1 March 2008 Edition 13 Date of next Issue 15 April 2008 Deadline for submission of info 10 April 2008

Children’s Services Youth Work in Cumbria Partnership Development Co-ordination Team, Partners and Providers Information Sharing – March 2008

Sandside Lodge – The Duke of Edinburgh Award

Pupils from Sandside Lodge School in Ulverston celebrated after receiving their Duke of Edinburgh’s bronze awards. Acting editor John Townend from the Evening Mail presented the awards to 12 young people. The pupils made scones and biscuits in the morning and in the afternoon took orders from parents and guests for tea/coffee, scones etc and brought it to us. The participants were demonstrating drumming for their skills section. The drum presentation was fantastic - it was drum perfect - not one person drummed at the wrong time and everyone enjoyed it immensely.

Furness Youth Project visit Scrutiny Committee

Furness Youth project attended Scrutiny Committee on 16 January 2008 Cumbria.gov.uk : Meetings

As a group of young people not involved in the survey they were asked to review the Youth Work in Cumbria youth survey. To give them enough time to do this they went on a residential to the YMCA at Lakeside. The young people learned other things at this residential, like how to work as a team and support each other. They had a great time and learned loads. They are very proud of what they achieved and learnt and would like to say thank you for giving them this opportunity.

The report they submitted to scrutiny emphasized that they felt it was right that officers and Councillors are listening to young people’s views and giving them the chance to have their say. They thought it was good that Youth Work in Cumbria and the County Council are taking into consideration ‘UN Convention of the Rights of the Child article 12’ which says young people should have a say in what happens when adults are making decisions that affect them.

Furness Young Carers

A young person from Furness Young Carers recently featured on the Politics Show, highlighting the future of funding for carers. If you are interested there is a link to the show below http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/politics_show/7242410.stm

If you click on the latest programme it will go straight to the episode. The feature is at the start of the programme.

For more information about the Youth Opportunity or Youth Capital Funds , please contact Helen Bunting on 01229 894952 or email on [email protected]

Youth Work in Cumbria Partnership Youth Work Provider Forum Meeting Dates for 2008

Provider Forums in all Areas will take place: Week beginning 1 March 2008 Week beginning 26 May 2008 Week beginning 1 September 2008 Week beginning 1 December 2008

For further details on times and venues please contact your local Youth Work Development Co-ordinator.

The NYA Guide to Youth Work and Youth Services is available to download free of charge: The NYA Guide to Youth Work and Youth Services

Cumbria Sport has produced a “Cumbria Disability Sport and leisure Directory 2008-09” you can access this via Disability Sport and Leisure Directory - Cumbria Sport Partnership

Questions and Answers

Question: Why do we need to send in Bank Statements, Audited Accounts and Insurance Certificates on a regular basis to Clint Mill?

Answer: To ensure that young people receive services from organisations that are strong and responsible. As a responsible Local Authority we need to ensure that you are financially stable and have appropriate safeguarding processes in place.

To submit a question please email: [email protected]

Youth Work in Cumbria Partnership - Flow of information to and from Providers Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Task April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March Provider Forums

Mid 1st Mid 1st Mid 1st Mid 1st Newsletter April June July Sept Oct Dec Jan March

Send IMS Monitoring to Clint Mill (15th of following month)

Send Invoice to Youth Work 15th of 15th of 15th of 15th of

Development Co- month month month month ordinator Receive payment

from Clint Mill

Send 1/4ly Report to Youth Work 4th 1st 2nd 3rd Development Co- quarter quarter quarter quarter ordinator on 15th of month

Young Farmers The George Hotel, Penrith was the venue for 2 important Cumbria Young Farmers’ Clubs County Finals. YFC Member of the Year was judged by President’s Frank Chester, Alan Dickinson and Neil Dowker who had the difficult task of interviewing 10 outstanding members of the movement who had all contributed hugely to their Club, District and County over the past year. Claire Todd, member of Grayrigg and past County and Northern Area Chairman was given the honour of Young Farmer of the Year. Gary Mason, Kent Estuary YFC was placed second and David Marrs, Carlisle YFC was 3 rd .

10 teams from around the County competed in the YFC “Stars in Their Eyes” competition watched by an audience of 150 Young Farmers.

The judges, Jilly Jarman from Blue Jam Community Music and Joan Forrester, a YFC advisory member, had the difficult task of adjudicating the acts which ranged from Vanilla Ice, to Katherine Jenkins, the Jackson Five and Abba.

Stephanie Norman of Longtown YFC won the competition with her excellent rendition of a Dolly Parton song.

YFC Junior Member of the Year & Junior Reading

The County Finals of the YFC Junior Member of the Year Competition and the Junior Reading Competition were both held at the George Hotel, Penrith with Kent Estuary YFC triumphing in both competitions.

Competitors in the Junior Member of the Year Competition were interviewed on the night by judges Pat Norris from the Youth work in Cumbria Partnership and Richard Gardiner, a former member of Penrith YFC. The judges had previously looked at portfolios of a year in their YFC calendar produced by the contestants. The judges were impressed by the range of activities undertaken by the members in YFC and their involvement in and knowledge of the organisation.

