slamic Foundation North Reopening July 1st, 2020

SMART Jamaat App IFN Reopening Salah Registration Requirements

Every attendee must register Perform wadu before coming to masjid

Please come 20 minutes before salah time Wear a face mask at all times while on IFN Premises

Please park your vehicle leaving one parking spot Bring your own prayer rug or Musallah

Every attendee will be scanned for temperature at the If you feel sick, please stay at home entrance

Maintain social distancing of 6 feet or more at all times Pray on designated marked prayer spots only

Pray Sunnah before or after the Salah at home No socializing in the Masjid Lobby, Musallah, stairways or parking lot

No handshakes, hugs, no kiss on cheeks Kids 12 and under are not allowed at this time

Please return to your vehicle to exit the premises upon completion of the Fard Salah SMART Jamaat Application

• The purpose of SMART Jamaat App is to allow the IFN Masjid to have the people reserve, cancel, check-in and manage their jamaat spot • This will allow Masjid to control the number of people for each Jamaat ensuring the social distancing protocols and enhance safety • The Check-In process will in future be automatic allowing Masjid to free up resources and at the same time maintain contact tracing requirements that will need to be enforced SMART Jamaat – Download

• For iPhone users download the Smart Jamaat Application from the Apple AppStore

• For Android users download the Smart Jamaat Application from the Play Store SMART Jamaat – Select a Masjid

• This will be the Home page for making Reservations • The list is searchable list to find a masjid. Look for IFN • Look for IFN in the Masajid List: • Islamic Center of Coppell – 75019 • North, Libertyville, IL • Valley Ranch Islamic Center - 75063 • Madinah Masjid of Carrollton - 75006 • Islamic Association of Carrollton - 75006 • - 75062 • Islamic Center of Southlake - 76092 • East Plano Islamic Center - 75074 • Islamic Association of North - 75081 • Islamic Center of Frisco - 75033 • Islamic Association of Collin County - 75023 SMART Jamaat – Registration

• First time users will need to be registered • Masjid will have the records of these registrations • Same information can be retrieved for people that actually reserve and check-in IFN SMART Jamaat – App Home Page

• Select from the drop down list • This will be the Home page for registered users • You can make new or cancel reservations, Check-in • My Reservations is a snapshot all your reservations SMART Jamaat – Masjid Home Page

• This will be the Home page for IFN registered users • Current day Salat Time table will be displayed here • One can Reserve, Cancel or Check-in for their jamaat spots • To Check-in, one must have reserved the spot SMART Jamaat - Calendar

• Currently Calendar is open for a rolling 2 days for making reservations. • Examples of iPhone & Android are displayed SMART Jamaat – Reserve Spot

• This is the Reserve Spot for the Salah • IFN will start with daily Maghrib & Isha daily Salahs • The user can only reserve one spot for brothers & one spot for sisters • With social distancing guidelines, the maximum capacity for the men Musallah is 47 • With social distancing guidelines, the maximum capacity for the women Musallah is 23 • Click on Reserve a slot • Cancel becomes enabled ones a slot has been reserved SMART Jamaat – Reserve Spot

• Click on Reserve a slot • Cancel becomes enabled ones a slot has been reserved • After reservation a notification is displayed to indicate a successful reservation SMART Jamaat – My Reservations

• This is the ‘My Reservations’ Page, a Summarized snapshot of all the your current active reservations • This will include the reservations for all your Salahs • In the beginning rollout, a user will be able to register 2 days in advance • User will be able to cancel any of the reservations directly from this page • We would like you be cognizant of the limited capacity SMART Jamaat – Cancel Spot

• One can cancel the spot they reserved if they won’t be able to make it to Masjid which will free up the spot for other people to register • We request that we are all cognizant of the limited capacity and let everyone have the opportunity to pray with Jamaat SMART Jamaat – Juma

• On Fridays, Dhuhr will be greyed out and Juma will be displayed • Multiple Jumma prayers will be offered at IFN • As of now, up to 2 Jummas are included • People can only Reserve one Jumma • Once a Jumma is reserved, all other Jumma prayers will be greyed out SMART Jamaat - Notifications

• Notifications will be displayed of the actions SMART Jamaat – Info Page

• Help Page Info is displayed by clicking the ‘I’ icon SMART Jamaat – Check In

• User will have to accept the guidelines and disclaimer in order to check-in SMART Jamaat – Check In

• Agreement to the IFN Guidelines & Disclaimer is mandatory • User will have to accept the guidelines and disclaimer in order to check-in • Disclaimer: Islamic Foundation North (IFN) has placed protocols in place to keep the community safe. IFN reserves the right to amend and adjust its COVID-19 protocols without prior notice. By entering the masjid you acknowledge and agree to hold harmless the Masjid, its employees, Executive Committee, Board Members, volunteers, and related parties from any harm that may arise due to your attendance at the masjid. IFN discourages elderly individuals and those who have underlying health conditions not to come to the IFN Facilities at this Phase of the reopening.