savior Remembers questioning the science behind Bittersweet King Legacy climate change. (PICTURES: Meet the 2012 The scrutiny has followed: Bush Republican Presidential Hopefuls) adviser Karl Rove called Perry's CRITICS page 84 controversial comments on Ben 82 Politics/ Curated News Edition Climate Science Shouldn't Be Religion for Left or Right Megan McArdle (Politics : The conservatives attack evolution -- do, global warming or no. fairly convinced that human If someone is wrong about the Atlantic) they fear it undermines religious How inconvenient, then, that beings play a role in this. (When facts, you should explain to them,

Submitted at 8/22/2011 10:56:57 AM belief -- and it is just as wrong. even the vast majority of warming you've got Reason's Ron Bailey, calmly and concisely, why they Writing at, "skeptics" within the scientific Cato's Patrick Michaels, and are wrong. If it's really that I wish to associate myself with Doug Powers warns that "if some community would agree with Jonathan Adler, you've convinced obvious, it shouldn't be hard to these remarks of Jonathan Adler's, politicians think they can swim in Governor Christie's statement that me). I reserve the right to be convince them. so I hope he will forgive me for the waters of AGW without "human activity plays a role" in skeptical about particular claims When people start trying to expel the extended excerpt: getting wet or soaking taxpayers, rising greenhouse gas levels and about effects (particularly when heretics because of disagreements Although Christie adopted the they should think again." In other resulting changes in the climate. those claims come via people who over facts, it suggests that they desired policy -- withdrawing words, once you accept that The Cato Institute's Patrick implausibly insist that every suspect--even know--that the facts from RGGI -- some conservatives human activity may be Michaels, for instance, has written major effect will be negative) . . . are not on their side. Which is, are aghast that he would contributing to global warming, several books acknowledging and, of course, of ludicrous frankly, what I tend to think is acknowledge a human embracing costly and ill-advised human contributions to global worries that global warming will happening here. If open argument contribution to global warming. regulatory measures is inevitable. warming. In Climate of Extremes: cause aliens to destroy us. But is going to force your ideology to According to one, this makes Yet it is actually Powers, not The Global Warming Science generally, I think global warming confront umcomfortable facts, Christie "Part RINO. Part man. Christie, who is embracing a They Don't Want You to Know is happening, and even that we you create a closed circle that the Only more RINO than man." dangerous premise. As Christie's As I've written before, it would should probably do something facts can't penetrate. If the circle ["RINO" as in "Republican in veto shows, he understands that be convenient if human activity about that, though I'm flexible on is big enough, the geocentric Name Only."] the threat of climate change doe did not contribute to global "something." universe gets a few hundred more Those attacking Christie are snot justify any and all proposed warming or otherwise create However. Even if you disagree, it years before the defensive suggesting there is only one policy responses. One can believe problems that are difficult to is reprehensible to have a litmus perimeter cracks. politically acceptable position on the threat is real, and still think reconcile with libertarian test around empirical matters of Of course, that also means a few climate science -- that one's cap-and-trade is a bad idea. preferences. But that's not the fact. (I'm not a fan of litmus tests hundred years invested in building ideological bona fides are to be Christie's critics, on the other world we live in, and politicians in general, but I suppose it's fair an institution that cannot survive determined by one's scientific hand, seem to accept that once it should not be criticized for enough to say "If you want in a heliocentric solar system. beliefs, and not simply one's can be shown that human activity recognizing that fact. marginal tax rates of 70% on the Maybe the skeptics are right and policy preferences. This is a may be having potentially I don't think that science wealthy, you don't belong in AGW is minor, or not happening problem on multiple levels. negative environmental effects, denialism is the exclusive today's GOP"). What these at all. But on the off chance that Among other things, it leads this alone justifies government province of the GOP, but it's Republicans are doing to people they're wrong, the GOP needs to conservatives to embrace an anti- intervention. Yet the extremely disappointing whenever like Chris Christie is no better be the sort of pluralistic body that scientific know-nothingism environmental effects of human either side does it. As longtime than what Harvard did to Larry can survive and thrive on a steady whereby scientific claims are to behavior are