Bethany Knipe from Kent Estuary YFC was named Junior YFC Member of the Year with Zoe Watson of Drigg YFC 2 nd , Robert Tattersall of Raughton Head 3 rd and Emma Johnston, Skelton YFC, Rachel Edminson, Longtown YFC and Sam Wilkinson, Kent Estuary YFC all highly commended.

Cumbria Young Volunteers in Sport

The Cumbria Young Volunteers in Sport Programme is aimed at 16-25 year olds interested in volunteering in Sport / Physical Activity. If you can spare some time we can find you a place to volunteer which will benefit you as an individual.

Volunteering in Sport / Physical Activity can give you the chance to improve skills, or give you the opportunity to gain experience, which may lead to employment later. Research has shown that 73% of employers would employ candidates with volunteering experience over one who doesn’t.

Cumbria Sport Partnership will support you throughout your placement and an officer will contact you regularly to ensure you are getting the most out of your experience.

£50 of expenses are available to each volunteer for your own personal development – you may wish to use it towards a level one coaching certificate or an officials qualification. We also have an inclusive volunteer programme, Sports Volunteers Inc, for disabled volunteers.

Volunteers can get involved in anything from helping to develop a club website, helping to coach a junior football team to setting up equipment or helping out in the office.

For more information on the volunteering opportunities in sport please contact Kate Hansbury, Volunteer Development Officer on 01228 601248, email [email protected] or visit the volunteer section of the Cumbria Sport Partnership website at www.cumbriasport.com .

Meet the Team – Julie Andrews

Office Manager

“Hello, I’m Julie Andrews and I’m the Office Manager in Clint Mill, Penrith. I have responsibility for the administrative staff supporting Youth Work in Cumbria Partnership. I’ve worked for Education Service/Children’s Services for almost 26 years. What an accomplishment!

Hobbies: Thinking about taking up something to keep me fit!! Least said about that the better. Watching my daughters play football

Greatest Achievement : Without a doubt my two daughters, I’m very proud of them both.

First Job : My first job was as a ‘Saturday Girl’ in the local bakers shop. Loved it, very busy on Saturday morning but could sit in the back on the afternoon having a coffee (and the odd cake) with my friend and plan our Saturday night out.

Worst Job: Working at Penguin’s Sweet Factory during my Sixth form School Holidays, sugar almonds and orange and lemon slices are a definite ‘no no’ in my house, unbelievable some of the things that happen to them on and off the conveyor belt!

Favourite sport : This is a ‘no option’ really. Both my daughters play football for a local club, the eldest also plays for the County Schools and the Cumbria F.A.. Being in 2 different age groups means separate matches, and weekends are pretty full chasing them round the county. Liverpool FC also features high on their list of favourites, we recently surprised them with a visit to Anfield, it was a great day out and Liverpool won!!

Favourite Film : Hard one this, I love action and comedy movies. I suppose a really lazy, relaxing afternoon would be watching the Lethal Weapon and Bad Boys movies, both funny but with lots of action.

Favourite Music: Music in our is a bone of contention. I have teenage girls who love the modern stuff! A husband who has the most diverse taste in music ever, loves Pink Floyd, Horslips, even Darts are high on his list and most soul and R&B. I embarrass them all with my love of the Carpenters which I love to sing along to, out of tune but quite loudly. I also really enjoy Oasis, Snowpatrol and many others but I am saving myself for Robbie Williams. Sort that lot out if you can!!!!!!!! . Favourite Food : Indian and Italian in most forms.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Other Information you may find useful…………………..


I am pleased to inform you that we now have funding available to subsidise Brathay programmes during the second quarter of 2008. This funding is for programmes for children and young people who are disadvantaged. To access this funding you will need to book before the 31 March and any programme must be completed by 30 June 2008.

If you have a group of young people that you believe would benefit from a residential programme at Brathay please call Jill Pinkerton on 015394 39760 or ask to speak with one of the Brathay C&YPS team. We will be happy to arrange a visit to discuss your ideas further and we will design a tailor made programme to meet the needs of your young people. In addition, we are also able to offer a wide range of accreditation options on our programmes including OCN and ASDAN.

As you know Brathay has an outstanding track record in the field of developing children and young people and for over sixty years we have focussed on enabling young people to achieve the five Every Child Matters outcomes.

Over the past few years we have increasingly targeted our resources to work with those young people who are marginalised and / or disadvantaged including teenage parents, young carers, those involved in crime and those not in education, employment or training for example. We have also increased the number of Positive Activities programmes that we deliver, in line with the Government’s strategy to extend residential provision, outdoor learning and adventurous activities. Indeed, during the summer of 2008, we will be providing subsidised Do it 4 Real ( www.doit4real.co.uk ) residential programmes for young people.

In addition to working with harder to reach young people we have continued to develop our leadership offering and our programmes around raising educational achievement and improving behaviour for schools. We are also now piloting programmes around the new 14-19 Diplomas.

