GCHCPC(West)(M)08/09 Paper No. 09/49 Minutes 4


West Glasgow Community Health Care Partnership (CHCP) Committee

Minutes of the Meeting held at 1.30pm on Tuesday, 18 August 2009 in the Councillors’ Corridor, City Chambers, George Square, Glasgow


Bailie (Chair)

Jessica Murray, NHS Board (Vice Chair) Thelma Sneddon, Public Partnership Forum Councillor Dr Christopher Mason, Glasgow City Dr Barbara West, Professional Executive Group Council Councillor Jean McFadden, James Montgomery, Public Partnership Forum Councillor Anne McTaggart, Glasgow City Council Dr Barbara West, Professional Executive Group Dorothy McErlean, Staff Partnership Forum Neil Hunter, CHCP Director


West Glasgow CHCP Executive Management Team Jean Middleton, Head of Finance Ray de Souza, Head of Planning & Health Improvement Pam Fenton, Head of Health & Community Care Justine Murray, Head of Human Resources Janice Turnbull, Senior Organisational Development Advisor Willie Kelly, Head of Addiction Services Matt Forde, Head of Children’s Services Amanda Taylor, Joint Head of Learning Disability David McCrae, Head of Mental Health Valerie Smith, Business Support Manager & (Minutes)

Baiie Malik welcomed Councillor McTaggart to the meeting and advised that she was replacing Bailie Gordon Matheson on the Committee. He continued by welcoming Neil Hunter, Director of the West CHCP to the first Committee meeting since taking up his post as Director. ACTION BY

1. APOLOGIES Marie Garrity, Staff Partnership Forum Cathy Holden, Professional Executive Group Dr John Nugent, Clinical Director Chris Melling, Joint Head of Learning Disability Kirsty Goldie (minute taker)


The Minutes of the last meeting held on Tuesday 16 June 2009 (Paper No. 09/41) were agreed as an accurate record.

J Turnbull, Senior Organisation Development Advisor stated that under point 12 J Turnbull – dates of Committee Development Sessions that the development session arranged for July 2009 had not been a viable option due to the number of people being on annual leave and she asked if it was appropriate to wait until the next session in November to reconvene. Baillie Malik said he would prefer another date being arranged sooner due to the large membership of the group. J Turnbull acknowledged this and agreed to arrange.


3. Financial and Capital Reports (Paper No. 09/42)

J Middleton, Head of Finance outlined from the Finance and Capital Work Report the CHCP overspend as at 30 June 2009 which is £194,500, highlighting the overspend in the NHS budget for this period as being £45,400 and for the Social Work budget as being £149,100.

J Middleton continued by saying that section 2 reports the main 2008/09 budget movements to arrive at the 2009/10 CHCP Health revenue budget. It was also noted Under 2.6.1 the following three main potential financial risk areas that could impact on a balanced position reported for the CHCP within this financial year.

• Electricity/Gas prices – need to put national contracts in place beyond September 2009; • Prescribing Cost Growth – need to put national contracts in place beyond September 2009; • Pay Growth – Agenda for Change assimilations and appeals upheld.

J Middleton outlined that at period 4 there was a system wide £300,000 overspend reported within prescribing budgets which was a change from the three previous financial years and will require the CHCPS risk sharing arrangement in place to be implemented to address the overspend positon currently reported.

Under point 5.1 in the report J Middleton highlighted that the CHCP are currently finalising recovery and savings plans and that the Committee would continue to be provided with progress in this area.

Finally, J Middleton highlighted that the capital programme work is underway and the CHCPs C&F Integrated Centre is currently on time and within approved budget.

Councillor McFadden asked if the gas and electricity is provided under a wider consortium than just GG&C NHS as better value for money may be achieved. J Middleton said it was her understanding that it was a national contract but would confirm this and bring this information back to a future Committee.

Councillor McFadden continued by asking what could be done to reduce the prescribing overspend. J Middleton said that the overspend in part related to the pandemic flu and staff had been diverted onto pandemic flu work which meant 2 they had not been able to spend as much time working on the savings strategy but she would seek a clear update for the next Committee. Bailie Malik said that he wanted the savings update to be reported to take account of flu pandemic costs.