ubiquitous. Human readers known, I have been Summers when he suggested that diet of accurate data--no matter be evaluated not by scientific civilization necessarily entails extremely critical of the attitude it was possible that women had a what those data say. evidence but their political remaking the world around it. So that some climate scientists seem different IQ distribution than men. This article available online at: implications. Thus climate science if recognizing negative to have developed towards Facts are not good or bad; they must be attacked because it environmental effects leads dissent, and what you might call are correct or incorrect. And a politics/archive/2011/08/climate- provides a too ready justification inevitably to governmental the PR aspect of their work. policy based on hysterical refusal science-shouldnt-be-religion-for- for government regulation. This is intervention, there is virtually no Nonetheless, I am quite convinced to consider all possible facts is the same reason some end to what government needs to that the planet is warming, and neither good, nor correct. CLIMATE page 84 Curated News Edition Politics/ 83 Palin event on Labor Day weekend not a campaign launch? Ed Morrissey (Hot Air » Top attended events of the presidential potential candidates who have yet (she’s not the only one, either; so Last month, Obama posted a 47% Picks) campaign season to date. to declare, Palin has the best odds would Bachmann). She’s to 38% lead over Palin, the GOP’s

Submitted at 8/22/2011 12:25:48 PM Instead of a campaign launch, of overcoming that handicap due unlikely to do well in New unsuccessful vice presidential RCP reports that it may be more to her near-universal name Hampshire or Michigan against candidate in 2008. After Sarah Palin showed up in of a campaign test event: recognition, but in Iowa, Romney, and a southern governor Palin earns support from 62% of Iowa the day before the Ames Peter Singleton, a California organization and retail politics are like Perry will have the advantage Republicans, while 88% of straw poll and announced a Labor attorney who leads the Iowa the key to victory. in South Carolina and Florida. Democrats back the president. Day event in Indianola, branch of the all-volunteer group That raises another question Yet even at this late date, Palin Voters not affiliated with either speculation arose again that the Organize4Palin, told conservative about the event itself. Are Iowans appears to have no real party prefer Obama by a 51% to former Vice Presidential nominee radio host Tammy Bruce on excited about it? Not as much as organization in the field in Iowa, 30% margin. would throw her hat into the ring Saturday that in addition to outsiders, it seems at the moment: and without a campaign in place, The internals of the poll make a for the 2012 Republican Palin’s speech, the three-hour Anecdotal evidence suggests that no major fundraisers either. If the Palin challenge to Obama look presidential nomination. midday rally would include a the crowd that will descend on the Labor Day event doesn’t feature daunting indeed. She loses young According to Real Clear Politics diverse undercard of speakers, site — which recently played host Palin announcing a presidential voters by a whopping 12/64 and and their “sources close to Palin,” music and video interludes, and to the National Balloon Classic — run and a serious approach to thirtysomethings 30/50. All her supporters will have to wait even a group lesson on precinct will include a sizable contingent campaigning in Iowa, she will ethnic demos go to Obama, longer to find out whether Palin organizing. of out-of-staters. The Texas start running out of time to including a 43/38 edge among will get into the race: The event will pose a significant branch of Organize4palin, for compete properly in the state she white voters. In a two-way race Speculation that Palin might use test for Singleton and the rest of example, is organizing a bus trip will have to win in the caucus with Palin, 20% of self-identified the Labor Day weekend event to the all-volunteer army of Palin to make the more than 11-hour next winter. conservatives go to Obama, and declare her candidacy has ramped devotees who have for months drive from Dallas to Indianola. Update: Maybe this Rasmussen another 19% are undecided. Palin up on cable news and the been quietly paving the way for a Politicians don’t win the Iowa poll shows why Palin is remaining loses every income demographic conservative blogosphere, but presidential run that would be caucus with showy, one-off ambiguous (via Allahpundit and as well. RCP has learned from sources fueled by a dedicated core of events. They have to conduct the the headlines): This entry passed through the close Palin that an official political novices. retail politicking that the declared If Election Day was right now, Full-Text RSS service — if this is announcement is unlikely at that At the moment, that seems to be candidates are currently President Obama would defeat the your content and you're reading it time. the only evidence that Palin’s