As a third sector organisation we have strong relationships with local authorities, funders and other partners across the UK and are continuing to develop new and exciting projects with the Department of Children, Schools and Families, the Children’s Workforce Development Council and the Training and Development Agency. We have also recently partnered with the National College for School Leadership to deliver a new Multi-Agency Team Development Programme across the three Northern Government Office regions, and thus extending our range of children’s workforce programmes further. You can find out more at www.brathay.org.uk

I do hope that you will get in touch and take us up on our offer of funding. Funding will be allocated on first come first served basis. Mike Blakey Head of Children and Young People’s Services

Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) Disclosures through Brathay Hall Trust

Brathay is in the process of becoming an Umbrella Body for the CRB. Once this process is complete, Brathay will be able to offer a CRB disclosure service to organisations working with children and young people in Cumbria.

• We will charge a nominal administration fee of £10 (per disclosure) to process a CRB form plus any relevant fees set by the CRB.

• We will aim to check any application, and forward to the CRB, within five working days of receipt.

If you would like to use this service please contact Kirsten Hardy or Helen Ramsay on 015394 33041, or email [email protected] to register your interest. Further details will be sent to interested parties.

Brathay intends to be able to offer this service from Monday 17 March 2008.

Coach Education Courses

SCUK Equity in Your Coaching Course Date: Monday 17 th March 2008 Time: 6-9pm Cost: £5 per person Venue: Egremont RUFC Contact: Kimberley Wilson to book a place on 01946 593042

Boccia Young Officials Award Date: Friday 7 th March 2008 Time: 10.00am – 2.30pm Cost: £5.00 per person Venue: Penrith Leisure Centre, Penrith, Cumbria. Contact: Please see attachment for booking details. Alternatively contact Nicola Cartwright on 07725149550 or email [email protected]

CP Sport Boccia Community Leaders Award – Level 1 Date: Thursday 24 th April 2008 Time: 10.00am – 4.30pm Cost: £15.00 per person Venue: Penrith Leisure Centre, Penrith, Cumbria. Contact: see attachment for booking details. Alternatively contact Nicola Cartwright on 07725149550 or email [email protected]

For information on current sports and physical activity related courses running in Cumbria during 2008 visit http://www.cumbriasport.com/courses/cumbrian-courses

Cumbria Disability Sport Association

Cumbria Disability Sport Association will be holding their next meeting from 11.00am to 12.30pm in the Assembly Room at Kendal Town Hall on Wednesday 12 th March 2008. The meeting will comprise of a practical session, providing members with an insight into adaptable activities suitable for children and young people with a disability. For more information please contact Nicola Cartwright on 07725149550 or email [email protected] . Please find attached minutes of the previous Cumbria Disability Sport Association Meeting.

Cerebral Palsy Sport – Events

CP Sport – Athletics Day Date: Saturday 15 th March 2008 Time: 10.00am – 4.00pm Cost: £5.00 Venue: Gateshead International Stadium Contact: Sue Todd or Phil Peat on 0115 9257027 or email [email protected] . See attachments for booking information.

CP Sport – Football Day Date: Saturday 8 th March 2008 Time: 10.00am – 1.00pm (Powerchair Football) and 1.30pm – 4.00pm (Ambulant Football) Cost: £5.00 Venue: Percy Hedley Sports Academy, West Lane, Killington, Newcastle, NE12 7BH Contact: Sue Todd or Phil Peat on 0115 9257027 or email [email protected] . See attachments for booking information.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Events/Training fpa Moving the Goalposts 13-14 March 2008, London This two-day accredited course is aimed at those working with young men that need more knowledge and confidence to engage them in sexual health work? The course will look at the key issues important to young men’s health, the impact of societal and personal values on professional practice and will build on approaches to working with young men and sexual health. Further information>>

The National Youth Agency Nine regional Health Seminars May – Jul 2008 (see link below for dates and locations) The NYA Youth Work for Health (YW4H) team is running a series of nine regional events for policymakers and managers from local authorities, PCT’s and voluntary and community sector organisations, to examine the key role that youth work has in addressing the health issues of young people. Participants will receive a free copy of The NYA’s “Good Practice Guidelines for Healthy Youth Work” a groundbreaking quality assurance tool and resource for ensuring the effectiveness of health related youth work at all levels of work with young people. We expect a high demand for these events and early booking is highly recommended. Further information>>

Drugs: Guidance for Young People's Services 18 April 2008, , 24 April 2008, Newcastle Returning by popular demand, this day’s seminar from gives managers, trainers and relevant partner agencies an opportunity to learn about the latest thinking on the role of informal education in substance use, centred on the government commissioned “Drugs: Guidance for the youth service” document from Drugscope/Alcohol Concern and other recent central initiatives Further information>>

Food and Behaviour Research Feeding Young Minds: Food, Mood and Behaviour: Putting Research into Practice in Education, Mental Health and Criminal Justice Friday 2 May 2008 Buxton Derbyshire A one-day Continuing Professional Development conference aimed at health and education professionals, policy makers, and criminal justice staff. Conference will examine issues around nutrition and diet and links with anti-social behaviour and emotional well-being in children and young people Further information>>