Neil Hunter, Director stated that since taking up post he had met with the Management Team and each member of the Management Team had a clear plan and set of arrangements in place but notwithstanding this difficult decisions have and will continue to be made about service priorities. He added that he was working on submitting a Social Work Corporate piece of work to the Social Work Director on savings.

The CHCP committee approved the Health 2009/10 revenue budget.


4. Performance: Update (Paper No. 09/43) R de Souza, Head of Planning and Health Improvement stated that the performance report was set out in a different format and it was now drafted under 5 corporate themes. He highlighted that the report related to quarter 4 and certain performance measures were extracted from other themes. He continued by saying that page one of the report showed quite significant progress. R de Souza asked what the Committee would like in way of

presentation of performance and advised that the targets were on the website.

Councillor McFadden asked what the impact on children was on not meeting the SCRA targets. M Forde, Head of Children’s Services said that there is a performance target of 75% of reports to be submitted to the Reporter within 20 days . Across there has been continued difficulty in meeting this. Local discussion with the Reporter has resulted in a target of 55% being set as a milestone. He advised that it was important that reports were submitted so that children who required compulsory measures of care were supported at the earliest opportunity. Some delays were a result of volume of referrals and others because of diverse issues such as the inability to get school information during holidays and difficulties in access to families. The benefit of prompt submission

is that families have early contact from social work and this can often help things turn around quickly.

Bailie Malik said that the development of children is paramount and we need to look at the bigger picture because diverting resources in this area of work could have a win-win situation for our communities. Bailie Malik asked for a further report to be brought back to a future Committee. M Forde agreed to bring back M Forde a report to a future Committee and stated that the Department was working with Education and the Reporter on these matters.

Councillor Dr Mason asked if someone should not look at why we are not meeting targets, for example what kind of report does the Reporter require. Also

it was not always acceptable to say that there was not enough resources as we need to be clear how much information is relevant within reports. M Forde said that all of these points are live issues and said that there is a higher demand for reports than before and the Department wants to achieve greater timescales hence the reason for the current engagement of agencies in this process.

Councillor Mason then asked about supporting people into employment (Point 2.1.2) and how important the reference is from a mentally fit person. He said that the initial assessments are not adequate in picking up autism Often needs are referred to as learning disability which transpires to be be autism This can 3 lead to peoples needs being overlooked and ending up in inappropriate sercices or being passed between services. This matter he said needs to be explained to workers at Southbrae.

N Hunter, Director said that he had recently completed new guidance in this N Hunter area and is working on an implementation and dissemination plan for guidance. N Hunter agreed to report back to Councillor Mason.

The guidance on complex needs recognised the need to undertake further work on ASD. N Hunter understood that the Autism Working Group was considering the guidance and how this ASD work might be progressed. NOTED


5. Public Partnership Forum: Progress Report (Paper No. 09/44) R de Souza, Head of Planning and Health Improvement outlined the above report highlighting that patients registered with GP practices in West Glasgow are eligible for membership of the PPF Executive Group. He said that there was an organisational plan to look at taking this piece of work forward and asked the Committee for an extension on the report to then report back to Committee.

Bailie Malik agreed to this extension.

Thelma Sneddon, Public Partnership Forum (PPF) Representative said the PPF members resent the implication in the last paragraph at point 1.2 which suggests that they are being discriminatory in not wishing to open election to the Executive to non-resident members of the public, registered with GPs in the area. T Sneddon said on the contrary, did the Committee consider that any other commuters using services of Dentist, Podiatrists, Opthalmists or even hospitals in the area may see this as discrimination against them? The PPF wished to point out that members volunteer time willingly, to help adjust services to best meet the demands of Glasgow citizens. On this occasion there seems to have been little partnership in the way the PPFs almost unanimous opinion has been pushed aside.

T Sneddon, referred to point 3.1.1 Continence Supplies within the report and said that the tone of the report suggests some degree of satisfaction with the new services. Unfortunately T Sneddon said at our pre-meeting on 27 July consisting of R Smith, J Montgomery, M Simpson, G Johnston and R de Souza the PPF members expressed great concern that a system run by the West which worked reasonably well for a limited number of clients for years had been abandoned and the present system is chaotic, with the following issues: difficulty making telephone contact to arrange deliveries, wrong materials being supplied, no supplies in Drumchapel and carers with no cars being expected to collect deliveries at Carntyne, the qualities of goods is very inferior to previous supplies and she asked what could be done to help these severely handicapped people and their carers?