conducting all across the state. former Alaska governor 50% to on someone else's site, please read Still, Palin’s speech is expected running at all — the proliferation That means going to small events 33%, according to a new the FAQ at to offer more clues about whether of volunteer auxiliaries working as well as large ones, traveling Rasmussen Reports national only/faq.php#publishers. Five she will jump into the race to organize the event. That will through all of the small towns and telephone survey. This marks the Filters featured article: A 'Malign sometime in September, as some eventually pose a problem for an shaking hands, and asking voters first time that the president has Intellectual Subculture' - George of her public comments and entry into the campaign, though, now to caucus for them in 2012. risen out of the 40s in Monbiot Smears Chomsky, behind-the-scenes actions over the which is that the other campaigns And that takes a network of hypothetical matchups with any of Herman, Peterson, Pilger And past several months have will have staffed up in Iowa and organization for the follow-up the major GOP presidential Media Lens. suggested is possible. And a core elsewhere. Assuming Palin does visits and phone calls, turnout hopefuls. Fifteen percent (15%) group of self-appointed volunteer jump into the race, she will find support, and so on. prefer some other candidate, and organizers hope that the Indianola the pickings slim for experienced Palin would need to win Iowa to two percent (2%) are undecided. shindig will be one of the best- staffers and organizers. Of all the have a path to the nomination … 84 Curated News Edition CRITICS continued from page 81 Romney has been playing the candidates doing the dirty work late run. The ability of the sounded skeptical about Perry's neither of those issues were political equivalent of prevent for him. And on this part, he's had nominee to defeat Obama is high ability to win over independents enough to sink him when he took defense throughout the campaign, some early success. Rick on the minds of many Republican and suburbanites - critical swing on Hutchison in 2010, a race he avoiding engaging his Republican Santorum compared Perry to voters, said Alex Castellanos, an constituencies in a general won easily. rivals and keeping his focus on liberal Rep. John Conyers (D- unaffiliated GOP strategist who election. Perry's conservative All of it puts Romney in a President Obama. And for now, Mich.) for his red-meat criticism worked with Romney in 2008. bona fides appear solid, but the difficult place. that strategy looks like it will of Bernanke. Jon Huntsman took "Right now, there's no question electability question is still out "Mitt Romney's an arranged continue, as the Romney Perry to task for suggesting that he's campaigning like a freight there. marriage [for Republican voters], campaign hopes Perry will self- climate change and evolution train," Castellanos said. "But there If Bachmann fades, however, it but they'd marry Rick Perry for destruct and that other opponents aren't real. Both are exactly the is a question of whether he can would force Romney's campaign love," said Republican consultant will aggressively go after him, kind of volatile issues that keep the campaign on the tracks. to directly engage Perry on Rick Wilson. "There may be great allowing Romney to stay above Romney would rather avoid in a So I think it makes sense to wait substantive policy differences, things about the arranged the fray. GOP primary. back and see." and there aren't many clear lines marriage, but that's not the whole "Mitt Romney considers Rick "In boxing, you don't fight Romney has another motive: of attack that would appeal to thing." Perry a friend and believes he will beneath your weight class,'' said Directly engaging Perry would conservatives. Raising questions Image credit: Jim Cole/AP add a lot to the discussion during Florida lobbyist Brian Ballard, a turn the campaign into a two- about the high percentage of This article available online at: the primary," said Romney member of Romney's national candidate race at the expense of Texans without health insurance, spokeswoman Andrea Saul. "But leadership team. "Until Perry has Rep. Michele Bachmann. Right for instance, won't resonate in a politics/archive/2011/08/as-critics he is going to stay the course and been out there a couple of months now, the Minnesota lawmaker is Republican primary. -pounce-on-perry-romney-lays-off keep his focus on President and shown that he is a legitimate positioned to take many social "To a Washington liberal, that's /243939/ Obama's failed economic policies. rival ... I don't think we'll engage conservative and evangelical the ultimate indictment, said This entry passed through the This country needs a president him much.'' Romney's silent votes away from Perry. If Republican strategist Todd Harris, Full-Text RSS service — if this is who understands how the treatment largely hinges on Perry. Bachmann wins the Iowa who advised Perry's opponent in your content and you're reading it economy works and has private- Even