Capita Tackling Teenage Pregnancy Working with Young People Most at Risk 20th May 2008, London Capita’s 4th National Teenage Pregnancy Conference looks specifically at how to target teenage pregnancy interventions to the most vulnerable young people. This includes work with looked after children, care leavers, excluded pupils, young offenders, and teenagers with a previous pregnancy. The event also examines the links between teenage pregnancy and some of the most common risk factors, such as drug and alcohol use, low self-esteem and sexual exploitation. Further information>>

Chartered Institute of Environmental Health Nutrition and balanced eating: the fresher approach: A one day workshop for those interested in nutrition professionally Various dates March – Oct in London, , , & Birmingham This workshop from the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health is for those with a professional interest in nutrition, and those who want to qualify to deliver the Level 2 Award in Healthier Food and Special Diets, or to teach this at GCSE level. It will cover the new eat well plate, healthy eating principles, food labelling, and new thinking in nutrition. Further information>>

Practice Getting Connected Getting Connected, the curriculum framework designed to help young adults on the margins of education and employment to reconnect with learning and foster their personal development is set to expand. Getting Connected has formed a partnership with the Birmingham based University of the First Age which will allow it to develop and grow on its achievements to date. Getting Connected Bulletin Jan 2008>> (PDF)

Consultation/Research Proposals

Youth Sector Support Arrangements – Call for Evidence Children and young people’s Minister Beverley Hughes has launched a ‘call for evidence’ to gather information, advice and views on the current youth sector support arrangements. The consultation ends 9 April 2008 Further information>>

Integrated Youth Support Services Youth Support Survey The Children's Workforce Development Council has commissioned FPM Training, in partnership with The National Youth Agency, to gather and analyse data on youth workforce leaders and their training needs for those involved with the Integrated Youth Support Services to achieve the outcomes of the ten year youth strategy. Further information>>


Youth Sports Trust An updated report detailing the impact of the Sports College Network YST report - Know the Score 2008>>

Alcohol Policy UK A ‘bluffers guide’ to writing an alcohol harm strategy

Alcohol Policy UK - Bluffers guide>>

The Site thesite.org offer a virtual tour of a sexual health clinic available on their website The Site - Virtual GUM clinic tour>>

Funding advice event

10am – 12.30pm, Friday 25 th April

Carlisle Racecourse,Durdar Road, Carlisle, Cumbria,CA2 4TS

Your opportunity to meet the team managing our 2008 grant programmes:

• Building Positive Lives: help for disadvantaged young people, homeless people, substance misusers and people affected by prejudice and discrimination. Budget: £2.25m • Independence and Choice: services for older people, carers, people with mental health problems and learning disabilities. Budget: £2m • Safety and Justice: support for victims of domestic abuse, sexual violence and exploitation, child abuse and hate crimes. Budget: £2m

To reserve a free place call: 0191 284 8412 Or email: [email protected]

Booking deadline: 10 TH April 2008

Lost in the Woods

Imagine…. Building your own home, furnishing it, fencing in your livestock (or children!) and tanning your own leather for clothes a la Tarzan & Jane (the Bo Derek version of course!). Doesn’t that sound appealing?! Well our traditional skills workshops will help you make this picture a reality (no guarantee on Bo Derek though). Lost in the Woods aims to preserve our heritage by giving people in the local community the opportunity to learn sustainable traditional skills and crafts. Come and recreate how our ancestors lived and worked in the landscape…. The workshops are delivered by experts in a range of ancient woodland related crafts, which helped shape the cultural landscape of the Bassenthwaite catchment. The duration of the courses will be from a ½ day to 3 days, and ideally participants will be either living or working in the Bassenthwaite Catchment.

Our last set of workshops were extremely popular so call now to book a space, and get those dates in your diary!

March 5th & 6th Stick Furniture 2-day course Make traditional greenwood furniture from coppice material gathered from the Bassenthwaite catchment. Venue: Ashgill / Messengermire

Wednesday 12th March Construction with Living Willow (1-day course) Build a hide / dome with attached tunnel / maze out of fresh-cut green native (Salix caprea / Salix viminalis).Venue: Ashgill / Bassenthwaite

April 2nd & 3rd Tan Bark Production (2-day course) Learn about felling, bark stripping and packaging of oak bark for tanning leather. We will also create a 'tanning pit' for curing leather for 'Fashion-from-the-Landscape'.Venue: Ashgill / Wythop. Book Now! Spaces are limited so booking is essential. If you want to find out more or get involved in any of these workshops, contact Martin Clark or Charlotte Marinos on Tel: 016973 21516, email: [email protected] Project leaders: Grampus Heritage & Training Ltd.

Fashion in the Landscape Stone Fashion Event I’m not talking about Fred and Wilma fashion…This is event better! Get Gothic with our themed Stone Fashion event. Let your eyes stray over the rugged Borrowdale landscape and take inspiration. Extracting slate has been a major industry in the catchment, and has helped shape the landscape we see today. Now it’s time to pay a creative tribute to an industry that has helped support our communities for years.

