State College Leader - October 17, 1963 State College Leader Staff
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Fort Hays State University FHSU Scholars Repository University Leader Archive Archives Online 10-17-1963 State College Leader - October 17, 1963 State College Leader Staff Follow this and additional works at: Content Disclaimer The primary source materials contained in the Fort Hays State University Special Collections and Archives have been placed there for research purposes, preservation of the historical record, and as reflections of a past belonging to all members of society. Because this material reflects the expressions of an ongoing culture, some items in the collections may be sensitive in nature and may not represent the attitudes, beliefs, or ideas of their creators, persons named in the collections, or the position of Fort Hays State University. Recommended Citation State College Leader Staff, "State College Leader - October 17, 1963" (1963). University Leader Archive. 95. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives Online at FHSU Scholars Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in University Leader Archive by an authorized administrator of FHSU Scholars Repository. t{ansas St. Historical Society 2005 1~ i r k e r~ e ch e :n • S ec. Leichliter Elected Head of StlJdentnBodYmp. Kent Leichliter, Nickerson sen- Junior class Officers: PRESI- ior, was elected Associated Student DENT, George Kay, Hays, 80; Body president Wednesday in bal- Lance Clay, Meade, 63; Kent loting which saw only 832 students Schreiber, Downs, 32; - VICE- vote. PRESIDENT, Rod Clausen; Kins- Leichliter, who .was serving as ley, 95; Mike Minson, Hoisington, temporary president before the 85; SECRETARY-TREASURER, election, received 474 votes to de- Caro_l ·Lipp, Burdett, 186; Cathy feat Charles . Myers, Great Bend Fowler, WaKeeney, ·62. senior, who had 848. Sophomore class: PRESIDENT, Tom·Smith, ~yracuse senior who L. arr y Roberts, WaKeeney, 118; was unopposed for the vice-presi- Frank Thompson, Russell, 81; dency, received 720 votes to win VICE-PRESIDENT, Johnny Ap- election to that position. pleton, Wichita, 84; Bob Anthony, Other_election . res_ults (with win- Kensington, 80; Pat Spomer, Hays,- ning candidates listed first): 49; SECRETARY-TREASURER, Senior class officers: PRESI- Mary Anderson, Oberlin, 98; J:anet DENT, Ron· Hosie, Abilene, 86; Nelson, Hays, 82; Becky Boden- Leland · Brodbeck, Kinsley, 77; hamer, WaKeeney, 30. VICE-PRESIDENT, Charles Fritz- meier, Stafford, 143; SECRE- Freshman class: PRESIDENT, Dave Meckenstock, Hays, 94; Bill TARY-TREASURER, Jane Schnoe- belen, Lewis, 184. · Scott, Osborne, 79; Don Baier, Abi- · lene, 70; Bob Delaney, Alton, 18; VICE-PRESIDENT, Clair Swann, Russell, 133; Dale Vinson, Concord- ia, 127; SECRETARY-TREASUR- f~II Day Planned ER, Bev Clausen, Newton, 238. Representatives elected to the .For Homecoming AS~ from the living districts are: Women's Residence Halls: Ber- nadine Uhrich, Collyer sophomore; On October 26 Connie Congdon, Garden City KANSAS BANANAS? - Yes. the greenhouse at freshman. One or the se,·eral sprouts which the freshman; Judy Sipe, Denver fresh- the college has some bananas. Displaying a few greenhouse has in its tropical room is shown in the Bands, floats, Celeste Holm, ded- man. of the 200 produced this year are Sherry Larson background. Be.cause of their size, only one sprout ication of buildings and a football Men's Residence Halls: Jean (left), Scandia freshman, and Jeanne Riffel, Ellis is allowed to de,·elop and produce bananas. game matching FHS and arch-rival Oporny, Timken sophomore; Dennis Emporia State headline the col- Garrison, Plains senior. lege's Homecoming schedule on Married Students: Phil Aldrich, Oct. 25-26. · Garfield senior. Activities begin at 8 p.m~ Friday Social Sororities: Sandy Whit- when Celeste Holm, Academy more, Brookville junior; Pat Mer- Award winner for her performance mis, Hays juni~r. in "Gentleman's Agreement," pre- Volume LVII Fort Hays Kansas- State College, Hays, Kansas, Thursday, Oct. 17, 1963 No. 7 sents "With Love and Laughter" in Social Fraternities: Jerry Pat- Sheridan Coliseum. Tickets for the .terson, Hill City junior; Jim Rock, Dean Denning Chosen event, sponsored by the Artists Abilene senior; Jerry Sherill, Burr- and Lectures Series Committee, are ton senior. 72 .$eniors Begin· Teaching KFHS Station Head available in the Memorial Union. Ballots were counted twice, but The FHS radio. staff will be Saturday's full schedule opens candidates may ask for a recount headed by Dean Denning, Ellis sen- _at 8 a.m. with coffee and regis- in a close race, said Marvin Mar- ior who was selected station man- tration for visiting alumni in the tin, Quinter senior and AU.Student In 11 Area tligh Schools ager for the college year. Memorial-Union. The traditional Council chairman. · Other staff mc~pers include: A total of 72 seniors will begin . Students and their assignments tug-of-war-- between the fresh- Voting on unmarried ~andidates student teaching in 11 area high are: Buddy 0. Brown, Russell senior, men and sophomores, with - the living in unorganized housing is schools Nov. 4 They will teach for Ellis: Sharon Kna1•1•, McDonald, music : program director; Phil Williams, losers getting soaked in Big under protest and the results will eight weeks or until Dec. 20. c:urry Rall, A!