as Perry has taken shaken up caucuses, it would seriously hurt the 2010 Texas governor's on someone else's site, please read sector experience. That is why the GOP field, his controversial Perry's campaign. "He's going to primary, Sen. Kay Bailey the FAQ at Mitt Romney is running." remarks have stirred fears among be exposed to the harsh light of a Hutchison. "But in the context of only/faq.php#publishers. Five Romney is unlikely to engage the many Republicans that the presidential campaign, and I don't the Republican primary, it's Filters featured article: A 'Malign Texas governor much beyond governor could give a vulnerable think Romney or the other hardly the most effective hit Intellectual Subculture' - George drawing the contrast between their Obama an opening in the general candidates have to do anything,'' against him.'' Monbiot Smears Chomsky, depthl of experience in the private election. Rep. Paul Ryan (R- Ballard said. Perry's record does have Herman, Peterson, Pilger And sector, at least for now. Romney's Wis.), New Jersey Gov. Chris For now, Romney has been blemishes in conservatives' eyes: Media Lens. mission is to present himself as Christie and Sarah Palin have relying on voices in the He has supported pathways to the strongest challenger to reemerged as long-shot Republican establishment who citizenship for illegal immigrants, Obama. Sniping at Perry doesn't possibilities to enter the race, have raised questions about and he mandated that all of the further that goal. more a sign of establishment Perry's electability in a general state's sixth-grade girls receive a That strategy depends on the dissatisfaction with the field than election. On ABC's "This Week" vaccine to guard against the media and other presidential of their seriousness of mounting a Sunday, columnist George Will human papillomavirus virus. But CLIMATE continued from page 82 left-or-right/243944/ the FAQ at Herman, Peterson, Pilger And This entry passed through the only/faq.php#publishers. Five Media Lens. Full-Text RSS service — if this is Filters featured article: A 'Malign your content and you're reading it Intellectual Subculture' - George on someone else's site, please read Monbiot Smears Chomsky, Curated News Edition Politics/ 85 Cantor: Obama administration’s actions say, “We want to make it harder to create jobs” Tina Korbe (Hot Air » Top standards for cement are expected Unfortunately, we have found households, like individuals though, the American people must Picks) to affect nearly 100 cement plants, President Obama to be an reporting income of more than deliver an electoral mandate in the

Submitted at 8/22/2011 11:45:35 AM setting over-the-top requirements unwilling partner when it comes $200,000 and families and small Senate and the White House. resulting in increased costs and to getting America’s fiscal house businesses with incomes of more Reminders, like this op-ed, of just In a must-read Washington Post possibly thousands of jobs being in order. Since taking office, he than $250,000, hints at the what’s at stake in the next election op-ed today, House Majority offshored. There is the president’s has added trillions to the debt, underlying agenda of his — the heart of the American Leader Eric Cantor made the silence as the National Labor ignored the recommendations of administration, which is, quite Dream, the idea of self- connection between the present Relations Board seeks to prevent his own fiscal commission and simply, to grow government. government over and against a jobs crisis and the nation’s Boeing from opening a plant in put forth a budget that failed to Cantor does an admirable job of secure-sounding (but ever-so- ongoing debt crisis — and pinned South Carolina that would create address the drivers of our debt. connecting the dots and drawing expensive!) wide social safety net blame for both on President thousands of jobs. Such behavior, Then we had to drag him to the the distinction between the two — are needed now more than Barack Obama: coupled with the president’s table to make even the modest ideologies in competition as the ever. Kudos to Cantor for laying [T]he Obama administration’s insistence on raising the top tax spending cuts that Standard & federal government attempts to out the Republican agenda early. anti-business, hyper-regulatory, rate paid by individuals and small Poor’s says don’t go far enough. solve the crises we face. In one Let’s hope he and the rest of pro-tax agenda has fueled businesses, has resulted in a lag in Cantor also took aim at the corner, the president and his House leadership repeat it often economic uncertainty and sent the growth that has added to the debt president’s reluctance to reform administration, out of a misguided between now and November message from the administration crisis, contributing to our nation’s entitlements in the structural way paternalism, want the government 2012. that “we want to make it harder to credit downgrade. … necessary to ensure solvency and to provide even what it cannot This entry passed through the create jobs.” There is no other The debt