You could join us (if you are aged 16 - 25yrs). Be inspired by the colours, textures and strength of stone. learn traditional skills to make jewellery, hair decorations, and even makeup from stone. In this 4 day event, you will spend the first 3 days getting inspiration, gathering natural materials, learning traditional crafts and skills, and creating your own fashion masterpieces. All your creations will be revealed to public display in a final fashion show on the last day.

But behind the fun and fashion, you will take away with you not only a great experience, new skills and fantastic memories, but most importantly you will gain a better understanding about sustainability and the environmental challenges we face.

What? Stone Fashion

When? 26 – 29 March Where? The Borrowdale Valley Fashion for all… The finale will be a fashion show held in the Borrowdale Valley on Saturday 29 March. Come and check out the designs, location to be confirmed. Do you know anyone who would like a fantastic opportunity to get involved in our next fashion from the landscape event? Whether its clothes, fashion accessories or jewellery, the traditional skills learnt at workshops will help those taking part create their own haute couture, while learning about the value and importance of our landscape!

Get involved: We have similar events taking place later this year and over the next 2 years. So if it sounds like something you or someone you know would be interested in, then get in touch. Participants must be between the ages of 16 and 25 and have a passion for fashion! Project Leaders: Grampus Heritage & Training Ltd. For further information and to get involved contact Martin Clark or Charlotte Marinos Tel: 016973 21516, email: [email protected]

Education Education Education.. We need you! Adult helpers (CRB checked) We need additional adult helpers who are already CRB checked, to assist with Study Support workshops in the school holidays. If you are interested, please contact Amanda Hancock, Education Officer, Bassenthwaite Reflections. Tel: 017687 73204. Email: [email protected] Project Leader: Amanda Hancock, Education Officer

Volunteers / Volunteer Leaders…we need YOU! We need volunteer leaders for many of our projects; including some of the Community Woodlands projects, Alien Invasion and Unlocking Hidden Heritage. If you are interested in setting up a group with some friends and family, please let us know. We can provide training and support on what’s involved in leading volunteer work parties. And you get the opportunity to organise your own environmental days out. Contact us.. If you want information on any of the Bassenthwaite Reflections projects, please contact us at [email protected] Bassenthwaite Reflections Working towards a sustainable environment through community involvement Tel: 017687 74785 / 73204 www.bassenthwaite-reflections.co.uk


SING UP CUMBRIA VOCAL LEADER’S REQUIRED We are looking for 3 vocal leaders covering the following areas Barrow, Penrith and Wigton.

BRAMPTON LIVE IS UNDER THREAT AND NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT Have a look at their website, or go directly to this e-petition and sign it - and forward this info on to anyone you know who would care if there is never another one. www.petitiononline.com/Brampton/

CITY SHOWCASE 2008 DATES City Showcase announces 2008 dates – 2-6 June 2008 and opens its 2008 call for artists.

BATTLE OF THE BANDS!!! See attached “attention all Bands “



INTERESTED!!! We have started a new morris side and really need more people - musicians or dancers or both. At the moment we are meeting Monday nights in Calderbridge Village hall at 8:15pm. If you know of anyone who might be interested or have others in your circulation list in this area, please could you pass it on? Interested? Then contact Chris by email at [email protected]

ENNERDALE TIME AND PLACE PROJECT There is a series of workshops being delivered as part of the Ennerdale Time and Place Project. These workshops are for adults, but we will be organising family workshops later in the year.

If you or any you know would like to book a place on one or all of the workshops please let me know so that I can inform the artists of how many people to expect. Please wear warm clothing and suitable footwear, and bring your lunch and waterproofs! The workshops will all run from 11am-4pm. If there are a lot of people wanting to attend the workshops, but require transport in order to get there we may be able to provide a bus, so please let me know when booking if you require transport. See attached flyer for more details.

BLUEJAM SAMBA! Samba band sessions start again this Wednesday! They will be fortnightly: JANUARY 30; (NOT ON FEB 13 - half-term); FEB 27; MARCH 12; (break for Easter then see calendar on website for further summer dates).

WEDNESDAYS 7-9pm Play Station, Huntley Avenue, Penrith. (next to North Lakes School) £3 on the door. They are open to all ages and experience (mainly suitable for 11 and upwards). BEGINNERS welcome to this friendly session. As well as drumming we will add horn riffs and vocals so bring along instruments and voices if you like. SAMBA DRUMS PROVIDED.

Led by Jilly Jarman.

You can just turn up and have a look, or get in touch with Jilly to say you are coming or to find out more contact. Jilly Jarman on 01768 861668 or www.bluejamcumbria.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Participation Works are offering free training to young people aged 16-25 to learn more about governance and trusteeship . Participation Works will pay for young people’s transport to and from the venue. The event is on 8 March 2008 in Newcastle

As members of v20, young people have the opportunity to add fresh ideas to all aspects of v's work, from funding new projects and influencing decision-making to hosting events and helping to plan national marketing campaigns. Young people have a real say in what we do, and help us to inspire a million more volunteers.

