University of Cincinnati
! "# $ % & % ' % ! !' "#$!#%!%!#%!#%!## &!'!# #! ' "# ' '% $$(' (!)*#(# -+.0#&#,1'4#7"0-*-%'!11#11+#,25'2&02'!3*0 #$#0#,!#2-#0'-**#71',Q#,7 "'11#022'-,13 +'22#"2-2&# !0"32#"!&--* -$2&##,'4#01'27-$',!',,2' ',.02'*$3*$'**+#,2-$2&# 0#/3'0#+#,21$-02&#"#%0##-$ %-!2-0-$&'*-1-.&7 ',2&#%#.02+#,2-$!#-%0.&7 -$2&#-**#%#-$021,""!'#,!#1 7 #2#0' -5#,'+-1-. T"T#,'4#01'27-$''0- ' (TT)#12#0,('!&'%,#,'4#01'27 SZ3%312TRSR -++'22##&'0S/)13,%/-,%Q&T%T ii Abstract The Kerio Valley Basin in Kenya has undergone periods of drought over the past century, yet drought patterns in the region are not well understood mainly because of the lack of climate data. This knowledge of drought pattern is important in mitigating drought related hazards and in planning for adaptation. Arid and Semi Arid lands are usually more susceptible to drought because of increasing climate variability. River Basins, including the Kerio Valley Basin, are frequently affected by droughts. In this study, precipitation and streamflow data were reconstructed to determine streamflows from the missing periods. Moreover, the Streamflow Drought Index (SDI) was used to examine the probability of the recurrence of hydrological drought in the Basin betw11een the periods 1965-1983 and 1992-2009. This study also applied Water Poverty Index (WPI) to assess and monitor water requirements for different communities in the Kerio Valley Basin. The water requirements of seventy five administrative locations within the Kerio Valley Basin were assessed. The results from the analysis showed that the Baringo and West Pokot districts scored a lower index compared to those located in Keiyo, Marakwet, Koibatek, and Uasin Gishu districts.
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