crisis threatens our long reiterated Republicans’ opposition afford. In the other, Republicans Full-Text RSS service — if this is conclusion for policies such as the -term future: the ability of our to any new tax increases, writing in the House want to move your content and you're reading it new Environmental Protection children and their children to have that tax hikes would only government in the opposite on someone else's site, please read Agency regulations, including the the same opportunities to succeed “exacerbate the jobs crisis for the direction — to reduce it so that the FAQ at “ Transport Rule,” which could that this and previous generations 14 million Americans out of American wage-earners may keep only/faq.php#publishers. Five eliminate thousands of jobs, or the enjoyed. Republicans passed a work.” what they’ve worked for and Filters featured article: A 'Malign ozone regulation that would cost budget this spring, written by As Cantor writes, the president’s invest it as they see fit (including Intellectual Subculture' - George upward of $1 trillion and millions Rep. Paul Ryan, that would class warfare rhetoric belies his in job creation!). Framed in such Monbiot Smears Chomsky, of jobs in the construction address our challenges head-on by purported concern for cooperation stark language, it’s difficult not to Herman, Peterson, Pilger And industry over the next decade. The putting in place common-sense and action — and his willingness choose the latter. Media Lens. administration’s new maximum reforms to manage our debt over to raise taxes on even non- For Republicans to enact their achievable control technology the short and long term. millionaire-and-billionaire government-reducing agenda, 86 Politics/ Curated News Edition The GOP Was Texas jobs expansion due to Position on Taxes Gets Worse James Fallows (Politics : The government growth? Atlantic) Ed Morrissey (Hot Air » Top account for about one-sixth of the jobs) and 775,900 have been in population. The need to expand Submitted at 8/22/2011 11:35:34 AM Picks) workforce in Texas. private-sector jobs. That means the public sector pretty obviously

Submitted at 8/22/2011 11:05:34 AM That sounds pretty bad, but it 73.5 percent of the new jobs came in response to the migration Please focus on the boundless comes from a distinctly selective created in Texas since Perry to Texas, while the relatively cynicism here. In response to Rick Perry’s claim reading of statistics. The Post became governor have been robust economy and investment Through the artificial debt-ceiling of near-miraculous job growth in confuses the issue by comparing private-sector jobs. environment attracted the "crisis," through the Moonie-like Texas during the last decade, data over a decade and then in a 3 Meanwhile, from the 2000 migration in the first place. spectacle in Iowa of candidates critics have alleged that the job -year period, for one thing, and Census to the 2010 Census, In the end, the number of (including Mr. Sanity, Jon growth came from public-sector using percentages without according to the Census Bureau, government jobs created accounts Huntsman) raising hands to hiring. Over a quarter of a million explaining base numbers. CNS the population of Texas grew for a relatively low 6.5% of the promise never to accept any tax net new jobs in Texas over the News puts the statistics in from 20,851,818 to 25,145,561. increase, and less than 28% of the increase, the Republican field has last ten years came in the public perspective: The 1,574,700 civilian new jobs — during a period when been absolutist and inflexible sector, and Perry’s opponents Between December 2000 when government workers in Texas the federal government was going about not letting any revenue accuse him of hypocrisy in Perry became governor (replacing in December 2000 (as reported by on a hiring binge, thanks to increase, in any form, be part of espousing his jobs record and George W. Bush who had been BLS) equaled one government Porkulus. The ratio of public- dealing with debts and deficits. small-government conservatism. elected president) and July 2011, worker for every 13.2417 people sector employees to population Except, it now turns out, when The Washington Post offers the the latest month on record, the in the state. The 1,855,100 declined slightly overall. That the taxes are those (a) that weigh critical argument (via Poor number of nonfarm civilian civilian government workers in may not have been fast enough for most heavily on the people who Richard’s News): employees in Texas grew Texas in July 2011 equaled one small-government activists, but it are already struggling, and (b) With a young and fast-growing from approximately 9,563,500 to government worker for every went in the right direction — and would have the most obvious "job population, a large and expanding 10,619,800, according to the 13.5548 people in the state. in the opposite direction that -killing" effect if they went up. military presence and an influx of Bureau of Labor Statistics. That means the number Perry’s critics claim. Those taxes -- hell, we're