So, if you know a young person that can spare 8 weekends a year, and at least 10 hours a month, is aged between 16 -24 and living in England, we'd love to hear from them. The roles are fun, varied and a great opportunity to develop skills and experience.

“I got involved in v20 by reading an email and applying just to see if I could make it to interview really. I never expected to be invited onto v20. Total disbelief, even now.” Ed , 21, Bournemouth

“I got involved with v20 as, having gotten in to volunteering in my mid-20s, I wanted to understand why I hadn't thought to do it earlier. I also wanted people to realise that volunteering is certainly not just for 'squares' or 'do-gooders' and that it is actually one of the coolest things you can do.” Tasneen , 24, Kent

“I'm the type of person who would rather try something than miss out and regret it, but as it turns out - joining v20 was one of the bestest things I've ever done.” Phillip , 18, Liverpool

We've sent you this email because you're either a partner of v or because you've signed up for the vbulletin on www.wearev.com . To unsubscribe from the vbulletin, email [email protected]

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Exciting new changes to the Causeway programme in 2008! Following feedback from groups who have completed Causeway projects, a number of changes have been made to the Causeway programme. These changes were made with a view to facilitate access to the programme making it easier to use for groups interested in developing Causeway projects.

Funding Changes • Groups can now apply for increased funding for youth exchanges – the lump sums and fixed amounts have all increased significantly. For example the lump sum for project activity costs has gone up to €640/ £450 and groups can now apply for up to €30/£21 per person per day to cover food and board for exchange participants.

Deadline Changes • There are now 5 deadlines a year so that groups can more easily plan their Causeway activities. The deadlines are as follows:

• 1s February, • 1st April • 1st June • 1st September • 1st November

Application Changes In Causeway Youth exchanges there will now be only one application form per exchange project. This means that the partner hosting the exchange applies for both their own hosting costs as well as the costs of their sending partner. Revised Application Forms are available from the Causeway website.

For more information on the Causeway programme, take a look at our website: www.causewayyouth.org ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ vinspired.com > >Discover a whole new world V20: now recruiting > > >As members of v20, young people have the opportunity to add fresh ideas to all aspects of v's work, from funding new projects and influencing decision-making to hosting events and helping to plan national marketing campaigns. Young people have a real say in what we do, and help us to inspire a million more volunteers. > >So, if you know a young person that can spare 8 weekends a year, and at least 10 hours a month, is aged between 16 -24 and living in England, we'd love to hear from them. The roles are fun, varied and a great opportunity to develop skills and experience. > >< http://www.vinspired.com/v20 >


One-day workshops: 10A M TO 4PM

FRIDAY 18 TH APRIL 2008 – St Bees Management Centre, St Bees

MONDAY 21 ST APRIL 2008 – Morton Community Centre, Wigton Road, Carlisle

WEDNESDAY 21 ST MAY 2008– Cumbria Wildlife Trust, Plumgarths, Crook Lane, Kendal

WEDNESDAY 4TH JUNE 2008 – Morton Community Centre, Wigton Road, Carlisle

Informative & participative workshops to help you develop a general understanding of self- harm and which will include:

o What is self-harm? o The meaning and purpose of self-harm? o What are the reasons and issues that are often behind self-harm? o A Personal insight into self-harm o Yardsticks for Good Practice in Supporting People who self-harm o Developing a Harm-Minimisation Approach

Aim of course:

 To develop the awareness and understanding of this often mis-understood issue.  To recognise that self-harm is usually a coping strategy which people may have developed as a way of expressing or relieving intense and overwhelming feelings and emotions.  To help carers and professionals working in a wide range of services, including health and mental health, education, youth work, drug & alcohol services, support services and counselling services, feel more confident in supporting those people who self-harm and where to get /refer to more specialised support.  Cost: £95 t o include refreshments, lunch & a resource pack Contact Jill to reserve a place and receive a booking form

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We need TREASURER TRUSTEES

Are you interested in helping others? COME AND JOIN US Make a difference to other peoples lives by helping make decisions about the service that SELF INJURY SUPPORT offers.

We are seeking people to join our Board of Trustees. Ideally, with experience of working in one or more of the following areas:

health/social caring field, business, training and accounting/financy for either charities or businesses to compliment the existing skills, diversity and knowledge of the board. As a Trustee you will be asked to attend board meetings held monthly/bi monthly. We welcome interest from anyone with a passionate interest in the work that we do and experience in a field that they can bring to driving forward our organisation at this exciting time in our development.

In return, You will get this excellent opportunity to make a real difference to SELF INJURY SUPPORT and the services it provides to the people of North Cumbria and Eden, working closely with a team of professional and welcoming Board members. The Board of Trustees are based a Bourne House, Carlisle. All Trustees roles are voluntary. We offer training, both in-house and at local networking events and remuneration for out of pocket expenses.

