2021 Basketball 1-48 Pages.Pub
HISTORY OF BOYS' ALL-STAR GAMES 1955 1959 SOUTH 86, NORTH 82 SOUTH 88, NORTH 74 The South Rebels led by Forest Hill's Freddy As in '57, the North came in outmanned--but Hutton upset the heavily favored North Yankees even more so--to absorb the worst licking yet. to begin an All-Star tradition. Hutton hit 13 Joe Watson of Pelahatchie and Robert Parsons field goals for 26 points, mostly from far out, of West Lincoln got 22 and 21 respectively for and had able scoring support up front as Ger- the victors. Moss Point's Jimmy McArthur made ald Martello of Cathedral got 16, Wayne Pulliam it easy for them by nabbing 24 rebounds. Co- of Sand Hill 15 and Jimmy Graves of Laurel 14. lumbus' James Parker, with 16, topped the los- Larry Eubanks of Tupelo led a losing cause with ers. 20 and Jerry Keeton of Wheeler had 16. 1960 1956 NORTH 95, SOUTH 82 SOUTH 96, NORTH 90 After five years of futility, the North finally broke This thriller went into double overtime before its losing jinx, piling up the largest victory mar- the South, after trailing early, pulled out front gin yet in the All-Star series. Complete command to stay. Wayne Newsome of Walnut tallied 27 of the backboards gave the Yanks a 73-50 re- points in vain for the North. Donald Clinton of bounding edge. Balanced North scoring, led by Oak Grove and Gerald Saxton of Forest had 17 Charles Jeter of Ingomar with 25 points and each to top the South, but it was the late scor- Butch Miller of Jackson Central with 22, offset ing burst of Puckett's Mike Ponder that saved an All-Star game record of 32 by the South's the Rebels.
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