easy! federal stimulus money, the That means approximately of people per government worker This entry passed through the According to the AP and Business number of government jobs in 1,056,300 new nonfarm civilian in Texas has increased by about a Full-Text RSS service — if this is Insider, Rep. Jeb Hensarling of Texas has grown at more than jobs have been created in Texas third of a person (0.313) since your content and you're reading it Texas (at right), the Republican double the rate of private-sector during the time Perry has been Perry became governor. on someone else's site, please read co-chair of the all-powerful employment during Perry’s governor. Texas attracted more people to its the FAQ at budget Super Committee, is dead tenure. That contrasts with a national state than any other over that only/faq.php#publishers. Five set against letting the Bush-era tax The disparity has grown sharper decline in jobs of approximately decade. In fact, in the last Filters featured article: A 'Malign cuts expire for anyone, including since the national recession hit. 1,295,000 during the same period, reapportionment, Texas won four Intellectual Subculture' - George millionaires. But he sees no Between December 2007 and last according to BLS data. new Congressional seats, a large Monbiot Smears Chomsky, problem in letting the current cut June, private-sector employment Of the 1,056,300 jump upward. The state grew by Herman, Peterson, Pilger And in payroll-tax rates -- you know, in Texas declined by 0.6 percent new nonfarm civilian jobs created more than 4 million people Media Lens. the main tax burden for most while public-sector jobs increased in Texas since December 2000, (representing an expansion of Americans -- run out. As the AP by 6.4 percent, according to the according to the BLS, 280,400 20.5%. It’s not terribly surprising story puts it: federal Bureau of Labor Statistics. have been government jobs to see public-sector jobs increase >>Many of the same Republicans Overall, government employees (including local, state and federal as the result of such a large shift who fought hammer-and-tong to

GOP page 87 Curated News Edition 87 GOP continued from page 86 keep the George W. Bush-era demand or jobs. (Because they go according the AP quote from income tax cuts from expiring on to people who have a lower Cantor's spokesman, he"has never schedule are now saying a "marginal propensity to spend" believed that this type of different "temporary" tax cut and are more likely to park the temporary tax relief is the best should end as planned. By their money in the bank.) way to grow the economy." own definition, that amounts to a I had thought that Republican But as an anti-recession measure, tax increase. absolutism about taxes, while the temporary nature of the cut is The tax break extension they harmful to the country and out of its advantage. It gets money into oppose is sought by President sync with even the party's own people's hands when they need it, Barack Obama. Unlike proposed Reaganesque past, at least had the without building in another changes in the income tax, this zealot's virtue of consistency. permanent revenue hole -- like the policy helps the 46 percent of all Now we see that it can be set tax cuts Cantor fights so hard to Americans who owe no federal aside when it applies to poorer preserve. income taxes but who pay a people, and when setting it aside This article available online at: "payroll tax" on practically every would put maximum drag on the dime they earn... economy as a whole. So this politics/archive/2011/08/the-gop- "It's always a net positive to let means that its real guiding position-on-taxes-gets-worse/ taxpayers keep more of what they principle is... ??? You tell 243930/ earn," says Rep. Jeb Hensarling, me.____ This entry passed through the "but not all tax relief is created The fine print. Yes, I know that Full-Text RSS service — if this is equal for the purposes of helping there is a critique of these tax cuts your content and you're reading it to get the economy moving from the left: That by reducing the on someone else's site, please read again." self-funding nature of Social the FAQ at "Not created equal" is exactly Security, they could in the long only/faq.php#publishers. Five right. In fact, payroll-tax cuts are run undermine its legitimacy and Filters featured article: A 'Malign the sort of tax break most likely to support. I am confident that this is Intellectual Subculture' - George "get the economy moving again" not the reason for Rep. Monbiot Smears Chomsky, during a recession. (Because they Hensarling's position. Herman, Peterson, Pilger And put money in the hands of people And, yes, there is a further level Media Lens. most likely to spend it and to the critique from the right. The therefore boost other businesses. problem with this tax cut, And on balance they lower the according to Republican majority cost of adding new workers.) leader Eric Cantor, is precisely Income-tax breaks at the top end that it's temporary, so businesses are least likely to create new can't base plans on it. Eg,