Want to find out more? More information is available on the attachment. Please visit our website for further information and video clips, or call,

Ruth Lax Service Co-ordinator Self Injury Support in North Cumbria Bourne Business Centre Milbourne Street Carlisle, CA2 5XF Tel: 01228 515500 e-mail: [email protected] website: sis-cumbria.co.uk



A Spring Training Weekend for ASC Group Leaders and potential Leaders has been organised for the weekend of April 19 th /20 th 2008, to take place in the heart of the Lake District. The weekend will provide an opportunity to listen to speakers from ASC and elsewhere and to share ideas and experiences with other ASC Group Leaders.

The venue for the Weekend will be the St John’s Residential Youth Centre at St John’s-in-the-Vale, Keswick, CA12 4UB and will start at 11.30 am on Saturday 19 th April 2008, concluding at around mid- day on Sunday 20 th, when a packed lunch will be available.

The programme will cover all four stages of the ASC scheme (Junior stages 1 and 2, Senior Stages 1 and 2) and how to deliver them - including time to share ideas and discuss experiences – plus Child Protection, Health and Safety, Funding, History of ASC, and future plans. . If you wish to come, please complete and send it to John Webb, 22 Marine Avenue, Whitley Bay, NE26 1NE, together with a cheque for £20.00 made out to “ASC Scheme”. Please note that the number of delegates is limited to 32, and places will be allocated on a “first come, first served” basis. Full details of the venue and directions will be sent out with the booking confirmation.

Should you have queries about the weekend, please contact either John Webb (ASC Representative for the north-east) on 0191-2517591, (m) 0777-1610024, [email protected] , or Sue Hinde (ASC Representative for Cumbria and the Borders) on 0169-7371416, [email protected] .


Bassenthwaite Reflections

Wednesday 12 th March Construction With Living Willow (1-day course) Venue: Ashgill / Bassenthwaite

April 2 nd & 3 rd Tan Bark Production (2-day course) Learn about felling, bark stripping and packaging of oak bark for tanning leather. We will also create a 'tanning pit' for curing leather.

Venue: Ashgill / Wythop.

Three-Rail Sprung fencing (1-day course) - Finished Oak Beam Production - date change (3 day course) - Full Stick Furniture (2-day course) - Full

Book Now! Spaces are limited so booking is essential. If you want to find out more or get involved in any of these workshops, contact Martin Clark or Charlotte Marinos on Tel: 016973 21516, email: [email protected]

Project leaders: Grampus Heritage & Training Ltd.

Stone Fashion Event

We’re still looking for young people who have a passion for fashion to take part in our next Fashion event.

You : If you are aged 16 - 25yrs and have are interested in creative arts and crafts, this could be what you are looking for!

We want you to get inspiration from the local environment, and particularly stone. check out the colours, textures and strength of stone, or even consider the use of stone throughout history, religious and philosophical links. You will then learn traditional crafts and skills to make jewellery, clothing, hair decorations, and even makeup from stone. In this 4 day event, you will spend the first 3 days getting inspiration, gathering natural materials, learning traditional crafts and skills, and creating your own fashion masterpieces. The final day will reveal all your hard work in a public fashion show.

What do you get out of it?

Well that’s easy; it'll be fun, you’ll make new friends and links to other European countries, you’ll learn fantastic new crafts, and you will design and make your own fashion items. If you are creatively inclined, you can’t miss out on this opportunity.

Schools : If you work at a school and would like a group of your students to get involved, this would provide a perfect hands on opportunity for your class to gain experience in something really creative, inspired and worthwhile. Why not enhance and develop the skills you are teaching in the classroom, while encouraging students get in touch with their local environment and elements of sustainability. And as a teacher, you could help lead the group.

What? Stone Fashion When? 26 – 29 March 2008 Where? The Borrowdale Valley

Fashion for all… The finale will be a fashion show held in the Borrowdale Valley on Saturday 29 March. Come and check out the designs, location to be confirmed.

Do you know anyone who would like a fantastic opportunity to get involved in our next fashion from the landscape event? Whether its clothes, fashion accessories or jewellery, the traditional skills learnt at workshops will help those taking part create their own haute couture, while learning about the value and importance of our landscape!

Get involved:

We have similar events taking place later this year and over the next 2 years. So if it sounds like something you or someone you know would be interested in, then get in touch. Participants must be between the ages of 16 and 25 and have a passion for fashion!

Project Leaders: Grampus Heritage & Training Ltd. For further information and to get involved contact Martin Clark or Charlotte Marinos Tel: 016973 21516, email: [email protected]

If you want information on any of the Bassenthwaite Reflections projects, please contact us at reflections@environment- agency.gov.uk

Bassenthwaite Reflections Working towards a sustainable environment through community involvement

Tel: 017687 74785 / 73204 www.bassenthwaite-reflections.co.uk

North West Regional Youth Work Unit and Work with Girls and Young Women Network

Why Girls Work? or doing it all, not having it all

An opportunity for youth workers who identify as women to debate issues, and share good practice and practical ideas to inform and support their work with girls and young women.

