The Hurt Inside The imprisonment of women and girlsThe imprisonment in Northern of women edition Ireland Revised Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission Temple Court 39 North Street Belfast BT1 1NA Tel: 028 9024 3987 Textphone: 028 9024 9066 Fax: 028 9024 7844 The imprisonment of women and girls in Northern Ireland Email:
[email protected] Website: The Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission aims to protect and promote the human rights of everyone in Northern Ireland Revised edition NIHRC backup2.qxp 28/06/2005 10:48 Page 1 The Hurt Inside The imprisonment of women and girls in Northern Ireland Revised Edition PROFESSOR PHIL SCRATON and DR LINDA MOORE June 2005 ISBN 1 903681 55 3 © Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission Temple Court, 39 North Street, Belfast BT1 1NA Tel: 028 9024 3987 Textphone: 028 9024 9066 Fax: 028 9024 7844 Email:
[email protected] Website: NIHRC backup2.qxp 28/06/2005 10:48 Page 2 This publication is available online at For a printed copy or to request the document in another format, please contact the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission. 2 NIHRC backup2.qxp 28/06/2005 10:48 Page 3 FOREWORD Following the publication of this report in October 2004 there have been several developments of significance regarding the imprisonment of women and girls in Northern Ireland. As this report notes, in June 2004 women prisoners were transferred from Mourne House Women’s Unit at Maghaberry Prison to Ash House, a unit within Hydebank Wood, a male young offenders’ facility.