R de Souza said that South East CHCP are dealing with this matter. Bailie Malik said that he would write to T Sneddon directly in an effort to resolve these issues.



6. Primary Care Strategy (Paper No. 09/45) P Fenton, Head of Health and Community Care said the proposed engagement plan has been shared with the PEG, and at the GP Forum. The purpose of the plan is to engage key people in discussion and consultation at two local events to develop a vision of the what the Primary Care Framework should deliver for the West CHCP by considering what we can do locally to improve and develop primary care services. She further advised that an extensive range of Primary Care services are managed by the CHCP and that they are important elements of how we work together with GPs Ophthalmologists, Community Pharmacists, and others in delivering services locally. An example given of what the Framework might consider locally is the issue of some GP practices in the West occupying cramped and inaccessible accommodation which can make it challenging to take on new services.

P Fenton finished by advising she was presenting this report today to seek approval for the approach to consultation and engagement to be taken forward.

J Murray, Vice Chair asked if the outcomes paper in the appendix was going to be a working document. P Fenton said that the outcomes document details what the framework is intended to deliver and that the Committee Report details the proposed engagement process. J Murray asked if it was for the Primary Care planning and development group to consider. P Fenton advised it was and advised that our local West group will consider the final draft version of the Framework when it is produced by the Board Steering Group.

P Fenton highlighted in the report at page four, fifth paragraph the list of representatives who will be invited to engage in the events. Councillor Dr Mason asked how much it was going to cost of GP, Podiatrist, etc time on this. P Fenton said that there would be a two hour evening event and an afternoon event of four hours. The model to be used is the one which the CHCP use for Learning and Development Events and which have had good representation at in the past. P Fenton further advised that the CHCP has earmarked funds for this process of engagement.

In conclusion P Fenton advised that the workshop recommendations would form the report to the Board Steering Group from the West CHCP.



7. Addiction Services in Callander Street (Paper No. 09/46) W Kelly, Head of Addiction Services advised that the second Addiction site had been opened in July 2009 and this will service all clients from West Central, considerably improving accommodation. NOTED

8. Tobacco Strategy: Progress Report (Paper No. 09/47) Ray de Souza, Head of Planning and Health Improvement stated that the Tobacco Strategy sets out in section 2 the various strands of the work in progress. It highlights the partnership approach and the Smoke Free Homes Pilot at the Kingsway Estate. R de Souza said sustaining this beyond the initiative is very important. Bailie Malik said he had attended this morning and there was a good attendance and the Doctor presenting made the presentation very interesting. NOTED 5

9. Professional Executive/Clinical and Care Governance Group Update (Paper No.

09/48) Dr West said in respect of the above report the only point that she would raise would be the fact that members of the PEG felt that mothers who do not want to breastfeed are not being given the support that breastfeeding mother’s receive and are therefore disadvantaged.


10. Staff Partnership Forum: Progress Report (Verbal Report) Dorothy McErlean, Joint Chair of the Staff Partnership Forum updated on the SPF meeting on 30 July. There had been an update on Pandemic Flu Planning; the impact on services and the implementation of the vaccination programme. A paper on workforce challenges around financial savings had been tabled and further discussion would take place at the Board’s Area Partnership Form (APF) on the impact savings will have. There was also a paper tabled on system wide redesign of Allied Health professionals and concern had been expressed that it had gone to the SPF before the APF which is the Forum for staff side engagement on board wide issues. There was an update on Healthy Working Lives (HWL) and the Road shows that are due to commence in September 2009. J Murray, Head of Human Resources said that the events will take place in various locations over lunchtimes with health needs assessment questionnaires for staff to complete. This would result in an action plan that J Murray could be brought to a future committee. Bailie Malik said that it was important for staff to attend and he asked for the information to be provided to Committee members by email or post.


The meeting ended at 2.30pm