<~aria, art a nti indu"trial art" : Garden City junior, chief announc- Creek, begins at 9:30 a.m. at be settled by the Student Court. , Gary Gra.-l'l', Healy, indu~trial art~ anrl driv• er; Fred Deal, Colby freshman, Each trainee will spend full er education: John R. Wa.~in1?er, Hay., , En.:· the Custer Hall bridge. In the graduate division, two 1-· time in the classroom, performing lish nnd Sl'Cffh: Am>· Grave:-. Hurdett,• traffic director; Billie Lee Allen, The Homecoming parade, fea- lish and home economics : Charlotte Jmly, Ellis senior, director of special candidates, Harold Weinhold, Syl- the duties of a regular teacher, Hay~. home ~onomic,- . turing more than 40 high school van Grove, and Mike Butler, Hois- but working under close supervi- Plain,·llle: Gary Manweiler, Hoi~in1?ton. events; Dick Tillery, St. John bands, the FHS marching band and music: Donna Wait. Nntoma, hi"tory anti sophomore, publicity director;· Jan- ington, tied. A run-off election will sion of the teacher, his FHS super- l!overnmcnt: Jame,. 1,.-e, Cummini:~. mathe- a variety of floats built by campus et Pechanec, Timken freshman, be next Wednesday in connection visor and his major professor. matie<s, ph~·,. ical edul'ation and chemi,.try: organizations, will get under way with the Homecoming queen vot- Carole EL.. iminger, WaKeeney, Frenl'h and continuity, and Brooks Kellogg, En1?li!< h. at 10:45 · a.m. and move south on ing. \\'aKHney: Thomas Dunker, Hay'-, music: Evanston, Ill. junior, sports. Main Street. Joy Kent, Hay~. English, French an,I Brown and Denning held posi- A joint meeting between new "J>eech: Leroy Gnad, Ellis, mathematic,. and Alumni will get together for a and old council members is planne& phy!'ics : Mar1?ie C,olburn, Stockton, mu,;ic. tions last year as station manager• smorgasbord in the Union Cody Staff Oakley: Sharon Hon.-na, Hanston. math• engineer and public relations direc- at 5 :30 p.m. Tuesday in Rarick Reveille rmatie>< and Eni::lish; Ronald Thiel, C,olby, Hall, Room 301. Ens:li!<h, tor, respectively. (Continued on Page 4) lloi11initon: Paul ~aneth, Great Bend, Now Totals 22 hi,. t.ory, l?0\"ernmcnt and >-OCiolw,· : C11rol Swalle>·, Uh·~"<'>', bu~ine!' " education: Re'.'C GR!<kill, Hutchin.-on, ~r,eech. Recent appointments to the staff Grut ~nd: Donald Thomp><on, Burrton. of the Reveille bring the total inclu4ria) art.-- ; Mary Wai:ner, Hays , h\1• i- ne<-~ : Larry Sittner, Hu<l"'On . chemi"tn", hi• Debaters To Seek Win No. 2 working crew on the yearbook to olos:y and mathematie!'I: Jo,,ephine Trow- · 22, Mac Reed, editor, announced hridi::e, Rus,-ell, Eni::lish: Larry Dietl:, Coll• yer, 1,:0.-ernment, history an<! hioln,::-y : Faith this week. Gi.-en~, Hars, Eni;ilish; Connie Fo'.'C, 1-:11 ~- Key staff members ·selected last "-'nrth. hu~ine:,a,~. Colhy: Dwi.:ht Saun,ler", Ft. Collin<, K-State NOvice Tourney C'oln., En.:Ji,. h; Violet Shaw, Oberlin. Eni:• At spring began work in the book dur- li,h. Burris, Hays junior, and Rex Gas· ing the summer, but with the addi- Ru-11: Shari Holliday, St. Franei•. mu- FHS's debate team will be after Kisner-Klever are expected to en- tion of new recruits work-on the s ic; Marlyn Nickel.on. Grttn11h11~. mat he• its second victory of the young sea- ter either the Texas Christian Uni- kill, Hutchinson senior, on which mntic." and bioloizy: Carol Sterlin,:, Garden to build his hopes this season. book is moving ahead rapidly. City. mathcmntic!I and hiolO\?Y ; Marion Mc• son Saturday when two teams en- versity or University of Colorado Photography of individual stu- lntyre, Great Rend, hi~tory nnd stovemment: ter the Kansas State University meet early in November. Both have several years' experi- dents concluded yesterday, with Gary Kenyon, nwue, hi,t.ory and .:overn- novice tournament in Manhattan. FHS Coach Jim Costigan has ence, but have worked as a team ment: Lylf' Yacf'r, Holnood, hi•tory, mathP-- only one year. nearly 3,000 students registered matic." and ~ychnlOllY; Betty R,,hin""1n, Representing the college at the only one experienced team, Jone Ha)·,, home CNJnomic,1 ; Vnnon Jlr.,irhn. ,.fi for inclusion in the class sections Holyro<1d. art; Allen Jirik, Ell•worth. inrlu.•· meet will be Clair Swann, Russell, of the book. Pictures of organiza- trial art..• smrl drive~ t'dU<"ntion : lf.,rl,.-,rt and Jerry ~Hebel, Bunker Hill, both Walter•. llay•. indu•triAI art,. and rlriH•r< tions are being taken by student ..,..furatinn: Sharon Vlhite, A<IJI.