9.30 – 4.00 International Women’s Day Saturday, 8 th March 2008 Manchester Metropolitan University Campus

Programme will include:

Launch of ‘FeministWebs’; a website dedicated to women and girls’ work and feminism within youth work National/International perspectives from keynote speakers Discussion and workshops on: violence against women; supporting healthy relationships; Feminism and girls’ work; supporting effective girls’ work; identifying young women’s needs and lots more!

If you have resources or displays you would like to bring along to share, please let us know so we can allocate you a space.

Cost: £35 (£25 for small voluntary sector groups)

North West Regional Youth Work Unit, Unit 40, Bold Business Centre, Bold Lane, Sutton, St Helens, WA9 4TX 01925 295 837

Enjoy Working With Young People? Can you work with us to offer the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Art Projects, outdoor and sporting activities and programmes that develop young people both personally and socially? Youth Leader in Charge SALARY: £9.83 per hour You should be able to demonstrate competency to at least NVQ Level 3, in a relevant discipline GRADE : JNC Range 2 Points 10 - 14 HOURS: 10.5 hours per week, with opportunities for extra hours BASE: Wigton Youth Station and surrounding areas The work is challenging but rewarding and successful applicants will get the opportunity to make an impact on the lives of young people in this community. We hope that this post will increase the participation of young men in our programmes, as well as support and lead on work with other groups including those young people with learning difficulties and disabilities. Evening and weekend working will be necessary. For an informal chat about this role please contact Tracey Noble on 016973 44200. Interviews will take place in Wigton Youth Station, early evening on Wednesday 19 th March 2008, with a Young People’s Panel being held on the same evening. CV’s are not accepted without a fully completed application form. We offer you challenge, support and training. Wigton Youth Station also offers a non contributory pension scheme. All posts require an Enhanced Criminal Records Bureau check. The closing date for applications is 5pm on Tuesday 12 th March 2008. For an application pack please contact: Young Cumbria, The Rawnsley Centre, Main Street, Keswick, Cumbria CA12 5NP or Email: [email protected] or telephone 017687 75085.

The Youth Work in Cumbria Partnership cannot be held liable for the quality, reliability or accuracy of the information contained herein.

YOUTH WORK in Cumbria Partnership Development and Co-ordination Team 4th Floor, Clint Mill, Cornmarket, PENRITH CA11 7HP

Chris Reeve Commissioning Manager (01768 24) [email protected] Integrated Youth Support 2050 Services Pat Norris Planning & Commissioning (01768 24) [email protected] Officer 2050 Beverly Collins Acting Performance (01768 24) [email protected] Improvement Officer 2050 Graham Bassett Assistant Planning and (01768 24) [email protected] Commissioning Officer 2050 Alison Warwick Management Information & (01768 24) [email protected] Research Officer 2050 Julie Andrews Office Manager (01768 24) [email protected] 2051 Sarah Spiller IMS Administrator (01768 24) [email protected] 2052 Ann Hodgson Administrator (IYSS) (01768 24) [email protected] 2050 Leeanne Gilpin Administrator (01768 24) [email protected] 2050 Area Education Office, 149 Harrington Road, WORKINGTON CA14 2UP

Paul McLoughlin Development Co-ordinator (01900 32) [email protected] 5052 Children’s Services 5 Portland Square, CARLISLE, CA1 1PU

Joanne King Development Co-ordinator (01228 60) [email protected] 6939 Farida Allason Duke of Edinburgh Award (01228 60) [email protected] Officer 6937 Margaret Martin Administrator (01228 60) [email protected] 6936 Leeanne Gilpin Administrator (01228 60 [email protected] 6936) Area Education Office, Union Hall, Scotch Street, WHITEHAVEN CA28 7BG

Paul McLoughlin Development Co-ordinator (01946 85) [email protected] 2732 Diane Robson Administrator (01946 85) [email protected] 2732 Education Sub Office, Friargate, PENRITH CA11 7NX

Kath Calvert Development Co-ordinator (01768 24) [email protected] 2071 Youth Work in Cumbria Partnership, County Offices, KENDAL LA9 4RQ

Lynn Robinson Development Co-ordinator 01539 77) 3487 [email protected]

2nd Floor, Drop Zone Café, 36 Cornwallis Street, Barrow-in-Furness, LA14 2LG

Helen Bunting Acting Development Co- (01229 89) [email protected] ordinator 4952 Karen Muncaster Administrator 01229 89 4952 [email protected]

Feedback from……………………………………Youth Project/Worker – March 2008 Edition 13

Feedback to Alison Warwick: [email protected]

Did you find this useful Yes/No

If Yes which part …………………………………………………………………

Is there too much information supplied Yes/No

If Yes what would you like omitting next time……………………………………………………………..

Is there too little information Yes/No

If yes what would you like adding next time………………………………………………………………..

Would you like the contact list including with each edition? Yes/No

Would you be prepared to be included in “meet the team” Yes/No

If you have any ideas how this can be developed/improved to satisfy your needs or any other comments please detail below:






Thank you for taking the time to return this form. Alison